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Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita Book 1

Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and


Geoffrey Steadman
Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita Book 1
Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary

First Edition

© 2019 by Geoffrey D. Steadman

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not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that copying permitted
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The Latin text is the Oxford Classical Text edited by Robert Conway and Charles
Walters in 1914.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9991884-8-4

Published by Geoffrey Steadman

Cover Design: David Steadman

Cover Image: Ancient World Mapping Center © 2019 ( Used with
Table of Contents


Preface to the Series………………………………………………………………..v-vi

How to Use this Commentary……………………………………………………….vii
Notes on Livy’s Prose…………………………………………………………….viii-x
Running Core Vocabulary……………………………………………..……….....xi-xv

Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita Book I

Text and Commentary ……………………………….……………….…..…...…1-165

Livy’s Preface to Ab Urbe Condita

Text and Commentary …………………………...……………………………166-170

Use of the Subjunctive…………...………………………………………….……...172
Verb Synopses…………...……………………………..……………………...173-177
Alphabetized Core Vocabulary…………...…………………………………...178-182

Preface to the Series

The aim of this commentary is to make Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita Book 1 as accessible as
possible to intermediate and advanced level Latin readers so that they may experience the
joy, insight, and lasting influence that comes from reading one of greatest works in classical
antiquity in Latin.
Each page of the commentary includes 12 lines of Latin text from R. Conway and C.
Walter’s 1914 Oxford Classical Text with all corresponding vocabulary and grammar notes
below the Latin on the same page. The vocabulary contains all words occurring 7 or fewer
times, arranged alphabetically in two columns. The grammatical notes are organized
according to line numbers and likewise arranged in two columns. The advantage of this
format is that it allows me to include as much information as possible on a single page and
yet insure that entries are distinct and readily accessible to readers.
To complement the vocabulary within the commentary, I have added a list of words
occurring 8 or more times at the beginning of this book and recommend that readers review
this list before they read each section. An alphabetized form of the core list can be found in
the glossary. Together, this book has been designed in such a way that, once readers have
mastered the core list, they will be able to rely solely on the Latin text and commentary and
not need to turn a page or consult dictionaries as they read.
The grammatical notes are designed to help beginning readers read the text, and so I
have passed over detailed literary and historical explanations in favor of short, concise, and
frequent entries that focus exclusively on grammar and morphology. The notes are intended
to complement, not replace, an advanced-level commentary, and so I recommend that
readers consult an advanced-level commentary after each reading from this book. Assuming
that readers complete their initial study of Latin with varying levels of ability, I draw
attention to almost all subjunctive and accusative-infinitive constructions, identify unusual
verbs forms and noun constructions, and in general explain aspects of the Latin that they
should have encountered in their elementary review of Latin grammar but perhaps forgotten.
As a rule, I prefer to offer too much assistance rather than too little.
One of the virtues of this commentary is that it eliminates time-consuming dictionary
work. While there are occasions where a dictionary is necessary for developing a nuanced
reading of the Latin, in most instances any advantage that may come from looking up a word

is outweighed by the time and effort spent in the process. Many continue to defend this
practice, but I am convinced that such work has little pedagogical value for intermediate and
advanced students and that the time saved can be better spent reading Latin, memorizing
vocabulary, mastering principal parts, and reading advanced-level commentaries and
secondary literature.
As an alternative to dictionary work, I recommend that readers review the running core
vocabulary list (8 or more times) as soon as possible. Once they have mastered these words,
I encourage them to single out, drill, and memorize the words that occur 5-7 times, for
example, as they encounter them in the reading. Many of the remaining words can be learned
in the context of reading and rereading the speech. Another viable approach is for readers to
review and memorize all of the corresponding vocabulary before they begin reading a
passage. Altogether, I am confident that readers who follow this regimen will learn the
vocabulary more efficiently and develop fluency more quickly than with traditional methods.
If you would like to suggest changes or download a free .pdf copy of this commentary,
please see one of the addresses below. All criticisms are welcome, and I would be very
grateful for your help.

Geoffrey Steadman, Ph.D.

How to Use this Commentary

Research shows that, as we learn how to read in a second language, a combination of reading and
direct vocabulary instruction is statistically superior to reading alone. One of the purposes of this book
is to help readers identify the most frequent words and encourage active acquisition of vocabulary.
1. Read through the Notes on Livy’s Prose and familiarize yourself with the overview.
Familiarity with these topics will help relieve anxiety and enhance your enjoyment as you read.

2. Develop a regimen for memorizing vocabulary before you begin reading.

A. First, master the running core vocabulary listed on the following four pages.
Although very many core words (8 or more times) come within the first few lessons of the book,
readers have already learned most of these words in earlier levels of Latin and can devote their
efforts to mastering the handful of new vocabulary that they encounter. Use digital flashcards
available on the website to quiz yourself.
These core words are not found in the corresponding lists, and so if you encounter a word in
the text that you do not know, look it up in the alphabetized core list in the glossary and commit it
to memory.

B. Develop the habit of reviewing dictionary entries before you read.

The presence of the corresponding vocab lists (7 or fewer times) gives readers and instructors
several options for review. In a classroom, instructors may select words from each lesson that
they want students to review for a prereading exercise or post-reading test (words that occur 4-7
times, for example). Instructors may also ask students to memorize the entire vocabulary for the
lesson as a homework assignment and use the next class as an opportunity to assess mastery and
sight-read the reading passage. For readers who find such an exercise impractible, I recommend
that you review the word list however briefly before you read.
Readers and instructors can create their own online flashcards from any selection of words
within minutes by copying and pasting selected vocabulary entries from the pdf into a single list
and then copying and pasting that list into an online flashcard program such as
When the app requests how you wish to divide each entry, enter the colon ‘:’ and the app will
create flashcards with the Latin definiendum on one side and English definiens on the other.

3. Read actively and make lots of educated guesses

Develop the habit of making an educated guess under your breath before you consult notes or
dictionary entries. If you answer correctly, you will reaffirm your understanding of the Latin. If
you answer incorrectly, you will become more aware of your weaknesses and therefore more
capable of correcting them in the future. If you are honest, you will learn from your mistakes.

4. Reread a passage or lesson immediately after you have completed it.

Repeated readings not only help you commit Latin to memory but also increase your ability to
read the Latin as Latin. You learned to read in your first language through repeated readings of
the same books. Latin is no different. The more comfortable you are with older passages the more
easily you will read new ones.

5. Reread the most recent passage or lesson immediately before you begin a new one.
This additional repetition will strengthen your ability to recognize vocabulary, forms, and syntax
quickly, bolster your confidence, and most importantly provide you with much-needed context as
you begin the next selection in the text.

A Few Notes about Livy’s Prose

A. Indirect Discourse (Oratio Obliqua)

Livy writes so frequently in indirect discourse that it is not identified throughout the commentary
except in the initial pages and on particular occasions. Instead, the notes draw attention to the first
word, the accusative subject, and the infinitive and offer a concise translation hint (that…):
Aenēam…fuisse: that…
Extended indirect discourse that includes multiple clauses and few conjunctions is not unusual.
While Livy does use the verbs ferunt, ‘they report,’ (11 times) and trādunt, ‘they pass down,’ (4
times) to introduce extended indirect discourse, these verbs are not as common as one would think.

B. Ellipsis
Livy frequently omits the form esse in perfect passive and future active infinitives and the forms
est/sunt in 3s and 3p perfect passive verbs, and so esse, along with most instances of ellipsis in the
commentary, is regularly included in the notes in parentheses:
foedus ictum (esse): that…
appellāta (est)
C. Historical Infinitives:
Unlike infinitives in indirect discourse, historical infinitives govern a nominative subject, are
present in form, and translate as finite imperfect verbs. These infinitives are found at least 24 times
in Book 1. To make this construction less jarring, consider adding the verb dicitur/dicuntur.
fremere plēbs the plebs were muttering
à the plebs (are said) to mutter
D. Subjunctive of Subordinate Verb
Subordinate clauses—including relative, conditional (i.e. sī-clauses), and quod clauses—
automatically assume the subjunctive within indirect discourse and within other subjunctive
constructions such as cum clauses, purpose clauses and result clauses. These verbs are identified in
the notes with the phrase ‘subordinate verb in…’ (at least 66 times in Book 1) and in most cases
can be translated as one does an indicative:
postquam audīverit: pf. subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
Sometimes these subjunctives are over-determined: the verb is subjunctive of a subordinate verb in
indirect discourse, for example, but would also be subjunctive in direct discourse for other reasons.
In such instances, if the subjunctive requires a modal verb in translation, it is included in the notes.
This use of the subjunctive explains why causal quod clauses in direct speech may govern either
an indicative or a subjunctive. When Livy uses the indicative, he is expressing a cause from his
own point of view as a fact. When he employs the subjunctive, he is expressing a ‘reported cause’
or ‘alleged cause’ from a character’s point of view—a cause Livy himself may not accept. In
effect, when Livy uses the subjunctive, he is treating the quod clause as if it were a subordinate
clause in indirect speech expressing the character’s own thoughts.
A quod clause with subjunctive (at least 14 times in direct discourse in Book 1) is often called
‘reported cause’ but throughout this commentary is identified as ‘alleged cause.’
Verbs in clauses of comparison (e.g. quam clauses) do not behave the same way but instead
assume the same verb form for the same reason as the verb in the overarching clause: an infinitive
in indirect discourse and a subjunctive in cum, purpose, and result clauses. And so, when readers
encounter a subjunctive in a quam clause within a larger purpose clause, for example, the reason is
not ‘subordinate verb in…’ but subjunctive of purpose.
Livy’s Prose ix

E. Relative of Characteristic
Most relative clauses with subjunctive in Book 1 are relative clauses of characteristic This
construction generally has one of three types of antecedents:
(1) a vague demonstrative such as is, ea, id (e.g. eī quī…)
(2) nēmō, nihil, or nūllus
(3) an indefinite pronoun, vague noun, or missing antecedent (e.g. quisquam, pastōrēs, urbēs)
The purpose of a relative clause of characteristic is to clarify what sort of person or what sort of
thing the vague antecedent is, and the clause is almost always a type of consecutive (result) clause
(i.e. quī = ut eī). You may translate the present and imperfect subj. two different ways (a) as a
potential subj. with the modal verb would (e.g. those who would give…) or (2) as an indicative
(e.g. those who give). Perfect and pluperfect subj. are translated in the indicative.
plūrēs inventī (sunt) quī…nōmina darent: Many were found who would give their names (p. 29)
This construction occurs at least 41 times in direct discourse alone. By contrast, relative of result
and relative of purpose (would/might) occur only 1 and 14 times respectively. And so, subjunctives
in most relative clauses in direct speech can be translated with modal ‘would’ or as an indicative.

F. Gerundives
On at least 62 occasions, Livy uses a noun + gerundive (fut. pass. pple) pair in the genitive, dative,
or accusative that is almost always more suitable to translate as a gerund (verbal noun) + obj. to
conform to English idiom. This conversion is called a gerund-gerundive flip:
condendae urbī → condendō urbem
for the city to be founded for founding the city
On only 7 other occasions, the gerundive is used predicatively with an action verb (i.e. as a
accusative predicate) expressing purpose. In those cases, the translation ‘to be Xed,’ is appropriate.
Finally, there are 11 instances of the passive periphrastic (gerundive + esse) expressing necessity
or obligation. A dative of agent, often used with the periphrastic, occurs only 3 times in Book 1.
vēra dicenda sunt true things are to be said → true things must/have to be said

G. Fore and Foret

On 12 occasions, Livy uses the archaic verb form fore as the future active infinitive of sum—
equivalent to futūrum esse. On 2 other occasions Livy employs the archaic form foret/forent
(fore + ending) as an equivalent to esset/essent.
parvum Lāvīnium…fore that Lavinium would be small

H. Syncopated Verbs
On at least 27 occasions, Livy uses syncopated, “cut off,” 3p perfect verbs, where the -ērunt
ending has been contracted to –ēre. This practice is common in poetry but found less often in
Cicero and Caesar than in Sallust and Livy. On at least 7 occasions, Livy omits a letter or two from
the middle of a verb form. In the notes, parentheses are used to reveal the unsyncopated forms.
āmīsēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. vocā(vē)runt

I. Historical Present
Livy frequently writes in the historical present—a tense believed to add vividness and immediacy
to historical narratives. Since Livy treats the historical present as a primary tense on some
occasions and as a secondary (past) tense in other occasions. Reader will find that a historical
present may govern subjunctives in either primary or secondary sequence.
Aenēas…Lāvīnium appellat Aeneas calls (the town) Lavinium
x Livy’s Prose

J. Impersonal Passive
Intransitive passive verbs (at least 29 pf. pass., 4 plpf. pass., and 3 pres. pass.) are impersonal
because they lack a suitable acc. obj. in the active to become the subject in pass.. In translation,
it is common to make the verb active.and supply a subject from context.
ventum est it has been come → they came
migrātum est it was migrated → they migrated

H. Double Accusative
In at least 40 instances, Livy uses a double accusative, particularly with the verb appellō, ‘call (x)
(y)’ and faciō, ‘make (x) (y)’ The first accusative is the direct object; the second, a predicate. At
times, the second accusative must be supplied from context.
appellat (oppidum) Lavīnium He calls (the town) Lavinium

I. Dative of Compound Verb

On at least 73 occasions, Livy chooses not to use a preposition with accusative or ablative and
instead employs a dative of compound verb. The easiest way to translate this dative is to translate
the prefix of the verb as a preposition and make the dative noun the object of that preposition.
Duōbus…Achīvōs abstinuisse the Achaians kept (away from) the two… (1.1)
orīginī…deōs adfuisse the gods were present (at) the beginning… (9.4)

J. Double Dative
At least 31 times, Livy use a dative of purpose. On 6 occasions, he adds a dative of interest to
create a double dative construction. Since a raw translation of the dative of purpose with the verb
sum is awkward in English, translate the verb and dative together as “serves as X” and omit the
preposition ‘to/for’ in English.
Rōmānīs auxiliō est. It is for help for the Romans.
à It serves as help for the Romans.
K. Ablative of Quality and Genitive of Description
Livy uses the ablative of quality at least 7 times and genitive of description 14 times. These
constructions are often an adjective-noun pair following closely after the noun that they modify,
but Livy and Sallust often employs these constructions as a predicate after the verb sum. Translate
both with the preposition ‘of’ in English.
bovēs mīrā speciē cattle of amazing appearance
quadringentōrum annōrum opus a work of 400 years
Note that the terms ‘quality’ and ‘description’ are used interchangably in different Latin grammars.
L. Ablative of Degree of Difference
Livy uses this ablative 25 times: most often with a comparative adjective or adverb and less often
with a superlative (multō, ‘by far’) or with post and ante. It is common to translate this ablative
with the preposition “by” or, more preferably, with a relatived adverb.
nihilō minus no less (less by nothing)
paulo ante a little before (before by a little)
Multō, paulō, and aliquantō are the most common uses of this ablative in book 1.
M. Ablative Constructions without prepositions
Livy frequently omits the preposition ‘in’ for ablative place where (at least 48 times) and less often
‘cum’ in abl. of accompaniment (at least 5 times) and single-term abl. of manner and ‘ab’ in abl. of
separation. These ellipses are mentioned in the notes.
(in) animō in mind

Running Core Vocabulary (8 or more times)

The following list includes all 425 words in Book I that occur eight or more times arranged in a running
vocabulary list. The number on the left of the dictionary entry indicates the page on which the word first occurs.
The number on the end of the entry indicates how many times the word occurs in Book I. These same dictionary
entries are found in an alphabetized list in the glossary.

1 ā, ab, abs: from, away from, by (abl), 153 1 rēs, reī, f.: matter, situation; restitution; state, 140
1 ad: to, toward; near; for; in regard to (acc) 212 1 rēx, rēgis m.: king, 148
1 Aenēās, -ae m.: Aeneas, 17 1 satis: enough, sufficiently, 19
1 appellō (1): call (by name), name, 32 1 sed: but, moreover, however, 56
1 auctor, -is m.: author, originator, promoter, 25 1 sēdes, sēdis f.: seat; abode, home, 16
1 bellum, -ī, n.: war, 98 1 semper: always, forever, 9
1 capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum: take, seize, 32 1 sum, esse, fuī, futūrum: to be, 583
1 cēterī, -ae, -a: the other, remaining, 21 1 teneō, -ēre, -uī, tentum: hold, keep, 19
1 cum: with (abl); when, since, although, 209 1 terra, -ae f.: land, earth, ground, 18
1 deinde: then, thereupon, 49 1 Troiānī, -ōrum m.: Trojans, 11
1 domus, -ī f.: house, home; domī, at home, 35 1 veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventus: come, 38
1 dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductus: lead, draw, 13 1 vocō (1): call, name; invite, summon, 22
1 duo, duae, duo: two, 35 2 aciēs, -ēī f.: battle line, army, 19
1 dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 22 2 agō, -ere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 43
1 ē, ex: out from, from, out of; as a result of (abl), 108 2 ager, agrī m.: land, field, territory, 27
1 et: and, also, even, 280 2 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 75
1 gēns, gentis f.: clan, family; race, people, 22 2 arma, -ōrum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 24
1 iam: now, already, soon, 55 2 armō (1): arm, equip, 37
1 in: in, on (abl) , into, against (acc), 352 2 atque: and, 43
1 inde: from there, then, afterward, 83 2 aut: or; aut...aut, either…or, 37
1 initium, -ī n.: beginning, entrance, 8 2 classis, -is f.: fleet, 11
1 inter: between, among (acc), 51 2 fāma, -ae f.: report, rumor, reputation, 13
1 is, ea, id: this, that; he, she, it, 332 2 hic, haec, hoc: this, these, 139
1 iūs, iūris n.: justice, law, right; oath; court, trial, 31 2 ibi: there, in that place; then, 36
1 locus -ī m. (pl. loca): place; pl. region, 55 2 īnstruō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: set up, arrange, 9
1 maior, maius: greater, larger; older, 14 2 iungō, -ere, iunxī, -iunctum: join, 11
1 mare, maris n.: sea, 8 2 Latīnus, -a, -um: Latin; King Latinus, 55
1 multitūdō, -tūdinis f.: population, multitude, 27 2 nihil: nothing; adv. not at all, 18
1 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 44 2 praeda, -ae f.: plunder (=cattle), spoils, 18
1 omnis, omne: every, all, 107 2 prīmōrēs, -um m.: first ranks, leaders, 16
1 pāx, pācis f.: peace, 36 2 proelium, -iī n.: battle, 10
1 pellō, -ere, pepulī, pulsum: drive, beat, 8 2 proficīscor, -ī, profectum: set out, 10
1 prīmus -a -um: first, foremost; early, 56 2 prope: near, close; adv. nearly, 17
1 quaerō, -ere, -sīvī, -sītum: seek, ask, 13 2 ve: or, either…or, 9
1 que: and, 420 2 signum, -ī n.: sign, signal; military-standard, 10
1 quī, quae, quod (quis quid): who, which, 574 2 trādō, -dere, -didī, -ditum: hand over, say, 18
1 quia: because, seeing that, 31 2 tum: then, at that time, 77
1 reddō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give back, render, 8 2 unde: from where, whence, 13
xii Ab Urbe Condita Book I Running Vocabulary

2 urbs, urbis, f.: city, 87 4 ops, opis f.: power, help; pl. resources, wealth, 22
2 ut (utī): as, when (ind); that, so that, 190 4 orīgō, orīginis f.: origin, 10
2 vincō, -ere, vīcī, victum: conquer, beat, 13 4 patior, -ī, passum: suffer, endure; allow, 11
2 vīs, vīs, f.: force, power; pl. vīrēs, strength, 52 4 petō, -ere, -īvī, petītum: seek, head for; attack, 17
3 animus, -ī m.: spirit, soul, mind; passion, anger, 79 4 plūs, plūris: more, many, 12
3 apud: among, in the house/presence of (acc), 18 4 reor, -ī, ratus: think, reckon; ratify, confirm, 26
3 audiō, -īre, -īvī, audītum: hear, listen to, 25 4 sē: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 126
3 certus, -a, -um: decided, fixed; sure, reliable, 15 4 simul: at the same time (as), 14
3 condō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: found, establish, 20 4 sōlus, -a, -um: only, alone, sole, 19
3 dō, dare, dedī, datum: give, put; grant (+ inf), 67 4 sub: under, beneath (abl), 15
3 deus, -ī m.: god, 54 4 tantus, -a, -um: so great/many/much; adv. only, 42
3 dexter, -ra, -rum: right (hand); skilful, 11 4 terror, terrōris m.: terror, fright, 8
3 dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictus: say, speak, tell, 36 4 Turnus, -ī m.: Turnus, 13
3 exercitus, -ūs m.: army, 37 4 victor, -ōris m.: conquerer, vanquisher, 8
3 faciō, -ere, fēcī, factum: make, do, 120 5 ac: and, 84
3 fidēs, eī f.: faith, trust, confidence; pledge, 19 5 aetās, aetātis f.: age, lifetime, generation, time, 22
3 fīlia, -iae f.: daughter, 11 5 diēs, -ēī m./f.: day, time, 27
3 fīlius, -iī m.: son, 26 5 flūmen, -inis n.: river, 8
3 foedus, -eris n.: treaty, alliance, 26 5 imperium, -iī n.: power, command, 48
3 iciō, -ere, icī, ictum: strike, hit, 11 5 impleō, -ēre, -ēvī, implētum: fill, fill up, 8
3 Lāvīnium, -ī n.: Lavinium (town), 8 5 Iuppiter, Iovis, Iovī, Iovem, Iove m.: Jupiter, 23
3 novus, -a, -um: new, recent, strange, 31 5 magis: more, rather, 28
3 oppidum, -ī n.: town, 8 5 maneō, -ēre, mānsī: stay, wait, wait for, 12
3 parō (1): prepare, make ready, 17 5 moenia, -ōrum n.: city-walls, 10
3 parēns, -entis m.: parent, ancestor, 17 5 nōn: not, 87
3 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 15 5 opus, -eris n.: work, project; opus est, is a need, 24
3 postquam: after, when; after that, 12 5 per: through, over, across, 49
3 pūblicus, -a, -um: public, of the people, 34 5 populus, -ī m.: people; population, 89
3 quoque: also, 46 5 possum, posse, potuī: be able, can; be powerful, 60
3 spēs, -eī f.: hope, expectation, 23 5 quamquam: although, 9
3 stirps, stirpis f.: offspring; roots, lineage, 15 5 quīcumque, quae-, quod-: whosoever, which- 11
3 uxor, uxōris f.: wife, 9 5 secundus, -a, -um: favorable; following (acc.), 10
3 vel: or, either…or, 8 5 sinō, -ere, sīvī, situm: let, permit; lay, 9
3 vir, virī m.: man; husband, 42 5 suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 82
4 abeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go away, depart, 12 5 tamen: nevertheless, however, 36
4 ante: before, in front of (acc); adv. before, 27 5 tōtus, -a, -um: whole, entire, 12
4 certāmen, -minis n.: contest, rivalry, combat 12 5 ultimus, -a, -um: farthest, last, 12
4 crēscō, -ere, crēvī, crētum: grow, 14 5 uterque utra- utrum-: each (of two), both, 13
4 īdem, eadem, idem: same, 31 6 Alba Longa, -ae f.: Alba Longa (town), 15
4 etiam: also, even, 37 6 Albānus -a -um: Alban, of Alba, 59
4 Etrūscus, -a, -um: Etruscan, 16 6 enim: for, indeed, in truth, 27
4 haud: by no means, not at all, 43 6 fuga, -ae f.: flight, retreat, 16
4 inferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: bring in, wage, 9 6 ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 81
4 nec: and not, neither…nor, 87 6 māter, matris f.: mother, 10
Ab Urbe Condita Book I Running Vocabulary xiii

6 mons, montis m.: mountain, 14 8 Rōmulus, -ī m.: Romulus, 43

6 mulier, -is f.: woman, 12 8 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 14
6 nāscor, nascī, nātum: be born, 21 8 species, -ēi f.: sight, look, appearance, 11
6 prō: before; for, in proportion to, in place of, 20 9 aqua, -ae f.: water, 10
6 puer, -ī, m.: boy, 12 9 ferō, -re, tulī, lātum: carry, bear, endure, 48
6 rēgnum, -ī n.: kingdom, kingship, 59 9 fors, fortis: chance; forte, by chance, 18
6 relinquō, -ere, -uī, -lictum: leave behind, 19 9 homō, -inis m/f: person, people, human, 25
6 seu (sīve): or if; whether…or, 14 9 iubeō, -ēre, iussī, iussum: order, bid, 34
6 tam: so, so much, so very, 21 9 mittō, -ere, mīsī, missum: send, let go, 23
6 vetus, veteris: old, experienced, ancient, 11 9 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 13
7 annus, -ī m.: year, 24 9 rēgius, -a, -um: regal, of the king/queen, 10
7 audeō, -ēre, ausum sum: dare, venture, 11 9 sacerdōs, -dōtis m/f: priest, priestess, 8
7 conveniō -īre -vēnī -ventum: come together, 11 9 ubi: where, when, 41
7 creō (1): create, appoint, 19 9 velut (velutī): just as, as if, as, 20
7 fīnis, -is m./f.: end; border, territory, 15 10 adeō: so, to such a degree, to such an extent, 8
7 fundō, -ere, fūdī, fūsum: spread out, pour, 11 10 circā: about, around, 19
7 ita: so, thus, 61 10 corpus, corporis, n.: body, 23
7 maximus, -a, -um: greatest; adv. especially, 32 10 dīvidō, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsum: divide, 8
7 mors, mortis, f.: death, 16 10 ēdūcō (1): bring up, rear, train, 8
7 moveō, -ēre, -vī, mōtum: move, set in motion, 16 10 hinc: from here, hence, 8
7 muliebris, -e: womanly, of a woman, 10 10 impetus, -ūs m.: attack, assault, 13
7 nē: lest, that not, so that not, 43 10 inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, 8
7 nunc: now, 20 10 itaque: and so, 18
7 orior, orīrī, ortum: arise, spring up, 19 10 mīrāculum, -ī n.: marvel, wonder, 10
7 posterus, -a, -um: following, next; posterity, 13 10 pāstor, -is m.: shepherd, 9
7 priscus, -a, -um: ancient; Tarquinius Priscus, 17 10 rapiō, -ere, -uī, raptum: snatch, kidnap, 14
7 quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: certain, some, 15 11 dedō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give up, dedicate, 9
7 quidem: indeed, in fact, certainly; for one’s part, 25 11 fiō, fierī, factum: become, be made, 29
7 rēgnō (1): rule, reign, 33 11 genus, -eris n.: race, class, family; birth, 10
7 Tiberis, -is m.: Tiber, 12 11 īnstituō, -ere, -ī, -tum: set up, establish, 16
8 accipiō, -ere -cēpī -ceptum: receive, 19 11 īra, īrae f.: anger; passion, 15
8 addō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: bring to, add, 21 11 iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 30
8 adimō, -ere, -ēmī, -ēmptum: take (away), 8 11 modus, -ī m.: way, manner; modo, only, 21
8 collis, -is m.: hill, 8 11 multus, -a, -um: much, many, 24
8 frāter, -tris m.: brother, 17 11 ob: on account of, because of (acc), 11
8 honor (honos), -ōris m.: honor; offering, 11 11 Palātinum, -iī n.: Palatine hill, 9
8 legō, -ere, lēgī, lectum: choose, select; read, 16 11 Remus, -ī m.: Remus, 10
8 manus, -ūs f.: hand; band, group, 21 11 sollemnis, -e: regular; sacrifice, sollemn rite, 13
8 Numitor, -ōris m.: Numitor, 8 12 aperiō, -īre, -uī, -ertum: open, disclose, 10
8 pars, partis, f.: part; direction, side, 27 12 habeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: have, hold; consider, 29
8 pariō, -ere, peperī, partum: bring forth, produce, 8 12 metus, -ūs f.: dread, fear, 14
8 pater, patris, m.: father; senator, 87 12 nam: for, 13
8 post: after, behind (acc); adv. afterward, next, 18 12 perveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: arrive, come to, 10
8 Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman, 129 12 prior, prius: before, earlier, 25
xiv Ab Urbe Condita Book I Running Vocabulary

12 quīn: why not?; that, but that, 8 18 augeō, -ēre, -xī, -ctum: increase, enrich, 18
12 sciō, -īre, -īvī. -ītus: know, 16 18 caelestis, -e: celestial, of the gods; the gods, 11
12 sīc: thus, in this way, 11 18 causa, -ae f.: reason; causā for the sake of, 18
12 tempus, -poris n.: time, 21 18 dē: down from, about, concerning (abl), 31
13 arx, arcis m.: citadel, hilltop, 16 18 hūmānus, -a, -um: human, humane, 14
13 caedēs, -is f.: murder, killing, 15 18 inquam, inquis, inquit: say (direct speech), 29
13 concilium, -iī n.: meeting, council, 12 18 eō, īre, iī, itūrum: go, 18
13 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 43 18 ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē: I, 34
13 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 14 18 mīror, -ārī, -ātum: wonder, be amazed/surprised, 8
13 pār, paris: equal, 9 18 tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē: you, 33
13 praesidium, -iī n.: protection, garrison, 11 18 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 14
13 rēgia, -ae f.: palace, royal house, 25 19 dīvīnus, -a, -um: divine, 11
13 sequor, -ī, secūtum: follow, pursue; attend, 21 19 dōnec: until, 10
13 tumultus, -ūs m.: tumult, uproar, confusion, 9 19 lēx, lēgis f.: law; term, condition, regulation, 13
13 videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsum: see; videor, seem, 61 19 nūllus, -a, -um: none, no, not any, 17
14 augurium, -ī n.: augury, divination, 9 19 peregrīnus, -ī m.: foreigner, stranger, 11
14 facilis, -e: easy, 9 19 servus, -ī, m.: slave, 9
14 malus, -a, -um: bad, wicked, evil, 14 19 ūnus, -a, -um: one, single, 34
14 parvus, -a, -um: small, little, 8 19 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manliness, virtue, 9
14 templum, -ī n.: temple, 21 20 commūnis, -e: common, 9
14 vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, utterance, word, 19 20 fīnitimus -a -um: neighboring, bordering, 9
15 adiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: add, throw to, 8 20 īnsignis, -e: distinguished, noted; insigne badge, 9
15 avis, avis f.: bird, 9 20 līctor, līctōris m.: lictor (bodyguard), 9
15 cadō, -ere, cecidī, cāsum: fall, 8 20 magnitūdo, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 9
15 ille, illa, illud: that, those, 61 20 singulī, -ae, -a: one by one, individual, 13
15 interficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: kill, 8 21 centum: hundred, 9
15 meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 12 21 coepī, coepisse, coeptum: begin, 10
15 mūrus, -ī m.: wall, rampart, 10 21 cōnsilium, -iī n.: plan, advice; council, 29
15 numerus, -ī m.: number; group, 16 21 līber, lībera, līberum: free, 9
15 nūntiō (1): announce, report, 12 21 sine: without (abl), 19
15 sacer, -cra, -crum: sacred; sacra, sacred rites, 21 22 cīvitās. cīvitātis f.: city-state, state, city, 35
15 verbum, -ī n.: word, speech, 12 22 īnfimus, -a, -um: lowest; bottom of, 9
15 vertō, -ere, -tī, versum: turn, change, 16 22 lēgātus, -ī m.: legate, ambassador, envoy, 10
16 absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 8 22 magnus, -a, -um: great, large; important, 31
16 āvertō, -ere, -vertī: turn aside or away, 11 22 quippe: certainly, of course, obviously, 8
16 bōs, bovis m/f: cow, ox, bull, cattle, 10 23 dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, 9
16 exciō, -īre, -ivī, -itum: rouse, draw out, 9 23 indīcō, -ere, -dīxī: inform, declare, appoint, 16
16 ferōx, -ōcis: fierce, savage, 19 23 līberī, -ōrum n.: children, 13
16 quisque, quidque: each, every, whatever, 27 23 quantus, -a, -um: how great/much, as great as, 12
16 sī: if, whether, 55 23 Sabīnus, -a, -um: Sabine, 45
16 volō, velle, voluī: will, wish, be willing, 17 23 spectāculum, -ī n.: spectacle; spectator’s seat, 9
17 ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 13 24 plēbs, plēbis, f.: plebs, masses, 17
17 crēdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: believe, trust, 28 25 fortūna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 18
17 īnfēstus, -a, -um: hostile, insecure, 9 25 ingenium, -ī n.: character, talent, 16
Ab Urbe Condita Book I Running Vocabulary xv

25 iniūria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 10 38 vērus, -a, -um: true, real; vērō, actually, indeed, 11
25 minor, minus: smaller, less, 27 39 mōs, mōris m.: custom, habit; morals, character, 13
26 regiō, -ōnis f.: region, district, 9 39 pōnō, -ere, posuī, positum: put, place, 13
26 Tatius, -ī m.: Tatius, 12 39 redeō, -īre, -īvī: go/come back, return, 21
26 trēs, tria: three, 12 39 trānseō, -īre, -iī, itus: go across or over, cross, 8
27 gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus: carry on, wage, 19 40 mīlitia, -ae f.: military service, 8
27 spolium, -iī n.: spoils, loot, booty, 8 42 caput, capitis, n.: head; life, 23
28 clāmor, -is f.: shout, cry, 9 43 ōrdō, -inis m.: order, rank, line, 11
28 decus, decōris n.: distinction, honor, adornment, 7 44 summus, -a, -um: highest, top of; subst. sum, 16
28 igitur: therefore, then, accordingly, 10 45 bonus, -a, -um: good, kind, noble, 13
28 Rōma, -ae f.: Rome, 51 46 habitō (1): inhabit, dwell, live, 9
28 victōria, -ae f.: victory, 9 46 Numa, -ae m.: Numa Pompilius, 23
29 aliēnus, -a, -um: of another, foreign, 11 46 quisquam, quicquam (quidquam): anyone,
29 contrā: against (acc); in response, opposite, 10 something, someone, something, 17
30 exemplum, -ī n.: example, 8 46 Servius, -ī m.: Servius, 21
31 inclīnō (1): incline, lean, bend, turn, 10 47 acciō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: rouse to, summon, 8
31 Mettius, -ī m.: Mettius, 16 47 cīvis, -is m/f: citizen, 15
31 monumentum, -ī n.: monument, memorial, 8 48 peragō, -ere, -ēgī: carry/drive through, continue, 8
31 porta, -ae f.: gate, 13 49 noster, nostra, nostrum: our, 9
31 prīnceps, -cipis m.: leader; foremost, leading, 9 50 cūra, -ae f.: care, concern, worry, 9
31 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 19 51 ordior, -īrī, -sum: begin, undertake, 8
31 utrimque: on both sides, 10 52 prīvātus, -a, -um: private, 8
32 equus, -ī m.: horse, 11 53 cōnsulō, -ere, -uī, consultum: consult, 9
32 longē: far, by far, far and wide, 10 53 prōdigium, -ī n.: prodigy, omen, 13
33 nōs, nostrī, nōbīs, nōs, nōbīs: we, us, 8 55 adversus, -a, -um: opposite; against (acc), 16
33 pavor, -is m.: panic, terror, 10 55 Tullus, -ī m.: Tullus, 39
33 vōs, vestrī, vōbīs, vōs, vōbis: you (all), 15 56 glōria, -ae f.: glory, 8
34 aliquis, aliquid (adj. -quī, -qua, -quod): someone, 58 ingēns, ingentis: huge, immense, 11
something, anyone, anything; adj. some, any, 14 60 imperō (1): order, command, 8
34 alter, -era, -erum: other (of two); one…another, 18 61 Cūriātius, -ī m.: Curiatius, 9
34 cūria, ae f.: curia (district); senate house, 15 61 ferrum, -ī n.: iron; sword, 8
34 Quirītēs, -ium m.: Quirites (Romans), 11 61 Horātius, -ī m.: Horatius, 10
34 statuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus: establish, set up; decide, 8 64 gladius, -ī m.: sword, 11
34 vulnus (volnus), -eris n.: wound, blow, 9 74 fānum, -ī n.: shrine, 8
35 centuria, -ae f.: century (unit), 21 86 Ancus, -ī m.: Ancus, 15
35 eques, equitis m.: horseman, equestrian, 17 94 Tarquinius, -ī m.: Tarquinius, 66
36 Fīdēnātēs, -ium m.: people of Fidenae, 10 97 L.: Lucius, 11
36 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 11 105 Collātīnus, -ī m.: Collatinus (name), 7
36 occupō (1): seize, occupy, 8 116 cēnsus, -ūs m.: census, registration, 10
36 neque: and not; neither…nor, 24 122 Diāna, -ae f.: Diana, 8
37 castra, -ōrum n.: camp, 18 143 Gabiī, -ōrum m.: Gabii (town), 8
37 mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 13 146 Sex.: Sextus, 8
38 repetō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum: seek again or back, 15 152 Brūtus, -ī m.: Brutus, 13
38 Vēiēns, -entis m.: Veientii (people), 12 156 Lucrētia, -iae f.: Lucretia, 12

abs. absolute gen. genitive PPP perfect passive pple.
acc. accusative imper. imperative pple. participle
act. active impers. impersonal pass passive
adj. adjective impf. imperfect pf. perfect
adv. adverb ind. indirect plpf. pluperfect
app. appositive indic. indicative pred. predicate
comp. comparative inf. infinitive pres. present
dat. dative inter. interrogative rel. relative
dep. deponent m. masculine s, sg. singular
dir. direct n. neuter seq. sequence
disc. discourse nom. nominative subj. subject, subjunctive
f. feminine obj. object superl. superlative
fut. future p. pl. plural voc. vocative
1s, 2s, 3s 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular 1p, 2p, 3p 1st, 2nd, 3rd person plural

Citations: Livy (ca. 59 BC - AD 17) wrote Ab Urbe Condita in 142 books that covered the
period from the founding of Rome in 753 BC to the Augustan Age in AD 9, and only 35
books have survived today. The books are traditionally divided into chapters (or sections)
roughly equal in length, and Book I contains 60 chapters. When citing a passage in Book I, it
is common to include the book as a Roman or Arabic numeral and the chapter as an Arabic
numeral: I.14 or 1.14 is therefore chapter 14 in Book I.
The editors of this Oxford Classical text, Robert Conway and Charles Walters, subdivided
the 60 chapters into sections (or subsections), which are often appended as an Arabic
numeral to create a more precise citation: I.14.2 is section 2 in chapter 14 of Book I. In this
commentary, the chapter and section numbers are embedded in the Latin text and included in
the heading for easy reference. The line numbers 1-12 in right margin of the Latin text are
used just in this commentary and should not be included when citing the text.

Additional Resources
Intermediate level Commentary
Gould H.E. and Whiteley, J.L. Livy: Book 1. London, 1939.
Jaegar, M. A Livy Reader: Selections From Ab Urbe Condita: Wauconda, 2011.
Minkova, M. and Tunberg, T. Reading Livy’s Rome: Selections From Books I-VI: Wauconda, 2005.

Advanced level Commentary

Ogilvie R.M. A Commentary on Livy: Books 1-5. Oxford, 1965.

Chaplin, J.D. Livy’s Exemplary History. New York, 2000.
Jaeger, M. Livy’s Written Rome. Ann Arbor, 1997.
Luce T.J. Livy: The Composition of His History. Princeton, 1977.
Miles G.B. Livy: Reconstructing Early Rome. Ithaca, 1995.
Walsh P.G. Livy: His Historical Aims and Methods. Cambridge, 1961.
To make the ancients speak, we must feed them with our own blood.
- von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
Foundation Legends 1.1-4

1. iam prīmum omnium satis cōnstat Troiā captā in cēterōs 1

saevītum esse Troiānōs, duōbus, Aenēae Antēnōrīque, et vetustī
iūre hospitiī et quia pācis reddendaeque Helenae semper auctōrēs
fuerant, omne iūs bellī Achīvōs abstinuisse; 2. Cāsibus deinde
variīs Antēnōrem cum multitūdine Ēnētum, quī sēditiōne ex 5
Paphlagoniā pulsī et sēdēs et ducem rēge Pylaemene ad Troiam
āmissō quaerēbant, vēnisse in intimum maris Hadriatīcī sinum, 3.
Euganeīsque quī inter mare Alpēsque incolēbant pulsīs Ēnētōs
Troiānōsque eās tenuisse terrās. et in quem prīmō ēgressī sunt
locum Troia vocātur pāgōque inde Troiānō nōmen est: gēns 10
ūniversa Venetī appellātī. 4. Aenēam ab similī clāde domō
profugum sed ad maiōra rērum initia dūcentibus fātīs, prīmō in
abstineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold back, 3 incolō, -ere, -uī: inhabit, dwell on, 2
Achīvī, -ōrum m.: Archaians (Greeks), 1 intimus, -a, -um: inmost, 1
Alpēs, -ium f.: Alps, 2 pāgus, -ī m.: district, 1
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 Paphlagonia, -ae f.: Paphlagonia, 1
Antēnor, -is m.: Antenor, 2 profugus, -ī m.: fugitive, refugee, 4
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 4 Pylaemenes, -is m.: Pylamenes, 1
clādes, -is f.: disaster, destruction, loss, 5 saeviō, -īre, -īvī, -itum: be savage, 2
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 sēditiō, -tiōnis f.: insurrection, riot, 2
ēgredior, -ī, -gressus: go out, disembark, 5 similis, -e: similar to, like (dat), 6
Ēnētī, -um m.: Enetians (of Paphlagonia), 2 sinus, -ūs m.: bay, gulf; bosom, lap, 1
Euganeī, -ōrum, m.: Euganei (people), 1 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 5
fātum, -ī n.: fate, ruin, death, 5 ūniversus, -a, -um: one and all, entire, whole, 4
Hadriāticus, -a, -um: Adriatic, 1 varius, -a, -um: various, alternating, 6
Helena, -ae f.: Helen, 1 Venetī, -ōrum m.: Veneti (people), 1
hospitium, ī n.: guest-friendship/hospitality, 6 vetustus, -a, -um: ancient, old, 4
1 prīmum omnium: adv. acc. + partitive gen. 5 Antēnōrem…vēnisse: that…
cōnstat: it is agreed that; impers. verb governs sēditiōne: because of…; abl. cause
all the ind. disc. (acc. + inf.) below 6 pulsī: PPP, pellō, modifying nom. pl. quī
Troiā captā: abl. abs. rēge…āmissō: abl. abs.
in cēterōs…Troiānōs: against… 8 Euganeīs…pulsīs: abl. abs., PPP pellō
2 saevītum esse: that they were savage toward…; Ēnētōs…tenuisse: that…
ind. disc.with impers. pf. pass.: make 3p active 9 eās: those; demonstrative adj. with terrās
(et) duōbus…Achīvōs abstinuisse: (and) that in quem…locum: (the city) into which…;
from…; ind. disc., Achīvōs is acc. subj.; missing antecedent is subject of vocātur and
duōbus…Antēnōrī is dat. of compound verb Troia is nom. pred.; pf. dep. ēgredior
(add preposition ab ‘from’ from the verb) ēgressī sunt: pf. dep.
et..iure…et quia…fuerant: both (because of)… 10 pāgō…est: to…; dat. of possession
and because…; abl. of cause and causal clause Troiānō: “Trojan;” nom. attracted into the dat.
vetustī…hospitiī: gen. sg. of pāgō
3 reddendaeque Helenae: of…; noun + gerundive 11 appellātī (sunt): 3s subject and 3p nom. pred.
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as Aenēam…vēnisse: (and) that…
gerund (-ing) + obj., reddō ab: i.e. as a result of…
4 fuerant: the subject is Aeneas and Antenor domō: from…; abl. separation
omne iūs bellī: every right of war; i.e. the 12 maiōra: comparative magnus with neut. initia
privilege of a victor to mistreat the defeated dūcentibus fātīs: abl. abs.
cāsibus variīs: by…; abl. cause prīmō: at first

1.4-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

Macedoniam vēnisse, inde in Siciliam quaerentem sēdēs dēlātum, 1

ab Siciliā classe ad Laurentem agrum tenuisse. 5. Troia et huic locō
nōmen est. ibi ēgressī Troiānī, ut quibus ab immēnsō prope errōre
nihil praeter arma et nāvēs superesset, cum praedam ex agrīs
agerent, Latīnus rēx Aborīginēsque quī tum ea tenēbant loca ad 5
arcendam vim advenārum armātī ex urbe atque agrīs concurrunt.
6. Duplex inde fāma est. aliī proeliō victum Latīnum pācem cum
Aenēā, deinde adfīnitātem iūnxisse trādunt: 7. Aliī, cum īnstrūctae
aciēs cōnstitissent, priusquam signa canerent prōcessisse Latīnum
inter prīmōrēs ducemque advenārum ēvocāsse ad conloquium; 10
percontātum deinde quī mortālēs essent, unde aut quō cāsū profectī
domō quidve quaerentēs in agrum Laurentīnum exīssent,
Aborīginēs, -um m.: Aborīgines, 5 exeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go out, 6
adfīnitās, -tātis f.: relationship (by marriage), 3 immēnsus, -a, -um: immense, 2
advena, ae m.: foreigner, immigrant, 7 Laurentēs, -um m.: Laurentines (people), 3
arceō, -ēre, -uī: fend/shut off, keep away, 5 Laurentinus, -a, -um: of Laurentum, 1
canō, -ere, cecinī, cantum: sing, prophesy, 5 Macedonia, -ae f.: Macedonia, 1
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 4 mortālis, -e: mortal, 6
concurrō, -ere, -currī: clash, gather, 2 nāvis, nāvis, f.: ship, boat, 1
conloquium, -iī n.: conversation, 1 percontor, -ārī, -ātum: inquire, 1
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 praeter: except, besides, 5
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry away, bring, 5 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
duplex (duplicis): double, 3 prōcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum; proceed, 5
ēgredior, -ī, -gressus: go out, disembark, 5 Sicilia, -ae f.: Sicily, 2
error, errōris m.: wandering; uncertainty, 3 supersum, -esse, -fuī: remain, survive, be left, 5
ēvocō (1): call out, challenge, 3 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 5

1 vēnisse: pf. inf.; Aenēam is acc. subject aliī…Aliī…: some…others…

inde…dēlātum (esse): that then (he)…; pf. proeliō vīctum (esse) Latīnum…iūnxisse:
pass. inf. in the same ind. disc. that…; ind. disc. with pf. pass. and pf. act. inf.
quaerentem sedēs: modifies Aenēam following trādunt, ‘say, hand down by tradition’
2 ab…tenuisse: that (he)…; i.e. took possession 8 Aliī (trādunt): others (say)…
of; same ind. disc. with pf. inf. cum…cōnstitissent: plpf. subj.
et: also, too; adv. 9 priusquam signa canerent: i.e. from blaring
huic locō: dat. of possession horns; temporal with impf. subj. of anticipation
3 ēgressī: dep. PPP; translate as ‘having Xed’ prōcessisse Latīnum…ēvōcā(vi)sse: that
ut quibus…superesset: just as (those) for Latinus…; ind. disc. with pf. inf. following aliī
whom…; a clause of comparison and quibus (trādunt) above
begins a rel. clause of characteristic with impf. 11 quī…essent: first of a series of ind. questions,
subj.; quibus is dat. of interest here with impf. subj. sum
4 cum…agerent: cum-clause with impf. subj.; the quō cāsū: by what…; quō is an inter. adj.
praeda are cattle and agō therefore means ‘drive’ profectī: dep. PPP proficīscor: translate as
5 ea…loca: locus in acc. pl. and nom. pl. is neut. ‘having Xed’
ad arcendam vim: for…; noun + gerundive: 12 domō: abl. place from which
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as quidve…exīssent: or what…; ind. question with
gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad expresses purpose plpf. subj. exeō
7 fāma: report; i.e. story

Foundation Legends 1.8-11

8. postquam audīerit multitūdinem Troiānōs esse, ducem Aenēam 1

fīlium Anchīsae et Veneris, cremātā patriā domō profugōs, sēdem
condendaeque urbī locum quaerere, et nōbilitātem admīrātum
gentis virīque et animum vel bellō vel pācī parātum, dextrā datā
fidem futūrae amīcitiae sānxisse. 9. Inde foedus ictum inter ducēs, 5
inter exercitūs salūtātiōnem factam. Aenēam apud Latīnum fuisse
in hospitiō; ibi Latīnum apud Penātēs deōs domesticum pūblicō
adiūnxisse foedus fīliā Aenēae in mātrimōnium datā. 10. Ea rēs
utique Troiānīs spem adfirmat tandem stabilī certāque sēde
fīniendī errōris. oppidum condunt; 11. Aenēās ab nōmine uxōris 10
Lāvīnium appellat. brevī stirpis quoque virīlis ex novō mātrimōniō
fuit, cui Ascanium parentēs dīxēre nōmen.
adfirmō (1): affirm, strengthen, confirm, 3 mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6
adiungō, -ere, -iunxī, -iunctum: join to, add to, 1 nōbilitās, -tātis f.: nobility, renown, 4
admiror, -ārī, -ātum: admire, 1 patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7
amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship; alliance, 3 Penātēs, -ium m.: Penates, 4
Anchīses, -ae m.: Anchises, 1 profugus, -ī m.: fugitive, refugee, 4
Ascānius, -iī m.: Ascanius, 5 salūtātiō, -tiōnis f.: greeting; ceremonial visit, 1
brevis, -e: short, brief, 5 sanciō, -īre, sānxī: make sacred, sanctify, 2
cremō (1): burn; cremate, burn in burial, 1 stabilis, -e: steadfast, stable, 2
domesticus, -a, -um: of a house, 4 tandem: finally, at last, in the end, 4
error, errōris m.: wandering; uncertainty, 3 utique: in any case, anyhow, 1
finiō, -īre, -i(v)ī: to limit, end, enclose, 3 virīlis, -e: of a man, masculine, 4
hospitium, ī n.: guest-friendship/hospitality, 6

1 audī(v)erit: subj. of subordinate verb in ind. salūtātiōnem factam (esse): that…; pf. pass inf.
disc.; pf. subj. (translate as pf. indicative) Aenēam…fuisse: that…;. pf. inf. sum
multitūdinem…esse: that… 7 Latīnum…adiūnxisse: that…; pf. inf.
(et) ducem (esse) Aenēam…Veneris: (and) apud penātēs deōs: in the presence of...; the
that… two nouns refer to the same thing
2 (et) cremātā patriā domō: abl. abs., domus is pūblicō (foederī): to the public treaty; dat. of
fem. and patriā is an adj. from patrius compound
profugōs…quaerere: that… 8 fīliā…datā: abl. abs.
3 condendae urbī: for…; dat. of purpose; noun + Ea rēs: i.e. the marriage of Aeneas ot Lavinia
gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip and 9 Troiānīs: for…; dat. interest
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. 10 fīniendī errōris: of…; objective gen. with
et (eum) nōbilitātem admīrātum…sānxisse: spem; perform a gerund-gerundive flip and
and that (he) having…; Latinus is the missing translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.
subject of pf. inf.; nōbilitātem is obj. of dep. PPP ab nōmine uxōris: i.e. Lavinia
admirātum: dep PPP: translate ‘having Xed’ 11 appellat (oppidum): governs a double acc.
4 bellō…pācī…: for…; dat. of purpose (obj. and pred.)
dextrā datā: abl. abs., i.e. in oath-taking brevī (tempore): in…; abl. time when
5 futūrae: fut. pple. sum 12 cui: dat. ind. obj.
foedus ictum (esse): that…; pf. pass. iciō; an dīxēr(unt): syncopates 3p pf.
extended ind. disc. governed by trādunt above

2.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

2. bellō deinde Aborīginēs Troiānīque simul petītī. Turnus rēx 1

Rutulōrum, cui pacta Lāvīnia ante adventum Aenēae fuerat,
praelātum sibi advenam aegrē patiēns simul Aenēae Latīnōque
bellum intulerat. 2. neutra aciēs laeta ex eō certāmine abiit: victī
Rutulī: victōrēs Aborīginēs Troiānīque ducem Latīnum āmīsēre. 3. 5
inde Turnus Rutulīque diffīsī rēbus ad flōrentēs opēs Etrūscōrum
Mezentiumque rēgem eōrum cōnfugiunt, quī Caere opulentō tum
oppidō imperitāns, iam inde ab initiō minimē laetus novae orīgine
urbis et tum nimiō plūs quam satis tūtum esset accolīs rem
Troiānam crēscere ratus, haud gravātim socia arma Rutulīs iūnxit. 10
4. Aenēās adversus tantī bellī terrōrem ut animōs Aborīginum
sibi conciliāret nec sub eōdem iūre sōlum sed etiam nōmine omnēs
Aborīginēs, -um m.: Aborīgines, 5 imperitō (1): command, rule over (dat), 4
accola, -ae f.: neighbor, 3 laetus, -a, -um: happy, fortunate; abundant, rich, 6
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 6 Lāvīnia, -ae f.: Lavinia, 2
advertō, -ere, -tī, -versum: turn to, notice, 2 Mezentius, -ī m.: Mezentius, 2
advena, ae m.: foreigner, immigrant, 7 minimus, -a, -um: very little; adv. least, 6
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, injured; adv. poorly, 6 neuter, neutra, neutrum: neither, 2
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 nimius, -a, -um: excessive, too much, 1
Caere (no gen.) n.: Caere (town), 2 opulentus, -a, -um: opulent, wealthy, 5
conciliō (1): win over, unite (dat.), 6 pacīscō, -ere, , pactum: agree upon; betroth, 2
cōnfugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee, 2 praeferō, -ferre, -tulī -lātum: prefer; put before, 2
diffīdō, -ere, -fidī, -fīsum: distrust, have no Rutulus, -ī m.: Rutulians, 6
confidence in, 1 socius, -ī m.: ally, companion, comrade, 5
floreō, -ēre, -uī: bloom, flower, flourish, 2 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
gravātim: reluctantly, 1

1 bellō: in…; means following laetus; unhappy with the rise of Rome
petītī (sunt): The Aborigines refer to the Latins 9 et tum…ratus: and having…; extended pple
led by Latinus. phrase with dep. PPP reor: ‘having Xed’
2 cui: to whom; dat. interest nimiō: too; ‘by too much,’ an abl. degree of
pacta…fuerat: had been (once)…; either PPP difference with comparative plūs
pasciscō; or “a betrothed woman,’ a substantive quam…esset accolīs: than…; clause of
from the PPP; the use of fuerat rather than erat comparison with impf. subj. sum; subj. of a
in the plpf. pass. stresses the completedness of subordinate clause in ind. disc.
the action: i.e. once betrothed but no more accolīs: dat. of interest
3 praelātum (esse)…advenam: that…; pf. pass. rem Troiānum crēscere: that the Trojan
sibi: over…; dat. of compound verb state…; ind. disc. governing nimiō plūs…accolīs
Aenēae Latīnōque: upon…; dat. of compound 11 terrōrem: to…; obj. of adversus, PPP advertō;
4 intulerat: plpf. inferō adversus elsewhere in the commentary is a
abiit: pf. abeō common preposition: ‘against’ + acc.
victī (sunt): pf. pass. vincō ut…conciliāret…essent: so that he might…;
5 āmīsēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. purpose with impf. subj.
7 Caēre: at…; locative, opulentō oppidō is in 12 nec…sōlum sed etiam: not only…but also…
apposition iure: law
8 minimē: least; superl. adv. (sub eōdem) nōmine: ellipsis
novae orīgine urbis: because of…; abl. of cause

Foundation Legends 2.4-3.1

essent, Latīnōs utramque gentem appellāvit; 5. nec deinde 1

Aborīginēs Troiānīs studiō ac fide ergā rēgem Aenēam cessēre.
frētusque hīs animīs coalēscentium in diēs magis duōrum
populōrum Aenēās, quamquam tanta opibus Etrūria erat ut iam nōn
terrās sōlum sed mare etiam per tōtam Ītaliae longitūdinem ab 5
Alpibus ad fretum Siculum fāma nōminis suī implēsset, tamen cum
moenibus bellum prōpulsāre posset in aciem cōpiās ēdūxit. 6.
secundum inde proelium Latīnīs, Aenēae etiam ultimum operum
mortālium fuit. situs est, quemcumque eum dīcī iūs fāsque est,
super Numīcum flūmen: Iovem indigetem appellant. 10
3. nōndum mātūrus imperiō Ascanius Aenēae fīlius erat; tamen
id imperium eī ad pūberem aetātem incolume mānsit; tantisper
Aborīginēs, -um m.: Aborīgines, 5 indiges, -etis: born in the country, 1
Alpēs, -ium f.: Alps, 2 Ītalia, -ae f.: Italy, 3
Ascānius, -iī m.: Ascanius, 5 longitūdo, -inis f.: length, 1
cēdō, -ere, cessī: withdraw; yield to (dat) 3 mātūrus, -a, -um: mature; timely, early, 2
coalēscō, -ere, -ēvī: combine, coalesce, 3 mortālis, -e: mortal, 6
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 5 nōndum: not yet, 4
ēdūcō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: lead or draw out, 4 Numicus, -ī m.: Numicus river, 1
ergā: toward, for (acc), 3 prōpulsō (1): drive back, repel, 1
Etrūria, -ae f.: Etruria, 5 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
fās n.: right, righteousness, divine law, 6 Siculus, -a, -um: Sicilian, 1
fretus, -a, -um: relying on, depending on (dat), 1 studium, -ī n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 5
fretum, ī n.: strait, 1 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
incolumis, -e: unscathed uninjured, safe, 2 tantisper: for a while, so long, meanwhile, 3

1 appellāvit: called (x) (y); governs a double acc. perspective he is driving the enemy forward—
2 studiō ac fīde: because of…; abl. of cause away from the city-walls to the enemy’s rear
ergā…: following closely after studiō ac fide4 8 secundum: favorable
cessēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. Latīnīs: for…; dat. of interest
3 hīs animīs: i.e. the feelings of studiō ac fide Aenēae: for…; dat. of interest
in diēs: day by day, daily; duration 9 situs est: was buried; pf. pass. sinō
4 opibus: in…; abl. respect quemcumque…iūs (est) fāsque est: whatever it
ut…implē(vi)sset: that…; result with plpf. subj. is justice and right that he be called; i.e. whether
impleō Aeneas is called a god or simply a man; iūs est
5 nōn solum…sed etiam: not only…but also and fās est are impers. verbs
6 suī: of their; gen. sg. reflexive 10 Iovem indigetem: Jupiter Indiges
cum moenibus..posset: when (Aeneas)…; cum appellant (eum): governs a double acc.
clause with impf. subj. possum; moenibus is abl. 11 imperiō: dat. of purpose
means eī: for…; i.e. Ascanius; dat. of interest, is, ea, id
7 prōpulsāre: drive back; from Aeneas’

3.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

tūtēlā muliebrī—tanta indoles in Lāvīniā erat—rēs Latīna et 1

rēgnum avītum paternumque puerō stetit. 2. haud ambīgam—quis
enim rem tam veterem prō certō adfirmet?— hicine fuerit Ascanius
an maior quam hic, Creūsā mātre Īliō incolumī nātus comesque
inde paternae fugae, quem Iūlum eundem Iūlia gēns auctōrem 5
nōminis suī nuncupat. 3. is Ascanius, ubicumque et quācumque
mātre genitus—certē nātum Aenēā cōnstat—abundante Lāvīniī
multitūdine flōrentem iam ut tum rēs erant atque opulentam urbem
mātrī seu novercae relinquit, novam ipse aliam sub Albānō monte
condidit quae ab sitū porrēctae in dorsō urbis Longa Albā 10
4. inter Lāvīnium et Albam Longam colōniam dēductam trīgintā

abundō (1): overflow, 2 incolumis, -e: unscathed uninjured, safe, 2

adfirmō (1): affirm, strengthen, confirm, 3 indoles, -is f.: natural ability, talent, 4
ambigō, -ere: argue; waver, be uncertain, 1 Iūlius, -a, -um: Julian, of the Julian family, 1
an: or (in questions), 7 Iūlus, -ī m.: Julus, 1
Ascānius, -iī m.: Ascanius, 5 Lāvīnia, -ae f.: Lavinia, 2
avītus, -a, -um: ancestral, of a grandfather, 5 noverca, -ae f.: step-mother, 1
colōnia, -ae f.: colony, 4 nuncupō (1): call, name, 3
comes, -itis m. f.: companion, comrade, 6 opulentus, -a, -um: opulent, wealthy, 5
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 paternus, -a, -um: paternal; ancestral, 4
Creusa, -ae f.: Creusa, 1 porrigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rēctum: project, hold out 1
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring forth, launch, 7 situs, -ūs m.: site, position; situation, 3
dorsum, -ī n.: back (body part); ridge 1 stō, -āre, stetī: stand, 1
floreō, -ēre, -uī: bloom, flower, flourish, 2 trīginta: thirty, 7
gignō, -ere, genuī, genitum: beget, 4 tūtēla, -ae f.: protection, guardianship, 4
Ilium, -ī n.: Ilium (city of Troy), 1 ubicumque: wherever, whenever, 1

1 tūtēlā muliebrī: because of…; abl. cause; eundem: acc. sg. īdem
the mother Lavinia rules as the child grows ups auctōrem nōminis suī: as…; in apposition to
rēs Latīna: the Latin state Iūlum eundem
2 avītum paternumque: i.e. Latinus and Aeneas 6 nuncupat: calls (x) (y); governs a double acc.
puerō: dat. of interest is: demonstrative adj.
ambīgam: 1s fut. quācumque matre: from…; abl. origin
Quis…adfirmet: Who is to…; deliberative 7 (eum) nātum (esse) Aenēā: that (he)…; pf.
question with pres. subj. pass. inf.; supply the boy as subject; Aenēā is
3 enim: for; postpositive: translate first abl. of origin
prō certō: for certain cōnstat: it is agreed; impers.
hici-ne…an: whether this one…or…; hicine is abundante…multitūdine: abl. abs.
equiv. to hic-ne, and -ne…an is a double ind. 8 ut tum rēs erant: as circumstances were at the
question with pf. subj. sum (translate as pf. ind.) time; i.e. flourishing compared to other cities at
4 maior (natū): (someone) older; ‘greater (by the time; a clause of comparison
birth)’ i.e. a second son; hic refers to Ascanius 9 seu: or; with dat. ind. obj.; seu = sīve
Creūsā mātre: from…; abl. of origin with nātus novam…aliam (urbem)
Īliō incolumnī: i.e. before the falll of Troy; abl. ipse: he himself
abs.; supply pple ‘being;’ 3rd decl. i-stem adj. sub: at the foot of…
nātus comesque: in apposition to maior; dep. 11 appellāta (est): Alba Longa is nom. pred.
PPP nāscor 12 dēductam: launched; ‘led forth, verb often
5 paternae fugae: comes often governs dat./gen. used with colōnia
Romulus and Remus 3.4-9

fermē interfuēre annī. tantum tamen opēs crēverant maximē fūsīs 1

Etrūscīs ut nē morte quidem Aenēae nec deinde inter muliebrem
tūtēlam rudīmentumque prīmum puerīlis rēgnī movēre arma aut
Mezentius Etrūscīque aut ūllī aliī accolae ausī sint. 5. pāx ita
convēnerat ut Etrūscīs Latīnīsque fluvius Albula, quem nunc 5
Tiberim vocant, fīnis esset. 6. Silvius deinde rēgnat Ascanī fīlius,
cāsū quōdam in silvīs nātus; 7. is Aenēam Silvium creat; is deinde
Latīnum Silvium. ab eō colōniae aliquot dēductae, Prīscī Latīnī
appellātī. mānsit Silviīs posteā omnibus cognōmen, quī Albae
rēgnārunt. 8. Latīnō Alba ortus, Albā Atys, Atye Capys, Capye 10
Capetus, Capetō Tiberīnus, quī in trāiectū Albulae amnis
submersus celebre ad posterōs nōmen flūminī dedit. 9. Agrippa

accola, -ae f.: neighbor, 3 fermē: nearly, about, 4

Agrippa, ae m.: Agrippa, 2 fluvius, -ī m.: river, 2
Albula, -ae f.: Albula (old name for Tiber), 2 intersum, -esse, -fuī: engage in, be among (dat), 3
aliquot: several, 6 Mezentius, -ī m.: Mezentius, 2
amnis, -is m.: river, swift-moving stream, 2 posteā: after this, afterwards, 5
Ascānius, -iī m.: Ascanius, 5 puerīlis, -e: of the boy, boyish, 2
Atys, -is m.: Atys, 2 rudimentum, -ī n.: first attempt, beginning 1
Capetus, -ī m.: Capetus, 2 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 3
Capys, Capyis m.: Capys, 2 Silvius, -ī m.: Silvius, 5
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 4 submergō, -ere, -mersī, -mersum: drown, sink, 1
celeber -bris -bre: frequented, celebrated, 1 Tiberīnus, -ī m.: Tiberinus, 2
cognōmen, -minis n.: nickname, 7 traiectus, -ūs m.: crossing, 1
colōnia, -ae f.: colony, 4 tūtēla, -ae f.: protection, guardianship, 4
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7

1 interfuēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. 7 casū quōdam: by some chance

tantum: acc. obj. 8 dēductae (sunt): were launched
fūsīs Etrūscīs: abl. abs., PPP fundō appellātī (sunt): (they)…; + nom. pred.
2 ut…ausī sint: that…; result clause with pf. subj. 9 Silviīs omnibus: for…; dat. interest; the Silvii
semi-deponent audeō (audeō is deponent in the Albae: at…; locative
pf. tenses: translate this pf. pass. subj. as pf. act.) 10 rēgnā(v)ērunt: syncopated 3p pf.
nē…quidem: not even…; emphasizing the Latīnō Alba ortus (est): from Latinus Alba
intervening word arose; i.e. was born; pf. dep. ōrior and abl.
3 puerīlis rēgnī: of the boy’s rule; i.e. the boy was of origin; Alba here is the name of a person
finally mature enough to rule Albā Atys (ortus est)…Tiberīnus (ortus est):
movēre arma: i.e. to make an attack parallel construction: supply the same verb from
4 ūllī aliī: nom. pl. above; Alba is the name of a person
5 convēnerat: had come together; i.e. had been 12 ad posterōs: to posterity; ‘to those (coming)
agreed upon after’
ut…esset: that…; result with impf. subj. sum flūminī: dat. ind. obj.
Etrūscīs Latīnīsque: for…; dat. of interest

3.9-4.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

inde Tiberīnī fīlius, post Agrippam Rōmulus Silvius ā patre 1

acceptō imperiō regnat. Aventīnō fulmine ipse ictus rēgnum per
manūs trādidit. is sepultus in eō colle quī nunc pars Rōmānae est
urbis, cognōmen collī fēcit. Proca deinde rēgnat. 10. is Numitōrem
atque Amūlium prōcreat; Numitōrī, quī stirpis maximus erat, 5
rēgnum vetustum Silviae gentis lēgat.
plūs tamen vīs potuit quam voluntās patris aut verēcundia aetātis:
pulsō frātre Amūlius rēgnat. 11. addit scelerī scelus: stirpem frātris
virīlem interemit, frātris fīliae Reae Silviae per speciem honōris
cum vestālem eam lēgisset perpetuā virginitāte spem partūs adimit. 10
4. sed dēbēbātur, ut opīnor, fātīs tantae orīgo urbis maximīque
secundum deōrum opēs imperiī prīncipium. 2. vī compressa
Agrippa, ae m.: Agrippa, 2 Proca, -ae m.: Proca, 1
Amūlius, -iī m.: Amulius, 3 prōcreō, (1): create, beget, 1
Aventīnus, -ī m.: Aventine (a person), 1 Rea, Reae f.: Rhea (Rhea Silva), 1
cognōmen, -minis n.: nickname, 7 sepeliō, -īre, -īvī, sepultum: to bury, 1
comprimō, -ere, -pressī: suppress, hold back, 2 Silvia, -ae f.: Silvia, 1
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, debitum: ought. owe, 3 Silvius, -ī m.: Silvius, 5
fātum, -ī n.: fate, ruin, death, 5 Silvius, -a, -um: Silvian, of Silvius, 1
fulmen, -minis n.: lightning, thunderbolt, 3 Tiberīnus, -ī m.: Tiberinus, 2
interimō, -ere, -ēmī, -emptum: take out, kill, 4 verēcundia, -ae f.: reverence, respect; modesty, 3
legō (1): bequeath, leave (in a will), appoint, 1 Vestālis, -e: Vestal, of Vesta, 2
opīnor, -ārī, opīnātum: opine, suppose, 2 vetustus, -a, -um: ancient, old, 4
partus, -ūs m.: offspring, 4 virginitās, -tātis f.: virginity, 2
perpetuus, -a, -um: perpetual, everlasting, 2 virīlis, -e: of a man, masculine, 4
prīncipium, -ī n.: beginning, 4 voluntās, -tātis f.: will, wish, permission, 6

1 Tiberīnī fīlius (regnat): in apposition to 9 frātris: of the brother; i.e. of Numitor, all part
Agrippa, the subject of regnat of the cum-clause which follows
ā patre acceptō imperiō: abl. abs. fīliae Reae Silviae: dat. ind. obj.
2 Aventīnō: to Aventinus; dat. ind. obj.; a king, per speciem honōris: Amulius’ true purpose is
not a hill to prevent Rhea from producing children
ipse: he himself; reflexive 10 cum…lēgisset: cum clause with plpf. subj.
ictus: PPP iciō legō, ‘choose,’ that governs the double acc.
3 sepultus: PPP vestālem: as…; acc. pred.
eō: demonstative adj. 11 sed debēbātur…prīncipium: but the origin of
4 fēcit: gave; not an uncommon meaning for faciō so great a city and the beginning of the greatest
in Livy; collī is therefore dat. ind. obj. empire, following after the help of the gods—
5 Numitōrī: to…; dat. ind. obj. was owed, as I suppose, by the fates; 3p subject
maximus (natū): oldest; ‘greatest (in birth)’ with 3s verb; secundum (‘following after’ +
6 Silviae gentis: of the clan of Silvius acc.) is a preposition
7 plūs potuit: was more powerful; plūs is an inner 12 vī compressa vestalis: The Vestal priestess,
acc. having been raped,; ‘having been held down by
quam: than…; clause of comparison force,’ PPP; vī is an irreg. abl. of manner; i.e.
8 pulsō frātre: abl. abs. Rhea Silvia
stirpem frātris: i.e. the son of Numitor

Romulus and Remus 4.2-6

Vestālis cum geminum partum ēdidisset, seu ita rata seu quia deus 1
auctor culpae honestior erat, Mārtem incertae stirpis patrem
nuncupat. 3. sed nec dī nec hominēs aut ipsam aut stirpem ā
crūdēlitāte rēgiā vindicant: sacerdōs vīncta in custōdiam datur,
puerōs in prōfluentem aquam mittī iubet. 5
4. forte quādam dīvīnitus super rīpās Tiberis effūsus lēnibus
stāgnīs nec adīrī usquam ad iūstī cursum poterat amnis et posse
quamvīs languidā mergī aquā īnfantēs spem ferentibus dabat. 5. ita
velut dēfūnctī rēgis imperiō in proximā alluviē ubi nunc fīcus
Rūmīnālis est—Rōmulārem vocātam ferunt— 6. puerōs expōnunt. 10
vastae tum in hīs locīs sōlitūdinēs erant.
tenet fāma cum fluitantem alveum, quō expositī erant puerī,
adeō, -īre: to go to, approach, 1 languidus, -a, -um: languid, inert, 1
alluvies, -eī f.: flood, overflow, 1 lēnis, lēne: gentle, 1
alveus, -ī m.: basket, small vessel, 1 Mārs, Mārtis m.: Mars, 6
amnis, -is m.: river, swift-flowing stream, 2 mergō, -ere, -rsī, mersum: sink, drown, 2
crūdēlitās, -tātis f.: cruelty, crudeness, 1 nuncupō (1): call, name, 3
culpa, -ae m.: blame, fault; cause, 3 partus, -ūs m.: offspring, 4
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 6 prōfluō, -ere: flow along, 1
custōdia, -ae f.: guard, watch, 4 quamvīs: however much, although, 2
dēfungor, -ī, -functum: fulfill, finish (abl.) 2 rīpa, -ae f.: riverbank, bank, shore, 3
dīvīnitus: from the gods, providentially, 3 Rōmulāris, -e: Romularis, of Romulus, 1
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: bring forth, perform, 6 Rūmīnālis, -e: Ruminalis, of Rumina (goddess), 1
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 solitūdō, solitūdinis f.: wilderness, solitude, 3
expōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: set out, 4 stāgnum, -ī n.: pool, standing water, 1
fīcus, -ī (-ūs) f.: fig, fig-tree, 1 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
fluitō (1): float, 2 usquam: anywhere, 3
geminī, -ae, -a: twin, 3 vastus, -a, -um: vast, waste, 1
honestus, -a, -um: respectable, honorable, 1 Vestālis, -e: Vestal (priestess), of Vesta, 2
incertus, -a, -um: unreliable, doubtful, 5 vinciō, -īre, vīnxī, vīnctus: bind, tie, 2
īnfāns, -fantis m. f.: infant, 3 vindicō (1): deliver, set free 2
iūstus, -a, -um: just, legitimate, 5

1 seu…seu: whether…or; equiv. to sīve actual swift-flowing stream

ita rata (est): (she)…; pf. dep. reor; Rhea Silvia posse…mergī…infantēs: that…; ind. disc. in
is the subject apposition to spem; inf. possum, mergere
deus auctor culpae: a god as agent of her fault; 8 quamvīs languidā…aquā: although…; abl.
i.e. Mars, as clarified below means or abl. abs., concessive in sense
3 nuncupat: calls (x) (y); governs a double acc. ferentibus: to (the ones)…; i.e. the soldiers who
d(e)ī brought the infant; dat. ind. obj. pres. pple
ipsam: (Rhea Silvia) herself 9 velut dēfūnctī: (the soldiers) as if having…;
aut…aut…: either…or… dep. PPP is often translated “having Xed”
5 mittī: pres. pass. inf. and here governs an abl. object
6 forte quādam: by some…; abl. of cause, fors 10Rōmulārem vocātam (esse) ferunt: they report
Tiberis: nom. subject that (the fig) was (formerly) called Romularis
lēnibus stāgnīs: into…; dat. of compound verb expōnunt: i.e. so that the children would die
7 nec…et…: both not…and exposed to the natural elements
adīrī: pass. inf. tenet fāma: a story holds that…; + ind. disc.
ad iūstī cursum…amnis: to the channel of the (in) quō: (in) which…
4.6-9 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

tenuis in siccō aqua dēstituisset, lupam sitientem ex montibus quī 1

circā sunt ad puerīlem vāgītum cursum flexisse; eam submissās
īnfantibus adeō mītem praebuisse mammās ut linguā lambentem
puerōs magister rēgiī pecoris invēnerit— 7. Faustulō fuisse nōmen
ferunt—ab eō ad stabula Lārentiae uxōrī ēducandōs datōs. sunt quī 5
Lārentiam volgātō corpore lupam inter pāstōrēs vocātam pūtent;
inde locum fābulae ac mīrāculō datum.
8. ita genitī itaque ēducātī, cum prīmum adolēvit aetās, nec in
stabulīs nec ad pecora sēgnēs vēnandō peragrāre saltūs. 9. hinc
rōbore corporibus animīsque sūmptō iam nōn ferās tantum 10
subsistere sed in latrōnēs praedā onustōs impetūs facere
pāstōribusque rapta dīvidere et cum hīs crēscente in diēs grege
adolescō, -ere, adolevī: to grow up, 1 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 2
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 6 peragrō (1): to pass through, traverse, 1
dēstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: leave, abandon, 3 praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: present, offer, 3
fabula, -ae f.: story, 3 puerīlis, -e: of the boy, boyish, 2
Faustulus, -ī m.: Faustulus (shepherd), 2 pūtō (1): to think, consider, 4
fera, -ae f.: wild beast, 1 rōbor, rōboris n.: oak; strength, 5
flectō, -ere, flexī, flectum: turn, bend, 4 saltus, -ūs m.: woodland with pasture, 1
gignō, -ere, genuī, genitum: beget, 4 sēgnis, -e: sluggish, inactive, lazy, slow, 1
grex, gregis m.: flock, herd, 3 siccum, -ī n.: dry land, 1
īnfāns, -fantis m. f.: infant, 3 sitiēns, sitientis: thirsty, 1
lambō, -ere, -ī: lick, 1 stabulum, -ī n.: cottage, hut; stable, 2
Lārentia, -ae f.: Larentia (woman), 2 submittō, -ere, -mīsī: lower, drop, let down 1
latrō, -ōnis m.: bandit, highway robber, 2 subsistō, -ere: make a stand; oppose, 1
lingua, -ae f.: tongue, language, 2 sūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take (up), chose, 6
lupa, -ae n.: she-wolf; prostitute, 2 tenuis, -e: thin, 1
magister, -strī m.: head, keeper, teacher, 2 vāgītus, -ūs m.: wailing, crying, 1
mamma, -ae f.: breast, pap, teat, 1 vēnor, -ārī, -ātum: hunt, chase, 2
mītis, -e: mild, gentle, 5 volgō (1): make common, prostitute, publish, 3
onustus, -a, -um: loaded, burdened, 1

1 dēstituisset: cum-clause with plpf. subj. ēducandōs: going to be…; gerundive in the
lupam…flexisse: that…; pf. inf. attributive position expressing purpose/necessity
2 puerīlem: i.e. of the boys sunt quī…pūtent: there are (those) who…; rel.
(et) eam…praebuisse mammās: (and) that…; clause of characeristic with pres. subj.
pf. inf. with īnfantibus as dat. ind. obj. 6 Lārentiam…vocātam (esse): ind. disc., pf.
submissās: English prefers two finite verbs, e.g. pass. inf., lupam, here ‘prostitute,’ is acc. pred.
lowered and offered, where Latin often prefers volgātō corpore: abl. abs., i.e. prostitution
a PPP and finite verb 7 locum…datum (esse): that a place…; ind. disc.
3 ut…invēnerit: that…; result with pf. subj. pf. pass.; Laurentia inspires the she-wolf story
(eam) linguā lambentem puerōs: i.e. lūpam fabulae ac mīrāculō: for…; dat. of purpose
4 magister: i.e. Faustulus 8 genitī (sunt)…ēducātī (sunt)
(eī) Faustulō fuisse nōmen: that (to him) was nec…nec…sēgnēs: and lazy neither in…nor
the name ‘Faustulus;’ Faustulō is acc. attracted 9 vēnandō: for…; gerund (-ing), dat. of purpose
into the dat. of the missing dat. of possession, eī nōn tantum…sed (etiam): not only…but (also)
5 ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition 11 subsistere…facere: that (the boys)...
(puerōs) ab eō…dātōs (esse): that…; ind. disc. 12 rapta: the things seized; neut. acc. pl.
following ferunt; pf. pass., add puerōs as subject crēscente grege iuvenum: abl. abs., gen. pl.
Romulus and Remus 4.9-5.4

iuvenum sēria ac iocōs celebrāre. 1

5. iam tum in Palātiō monte. Lupercal hoc fuisse lūdicrum ferunt,
et ā Pallantēō, urbe Arcadicā, Pallantium, dein Palātium montem
appellātum; 2. ibi Evandrum, quī ex eō genere Arcadum multīs ante
tempestātibus tenuerit loca, sollemne allātum ex Arcadiā īnstituisse 5
ut nūdī iuvenēs Lycaeum Pana venerantēs per lūsum atque
lascīviam currerent, quem Rōmānī deinde vocārunt Inuum.
3. huic dēditīs lūdicrō cum sollemne nōtum esset īnsidiātōs ob
īram praedae āmissae latrōnēs, cum Rōmulus vī sē dēfendisset,
Remum cēpisse, captum rēgī Amūliō trādidisse, ultrō accūsantēs. 4. 10
crīminī maximē dabant in Numitōris agrōs ab iīs impetum fierī;
inde eōs collectā iuvenum manū hostīlem in modum praedās agere.
accūsō (1): to accuse, blame, reprimand, 1 iocus, -ī m.: joke, 1
adferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: bring, propose, 6 lascīvia, -ae f.: playfulness, wantonness, 1
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 latrō, -ōnis m.: bandit, highway robber, 2
Amūlius, -iī m.: Amulius, 3 lūdicrum, -ī n.: game, sport, exhibition, 4
Arcadēs, -um m.: Arcadians (Greek people), 1 Lupercal, -is n.: cave (sacred to Pan), 1
Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia (in Greece), 2 lūsus, -ūs m.: play, game, 1
Arcadicus, -a, -um: Arcadian (Greek), 1 Lycaeus, -a, -um: of Mt. Lycaeus, 1
celebrō (1): celebrate; practice, engage in, 3 nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtum: learn, know, 3
colligō, -ere, -ī, -lectum: collect, gather, 2 nūdus, -a, -um: naked, bare, 3
crīmen, crīminis n.: crime; charge, 3 Pallanteum, -ī n.: Pallanteum (Greek city), 1
currō, -ere, cucurrī: run, rush, fly, 2 Pallantius, -a, -um: Pallantine, 1 1
dēfendō, -ere, -ndī, dēfēnsum: defend, 1 Panos (acc. Pana) m.: Pan (god), 1
dein: then, next, 2 sērius, -a, -um: serious; pl. business, 1
Evander, Evandrī m.: Evander, 5 tempestās, -tātis f.: time; weather, 6
hostīlis, -e: of an enemy, hostile, 3 ultrō: voluntarily, spontaneously; in addition, 4
īnsidior, -ārī, -ātum: lay ambush, 1 veneror, -arī, -ātum: worship, venerate, 1
Inuus, -ī m.: Inuus (old name for Lupercus), 1

1 sēria: serious matters vocā(vē)runt: governs a double acc.

celebrāre: i.e. shared activities with shepherds 8 (iuvenibus) huic dēditīs lūdicrō: (the young
2 Lupercal…fuisse: that…; pf. sum men) have given (themselves) over to…; abl. abs.
ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition and dat. ind. obj.
3 Pallantēō: a city on the Tiber which Virgil cum…: since…; causal, plpf. pass. subj. nōscō
places on the site of Rome itself; it is inhabited īnsidiātōs…latrōnēs…cēpisse (et)...trādidisse:
by Greek Arcadians and led by King Evander that the bandits…; pf. inf. capiō and trādō
3 Pallantium (montem)…appellātum (esse): governed by ferunt above; dep. PPP: translate
that…; pf. pass., the name evolved over time as ‘having Xed’
4 Evandrum…īnstituisse: that…; pf. inf. still 9 cum: although…; concessive with plpf. subj.
governed by ferunt 10 (et) captum: (and)…the captured one; dir. obj.
quī…tenuerit: pf. subj.of a subordinate verb in ultrō: in addition; i.e. over and above expected
ind. disc.; translate as pf. ind. 11 crīminī…dabant: imputed as a crime; idiom
ex eō genere: from this race; genus ab iīs: ab eīs; i.e. by Romulus and Remus
multīs ante tempestātibus: many…; tempestās impetum fierī: (namely) that…; ind. disc., fiō
here means ‘occasion’ or ‘time,’ not ‘storm’ 12 eōs…agere: that they were driving…
an abl. of degree of difference with adv. ante collēctā manū: abl. abs.; manus, ‘group’
6 ut…currerent: (namely) that…; ind. command hostīlem in modum: in…
with impf. subj. in apposition to sollemne
5.4-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

5.sīc Numitōrī ad supplicium Remus dēditur. 1

iam inde ab initiō Faustulō spēs fuerat rēgiam stirpem apud sē
ēducārī; nam et expositōs iussū rēgis īnfantēs sciēbat et tempus
quō ipse eōs sustulisset ad id ipsum congruere; sed rem
immātūram nisi aut per occāsiōnem aut per necessitātem aperīrī 5
nōluerat. 6. necessitās prior vēnit: ita metū subāctus Rōmulō rem
aperit. forte et Numitōrī cum in custōdiā Remum habēret
audīssetque geminōs esse frātrēs, comparandō et aetātem eōrum et
ipsam minimē servīlem indolem, tetigerat animum memoria
nepōtum; scīscitandōque eōdem pervēnit ut haud procul esset quīn 10
Remum agnōsceret.
ita undique rēgī dolus nectitur. 7. Rōmulus nōn cum globō
agnōscō, -ere, agnōvī: recognize, 1 necessitās, -tātis f.: necessity, 4
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 5 nectō, -ere, nexī, nexus: join, connect, weave, 1
congruō, -ere: agree, match, 2 nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7
custōdia, -ae f.: guard, watch, 4 nisi: if not, unless, 7
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 7 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not wish, be unwilling, 1
expōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: set out, 4 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 4
Faustulus, -ī m.: Faustulus (shepherd), 2 procul: from afar, from a distance, 4
geminī, -ae, -a: twin, 3 sciscitor, -ārī, -ātum: examine, inquire, 4
globus, -ī n.: crowd, throng, group; ball, sphere, 3 servīlis, -e: slavish, servile, of a slave, 2
immātūrus, -a, -um: untimely, premature, 2 subigō, -ere, -ēgī: drive (under), subdue, 3
indoles, -is f.: natural ability, talent, 4 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
īnfāns, -fantis m. f.: infant, 3 tangō, -ere, tetigī, tactum: touch, 2
iussus, -ūs m.: order, 4 tollō, ere, sustulī, sublātum: lift up; raze, 5
memoria, -ae f.: memory, 3 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 4
minimus, -a, -um: very little; adv. least, 6

1 ad: for cum…habēret audī(vi)sset…: Numitor is the

Faustulō: dat. of possession understood subject; impf. and plpf. subj.
2 rēgiam..ēducārī: (namely) that…; ind. disc. in 8 comparandō…indolem: abl. of means, gerund
apposition to spēs (-ing) with lengthy obj.
3 et…et…: both…and… et…et…: both…and…
expositōs (esse)…īnfantēs: that…; pf. pass. inf. eōrum: i.e. the boy in front of him and
tempus..congruere: that… Numitor’s lost grandson
4 quō…sustulisset: in which…; relative with plpf. 9 minimē: least; superl. adv.
subj. tollō and abl. time when; subj. of animum: his attention
subordinate verb in ind. disc. 10 scīscitantō: abl. of means, gerund (-ing)
ipse: he himself; i.e. Faustulus, intensive eōdem: to the same (conclusion); ‘to the same
rem…aperīrī: that…; pass. inf. aperiō, ‘reveal’ place,’ eō is an adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’)
nisi: except ut…esset: so that…; result, impf. subj. sum
5 aut…aut…: either…or… quīn…: that…; ‘but that…’ quīn often begins a
forte: abl. fors substantive clause with subj. following negative
et: also, too; adv. expressions of doubt or omission
7 Numitōrī: a dat. of interest or, more likely, dat. 12 dolus nectitur: deception is woven together…;
of possession (Numitor’s) far removed from its with dat. of interest
objects: animum and memoria below

Romulus and Remus 5.7-6.2

iuvenum—nec enim erat ad vim apertam pār—sed aliīs aliō itinere 1

iussīs certō tempore ad rēgiam venīre pāstōribus ad rēgem
impetum facit; et ā domō Numitōris aliā comparātā manū adiuvat
Remus. ita rēgem obtruncat.
6. Numitor inter prīmum tumultum, hostēs invāsisse urbem atque 5
adortōs rēgiam dictitāns, cum pūbem Albānam in arcem praesidiō
armīsque obtinendam āvocāsset, postquam iuvenēs perpetrātā
caede pergere ad sē grātulantēs vīdit, extemplō advocātō conciliō
scelera in sē frātris, orīginem nepōtum, ut genitī, ut ēducātī, ut
cognitī essent, caedem deinceps tyrannī sēque eius auctōrem 10
ostendit. 2. iuvenēs per mediam contiōnem agmine ingressī cum
avum rēgem salūtāssent, secūta ex omnī multitūdine cōnsentiēns
adiuvō, -āre, -iūvī, adiūtum: help, assist, 6 grātulor, -ārī, gratulātus: congratulate, 3
adorior, -īrī, adortus: rise up, attack, 3 ingredior -gredī -gressum: step in, enter, 4
advocō (1): to summon, call to, 6 invādō, -ere, -vāsī: rush upon, attack, 4
agmen, agminis n.: column (of troops), army, 5 iter, itineris n.: way, route, path; journey, 5
āvocō (1): to call away, 1 nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7
avus, avī m.: grandfather, 3 obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, obtain, 1
cognōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nitum: recognize, know, 4 obtruncō (1): cut down, kill, 2
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 1 ostendō, -ere, ostendī: to show, 5
cōnsentiō, -īre, -sī: agree, 3 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
contio, contiōnis f.: assembly, meeting, 6 perpetrō (1): finish, execute, 2
deinceps: one after another, successively, 4 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
dictitō (1): say repeatedly, 3 salūtō (1): to greet, 2
extemplō: immediately, straightaway, 5 tyrannus, -ī m.: tyrant, 1
gignō, -ere, genuī, genitum: beget, 4

1 nec enim: for…not 8 ad sē: i.e. the boys approached Numitor

ad vim apertam: in regard to…; Romulus’ grātulantēs: pres. pple expressing purpose
forces were not as strong as King Amulius’ and advocātō conciliō: abl. abs.
therefore he could not fight Amulius openly 9 scelera…(et) orīginem, (et) caedem, sēque: all
aliīs…iussīs…pāstōribus: abl. abs.; aliīs aliō is dir. objects of ostendit; supply conjunctions
a concise way to express ‘some shepherds on in sē: against…; i.e Numitor, reflexive
one route..., other shepherds on another route…’ ut genitī (essent), ut ēducātī (essent), ut
2 certō tempore: at…; abl. time when cognitī essent: how…how…how…; three ind.
3 aliā…manū: abl. abs., manus,‘group’ questions with plpf. pass. subj. in apposition to
hostēs invāsisse…adortōs (esse) rēgiam: orīginem
that…; pf. act. and pf. dep. inf. 10 eius auctōrem: as its author; predicative acc.
6 cum…āvocā(vi)sset: Numitor is still subject; agmine: with…; i.e. a retinue; abl. manner
plpf. subj. ingressī: dep. PPP, translate as‘having Xed’
in arcem…obtinendam: for…; noun + 11 cum…salūtā(vi)ssent
gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip and 12 rēgem: as king; predicative
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. secūta: dep. PPP, translate as‘having Xed’
praesidiō armīsque: abl. means ex omnī multitūdine: i.e. from the entire
7 iuvenēs…pergere: that…; governed by vīdit assembly
perpetrātā caede: abl. abs.; i.e. Amulius’ death

6.2-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

vōx ratum nōmen imperiumque rēgī efficit. 1

3. ita Numitōrī Albānā rē permissā Rōmulum Remumque cupīdō
cēpit in iīs locīs ubi expositī ubīque ēducātī erant urbis condendae.
et supererat multitūdō Albānōrum Latīnōrumque; ad id pāstōrēs
quoque accesserant, quī omnēs facile spem facerent parvam 5
Albam, parvum Lāvīnium prae eā urbe quae conderētur fore. 4.
intervenit deinde hīs cōgitātiōnibus avītum malum, rēgnī cupīdō,
atque inde foedum certāmen coortum ā satis mītī prīncipiō.
quoniam geminī essent nec aetātis verēcundia discrīmen facere
posset, ut dī quōrum tūtēlae ea loca essent auguriīs legerent quī 10
nōmen novae urbī daret, quī conditam imperiō regeret, Palātium
Rōmulus, Remus Aventīnum ad inaugurandum templa capiunt.
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 inaugurō (1): take auspices, decide by augury, 5
Aventīnum, ī n. (us, -ī m.): Aventine hill, 4 interveniō -īre -vēnī: come between, interrupt, 5
avītus, -a, -um: ancestral, of a grandfather, 5 mītis, -e: mild, gentle, 5
cōgitātiō, -tiōnis f.: thought, reflection, 2 permittō -ere -mīsī -missum: entrust to (dat), 3
coorior, -orīrī, -ortus sum: arise, 2 prae: in front of, before (acc); compared to (abl), 6
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 prīncipium, -ī n.: beginning, 4
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 quoniam: since (now), seeing that, 5
efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: make, bring about, 2 superō (1): overcome, surpass, be above, 2
expōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: set out, 4 tūtēla, -ae f.: protection, guardianship, 4
foedus, -a, -um: ugly, foul, filthy, 4 ubīque: everywhere, in every instance, 1
geminī, -ae, -a: twin, 3 verēcundia, -ae f.: reverence, respect; modesty, 3

1 vōx: i.e. a unanimous cry or shout; Numitor’s 7 hīs cōgitātiōnibus: between…; dat. of
kingship is confirmed by voice vote compound verb
ratum: ratified; PPP reor avītum malum: an ancestral curse
rēgī: dat. of interest rēgnī cupīdō: nom. in apposition to malum
efficit: makes (x) (y); governs a double acc. (obj. 8 coortum: dep. PPP, translate as ‘having Xed’
and pred.) quoniam geminī essent…possent: since they…;
2 Numitōrī: dat. ind. obj. with permissā impf. subj. of alleged cause (cause from the
Albānā rē permissā: the Alban state…; abl. characters’ rather than narrator’s perspective)
abs. 9 aetātis verecundia: respect for age; the twins
3 iīs: eīs, demonstrative adj. could not tell who was born first
expositī (erant): plpf. pass. 10 ut d(e)ī…legerent: so that…might…; purpose
3 ubīque: et ubī… with impf. subj. legō, ‘choose’
urbis condendae: of…; noun + gerundive: quōrum tūtēlae ea loca essent: in whose
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as protection those places were; impf. subj. sum,
gerund (-ing) + obj.; objective gen. of cupīdō subordinate verb in a purpose clause
4 ad id: for this; expressing purpose quī…daret (et) quī…regeret: ind. questions
5 quī…facerent: who conceived…; rel. clause of governed by legerent
characteristic with impf. subj. 11 Palātium Rōmulus (capit et): add verb
facile: adv. 12 ad inaugurandum templa: for…; gerund
parvam (fore) Albam et parvum Lavinium… (-ing) + dir. obj.; templa can, as here, refer to
fore: that Alba (would be)…would be…; ind. ‘open spaces’ for observing auspices rather than
disc. with fut. inf. sum (equiv. to futurum esse) a building for worship
6 prae: compared to…;
quae conderētur: which…; relative with impf.
pass. subj., subordinate verb in ind. disc.
Romulus and Remus 7.1-3

7. priōrī Remō augurium vēnisse fertur, sex volturēs; iamque 1

nuntiātō auguriō cum duplex numerus Rōmulō sē ostendisset,
utrumque rēgem sua multitūdō cōnsalūtāverat: tempore illī
praeceptō, at hī numerō avium rēgnum trahēbant. 2. inde cum
altercātiōne congressī certāmine īrārum ad caedem vertuntur; ibi in 5
turbā ictus Remus cecidit. volgātior fāma est lūdibriō frātris
Rēmum novōs trānsiluisse mūrōs; inde ab īrātō Rōmulō, cum
verbīs quoque increpitāns adiēcisset, ‘sīc deinde, quīcumque alius
trānsiliet moenia mea,’ interfectum. 3. ita sōlus potītus imperiō
Rōmulus; condita urbs conditōris nōmine appellāta. 10
Palātium prīmum, in quō ipse erat ēducātus, mūniit. sacra dīs
aliīs Albānō rītū, Graecō Herculī, ut ab Evandrō īnstitūta erant,
altercātiō, -tiōnis f.: dispute, argument, 1 ostendō, -ere, ostendī: to show, 5
at: but, yet; at least, 6 potior, -īrī, potītum: take possession of (abl), 2
conditor, -tōris m.: founder, 5 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: order; take in
congredior, -ī, congressum: gather; contend, 2 advance or in anticipation, 5
consalutō (1): greet (unanimously), 1 rītus, -ūs m.: rite, ceremony, 6
duplex (duplicis): double, 3 sex: six, 4
Evander, Evandrī m.: Evander, 5 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
Graecus, -a, -um: Greek, 1 trānsiliō, -īre, -uī: jump across or over, 2
Hercules, -is m.: Hercules, 7 turba, -ae f.: crowd, throng; tumult, 4
increpitō (1): chide, rebuke, speak angrily, 1 volgātus, -a, -um: well-known, ordinary, 1
īrātus, -a, -um: angry, angered, 2 voltur, -is, m.: vulture, 1
lūdibrium, -ī n.: mockery, just, sport, 3
mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: fortify, build, 6

1 priōrī: comparative prīmus

Remō: dat. of interest or direction fāma: report, story
fertur: is reported lūdibriō frātris: as…; dat. of purpose and
2 nuntiātō auguriō: abl. abs. objective gen. (frātris is the obj. of the derision)
cum…ostendisset: plpf. subj. 7 Rēmum…trānsiluisse: that…; pf. inf.
duplex numerus: i.e. twelve inde (Rēmum) ab īrātō Rōmulō…interfectum
Rōmulō: dat. ind. obj. (esse): that…; pf. pass. inf. and abl. of agent
3 utrumque: each; acc. uterque cum…adiēcisset: plpf. subj.; verbīs is abl. of
rēgem: as…; acc. pred. means
sua: his own; an unusual nom. reflexive 8 sīc deinde: i.e. let him perish
possessive adj. with multitūdō; i.e. the followers 9 trānsiliet: 3s fut.
of each brother potītus (est): pf. dep + abl. obj.
3 tempore illī praeceptō (regnum trahēbant): 10 appellāta (est): main verb
those (lay claim to the kingship) because of time 11 ipse: he himself; i.e. Romulus, intensive
attained in advance; i.e. ‘drew the kingship to sacra…facit: he makes sacrifices; or ‘performs
their side;’tempore praeceptō is abl. of cause sacred rites,’ a common substantive in Livy
4 numerō: because of…; abl. of cause with gen. d(e)īs aliīs: dat. pl. of interest
pl. avis 12 Albānō rītū: by…; abl. of manner
5 congressī: having clashed; dep. PPP Graecō (rītū) Herculī (sacra facit): (but) by…;
certāmine īrārum: because of…; or ‘through...’ heavy ellipsis; abl. of manner and dat. interest
abl. of cause ut…īnstitūta erant: just as…; ut introduces a
6 ictus: PPP iciō clause of comparison following Graecō (rītū);
cecidit: pf. cadō; i.e. died Arcadian Evander ruled Pallanteum
7.3-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

facit. 4. Herculem in ea loca Gēryonē interemptō bovēs mīrā speciē 1

abēgisse memorant, ac prope Tiberim fluvium, quā prae sē
armentum agēns nandō trāiēcerat, locō herbidō ut quiēte et pābulō
laetō reficeret bovēs et ipsum fessum viā prōcubuisse. 5. ibi cum
eum cibō vīnōque gravātum sopor oppressisset, pāstor accola eius 5
locī, nōmine Cācus, ferōx vīribus, captus pulchritūdine boum cum
āvertēre eam praedam vellet, quia sī agendō armentum in
speluncam compulisset, ipsa vestīgia quaerentem dominum eō
dēductūra erant, āversōs bovēs eximium quemque pulchritūdine
caudīs in speluncam trāxit. 10
6. Herculēs ad prīmam aurōram somnō excitus cum gregem
perlūstrāsset oculīs et partem abesse numerō sēnsisset, pergit ad
abigō, -ere, abēgī: drive away, 1 mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7
accola, -ae f.: neighbor, 3 nō (1): swim, 1
armentum, -ī n.: herd, 3 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 6
aurōra, -ae f.: dawn, 1 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overwhelm; suppress, 6
Cācus, -ī m.: Cacus, 2 pābulum, -ī n.: food, fodder, pasture, 1
cauda, -ae f.: tail, 1 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
cibus, -ī m.: food, 1 perlūstrō (1): survey; traverse, 1
compellō, -ere, -pulī: drive back or together, 2 prae: in front of, before (acc); compared to (abl), 6
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 prōcumbō, -ere, -cubuī: lie down, fall postrate, 1
dominus, -ī m.: master, 4 pulchritūdo, -inis f.: beauty, 3
eximius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 2 quiēs, quiētis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 4
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 5 reficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: refresh, repair, 3
fluvius, -ī m.: river, 2 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
Gēryon, -onis m.: Geryon, 1 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 4
gravō (1): weigh down, oppress, aggrieve, 3 sopor, -is m.: heavy sleep, 1
grex, gregis m.: flock, herd, 3 spelunca, -ae f.: cave, 6
herbidus, -a, -um: grassy, 1 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
Hercules, -is m.: Hercules, 7 trāiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum: cross, pierce, 1
interimō, -ere, -ēmī, -emptum: take out, kill, 4 vestīgium, -ī n.: footstep, tracks; trace, 3
laetus, -a, -um: happy, fortunate; abundant, rich, 6 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7
memorō (1): to recall, mention, 5 vīnum, -ī n.: wine, 2

1 Herculem…abēgisse: that…; pf. abigō eius locī: gen. sg. demonstrate

Gēryonē interemptō: abl. abl.; in the 10th labor 6 nōmine: by…; abl. of respect
Hercules killed this three-bodied monster vīribus: in…; abl. of respect, pl. vīs
mīrā spēciē: of…; abl. of quality boum: gen. pl. bōs
2 memorant: they recall; i.e. people in general cum…vellet: impf. subj. volō, the praeda are
quā…trāiēcerat: where…; relative adv. cattle
3 nandō: by…; abl. means, gerund (-ing) 7 agendō…: abl. means, gerund (-ing)
(in) locō herbidō sī…compluisset,…dēductūra erant: if he
ut…reficeret bovēs: so that…might…; purpose had…would…; a mixed condition (sī plpf. subj.,
with impf. subj.; bovēs is acc. obj. periphrastic fut.); a periphastic fut.(fut. pple +
4 ipsum…prōcubuisse: that he himself…; ind. sum) ‘were going to X’ is equiv. to ‘would X’
disc. with pf. inf. governed by memorant above 8 eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’)
viā: from the journey; ‘from the road,’ abl. cause 9 eximium quemque: each one…; in apposition
cum…oppressisset: cum clause with plpf. subj. to pl. bovēs; pulchritūdine is abl. respect: ‘in…’
5 accola: neighboring; lit. ‘neighbor’ 12 numerō: from the group; gen. separation
Romulus 7.6-8

proximam speluncam, sī forte eō vestīgia ferrent. quae ubi omnia 1

forās versa vīdit nec in partem aliam ferre, cōnfūsus atque incertus
animī ex locō īnfēstō agere porrō armentum occēpit. 7. inde cum
actae bovēs quaedam ad dēsīderium, ut fit, relictārum mūgīssent,
reddita inclūsārum ex speluncā boum vōx Herculem convertit. 5
quem cum vādentem ad speluncam Cācus vī prohibēre cōnātus
esset, ictus clāvā fidem pāstōrum nēquīquam invōcāns morte
8. Evander tum ea, profugus ex Peloponnēsō, auctōritāte magis
quam imperiō regēbat loca, venerābilis vir mīrāculō litterārum, reī 10
novae inter rudēs artium hominēs, venerābilior dīvīnitāte crēdita
Carmentae mātris, quam fātiloquam ante Sibyllae in Ītaliam
armentum, -ī n.: herd, 3 Ītalia, -ae f.: Italy, 3
auctōritās, -tātis f.: authority, 2 littera, -ae f.: letter (of the alphabet), 1
Cācus, -ī m.: Cacus, 2 mūgiō, -īre, -īvī: moo, bellow, 1
Carmenta, -ae, f.: goddess of prophecy, 1 nēquīquam: to no purpose, in vain, 3
clāva, -ae f.: club, staff, 1 occipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -captum: begin, 2
cōnfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum: confuse, disturb, 3 occumbō, -ere, uī: fall, fall prostrate, 1
cōnor, -ārī, cōnātum: try, attempt, 3 Peloponnēsus, ī m.: Peloponnesus, 1
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsus: turn (around), 4 porrō: forward; again, in turn; furthermore, 4
dēsīderium, -iī n.: longing; grief (for a loss), 5 profugus, -ī m.: fugitive, refugee, 4
dīvīnitās, -tātis f.: divinity, 2 prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 6
Evander, Evandrī m.: Evander, 5 regō, regere, rēxī, rectum: rule, be king, 3
fātiloquus, -a, -um: prophetic, 1 rudis, -e: uncultivated, inexperienced in (gen), 3
forās: out of doors, 2 Sibylla, -ae f.: Sibyl, 1
Hercules, -is m.: Hercules, 7 spelunca, -ae f.: cave, 6
incertus, -a, -um: unreliable, doubtful, 5 vādō, -ere, -sī, -sum: go, proceed, 1
inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in/shut in, 3 venerābilis, -e: venerable, 4
invōcō (1): invoke, call on, 4 vestīgium, -ī n.: footstep, tracks; trace, 3

1 forte: abl. fors cum…cōnātus esset: plpf. dep. subj.

eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’) vī: by…, with…; irreg. abl. of manner, vīs
ubi…vīdit: when… 7 ictus: PPP iciō; i.e, Cacus
2 forās: outward; i.e. away from the cave fidem: protection; ‘assurance’ or ‘good faith’
partem: direction morte occubuit: died; ‘fell in death’
incertus animī: uncertain at heart; gen. animī 9 ea…loca: that region; ‘those places’
is common among poets but does not conform to 10 mīrāculō litterārum: in…; abl. of respect
common uses of the gen. (perhaps a locative?) following venerābilis; famed for inventing the
3 cum…mūgī(vi)ssent: plpf. subj. Roman alphabet
4 actae: (while)…; PPP, the cattle are fem. pl. reī novae: gen. in apposition to litterārum
ad dēsīderium: at…; i.e. in consequence of… inter…hominēs: gen. in apposition to litterārum
ut fit: as…; clause of comparison 11 dīvīnitāte: than…; abl. of comparison
relictārum (boum): of (those)…; i.e. bovēs 12 Carmentae mātris: Evander’s mother;
substantive from the PPP relinquō; objective modifying dīvīnitāte
gen. of dēsīderium quam: whom…; Carmenta māter is the
5 boum: gen. pl. bōs antecedent
6 quem: this one; i.e. Hercules, a connective fātiloquam: as…
relative; Latin uses a relative in transitions ante…adventum
where English prefers a demonstrative
7.8-12 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

adventum mīrātae eae gentēs fuerant. 9. is tum Evander concursū 1

pāstōrum trepidantium circā advenam manifēstae reum caedis
excitus postquam facinus facinorisque causam audīvit, habitum
fōrmamque virī aliquantum ampliōrem augustiōremque hūmānā
intuēns rogitat quī vir esset. 10. ubi nōmen patremque ac patriam 5
accēpit, ‘Iove nāte, Herculēs, salvē,’ inquit; ‘tē mihi māter,
vēridica interpres deum, auctūrum caelestium numerum cecinit,
tibique āram hīc dicātum īrī quam opulentissima ōlim in terrīs gēns
maximam vocet tuōque rītū cōlat.’ 11. dextrā Herculēs datā
accipere sē ōmen implētūrumque fāta ārā conditā ac dicātā ait. 12. 10
ibi tum prīmum bove eximiā captā dē grege sacrum Herculī,
adhibitīs ad ministerium dapemque Potītiīs ac Pīnāriīs, quae tum
adhibeō, -ēre, -buī: apply, admit, 4 grex, gregis m.: flock, herd, 3
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 6 habitus, -ūs m.: state, disposition; possession, 5
advena, ae m.: foreigner, immigrant, 7 Hercules, -is m.: Hercules, 7
aiō: say, affirm, 6 interpres, interpretis m/f.: messenger, 2
aliquantum, -ī n.: some, considerable, 5 intueor, -tuērī, -tuitus sum: look upon, 5
amplus, -a, -um: ample, full, spacious, 3 manifēstus, -a, -um: clear, evident, flagrant, 4
āra, ārae f.: altar, 6 ministerium, -ī n.: service, office, 4
augustus, -a, -um: august, majestic, 4 ōlim: once; one day, 2
canō, -ere, cecinī, cantum: sing, prophesy, 5 ōmen, ōminis n.: omen, 3
colō, -ere, coluī, cultum: cultivate; worship, 3 opulentus, -a, -um: opulent, wealthy, 5
concursus, -ūs m.: gathering; collision, charge, 5 Pīnāriī, -ōrum m.: Pinarii, 2
daps, dapis f.: feast, 2 Potītiī, -ōrum m.: Potitii, 4
dicō (1): dedicate, 4 reus, -ī m.: defendant, 1
Evander, Evandrī m.: Evander, 5 rītus, -ūs m.: rite, ceremony, 6
eximius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 2 rogitō (1): to ask, ask for, 3
facinus, -noris n.: bad deed, crime, 6 salveō, -ēre: be well; imper. hello, 2
fātum, -ī n.: fate, ruin, death, 5 trepidō (1): to tremble, be agitated, 4
fōrma, -ae, f.: shape, form, beauty, 3 vēridicus, -a, -um: truthful, 1

1 mīrātae…fuerant: equiv. to plpf. dep. mīror; 7 cecinit: pf., i.e. prophesy was often in meter
fuerat stresses the completedness of the action 8 tibi: for…; dat. of interest
eae gentēs: demonstative adj. āram…dicātum īrī: that an altar was going to
is Evander: demonstrative adj. be dedicated; or ‘would be dedicated,’ fut. pass.
2 circā: about…, concerning… inf. (acc. supine + pass. inf. eō, īre) is always
manifēstae reum caedis: as a…; reum is in impersonal (-um), but the acc., here āram, is
apposition to advenam; used in English as the subject; following cecinit
3 excitus: PPP exciō quam…vocet…colat: which…; pres. subj. of a
4 virī: i.e. of Heracles subordinate verb (relative clause) in ind. disc.;
hūmānā (fōrmā): than…; abl. of comparison the altar is called the ‘Ara Maxima’
5 quī vir esset: ind. question, impf. subj. 9 dextrā…datā: abl. abs., i.e. in oath-taking
6 Iove: from…; abl. origin Iūppiter, which 10 accipere sē ōmen: that…; ind. disc. i.e. affirms
declines Iūppiter, Iovis, Iovī, Iovem, and Iove (sē) implētūrum (esse) fāta: and that…;
nāte: son; ‘the one having been born,’ voc. dir. reflexive sē remains acc. subject
address from PPP of nāscor ārā…dicātā: abl. abs.
tē…auctūrum (esse): that…; fut. inf. augeō, 11 bove…captā dē grege: abl. abs.
caelestium numerum is dir. obj. sacrum Herculī…factum (est): a sacrifice…
mihi: dat. of possession (translate as possessive) 12 adhibitīs…Potītiīs ac Pīnāriīs: abl. abs.
Romulus 7.12-8.2

familiae maximē inclitae ea loca incolēbant, factum. 13. forte ita 1

ēvēnit ut Potītiī ad tempus praestō essent iīsque exta appōnerentur,
Pīnāriī extīs adēsīs ad cēteram venīrent dapem. inde īnstitūtum
mānsit dōnec Pīnārium genus fuit, nē extīs eōrum sollemnium
vēscerentur. 14. Potītiī ab Evandrō ēdoctī antistitēs sacrī eius per 5
multās aetātēs fuērunt, dōnec trāditō servīs pūblicīs sollemnī
familiae ministeriō genus omne Potītiōrum interiit. 15. haec tum
sacra Rōmulus ūna ex omnibus peregrīna suscēpit, iam tum
immortālitātis virtūte partae ad quam eum sua fāta dūcēbant fautor.
8. rēbus dīvīnīs rītē perpetrātīs vocātāque ad concilium 10
multitūdine quae coalēscere in populī ūnīus corpus nūllā rē
praeterquam lēgibus poterat, iūra dedit; 2. quae ita sāncta generī
adedō, -ere, -ēdī, -esus: eat up, 1 incolō, -ere, -uī: inhabit, dwell on, 2
antistes, antistis m.: priest, 4 intereō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: die, perish, 1
appōnō, -ere, -suī, -positum: place, set, 1 ministerium, -ī n.: service, office, 4
coalēscō, -ere, -ēvī: combine, coalesce, 3 perpetrō (1): finish, execute, 2
daps, dapis f.: feast, 2 Pīnāriī, -ōrum m.: Pinarii, 2
ēdoceō, -ēre, -ui: teach thoroughly, 2 Pīnārius, -a, -um: of the Pinarii (family), 1
Evander, Evandrī m.: Evander, 5 Potītiī, -ōrum m.: Potitii, 4
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 4 praestō: at hand, ready, 2
extum, -ī n.: entrails, innards, 3 praeterquam: besides, beyond; except, 4
familia, -ae f.: family, household, 3 rītē: duly, fitly, 3
fātum, -ī n.: fate, ruin, death, 5 sānctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy, 4
fautor, -ōris m.: supporter, patron, 3 suscipiō, -ere, cēpī, ceptum: undertake, take up, 7
immortālitās, -tātis f.: immortality, 2 vēscor, vēscī: to feed on, eat (abl.), 1
inclitus, -a, -um: famed, well known, 5

1 quae…familiae: which families…; relative adj. iam tum…fautor: already then a supporter of
ea…loca: that region; ‘those places’ immortality gained by valor, to which his own
forte: abl. fors fates were leading him; in apposition to
2 ēvēnit: it…; impersonal Romulus; virtūte is abl. cause; partae is PPP
ut…essent…appōnerentur: that…; noun result pariō; Romulus will later be deified
clause with impf. subj.: translate as indicative 10 rēbus…perpetrātīs: abl. abs.
ad: at… vocātā…multitūdine: abl. abs.
iīs: before…; eīs, dat. of compound verb 11 quae…poterat: multitūdine is antecedent
3 extīs adēsīs: abl. abs. 11 populī ūnīus: of…; ūnīus is gen. sg. ūnus
ad cēteram dapem: for the rest of the feast nūllā rē: by no means, in no way; abl. of means
4 mānsit: it remained; impers.; īnstitūtum is a 12 iūra: rules of law; i.e. law in general, which
PPP and nom. pred. can be written or unwritten
nē…vēscerentur: that (they)…not…; ind. quae…fore: that these…; ind. disc. with fut. inf.
command; the Pinarii are the subject sum (equiv. to futurum esse); quae is a
eōrum sollemnium: gen. pl. sollemnis refers to connective relative and refers to the laws; sāncta
the rites or sacrifices is neut. pl. pred.; all governed by ratus (est)
sacrī eius: i.e the sacrifice; eius is demonstrative generī…agrestī: to…; dat. of reference (point of
6 trāditō…sollemnī ministeriō: abl. abs., view) or interest; genus refers to ‘race’ or
sollemnī is an i-stem abl. with ministeriō ‘group’
8 ūna: alone; modifies neut. haec sacra

8.2-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

hominum agrestī fore ratus, sī sē ipse venerābilem īnsignibus 1

imperiī fēcisset, cum cēterō habitū sē augustiōrem, tum maximē
līctōribus duodecim sūmptīs fēcit. 3. aliī ab numerō avium quae
auguriō rēgnum portenderant eum secūtum numerum putant: mē
haud paenitet eōrum sententiae esse quibus et appāritōrēs hoc 5
genus ab Etrūscīs fīnitimīs, unde sella curūlis, unde toga praetexta
sūmpta est, <et> numerum quoque ipsum ductum placet, et ita
habuisse Etrūscōs quod ex duodecim populīs commūniter creātō
rēge singulōs singulī populī līctōrēs dederint.
4. crēscēbat interim urbs mūnītiōnibus alia atque alia appetendō 10
loca, cum in spem magis futūrae multitūdinis quam ad id quod tum
hominum erat mūnīrent. 5. deinde nē vāna urbis magnitūdo esset,
agrestis, -e: of the fields, rural; farmer, ruralfolk, 4 placet, -uit: it is pleasing, it is resolved, 5
appāritor, -ōris f.: attendant (free-born), guard, 3 portendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: foretell, 7
appetō, -ere, -īvī, -petītus: seek, aim for, 1 praetextus, -a, -um: bordered, 1
augustus, -a, -um: august, majestic, 4 pūtō (1): to think, consider, 4
curūlis, -e: curule, 2 sella, -ae f.: chair, 2
duodecim: twelve, 6 sententia, -ae f.: opinion, thought, feeling, 4
habitus, -ūs m.: state, disposition; possession, 5 sūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take (up), chose, 6
interim: meanwhile, in the meantime, 5 toga, -ae f.: toga, 1
mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: fortify, build, 6 vānus, -a, -um: in vain, useless, worthless, false, 7
mūnītio, -iōnis f.: fortification, entrenchment, 3 venerābilis, -e: venerable, 4
paenitet, -ēre, -uit: it makes (acc) feel regret, 4

1 ratus (est): dep. pf. 5 unde sella curūlis (sūmpta est): a chair used by
sī…fēcisset: if…; plpf. subj. facio; subj. of a officials
subordinate verb in ind. disc.; (originally, fut. 7 <et> numerum…ductum (esse): and that…;
more vivid); with a double acc. (obj. and pred.) 2nd ind. disc. with pf. pass. inf governed by
ipse: he himself placet; diamond brackets indicate an addition
īnsignibus: with emblems; means made by the modern editor
2 cum cēterō habitū: with a different disposition; ita habuisse Etrūscōs: and that the Etruscans
i.e. his outward behavior considered thus; the explanation is that there are
sē augustiōrem…fēcit: the verb governs a 12 lictors because there are 12 Etruscan cities
double acc. (obj. and pred.) 8 quod…dederint: because…; 3p pf. subj. dō,
3 līctōribus sūmptīs: abl. abs. subj. of alleged cause;
4 auguriō: abl. means creātō rēge: abl. abs.
eum secūtum (esse) numerum: that he…; pf. singulōs…līctōrēs: individual…; acc. dir. obj.
dep. inf. sequor; Romulus is subject 10 mūnītiōnibus: in…; abl. respect or means
mē…paenitet: I…regret the opinion.; ‘it makes alia atque alia…loca: pl. loca often means a sg.
me regret of the opinion,’ impers. verb with acc. ‘region’
of the person feeling and gen. of the obj. of the appetendō: abl. means, gerund (-ing)
feeling; i.e. I find the opinion reasonable 11 cum…magis…mūnīrent: since…; causal
5 eōrum…quibus…placet: of those for whom…; in spem…futūrae multitūdinis: fut. pple. sum
relative with dat. of interest governed by placet quam: than…; clause of comparison after magis
esse…et appāritōrēs hoc genus…fīnitimīs: ad id quod (numerus) hominum…erat: for
both that attendants of this type are…; ind. disc. that which…; ad expressing purpose
‘ governed by placet; hoc genus is adverbial acc. 12 nē…esset: so that…might not…; neg. purpose
i.e. these customs come from the Etruscans clause

Romulus 8.5-9.1

adiciendae multitūdinis causā vetere cōnsiliō condentium urbēs, 1

quī obscūram atque humilem conciendō ad sē multitūdinem nātam
ē terrā sibi prōlem ēmentiēbantur; locum quī nunc saeptus
ēscendentibus inter duōs lūcōs est asȳlum aperit. 6. eō ex fīnitimīs
populīs turba omnis sine discrīmine, līber an servus esset, avida 5
novārum rērum perfūgit, idque prīmum ad coeptam magnitūdinem
rōboris fuit.
7. cum iam vīrium haud paenitēret, cōnsilium deinde vīribus
parat. centum creat senātōrēs, sīve quia is numerus satis erat, sīve
quia sōlī centum erant quī creārī patrēs possent. patrēs certē ab 10
honōre patriciīque prōgeniēs eōrum appellātī.
9. iam rēs Rōmāna adeō erat valida ut cuilibet fīnitimārum
an: or (in questions), 7 patricius, -a, -um: patrician, 1
Asȳlum, -ī n.: Asylum; refuge, sanctuary 2 perfugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee, take refuge, 1
avidus, -a, -um: eager, greedy, desirous for 1 prōgenies, -eī f.: offspring, descendent, 3
concieō, -ēre, -īī: rouse, provoke stir up, 3 prōles, -is f.: offspring, 3
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 quilibet, quae-, quod-: anyone you please, 2
ēmentior, -īrī, ēmentitum: lie, pretend, 1 rōbor, rōboris n.: oak; strength, 5
ēscendō, -ere, -dī: ascend, 2 saepiō –īre, saepsī, saeptum: to hedge, fence in, 2
humilis, -e: lowly, humble, 3 senātor, -ōris m.: senator, 1
lūcus, -ī m.: grove, 7 sīve (seu): or if, whether if, 2
obscūrus, -a, -um: dim, obscure, indistinct, 3 turba, -ae f.: crowd, throng; tumult, 4
paenitet, -ēre, -uit: it makes (acc) feel regret, 4 validus, -a, -um: strong, powerful, 5

1 adiciendae…causā: for the sake of…; causā + question in apposition to discrīmine

preceding gen. is a common preposition; noun + 6 novārum rērum: for new circumstances; else
gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip and ‘of political changes’ or ‘of revolution’
translation as gerund (-ing) + obj. idque prīmum…fuit: and this was the first step
condentium urbēs: of (those)…; gen. pl. pres. toward…
pple and obj.; antecedent of the quī that follows 8 cum..paenitēret: since he regretted+ gen.; ‘it
2 obscūram...conciendō...multitūdinem: for...; made (him) regret of,’ causal cum clause with
dat. of purpose rather than abl. of means or impersonal verb with acc. of person feeling and
cause, gerund (-ing) and obj. gen. of the obj. of the feeling
nātam (esse)…prōlem: that…; ind. disc.; sibi is vīrium: gen. pl. vīs; i.e. of the multitude
dat. of interest or dat. of possession; i.e. the idea vīribus: for…; dat. ind. obj.; vīs
that one’s ancestors are prōles, ‘offspring,’ that 9 sīve…sīve…: whether…or
sprang from the earth 10 patrēs: here synonymous with senātōrēs
3 locum: i.e. the Asylum, the ridge between the patrēs certē ab honōre (appellātī sunt): they…
two peaks of the Capitoline hill patrēs is nom. pred.
quī…saeptus…est: pres. pf. pass. in English ab: as a result of
4 ēscendentibus: for (those)…; dat. of interest; 11 patriciī prōgeniēs eōrum appellātī (sunt):
supply collem, ‘hill,’ as obj. prōgeniēs is subject and patriciī is nom. pred.
asȳlum: as a sanctuary; predicative; the name 12 Rēs Rōmāna: the Roman state
of the place, Asylum, and its later as a sanctuary adeō: adv. (cf. adhūc; ad, ‘to’ + eō ‘to there,’
gives rise to our use of the word today often means ‘so far,’ ‘so,’ or ‘to such an extent’
eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’) ut…esset: that…; result with impf. subj. sum
5 līber an servus esset: (whether) he…; ind. cuilibet: dat. of special adjective, here pār

9.1-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

cīvitātum bellō pār esset; sed pēnūriā mulierum hominis aetātem 1

dūrātūra magnitūdo erat, quippe quibus nec domī spēs prōlis nec
cum fīnitimīs cōnūbia essent. 2. tum ex cōnsiliō patrum Rōmulus
lēgātōs circā vīcīnās gentēs mīsit quī societātem cōnūbiumque
novō populō peterent: 3. urbēs quoque, ut cētera, ex īnfimō nāscī; 5
dein, quās sua virtūs ac dī iuvent, magnās opēs sibi magnumque
nōmen facere; 4. satis scīre, orīginī Rōmānae et deōs adfuisse et
nōn dēfutūram virtūtem; proinde nē gravārentur hominēs cum
hominibus sanguinem ac genus miscēre.
5. nusquam benignē lēgātiō audīta est: adeō simul spernēbant, 10
simul tantam in mediō crēscentem mōlem sibi ac posterīs suīs
metuēbant. ac plērīsque rogitantibus dīmissī ecquod fēminīs
adsum, -esse, -fuī: be present, assist, 6 misceō, -ēre, -uī, mīxtum: mix, mingle, 5
benignus, -a, -um: kind, kindly, 7 mōlēs, -is f.: mass; burden, magnitude; labor, 3
cōnūbium, -ī n.: marriage, right of marriage, 5 nusquam: nowhere, 2
dein: then, next, 2 pēnūria, -ae f.: need, want, 1
dēsum, -esse, -fuī: be lacking, fail (dat), 6 plērusque, plēra-, plērum-: very many, most, 3
dīmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: dismiss, 2 proinde: then, therefore, consequently, 3
dūrō (1): endure, last, 1 prōles, -is f.: offspring, 3
ecquī, -qua, -quod: any, is there any?, 1 rogitō (1): to ask, ask for, 3
fēmina, -ae f.: woman, 2 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
gravō (1): weigh down, oppress, aggrieve, 3 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, association, 7
iuvō (1): help, assist, aid; iuvat, it is pleasing, 3 spernō, -ere, sprēvī: spurn, reject, 3
lēgātio, -ōnis f.: envoy, ambassador, legate, 2 vīcīnus, -a, -um: neighboring, 6
metuō, -ere, -uī: to fear, dread, 1

1 bellō: in…; abl. respect 7 satis (esse) scīre: that (it is) …; i.e. there is
pēnūriā: because of…; abl. cause sufficient evidence
aetātem: for (one) lifetime…; acc. of duration orīginī…deōs adfuisse: that…; pf. adsum in
2 dūrātūra erat: periphrastic fut. (fut. pple + ind. disc.governed by scīre; dat. of compound
impf. sum) verb
quibus…essent: (for those) for whom; i.e. ‘for 8 nōn dēfutūram (esse) virtūtem: that…; ind.
whomever,’ a relative clause of characteristic disc. with fut. inf.
with impf. subj. sum; dat. of interest nē gravārentur…: that the people not be
domī: at…; locative reluctant + inf.; ‘be weighed down,’ negative
4 quī…peterent: who would…; a relative clause ind. command
of purpose (quī = ut eī) 10 simul…simul…: both…and at the same time
5 novō populō: with…; abl. of association or dat. in mediō: in their midst
of interest sibi ac posterīs suīs: for…; dat. of interest
urbēs…nāscī: that…; a series of ind. disc. 12 plērīsque rogitantibus: abl. abs. the plērīsque
explaining what the envoys said; pres. dep. inf. refer to the cities approached by the envoys
nāscor dīmissī: (those)…; PPP, i.e. the rejected Roman
ut cētera: just as…; clause of comparison envoys; subject of aperuissent in ind. question
6 dein (urbēs) quās…iuvent: then (the cities) ecquod...asȳlum aperuissent: had…any
which…; a relative clause of characteristic with asylum…; ind. question with plpf. subj.
pres. subj., the missing antecedent is acc. subj. governed by rogitantibus; ecquod is an
of facere in ind. disc. interrogative adj.
sibi: dat. interest

Romulus 9.5-9.9

quoque asȳlum aperuissent; id enim dēmum compār cōnūbium 1

fore. 6. aegrē id Rōmāna pūbēs passa et haud dubiē ad vim spectāre
rēs coepit.
cui tempus locumque aptum ut daret, Rōmulus aegritūdinem
animī dissimulāns lūdōs ex industriā parat Neptūnō equestrī 5
sollemnēs; Cōnsuālia vocat. 7. indicī deinde fīnitimīs spectāculum
iubet; quantōque apparātū tum sciēbant aut poterant, concelebrant
ut rem clāram exspectātamque facerent. 8. multī mortālēs
convēnēre, studiō etiam videndae novae urbis, maximē proximī
quīque, Caenīnēnsēs, Crustuminī, Antemnātēs; 9. iam Sabīnōrum 10
omnis multitūdō cum līberīs ac coniugibus vēnit. invītātī
hospitāliter per domōs cum situm moeniaque et frequentem tēctīs
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, injured; adv. poorly, 6 dissimulō (1): conceal, feign, dissemble, 1
aegritūdo, -inis f.: injury, sickness, affliction, 1 equester, -stris, -stre: equestrian, 2
Antemnātēs, -ium m.: Amtemnates, inhabitants of exspectō (1): look out for, wait for, await, 4
Amtemnae, 4 frequēns, frequentis: crowded, busy, 6
apparātus, -ūs m.: equipment, provision, 1 hospitāliter: hospitably, 1
aptus, -a, -um: fitting, suitable for (dat.), 6 industria, -ae f.: diligence, exertion, 3
Asȳlum, -ī n.: Asylum; refuge, 2 invītō (1): to invite, summon, 2
Caenīnēnsēs, -ium m.: Caeninenses (people), 3 lūdus, -ī m.: game, play, sport; school, 5
clārus, -a, -um: clear, distinguished, famous, 6 mortālis, -e: mortal, 6
compār (gen. compāris): equal, peer, 1 Neptūnus, -ī m.: Neptune, 1
concelebrō (1): celebrate, 1 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
coniūnx -ūgis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 6 situs, -ūs m.: site, position; situation, 3
Cōnsuālia, -ōrum n.: Consualia (festival), 1 spectō (1): to watch, look at, 6
cōnūbium, -ī n.: marriage, right of marriage, 5 studium, -ī n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 5
Crustuminī, -ōrum m.: Crustumini (people), 5 tēctum, -ī n.: roof; dwelling, home, shelter, 6
dēmum: at length, finally, 2

1 id…fore: (they say) that it…; fore is fut. inf. 6 (ludōs) vocat: he calls (the games)…; governs a
sum (equiv. to futūrum esse); the speech of the double acc.
neighboring cities to the envoys has shifted from indicī…spectāculum: that…be declared; ind.
ind. question to ind. disc. disc.
compār cōnūbium: i.e. a marriage between 7 quantōque apparātū…poterant: with as much
peers provisions as…; a relative clause
2 aegrē: poorly ut…facerent: so that…might…; purpose with
passa (est): pf. dep. patior; id is acc. obj. impf. subj.; the verb governs a double accusative
spectāre: to look to; i.e. be inclined to a 8 exspectātam: (eagerly) expected
certain direction of action 9 convēnēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.
3 rēs: the situation; nom. studiō: with…; abl. of cause
4 cui…ut daret: so that he might…; purpose videndae novae urbis: for…; noun + gerundive;
clause with unusual order perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as
cui: for this; i.e. for the violence; a connective a gerund (ing) + obj.; objective gen. with studiō
relative and dat of special adj. proximī quīque (convenērunt): add verb
aegritūdinem: i.e. resentment 11 invitātī: (those)…; PPP, subject of the cum
animī: gen. sg.: found among poets but does not clause below
conform to common usage (perhaps a locative?) 12 cum…vīdisset
5 Neptūnō equestrī: dat. ind. obj.; horses are tēctīs: abl. means with frequentem
sacred to Neptune
9.9-13 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

urbem vīdissent, mīrantur tam brevī rem Rōmānam crēvisse. 10. ubi 1
spectāculī tempus vēnit dēditaeque eō mentēs cum oculīs erant,
tum ex compositō orta vīs signōque datō iuventūs Rōmāna ad
rapiendās virginēs discurrit. 11. magna pars forte in quem quaeque
inciderat raptae: quāsdam fōrmā excellentēs, prīmōribus patrum 5
dēstinātās, ex plēbe hominēs quibus datum negōtium erat domōs
dēferēbant. 12. ūnam longē ante aliās speciē ac pulchritūdine
īnsignem ā globō Thalassī cuiusdam raptam ferunt multīsque
scīscitantibus cuinam eam ferrent, identidem nē quis violāret
Thalassiō ferrī clāmitātum; inde nūptiālem hanc vōcem factam. 13. 10
turbātō per metum lūdicrō maestī parentēs virginum profugiunt,
incūsantēs violātī hospitiī foedus deumque invocantēs cuius ad
brevis, -e: short, brief, 5 lūdicrum, -ī n.: game, sport, exhibition, 4
clāmitō (1): call out (repeatedly), 2 maestus, -a, -um: grief-stricken, gloomy, 4
compositum, -ī n.: agreement, compact, 4 mēns, mentis f.: mind, intent, purpose, 4
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry away, bring, 5 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, 4
dēstinō (1): to intend, design, 2 nūptiālis, -e: of marriage, 1
discurrō, -ere, -currī: run about, 1 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 6
excellō, -ere, -uī: excel, 1 profugiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: flee, escape, 2
fōrma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 pulchritūdo, -inis f.: beauty, 3
globus, -ī n.: crowd, throng, group; ball, sphere, 3 quīnam, quae-, quid-: just who/what?, 2
hospitium, ī n.: guest-friendship/hospitality, 6 sciscitor, -ārī, -ātum: examine, inquire, 4
identidem: repeatedly, 2 Thalassius, -ī m.: Thalassius, 2
incidō, -ere, -cīdī: fall into/upon; happen, 5 turbō (1): throw in confusion, disturb, 5
incūsō (1): to accuse, complain of, 1 violō (1): to do violence to, violate, 5
invōcō (1): invoke, call on, 4 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, virgin, 6
iuventūs, -tūtis f.: youth, 5

1 tam brevī (tempore): in…; abl. time when 7 ūnam (virginem)

rem Rōmānam crēvisse: that the Roman state... ante: i.e. excelled, stood out
pf. inf. crēscō speciē ac pulchritūdine: in…; abl. of respect
2 dēditae…erant: plpf. pass. dedō 8 ā globō Thalassī cuiusdam: by…; abl. agent;
eō: dat. ind. obj. demonstrative; i.e. the spectacle i.e. acting on behalf of a man named Thalassius
ex compositō: by agreement ferunt: carry off
orta (est) vīs: pf. dep. orior, vīs is fem. sg. multīsque scīscitantibus: abl. abs.
3 signō datō: abl. abs.; perhaps a gesture from 9 cuinam…ferrent: ind. quest. with impf. subj.
Romulus nē quis…violāret: lest anyone…; ‘so that…not’
ad rapiendās virginēs: for…; noun + gerundive neg. purpose clause; quis is indefinite
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as 10 (eam) Thalassiō ferrī: that she was being
gerund (-ing) + obj. carried to Thalassius; following clāmitātum
4 magna pars: i.e. of the virginēs clāmitātum (est): they…; ‘it was shouted
forte: abl. fors repeatedly’ impers. pf. pass.: translate in the
quaeque: each one active in English
5 raptae (sunt) nūptiālem…factam (esse): that…; 2nd ind. disc.
quāsdam: some governed by clāmitātum est; ‘Thalassio’ was
fōrmā: in…; abl. respect commonly shouted at weddings in Livy’s time
prīmōribus: for…; dat. of interest 11 turbātō…lūdicrō: abl. abs.
6 quibus…datum erat: to whom…; relative 12 violātī hospitiī foedus: the pact of…; example
domōs: to…; acc. place to which of hypallage: read ‘violātum hospitiī foedus’
Romulus 9.13-16

sollemne lūdōsque per fās ac fidem dēceptī vēnissent. 14. nec raptīs 1
aut spēs dē sē melior aut indignātiō est minor.
sed ipse Rōmulus circumībat docēbatque patrum id superbiā
factum quī cōnūbium fīnitimīs negāssent; illās tamen in
mātrimōniō, in societāte fortūnārum omnium cīvitātisque et quō 5
nihil cārius hūmānō generī sit līberum fore; 15. mollīrent modo īrās
et, quibus fors corpora dedisset, darent animōs; saepe ex iniūriā
postmodum grātiam ortam; eōque meliōribus ūsūrās virīs quod
adnīsūrus prō sē quisque sit ut, cum suam vicem functus officiō sit,
parentium etiam patriaeque expleat dēsīderium. 16. accēdēbant 10
blanditiae virōrum, factum pūrgantium cupiditāte atque amōre,
quae maximē ad muliebre ingenium efficācēs precēs sunt.
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 indignātiō, -tiōnis f.: indignity, outrage, 2
adnītor, -ī adnīxum/sum: strive, make an effort, 1 lūdus, -ī m.: game, play, sport; school, 5
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, passion, 5 mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6
blanditia, -ae f.: flattery, 1 melior, melius: better, 5
cārus, -a, -um: dear, precious, costly, 2 molliō, -īre, -īvī: soften, calm, mollify, 1
circumeō, -īre, -iī: go around, canvass, 2 negō (1): to deny, say that…not, 5
cōnūbium, -ī n.: marriage, right of marriage, 5 officium, -iī, n.: duty, service, 3
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, ambition, 6 postmodum: afterwards, shortly, 1
dēcipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: deceive, 1 precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7
dēsīderium, -iī n.: longing; grief (for a loss), 5 pūrgō (1): excuse, apology; clear away, cleanse, 3
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctus: teach, tell, 3 saepe: often, 2
efficax (efficacis): effective, efficacious, 2 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, partnership, 7
expleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum: fulfull, fill out, 4 superbia, -ae f.: arrogance, pride, 6
fās n.: right, righteousness, divine law, 6 ūtor, ūtī, usum: use, enjoy (abl.), 3
fungor, -ī, functum: perform (abl.), 3 vicis, -is f.: turn, exchange; office; -em, in turn, 6
grātia, -ae f.: gratitude, favor, influence, thanks, 6

1 per fās ac fidem: on the pretext of…; per + acc. subj.; subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
can express the alleged reason for an action (ut) darent: (that) they should; see above
nec…aut…aut…: nor…either…or… animōs: hearts; ‘minds’; Romulus wants the
raptīs: to (those)…; PPP rapiō, i.e. the virginēs women to submit willingly
3 patrum id…factum (esse): that it…; ind. disc. saepe…grātiam ortam (esse): that…; pf. orior
with pf. pass. inf. 8 eō…quod: because of this…(namely) because…
superbiā: because of…; abl. cause meliōribus ūsūrās (esse) virīs: that (they)…;
4 quī…negā(vi)sset: who…; plpf. subj.; subj. of a ind. disc. with fut. inf. ūtor + abl. obj.
subordinate verb in ind. disc. adnīsūrus sit: is going…; periphrastic fut. subj.
illās…fore: that those…; fut. inf. sum 9 prō sē quisque: each (husband) for his part
5 fortūnārum, cīvitātiseque, et…līber(ōr)um: ‘each according to his own ability’
all gen. pl. modifying societāte; līberī, ‘children’ ut…expleat: that he…; result
quō…sit: than which…; relative with pres. subj. suam vicem: in his turn; adverbial acc.
sum of a subordinate verb in ind. disc.; abl. of functus sit: pf. dep. fungor + abl.
comparison; the antecedent is līber(ōr)um 10 parentium…dēsīderium: (the women’s)
cārius: neut. comparative, nom. pred. longing for…; objective gen.
6 hūmānō generī: to…; dat. of reference accēdēbant: i.e. come after Romulus’ speech
(ut) mollīrent: (that) they should…; ind. 11 factum: the deed; i.e. the kidnapping; acc. obj.
command without ut; a jussive in dir. speech pūrgantium: pres. pple modifying virōrum
7 quibus…dedisset: (to those) to whom…; plpf. 12 ad…: for a woman’s heart
10.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

10. iam admodum mītigātī animī raptīs erant; at raptārum 1

parentēs tum maximē sordidā veste lacrimīsque et querellīs
cīvitātēs concitābant. nec domī tantum indignātiōnēs continēbant
sed congregābantur undique ad T. Tatium rēgem Sabīnōrum, et
lēgātiōnēs eō quod maximum Tatī nōmen in iīs regiōnibus erat 5
conveniēbant. 2. Caenīnēnsēs Crustuminīque et Antemnātēs erant
ad quōs eius iniūriae pars pertinēbat. lentē agere hīs Tatius
Sabīnīque vīsī sunt: ipsī inter sē trēs populī commūniter bellum
parant. 3. nē Crustuminī quidem atque Antemnātēs prō ārdōre
īrāque Caenīnēnsium satis sē impigrē movent; ita per sē ipsum 10
nōmen Caenīnum in agrum Rōmānum impetum facit. 4. sed effūsē
vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitū Rōmulus levīque certāmine
admodum: to the limit, in full measure, 1 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 5
Antemnātēs, -ium m.: Amtemnates, inhabitants of lēgātiō, -ōnis f.: embassy, envoy, 2
Amtemnae, 4 lentus, -a, -um: slow, 1
ārdor, ardōris m.: ardor, passion, 2 levis, -e: light, 1
at: but, yet; at least, 6 mītigō (1): soften, 2
Caenīnēnsēs, -ium m.: Caeninenses (people), 3 obvius, -a, -um: in the way of (dat), 5
Caeninus, -a, -um: of Caenina (town), 1 pertineō, -ēre, -tinuī: pertain to; reach, 5
concitō (1): stir up, incite, impel, 4 querella, -ae f.: complaint, 3
congregō (1): gather together, assemble, 1 sordidus, -a, -um: dirty, 3
contineō, -ēre, -uī, -tum: hold together, confine, 4 T.: Titus, 3
Crustuminī, -ōrum m.: Crustumini (people), 5 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 4
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 vastō (1): lay waste, 1
impiger, -gra, -grum: active, energetic, quick, 2 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 4
indignātiō, -tiōnis f.: indignity, outrage, 2

1 raptīs: (the ones)…; dat. of possession, PPP the word inbetween, but here both subjects; both
raptārum: of (the ones)…; PPP rapiō move too slowly for the Caeninenses
2 nec…tantum…sed: not only…but (also) prō: in proportion to…, for…
domī: at…; locative 10 satis: adv.
5 eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’) per sē: by themselves
quod: because 11 nōmen Caenīnum: people of Caenina; i.e. all
iīs: eīs, demonstrative who carry the name of Caenina
6 eius iniūriae: of this…; gen. demonstrative adj. in: against…; agrum here means ‘land’ or
7 agere: to act ‘territory’ instead of simply ‘field’
eīs: to…; dat. of reference (their viewpoint) effūsē: widely; ‘spead out’
8 vīsī sunt: seemed 12 vastantibus: to (those)…; i.e. the Caeninenses,
ipsī…trēs populī: the neighbors acted without dat. of interest
the Sabines because they thought the Sabines fit obvius: comes in their way
were not reacting fast enough levī certāmine: in…; abl. of means
9 nē…quidem: not even…; usually emphasizing

Romulus 10.4-6

docet vānam sine vīribus īram esse. exercitum fundit fugatque, 1

fūsum persequitur: rēgem in proeliō obtruncat et spoliat: 5. duce
hostium occīsō urbem prīmō impetū capit.
inde exercitū victōre reductō, ipse cum factīs vir magnificus tum
factōrum ostentātor haud minor, spolia ducis hostium caesī 5
suspēnsa fabricātō ad id aptē ferculō gerēns in Capitōlium
ēscendit; ibique ea cum ad quercum pāstōribus sacram dēposuisset,
simul cum dōnō dēsignāvit templō Iovis fīnēs cognōmenque
addidit deō: 6. ‘Iūppiter Ferētrī’ inquit, ‘haec tibi victor Rōmulus
rēx rēgia arma ferō, templumque hīs regiōnibus quās modo animō 10
mētātus sum dēdicō, sēdem opīmīs spoliīs quae rēgibus ducibusque
hostium caesīs mē auctōrem sequentēs posterī ferent.’
aptus, -a, -um: fitting, suitable for (dat.), 6 fugō (1): to put to flight, 1
caedō, -ere, cecīdī, caesum: kill, slaughter, 5 magnificus, -a, -um: magnificent, splendid, 1
Capitōlium, -ī n.: Capitolium, 4 mētor, -ārī, -ātum: mark, lay out, 1
cognōmen, -minis n.: nickname, 7 obtruncō (1): cut down, kill, 2
dēdicō (1): to dedicate, consecrate, 2 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 5
dēpōnō, -ere, -posuī: put down, put aside, 2 opīmus, -a, -um: honorable, splended, rich 2
dēsignō (1): to mark out, designate, 2 ostentātor, -ōris m.: braggart, vaunter, 1
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctus: teach, tell, 3 persequor, -ī, -secūtus: follow, pursue, 3
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 quercus, -ūs f.: oak, 1
ēscendō, -ere, -dī: ascend, 2 redūcō, -ere, -xī, -ctus: lead/bring back, 2
fabricor, -ārī, -ātus sum: make, fashion, 1 spoliō (1): to despoil, plunder, 2
ferculum, -ī n.: frame, 1 suspendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: hang up, 5
Ferētrius, -ī m.: Feretrius (of trophies), 2 vānus, -a, -um: in vain, useless, worthless, false, 7

1 vānam…īram esse: that… 7 ea: i.e. spolia; demonstrative, obj. of dēposuisset

vīribus: abl. pl., vīs cum…dēposuisset: plpf. subj.
2 (exercitum) fūsum: PPP fundō; supply the noun pāstōribus: dat. of reference (in the eyes of…)
duce…occīsō: abl. abs. 8 cum dōnō: with his offering
3 prīmō impetū: in…; abl. time when templō Iovis: for…; dat. of purpose and gen.
4 exercitū victōre…reductō: the victorious Iūppiter
army…; abl. abl. 9 Iūppiter Ferētrī: voc. dir. address
ipse: he himself; i.e. Romulus, intensive 10 hīs regiōnibus: i.e. place marked-off for the
cum...tum…: both…and… temple; dat. ind. obj.
factīs: in deeds; abl. respect; substantive quās…mētātus sum: which…; pf. dep. mētor
5 factōrum: of deeds (in) animō
spolia…suspēnsa: i.e. the armor removed from 11 sēdem: in apposition to templum
the king several lines earlier opīmīs spoliīs: for…; dat. interest; Opima spolia
ducis…caesī: PPP caedō is thereafter the term for the arms and armor
6 facbricātō…ferculō: on a…; abl. means or taken off a vanguished general on the battlefield
place where, governed by suspēnsa quae…ferent: which…; fut., i.e. to same place
ad id: for this (purpose) rēgibus ducibusque…caesīs: abl. abs., caedō
gerens: carrying; spolia is obj.; Livy notes that 12 auctōrem: as…; acc. pred.
Romulus carried it himself posterī: those hereafter; i.e. future generations

10.7-11.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

7. haec templī est orīgō quod prīmum omnium Rōmae sacrātum est. 1
ita deinde dīs vīsum nec inritam conditōris templī vōcem esse quā
lātūrōs eō spolia posterōs nuncupāvit nec multitūdine compotum
eius dōnī volgārī laudem. bīna posteā, inter tot annōs, tot bella,
opīma parta sunt spolia: adeō rāra eius fortūna decoris fuit. 5
11. dum ea ibi Rōmānī gerunt, Antemnātium exercitus per
occāsiōnem ac sōlitūdinem hostīliter in fīnēs Rōmānōs
incursiōnem facit. raptim et ad hōs Rōmāna legiō ducta palātōs in
agrīs oppressit. 2. fūsī igitur prīmō impetū et clāmōre hostēs,
oppidum captum; duplicīque victōriā ovantem Rōmulum Hersilia 10
coniūnx precibus raptārum fatīgāta ōrat ut parentibus eārum det
veniam et in cīvitātem accipiat: ita rem coalēscere concordiā posse.
Antemnātēs, -ium m.: Amtemnates, inhabitants of legiō, legiōnis f.: legion, 7
Amtemnae, 4 nuncupō (1): call, name, 3
bīnī, -ae, -a: two each, two by two, 4 occāsio, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 4
coalēscō, -ere, -ēvī: combine, coalesce, 3 opīmus, -a, -um: rich, 2
compos (compotis): partaking of, possessing, 2 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overwhelm; suppress, 6
concordia, -ae f.: concord, harmony, 2 ōrō (1): plead, pray (for), entreat, 5
conditor, -tōris m.: founder, 5 ovō (1): exult in, rejoice in, 3
coniūnx -ūgis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 6 palor, -ārī, -ātum: scatter, wander, 1
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 posteā: after this, afterwards, 5
dum: while, as long as, until, 6 precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7
duplex (duplicis): double, 3 raptim: suddenly, quickly, 2
fatīgō (1): to tire out, weary, exhaust, 1 rārus, -a, -um: rare; scattered, far apart, 2
Hersilia, -ae f.: Hersilia, 1 sacrō (1): make sacred, consecrate, dedicate, 4
hostīlis, -e: of an enemy, hostile, 3 solitūdō, solitūdinis f.: wilderness, solitude, 3
incursiō, -iōnis f.: incursion, 2 tot: so many, 5
inritus, -a, -um: ineffective, in vain, 1 venia, -ae f.: mercy, indulgence, favor, 3
laus, laudis f.: praise, adulation, 2 volgō (1): make common, prostitute, publish, 3

1 haec: this is… adeō: adv.

Rōmae: at…; locative eius…decoris: of this…; gen. demonstrative
2 dīs vīsum (est)…laudem: it seemed (good) to 6 ea: these things; obj.
the gods neither that the voice of the founder of 8 ad hōs: against…
the temple was ineffective, by which (voice) he ducta: drawn up
declared that those hereafter will bring spoils palātōs: (those)…; i.e. the enemy, dep. PPP
there, nor that the praise of that gift was made palor and obj. of oppressit
common by a multitude of partakers; i.e. the 9 fūsī (sunt): pf. pass. fundō, ‘spread,’ but here
dedication of the Opimia Spolia became a ‘rout’ or ‘turn away’
tradition but a rare one in Roman history 10 oppidum captum (est): i.e. Amtemnae
nec…nec…: neither…nor… duplicī victōriā: because of…; abl. cause with
inritam…esse: that…; i-stem 3rd decl. abl.
quā…nuncupāvit: by which,… 11 raptārum: of (those)…; PPP rapiō, i.e. the
3 latūrōs (esse)…posterōs: that…; fut. inf. ferō virginēs, who are now Roman wives
eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’) ut…det…accipiat: that…; ind. command
multitūdine…volgārī laudem: that…; pass. inf. 12 ita rem…posse: (and) that the state…; ind.
5 parta sunt: were gained; ‘were produced,’ pf. disc. following ind. command
pass. pariō

Romulus 11.2-7

3.facile impetrātum. 1
inde contrā Crustuminōs profectus bellum īnferentēs. ibi minus
etiam quod aliēnīs clādibus ceciderant animī certāminis fuit. 4.
utrōque colōniae missae: plūrēs inventī quī propter ūbertātem
terrae in Crustuminum nōmina darent. et Rōmam inde frequenter 5
migrātum est, ā parentibus maximē ac propinquīs raptārum.
5. novissimum ab Sabīnīs bellum ortum multōque id maximum
fuit; nihil enim per īram aut cupiditātem actum est, nec ostendērunt
bellum prius quam intulērunt. 6. cōnsiliō etiam additus dolus. Sp.
Tarpēius Rōmānae praeerat arcī. huius fīliam virginem aurō 10
corrumpit Tatius ut armātōs in arcem accipiat; aquam forte ea tum
sacrīs extrā moenia petītum ierat. 7. acceptī obrutam armīs
aurum, -ī n.: gold, 2 migrō (1): to travel, migrate, 3
clādes, -is f.: disaster, destruction, loss, 5 obruō, -ere, -ī, -tum: overwhelm, 1
colōnia, -ae f.: colony, 4 ostendō, -ere, ostendī: to show, 5
corrumpō, -ēre, -rūpī: break down, ruin, 3 praesum, -esse, -fuī: be over, preside (dat.), 2
Crustumerium, -ī n.: Crustuminum (town), 1 propinquus, -a, -um: near, neighboring; kin, 3
Crustuminī, -ōrum m.: Crustumini (people), 5 propter: on account of, because of (acc), 1
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, ambition, 6 Sp.: Spurius, 3
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 7 Tarpēius, -a, -um: Tarpeian, 2
extrā: outside; beyond, outside of (acc.), 3 ūbertās, -tātis f.: productiveness, 1
frequēns, frequentis: crowded, busy, 6 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, virgin, 6
impetrō (1): obtain, accomplish, 2

1 facile impetrātum (est): it was…; impers. pf. 7 novissimum…bellum: last; ‘most recent,’ the
pass., Romulus did as Hersilia requested most recent in any series or list is the last one
facile: adv. ortum (est): pf. pass. orior
2 profectus (est): pf. dep. proficīscor multō: by far; ‘by much,’ abl. of degree of
ibi (bellum) minus etiam…fuit: there (the war) difference
was even smaller; neut. comparative as pred. 8 ostendērunt: reveal, show off
3 quod…certāminis fuit: because the spirit for 9 prius quam: before; ‘earlier than’ with a clause
combat had fallen off because of the losses of of comparison
the others; i.e. the earlier battle; abl. cause intulērunt: pf. inferō
4 utrōque (locō): to…; dat. of direction additus (est)
missae (sunt) 10 Rōmānae…arcī: dat. of compound verb; the
plūrēs: more; i.e. Romans volunteering as arx is the walled-in hilltop on the Capitoline
colonists huius: gen. demonstrative hic; i.e. of Tarpeius
inventī (sunt) aurō: abl. means
quī…nōmina darent: who…; relative clause of 11 armātōs (virōs): i.e. the enemy Sabines
characteristic with impf. subj.: nōmina dare is a forte: abl. fors
common idiom for ‘enroll’ or ‘enlist’ ea: i.e. Tarpeia, the daughter; nom. sg.
5 Rōmam: acc. place to which 12 sacrīs: for…; dat. of purpose
6 migrātum est: they…; ‘it was migrated,’ petītium: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
impers. pf. pass. which is better translated expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
actively in English; the Crustumini are the ierat: plpf. eō
subject (Sabinī) acceptī: PPP, nom. pl.
6 propinquīs: kinsmen; ‘those near’ (eam) obrutam armīs: (her)…; PPP, add eam
raptārum: of (those)…; PPP rapiō, i.e. the
virginēs, who are now Roman wives
11.7-12.1 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

necāvēre, seu ut vī capta potius arx vidērētur seu prōdendī exemplī 1

causā nē quid usquam fīdum prōditōrī esset. 8. additur fābula, quod
volgō Sabīnī aureās armillās magnī ponderis brāchiō laevō
gemmātōsque magnā speciē ānulōs habuerint, pepigisse eam quod
in sinistrīs manibus habērent; eō scūta illī prō aureīs dōnīs 5
congesta. 9. sunt quī eam ex pactō trādendī quod in sinistrīs
manibus esset dērectō arma petīsse dīcant et fraude vīsam agere
suā ipsam peremptam mercēde.
12. tenuēre tamen arcem Sabīnī; atque inde posterō diē, cum
Rōmānus exercitus īnstrūctus quod inter Palātīnum 10
Capitōlīnumque collem campī est complēsset, nōn prius
dēscendērunt in aequum quam īrā et cupiditāte reciperandae arcis
aequus, -a, -um: equal, fair, level, even, 3 gemmātus, -a, -um: jewelled, 1
ānulus, -ī m.: ring, 1 laevus, -a, -um: left, unfavorable, 6
armilla, -ae f.: bracelet, 1 mercēs, mercēdis f.: pay, wages; bribe, 2
aureus, -a, -um: gold, golden, 3 necō (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 2
bracchium, -ī n.: arm, 1 pactum, -ī n.: pact, agreement, 4
campus, -ī m.: field, 4 pangō, -ere, pepigī: bargain, bargain for, 1
Capitōlium, -ī n.: Capitolium, 4 perīmō, -ere, -ēmī, -emptum: take out, kill, 1
compleō, -ēre, ēvī, -plētum: fill full or up, 1 pondus, -eris n.: weight; pondō, in pounds, 2
congerō, -ere, -gessī, -gestum: heap up together, 2 potius: rather, more, preferably, 5
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, ambition, 6 prōditor, -is m.: traitor, 1
dērectus, -a, -um: straight, direct, 1 prōdō, ere, -didī: publish, bring forth; betray, 2
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: descend, 6 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4
dicō (1): dedicate, 4 scūtum, -ī n.: shield, 2
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 sinister, -tra, -trum: left; fem. left hand, 4
fabula, -ae f.: story, 3 usquam: anywhere, 3
fīdus, -a, -um: faithful, trustworthy, loyal, 1 vulgus (volgus), -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception; harm, hurt, 5

1 necāvēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. relative, subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.

seu…seu…: whether…or…; seu = sīve 5 eō: because of this; abl. of cause
ut…vidērētur: so that…might seem; purpose illī: for…; dat. of interest, i.e. Tarpeia
vī : by…, with…; irreg. abl. of manner vīs prō: in place of…
prōdendī...causā: for the sake of…; causā +gen. 6 congesta (sunt): i.e. crushing her beneath
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj; prōdō, ‘produce’ sunt quī…dicant: there are (those) who…
2 nē quid…esset: so that not…; neg. purpose with relative clause of characteristic, pres. subj. dīcō
impf. subj. sum; indefinite aliquid, ‘anything,’ eam…petī(vi)sse: that she…; pf. inf.
loses the preflix ali- before sī, nisi, num or nē trādendī: gen. sg. gerund (ing)
additur fābula: Livy offers an additional story 6 quod…esset: (that) which…; see note for l. 4
quod…habuerint: (namely) that, because…; pf. 7 dērectō: directly; abl. as adv.
subj. of a subordinate clause in ind. disc. in fraude…ipsam: that (she) herself, having been
apposition to fābula seen to act by deceit…; i.e on behalf of Romulus
3 volgō: in general; ‘in a mass,’ an abl. adv, 8 perēmptam (esse) mecēde: pf. pass., abl. cause
magnī ponderis: gen. of description 9 tenuēr(unt): syncopated 3p
(in) brāchiō laevō posterō diē: abl. time when
4 magnā speciē: of…; abl. of quality with ānulōs 10 quod...campī est: what of a field is…; partitive
pepigisse eam: she had…; pf. inf. pangō 12 in aequum: onto level ground
quod…habērent: (that) which…; ‘what…’ a reciperandae arcis: flip: gerund (-ing) + obj.
Romulus 12.1-6

stimulante animōs in adversum Rōmānī subiēre. 2. prīncipēs 1

utrimque pugnam ciēbant ab Sabīnīs Mettius Curtius ab Rōmānīs
Hostius Hostīlius. hīc rem Rōmānam inīquō locō ad prīma signa
animō atque audāciā sustinēbat. 3. ut Hostius cecidit, cōnfestim
Rōmāna inclīnātur aciēs fūsaque est. ad veterem portam Palātī 5
Rōmulus et ipse turbā fugientium āctus, 4. arma ad caelum tollēns,
‘Iuppiter, tuīs’ inquit ‘iussus avibus hīc in Palātiō prīma urbī
fundāmenta iēcī. arcem iam scelerē emptam Sabīnī habent; inde
hūc armātī superātā mediā valle tendunt; 5. at tū, pater deum
hominumque, hinc saltem arcē hostēs; 6. dēme terrōrem Rōmānīs 10
fugamque foedam siste. hīc ego tibi templum Statorī Iovī, quod
monumentum sit posterīs tuā praesentī ope servātam urbem esse,
arceō, -ēre, -uī: fend/shut off, keep away, 5 iaciō, -ere, iēcī, iactum: throw, cast, 3
at: but, yet; at least, 6 iniquus, -a, -um: unequal, unfair, 1
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 6 praesēns, -sentis: present, being present, 7
caelum, -ī n.: sky, 7 saltem: at least, 1
cieō, -ēre: rouse, 1 servō (1): save, preserve, protect, 4
cōnfestim: at once, immediately, 4 sistō, -ere, stitī, statum: stand, stop, 2
Curtius, -ī m.: Curtius, 1 Stator, -ōris m.: the Stayer (of Jupiter), 2
dēmō, -ere: take away, 1 stimulō (1): provoke, incite, rouse, excite, 6
emō, -ere, ēmī, emptum: buy, 2 subeō, -īre, -iī: go up, approach, 3
foedus, -a, -um: ugly, foul, filthy, 4 superō (1): overcome, surpass, be above, 2
fugiō, -ere, fūgī: to flee, hurry away, 3 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, keep, 4
fundāmentum, -ī n.: foundation, base, 6 tendō, -ere, tendī, tentum: strive, stretch, 1
Hostīlius, -ī m.: Hostilius, 2 tollō, ere, sustulī, sublātum: lift up; raze, 5
Hostius, -iī m.: Hostius, 2 turba, -ae f.: crowd, throng; tumult, 4
hūc: to this place, hither, 2 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2

1 īrā…stimulante animōs: abl. abs., pres. pple (ego) iussus: (I)…; PPP modifies 1s subject
in adversum: facing; ‘onto the opposite side’ urbī: for…
subiēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. subeō 8 iēcī: 1s pf. iaciō
2 ab: from the side of… scelere: abl. cause; i.e. throught Tarpeia
3 rem Rōmānam: the Roman state; i.e. the ēmptam: PPP ēmō;
Roman army 9 hūc: i.e. to the Palatine hill
(in) inīquō locō: on…; locus ‘ground’ armātī: i.e. the Sabīnī
ad prīma signa: at the first standards; i.e. they superātā…valle: abl. abs.
did not give ground beyond where the standards de(ōr)um: gen. pl.
of the first ranks were placed in initial fighting 10 arcē: imper. arceō
4 animō atque audāciā: because of…; abl. cause Rōmānīs: from…; abl. separation
sustinēbat: assume Hostius as subject 11 siste: imper.
ut…: as…, when…; temporal Stātorī Iovī: to Jupiter Stator; lit. “Jupiter the
cecidit: pf. cadō Stayer,’ dat. ind. obj.
5 inclīnātur: i.e. in flight quod…sit posterīs: which would…; relative
fūsa est: pf. pass. fundō, ‘spread,’ but here clause of purpose; dat. of interest
‘rout’ or ‘turn away’ 12 tuā…urbem esse: that…; pf. pass. servō in
6 et: also; adv. apposition to monumentum
7 Iuppiter: voc. dir. address praesentī: i-stem 3rd decl. abl. modifying ope
tuīs avibus: i.e. the twelve on the Palatine

12.6-9 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

voveō.’ 7. haec precātus, velutī sēnsisset audītās precēs, ‘hinc’ 1

inquit, ‘Rōmānī, Iuppiter optimus maximus resistere atque iterāre
pugnam iubet.’ restitēre Rōmānī tamquam caelestī vōce iussī: ipse
ad prīmōrēs Rōmulus prōvolat.
8. Mettius Curtius ab Sabīnīs prīnceps ab arce dēcucurrerat et 5
effūsōs ēgerat Rōmānōs tōtō quantum forō spatium est. nec procul
iam ā portā Palātī erat, clāmitāns: ‘vīcimus perfidōs hospitēs,
imbellēs hostēs; iam sciunt longē aliud esse virginēs rapere, aliud
pugnāre cum virīs.’ 9. in eum haec glōriantem cum globō
ferōcissimōrum iuvenum Rōmulus impetum facit. ex equō tum 10
forte Mettius pugnābat; eō pellī facilius fuit. pulsum Rōmānī
persequuntur; et alia Rōmāna aciēs, audāciā rēgis accēnsa, fundit
accendō, -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum: kindle, set afire, 4 perfidus, -a, -um: treacherous, 1
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 6 persequor, -ī, -secūtus: follow, pursue, 3
clāmitō (1): call out (repeatedly), 2 precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7
Curtius, -ī m.: Curtius, 1 precor, -ārī, -ātum: pray, 3
dēcurrō, -ere, -cucurrī: to run its course, 1 procul: from afar, from a distance, 4
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 prōvolō (1): rush, fly forward, 1
forum, -ī n.: forum, 7 pugnō (1): to fight, 5
globus, -ī n.: crowd, throng, group; ball, sphere, 3 resistō, -ere, -stitī: stand still, stop; oppose, 4
glōrior, -ārī, -ātus: to glory, boast, 2 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
hospes, -pitis m.: stranger; host, guest-friend, 4 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
imbellis, -e: cowardly, unwarlike, 1 tamquam: as if, as much as, so to speak, 3
iterō (1): renew, repeat, 2 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, virgin, 6
optimus, -a, -um: best, noblest, finest, 1 voveō, -ēre, vōvī, vōtum: vow, swear, 5

1 haec: neut. pl. obj. 8 longē aliud esse…aliud (est): that it is by far
prectātus dep. PPP, translate as ‘having Xed’ one thing…, it is another thing…; ind. disc.
velutī sēnsisset: just as if…; conditional clause 9 in eum: against…; i.e. against Mettius
of comparison with plpf. subj. 10 ex equō: on horseback
audītās (esse) precēs: that…; ind. disc. pf. pass. forte: abl. fors
3 restitēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. 11 eō: because of this; abl. cause
6 ēgerat: plpf. agō pellī: pass. inf. pellō, i.e. put to flight
effūsōs: i.e. in different directions in a rout; facilius fuit: it…; impersonal; neut. comparative
predicative following Rōmānōs pulsum: (the one)…; PPP pellō, i.e. Mettius
tōtō quantum…est.: as far as…; quantum 12 alia: the rest of…, the remaining…
spatium (in) tōtō forō est; relative clause accēnsa: PPP modifying aciēs
7 vīcimus: 1p pf. vincō fundit: i.e. drove in a rout, put to flight
hospitēs: i.e. the Romans

Romulus 12.9-13.3

Sabīnōs. 10. Mettius in palūdem sēsē strepitū sequentium trepidante 1

equō coniēcit; āverteratque ea res etiam Sabīnōs tantī perīculō virī.
et ille quidem adnuentibus ac vocantibus suīs favōre multōrum
additō animō ēvādit: Rōmānī Sabīnīque in mediā convalle duōrum
montium redintegrant proelium; sed rēs Rōmāna erat superior. 5
13. tum Sabīnae mulierēs, quārum ex iniūriā bellum ortum erat,
crīnibus passīs scissāque veste, victō malīs muliebrī pavōre, ausae
sē inter tēla volantia īnferre, ex trānsversō impetū factō dirimere
īnfēstās aciēs, 2. dirimere īrās, hinc patrēs, hinc virōs ōrantēs, nē
sanguine sē nefandō socerī generīque respergerent, nē parricīdiō 10
maculārent partūs suōs, nepōtum illī, hī līberum prōgeniem. 3. ‘sī
adfīnitātis inter vōs, sī cōnūbiī piget, in nōs vertite īrās; nōs causa
adfīnitās, -tātis f.: relationship (by marriage), 3 partus, -ūs m.: offspring, 4
adnuō, -ere, -uī: nod (in assent), 1 perīculum, -ī n.: risk, danger, peril, 7
coniciō, -ere, -iēcī: throw together, hurl, 2 piget: it makes (acc) loathe/feel disgust at (gen), 1
cōnūbium, -ī n.: marriage, right of marriage, 5 prōgenies, -eī f.: offspring, descendent, 3
convallis, -is f: lowland, vale, 2 redintegrō (1): renew, restore, 1
crīnis, -is m.: hair, 2 respergō, -ere, -spersī: splatter, sprinkle over, 2
dirimō, -ere -ēmī, -emptum: interrupt, break off 4 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
ēvādō, -ere, -vāsī, -vāsum: go, escape, 1 scindō, -ere, -dī, scissum: cut, split, 1
favor, favōris m.: support, favor, 1 socer, socerī m.: father-in-law, 3
gener, generī m.: son-in-law, 5 strepitus, -ūs m.: blaring, din, noise, 1
maculō (1): stain, spot, 1 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 6
nefandus, -a, -um: unspeakable, impious, 2 tēlum, -ī n.: projectile, arrow, spear, 5
nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7 trānsversus, -a, -um: crosswise, from the side, 2
ōrō (1): plead, pray (for), entreat, 5 trepidō (1): to tremble, be agitated, 4
palūs, palūdis f.: swamp, marsh, 3 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 4
pandō, -ere, pandī, passum: spread, dishevel, 1 volō (1): to fly, 1
parricīdium, -iī n.: parricide, treason, 4

1 strepitū: because of…; abl. cause ausae (sunt): pf. dep. audeō; governs three infs.
sequentium: i.e. Romans; gen. pl. pres. pple 8 (et) ex trānsversō: (and) from the side…; they
trepidante equō: abl. abs. walk in from the side between the two armies
2 ea rēs: this situation impetū factō: abl. abs.
etiam: even 9 (et) dirimere īrās: governed by ausae (sunt)
perīculō: because of…; abl. cause hinc…hinc: on this side…on that side
3 ille: i.e. Mettius virōs: their husbands
adnuentibus…suīs (virīs): his own…; abl. abs. 10 ōrantēs: nom. pl. modifying mulierēs above
favōre…additō animō: abl. abs. nē…respergerent: that…not…; negative ind.
4 animō: to his spirit; dat. ind. obj. in the abl. abs. command with impf. subj.
5 rēs Rōmāna: the Roman state socerī generīque: nom. subj.
6 Sabīnae mulierēs: i.e. the kidnapped women: 10 (et) nē…maculārent: that…not…; neg. ind.
Sabines, but now married to the Romans command
quārum…: objective gen. with iniūriā parricīdiō: by parricide; here the killing of any
ortum erat: plpf. dep. orior family member, not just a father
7 crīnibus passīs: abl. abs. 11 illī, hī: Sabines and Romans respectively
scissā veste: abl. abs. 12 (piget) adfinitātis: the relationship between
vīctō..,mulierbrī pavōre: abl. abs. you (disgusts you); impers.: translate as active
malīs: by their troubles; abl. cause in nōs: against us; vertite is pl. imper. vertō
13.3-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

bellī, nōs volnerum ac caedium virīs ac parentibus sumus; melius 1

perībimus quam sine alterīs vestrum viduae aut orbae vīvēmus.’
4. movet rēs cum multitūdinem tum ducēs; silentium et repentīna
fit quiēs; inde ad foedus faciendum ducēs prōdeunt. nec pācem
modo sed cīvitātem ūnam ex duābus faciunt. rēgnum cōnsociant: 5
imperium omne cōnferunt Rōmam. 5. ita geminātā urbe ut Sabīnīs
tamen aliquid darētur Quirītēs ā Curibus appellātī. monumentum
eius pugnae, ubi prīmum ex profundā ēmersus palūde equus
Curtium in vadō statuit, Curtium lacum appellārunt.
6. ex bellō tam trīstī laeta repente pāx cāriōrēs Sabīnās virīs ac 10
parentibus et ante omnēs Rōmulō ipsī fēcit. itaque cum populum in
cūriās trīgintā dīvideret, nōmina eārum cūriīs imposuit. 7. id nōn
cārus, -a, -um: dear, precious, costly, 2 pereō, -īre, -iī: perish, 1
cōnferō, -ferre: bring together, collect, 4 prōdeō, -īre, -iī: to go forth, advance, 3
cōnsociō (1): share, make common, 4 profundus, -a, -um: deep, profound, 1
Curēs, ium m.: Cures (Sabine town), 3 quiēs, quiētis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 4
Curtius, -ī m.: Curtius, 1 repente: suddenly, 5
ēmergō, -ere, -sī: extricate, 1 repentīnus, -a, -um: sudden, unexpected, 2
geminō (1): double, 4 silentium, -iī n.: silence, 5
impōnō, -ere, -posuī: put upon, impose, 3 trīginta: thirty, 7
lacus, -ūs m.: lake, 1 trīstis, -e: sad, sullen, 4
laetus, -a, -um: happy, fortunate; abundant, rich, 6 vadum, ī n.: shallow; ford, 1
melior, melius: better, 5 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, yours, 4
orba, -ae f.: orphan, 1 vidua, -ae f.: widow; unmarried woman, 2
palūs, palūdis f.: swamp, marsh, 3 vīvō, -ere, vīxī, vīctum: live, 4

1 bellī (sumus): add verb 6 Rōmam: to…; acc. place to which; the Sabines
(causa) volnerum ac caedium: gen. pl. vulnus, moved to Rome
caedes geminātā urbe: abl. abs.
virīs ac parentībus: for…; dat. of interest; vir ut…darētur: that…; result with impf. subj
in this context means ‘husband’ 7 appellātī (sunt): they…; Quirītēs is nom. pred.;
melius…quam: it is better that we die than…; the name is derived from the town
‘better we will die than’ English idiom demands 8 eius pugnae: gen. sg. demonstrative adj.
that we modify the syntax; comparative adv. and 9 Curtium: Mettius Curtius
clause of comparison statuit: set, made stand; pres. statuō
2 perībimus: fut. pereō appellā(vē)runt: governs a double acc.
alterīs: both 10 ex bellō…tristī: i-stem 3rd decl. abl.
vestrum: partitive gen. pl. of vōs fēcit: made (x) (y); governs a double acc.
viduae aut orbae: as…; nom. pl. vīrīs ac parentibus…Romulō: to…; dat.
vīvēmus: fut. reference
3 cum…tum…: both…and 11 ante omnēs: i.e. above all
fit: 3p subject ipsī: dat. sg. Intensive modifying Romulō
4 ad foedus faciendum: for…; gerundive + noun; 12 cūriās: districts; often translated as ‘curiae’ in
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as English
gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad here expresses purpose eārum: i.e. of the kidnapped women
nec…modo…sed: not only…but (also) cūriīs: on the districts; dat. of compound

Romulus 13.7-14.3

trāditur, cum haud dubiē aliquantō numerus māior hōc mulierum 1

fuerit, aetāte an dignitātibus suīs virōrumve an sorte lectae sint,
quae nōmina cūriīs darent.
8. eōdem tempore et centuriae trēs equitum cōnscrīptae sunt.
Ramnensēs ab Rōmulō, ab T. Tatiō Titiēnsēs appellātī: Lucerum 5
nōminis et orīginis causa incerta est. inde nōn modo commūne sed
concors etiam rēgnum duōbus rēgibus fuit.
14. post aliquot annōs propinquī rēgis Tatī lēgātōs Laurentium
pulsant; cumque Laurentēs iūre gentium agerent, apud Tatium
grātia suōrum et precēs plūs poterant. 2. igitur illōrum poenam in sē 10
vertit; nam Lāvīniī cum ad sollemne sacrificium eō vēnisset
concursū factō interficitur. 3. eam rem minus aegrē quam dignum
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, injured; adv. poorly, 6 Laurentēs, -um m.: Laurentines (people), 3
aliquantum, -ī n.: some, considerable, 5 Lucerēs, -um m.: Luceres (Etruscan clan), 2
aliquot: several, 6 poena, -ae, f.: punishment, 6
an: or (in questions), 7 precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7
concors, concordis: united in feeling, 1 propinquus, -a, -um: near, neighboring; kin, 3
concursus, -ūs m.: gathering; collision, charge, 5 pulsō (1): to strike against, knock, 1
cōnscrībō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: register, enroll, 3 Ramnēs (Ramnensēs), -um, m.: Ramnes (Latin
cōnscrīptus, -a, -um: conscripted, enrolled, 3 clan), 2
dignitās, -tātis f.: worth, merit, 3 sacrificium, ī n.: sacrifice, 7
dignus, -a, -um: worthy, deserving of (abl.), 5 sors, sortis f.: lot, lottery; oracle, prophecy, 4
grātia, -ae f.: gratitude, favor, influence, thanks, 6 T.: Titus, 3
incertus, -a, -um: unreliable, doubtful, 5 Titiēnsēs, -um m.: Titienses (Sabine clan), 2

1 trāditur: it is handed down; i.e. in the tradition 6 Nōn modo…sed…etiam: not only…but also
cum…fuerit: since…; causal, pf. subj. sum 7 duōbus rēgibus: dat. of possession or interest
aliquantō: somewhat; ‘by some,’ abl. degree of 8 propinquī: kinsmen
difference 9 iūre gentium agerent: pleaded (the matter)
numerus…mulierum: partitive gen. under the law of nations; i.e. that the offenders
hōc: than…; abl. of comparison; i.e. than the be handed over; agere can mean ‘to plead a
number of cūriae case’ or ‘ to litigate;’ abl. of manner;
2 aetāte…lēctae sint: whether…were apud Tatium: before Tatius
chosen…or…or…; ind. question with pf. pass. 10 grātia: influence; or ‘favor’
subj. legō and abl. of means suōrum (propinquōrum): of his own (kinsmen)
vīrōrumve: or (that) of their husbands plūs poterant: had more power; inner acc.;
quae nōmina…darent: (the women) who …; Tatius sided with kinsmen over the Laurentians
relative, subj. of subordinate verb in ind. in sē: onto himself
question; the missing antecedent is subject of 11 Lāvīnii: at Lavinium; locative
lēctae sint; cum…vēnisset: Tatius is subject; plpf. subj.
4 eōdem tempore: at…; abl. time when, īdem eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’)
equitum: gen. pl. eques 12 concursū factō: abl. abs.
5 ab: from…; i.e. derived from eam rem: demonstrative adj.
appellātī (sunt): (they)…; Ramnefram minus: comparative adv. modifying aegrē
sēs, Titiēnsēs, aegrē: poorly
are nom. pred. quam dignum est: clause of comparison
Lucerum: of Luceres; Luceres is the third group

14.3-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

erat tulisse Rōmulum ferunt, seu ob īnfīdam societātem rēgnī seu 1

quia haud iniūriā caesum crēdēbat. itaque bellō quidem abstinuit;
ut tamen expiārentur lēgātōrum iniūriae rēgisque caedēs, foedus
inter Rōmam Lāvīniumque urbēs renovātum est.
4. et cum hīs quidem īnspērāta pāx erat: aliud multō propius 5
atque in ipsīs prope portīs bellum ortum. Fīdēnātēs nimis vīcīnās
prope sē convalēscere opēs ratī, priusquam tantum rōboris esset
quantum futūrum appārēbat, occupant bellum facere. iuventūte
armātā immissā vastātur agrī quod inter urbem ac Fīdēnās est; 5.
inde ad laevam versī quia dextrā Tiberis arcēbat, cum magnā 10
trepidātiōne agrestium populantur, tumultusque repēns ex agrīs in
urbem inlātus prō nūntiō fuit. 6. excitus Rōmulus—neque enim
abstineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold back, 3 laevus, -a, -um: left, unfavorable, 6
agrestis, -e: of the fields, rural; farmer, ruralfolk, 4 nimis: too much, too, 1
appāreō, -ēre, -uī: appear, be apparent, 4 populor, -ārī, -ātum: lay waste, 1
arceō, -ēre, -uī: fend/shut off, keep away, 5 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
caedō, -ere, cecīdī, caesum: kill, slaughter, 5 renovō (1): renew, make new, 4
convalēscō, -ere, -uī: grow strong, 1 repēns, repentis: sudden; adv. suddenly, 1
expiō (1): expiate, atone, make amends for, 2 rōbor, rōboris n.: oak; strength, 5
Fīdēnae, -ārum, f.: Fidenae, 4 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, partnership, 7
immittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: to send in, 1 trepidātiō, -tiōnis f.: alarm, trepidation, 2
īnfīdus, -a, -um: unfaithful, disloyal, 2 vastō (1): lay waste, 1
īnspērātus, -a, -um: unexpected, unhoped for, 2 vīcīnus, -a, -um: neighboring, 6
iuventūs, -tūtis f.: youth, 5

1 tulisse Rōmulum: that Romulus…; ind. disc. vīcīnās…convalēscere opēs: that…; governed
with pf. inf. ferō by ratī; nimis modifies prope mē
ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition 7 ratī: PPP dep. reor: translate ‘having Xed’
seu…seu..: whether…or…; seu = sīve priusquam…esset: before there was…;
2 iniūriā: unjustly; abl. as adv. temporal clause, impf. subj. of anticipation
(eum) caesum (esse): that (he)…; ind. disc. with tantum…quantum (rōboris): as much…as…;
pf. pass.; supply an acc. subject correlatives (demonstrative and relative) with
bellō: from…; abl. of separation partitive gen. rōboris modifying both
3 ut…caedēs: so that…might…; purpose clause futūrum (esse): that…; fut. inf. sum; the relative
with impf. subj. adj. quantum is the acc. subject
4 inter…urbēs: between the cities… 8 occupant: seize (the opportunity) + inf.; i.e. to
5 cum hīs: with…; i.e. the Laurentines do something first
īnspērāta pax erat: i.e. unexpected but indeed iuventūte…immissā: abl. abs.
perserved 9 agrī: (some) of the land; partitive
aliud…bellum: nom. subject 10 versī: PPP, vertō
multō: much; ‘by much,’ abl. of degree of dextrā: gen. separation
difference arcēbat (eōs): i.e. the Fīdēnātēs
propius: comparative adv. 12 inlātus fuit: pf. pass. inferō
6 prope: almost prō nuntiō: as news; ‘as a message,’ the people
ortum (est): pf. dep. orior flooding in the city was itself the message
Fīdēnātēs: the people of Fidenae 12 nequm enim: for…not

Romulus 14.6-9

dīlātiōnem patī tam vīcīnum bellum poterat—exercitum ēdūcit, 1

castra ā Fīdēnīs mīlle passuum locat. 7. ibi modicō praesidiō
relictō, ēgressus omnibus cōpiīs partem mīlitum locīs circā dēnsa
obsita virgulta obscūrīs subsīdere in īnsidiīs iussit: cum parte
maiōre atque omnī equitātū profectus, id quod quaerēbat, 5
tumultuōsō et minācī genere pugnae adequitandō ipsīs prope portīs
hostem excīvit. fugae quoque, quae simulanda erat, eadem
equestris pugna causam minus mīrābilem dedit. 8. et cum, velut
inter pugnae fugaeque cōnsilium trepidante equitātū, pedes quoque
referret gradum, plēnīs repente portīs effūsī hostēs impulsā 10
Rōmānā aciē studiō īnstandī sequendīque trahuntur ad locum
īnsidiārum. 9. inde subitō exortī Rōmānī trānsversam invādunt
adequitō (1): to ride (a horse), 1 mīrābilis, -e: amazing, wonderous, 2
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 5 modicus, -a, -um: moderate, small, 1
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 obscūrus, -a, -um: dim, obscure, indistinct, 3
dēnsus, -a, -um: thick, 2 obserō, -ere, -vī, obsitum: plant/grow over, 1
dīlātiō, -tiōnis f.: delay, 1 passus, -ūs: pace, 3
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 pedes, peditis m.: foot soldier; infantry, 5
ēgredior, -ī, -gressus: go out, disembark, 5 plēnus, -a, -um: full, 3
equester, -stris, -stre: equestrian, 2 referō, -ferre, -tulī: report, relate, 5
equitātus, -ūs m.: cavalry, 3 repente: suddenly, 5
exorior, -orīrī, -ortus: rise, spring out, 1 simulō (1): feign, pretend, make like, 7
Fīdēnae, -ārum, f.: Fidenae, 4 studium, -ī n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 5
gradus, -ūs m.: step, pace; stairs, 5 subitō: immediately, straightaway, 4
impellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsum: drive on, impel, 1 subsīdō, -ere, -sēdī: crouch/sit down, 1
īnsidiae, -ārum f.: ambush, 3 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
īnstō, -āre, -stitī: press (on), engage, 6 trānsversus, -a, -um: crosswise, from the side, 2
invādō, -ere, -vāsī: rush upon, attack, 4 trepidō (1): tremble, be agitated, 4
locō (1): to put, place, 3 tumultuōsus, -a, -um: tumultuous, 2
mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 7 vīcīnus, -a, -um: neighboring, 6
minax, minācis: threatening, 1 virgultum, -ī n.: bush, 1

1 patī: dep. inf. patior the clause below

vīcīnum bellum: nom. 6 tumultuōsō…genere pugnae: with…; means
2 (et) castra: adequitandō…portīs: by…; abl. means, gerund
mīlle passuum: a mile; ‘a thousand of paces,’ (-ing) in apposition to the previous abl. of means
acc. of extent ipsīs prope portīs: near + abl.
modicō…relictō: abl. abs.; i.e. group of men 7 fugae…dedit: for the flight also, which was to
3 ēgressus: dep. PPP be pretended, the same equestrian battle gave a
(cum) omnibus copiīs: abl. accompaniment less surpising reason; retreat by calvary was a
with ēgressus; copiae here means ‘troops,’ common tactic and so not as suprising
Romulus plans to draw out the enemy with a velut…cōnsilium: just as…; governed by the
feigned retreat and then attack with an ambush following abl. abs.
(in) locīs…obscurīs 8 tepidante equitātū: abl. abs.
4 obsita: PPP obserō 10 referret gradum: i.e. retreated;
5 omnī: i-stem 3rd decl. abl. plēnīs…portīs: from…; with PPP effūsī
profectus: dep. PPP, proficīscor: translate as 11 īnstandī sequendīque: gen. sg. gerunds (-ing)
‘having Xed’ 12 exortī: dep. PPP: translate ‘having Xed’
id (est) quod: this (is) what…; id is explained by trānsversarm: predicate adj. with fem. aciem
14.9-15.1 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

hostium aciem; addunt pavōrem mōta ē castrīs signa eōrum quī in 1

praesidiō relictī fuerant. ita multiplicī terrōre perculsī Fīdēnātēs
prius paene, quam Rōmulus quīque <āvehī> cum eō vīsī erant
circumagerent frēnīs equōs, terga vertunt; 10. multōque effūsius,
quippe vērā fugā, quī simulantēs paulō ante secūtī erant oppidum 5
repetēbant. 11. nōn tamen ēripuēre sē hostī: haerēns in tergō
Rōmānus, priusquam forēs portārum obicerentur, velut agmine ūnō
15. bellī Fīdēnātis contāgiōne inrītātī Vēientium animī et
cōnsanguinitāte—nam Fīdēnātēs quoque Etrūscī fuērunt—et quod 10
ipsa propinquitās locī, sī Rōmāna arma omnibus īnfēstā fīnitimīs
essent, stimulābat. in fīnēs Rōmānōs excucurrērunt populābundī
agmen, agminis n.: column (of troops), army, 5 inrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptum: burst in, 2
āvehō, -ere: convey, carry off, 1 multiplex, -icis: varied, in various ways, 1
circumagō, -ēre: drive/wheel around, revolve, 2 obiciō, -ere, obiēcī, obiectum: throw in front, 3
cōnsanguinitās, -tātis f.: blood relationship, 1 paene: almost, nearly, 3
contāgio, -giōnis f.: contact; contagion, 1 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 6
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 percellō, -ere, -culī, perculsum: strike, 4
ēripiō, -ere, -uī, -ptus: snatch, rescue, 2 populabundus, -a, -um: laying waste, ravaging, 1
excurrō, -ere, -cucurrī: run, sally out, 1 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
Fīdēnas, Fīdēnātis: of Fidenae, 1 propinquitās, -tātis f.: proximity, nearness, 1
foris, -is f.: door, entrance, 2 simulō (1): feign, pretend, make like, 7
frēnum, -ī n. (pl. masc.): bit, rein, 2 stimulō (1): provoke, incite, rouse, excite, 6
haereō, -ēre, haesī: stick, hesitate, 3 tergum, -ī n.: back; hide, 6
inrītō (1): provoke, 2

1 mōta…signa: the standards…; neut. pl. subject Romans who pretended to flee; acc. dir. obj.
eōrum: of those; i.e. the standards indicate that paulō: a little; ‘by a little,’ abl. of degree of
the soldiers left by Romulus at the garrison are difference
now advanced on the enemy 6 ēripuēr(unt) sē: syncopated pf.; this is the
3 prius paene: paene modifies prius common idiom for rescuing oneself
quam…circumagerent…equōs: than…could; hostī: from…; dat. of compound verb
clause of comparison; just as priusquam, quam in tergō: in the rear; a military term
here governs a subj. of anticipation: when an act 7 priusquam…obicerentur: temporal clause with
is anticipated but not an actual fact impf. subj. of anticipated action; obicere, ‘throw
quīque<āvehī>: …vīsī sunt: and (those) who… in front’ here means ‘throw shut’ or ‘close’
i.e. soldiders; diamond brackets indicate a velut agmine ūnō: as if…; i.e. the various parts
suggested addition by the modern editor of the Roman army come together
frēnīs: with…; means; the horsemen pulled back 9 Vēientium: of the Veientes; Veii is a town north
on the bit in the horse’s mouth to stop the horse of Rome on a tributary of the Tiber)
and make it wheel around from retreat to attack animī: spirits; i.e. feelings or passions; nom. pl.
4 terga vertunt: i.e. retreat et cōnsanguinitāte…: both because of…; abl.
multō: much; ‘by much’ abl. degree of of cause
difference 10 et quod…(eōs) stimulābat: and because…
effūsius: comparative adv.; i.e. the Fidenates sī…essent: if…were; protasis of a pres. contrary
5 vērā fugā: in…; abl. of manner to fact condition (sī impf. subj., impf. subj.) with
quī…secūtī erant: (those) who…; i.e. Fidenates suppressed apodosis (i.e. ‘the proximity would
the missing antecedent is subject of repetēbant be unsafe’)
simulantēs paulo ante: (the ones)…; i.e the omnibus fīnitimīs: to…; dat. of special adj.
Romulus 15.1-5

magis quam iūstī mōre bellī. 2. itaque nōn castrīs positīs, nōn 1
exspectātō hostium exercitū, raptam ex agrīs praedam portantēs
Veiōs rediēre. Rōmānus contrā postquam hostem in agrīs nōn
invēnit, dīmicātiōnī ultimae īnstrūctus intentusque Tiberim trānsit.
3. quem postquam castra pōnere et ad urbem accessūrum Vēientēs 5
audīvēre, obviam ēgressī ut potius aciē dēcernerent quam inclūsī
dē tēctīs moenibusque dīmicārent. 4. ibi vīribus nūllā arte adiūtīs,
tantum veterānī rōbore exercitūs rēx Rōmānus vīcit; persecūtusque
fūsōs ad moenia hostēs, urbe validā mūrīs ac sitū ipsō mūnītā
abstinuit, agrōs rediēns vastat, ulcīscendī magis quam praedae 10
studiō; 5. eāque clāde haud minus quam adversā pugnā subāctī
Vēientēs pācem petītum ōrātōrēs Rōmam mittunt. agrī parte
abstineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold back, 3 ōrātor, -ōris, m.: speaker, orator, 2
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 persequor, -ī, -secūtus: follow, pursue, 3
adiuvō, -āre, -iūvī, adiūtum: help, assist, 6 portō (1): to carry, 3
clādes, -is f.: disaster, destruction, loss, 5 potius: rather, more, preferably, 5
dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum: decide, decree, 6 rōbor, rōboris n.: oak; strength, 5
dīmicātiō, -tiōnis f.: combat, fight, 5 situs, -ūs m.: site, position; situation, 3
dīmicō (1): to fight, struggle, contend, 5 studium, -ī n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 5
ēgredior, -ī, -gressus: go out, disembark, 5 subigō, -ere, -ēgī: drive under, subdue, 3
exspectō (1): look out for, wait for, await, 4 tēctum, -ī n.: roof; dwelling, home, shelter, 6
inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in/shut in, 3 ulcīscor, ulcīscī, ultus sum: avenge, 1
intentus, -a, -um: intent, focused, eager, 4 validus, -a, -um: strong, powerful, 5
iūstus, -a, -um: just, legitimate, 5 vastō (1): lay waste, 1
mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: fortify, build, 6 Veiī, -ōrum m.: Veii (town), 1
obviam: in the way, opposite, 3 veterānus, -a, -um: veteran, old, 1

1 mōre: abl. manner, mōs quam…dīmicārent: clause of comparison but

castrīs postiīs: abl. abs.; castr pōnere, ‘to pitch a impf. subj. in the same purpose clause
camp,’ is a common idiom 7 dē: about…
2 exspectātō…exercitū: abl. abs. vīribus…adiūtīs: abl. abs., pl. vīs
raptam: PPP rapiō 8 tantum: only; adv.
praedam: mostly, as often, cattle rōbore: by…; means and gen. veterānī exercitūs
3 Veiōs: place to which; the town’s name is pl. vīcit: pf. vincō
rediēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. persecūtus: PPP dep.: translate as ‘having Xed’
Rōmānus (exercitus) 9 ad: near
contrā: in response; adv. urbe validā…mūnitā: from…; abl. separation
4 dīmicātiōnī ultimae: for…; dat. of purpose ulcīscendī: gen. gerund (-ing); objective gen.
Tiberim: i-stem acc. along with praedae modifying studiō
5 Quem…pōnere…accessūrum (esse): that this 11 studiō: with…; abl. of manner
(army)…; fut. inf.; quem is connective relative eā clāde…pugnā: by this…; means
(translate as a demonstrative) and acc. subject 12 petītium: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
postquam…audīvē(runt): syncopated 3p pf. expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
6 ēgressī (sunt): pf. dep. Rōmam: acc. place to which
ut…dēcernerent: so that…might; purpose with agrī parte: from…; abl. separation and partitive
impf. subj. gen.
aciē: in…; abl. means

15.5-16.1 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

multātīs in centum annōs indūtiae datae. 1

6. haec fermē Rōmulō rēgnante domī mīlitiaeque gesta, quōrum
nihil absonum fideī dīvīnae orīginis dīvīnitātisque post mortem
crēditae fuit, nōn animus in rēgnō avītō reciperandō, nōn
condendae urbis cōnsilium, nōn bellō ac pāce firmandae. 7. ab illō 5
enim profectō vīribus datīs tantum valuit ut in quadrāgintā deinde
annōs tūtam pācem habēret. 8. multitūdinī tamen grātior fuit quam
patribus, longē ante aliōs acceptissimus mīlitum animīs;
trecentōsque armātōs ad custōdiam corporis quōs Celerēs
appellāvit nōn in bellō sōlum sed etiam in pāce habuit. 10
16. hīs immortālibus ēditīs operibus cum ad exercitum
recēnsendum contiōnem in campō ad Caprae palūdem habēret,
absonus, -a, -um: incompatible with (dat) 1 immortālis, -e: immortal, 2
avītus, -a, -um: ancestral, of a grandfather, 5 indūtiae, -ārum f.: a truce, 3
campus, -ī m.: field, 4 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 7
Capra, -ae f.: Capra, 1 multō (1): deprive from (abl); punish, 2
Celerēs, -um m.: Celeres, ‘the Swift’ (guards), 2 palūs, palūdis f.: swamp, marsh, 3
contio, contiōnis f.: assembly, meeting, 6 profectō: assuredly, indeed, certainly, 4
cūstōdia, -ae f.: guard, watch, 4 quadrāgintā: forty, 7
dīvīnitās, -tātis f.: divinity, 2 recēnseō, -ēre, -uī: number, review, 1
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: bring forth, perform, 6 reciperō (1): recover, restore, recuperate, 2
fermē: nearly, about, 4 trecentī, -ae, -a: three-hundred, 1
firmō (1): strengthen, support, 4 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
grātus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 6 valeō, -ēre, uī: be strong, be effective, prevail, 4

1 multātīs: to (those)…; dat. ind. obj. of PPP, i.e. flip and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.
the Veientes 6 ab illō…vīribus datīs: abl. abs.; illō refers to
in: in the course of…; acc. duration Romulus
data (sunt) profectō: adv.
2 haec: i.e. achievements under Romulus; neut. pl. tantum valuit: (Rome) was so strong; tantum is
Rōmulō rēgnante: while…; abl. abs. an inner acc. (cf. plūs potuit, plūrimum potuit)
domī mīlitaeque: at home and abroad; locatives ut…habēret: that…; result with impf. subj.
and a common idiom; lit. ‘in military service’ in…annōs: in the course of…; acc. duration
gesta (sunt): pf. pass. gerō 7 multitūdinī, patribus…animīs: to…; dat. of
quōrum nihil…fuit: none of which…; i.e. haec reference; the patrēs are here senātōrēs
3 fīdeī…crēditae: with the belief of…; dat. of fuit: he was; assume Romulus as subject
special adj. and gen.; i.e. Romulus’ divinity 8 ante aliōs: i.e. compared to others
4 nōn animus…nōn…nōn…: supply from above mīlitum animīs: to the hearts…; dat. of
absonum fuit, ‘was compatible’ to each item in reference
this series 9 trecentōs armātōs (virōs)
animus: spirit; i.e. purpose or intent ad: for…
in…reciperandō: noun + gerundive: perform a 10 appellāvit: called (x) (y); governs double acc.
gerund-gerundive flip and translate as gerund nōn sōlum…sed etiam: not only…but also
(-ing) + obj. 11 hīs immortālibus ēditīs operibus: abl. abs.
5 condendae urbis: for…; gen. see above cum…habēret: when (Romulus)…;
nōn bellō ac pāce (cōnsilium urbis) ad recēnsendum contiōnem: for…; gerundive
firmandae: ellipsis + noun: perform a gerund- gerundive flip:
bellō ac pāce: abl. means translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.
urbis firmandae: perform a gerund-gerundive 12 ad: near
Romulus 16.1-4

subitō coorta tempestās cum magnō fragōre tonitribusque tam 1

dēnsō rēgem operuit nimbō ut cōnspectum eius contiōnī abstulerit;
nec deinde in terrīs Rōmulus fuit. 2. Rōmāna pūbes sēdātō tandem
pavōre postquam ex tam turbidō diē serēna et tranquilla lūx rediit,
ubi vacuam sēdem rēgiam vīdit, etsī satis crēdēbat patribus quī 5
proximī steterant sublīmem raptum procellā, tamen velut orbitātis
metū icta maestum aliquamdiū silentium obtinuit. 3. deinde ā
paucīs initiō factō, deum deō nātum, rēgem parentemque urbis
Rōmānae salvēre ūniversī Rōmulum iubent; pācem precibus
exposcunt, utī volēns propitius suam semper sospitet prōgeniem. 4. 10
fuisse crēdō tum quoque aliquōs quī discerptum rēgem patrum
manibus tacitī arguerent; mānāvit enim haec quoque sed
aliquamdiū: for some long time, 2 procella, -ae f.: gale; storm, 1
arguō, -ere, arguī: accuse, allege, 2 prōgenies, -eī f.: offspring, descendent, 3
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātus: carry away, 3 propitius, -a, -um: favorable, 1
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
contio, contiōnis f.: assembly, meeting, 6 salveō, -ēre: be well; imper. hello, 2
coörior, -orīrī, -ortus sum: to arise, 2 sēdō (1): settle, calm, 2
dēnsus, -a, -um: thick, 2 serēnus, -a, -um: bright, 1
discerpō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: tear in pieces, , 1 silentium, -iī n.: silence, 5
etsī: even if, although, though, 5 sospitō (1): save, protect, 1
exposcō, -ere, -poposcī: pray for, demand, 3 stō, stāre, stetī, statum: stand, 6
fragor, -is m.: crash, din, 2 subitō: immediately, straightaway, 4
lūx, lūcis m.: light, 6 sublīmis, -e: on high, aloft, 3
maestus, -a, -um: grief-stricken, gloomy, 4 tacitus, -a, -um: silent, still, 7
mānō (1): spread, get abroad; flow, be wet, 2 tandem: finally, at last, in the end, 4
nimbus, -ī m.: thundercloud, rainstorm, 1 tempestās, -tātis f.: time; weather, 6
obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold, obtain, 1 tonitrus, -ūs m.: thunder, 1
operiō, -īre, -uī: cover, 1 tranquillus, -a, -um: calm, tranquil, 1
orbitās, -tātis f.: bereavement, orphanhood, 2 turbidus, -a, -um: gloomy, stormy, turbid, 1
paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1 ūniversus, -a, -um: entire, whole, 4
precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7 vacuus, -a, -um: empty, fear, vacant, 3

1 coorta (est): pf. pass. coorior (eum) sublīmem raptum (esse) procellā: that
cum…operuit: pf. indicative for definite time (he)…; pf. pass. inf. rapiō following crēdēbat
magnō fragōre tonitribusque: with the great velut orbitātis metū icta: as if having…; PPP
crash of thunder; hendiadys (two items denote iciō, abl. means; icta agrees with pūbes
a single object) 7 initiō factō: abl. abs.
tam dēnsō…nimbō: abl. mean 8 deō: from…; abl. of origin
2 ut…abstulerit: that…; result, pf. subj. auferō natum: PPP nāscor
contiōnī: from…; dat. of compound verb salvēre: to hail (x) (y); with double acc., obj.
3 sēdātō…pavōre: abl. abs. (Romulum) and pred. (deum, rēgem, parentem)
Romāna pūbes: Roman soldiers; pūbes is 3s 9 ūniversī: they one and all; i..e pūbes
but denotes all the men of military age 10 utī…sospitet: that (Romulus)…; ind. command
5 ubi: when… with pres. subj.; utī = ut
etsī: although…; ‘even if,’ concessive 11 fuisse…aliquōs: that there had…; ind. disc.
satis: sufficiently, readily quī...arguerent: who…; cl. of characteristic
crēdēbat: governs a dat. ind. obj. discerptum (esse) rēgem: that…
6 steterant: plpf. stō 12 tacitī: translate nom. predicative adj. as adv.
16.4-8 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

perobscūra fāma; illam alteram admīrātiō virī et pavor praesēns 1

5. et cōnsiliō etiam ūnīus hominis addita reī dīcitur fidēs. namque
Proculus Iūlius, sollicitā cīvitāte dēsīderiō rēgis et īnfēnsā patribus,
gravis, ut trāditur, quamvīs magnae reī auctor in contiōnem prōdit. 5
6. “Rōmulus,” inquit, “Quirītēs, parēns urbis huius, prīmā hodiernā
lūce caelō repente dēlāpsus sē mihi obvium dedit. cum perfūsus
horrōre venerābundusque adstitissem petēns precibus ut contrā
intuērī fās esset, 7. ‘abī, nūntiā,’ inquit ‘Rōmānīs, caelestēs ita velle
ut mea Rōma caput orbis terrārum sit; proinde rem mīlitārem 10
cōlant sciantque et ita posterīs trādant nūllās opēs hūmānās armīs
Rōmānīs resistere posse.’”8. “haec,” inquit “locūtus sublīmis abiit.”
admīrātiō, -tiōnis f.: admiration, 2 namque: for, for indeed, 1
adstō, -stāre, -stitī: stand at or near, 1 nōbilitō (1): ennoble, 1
caelum, -ī n.: sky, 7 obvius, -a, -um: in the way of (dat), 5
colō, -ere, coluī, cultum: cultivate; worship, 3 orbis, -is m.: sphere, circle; + terrārum, world, 3
contiō, contiōnis f.: assembly, meeting, 6 perfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -sum: pour over, wash, 2
dēlābor, -ī, dēlāpsus sum: glide, slip down, 1 perobscūrus, -a, -um: very obscure, 1
dēsīderium, -iī n.: longing; grief (for a loss), 5 praesēns, -sentis: present, being present, 7
fās n.: right, righteousness, divine law, 6 precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7
gravis, -e: heavy, serious, important, 2 Proculus, -ī m.: Proculus, 1
hodiernus, -a, -um: of today, today, 1 prōdeō, -īre, -iī: go forward, advance, 3
horror, horrōris m.: horror, awe, 2 proinde: then, therefore, consequently, 3
īnfēnsus, -a, -um: hostile, 2 quamvīs: however much, although, 2
intueor, -tuērī, -tuitus sum: look upon, 5 repente: suddenly, 5
Iūlius, -ī m.: Julius, 2 resistō, -ere, -stitī: stand still, stop; oppose, 4
loquor, -ī, locūtum: speak, say, 1 sollicitus, -a, -um: troubled, anxious, 2
lūx, lūcis m.: light, 6 sublīmis, -e: on high, aloft, uplifted, 3
mīlitāris, -e: military, of a soldier, 2 venerābundus, -a, -um: full of awe, 1

1 illam alteram (fāmam): i.e. that Romulus 7 caelō: from…; abl. place from which
disappeared into the sky dēlapsus: dep. PPP: translate ‘having Xed’
3 cōnsiliō…ūnīus hominis: by the plan…; i.e. of cum…adstitissem: plpf. subj.
Proculus Iūlius noted below; cōnsilium is 8 precibus: abl. means
here an ‘purposeful plan,’‘strategy’ or ‘device’ ut…fās esset: that it be…; ind. command with
addita (esse) reī dīcitur fidēs: confidence for impers. fās est in impf. subj.
the account is said to have been added; reī is contrā: face to face
objective gen. 9 abī, nūntiā: imperatives, abeō
4 sollicitā cīvitāte… īnfēnsā patribus: the city…; caelestēs…velle: that…; ind. disc. with irreg.
abl. abs. with two predicates.; add pple ‘being’ inf. volō
5 gravis: weighty; i.e. influential 10 ut…sit: that…; noun result clause with pres.
ut trāditur: as it is handed down subj. sum
quamvīs magnae reī auctor: a promoter of rem mīlitārem: military affairs; i.e. art of war
however important a matter; nom. apposition 11 cōlant sciantque…trādant: let…and let…and
prodit: 3s pres. prodeō let…; 3p jussive pres.subj.
6 Quirītēs: voc. dir. address, i.e. the people nūllās opēs…posse: that…; ind. disc. with inf.
parēns urbis huius: in apposition to Rōmulus; possum; opēs can here mean ‘power’
huius is gen. sg. demonstrative 12 sublīmis: on high
prīmā hodiernā lūce: at…; abl. time when
Interregnum 16.8-17.4

mīrum quantum illī virō nūntiantī haec fideī fuerit, quamque 1

dēsīderium Rōmulī apud plēbem exercitumque factā fide
immortālitātis lēnītum sit.
17. patrum interim animōs certāmen rēgnī ac cupīdō versābat;
necdum †ā singulīs, quia nēmō magnō opere ēminēbat in novō 5
populō, pervēnerat: factiōnibus inter ōrdinēs certābātur†. 2. oriundī
ab Sabīnīs, nē quia post Tatī mortem ab suā parte nōn erat
rēgnātum, in societāte aequā possessiōnem imperiī āmitterent, suī
corporis creārī rēgem volēbant: Rōmānī veterēs peregrīnum rēgem
aspernābantur. 3. in variīs voluntātibus rēgnārī tamen omnēs 10
volēbant, lībertātis dulcēdine nōndum expertā. 4. timor deinde
patrēs incessit nē cīvitātem sine imperiō, exercitum sine duce,
aequus, -a, -um: equal, fair, level, even, 3 leniō, -īre, -ivī, -ītum: make lenient, make mild, 1
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 lībertās, -tātis f.: freedom, liberty, 3
aspernor, -ārī, aspernātum: spurn, reject, 3 mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7
certō (1): to contend, strive, compete, 6 necdum: nor yet, 2
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 nēmō, nūllīus, nēminī, nēminem, nūllō/ā: no
dēsīderium, -iī n.: longing; grief (for a loss), 5 one, 2
dulcēdō, -inis f.: sweetness, 2 oriundus, -a, -um: descended, born, 6
ēmineō, -ēre, -uī: be prominent, 1 possessiō, -iōnis f.: possession, 1
experior, -ī, expertum: try, attempt, test, 3 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, partnership, 7
factiō, factiōnis f.: faction, party, 4 timor, -oris m.: fear, dread, anxiety, 1
immortālitās, -tātis f.: immortality, 2 varius, -a, -um: various, alternating, 6
incēdō, -ere, cessī: go, come into, enter, 5 versō (1): turn over, agitate, 2
interim: meanwhile, in the meantime, 5 voluntās, -tātis f.: will, wish, permission, 6

1 mīrum (est): (it is)…; impers. translation.

quantum…fideī: how much confidence…; ind. 6 oriundī: (those)…; nom. pl.
question with pf. subj. sum; fideī is partitive 7 nē…āmitterent: so that...might not…; neg.
gen. purpose clause
illī virō: dat. of possession parte: side; i.e. by Sabines
haec: neut. pl. erat rēgnātum: it had…; impers. plpf.;
quamque…lēnītum sit: and how…; ind. i.e. Rome had not been ruled
question with pf. pass. subj.; quam is an 8 suī corporis: of their own body (politic); i.e.
interrogative adv. from the Sabines; gen. of description with rēgem
2 apud: among… 9 creārī: pass. inf.
factā fide immortālitātis: abl. abs. 10 in variīs voluntātibus: in various inclinations;
4 versābat: 3s with 3p subject i.e. with various points of view
†ā singulīs… certābātur†.: A obelus (†) 11 lībertātis dulcēdine…expertā: abl. abs.
indicates that the clause is plainly corrupt but the 12 nē…adorīrētur: lest…; ‘that…’ fearing clause
editor cannot see how to emend it. Omit in with impf. dep. subj.

17.4-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

multārum circā cīvitātium inrītātīs animīs, vīs aliqua externa 1

adorīrētur. et esse igitur aliquod caput placēbat, et nēmō alterī
concēdere in animum indūcēbat.
5. ita rem inter sē centum patrēs, decem decuriīs factīs
singulīsque in singulās decuriās creātīs quī summae rērum 5
praeessent cōnsociant. 6. decem imperitābant: ūnus cum īnsignibus
imperiī et līctōribus erat: quīnque diērum spatiō fīniēbātur
imperium ac per omnēs in orbem ībat, annuumque intervāllum
rēgnī fuit. id ab rē quod nunc quoque tenet nōmen interrēgnum
appellātum. 10
7. fremere deinde plēbs multiplicātam servitūtem, centum prō
ūnō dominōs factōs; nec ultrā nisi rēgem et ab ipsīs creātum
adorior, -īrī, adortus: rise up, attack, 3 interrēgnum, -ī n.: interim king, 3
annuus, -a, -um: lasting a year, annual, 1 intervāllum, -ī n.: interval, distance, 2
concēdō, -ere; yield, concede, give way to (dat), 1 multiplicō (1): multipy, repeat, increase, 1
cōnsociō (1): share, make common, 4 nēmō, nūllīus, nēminī, nēminem, nūllō/ā: no
decem: ten, 3 one, 2
decuria, -ae f.: division (of tens), 2 nisi: if not, unless, 7
dominus, -ī m.: master, 4 orbis, -is m.: sphere, circle; + terrārum, world, 3
externus, -a, -um: external, foreign, 3 placet, -uit: it is pleasing, it is resolved, 5
finiō, -īre, -i(v)ī: to limit, end, enclose, 3 praesum, -esse, -fuī: be over, preside (dat.), 2
fremō, -ere, -uī, -itum: mutter; growl, roar, 1 quīnque: five, 6
imperitō (1): command, rule over (dat), 4 servitūs, servitūtis, f.: servitude, 1
indūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead in, bring to, 3 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
inrītō (1): provoke, 2 ultrā: besides, further, more, in addition, 1

1 multārum…inrītātīs animīs: abl. abs. ab rē: from (this) situation; i.e. the tradition is
2 esse…caput: that…; ind. disc.; i.e. leader derived from this first occasion
placēbat: it…; impers. quod…tenet: relative clause; an interrex was
nēmō: i.e. neither the Roman nor Sabine side appointed as recently as 52 BC
alterī: dat. ind. obj. of concēdere nōmen interrēgnum: the name “interregnum”
3 in animum indūcēbat: brought (his) mind to; + 10 appellātum (est): pf. pass.
inf; i.e. made up his mind or resolve 11 fremere plēbs: the plebs began to mutter; a
4 rem...centum patrēs...cōnsociant: main clause; historical inf. with nom. subject: translate as
rem here means ‘government’ or ‘state’ finite 3p impf.—here, inchoative impf.
decem…factīs: abl. abs. multiplicātam (esse) servitūtum: that…; pf.
5 singulīs…creātīs: abl. abs., creō, ‘appoint’ pass. inf.
in singulās decuriās: over… (et) centum…factōs (esse): (and) that…; pf.
summae rērum: over…; dat. of compound verb pass. inf.
quī…praeeesent: who would…; relative clause 12 nisi rēgem: except…; acc. obj.
of purpose (quī=ut eī) with impf. subj. praesum et ab īpsīs creātum: and, (in addition, a king)
7 quīnque…spatiō: in…; abl. time within …; PPP creō, ‘appoint;’ the two demands are (1)
8 per omnēs: i.e. every senator had a turn that there be a king, and (2) that this king be
in orbem: i.e. in rotation elected by the plebs
9 id (intervallum): this interval; nom. subj.

Interregnum 17.7-11

vidēbantur passūrī. 8. cum sēnsissent ea movērī patrēs, offerendum 1

ultrō ratī quod āmissūrī erant, ita grātiam ineunt summā potestāte
populō permissā ut nōn plūs darent iūris quam dētinērent. 9.
dēcrēvērunt enim ut cum populus rēgem iussisset, id sīc ratum
esset sī patrēs auctōrēs fierent. hodiē quoque in lēgibus 5
magistrātibusque rogandīs ūsūrpātur īdem iūs, vī adēmptā:
priusquam populus suffrāgium ineat, in incertum comitiōrum
ēventum patrēs auctōrēs fīunt.
10. tum interrēx contiōne advocātā, ‘quod bonum, faustum
fēlīxque sit’ inquit, ‘Quirītēs, rēgem creātē: ita patribus vīsum est. 10
patrēs deinde, sī dignum quī secundus ab Rōmulō numerētur
creārītis, auctōrēs fīent.’ 11. adeō id grātum plēbī fuit ut, nē victī
advocō (1): to summon, call to, 6 ineō, -īre, -īī, -itum: go into, enter, initiate, 7
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 interrēx, -rēgis m.: interim king, 2
comitium, -ī n.: assembly; elections, 6 magistratus, -ūs m.: magistrate, officer, 2
contio, contiōnis f.: assembly, meeting, 6 numerō (1): count, 1
dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum: decide, decree, 6 offerō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: offer, present, 3
dētineō, -ēre, -uī: retain, hold back, keep, 1 permittō -ere -mīsī -missum: entrust to (dat), 3
dignus, -a, -um: worthy, deserving of (abl.), 5 potestās, -tātis f.: power; rule, 3
ēventus, -ūs m.: outcome, result, 4 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
faustus, -a, -um: prosperous, blessed, 2 rogō (1): to ask, ask for, 7
fēlīx, fēlīcis: fortunate, happy, lucky, 2 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
grātia, -ae f.: gratitude, favor, influence, thanks, 6 suffrāgium, -ī n.: vote, right of voting, 4
grātus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 6 ultrō: voluntarily, spontaneously, 4
hodiē: today, 4 ūsūrpō (1): seize upon, use, 1
incertus, -a, -um: unreliable, doubtful, 5

1 vidēbantur: they seemed voice vote

passūrī (esse): fut. inf. patior 5 sī…fierent: if…; impf. subj. fiō; i.e. authorized
cum sēnsissent…patrēs: plpf. subj. candidates; explained below
ea movērī: that these…; pass. inf.; ea is neut. in…rogandīs: noun + gerundive; perform a
pl. demonstrative and acc. subject gerund-gerundive flip and translate as a gerund
offerendum (esse)…: that…had to be…; ind. (ing) + obj.; i.e. proposing matters before the
disc.; passive periphrastic (gerundive + inf. sum) assembly
quod āmissūrī erant: (that) which…; missing 6 vī adēmptā: abl. abs.
antecedent is acc. subj. in the ind. disc; āmissūrī 7 priusquam…ineat: temporal clause with pres.
erant is a periphrastic fut. (fut. pple + sum) subj. ineō of anticipated action
2 ratī: PPP dep. reor: translate ‘having Xed;’ in incertum…ēventum: against…
ita grātiam ineunt: in this way they entered 9 contiōne advocātā: abl. abs.
(their) good graces; ‘obtained favor,’ an idiom Quod bonum…sit: May this be…; optative
summā…permissā: abl. abs. subj. (subj. of wish); quod is a connective
3 populō: to…; dat. ind. obj. of permissā; relative: express in English as a demonstrative
here populus is synonymous with plēbs 10 creāte: imper., creō, ‘appoint’
ut…darent…dētinērent: that…; result with vīsum est: it seemed (good); with dat. reference
impf. subj. quī...numerētur: (someone) who is counted…
iūris: partitive gen. with acc. plūs the missing antecedent is acc. obj.
4 ut…id sīc ratum esset: that it…; ind. command 12 auctōrēs fient: fut. fiō, i.e. will authorize
with plpf. pass. reor, ‘ratify’ plēbī: to…; dat. of reference
cum…iussisset: plpf. subj. iubeō; i.e. elect by victī: PPP vincō
17.11-18.3 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

beneficiō vidērentur, id modo scīscerent iubērentque ut senātus 1

dēcerneret quī Rōmae rēgnāret.
18. inclita iūstitia religiōque eā tempestāte Numae Pompilī erat.
Curibus Sabīnīs habitābat, cōnsultissimus vir, ut in illā quisquam
esse aetāte poterat, omnis dīvīnī atque hūmānī iūris. 2. auctōrem 5
doctrīnae eius, quia nōn exstat alius, falsō Samium Pȳthagoram
ēdunt, quem Serviō Tulliō rēgnante Rōmae centum amplius post
annōs in ultimā Ītaliae ōrā circā Metapontum Hēraclēamque et
Crotōnā iuvenum aemulantium studia coetūs habuisse cōnstat. 3. ex
quibus locīs, etsī eiusdem aetātis fuisset, quae fāma in Sabīnōs? aut 10
quō linguae commerciō quemquam ad cupiditātem discendī
excīvisset? quōve praesidiō ūnus per tot gentēs dissonās sermōne
aemulor, -ārī, -ātum: rival, aspire to, 1 Hēraclēa, -ae m.: Heraclea (Italian town), 1
amplus, -a, -um: ample, full, spacious, 3 inclitus, -a, -um: famed, well known, 5
beneficium, -ī n.: good deed, favor, generosity, 5 Ītalia, -ae f.: Italy, 3
coetus, -ūs m.: gathering, meeting, 2 iūstitia, -ae f.: justice, fairness, 1
commercium, -ī n.: communication, exchange, 1 lingua, -ae f.: tongue, language, 2
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 Metapontum, -ī n.: Metapontum (town), 1
cōnsultus, -a, -um: skilled, learned, prudent, 1 ōra, -ae f.: shore, coast, 1
Croto, -ōnis m. (-a acc.): Croton (Italian town), 1 Pompilius, -iī m.: Pompilius, 4
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, ambition, 6 Pȳthagoras, -ae m.: Pythagoras, 1
Curēs, ium m.: Cures (Sabine town), 3 religio, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum: decide, decree, 6 Samius, -a, -um: of Samos (a Greek island), 1
discō, -ere, didicī: learn, come to know, 3 sciscō, -ere, -vī, scītum: assent to, resolve, 1
dissonus, -a, -um: dissonant, discordant, 1 senātus, -ūs f.: senate, 5
doctrīna, -ae f.: instruction, teaching, 1 sermō, sermōnis m.: conversation, talk, 3
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: bring forth, perform, 6 studium, -ī n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 5
etsī: even if, although, though, 5 tempestās, -tātis f.: time; weather, 6
exstō (1): exist, 2 tot: so many, 5
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, cheat, 6 Tullius, -ī m.: Tullius, 6

1 Nē…vidērentur (esse): so that…not seem (to 6 quia…., falsō: falsely, because…; abl. as adv.
be); negative purpose with impf. subj 7 Quem…habuisse cōnstat: whom…; relative
modo: just, merely clause, the pronoun is acc. subject of habuisse;
2 ut…dēcerneret: ind. command with impf. subj. Livy explains that Pythogoras was alive much
with both verbs but logically with scīscerent later and could not have been Numa’s teacher
quī…rēgnāret: (the one) who… Serviō…rēgnante: abl. abs.
Rōmae: at…; locative centum…annōs: after (than) 100 years
eā tempestāte: at…; abl. time when; tempestās afterward; post + acc.
means ‘time’ here and eā is demonstrative 8 iuvenum aemulantium…: gen. pl. modifying
3 inclita…erat: was well known; with 3p subject coetūs, which is acc. pl. dir. obj.
nom. pred. inclita is placed first for emphasis cōnstat: it is agreed
Numae Pompilī: dat. of possession 10 etsi…fuisset, quae fama (fuisset): even if
4 Curibus: at…; locative (Pythathoras) had…, (would have been); past
Sabīnīs: adj. modifying Curibus; a single town contrary to fact (sī plpf. subj., plpf. subj.)
Ut…poterat: as anyone...; clause of comparison quō…commerciō: by what exchange…
5 omnis dīvīnī…iūris: gen. with cōnsultissimus; would have…?; contrary to fact with plpf. subj.
auctōrem…Pȳthagoram ēdunt: as teacher…; 11 discendī: gen. gerund (-ing)
doctrīnae eius: of his instruction; Numa’s 12 quōve praesidiō: or under what protection…?
Numa Pompiliius 18.3-6

mōribusque pervēnisset? 4. suōpte igitur ingeniō temperātum 1

animum virtūtibus fuisse opīnor magis īnstrūctumque nōn tam
peregrīnīs artibus quam disciplīnā tetricā ac trīstī veterum
Sabīnōrum, quō genere nūllum quondam incorruptius fuit.
5. audītō nōmine Numae patrēs Rōmānī, quamquam inclīnārī 5
opēs ad Sabīnōs rēge inde sūmptō vidēbantur, tamen neque sē
quisquam nec factiōnis suae alium nec dēnique patrum aut cīvium
quemquam praeferre illī virō ausī, ad ūnum omnēs Numae
Pompiliō rēgnum dēferendum dēcernunt. 6. accītus, sīcut Rōmulus
augurātō urbe condendā rēgnum adeptus est, dē sē quoque deōs 10
cōnsulī iussit. inde ab augure, cui deinde honōris ergō pūblicum id
perpetuumque sacerdōtium fuit, dēductus in arcem, in lapide ad
adipīscor, -ī, adeptus: obtain, overtake, 3 lapis, -idis m.: stone, 4
augur, -is m.: augur, 4 opīnor, -ārī, opīnātum: opine, suppose, 2
auguror, -ārī, -ātum: take auspices, 1 perpetuus, -a, -um: perpetual, everlasting, 2
dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum: decide, decree, 6 Pompilius, -iī m.: Pompilius, 4
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 praeferō, -ferre, -tulī -lātum: prefer; put before, 2
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry away, bring, 5 quondam: formerly, at one time, 6
dēnique: lastly, finally, 1 sīcut: just as, so as, 2
disciplīna, -ae f.: training, instruction, 4 sūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take (up), chose, 6
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7 temperō (1): regulate, refrain from, keep from, 3
factiō, factiōnis f.: faction, party, 4 tetricus, -a, um: severe, forbidding, 1
incorruptus, -a, -um: uncorrupted, reliable, 2 trīstis, -e: sad, sullen, 4

1 sermōne mōribusque: in…; abl. of respect dared to prefer (acc) to (dat); ‘place (acc) before
pervēnisset: would have…; contrary to fact plpf. (dat); dep. pf. audeō; no one nominated anyone
subj. once Numa was suggested
suōpte…ingeniō: by his very own…; enclitic factiōnis suae: of…; i.e Sabine or Roman
–pte makes suō emphatic; abl. cause 8 illī virō: i.e. Numa; dat. of compound verb
temperātum…fuisse: that…; pf. inf. sum; praeferre
virtūtibus is abl. mean ad ūnum omnēs: all to the man; unanimously
2 magis: modifies opīnor rēgnum dēferendum (esse): that…must be…;
īnstructumque: still predicate of fuisse passive periphrastic (gerundive + esse)
tam…quam: so much…as…; clause of 9 accītus: i.e. Numa
comparison with abl. of means augurātō: auspicies having…; abl. abs. with a
4 quō genere nūllum (genus): than which race…; single term
relative adj. and abl. of comparison urbe condendā: at…; abl. time when or
incorruptius: neut. comparative adj. manner; gerundive + noun; perform a gerund-
5 audītō nōmine Numae: abl. abs. gerundive flip: translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.;
6 opēs: power; nom. subj. 10 dē sē…deōs cōnsulī: that…; pass. inf. cōnsulō
rēge…sūmptō: abl. abs. 11 cui…fuit: for whom...; relative, dat. of interest
vidēbantur: seemed ergō: for the sake of + preceding gen.; here as a
neque…nec…nec…: neither…nor…nor… preposition
7 quisquam…praeferre…ausī (sunt): anyone ‘

18.6-10 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

merīdiem versus cōnsēdit. 7. augur ad laevam eius capite vēlātō 1

sēdem cēpit, dextrā manū baculum sine nōdō aduncum tenēns,
quem lituum appellārunt. inde ubi prōspectū in urbem agrumque
captō deōs precātus regiōnēs ab oriente ad occāsum dētermināvit,
dextrās ad merīdiem partēs, laevās ad septentriōnem esse dīxit; 8. 5
signum contrā quō longissimē cōnspectum oculī ferēbant animō
fīnīvit; tum lituō in laevam manum trānslātō, dextrā in caput
Numae impositā, ita precātus est: 9. “Iuppiter pater, sī est fās hunc
Numam Pompilium cuius ego caput teneō rēgem Rōmae esse, ut tū
signa nōbīs certa adclārāssis inter eōs fīnēs quōs fēcī.” 10. tum 10
perēgit verbīs auspicia quae mittī vellet. quibus missīs dēclārātus
rēx Numa dē templō dēscendit.
adclārō (1): clarify, make manifest, 1 laevus, -a, -um: left, unfavorable, 6
aduncus, -a, -um: crooked, curved, 1 lituus, -a, -um: augur’s staff, 2
augur, -is m.: augur, 4 merīdīēs, -ēī m.: midday, noon; south, 2
auspicium, -ī n.: auspice, augury, bird-signs, 3 nōdus, -ī m.: knot, 1
baculum, -ī n.: staff, 4 occāsus, -ūs m.: setting; west, 1
cōnsīdō, -ere, -sēdī, -sessus: sit down, 4 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 6
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 Pompilius, -iī m.: Pompilius, 4
dēclārō (1): to declare, make clear, 1 precor, -ārī, -ātum: pray, 3
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: descend, 6 prōspectus, -ūs m.: view, survey, sight, 1
dēterminō (1): confine in limits, 1 septentriōnēs, -um m.: north (seven stars), 1
fās n.: right, righteousness, divine law, 6 trānsferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry across, 2
finiō, -īre, -i(v)ī: to limit, end, enclose, 3 vēlō (1): to veil, shroud, 3
impōnō, -ere, -posuī: put upon, impose, 3

1 meridiem: south (the direction of the sun at 7 lituō…trānslātō: abl. abs.

noon) dextrā…impositā: abl. abs.
ad laevam eius: at…; gen. eius refers to Numa 8 precātus est: dep. pf.
capite vēlātō: abl. abs. est fās: it is…; impersonal
3 appellā(vē)runt: governs a double acc. hunc…esse: that…; ind. disc.
prōspectū…captō: abl. abs. 9 Rōmae: locative
4 precātus: dep. PPP: translate ‘having Xed’ ut…adclārāssis: would that you…; optative
ab oriente (sole) ad occāsum (solem): from subj. (subj. of wish) introduced by ut (=utinam);
east to west; ‘from the rising sun to the fallen adclārāssis is an archaic 2s pf. subj. equiv. to
sun,’ directions formed from the pres. pple and adclārāveris
PPP, the word sol, ‘sun,’ is understood 10 signa: i.e. birds or phenomena in the sky
5 dextrās…dīxit: he said that the parts to the fīnēs: i.e. the borders which the augur defined
south (are)‘right’ and (the parts) to the north using the landmark as a point of reference
(are)‘left’; i.e. called relgions to the south ‘right’ 11 perēgit: related, detailed; ‘did completely’
and called regions to the north ‘left’ quae…vellet: which…; relative clause of
6 signum contrā…(in) animō fīnīvit: he fixed a characteristic with impf. subj. volō
landmark opposite quibus missīs: i.e. once the gods responded to
quō…ferēbant: to where…; relative adv. the request; abl. abs., connective relative:
longissimē: superl. adv. longē, ‘far’ translate as a demonstrative in English

Numa Pompiliius 19.1-4

19. quī rēgnō ita potītus urbem novam conditam vī et armīs, iūre 1
eam lēgibusque ac mōribus dē integrō condere parat. 2. quibus cum
inter bella adsuēscere vidēret nōn posse—quippe efferārī mīlitiā
animōs—, mītigandum ferōcem populum armōrum dēsuētūdine
ratus, Iānum ad īnfimum Argīlētum indicem pācis bellīque fēcit, 5
apertus ut in armīs esse cīvitātem, 3. clausus pācātōs circā omnēs
populōs significāret.—bis deinde post Numae rēgnum clausus fuit,
semel T. Mānliō cōnsule post Pūnicum prīmum perfectum bellum,
iterum, quod nostrae aetātī dī dedērunt ut vidērēmus, post bellum
Actiācum ab imperātōre Caesare Augustō pāce terrā marīque 10
4. clausō eō cum omnium circā fīnitimōrum societāte ac

Actiācus, -a, -um: of Actium, 1 integer, -gra, -grum: whole, intact, unharmed, 3
adsuēscō, -ere, -ēvī: grow accustomed, 1 iterum: again, a second time, 3
Argīlētum, -ī n.: Argiletum (NE of forum), 1 Mānlius, -ī m.: Manlius, 1
Augustus, -ī m.: Augustus, 1 mītigō (1): soften, 2
bis: twice, 1 pācō (1): to placify, subdue, 1
Caesar, -aris m.: Caesar, 1 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring
claudō, -ere, -dī, -sum: to close, enclose, 5 about, 7
consul, -is m.: consul, 3 potior, -īrī, potītum: take possession of (abl), 2
dēsuētūdo, -dinis f.: disuse, 1 Pūnicus, -a, -um: Punic, Carthiginian, 1
efferō (1): make wild or savage, 1 semel: once, 1
Iānus, -ī m.: Janus, 2 significō (1): show, point out, indicate, 2
imperātor, -ōris m.: commander, 1 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, partnership, 7
index, indicis m./f.: sign, proof; informer, 1 T.: Titus, 3

1 quī: this one; connective relative 6 ut (Iānus) apertus in armīs esse cīvitātem
potītus: dep. PPP: translate as ‘having Xed’ + (significārent): so that Janus (when)…; result
abl. obj. clause with impf. subj.; PPP aperiō belongs in
vī et armīs…iūre legibusque ac mōribus: the ut-clause following Iānus
abl. means, the contrast is between Romulus’ in armīs esse cīvitātem: that…
method of founding Rome and Numa’s (Iānus) clausus pācātōs (esse)…populōs
vī et armīs: by force of arms; hendiadys (two significārent: Janus (when)…; parallel to clause
terms denote the same object) above
2 eam: it; i.e. urbem pācātōs (esse)…populōs: that…; pf. pass. inf.
dē integrō: anew, afresh; ‘from untouched’ 7 clausus fuit: supply Iānus as subject
quibus: to these things; connective relative and 8 T. Māniliō cōnsule: abl. abs., supply pple
dat. of compound verb adsuēscere ‘being;’ 235 BC
aduēscere…nōn posse: that (the people)…; or 9 quod…: which; dī = deī
‘that it was not possible to…’ ind. disc., posse nostrae aetātī: to our generation, to our age
is impersonal or an acc. subject must be added d(e)ī
quippe efferārī…animōs: that… ut vidērēmus: so that…; purpose
mītigandum (esse)…dēsuētūdine: that…must pāce…partā: abl. abs., PPP pariō
be…; passive periphrastic (gerundive + esse)… 12 clausō eō: abl. abs.; demonstrative eō refers to
5 ratus: PPP dep. reor: translate ‘having Xed’ Iānus
Iānum: i.e. the arch of Janus omnium circā fīnitimōrum: circā is simply an
ad: at… adv.
fēcit: governs a double acc. (obj. and pred.)

19.4-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

foederibus iūnxisset animōs, positīs externōrum perīculōrum cūrīs, 1

nē luxuriārent ōtiō animī quōs metus hostium disciplīnaque
mīlitāris continuerat, omnium prīmum, rem ad multitūdinem
imperītam et illīs saeculīs rudem efficācissimam, deōrum metum
iniciendum ratus est. 5. quī cum dēscendēre ad animōs sine aliquō 5
commentō mīrāculī nōn posset, simulat sibi cum deā Ēgeria
congressūs nocturnōs esse; eius sē monitū quae acceptissima dīs
essent sacra īnstituere, sacerdōtēs suōs cuique deōrum praeficere.
6. atque omnium prīmum ad cursūs lūnae in duodecim mēnsēs
dīscrībit annum; quem quia trīcēnōs diēs singulīs mēnsibus lūna 10
nōn explet dēsuntque sex diēs solidō annō quī sōlstitiālī
circumagitur orbe, intercalāriīs mēnsibus interpōnendīs ita
circumagō, -ēre: drive/wheel around, revolve, 2 interpōnō, -ere, -suī; include, introduce, 1
commentum, -ī n.: invention, embellishment, 1 lūna, -ae n.: moon, 2
congressus, -ūs m.: meeting, 2 luxuriō (1): be self-indulgent, 1
contineō, -ēre, -uī, -tum: hold in/back, contain, 4 mēnsis, -is m.: month, 3
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 6 mīlitāris, -e: military, of a soldier, 2
dea, -ae f.: goddess, divinity, deity, 4 monitus, -ūs m.: warning, admonition, 2
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: descend, 6 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2
dēsum, -esse, -fuī: be lacking, fail (dat), 6 orbis, -is m.: sphere, circle; + terrārum, world, 3
disciplīna, -ae f.: training, instruction, 4 ōtium, -iī n.: leisure, peace, 5
discrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī: distribute, divide, 2 perīculum, -ī n.: risk, danger, peril, 7
duodecim: twelve, 6 praeficiō, -ere, -fēcī: put in charge over, 1
efficax (efficacis): effective, efficacious, 2 rudis, -e: uncultivated, inexperienced in (gen), 3
Ēgeria, -ae f.: Egeria (a goddess), 2 saeculum, -ī n.: generation, age, time; century, 2
expleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum: fulfull, fill out, 4 sex: six, 4
externus, -a, -um: external, foreign, 3 simulō (1): feign, pretend, make like, 7
imperītus, -a, -um: unexperienced, 1 solidus, -a, -um: dense; a solid (coin), 1
iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw upon, 6 sōlstitiālis, -e: solstitial, of the solstice, 1
intercalārius, -a, -um: intercalary, 1 trīcēnī, -ae, -a: thirty each, 1

1 iūnxisset: plpf. subj. iungō, cum clause ind. disc. and dat. possession
positīs cūrīs: abl. abs., pōnō, ‘put aside’ 7 (et) sē…īnstituere: and that he…
2 nē luxuriārent ōtiō animī: so that…might not… eius…monitū: i.e. Egeria’s. gen. sg., abl. cause
neg. purpose clause; animī is nom. quae…essent: which…; sacra is the antecedent;
quōs…continuerat: 3s with 3p subject subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
3 omnium prīmum: adv. acc. + partitive gen. dīs: deīs, dat. of reference
rem…efficācissimam: in apposition to metum 8 (et sē) sacerdōtēs…praeficere: and that (he)…
iniciendum below cuique deōrum: over…; dat. of compound
ad multitūdinem…rudem: for… 9 omnium prīmum: adv. acc. + partitive gen.
4 illīs saeculīs: in those times; time when ad: according to…
deōrum metum iniciendum (esse): that…must 10 singulīs mēnsibus: in…; abl. time when
be…; passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) 11 solidō annō: from…; dat. compound verb
5 ratus est: pf. dep. reor sōlstitiālī orbe: abl. means, i-stem 3rd decl. abl.
quī cum…posset: Since this one…; connective 12 intercalāriīs mēnsibus interpōnendīs: by…;
relative (translate as demonstrative); causal cum abl. means, noun + gerundive: peform a gerund-
clause with impf. subj. possum gerundive flip and translate as gerund (-ing) +
ad animōs: into their hearts, into their spirits obj.
6 sibi…esse: that he had…; ‘to him there were…’
Numa Pompiliius 19.6-20.3

dispēnsāvit, ut vīcēsimō annō ad mētam eandem sōlis unde ōrsī 1

essent, plēnīs omnium annōrum spatiīs diēs congruerent. 7. īdem
nefāstōs diēs fāstōsque fēcit quia aliquandō nihil cum populō agī
ūtile futūrum erat.
20. tum sacerdōtibus creandīs animum adiēcit, quamquam ipse 5
plūrima sacra obībat, ea maximē quae nunc ad Diālem Flāminem
pertinent. 2. sed quia in cīvitāte bellicōsā plūrēs Rōmulī quam
Numae similēs rēgēs putābat fore itūrōsque ipsōs ad bella, nē sacra
rēgiae vicis dēsererentur flāminem Iovī adsiduum sacerdōtem
creāvit īnsignīque eum veste et curūlī rēgiā sellā adōrnāvit. huic 10
duōs flāminēs adiēcit, Mārtī ūnum, 3. alterum Quirīnō, virginēsque
Vestae lēgit, Albā oriundum sacerdōtium et gentī conditōris haud
adornō (1): distinguish, adorn, decorate, 1 oriundus, -a, -um: descended, born, 6
adsiduus, -a, -um: permanent, constant, 3 pertineō, -ēre, -tinuī: pertain to; reach, 5
aliquandō: sometimes, at some time, 1 plēnus, -a, -um: full, completed, 3
bellicōsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 plūrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 4
conditor, -tōris m.: founder, 5 pūtō (1): to think, consider, 4
congruō, -ere: agree, match, 2 Quirīnus, -ī m.: Quirinus (Romulus), 2
curūlis, -e: curule, 2 sella, -ae f.: chair, 2
dēserō, -ere, -uī, -sertum: to desert, 3 similis, -e: similar to, like (dat), 6
Diālis, -e: of Jupiter, 1 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 1
dispēnsō (1): distribute, 1 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
fāstus, -a, -um: righteous days, fasti, 1 ūtilis, -e: useful, effective, 1
flāmen, flāminis, m.: priest, flamen, 5 Vesta, -ae f.: Vesta, 1
Mārs, Mārtis m.: Mars, 6 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 4
mēta, -ae f.: goal, turning point, 1 vīcēsimus, -a, -um: twentieth, 1
nefāstus, -a, -um: unrighteous, unholy, 1 vicis, -is f.: turn, exchange; office; -em, in turn, 6
obeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: engage in; enter; die, 4 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, virgin, 6

1 ut…diēs congruerent: that the dates match…; ipse: he himself

result with impf. subj. 6 obībat: engaged in; ‘met with’
vīcēsimō annō: abl. time when ea: neut. pl. demonstrative, i.e. sacra
ad mētam eandem: i.e. the solstices quae…pertinent
unde (diēs) ōrsī essent: from where (the days) 7 plūrēs Rōmulī (similēs) quam Numae similēs
had begun; relative with plpf. dep. subj. ordior rēgēs…fore: that there would be more…; fut.
plēnīs…spatiīs: abl. abs., supply pple ‘being’ inf. sum (equiv. to futurōs esse); Rōmulī and
i.e. the months would been exactly completed Numae are dat. of special adj.
over the 20 year period 8 (rēgēs) itūrōs (esse) ad bella: and that…; with
2 īdem: he also; ‘the same man’ adj. as adv. fut. inf. eō, īre
nefātōs fāstōsqu: nefasti and fasti; acc. pred. nē…dēserentur: so that …not; neg. purpose
fēcit governs a double acc. 9 rēgiae vīcis: of the office of king; gen. sg.
3 quia…futūrum erat: because…it..; impers. Iōvī: for Jupiter; dat. of interest
periphrastic fut. (fut. pple sum + sum); adsiduum sacerdōtem: as…
nihil…agī: that…; logical subj. of futūrum erat; 10 īnsignī…veste…sellā: abl. means
pass. inf. agō; i.e. no business before assembly huic: to…; dat. of compound verb
5 sacerdōtibus creandīs: to…; dat. purpose, noun 11 Martī, Quirīnō: dat. of interest
+ gerundive: peform a gerund-gerundive flip and 12 lēgit: appointed; ‘chose’
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. Albā: from…; abl. of origin
animum: (his) attention
20.3-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

aliēnum. hīs ut adsiduae templī antistitēs essent stīpendium dē 1

pūblicō statuit; virginitāte aliīsque caerimōniīs venerābilēs ac
sānctās fēcit.
4. Saliōs item duodecim Mārtī Grādīvō lēgit, tunicaeque pictae
īnsigne dedit et super tunicam aēneum pectorī tegumen; 5
caelestiaque arma, quae ancīlia appellantur, ferre ac per urbem īre
canentēs carmina cum tripudiīs sollemnīque saltātū iussit.
5. pontificem deinde Numam Marcium Mārcī fīlium ex patribus
lēgit eīque sacra omnia exscrīpta exsignātaque attribuit, quibus
hostiīs, quibus diēbus, ad quae templa sacra fierent, atque unde in 10
eōs sūmptūs pecūnia ērogārētur. 6. cētera quoque omnia pūblica
prīvātaque sacra pontificis scītīs subiēcit, ut esset quō cōnsultum
adsiduus, -a, -um: permanent, constant, 3 pectus, pectoris n.: chest, breast; heart, 6
aēneus, -a, -um: of bronze, of copper, 1 pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 6
ancile, -is n.: shield (figure-8, sacred to Mars), 1 pingō, -ere, pīnxī, pictum: paint; embroider, 1
antistes, antistis m/f.: priest/priestess, 4 pontifex, -ficis m.: priest, pontifex, 5
attribuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: assign, 2 Saliī, -ōrum m.: Salii, Salian priests, 2
caerimōnia, -ae f.: ceremony, rite, 3 saltātus, -ūs m.: leaping, 1
canō, -ere, cecinī, cantum: sing, prophesy, 5 sānctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy, 4
carmen, carminis n.: song, prediction, 6 scītum, -ī n.: decree, 1
duodecim: twelve, 6 stīpendium, -iī n.: contribution, military service, 2
ērogō (1): pay, pay out from the treasury, 1 subiciō, -ere, -iēcī: place under, bring up, 2
exscrībō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: copy out, 1 sūmptus, -ūs m.: expense, expenditure, cost, 1
exsignō (1): write, mark in detail, 1 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
Grādīvus, -ī m.: (surname of Mars), 1 tegumen, -entis n.: breastplace, covering, 1
hostia, -ae f.: animal sacrifice, victim, 1 tripudium, -ī n.: (triple time) dance, 1
item: also, likewise, in like manner, 3 tunica, -ae f.: tunic, 2
Mārcius, -ī n.: Marcius, Ancus Marcius, 4 venerābilis, -e: venerable, 4
Mārs, Mārtis m.: Mars, 6 virginitās, -tātis f.: virginity, 2

1 aliēnum: foreign to, unsuited to + dat. eī: dat. sg. is

hīs: for…; dat. of interest quibus hostiīs…sacra fierent: with what
ut…essent: so that…might…; purpose with sacrificial victims…; a series of three indirect
impf. subj. questions with ellipsis of the verb; impf. subj.
3 fēcit (antistitēs): governs a double acc. (obj. fiō; all in apposition to sacra omnia; quibus is an
and pred.) supply antistitēs, ‘priestesses,’ as obj. interrogative adj.
Mārtī Grādīvō: for…; dat. of interest 10 quibus diēbus: on…; abl. time when
4 lēgit: appointed; ‘chose’ unde…ērogārētur: the 4th ind. question in
tunicae pictae: of the…; gen.; PPP pictae here, apposition with impf. pass. subj.
as often, means ‘embroidered’ in eōs sūmptūs: for…; i.e. sacrifices, etc.
5 pectorī: for…; dat. of interest 12 pontificis scītīs: under (the authority of)…;
(eōs) caelestia arma…ferre…īre: that (they)…; dat. of compound verb; pontificis is subjective
inf. ferō, eō, īre; governed by iussit gen.: these are decrees created by the pontifex
7 iussit: pf. iubeō ut esset: so that there might be; purpose
8 pontificem: as pontifex quō…venīrent: (someone) to whom…would…;
Numam Marcium: Numa Marcius; a person relative of characteristic; dat. of direction
distinct from Numa Pompilius cōnsultum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um)
Mārcī fīlium: in apposition to Numam Marcium often expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
9 lēgit: (King Numa) appointed
Numa Pompiliius 20.6-21.1

plēbēs venīret, nē quid dīvīnī iūris neglegendō patriōs rītūs 1

peregrīnōsque adscīscendō turbārētur; 7. nec caelestēs modo
caerimōniās, sed iūsta quoque fūnebria plācandōsque mānēs ut
īdem pontifex ēdocēret, quaeque prōdigia fulminibus aliōve quō
vīsū missa susciperentur atque cūrārentur. ad ea ēlicienda ex 5
mentibus dīvīnīs Iovī Ēliciō āram in Aventīnō dicāvit deumque
cōnsuluit auguriīs, quae suscipienda essent.
21. ad haec cōnsultanda prōcūrandāque multitūdine omnī ā vī et
armīs conversā, et animī aliquid agendō occupātī erant, et deōrum
adsidua īnsidēns cūra, cum interesse rēbus hūmānīs caeleste nūmen 10
vidērētur, eā piētāte omnium pectora imbuerat ut fidēs ac iūs
iūrandum †proximō† lēgum ac poenārum metū cīvitātem regerent.
adscīscō, -ere, -īvī: adopt; attach, 1 iūstus, -a, -um: just, legitimate, 5
adsiduus, -a, -um: permanent, constant, 3 mānes, -ium f.: manes, spirits of the dead, 2
āra, ārae f.: altar, 6 mēns, mentis f.: mind, intent, purpose, 4
Aventīnum, ī n. (us, -ī m.): Aventine hill, 4 neglegō, ere, -lēxī, neglēctum: to neglect, 2
caerimōnia, -ae f.: ceremony, rite, 3 nūmen, -inis n.: divine power, approval, 3
cōnsultō (1): to deliberate, consult, 2 patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsus: turn (around), 4 pectus, pectoris n.: chest, breast; heart, 6
cūrō (1): care for, take care of, attend to, 3 piētās, -tātis f.: piety, devotion, 1
dicō (1): dedicate, 4 plācō (1): to placate, soothe, 1
ēdoceō, -ēre, -ui: teach thoroughly, 2 poena, -ae, f.: punishment, 6
ēliciō, -ere, -cuī: draw out, elicit, 1 pontifex, -ficis m.: priest, pontifex, 5
Ēlicius, -ī m.: Elicius, (epithet of Jupiter), 2 prōcūrō (1): care for, attend to, 1
fulmen, -minis n.: lightning, thunderbolt, 3 regō, regere, rēxī, rectum: rule, be king, 3
fūnebris, -e: of funerals, 1 rītus, -ūs m.: rite, ceremony, 6
imbuō, -uere, -uī, -būtum: tinge, stain, soak, 1 suscipiō, -ere, cēpī, ceptum: undertake, take up, 7
īnsidēō, -ēre, -sēdī: be fixed, occupy, settle, sit, 1 turbō (1): throw in confusion, disturb, 5
intersum, -esse, -fuī: engage in, be among (dat), 3 vīsus, -ūs m.: appearance, sight; vision, 1
iūrō (1): swear (an oath), 6

1 nē…turbārētur: so that…not…; neg. purpose peform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as

quid: anything; indefinite aliquid loses the gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad expresses purpose
preflix ali- before sī, nisi, num or nē; nom. subj. 6 Iovī Ēliciō: for…; dat. interest
of turbāretur; dīvinī iūris is partitive gen. 7 quae suscipienda essent: which…had to be…;
neglegendō: by…; means, gerund (-ing) ind. question impf. subj. in passive periphastic
2 peregrīnōs (rītūs) (gerundive + esse)
adscīscendō: by…; means, gerund (-ing) 8 ad haec cōnsultanda prōcūrandāque: for…;
nec modo…sed: and not only…but (also)… peform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as
fūnebria: funeral rites gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad expresses purpose
3 plācandōs: going to be pleased; gerundive multitūdine omnī…conversā: abl. abs.
ut…ēdocēret…cūrārentur: so that...might…; 9 ā vī et armīs: from the force of arms; hendiadys
purpose; the preceding acc. are objs. aliquid agendō: by…; means, gerund (-ing)
4 quaeque…missa (essent): and what prodigies 10 īnsidēns cūra (erat): add linking verb; pres.
(had been) sent by lightning or by what other pple insidēns suggests the concern is a habit
spectacle…; relative clauses with relative adjs.; cum…vidērētur: since…seemed; causal
subject of the final two verbs in the purpose 11 eā pietāte: with such devotion
clause ut…regerent: that…; result
5 ad eā ēlicienda: for…; noun + gerundive: 12 iūs iūrandum: swearing an oath; gerundive
21.2-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

2. et cum ipsī sē hominēs in rēgis velut ūnicī exemplī mōrēs 1

fōrmārent, tum fīnitimī etiam populī, quī anteā castra nōn urbem
positam in mediō ad sollicitandam omnium pācem crēdiderant, in
eam verēcundiam adductī sunt, ut cīvitātem tōtam in cultum
versam deōrum violārī dūcerent nefās. 5
3. lūcus erat quem medium ex opācō specū fōns perennī rigābat
aquā. quō quia sē persaepe Numa sine arbitrīs velut ad congressum
deae īnferēbat, Camēnīs eum lūcum sacrāvit, quod eārum ibi
concilia cum coniuge suā Ēgeriā essent. 4. et [sōlī] Fideī sollemne
īnstituit. ad id sacrārium flāminēs bīgīs currū arcuātō vehī iussit 10
manūque ad digitōs usque involūtā rem dīvīnam facere,
significantēs fidem tūtandam sēdemque eius etiam in dexterīs
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead to, 2 lūcus, -ī m.: grove, 7
anteā: before, earlier, previously, 3 nefās: unrighteous; not right, 1
arbiter, arbitrī m.: witness, 2 opācus, -a, -um: shady; dark, 1
arcuātus, -a, -um: covered, arched, 1 perennis, -e: perpetual, perennial, 1
bīgae, -ārum f., pl: two-horse carriage, 1 persaepe: very often, 1
Camēna, -ae f.: Camena (Muse), 1 rigō (1): to water, make wet, 1
congressus, -ūs m.: meeting, 2 sacrārium, -ī n.: sanctuary, 1
coniūnx -ūgis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 6 sacrō (1): make sacred, consecrate, dedicate, 4
cultus, -ūs m.: worship; cultivation, upbringing, 5 significō (1): show, point out, indicate, 2
currus, -ūs m.: chariot, carriage, cart, 3 sollicitō (1): to agitate, stir, worry, 3
dea, -ae f.: goddess, divinity, deity, 4 specus, -ūs m./f.: cave, 2
digitus, -ī m.: finger, 1 tūtor, -ārī, -ātum: secure, make safe, 2
Ēgeria, -ae f.: Egeria (a goddess), 2 ūnicus, -a, -um: unique, singular, only, 2
flāmen, flāminis, m.: priest, 5 usque: up to, until; all the way, 4
fōns, fontis m.: origin, fount, source, 3 vehō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: convey, carry, 1
fōrmō (1): shape, form, 2 verēcundia, -ae f.: reverence, respect; modesty, 3
involvō, -ere, -volvī, -volūtus: wrap, 1 violō (1): to do violence to, violate, 5

1 cum…fōrmārent, tum: when…, at that time; 7 quō: to there; ‘to where,’ connective relative
cum clause with impf. subj. 8 deae: i.e. with Egeria
in regis…mōrēs: into (the character)…; mōs is Camēnīs: to the Camenae; i.e. Muses
‘custom’ in sg. but ‘morals’ or ‘character’ in pl. eum lūcum: demonstrative adj.
velut ūnicī exemplī: as a unique exemplar quod…essent: because there were…; impf.
2 castra nōn urbem postiam (esse)…pācem: subj. of alleged cause (character’s point of view)
that a military camp, not a city, had been..; pf. 9 [sōlī]: editor recommends that text be omitted
pass. inf.; i.e. previously Rome had behaved as Fideī: for Faith; a goddess; dat. interest
if it were a castra and not an urbs 10 flāminēs…vehī: that…; pass. inf.
3 in mediō: in their midst currū arcuātō: in apposition to bīgīs
ad sollicitandam: for…; noun + gerundive: 11 manū…involūtā: abl. abs.. i.e. with cloth
peform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as ad digitōs…ūsque: up to…; usually ‘usque ad’
gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad expresses purpose rem dīvīnam: i..e the sacrifice
4 eam: such; ‘this sort,’ demonstrative 12 fīdem tūtandum (esse): that…must be…;
ut…dūceret: that they considered…; result sēdem eius…sacrātam esse: that her seat…; i.e.
violārī...nefās (esse): that (it was) not right her dwelling as if in a temple; pf. pass. inf.
that…; ind. disc.; nefās est is a common impers.; etiam: even
cīvitiātem…violārī is the logical subject in dexterīs: in right hands; i.e. in pledges
6 erat: there was
Tullus Hostilius 21.4-22.2

sacrātam esse. 5. multa alia sacrificia locaque sacrīs faciendīs quae 1

Argēōs pontificēs vocant dēdicāvit. omnium tamen maximum eius
operum fuit tūtēla per omne rēgnī tempus haud minor pācis quam
6. ita duo deinceps rēgēs, alius aliā viā, ille bellō, hic pāce, 5
cīvitātem auxērunt. Rōmulus septem et trīgintā rēgnāvit annōs,
Numa trēs et quadrāgintā. cum valida tum temperāta et bellī et
pācis artibus erat cīvitās.
22. Numae morte ad interrēgnum rēs rediit. inde Tullum
Hostīlium, nepōtem Hostīlī, cuius in īnfimā arce clāra pugna 10
adversus Sabīnōs fuerat, rēgem populus iussit; patrēs auctōrēs
factī. 2. hic nōn sōlum proximō rēgī dissimilis sed ferōcior etiam
Argēī, -ōrum m.: Argei (place, name unclear), 1 quadrāgintā: forty, 7
clārus, -a, -um: clear, distinguished, bright, 6 sacrificium, ī n.: sacrifice, 7
dēdicō (1): to dedicate, consecrate, 2 sacrō (1): make sacred, consecrate, dedicate, 4
deinceps: one after another, successively, 4 septem: seven, 1
dissimiis, -e: unlike, different, dissimilar, 1 temperō (1): regulate, refrain from, keep from, 3
Hostīlius, -ī m.: Hostilius, 2 trīginta: thirty, 7
interrēgnum, -ī n.: interim king, 3 tūtēla, -ae f.: protection, guardianship, 4
nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7 validus, -a, -um: strong, powerful, 5
pontifex, -ficis m.: priest, pontifex, 5 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7

1 sacrīs faciendīs: for…; dat. of purpose; noun + acc. of duration

gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip and cum…tum…: both…and…; lit. ‘while…at the
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. same time…’
2 Argēōs: Argei; name of shrines and rites et…et…: both..and…
vocat: call (x) (y); double acc.; pontificēs is 9 rēs: state, government
nom. subj.; Tullum…(esse) rēgem: that…
eius: i.e. Numa’s cuius…pugna…fuerat: whose…; clāra is nom.
3 tūtela…pācis...quam rēgnī: both are objective pred.
gen. modifying tūtēla īnfimā: the bottom of
5 alius aliā viā: one by one way, another by 11 adversus: against + acc.; preposition; first
another way occurance of this core word in Book 1
6 auxērunt: pf. augeō iussit: pf. iubeō
septem et trīgintā…annōs: for..; acc. of 12 factī (sunt): i.e. authorized the vote
duration nōn sōlum…sed: not only…but (also)
7 trēs et quadrāgintā (annōs regnāvit): for…; proximō regī: dat. of special adj.

22.2-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

quam Rōmulus fuit. cum aetās vīrēsque tum avīta quoque glōria 1
animum stimulābat. senēscere igitur cīvitātem ōtiō ratus undique
māteriam excitandī bellī quaerēbat.
3. forte ēvēnit ut agrestēs Rōmānī ex Albānō agrō, Albānī ex
Rōmānō praedās in vicem agerent. 4. imperitābat tum Gāius 5
Cluilius Albae. utrimque lēgātī ferē sub idem tempus ad rēs
repetendās missī. Tullus praecēperat suīs nē quid prius quam
mandāta agerent; satis sciēbat negātūrum Albānum; ita piē bellum
indīcī posse. 5. ab Albānīs socordius rēs ācta; exceptī hospitiō ab
Tullō blandē ac benignē, cōmiter rēgis convīvium celebrant. 10
tantisper Rōmānī et rēs repetīverant priōrēs et negantī Albānō
bellum in trīcēsimum diem indīxerant. haec renūntiant Tullō.
agrestis, -e: of the fields, rural; farmer, ruralfolk, 4 mandātum, -ī n.: command, order, 2
avītus, -a, -um: ancestral, of a grandfather, 5 māteria, -ae f.: opportunity, source, stuff, 4
benignus, -a, -um: kind, kindly, 7 negō (1): to deny, say that…not, 5
blandus, -a, -um: smooth, flattering, 1 ōtium, -iī n.: leisure, peace, 5
celebrō (1): celebrate; practice, engage in, 3 pius, -a, -um: dutiful, pious, 3
Cluilius, -ī m.: Cluilius, 3 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take before;
cōmiter: courteously, friendly, 2 order, 5
convīvium, -ī n.: banquet, feast, 3 renūntiō, (1): bring back word, report, 1
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 4 senēscō, -ere, -uī: to grow old, 1
excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: receive, welcome, 6 socors, socordis: careless, lax, senseless, 1
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 5 stimulō (1): provoke, incite, rouse, excite, 6
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 5 tantisper: for a while, so long, meanwhile, 3
Gaius, Gaiī m.: Gaius 1 trīcēsimus, -a, -um: thirtieth, 1
hospitium, ī n.: guest-friendship/hospitality, 6 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 4
imperitō (1): command, rule over (dat), 4 vicis, -is f.: turn, exchange; office; -em, in turn, 6

1 quam: clause of comparison 7 missī (sunt)

cum…tum…: both…and…; i.e of the new king suīs (lēgātīs): dat. ind. obj
vīrēs: pl. vīs nē quid…agerent: that…not…anything; neg.
2 senēscere…ōtiō: that…; abl. of cause ind. command; indefinite aliquid loses the
ratus: dep PPP reor: translate as ‘having Xed’ preflix ali- before sī, nisi, num or nē; impf. subj.
3 excitandī bellī: of…; noun + gerundive: perform agō, ‘do’
a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as gerund 8 mandāta: i.e. the things already ordered by him
(-ing) + obj. negātūrum (esse) Albānum: that the Alban
4 forte: abl. fors (embassy) ...; fut. inf.
ēvēnit: it…; impersonal (et) ita piē…posse: (and) that…
ut…agerent: that…; noun result clause with piē: adv. pius
impf. subj. 9 socordius: comparative adv.
agrō: land ācta (est)
(et) Albānī (agrestēs) ex Rōmānō (agrō) exceptī: having been welcomed; i.e. the Albānī
5 praedās…agerent: as often, driving cattle hospitiō: abl. of manner
Albae: at…; locative 11 et…et…: both…and…
6 sub: near… rēs repetīverant: had sought restitution; idiom
ad rēs repetendās: for seeking restitution; noun negantī Albānō: upon the Alban (embassy)
+ gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip refusing; dat. of compound object
and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.; rēs 12 in: after…; i.e. beginning on the thirtieth day
repetere, ‘to seek resitution’ is a common idiom haec: neut. acc. pl.
Tullus Hostilius 22.5-23.1

6. tum lēgātīs Tullus dīcendī potestātem quid petentēs vēnerint 1

facit. illī omnium ignārī prīmum pūrgandō terunt tempus: sē
invītōs quicquam quod minus placeat Tullō dictūrōs, sed imperiō
subigī; rēs repetītum sē vēnisse; nī reddantur bellum indīcere
iussōs. 7. ad haec Tullus ‘nūntiātē’ inquit, ‘rēgī vestrō rēgem 5
Rōmānum deōs facere testēs, uter prius populus rēs repetentēs
lēgātōs aspernātus dīmīserit, ut in eum omnēs expetant huiusce
clādēs bellī.’
23. haec nūntiant domum Albānī. et bellum utrimque summā ope
parābātur, cīvīlī simillimum bellō, prope inter parentēs nātōsque, 10
Troiānam utramque prōlem, cum Lāvīnium ab Troiā, ab Lāvīniō
Alba, ab Albānōrum stirpe rēgum oriundī Rōmānī essent.
aspernor, -ārī, aspernātum: spurn, reject, 3 potestās, -tātis f.: power; rule, 3
cīvīlis, -e: civil, of a citizen, 2 prōles, -is f.: offspring, 3
clādes, -is f.: disaster, destruction, loss, 5 pūrgō (1): excuse, apology; clear away, cleanse, 3
dīmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: dismiss, 2 similis, -e: similar to, like (dat), 6
expetō, -ere, -iī, -ītum: seek after, demand, 2 subigō, -ere, -ēgī: drive, drive under, subdue, 3
ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, 4 terō, -ere, trīvī: wear down; waste, spend, 4
invītus, -a, -um: unwilling, 2 testis, -is m/f: witness, 4
nī (nisī): if not, unless, 5 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 5
oriundus, -a, -um: descended, born, 6 uter, utra, utrum: which (of two), 7
placet, -uit: it is pleasing, it is resolved, 5 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, yours, 4

1 dīcendī: gen. gerund (-ing) with potestātem 5 ad haec: in response to…

potestātem facit: gives an opportunity, gives rēgī vestrō: dat. ind. obj.
permission; idiom rēgem…facere: that…; inf. governs a double
quid…vēnerint: what…; ind. question with pf. acc. (obj. and pred.)
subj. 6 uter…populus…dīmīserit: which…; ind.
2 illī: i.e. the Albānī lēgātī question with pf. subj.
prīmum: adverbial acc. rēs repetentēs: idiom, see above
pūrgandō: by…; means gerund (ing) 7 aspernātus: dep. PPP: lēgātōs is obj.
sē…dictūrōs (esse): that…; ind. disc. with fut. ut…expetant: that they…; ind. command; 3p
inf. in apposition to pūrgandō but subject is 3s uter populus above
3 invītōs: predicative: translate as an adverb in eum: upon this one; i.e. the guilty side
quicquam: anything omnēs…clādēs: acc. obj.
quod…placeat Tullō: relative clause of huiusce…bellī: gen. sg. hic; the demonstrative
characteristic with pres. subj. enclitic -ce/-c is common: ‘this here’ (cf. hunc)
sed imperiō subigī: that (they)…; pres. pass. inf. 9 domum: acc. place to which
4 (et) rēs…sē vēnisse: that… summā ope: abl. manner
rēs repetītum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) 10 cīvīlī…bellō: dat. of special adj.
often expresses purpose: translate as an inf.; rēs simillimum: irreg. superlative adj.
repetere, ‘to seek restitution,’ is an idiom for prope: almost
taking back what was taken by an enemy nātōs: sons; ‘those born,’ dep. PPP nascor
nī (rēs) reddantur: if (restitution)…; pres. subj. 11 cum…oriundī essent: since…were descended;
of subordinate verb (conditional) in ind. disc. causal cum clause with heavy ellipsis
(sē) bellum indīcere iussōs (esse): that… 12 Albānōrum…rēgum: gen. modifies ab stirpe

23.2-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

2.ēventus tamen bellī minus miserābilem dīmicātiōnem fēcit, quod 1

nec aciē certātum est et tēctīs modo dīrutīs alterīus urbis duo
populī in ūnum cōnfūsī sunt. 3. Albānī priōrēs ingentī exercitū in
agrum Rōmānum impetum fēcēre. castra ab urbe haud plūs
quīnque mīlia passuum locant, fossā circumdant; Fossa Cluilia ab 5
nōmine ducis per aliquot saecula appellāta est, dōnec cum rē
nōmen quoque vetustāte abolēvit. 4. in hīs castrīs Cluilius Albānus
rēx moritur; dictātōrem Albānī Mettium Fufetium creant.
interim Tullus ferōx, praecipuē morte rēgis, magnumque deōrum
nūmen ab ipsō capite orsum in omne nōmen Albānum expetītūrum 10
poenās ob bellum impium dictitāns, nocte praeteritīs hostium
castrīs, īnfēstō exercitū in agrum Albānum pergit. 5. ea rēs ab
abolēscō, -ere, -ēvī: vanish, 1 interim: meanwhile, in the meantime, 5
aliquot: several, 6 locō (1): to put, place, 3
certō (1): to contend, strive, compete, 6 miserābilis, -e: miserable, pitiable, 4
circumdō, -are, -dedī: surround, put around, 4 morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 3
Cluilius, -a, -um: of Cluilius, Cluilian, 1 nox, noctis, f.: night, 5
Cluilius, -ī m.: Cluilius, 3 nūmen, -inis n.: divine power, approval, 3
cōnfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum: confuse, disturb, 3 passus, -ūs: pace, 3
dictātor, -oris m.: dictator, chief magistrate, 3 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
dictitō (1): say repeatedly, 3 poena, -ae, f.: punishment, 6
dīmicātiō, -tiōnis f.: combat, fight, 5 praecipuē; especially, 5
dīruō, -ere, -ī, -utum: tear down, destroy, 4 praetereō, -īre, -īvī, -itum: pass, go pass, 3
ēventus, -ūs m.: outcome, result, 4 quīnque: five, 6
expetō, -ere, -iī, -ītum: seek after, demand, 2 saeculum, -ī n.: generation, age, time; century, 2
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 5 tēctum, -ī n.: roof; dwelling, home, shelter, 6
Fufētius, -ī m.: Fufetius, 2 vetustās, -tātis f.: antiquity; past, old age, 2
impius, -a, -um: unholy, impious, 3

1 fēcit: governs a double acc. (obj. and pred.) 8 dictātōrem: as…

quod: because morte: abl. of cause
2 aciē: on…; abl. place where or means; the battle magnumque…expetītūrum (esse) poenās: that
is decided by a duel between two sets of triplets a great power…; fut. inf. governed by pple
tēctīs…dīrutīs alterīus urbis: abl. abs. dicitāns
alterīus: gen. sg. alter, as often among pronouns ab ipsō capite orsum: dep. PPP ordior; capite
3 in ūnum (populum) refers to Cluilius as ‘head’ of the Albans
priōrēs: i.e. were the first to do so 10 nōmen Albānum: the Alban people; i.e. all
(cum) īngentī exercitū: abl. accompaniment who carry the Alban name
4 fēcēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. 11 nocte: abl. time when
mīlia passuum: miles; ‘thousands of paces,’ praeteritīs…castrīs: abl. abs.
acc. of extent 12 (cum) īngentī exercitū: abl. accompaniment
5 Fossa Cluilia : Cluilian Trench; a proper name in: against…
6 cum rē: with the thing itself; i.e. ditch ea rēs: this situation
7 vetustāte: because of …; abl. of cause

Tullus Hostilius 23.5-7

statīvīs excīvit Mettium. dūcit quam proximē ad hostem potest; 1

inde lēgātum praemissum nūntiāre Tullō iubet priusquam dīmicent
opus esse conloquiō; sī sēcum congressus sit, satis scīre ea sē
allātūrum quae nihilō minus ad rem Rōmānam quam ad Albānam
pertineant. 6. haud aspernātus Tullus, tamen sī vāna adferantur in 5
aciem ēdūcit. exeunt contrā et Albānī.
postquam īnstrūctī utrimque stābant, cum paucīs procerum in
medium ducēs prōcēdunt. 7. ibi īnfit Albānus: ‘iniūriās et nōn
redditās rēs ex foedere quae repetītae sint, et ego rēgem nostrum
Cluilium causam huiusce esse bellī audīsse videor, nec tē dubitō, 10
Tulle, eadem prae tē ferre; sed sī vēra potius quam dictū speciōsa
dīcenda sunt, cupīdō imperiī duōs cognātōs vīcīnōsque populōs ad
adferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: bring, propose, 6 pertineō, -ēre, -tinuī: pertain to; reach, 5
aspernor, -ārī, aspernātum: spurn, reject, 3 potius: rather, more, preferably, 5
Cluilius, -ī m.: Cluilius, 3 prae: in front of, before (acc); compared to (abl), 6
cognātus, -ī m.: kinsman, relative, 2 praemittō, -ere: send in advance, 2
congredior, -ī, congressum: gather; contend, 2 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
conloquium, -iī n.: conversation, 1 prōcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum; proceed, 5
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 procerēs, -um m.: leaders, chieftains, 3
dīmicō (1): to fight, struggle, contend, 5 speciōsus, -a, -um: attractive, appealling, 2
dubitō (1): to hestitate, doubt, 3 statīva, -ōrum n: outpost, stopping-place, camp, 2
ēdūcō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: lead or draw out, 4 stō, stāre, stetī, statum: stand, 6
exeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go out, 6 vānus, -a, -um: in vain, useless, worthless, false, 7
īnfit: begins (to speak), 2 vīcīnus, -a, -um: neighboring, 6
paucī, -ae, -a: little, few, scanty, 7

1 quam proximē…potest: as closely as is 8 iniūriās…redditās rēs…repetītae sint: the

possible…; clause of comparison injustices and restitution not given back, which
2 lēgātum…nūntiāre Tullō: that… was sought according to the treaty; all of this is
3 opus esse conloquiō: that…; opus est, ‘there is a acc. subject of esse below but placed at the
need of’ is an idiom that governs an abl. of beginning of the sentence for emphasis: he notes
separation (1) damage from the original conflict and (2)
3 sī…congressus sit: pf. dep. subj. congredior failure to receive reparations later; the nature of
(sē) satis scīre: that he knows (well) enough; i.e. the foedus is unclear and not mentioned by Livy
Mettius is confident that… 9 ego…audī(vi)sse videor: I seem + pf. inf.
4 ea sē allātūrum (esse): that he… fut. inf. afferō rēgem nostrum Cluilium (dicentem): obj. of
ea is a neut. pl. demonstrative explained below audī(vi)sse; supply a pple of speaking
quae…pertineat: which,…; ea is antecedent; 10 causam…esse bellī: that…was…; iniūriās…rēs
pres. subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc. above is the acc. subject
nihilō minus: no less; ‘by nothing,’ abl. of tē…eādem prae tē ferre: that…; prae sē ferre,
degree of difference with comparative adv. ‘carry before oneself,’ is an idiom for ‘show,’
ad Albānam (rem): add ‘state’ or ‘government’ ‘display,’ or ‘give as a pretext’
5 asperntātus: dep. PPP: translate ‘having Xed’ 11 Tulle: voc. dir. address
sī vāna adferantur: if fruitless things were vēra: true things; neut. pl. substantive
brought up dictū: in,…; abl. of respect; supine (PPP + ū);
6 ēdūcit (Rōmānōs): add obj. translate as gerund (ing) or as an inf.
contrā: in response; adv. 12 dīcenda sunt: must be…; passive periphrastic
8 Albānus: an Alban (gerundive + sum)

23.7-10 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

arma stimulat. 8. neque, rēctē an perperam, interpretor. fuerit ista 1

eius dēlīberātiō quī bellum suscēpit: mē Albānī gerendō bellō
ducem creāvēre. illud tē, Tulle, monitum velim: Etrūsca rēs quanta
circā nōs tēque maximē sit, quō propior es Volscīs. hōc magis scīs.
multum illī terrā, plūrimum marī pollent. 9. memor estō, iam cum 5
signum pugnae dabis, hās duās aciēs spectāculō fore ut fessōs
cōnfectōsque simul victōrem ac victum adgrediantur. itaque sī nōs
dī amant, quoniam nōn contentī lībertāte certā in dubiam imperiī
servitiīque āleam īmus, ineāmus aliquam viam quā utrī utrīs
imperent sine magnā clāde, sine multō sanguine utriusque populī 10
dēcernī possit.’ 10. haud displicet rēs Tullō quamquam cum indole
animī tum spē victōriae ferōcior erat. quaerentibus utrimque ratiō
adgredior, -ī, -gressum: go to, attack, address, 4 memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7
ālea, -ae f.: hazard, risk; die (one of 2 dice), 1 moneō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: warn, advise, 2
amō (1): love, like, 1 perperam: wrongly, 2
an: or (in questions), 7 plūrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 4
clādes, -is f.: disaster, destruction, loss, 5 polleō, -ēre, -uī: be powerful, 2
cōnficiō, -ere: to finish (off), accomplish, 5 quoniam: since (now), seeing that, 5
contineō, -ēre, -uī, -tum: hold in/back, contain, 4 ratiō, -ōnis f.: plan, method, system, calculation, 2
dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum: decide, decree, 6 rēctus, -a, -um: correct, straight; honest, 5
dēlīberātiō, -tiōnis f.: deliberation, 1 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
displiceō, -ere, -uī: displease, dissatisfy, 1 servitium, -ī n.: slavery, servitude, 4
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 5 stimulō (1): provoke, goad, rouse, excite, 6
indoles, -is f.: natural ability, talent, 4 suscipiō, -ere, cēpī, ceptum: undertake, take up, 7
ineō, -īre, -īī, -itum: go into, enter, initiate, 7 uter, utra, utrum: which (of two), 7
interpretor, -ārī: translate, interpret; decide, 2 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7
iste, ista, istud: that/those (of yours), 2 Volscī, -ōrum m.: Volscians, Volsci, 3
lībertās, -tātis f.: freedom, liberty, 3

1 rēctē an perperam (stimulet): whether (he as abl. of degree of difference with comparatives
provokes)…or…; ind. question 5 multum…plūrimum: quite (powerful)…very
fuerit: fut. pf. sum; often translated as fut. with much (powerful); both inner acc. with pollent
the sense of completion not expressed in terrā…marī: on…; abl. respect; i-stem abl.
English; ista is subject, dēlīberātio is nom. pred. estō: fut. imper. sum (translate as pres. imper.)
2 eius: gen. demonstrative; i.e. of Cluilius iam cum: just as soon as…; ‘now when’
gerendō bellō: for…; dat. of purpose; noun + 6 hās…spectāculō fore: that…will serve as a
gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip and show; dat. of purpose and fut. inf. sum (equiv. to
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. futūrās esse) are often translated ‘serve as…’ in
3 creāvēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. + double acc. English; i.e. the Etruscans will watch the battle
illud…monitum (esse): that you be advised ut…adgrediantur: so that…might…; purpose
of this; i.e. the following; illud is an inner acc.: 8 Quoniam…īmus: seeing that…; 1p eō, īre
‘this (advice)’ with pf. pass. inf. in ind. disc. 9 ineāmus: Let… 1p hortatory subj. ineō, inīre
velim: I should wish; potential subj., used to quā…possit: by may be able; relative
express a cautious or modest assertion of purpose with impers. 3s subj.
Etrūsca rēs quanta…sit: (namely) how utrī utrīs…: which state rules which; ind. quest.
great the Etruscan state…; ind. question 10 utriusque populī: gen. sg. uterque, ‘each’
4 quō proprior…hōc magis: the nearer…the 12 cum…tum: both by…and by…; abl. of cause
more…; ‘by how much nearer…by this much quaerentibus: (both sides)…; one-term abl. abs.
more,’ correlatives (relative and demonstrative)
Tullus Hostilius 23.7-24.3

inītur cui et Fortūna ipsa praebuit māteriam. 1

24. forte in duōbus tum exercitibus erant trigeminī frātrēs, nec
aetāte nec vīribus disparēs. Horātiōs Cūriātiōsque fuisse satis
cōnstat, nec fermē rēs antīqua alia est nōbilior; tamen in rē tam
clārā nōminum error manet, utrīus populī Horātiī, utrīus Curiātiī 5
fuerint. auctōrēs utrōque trahunt; plūrēs tamen inveniō quī
Rōmānōs Horātiōs vocent; hōs ut sequar inclīnat animus.
2. cum trigeminīs agunt rēgēs ut prō suā quisque patriā dīmicent
ferrō; ibi imperium fore unde victōria fuerit. nihil recūsātur;
tempus et locus convēnit. 3. priusquam dīmicārent foedus ictum 10
inter Rōmānōs et Albānōs est hīs lēgibus ut cuiusque populī cīvēs
eō certāmine vīcissent, is alterī populō cum bonā pāce imperitāret.
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient; better, important, 5 māteria, -ae f.: opportunity, source, stuff, 4
clārus, -a, -um: clear, distinguished, bright, 6 nōbilis, -e: noble, 2
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: present, offer, 3
dīmicō (1): to fight, struggle, contend, 5 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
dispār (gen. dispāris): unequal, unlike, 2 recūsō (1): to refuse, object to, reject, 1
error, errōris m.: wandering; uncertainty, 3 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
fermē: nearly, about, 4 trigeminus, -a, -um: triplet, 4
imperitō (1): command, rule over (dat), 4 uter, utra, utrum: which (of two), 7
ineō, -īre, -īī, -itum: go into, enter, initiate, 7

1 inītur: pass. ineō about that…; noun result clause with pres. subj.
cui: for which…; dat. of purpose prō suā…patriā: on behalf of…
et: also 9 ferrō: abl. means; ‘a sword’ via metonomy
2 forte: abl. fors ibi imperium fore: that…; ind. disc. with fut.
3 nec…nec…: neither in…nor in…; abl. respect inf. sum (equiv. to futurum esse) governed by
abl. pl. vis agunt
Horātiōs…fuisse: that…; ind. disc., pf. inf. sum ibi…unde…: there from where…; i..e on that
The Horatiī brothers are traditionally Roman, side; relative with pf. subj. sum of subordinate
and the Curiatii brothers are traditionally Alban. verb in ind. disc.
4 cōnstat: it is agreed; impers. 10 convēnit: were agreed; 3s with 3p verb
rēs antīqua: ancient account ictum est: pf. pass. iciō
in rē: in an account… hīs lēgibus: with these terms
5 utrīus populī Horātiī (fuerint), (et) utrīus 11 ut…imperitāret: that…; ind. command with
(populī) Curiatiī fuerint: of which people…; impf. subj.
ind. questions with pf. subj. sum; gen. sg. uter cuiusque…vīcissent: the citizens of whichever
6 auctōrēs utrōque trahunt: authors draw from people had…; gen. quique here perhaps equiv. to
both (points of view); ‘from both sides’ quīcumque, ‘whosoever’ relative clause with
quī…vocent: relative of characteristic; pres. plpf. subj. (subj. of subordinate verb in ind.
subj. command); ‘is (populus)’ is the antecendent
7 ut sequar hōs: that I follow these; i.e opinion of 12 eō: by this…; demonstrative
the plūrēs; result clause with 1s pres. subj. is (populus): this (people); i.e. the victors
8 cum: with alterī populō: dat. ind. obj.
agunt…ut…dīmicent: act so that…; i.e. bring it

24.3-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

foedera alia aliīs lēgibus, cēterum eōdem modō omnia fīunt. 4. 1

tum ita factum accēpimus, nec ūllius vetustior foederis memoria
est. fētiālis rēgem Tullum ita rogāvit: ‘iubēsne mē, rēx, cum patre
patrātō populī Albānī foedus ferīre?’ iubente rēge, ‘sagmina’ inquit
‘tē, rēx, poscō.’ rēx ait: ‘pūra tollitō.’ 5. fētiālis ex arce grāminis 5
herbam pūram attulit. posteā rēgem ita rogāvit: ‘rēx, facisne mē tū
rēgium nūntium populī Rōmānī Quirītium, vāsa comitēsque
meōs?’ rēx respondit: ‘quod sine fraude meā populīque Rōmānī
Quirītium fīat, faciō.’ 6. fētiālis erat M. Valērius; is patrem patrātum
Sp. Fūsium fēcit, verbēnā caput capillōsque tangēns. pater patrātus 10
ad iūs iūrandum patrandum, id est, sanciendum fit foedus;
multīsque id verbīs, quae longō effāta carmine nōn operae est
adferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: bring, propose, 6 opera, -ae f.: effort, exertion; workman, 4
aiō: say, affirm, 6 patrō (1): bring to pass, execute, accomplish, 7
capillus, -ī m.: hair, 2 poscō, -ere, poposcī: ask, demand, 1
s posteā: after this, afterwards, 5
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 pūrus, -a, -um: clean, pure; free, 4
comes, -itis m. f.: companion, comrade, 6 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -nsus: answer, 3
effātum, -ī n.: expression, utterance, rogō (1): to ask, ask for, 7
feriō, -īre: strike, 4 sagmen, sagminis n.: tuft of sacred herbs, 1
fētiālis, -e: fetialis (type of priest), 5 sanciō, -īre, sānxī: make sacred, sanctify, 2
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception; harm, hurt, 5 Sp.: Spurius, 3
Fūsius, -ī m.: Fusius, 1 tangō, -ere, tetigī, tactum: to touch, 2
grāmen, -inis n.: grass, 2 tollō, ere, sustulī, sublātum: lift up; raze, 5
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 1 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7
iūrō (1): to swear (an oath), 6 Valērius, -ī m.: Valerius, 3
longus, -a, -um: long, 3 vāsum, -ī n.: apparatus, tools, equipment, 1
M.: Marcus, 1 verbēna, -ae f.: tuft of herbs (=sagmina), 1
memoria, -ae f.: memory, 3 vetustus, -a, -um: ancient, old, 4

1 foedera alia aliīs lēgbus: different treaties (are 7 Quiritium: of the Quirites; gen. pl.
made) with different terms; ‘some treaties are vāsa…comitēs: (along with)…; parallel to mē
made with some terms; others, with other terms’ 8 (id) quod…fiat: (that) which…is done; relative
eōdem modō: in…; abl. of manner clause of characteristic with pres. subj.
2 ita factum (esse): that it…; ind. disc.; impers. meā populīque: both possessives, adj. and gen.
pf. pass.; i.e how treaties are made in general 9 patrem patrātum: Pater Patratus; see above
ūllius…foederis: of…; gen. sg. ūllus tangēns: by…; causal pres. pple modifying ‘is’
4 foedus ferīre: to strike a treaty; idiom 9 pater patrātus (est): Pater Patratus (is)…
cum patre patrātō: with the Pater Patratus; i.e. ad iūs iūrandum patrandum: for…; noun +
the chief fetial priest who ratified the treaty gerundive patrō: peform a gerund-gerundive flip
iubente rēge: abl. abs. and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad
sagmina: the details are unclear but the tufts expresses purpose; the use of patrō is likely
come from the Capitoline hill, perhaps as a added to explain the function of Pater Patratus
symbol of home soil iūs iūrandum: swearing an oath; gerundive
5 pūra (sagmina): pure; perhaps without id est: that is (to say); in clarification
religious pollution 11 sanciendum: worthy to be sanctified,
tollitō: fut. imperative tollō sanctifiable; gerundive
6 attulit: pf. adferō 12 quae…referre: which expressions with lengthy
facis-ne: 2s governing a double acc. meter it is not (worthy) of the effort to report
Tullus Hostilius 24.6-25.1

referre, peragit. 7. lēgibus deinde recitātis, ‘audī’ inquit, ‘Iuppiter; 1

audī, pater patrāte populī Albānī; audī tū, populus Albānus. ut illa
palam prīma postrēma ex illīs tabulīs cērāve recitāta sunt sine dolō
malō, utique ea hīc hodiē rēctissimē intellecta sunt, illīs lēgibus
populus Rōmānus prior nōn dēficiet. 8. sī prior defēxit pūblicō 5
cōnsiliō dolō mālō, tum tū ille Diespiter populum Rōmānum sīc
ferītō ut ego hunc porcum hīc hodiē feriam; tantōque magis feritō
quantō magis potes pollēsque.’ 9. id ubi dīxit porcum saxō silice
percussit. sua item carmina Albānī suumque iūs iūrandum per
suum dictātōrem suōsque sacerdōtēs perēgērunt. 10
25. foedere ictō trigeminī, sīcut convēnerat, arma capiunt. cum
suī utrōsque adhortārentur, deōs patriōs, patriam ac parentēs,
adhortor, -ārī, -ātum: encourage, urge, 2 patrō (1): bring to pass, execute, accomplish, 7
carmen, carminis n.: song, prediction, 6 percutiō, -ere, -cussī: beat, strike, 1
cēra, ae f.: wax, 1 polleō, -ēre, -uī: be powerful, 2
dēficiō, -ere, -fēxī, -fectum: fail; defect, revolt, 3 porcus, -ī m.: pig, swine, 2
dictātor, -oris m.: dictator, chief magistrate, 3 postrēmus, -a, -um: last, 2
Diespiter: Diespiter (sky god), 1 recitō (1): recite, read aloud, 2
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 7 rēctus, -a, -um: correct, straight; honest, 5
feriō, -īre: strike, 4 referō, -ferre, -tulī: report, relate, 5
hodiē: today, 4 saxum, -ī n.: rock, 3
intellegō, -ere, -xī, -lectum: realize, understand, 1 sīcut: just as, so as, 2
item: also, likewise, in like manner, 3 silex, silicis m.: flint, 1
iūrō (1): to swear (an oath), 6 tabula, -ae f.: tablet; board, 1
palam: openly, publicly, 5 trigeminus, -a, -um: triplet, 4
patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7 utique: in any case, anyhow, 2

1 lēgibus…recitātīs: the terms…; abl. abs. ut…feriam: just as…; clause of comparison
2 pater patrāte: Pater Patratus; voc. dir. address with fut.
ut…recitāta sunt: as…; temporal clause tantō magis…quantō magis: the more…the
illa…prīma postrēma: those (terms) from more…; ‘by so much more…but how much
beginning to end…; ‘those first (and) last,’ illa more…’ correlatives (demonstrative, relative)
refers to lēgibus above as abl. of degree of difference with comparatives
3 cērā-ve: aut (ex) cērā ferītō: fut. imperative, feriō
utīque…intellēcta sunt: and as…; et utī, 8 id: this; obj. of dīxit
temporal clause 9 sua item…Albānī…perēgērunt: The Albans
ea: these (terms) likewise carried out…
4 illīs lēgibus: (from) those terms; abl. separation iūs iūrandum: swearing an oath; gerundive
or dat. with compound with dēficiō 11 foedere ictō: abl. abs., PPP iciō
dēficiet: fut. convēnerat: it…; impers. construction
6 pūblicō cōnsiliō: from…; abl. separation cum…adhortārentur: impf. dep. subj.
dolō mālō: because of…; abl. cause 12 suī: their own people; nom. subj.
6 ille Diespiter: the great Diespiter; i.e. Jupiter; utrōsque: acc. uterque, obj. of adhortārentur
ille suggests someone well-known or renowned: deōs patriōs…intuērī: and (reminding) that…;
‘the Diespiter’ (cf. Alexander the Great) ind. disc with dep. inf. intueor; governed by
7 ferītō: fut. imper., feriō, ‘strike down’ adhortārentur and clarifying the encouragment

25.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

quidquid cīvium domī, quidquid in exercitū sit, illōrum tunc arma, 1

illōrum intuērī manūs, ferōcēs et suōpte ingeniō et plēnī
adhortantium vōcibus in medium inter duās aciēs prōcēdunt. 2.
cōnsēderant utrimque prō castrīs duo exercitūs, perīculī magis
praesentis quam cūrae expertēs; quippe imperium agēbātur in tam 5
paucōrum virtūte atque fortūnā positum. itaque ergō ērēctī
suspēnsīque in minimē grātum spectāculum animō incenduntur.
3. datur signum īnfēstīsque armīs velut aciēs ternī iuvenēs
magnōrum exercituum animōs gerentēs concurrunt. nec hīs nec
illīs perīculum suum, pūblicum imperium servitiumque obversātur 10
animō futūraque ea deinde patriae fortūna quam ipsī fēcissent. 4. ut
prīmō statim concursū increpuēre arma micantēsque fulsēre gladiī,
adhortor, -ārī, -ātum: encourage, urge, 2 minimus, -a, -um: very little; adv. least, 6
concurrō, -ere, -currī: clash, gather, 2 obversō (1): turn over, present, 1
concursus, -ūs m.: gathering; collision, charge, 5 paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1
cōnsīdō, -ere, -sēdī, -sessus: to sit down, 4 perīculum, -ī n.: risk, danger, peril, 7
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7 plēnus, -a, -um: full, 3
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rectum: raise up; rouse, 4 praesēns, -sentis: present, being present, 7
expers, expertis: free from, without (gen), 3 prōcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum; proceed, 5
fulgeō, -ēre, fulsī: shine, glitter, 1 quisquis, quidquid: whoever, whatever, 4
grātus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 6 servitium, -ī n.: slavery, servitude, 4
incendō, -ere, -ī, -ēnsus: kindle, enflame, burn, 3 statim: immediately, on the spot, at once, 1
increpō, -āre, -uī: rattle, clang; rebuke, chide, 5 suspendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: hang up, 5
intueor, -tuērī, -tuitus sum: look upon, 5 ternī, -ae, -a: three each, 1
micō (1): flash, 1 tunc: then, at that time, 3

1 quidquid…domī (sit): whatever…; i.e. the ērēctī suspēnsīque: (The triplets)…; i.e. alert
citizens who…; relative with pres. subj. of and in suspense; nom. pl. PPP
subordinate verb in ind. disc.; the missing 7 minimē: least; superl. adv.
antecedent is one of the acc. subjects of intuērī: (in) animō
cīvium: partitive gen. 8 īnfēstīs armīs: with...; abl. manner: menacingly
domī: at…; locative velut aciēs: just as…; clause of comparison
(et) quidquid (civium) in exercitū sit: and 9 magnōrum exercituum animōs gerentēs:
whatever…; i.e. the citizens who…; see above bearing...; or ‘carrying,’ pres. pple
illōrum…arma (et)…manūs: acc. obj. of nec…nec…: neither for…nor for…; dat. of
intuērī; illōrum refers to the triplets interest with perīculum, i.e. Horatii and Curiatii
2 ferōcēs et…et plēnī: both fierce…and filled…; 10 (sed) pūblicum…: (but)…of the people
i.e. the triplets; nom. pl. within the main clause obversātur: are turned over; with 3p subject
suōpte ingeniō: by their very own…; enclitic 11 (in) animō
–pte makes suō emphatic; abl. cause futūraque ea…fortūna: and that fortune…; yet
3 adhortantium: of (those)…; gen. pres. pple with another subject of obversātur; fut. pple sum
vocibus; the triplets’ ears are filled and inspired quam ipsī fēcissent: which…would…; plpf.
4 prō: in front of subj. of a subordinate verb in ind. disc. in
magis…quam expertēs (erant): (they were) secondary seq. (in the triplets’ minds); a fut. pf.
more…; expers = ex pars, ‘without a share of’ in direct speech
5 imperium agēbātur: power was staked; i.e. 12 prīmō…concursū: at…; abl. time when
power was at stake; an idiom increpuēr(unt), fulsēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.
6 paucōrum: i.e. of the triplets perhaps the sound of pīla thrown against shields
positum: i.e. depending up
Tullus Hostilius 25.4-8

horror ingēns spectantēs perstringit et neutrō inclīnātā spē torpēbat 1

vōx spīritusque. 5. cōnsertīs deinde manibus cum iam nōn mōtus
tantum corporum agitātiōque anceps tēlōrum armōrumque sed
volnera quoque et sanguis spectāculō essent, duo Rōmānī super
alium alius, volnerātīs tribus Albānīs, exspīrantēs corruērunt. 6. ad 5
quōrum cāsum cum conclāmāsset gaudiō Albānus exercitus,
Rōmānās legiōnēs iam spēs tōta, nōndum tamen cūra dēseruerat,
exanimēs vice ūnīus quem trēs Cūriātiī circumsteterant. 7. forte is
integer fuit, ut ūniversīs sōlus nēquāquam pār, sīc adversus
singulōs ferōx. ergō ut sēgregāret pugnam eōrum capessit fugam, 10
ita ratus secūtūrōs ut quemque volnere adfectum corpus sineret. 8.
iam aliquantum spatiī ex eō locō ubi pugnātum est aufūgerat, cum
adficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: affect, afflict, 2 integer, -gra, -grum: whole, intact, unharmed, 3
agitātiō, -tiōnis f.: quick movement, 1 legio, legiōnis f.: legion, 7
aliquantum, -ī n.: some, considerable, 5 nēquāquam: by no means, 3
anceps, ancipitis: double headed, on both sides, 2 neuter, neutra, neutrum: neither, 2
aufugiō, -ere, fūgī: to flee, hurry away, 3 perstringō, -ere, -xī: graze, touch slighly, 1
capessō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum: seize, take up, 1 pugnō (1): to fight, 5
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, accident, event, 4 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
circumsistō, -ere, -stetī: surround, 3 sēgregō (1): separate, 1
conclāmō (1): cry out together, shout, 2 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
cōnserō, -ere, -uī, -tum: join, engage, 1 spectō (1): to watch, look at, 6
corruō, -ere, -ī: fall in a heap or lifeless, 2 spīritus, -ūs m.: breath; spirit, 2
dēserō, -ere, -uī, -sertum: to desert, 3 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7 tēlum, -ī n.: projectile, arrow, spear, 5
exanimis, -e: out of their mind, horror-stricken, 1 torpeō, -ēre.: be paralyzed, be numb, 2
exspīrō (1): breathe out, exspire, 1 ūniversus, -a, -um: one and all, entire, whole, 4
gaudium, -iī n.: joy, gladness, 4 vicis, -is f.: turn, exchange; office; -em, in turn, 6
horror, horrōris m.: horror, awe, 2 vulnerō (volnerō) (1): wound, injure, 1

1 spectantēs: (those)…; pres. pple, 8 exanimēs: in apposition to Rōmānās legiōnes

neutrō: to neither (side); dat. of compound verb vice: because of the turn (of fortune); abl. cause
inclīnātā spē: abl. abs. ūnīus: gen. sg. ūnus; the lone Roman
2 cōnsertīs manibus: i.e. hand-to-hand combat, forte: abl. fors
abl. abs. is: i.e. the lone Roman
cum…spectāculō essent: when… served as a 9 (et) ut…(fuit), sīc (fuit)…: (and) just as he
show; dat. of purpose and impf. subj. sum; dat. was…so he was…; correlatives
of purpose is often translated ‘serve as…’ in ūniversīs: dat. of special adj.; i.e. Curiatii
English adversus: against + acc.; preposition
nōn…tantum…sed quoque: not only…but also 10 ut sēgregāret…eōrum: so that…might…;
3 telōrum: weapons; here swords, not projectiles purpose
4 super alium alius: one on top of the other; in 11 ratus: dep PPP, reor: translate as ‘having Xed’
apposition to duo Rōmānī (eōs) secūtūrōs (esse): that they…; fut. inf.
5 volnerātīs…Albānīs: abl. abs., PPP volnerō ut…sineret: as the body allowed…; clause
exspīrantēs: i.e. their last breath of comparison with impf. subj. of subordinate
6 ad quōrum cāsum: at whose fall verb in ind. disc.
gaudiō: with…; abl. cause aliquantum spatiī: some distance; acc. extent
7 Rōmānās legiōnēs: obj. of dēseruerat 12 pugnātum est: they fought; impers. pf. pass.;
cūra: their worry translate in active in English
25.8-12 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

respiciēns videt magnīs intervāllīs sequentēs, ūnum haud procul ab 1

sēsē abesse. 9. in eum magnō impetū rediit; et dum Albānus
exercitus inclāmat Cūriātiīs utī opem ferant frātrī, iam Horātius
caesō hoste victor secundam pugnam petēbat.
tunc clāmōre quālis ex īnspērātō faventium solet Rōmānī 5
adiuvant mīlitem suum; 10. et ille dēfungī proeliō festīnat. prius
itaque quam alter— nec procul aberat—cōnsequī posset, et alterum
Cūriātium cōnficit; 11. iamque aequātō Mārte singulī supererant,
sed nec spē nec vīribus parēs. alterum intāctum ferrō corpus et
gemināta victōria ferōcem in certāmen tertium dabat: alter fessum 10
volnere, fessum cursū trahēns corpus vīctusque frātrum ante sē
strāge victōrī obicitur hostī. nec illud proelium fuit. 12. Rōmānus
adiuvō, -āre, -iūvī, adiūtum: help, assist, 6 intāctus, -a, -um: untouched, 1
aequō (1): make equal, 2 intervāllum, -ī n.: interval, distance, 2
caedō, -ere, cecīdī, caesum: kill, slaughter, 5 Mārs, Mārtis m.: Mars, 6
cōnficiō, -ere: to finish (off), accomplish, 5 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 7
cōnsequor, -ī, secūtus: follow, go after, 2 obiciō, -ere, obiēcī, obiectum: throw in front, 3
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 6 procul: from afar, from a distance, 4
dēfungor, -ī, -functum: fulfill, finish, 2 quālis, -e: of what sort? what?, 5
dum: while, as long as, until, 6 respiciō, -ere, -spexī, -spectum: look to, 1
faveō, -ēre, fāvī: favor, support (dat.), 2 soleō, -ēre, solitum: be accustomed, 3
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 5 strāges, -is f.: laying low, killing, 1
festīnō (1): hasten, hurry, 2 supersum, -esse, -fuī: remain, survive, be left, 5
geminō (1): double, 4 tertius, -a, -um: third, 4
inclāmō (1): to shout, cry out, 1 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
īnspērātus, -a, -um: unexpected, unhoped for, 2 tunc: then, at that time, 3

1 magnīs intervāllīs: at…; i.e. from one another; 7 alter…alterum: one…the other; i.e. of the two
abl. manner remaining Curiātiī
ūnum…abesse: that…; inf. absum; sēsē is 8 aequatō Mārte: abl. abs.; Mārte via metonomy
an emphatic form for reflexive sē means ‘fight’ or ‘ combat’
2 in eum: against… 9 nec…nec…: neither in…nor in…; abl. of
Cūriātiīs: dat. ind. obj.; the two trailing behind respect; abl. pl. vīs
utī…ferant: that they…; ind. command with alterum…alter…: one…the other
pres. subj.; utī = ut ferrō: abl. means; ‘a sword’ via metonomy
4 caesō hoste: abl. abs. 10 gemināta victōria: nom. subj.
victor: as… dabat (eum): made (him); governs a double acc.
5 clamōre: by…; abl. cause 11 volnere, cursū: because of…; abl. cause
quālis (clāmor)…solet (esse): which is vīctus: PPP vincō
accustomed (to exist) of those applauding as a frātrum…strāge: abl. cause with vīctus
result of (something) unexpected victōrī…hostī: before…; dat. of compound verb
6 dēfungī: dep. inf. + abl. i.e. the lone Roman; victōrī is here ‘victorious’
prius…quam…posset: and so before…; 12 illud: that; i..e what followed; i.e. the victory
temporal clause with subj. of anticipated action was so lopsided that it was not true combat

Tullus Hostilius 25.12-26.2

exsultāns ‘duōs’ inquit, ‘frātrum mānibus dedī; tertium causae bellī 1

huiusce, ut Rōmānus Albānō imperet, dabō.’ male sustinentī arma
gladium superne iugulō dēfīgit, iacentem spoliat.
13. Rōmānī ovantēs ac grātulantēs Horātium accipiunt, eō maiōre
cum gaudiō, quō prope metum rēs fuerat. ad sepultūram inde 5
suōrum nēquāquam paribus animīs vertuntur, quippe imperiō alterī
auctī, alterī diciōnis aliēnae factī. 14. sepulcra exstant quō quisque
locō cecidit, duo Rōmāna ūnō locō propius Albam, tria Albāna
Rōmam versus sed distantia locīs ut et pugnātum est.
26. priusquam inde dīgrederentur, rogantī Mettiō ex foedere ictō 10
quid imperāret, imperat Tullus utī iuventūtem in armīs habeat:
ūsūrum sē eōrum operā sī bellum cum Vēientibus foret. 2. Ita
dēfīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxus: fix, pierce, 3 opera, -ae f.: effort, exertion; workman, 4
dicio, diciōnis f.: sway, authority, jurisdiction, 2 ovō (1): exult in, rejoice in, 3
dīgredior, -ī, -ssum: depart, withdraw, 1 priusquam: before, sooner than, 7
distō (1): stand apart, be separate, 2 pugnō (1): to fight, 5
exstō (1): exist, 2 rogō (1): to ask, ask for, 7
exsultō (1): exult, rejoice; leap, 1 sepulcrum, -ī n.: tomb, grave, 3
gaudium, -iī n.: joy, gladness, 4 sepultūra, -ae f.: burial, 2
grātulor, -ārī, gratulātus: congratulate, 3 spoliō (1): to despoil, plunder, 2
iaceō, -ēre, -uī: lie down, lie dead, 3 superne: from above, 2
iugulum, -ī n.: throat, 1 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, 4
iuventūs, -tūtis f.: youth, 5 tertius, -a, -um: third, 4
mānes, -ium f.: manes, spirits of the dead, 2 ūtor, ūtī, usum: use, enjoy (abl.), 3
nēquāquam: by no means, 3

1 frātrum mānibus: to the manes of my brothers; diciōnis aliēnae: subject to foreign authority;
dat. ind. obj. mānes; i.e. as if in sacrifice lit. ‘of foreign sway;’ gen. predicate following
dedī: pf. dō factī (sunt), pf. pass. faciō
causae bellī huiusce: to…; dat. ind. obj. (in) quō…locō: on…; relative, abl. place where
2 ut…imperet: so that…may; purpose, pres. subj 8 cecidit: pf. cadō
male sustinentī arma: the (one)…; pres. pple, duo Rōmāna (sepulchra extant)
either dat. of interest or possession with iugulō (in) ūnō locō
3 superne: i.e. over the top of his shield propius: nearer + acc.
(in) iugulō tria Albāna (sepulchra extant)
(et) iacentem: (the one)…; pres. pple iaceō; i.e. 9 versus: toward + acc.; PPP vertō as preposition
the final Curiātiī distantia: being apart; neut. pl. pres. pple
eō maiōre…quō prope: with greater…the (in) locīs:
near(er); ‘by this much greater…by how much ut et: just as also…; clause of comparison
near(er)…’ abl. degree of difference and pugnātum est: they…; impers. pf. pass.;
correlatives (demonstrative and relative) translate in active in English
5 rēs: the situation; i.e. their joy was increased in 10 rogantī Mettiō: to Mettius…; dat. ind. obj. and
proportion to the fear they had felt earlier pres. pple with imperat
6 suōrum: of their own; i.e. dead Horātiī, Curiātiī ictō: PPP iciō
vertuntur: they are turned; i.e. turn attention to 11 quid imperāret: ind. question
paribus animīs: with equal feelings utī…habeat: that…; ind. command
alterī…(et) alterī: the one…(and) the other…; 12 ūsūrum (esse) sē: that he…; fut. inf. ūtor
i.e. the the Rōmānī and the Albānī; nom. pl. foret: there would be; equiv. to fuisset; fut. pf.
7 auctī (sunt): pf. pass.. augeō made plpf. subj. in ind. disc. secondary seq.
26.2-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

exercitūs inde domōs abductī. prīnceps Horātius ībat, trigemina 1

spolia prae sē gerēns; cui soror virgō, quae dēspōnsa ūnī ex
Cūriātiīs fuerat, obvia ante portam Capēnam fuit, cognitōque super
umerōs frātris palūdāmentō spōnsī quod ipsa cōnfēcerat, solvit
crīnēs et flēbiliter nōmine spōnsum mortuum appellat. 3. movet 5
ferōcī iuvenī animum complōrātiō sorōris in victōriā suā tantōque
gaudiō pūblicō. strictō itaque gladiō simul verbīs increpāns
trānsfīgit puellam. 4. ‘abī hinc cum immātūrō amōre ad spōnsum,’
inquit, ‘oblīta frātrum mortuōrum vīvīque, oblīta patriae. sīc eat
quaecumque Rōmāna lūgēbit hostem.’ 10
5. atrōx vīsum id facinus patribus plēbīque, sed recēns meritum
factō obstābat. tamen raptus in iūs ad rēgem. rēx nē ipse tam trīstis
abdūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductum: lead away, 2 obstō, -āre: stand in the way, oppose (dat), 1
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, passion, 5 obvius, -a, -um: in the way of (dat), 5
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 palūdāmentum, -ī n.: cloak, 1
Capēnus, -a, -um: Capenian gate, 1 prae: in front of, before (acc); compared to (abl), 6
cognōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nitum: recognize, know, 4 puella, -ae f.: girl, 1
complorātiō, -tiōnis f.: wailing, lamentation, 2 recēns, -ntis: fresh, recent, 2
cōnficiō, -ere: to finish (off), accomplish, 5 solvō, -ere, -vī, solūtum: loosen; pay, 4
crīnis, -is m.: hair, 2 soror, sorōris f.: sister, 6
dēspondō, -ere, -spondī: to betroth, 2 spōnsus, -ī m.: betrothed man, fiancé, 3
facinus, -noris n.: bad deed, crime, 6 stringō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: draw, unsheathe, 2
flēbiliter: tearfully, 1 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
gaudium, -iī n.: joy, gladness, 4 trānsfīgō, -fīgere, -fīxī, -fīxum: pierce, stab, 1
immātūrus, -a, -um: untimely, premature, 2 trigeminus, -a, -um: triplet, 4
increpō, -āre, -uī: rattle, clang; rebuke, chide, 5 trīstis, -e: sad, sullen, 4
lūgeō, -ēre, -xī, -ctum: mourn, grieve, 2 umerus, -ī m.: shoulder, 1
meritum, -ī n.: service, 1 virgō, virginis f.: maiden, virgin, 6
mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 4 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
oblīvīscor, -ī, oblītus sum: forget (gen.), 4

1 domōs: acc. place to which; i.e. Rome and Alba verbs of remembering and forgetting often
abductī (sunt) govern a gen. obj.
2 gerēns: carrying vīvīque (frātris): gen. sg.
cui: this one’s; connective relative and dat. of eat: Let…; jussive pres. subj. eō, īre
possession 10 quaecumque…lūgēbit: whichsoever…; the
dēspōnsa…fuerat: had been (once)…; plpf. missing antecedent is subject of eat
pass., the use of fuerat instead of erat stresses 11 vīsum (est)
the completedness of the action id: this demonstative adj.
ūnī: to one; dat. sg. ūnus patribus plēbīque: to…; dat. of reference
3 cognitō…palūdāmentō spōnsī: abl. abs. 12 factō: deed, action, what was done; substantive
4 ipsa: she herself; intensive of PPP and dat. of compound verb obstō
6 ferōcī iuvenī: dat. of possession in iūs: into a court of justice
7 strictō gladiō: abl. abs. nē…esset: so that…not…; neg. purpose clause
8 abī: imper. abeō with impf. subj. sum
9 oblīta: dep. PPP: translate as ‘having Xed;’ rēx…ipse: subject of the purpose clause

Tullus Hostilius 26.5-8

ingrātīque ad volgus iūdiciī ac secundum iūdicium suppliciī auctor 1

esset, conciliō populī advocātō ‘duumvirōs’ inquit, ‘quī Horātiō
perduelliōnem iūdicent, secundum lēgem faciō.’
lēx horrendī carminis erat: 6. ‘duumvirī perduelliōnem iūdicent;
sī ā duumvirīs prōvocārit, prōvocātiōne certātō; sī vincent, caput 5
obnūbitō; īnfēlīcī arborī reste suspenditō; verberātō vel intrā
pōmērium vel extrā pōmērium.’ 7. hāc lēge duumvirī creātī, quī sē
absolvēre nōn rēbantur eā lēge nē innoxium quidem posse, cum
condemnāssent, tum alter ex iīs ‘Pūblī Horātī, tibi perduelliōnem
iūdicō’ inquit. ‘ī, līctor, colligā manūs.’ 8. accesserat līctor 10
iniciēbatque laqueum. tum Horātius auctōre Tullō, clēmente lēgis
interprete, ‘prōvocō’ inquit. itaque prōvocātiōne certātum ad
absolvō, -ere, -solvī: absolve, free, acquit, 3 interpres, interpretis m/f.: messenger, 2
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 intrā: within, among (acc), 3
advocō (1): to summon, call to, 6 iūdicium, -ī n.: decision, judgment; trial, 3
arbor, -is f.: tree, 2 iūdicō (1): judge, decide, assess, 4
carmen, carminis n.: song, prediction, 6 laqueus, -ī m.: noose, 1
certō (1): to contend, strive, compete, 6 obnūbō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: veil, 2
clēmēns, -entis: mild, gentle, kind, 1 perduellio, -iōnis f.: high treason, 7
colligō (1): to bind together, tie together, 2 pōmērium, -ī n.: pomerium, 7
condemnō (1): to condemn, convict, 1 prōvocātiō, -tiōnis f.: appeal, a challenge, 2
duumvirī, -ōrum m.: duumvir, board of two, 4 prōvocō (1): appeal, challenge, call forth, 2
extrā: outside; beyond, outside of (acc.), 3 Pūblius, Pūblī m.: Publius, 1
horreō, -ēre, -uī: shudder, bristle; avoid, 1 restis, is f.: rope, 1
īnfēlīx, -fēlīcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 3 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
ingrātus, -a, -um: ungrateful; unpleasant, 1 suspendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: hang up, 5
iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw upon, 6 verberō (1): whip, flog, beat, 2
innoxius, -a, -um: harmless, innocent, 1 volgus, -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7

1 tam trīstis…suppliciī: gen. modifying auctor sī vincent: fut. vincō, ‘convict,’ translate as
ingrātī: unpleasant, disagreeable present with fut. sense
2 secundum: following after + acc. (līctor) caput obnūbitō…suspenditō…
conciliō…advocātō: abl. abs. veberātō: let (a lictor)…; ‘let one…’ 3s fut.
duumvirōs: duumvirī; title of the officeholders imperatives; supply a lictor as the likely subject
quī…iūdicent: who are to…; relative clause of 6 īnfēlīcī arborī: in…; arborī is an old locative;
purpose with pres. subj. the adj. is i-stem 3rd decl. abl.
Horātiō: dat. of interest vel…vel…: either…or…
3 secundum: following after + acc. 7 hāc lēge: abl. means
horrendī carminis: in (the following) horrible creātī: PPP creō
metrical formula; gen. predicate; the law is in sē absolvēre…nē innoxium quidem posse: that
meter, but the contents of the law are horrible they…; ind. disc.; nē…quidem, ‘(not) even’
4 iūdicent: let…; or ‘should…’ jussive pres. subj. 8 rēbantur: impf. dep. reor
5 Sī…prōvocā(ve)erit: if he appeals…; fut. pf.: eā lege: abl. means
often translated as future in English; in a (et) cum (Horātium) condemnā(vi)ssent: and
conditional, translate as present with fut. sense after…; cum clause with plpf. subj.
ā duumvirīs: from…; abl. separation ī, collīgā: sg. imper. eō, īre and colligō
prōvocātiōne certātō: let him…; 3s fut. imper. 11 auctore Tullō: abl. abs., supply ‘being’ as pple
certāre ‘bring to trial;’ or ‘contest;’ prōvocātiōne 12 prōvocātiōne: abl. cause
is abl. of cause certātum…est: it was…; impers. pf. pass.
26.8-11 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

populum est. 1
9. mōtī hominēs sunt in eō iūdiciō maximē P. Horātiō patre
prōclāmante sē fīliam iūre caesam iūdicāre; nī ita esset, patriō iūre
in fīlium animadversūrum fuisse. ōrābat deinde nē sē quem paulō
ante cum ēgregiā stirpe cōnspexissent orbum līberīs facerent. 10. 5
inter haec senex iuvenem amplexus, spolia Cūriātiōrum fīxa eō
locō quī nunc Pīla Horātia appellātur ostentāns, ‘huncīne’ aiēbat,
‘quem modo decorātum ovantemque victōriā incēdentem vīdistis,
Quirītēs, eum sub furcā vīnctum inter verbera et cruciātūs vidēre
potestis? quod vix Albānōrum oculī tam dēfōrme spectāculum 10
ferre possent. 11. ī, līctor, colligā manūs, quae paulō ante armātae
imperium populō Rōmānō peperērunt. ī, caput obnūbe līberātōris
aiō: say, affirm, 6 nī (nisī): if not, unless, 5
amplexor, -ārī, amplexus: embrace, 1 obnūbō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: veil, 2
animadvertō, -ere, -tī: notice, turn attention to, 2 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 6
caedō, -ere, cecīdī, caesum: kill, slaughter, 5 orbus, -a, -um: deprived of, bereft of (abl.), 2
colligō (1): to bind together, tie together, 2 ōrō (1): plead, pray (for), entreat, 5
cōnspiciō, -ere, -spexī: catch sight of, see, 2 ostentō (1): show (frequentive), 1
cruciātus, -ūs m.: torture, 1 ovō (1): exult in, rejoice in, 3
decorō (1): adorn, decorate, 1 P.: Publius, 2
dēfōrmis, -e: hideous, 1 patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7
ēgregius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 4 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 6
fīgō, -ere, fīxī, fīxum: fix, fasten; pierce, 2 pilum, -ī n.: pilum, javelin, 2
furca, -ae f.: prop, fork-shaped prop, fork, 2 prōclāmō (1): to proclaim; cry out, 1
Horātius, -a, -um,: Horatian, of Horatius, 2 senex, senis m.: old man; adj. old, 5
incēdō, -ere, cessī: go, come into, enter, 5 verber, -eris n.: lash, blow, 1
iūdicium, -ī n.: decision, judgment; trial, 3 vinciō, -īre, vīnxī, vīnctus: bind, tie, 2
iūdicō (1): judge, decide, assess, 4 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
līberātor, -is m.: liberator, 3

2 mōtī sunt: i.e. moved emotionally paulō: a little; ‘by a little,’ degree of difference
P. Hortātiō…prōclāmante: abl. abs. 5 līberīs: abl. pl. līberī; separation with orbum
3 sē…iūdicāre: that… 6 amplexus: dep. PPP: translate ‘having Xed’
fīliam…caesam (esse): that…; pf. pass. inf. (in) eō locō
iūre: justly; abl. as adv. 7 Pīla Horātia: Horatian Spears; a monument;
nī ita esset, (sē)…animadversūrum fuisse: if it pīla is either (1) neut. pl. for ‘javelins’ or
were so, he would have…; mixed contrary to ‘spears’ or (2) fem. sg. for ‘pillar’
fact (sī impf. subj., plpf. subj.) in ind. disc. in huncī-ne: this here man; hunc-ne, the father is
secondary seq.; plpf. subj. animadvertissem in likely pointing at his son; this acc. obj. is
direct speech is replaced with this periphrastic repeated by eum in the next line
fut. inf. (fut. pple + sum) in secondary seq. 8 quem…incēdentem vīdistis: whom you all saw
patriō iūre: by…; abl. of cause; i.e. the power proceeding…; videō often governs acc. + pple
of the paterfamilias to execute his own children; 9 eum: him; repeating the object hunc above
iure is here an abl. and not an adv. sub furcā: frame on which the arms were bound
in fīlium: upon… 11 ī, colligā: imper. eō, īre and colligō
4 nē…facerent: that…not make…; negative ind. paulō: a little; ‘by a little,’ degree of difference
command; verb governs a double acc. 12 peperērunt: brought forth; pf. pariō
quem…cōnspexissent: whom they…; plpf.
subj.; subj. of subordinate verb in ind. command
Tullus Hostilius 26.11-14

urbis huius; arbore īnfēlīcī suspende; verberā vel intrā pōmērium, 1

modo inter illa pila et spolia hostium, vel extrā pōmērium, modo
inter sepulcra Cūriātiōrum; quō enim dūcere hunc iuvenem potestis
ubi nōn sua decora eum ā tantā foeditāte suppliciī vindicent?’
12. nōn tulit populus nec patris lacrimās nec ipsīus parem in omnī 5
perīculō animum, absolvēruntque admīrātiōne magis virtūtis quam
iūre causae. itaque ut caedēs manifēsta aliquō tamen piāculō
luerētur, imperātum patrī ut fīlium expiāret pecūniā pūblicā. 13. is
quibusdam piāculāribus sacrificiīs factīs quae deinde gentī
Horātiae trādita sunt, trānsmissō per viam tigillō, capite adopertō 10
velut sub iugum mīsit iuvenem. id hodiē quoque pūblicē semper
refectum manet; Sorōrium Tigillum vocant. 14. Horātiae sepulcrum,
absolvō, -ere, -solvī: absolve, free, acquit, 3 perīculum, -ī n.: risk, danger, peril, 7
admīrātiō, -tiōnis f.: admiration, 2 piāculāris, -e: purificatory, 1
adopertō, -īre, -uī, -ertum: cover up, 1 piāculum, -ī n.: atonement, 1
arbor, -is f.: tree, 2 pilum, -ī n.: pilum, javelin, 2
expiō (1): expiate, atone, make amends for, 2 pōmērium, -ī n.: pomerium, 7
extrā: outside; beyond, outside of (acc.), 3 reficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: refresh, repair, 3
foeditās, -tātis f.: foulness, ugliness, 2 sacrificium, ī n.: sacrifice, 7
hodiē: today, 4 sepulcrum, -ī n.: tomb, grave, 3
Horātia, -ae m.: Horatia, 1 sororius, -a, -um: a sister’s, of a sister, 1
Horātius, -a, -um,: Horatian, of Horatius, 2 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
īnfēlīx, -fēlīcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 3 suspendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: hang up, 5
intrā: within, among (acc), 3 tigillum, -ī n.: little beam, 2
iugum, -ī n.: yoke, harness (for oxen); ridge, 2 trānsmittō, -ere, -mīsī: send across, 1
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 5 verberō (1): whip, flog, beat, 2
luō, -ere, luī: atone for, expiate, 1 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7
manifēstus, -a, -um: clear, evident, flagrant, 4 vindicō (1): deliver, set free 2
pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 6

1 (in) arbore īnfēlīcī: i-stem 3rd decl. abl. 8 imperātum (est): they…; ‘it was ordered,’
verberā (eum): imperative impers. pf. pass., translate as active in English
vel…vel…: either…or… pecūniā pūblicā: abl. means
2 modo…modo…: just…just… 9 quidbusdam…factīs: abl. abs.
3 quō: To where…? gentī Horātiae: to the Horatian clan
ubi…vindicent: where…would…; relative 10 trānsmissō…tigillō: abl. abs.
clause of characteristic with pres. subj. per viam: over a street
5 tulit: pf. ferō, ‘endure’ capite adopertō: abl. adv.
nōn… nec…nec…: not…either…or… 11 velut…iuvenem: as if…; conditional clause of
ipsīus: of Horatius himself; gen. sg. comparison
parem…animum: the level head; i.e. calm id…manet: i.e. the same tigillum exists in
6 admīrātiōne: by…; abl. of cause Livy’s time
6 iūre: by…; abl. of cause pūblicē: i.e. at public expense
7 causae: of the case; ‘of the cause’ 12 Sorōrium Tigillum: the proper name for the
ut…luerētur: so that…; purpose with impf. monument
pass. subj. vocant (id): they call (it); governs a double acc.
aliquō piāculō: with…; abl. means

26.14-27.4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

quō locō corruerat icta, cōnstrūctum est saxō quadrātō. 1

27. nec diū pāx Albāna mānsit. invidia volgī quod tribus
mīlitibus fortūna pūblica commissa fuerit, vānum ingenium
dictātōris corrūpit, et quoniam rēcta cōnsilia haud bene ēvēnerant,
prāvīs reconciliāre populārium animōs coepit. 2. igitur ut prius in 5
bellō pācem, sīc in pāce bellum quaerēns, quia suae cīvitātī
animōrum plūs quam vīrium cernēbat esse, ad bellum palam atque
ex ēdictō gerundum aliōs concitat populōs, suīs per speciem
societātis prōditiōnem reservat. 3. Fīdēnātēs, colōnia Rōmāna,
Veientibus sociīs cōnsiliī adsūmptīs, pactō trānsitiōnis Albānōrum 10
ad bellum atque arma incitantur.
4. cum Fīdēnae apertē dēscīssent, Tullus Mettiō exercitūque eius

adsūmō, -ere, -sumpī: assume, take up oneself, 2 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 7
bene: well, 3 pactum, -ī n.: pact, agreement, 4
cernō, -ere, -ēvī, crētus: discern, decide, 1 palam: openly, publicly, 5
colōnia, -ae f.: colony, 4 populāris, -is m.: countryman, 2
committō, -ere, -mīsī: commit, entrust (dat), 2 prāvus, -a, -um: wrong, crooked, wrong, 4
concitō (1): stir up, incite, impel, 4 prōditiō, -tiōnis f.: betrayal; treason, 2
cōnstruō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: construct, build, 1 quadrātum, -ī n.: square, 1
corrumpō, -ēre, -rūpī: break down, ruin, 3 quoniam: since (now), seeing that, 5
corruō, -ere, -ī: fall in a heap or lifeless, 2 reconciliō (1): win back, recover, 2
dēsciscō, -ere, -ivī, -tum: revolt, 1 rēctus, -a, -um: correct, straight; honest, 5
dictātor, -oris m.: dictator, chief magistrate, 3 reservō (1): save up, reserve, preserve 1
diū: a long time, long, 4 saxum, -ī n.: rock, 3
ēdictum, -ī n.: proclamation, edict, 3 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, partnership, 7
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 4 socius, -ī m.: ally, companion, comrade, 5
Fīdēnae, -ārum, f.: Fidenae, 4 trānsitiō, -iōnis f.: crossing sides, desertion, 1
incitō (1): urge on, incite, 3 vānus, -a, -um: in vain, useless, worthless, false, 7
invidia, -ae f.: hatred, envy, lack of popularity, 5 vulgus (volgus), -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7

1 (in) quō locō possession

icta: PPP iciō 7 animōrum: of spirit; i.e. courage, a common
saxō quadrātō: with…; abl. of material translation of the plural
2 volgī: of the people; subjective gen.: the vīrium: gen. pl. vīs
people’s hatred toward the outcome of the duel ad bellum…gerundum: for…; noun +
quod… commissa fuerit: because…had gerundive; perform a gerund-gerundive flip and
been…; plpf pass. subj. (fuerit = esset) subj. of translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.; gerō, ‘wage’
alleged cause (the characters’ point of view) 8 suīs (populīs): for…; dat. of interest
tribus mīlitibus: dat. ind. obj. 10 Veientibus…adsūmptīs: abl. abs.; i.e. the
3 vānum ingenium: the weak character Fidēnātēs and Veiēntēs joined forces
4 rēcta: i.e. honest sociīs: as allies of…
5 prāvīs (cōnsiliīs): abl. means; i.e. dishonest, pactō trānsitiōnis Albānōrum: by the
prāvus is here, as often, the opposite of rēctus Albans’ agreement of crossing sides; abl. cause,
5 ut…pācem (quaerēns) sīc…bellum quaerēns: the Albans secrets agreed to betray Rome
just as…so; correlatives, clause of comparison 12 cum…dēscī(vi)ssent: plpf. subj.
6 suae cīvitātī…esse: that his city had…; dat. of Mettiō…accītō: abl. abs.

Tullus Hostilius 27.4-7

ab Albā accītō contrā hostēs dūcit. ubi Anienem trānsiit, ad 1

cōnfluentēs conlocat castra. inter eum locum et Fīdēnās Vēientium
exercitus Tiberim trānsierat. 5. hī et in aciē prope flūmen tenuēre
dextrum cornū; in sinistrō Fīdēnātēs propius montēs cōnsistunt.
Tullus adversus Vēientem hostem dērigit suōs, Albānōs contrā 5
legiōnem Fīdēnātium conlocat. Albānō nōn plūs animī erat quam
fideī. nec manēre ergō nec trānsīre apertē ausus sēnsim ad montēs
succēdit; 6. inde ubi satis subīsse sēsē ratus est, ērigit tōtam aciem,
fluctuānsque animō ut tereret tempus ōrdinēs explicat. cōnsilium
erat quā fortūna rem daret, eā inclīnāre vīrēs. 7. mīrāculō prīmō 10
esse Rōmānīs quī proximī steterant ut nūdārī latera sua sociōrum
dīgressū sēnsērunt; inde eques citātō equō nūntiat rēgī abīre
Aniō, Aniēnis f.: Anio river, 3 fluctuō (1): wave, move to and fro, 1
citō (1): summon, hasten; ~full gallop, 3 latus, -eris n.: side, flank, 2
cōnfluēns, -entis m.: confluence (of rivers), 1 legio, legiōnis f.: legion, 7
conlocō (1): place together, 2 nūdō (1): to bare, strip, 1
cōnsistō, -ere, -stitī: stand still, stop, 2 sēnsim: slowly, gradually, 2
cornū, -ūs n.: horn; wing (of a battle), 4 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
dērigō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: arrange, draw up, 1 sinister, -tra, -trum: left; fem. left hand, 4
dīgressus, -ūs m.: departure, withdrawal, 1 socius, -ī m.: ally, companion, comrade, 5
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7 stō, stāre, stetī, statum: stand, 6
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rectum: raise up, lift, 4 subeō, -īre, -iī: go up, approach, 3
explicō (1): to untangle, unfold; explain, 2 succēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cesum: come up, succeed, 2
Fīdēnae, -ārum, f.: Fidenae, 4 terō, -ere, trīvī: wear down; waste, spend, 4

1 ad cōnfluentēs: i.e. Tiberim and Anienem ratus est: dep. pf. reor
2 eum: this; demonstrative ērigit: elevates; i.e. to a higher elevation
Fīdēnās: Fidenae; the city is plural 9 (in) animō: abl. place where
Vēientium: of the Veientes ut tereret tempus: so that…; purpose
3 hī: these; the Veientes 10 quā…daret, eā: where…there; correlative
tenuēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. advs. (relative and demonstrative); subj. of
4 dextrum cornū: acc. obj.; 4th decl. neut. subordinate verb in ind. disc.
in sinistrō (cornū) rem: an opportunity; i.e. a situation, advantage
propius: nearer + acc. eā inclīnāre vīrēs: that…
5 adversus: against + acc. mīrāculō prīmō esse Rōmānīs: at first it served
6 Fīdēnātium: gen. pl. as a miracle to the Romans…; historical inf.:
Albānō…erat: The Alban (leader) had…; dat. translate as impf; with a double dat. (purpose
of possession; i.e. Mettius and interest)
animī: of spirit; i.e. of courage 11 ut…sēnsērunt: as…; temporal clause
7 ausus: dep. PPP audeō; translate ‘having Xed’ nūdārī…dīgressū: that…
trānsīre: i.e. to desert the Romans 12 eques: a horseman
8 satis subīsse sēsē: that he…; ind. disc. with pf. citātō equō: PPP; an idiom
subeō; i.e. to the mountains; sēsē is an emphatic abīre Albānōs: that…
form of reflexive sē

27.7-10 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

Albānōs. Tullus in rē trepidā duodecim vōvit Saliōs fānaque 1

Pallōrī ac Pavōrī. 8. equitem clārā increpāns vōce ut hostēs
exaudīrent, redīre in proelium iubet: nihil trepidātiōne opus esse;
suō iussū circumdūcī Albānum exercitum ut Fīdēnātium nūda terga
invādant; 9. īdem imperat ut hastās equitēs ērigerent. id factum 5
magnae partī peditum Rōmānōrum cōnspectum abeuntis Albānī
exercitūs intersaepsit; quī vīderant, id quod ab rēge audītum erat
ratī, eō ācrius pugnant.
terror ad hostēs trānsit; et audīverant clārā vōce dictum, et magna
pars Fīdēnātium, ut quibus colōnī additī Rōmānī essent, Latīnē 10
sciēbant. 10. itaque nē subitō ex collibus dēcursū Albānōrum
interclūderentur ab oppidō, terga vertunt. īnstat Tullus fūsōque
ācer, ācris, ācre: sharp; fierce, keen, 2 intersaepiō, -īre, -sī: fence/block off from, 1
circumdūcō, -ere, -dūxī: to lead around, 1 invādō, -ere, -vāsī: rush upon, attack, 4
clārus, -a, -um: clear, distinguished, bright, 6 iussus, -ūs m.: order, 4
colōnus, -ī m.: settler, colonist, 4 nūdus, -a, -um: naked, bare, 3
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 Pallor, -is m.: Pallor, Panic, Paleness, 1
dēcursus, -ūs m.: running down, descent, 1 pedes, peditis m.: foot soldier; infantry, 5
duodecim: twelve, 6 pugnō (1): to fight, 5
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rectum: raise up, lift, 4 Saliī, -ōrum m.: Salii, Salian priests, 2
exaudiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: hear plainly, 2 subitō: immediately, straightaway, 4
hasta, -ae f.: spear, 5 tergum, -ī n.: back; hide, 6
increpō, -āre, -uī: rattle, clang; rebuke, chide, 5 trepidātiō, -tiōnis f.: alarm, trepidation, 2
īnstō, -āre, -stitī: press (on), engage, 6 trepidus, -a, -um: trembling, alarming, alarmed, 3
interclūdō, -ere, -sī: close off, shut off, 1 voveō, -ēre, vōvī, vōtum: vow, swear, 5

1 duodecim Saliōs: i.e. Salii Quirinales, the Salii 8 ratī: dep PPP reor, translate as ‘having Xed’
Martiales were established earlier by Numa eō: because of this; abl. cause
Pallōrī, Pavōrī: for Pallor and Panic; as ācrius: comparative adv.
divinities, dat. of interest 9 clārā vōce: with a loud voice; manner
2 clārā…vōce: with a loud voice; abl. manner dictum: the thing said; substantive, PPP
ut…exaudīrent: so that…; purpose, impf. subj. 10 ut quibus…essent: to whom Roman colonists
3 nihil opus esse trepidātiōne: that...; opus est, had been added; causal relative clause of
‘there is a need’ is an idiom that governs an abl. characteristic; an ‘ut’ may introduce a relative
of separation; nihil, ‘not at all,’ is adverbial acc. of characteristic when it expresses cause. Ut quī,
4 suō…circumdūcī…exercitum: that…; ind. therefore, may be translated ‘since…added;’
disc.; Tullus tries to save face by claiming that Fidenae had been made a Roman colony and
the Albans are in fact acting according to orders therefore had Latin speakers
ut…invādant: so that…may…; purpose, pres. Latīnē sciēbant: i.e. know Latin
subj. 11 nē…interclūderentur: so that…might not…;
5 īdem: he also; ‘the same man’ adj. as adv. neg. purpose clause
ut…ērigerent: that…; ind. command dēcūrsū: abl. cause; i.e. the strategy Tullus
id factum: this action; nom. subj. created to save face and pretend that the Albans
magna partī…Rōmānōrum: from…; dat. of were not in fact leaving the Romans
compound verb intersaepsit 12 terga vertunt: i.e. retreat
6 abeuntis…exercitūs: gen. sg.; pres. pple abeō fūsō Fīdēnātium cornū: abl. abs. with PPP
7 quī vīderant: (those Romans) who… fundō; i.e. spread out in a rout
id: that; demonstrative

Tullus Hostilius 27.10-28.2

Fīdēnātium cornū in Vēientem aliēnō pavōre perculsum ferōcior 1

redit. nec illī tulēre impetum, sed ab effūsā fugā flūmen obiectum
ab tergō arcēbat. 11. quō postquam fuga inclīnāvit, aliī arma foedē
iactantēs in aquam caecī ruēbant, aliī dum cūnctantur in rīpīs inter
fugae pugnaeque cōnsilium oppressī. nōn alia ante Rōmāna pugna 5
atrōcior fuit.
28. tum Albānus exercitus, spectātor certāminis, dēductus in
campōs. Mettius Tullō dēvictōs hostēs grātulātur; contrā Tullus
Mettium benignē adloquitur. quod bene vertat, castra Albānōs
Rōmānīs castrīs iungere iubet; sacrificium lūstrāle in diem 10
posterum parat. 2. ubi inlūxit, parātīs omnibus ut adsolet, vocārī ad
contiōnem utrumque exercitum iubet. praecōnēs ab extrēmō ōrsī
adloquor, loquī, locūtus: speak, address, 3 extrēmus, -a, -um: outermost, farthest, 1
adsoleō, -ēre: be accustomed,1 foedus, -a, -um: ugly, foul, filthy, 4
arceō, -ēre, -uī: fend/shut off, keep away, 5 grātulor, -ārī, gratulātum: congratulate, 3
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 iactō (1): toss, throw, cast, 3
bene: well, 3 inlucēscō, -ere, -xī: dawn, 1
benignus, -a, -um: kind, kindly, 7 lūstrālis, -e: purificatory, 1
caecus, -a, -um: blind, 1 obiciō, -ere, obiēcī, obiectum: throw in front, 3
campus, -ī m.: field, 4 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overwhelm; suppress, 6
contio, contiōnis f.: assembly, meeting, 6 percellō, -ere, -culī, perculsum: strike, 4
cornū, -ūs n.: horn; wing (of a battle), 4 praecō, praecōnis m.: herald, 3
cūnctor, -ārī, -ātus: delay, hesitate, 2 rīpa, -ae f.: riverbank, bank, shore, 3
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 ruō, -ere, ruī: rush, 1
dēvincō, -ere, -vīcī, -victum: conquer, 2 sacrificium, ī n.: sacrifice, 7
dum: while, as long as, until, 6 spectātor, -tōris m.: spectator, observer, 1
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 tergum, -ī n.: back; hide, 6

1 in Vēientem…perculsum: against the 8 grātulātur: congratulates (dat) for (acc.)

Veientes…; PPP contrā: in reply
aliēnō pavōre: by…; abl. cause, the reaction of 9 quod bene vertat: May this turn out well!;
their allies the Fidenates optative subj. (subj. of wish) and connective
2 illī: i.e. Veientes, nom. pl., relative; this prayer is direct disc. where one
tulēr(unt): pf. ferō expects ind. disc., and in primary tense where
3 ab tergō: from the rear; military term one expects a secondary seq. following the
modifying nom. sg. flūmen obiectum historical present. Commentators often translate
quō: to there; i.e. to the river; a connective this wish as ‘with good omens’ or ‘with a prayer
relative adv. (quō, ‘to where’) is better translated for success.’
as a demonstrative in English: i.e. eō, ‘to there’ 10 iungere: to join (acc) with (dat); acc. obj., and
aliī…aliī…: some…others… dat. of association
foedē: i.e. shamefully in diem posterum: during the next day
4 caecī: predicative nom. adj.: translates as adv. 11 parātīs omnibus: abl. abs.
5 oppressī (sunt): pf. pass. ut adsolet: as…; clause of comparison
ante: beforehand; adv. vocārī…exercitum: that…; ind. disc.
7 dēductus (est): i.e. returned to the Romans after 12 ab extremō: from the edge (of the camp)
retreating onto the mountain ōrsī: dep. PPP ordior

28.2-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

prīmōs excīvēre Albānōs. hī novitāte etiam reī mōtī ut rēgem 1

Rōmānum contiōnantem audīrent proximī cōnstitēre. 3. ex
compositō armāta circumdatur Rōmāna legiō; centuriōnibus datum
negōtium erat ut sine morā imperia exsequerentur.
4. tum ita Tullus īnfit: ‘Rōmānī, sī unquam ante aliās ūllō in bellō 5
fuit quod prīmum dīs immortālibus grātiās agerētis, deinde vestrae
ipsōrum virtūtī, hesternum id proelium fuit. dīmicātum est enim
nōn magis cum hostibus quam, quae dīmicātiō maior atque
perīculōsior est, cum prōditiōne ac perfidiā sociōrum. 5. nam nē
vōs falsa opīniō teneat, iniussū meō Albānī subiēre ad montēs, nec 10
imperium illud meum sed cōnsilium et imperiī simulātiō fuit, ut
nec vōbīs, ignōrantibus dēserī vōs, āverterētur ā certāmine animus,
centurio, -iōnis m.: centurion, 3 iniussū: without orders, 4
circumdō, -are, -dedī: surround, put around, 4 legiō, legiōnis f.: legion, 7
compositum, -ī n.: agreement, compact, 4 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 3
cōnsistō, -ere, -stitī: stand still, stop, 2 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, 4
contiōnor, -ārī, -ātum: address a meeting, 2 novitās, -tātis f.: newness, novelty, 3
dēserō, -ere, -uī, -sertum: to desert, 3 opīniō, opīniōnis f.: opinion, 1
dīmicātiō, -tiōnis f.: combat, fight, 5 perfidia, -ae f.: treachery, 1
dīmicō (1): to fight, struggle, contend, 5 perīculōsus, -a, -um: dangerous, 1
exsequor, -ī, -secūtum: pursue, carry out, 2 prōditiō, -tiōnis f.: betrayal; treason, 2
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, cheat, 6 simulātiō, -ōnis f.: pretence,, 2
grātia, -ae f.: gratitude, favor, influence, thanks, 6 socius, -ī m.: ally, companion, comrade, 5
hesternus, -a, -um: of yesterday, 4 subeō, -īre, -iī: go up, approach, 3
ignōrō (1): be ignorant of, 2 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7
immortālis, -e: immortal, 2 unquam (umquam): ever, 3
īnfit: begins (to speak), 2 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, yours, 4

1 excīvēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. possessive adj. modified by gen. ipse

Hī… mōtī: i.e. the Albānī, PPP moveō hesternum id proelium fuit: it was…; main
novitāte reī: by…; abl. cause clause
ut…audīrent: so that…; purpose, impf. subj. dīmicātum est: you all fought; ‘it was fought,’
2 cōnstitēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. impers. pf. pass.: translate as active in English
ex compositō: by agreement 8 quae dīmicātiō…est: what is…; relative clause
3 circumdātur: is placed around (the Albani) modifying cum prōditiōne…sociōrum below
centuriōnibus: dat. ind. obj. maior: comparative magnus
datum…erat: plpf. pass. 9 sociōrum: of allies
4 ut…exsequerentur: (name) that they…; an ind. nē…teneat: so that…may not…; neg. purpose
question in apposition to negōtium clause
5 Rōmānī: voc. dir. address 10 subiēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. subeō
Sī…fuit quod…gratiās agerētis…virtūtī: if 11 imperium illud meum: that command of mine;
there was (anything) for which you should give i.e. the pretence that Tullus created claiming that
thanks…; i.e. if there was a reason to give he sent the Albani into position
thanks; relative clause of characteristic with imperiī: of a command
impf. subj.; gratiās agere is common idiom for ut…āvererētur: so that…might…; purpose
‘give thanks’ and quod is an inner acc. nec…et…: not…and…; or ‘both not…and’
6 prīmum…deinde: first…next…; adverbs with joining two clauses in the purpose clause
dat. ind. objects 12 vobīs…animus: spirit of yours; dat. possession
7 vestrae ipsōrum: of your very own; vestrae is a deserī vōs: that…; pres. pass. inf.
Tullus Hostilius 28.5-7

et hostibus, circumvenīrī sē ab tergō ratīs, terror ac fuga inicerētur. 1

6. nec ea culpa quam arguō omnium Albānōrum est: ducem secūtī
sunt, ut et vōs, sī quō ego inde agmen dēclīnāre voluissem,
fēcissētis. Mettius ille est ductor itineris huius, Mettius īdem huius
māchinātor bellī, Mettius foederis Rōmānī Albānīque ruptor. 5
audeat deinde tālia alius, nisi in hunc īnsigne iam documentum
mortālibus dederō.’
7. centuriōnēs armātī Mettium circumsistunt; rēx cētera ut orsus
erat peragit: ‘quod bonum faustum fēlīxque sit populō Rōmānō ac
mihi vōbīsque, Albānī, populum omnem Albānum Rōmam 10
trādūcere in animō est, cīvitātem dare plēbī, prīmōrēs in patrēs
legere, ūnam urbem, ūnam rem pūblicam facere; ut ex ūnō
agmen, agminis n.: column (of troops), army, 5 fēlīx, fēlīcis: fortunate, happy, lucky, 2
arguō, -ere, arguī: accuse, allege, 2 iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw upon, 6
centuriō, -iōnis m.: centurion, 3 iter, itineris n.: way, route, path; journey, 5
circumsistō, -ere, -stetī: to surround, 3 māchinātor, -is m.: contrive, devise, 1
circumveniō, -īre, -vēnī: to surround, 1 mortālis, -e: mortal, 6
culpa, -ae m.: blame, fault; cause, 3 nisi: if not, unless, 7
dēclīnō (1): turn aside, change direction, 1 ruptor, -is m.: breaker, 1
documentum, -ī n.: example, lesson, instruction, 3 tālis, -e: such, 3
ductor, -ris m.: leader, 1 tergum, -ī n.: back; hide, 6
faustus, -a, -um: prosperous, blessed, 2 trādūcō, -ere, -dūxī: carry across, 4

1 hostibus: upon …; dat. of compound inicerētur ut orsus est: as…; clause of comparison with
circumvenīrī sē: that…; ind. disc., pass. inf. plpf. dep. ordior
ab tergō: from the rear; military term 9 quod…sit…: May this be…; optative subj.
ratīs: dep. PPP reor: translate ‘having Xed’ (subj. of wish) with sum; quod is a connective
2 ea: demonstrative relative: translate as a demonstrative
ut et vōs: just as you also; clause of comparison populō…vōbīsque: for…; dat. of interest
3 sī…voluissem, fēcissētis: if I had…, you would 10 Albānī: voc. dir. address
have…; past contrary to fact condition (sī plpf. populum…trādūcere: to…; inf. subject
subj., plpf. subj.) within clause of comparison Rōmam: acc. place to which
quō: to anywhere; indefinite aliquō loses the 11 in animō est: is in mind; i.e. I have in mind to,
preflix ali- before sī, nisi, num or nē I intend to; the infinitives above and below are
4 itineris huius: gen. sg. hic the logical subject
5 (est) māchinātor: nom. pred. cīvitātem: citizenship
(est) ruptor plēbī: i.e. to the Alban people
6 audeat: let…; jussive pres. subj. in patrēs: among…; i.e. the senate
nisi…dederō: if I do not give…; 1s fut. pf. is 12 legere: to select
translated as fut. in English; in conditionals we ūnam urbe (et) ūnam rem pūblicam: rēs
often use the present with fut. sense pūblica is often translated as ‘government,’
in hunc: upon…; i.e. Mettius ‘state,’ or ‘commonwealth’
īnsigne documentum: conspicuous example ut…sīc…: just as…so…; clause of comparison,
8 cētera: otherwise; adverbial acc. (‘in respect to correlatives
other things’)

28.7-10 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

quondam in duōs populōs dīvīsa Albāna rēs est, sīc nunc in ūnum 1
redeat.’ ad haec Albāna pūbēs, 8. inermis ab armātīs saepta, in
variīs voluntātibus commūnī tamen metū cōgente, silentium tenet.
9. tum Tullus ‘Mettī Fufētī’ inquit, ‘sī ipse discere possēs fidem ac
foedera servāre, vīvō tibi ea disciplīna ā mē adhibita esset; nunc 5
quoniam tuum īnsānābile ingenium est, at tū tuō suppliciō docē
hūmānum genus ea sāncta crēdere quae ā tē violāta sunt. ut igitur
paulō ante animum inter Fīdēnātem Rōmānamque rem ancipitem
gessistī, ita iam corpus passim distrahendum dabis.’
10. exinde duābus admōtīs quadrīgīs, in currūs eārum distentum 10
inligat Mettium; deinde in dīversum iter equī concitātī, lacerum in
utrōque currū corpus, quā inhaeserant vinculīs membra, portantēs.
adhibeō, -ēre, -buī: apply, admit, 4 lacer, -a, -um: torn, 1
admoveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtus: move to, 1 membrum, -ī n.: limb, member, 1
anceps, ancipitis: double headed, on both sides, 2 passim: here and there, far and wide, 2
at: but, yet; at least, 6 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 6
cōgō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum: compel, collect, 4 portō (1): to carry, 3
concitō (1): stir up, incite, impel, 4 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
currus, -ūs m.: chariot, carriage, cart, 3 quadrīgae, -ārum f.: team of 4 horses, 1
disciplīna, -ae f.: training, instruction, 4 quondam: formerly, at one time, 6
discō, -ere, didicī: learn, come to know, 3 quoniam: since (now), seeing that, 5
distendō, -ere, -dī, -tum: stretch out, 1 saepiō –īre, saepsī, saeptum: to hedge, fence in, 2
distrahō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: pull apart, 1 sānctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy, 4
dīversus, -a, -um: different, contrary, 2 servō (1): save, preserve, protect, 4
doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctus: teach, tell, 3 silentium, -iī n.: silence, 5
exinde: thereupon, 1 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
Fufētius, -ī m.: Fufetius, 2 varius, -a, -um: various, alternating, 6
inermis, -e: unarmed, 1 vinculum, -ī n.: bond, chain, 2
inhaereō, -ēre, -sī, -sum: stick to, 1 violō (1): to do violence to, violate, 5
inligō (1): bind on to, 1 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
īnsānābilis, -e: incurable, 1 voluntās, -tātis f.: will, wish, permission, 6
iter, itineris n.: way, route, path; journey, 5

1 Albāna rēs: Alban state ea is a neut. pl. demonstrative

2 redeat: let…; jussive pres. subj. redeō ut…ita: just as…, so…; clause of comparison
ab armātīs (virīs) 8 paulō: a little; ‘by a little,’ degree of difference
in variīs voluntātibus: in various opinions animum…ancipitem gessistī: you had (your)
3 commūnī…metū cōgente: abl. abs. mind on both sides; animum gerere is equiv. to
Mettī Fufētī: voc. dir. address animum habēre; 2s pf. gerō
4 sī…possēs,….adhibita esset: if you yourself rem: state
were…, would have been…; mixed contrary to 9 corpus (tuum)…distrahendum (esse): that…
fact condition (sī impf. subj., plpf. subj.) must be…; ind. disc. with passive periphrastic
5 vīvō tibi: to you (remaining) alive; dat. of dabis: fut. dō, ‘grant’ or ‘allow’
compound verb 10 duābus…quadrīgīs: abl. abs.; duābus is the
ea: demonstrative common abl. pl. of duo
6 ingenium: character in: onto…; eārum refers to fem. pl. quadrīgae
tuō suppliciō: abl. means 11 concitātī (sunt)
at…docē: at least…; adversative and sg. imper. 12 quā: where; relative adv.
7 ea (esse) sancta: that those things…; ind. disc. vinculīs: in…; dat. of compound verb
Tullus Hostilius 28.10-29.3

11. āvertēre omnēs ab tantā foeditāte spectāculī oculōs. prīmum 1

ultimumque illud supplicium apud Rōmānōs exemplī parum
memoris lēgum hūmānārum fuit: in aliīs glōriārī licet nūllī gentium
mītiōrēs placuisse poenās.
29. inter haec iam praemissī Albam erant equitēs quī 5
multitūdinem trādūcerent Rōmam. legiōnēs deinde ductae ad
dīruendam urbem. 2. quae ubi intrāvēre portās, nōn quidem fuit
tumultus ille nec pavor quālis captārum esse urbium solet, cum
effrāctīs portīs strātīsve ariete mūrīs aut arce vī captā clāmor
hostīlis et cursus per urbem armātōrum omnia ferrō flammāque 10
miscet; 3. sed silentium trīste ac tacita maestitia ita dēfīxit omnium
animōs, ut prae metū [oblītī] quid relinquerent, quid sēcum ferrent
ariēs, -etis m.: ram; battering ram, 1 oblīvīscor, -ī, oblītus sum: forget (gen.), 4
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 6 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 6
dēfīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxus: fix, pierce, 3 parum: adv. too little, 6
dīruō, -ere, -ī, -utum: tear down, destroy, 4 placet, -uit: it is pleasing, it is resolved, 5
effringō, -ere, -frēgī, -frāctus: break, 1 poena, -ae, f.: punishment, 6
flamma, -ae f.: flame, fire, torch, love, 3 prae: in front of, before (acc); compared to (abl), 6
foeditās, -tātis f.: foulness, ugliness, 2 praemittō, -ere: send in advance, 2
glōrior, -ārī, -ātus: glory, boast, 2 quālis, -e: of what sort? what?, 5
hostīlis, -e: of an enemy, hostile, 3 silentium, -iī n.: silence, 5
intrō (1): go into, enter, 1 soleō, -ēre, solitum: be accustomed, 3
legio, legiōnis f.: legion, 7 sternō (1), strātum: lay (low), spread, scatter, 1
licet, -ēre, -uit: it is allowed, permitted, 3 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
maestitia, -ae: sadness, gloom, 2 tacitus, -a, -um: silent, still, 7
memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7 trādūcō, -ere, -dūxī: carry across, 4
misceō, -ēre, -uī, mīxtum: mix, mingle, 5 trīstis, -e: sad, sullen, 4
mītis, -e: mild, gentle, 5

1 āvertēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. gerund (-ing) + obj.; ad. expressing purpose

2 illud…fuit: that was…; 7 quae: these; i.e. legiōnēs; connective relative
apud: among intrāvēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.
supplicium…exemplī: = exemplum suppliciī; 8 quālis…solet: such as…; ‘which sort…’
an example of hypallege (syntactical captārum esse urbium: to belong to…; ‘are
relationship of two terms interchanged) of…’ gen. pl. pred. tumultus et pavor
parum memoris: gen. logically with supplicium are missing but assumed
3 lēgum hūmānārum: i.e. laws of humanity cum…miscet: when…; temporal with pres. ind.
in aliīs: in other (examples) 9 effrāctīs portīs: abl. abs.
nūllī: dat. interest; i.e. no one else than Romans strātīs…mūrīs: abl. abs.
4 mītiōrēs placuisse poenās: that…; with pf. inf.; -ve: or; enclitic
mītiōrēs poenās is acc. subject arce…captā: abl. abs.
5 praemissī…erant 10 ferrō: abl. means; ‘a sword’ via metonomy
Albam: acc. place to which 11 dēfīxit: transfixed; i.e. stunned
quī…trādūcerent: who would…; relative clause 12 ut…starent: that they…; result with impf. subj.
of purpose prae metū: because of….; lit. ‘in the face of…’
6 Rōmam: acc. place to which [oblītī]: omit from translation
ductae (sunt) quid…, quid…ferrent: what they are to…(and)
ad dīruendam urbem: for…; noun + gerundive what they are to; ind. deliberative question with
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as impf. subj.; sēcum = cum sē
29.3-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

dēficiente cōnsiliō rogitantēsque aliī aliōs, nunc in līminibus 1

stārent, nunc errābundī domōs suās ultimum illud vīsūrī
4. ut vērō iam equitum clāmor exīre iubentium īnstābat, iam
fragor tēctōrum quae dīruēbantur ultimīs urbis partibus audiēbātur 5
pulvisque ex distantibus locīs ortus velut nūbe inductā omnia
implēverat, raptim quibus quisque poterat ēlatīs, cum Larem ac
Penātēs tēctaque in quibus nātus quisque ēducātusque esset
relinquentēs exīrent, 5. iam continēns agmen migrantium
implēverat viās, et cōnspectus aliōrum mūtuā miserātiōne 10
integrābat lacrimās, vōcēsque etiam miserābilēs exaudiēbantur,
mulierum praecipuē, cum obsessa ab armātīs templa augusta
agmen, agminis n.: column (of troops), army, 5 līmen, līminis n.: doorway, threshhold, 1
augustus, -a, -um: august, majestic, 4 migrō (1): to travel, migrate, 3
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 miserābilis, -e: miserable, pitiable, 4
contineō, -ēre, -uī, -tum: hold in/back, contain, 4 miserātiō, -tiōnis f.: pity, comiseration, 1
dēficiō, -ere, -fēxī, -fectum: fail; defect, revolt, 3 mūtuus, -a, -um: mutual, 1
dīruō, -ere, -ī, -utum: tear down, destroy, 4 nūbēs, -is f.: cloud, 1
distō (1): stand apart, be separate, 2 obsideō, -ēre, -sēdī, -sessum: beset, beseige, 2
ēfferō, -ere, -tulī, -lātum: carry out, lift, 5 Penātēs, -ium m.: Penates, 4
errābundus, -a, -um: wandering, 1 pervagor, -ārī, -ātum: roam or wander through, 1
exaudiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: hear plainly, 2 praecipuē; especially, 5
exeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go out, 6 pulvis, pulveris m.: dust, 1
fragor, -is m.: crash, din, 2 raptim: suddenly, quickly, 2
indūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead in, bring to, 3 rogitō (1): to ask, ask for, 3
īnstō, -āre, -stitī: press (on), engage, 6 stō, stāre, stetī, statum: stand, 6
integrō (1): renew, 1 tēctum, -ī n.: roof; dwelling, home, shelter, 6
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 5 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7
Lars, Lartis m.: Lars, 1

1 dēficiente cōnsiiō: abl. abs. carried off; abl. abs. with PPP efferō; lit. ‘(those
rogitantēs aliī aliōs: some kept asking some things) which…’ neut. relative quae is attracted
people, others kept asking others…; or ‘different into abl. of the missing antecedent, which is the
people asking different people’ a compressed first term in the abl. abs. with ēlātīs
expression in Latin governing the ind. questions cum…exīrent: When (the Albans)…; assume
2 ultimum illud (tempus): for that last (time) the Albānī as subject; impf. subj. exeō
vīsūrī: fut. pple videō Larem…relinquentēs: pres. pple modifying the
3 pervagārentur: impf. subj. in same result clause missing subject Albānī
4 ut …īnstābat: as…; ‘when…’ temporal clause; 8 in quibus nātus (esset) quisque ēducātusque
vērō: in fact, actually; abl. as adv. esset: in which…; relative with plpf. subj. dep.
iubentium: pres. pple with gen. pl. equitēs and pass. respectively; subj. of subordinate verb
5 (in) ultimīs…partibus: in the farthest…; abl. in a cum clause
place where; i.e. the edges of the city 9 continēns agmen: a continuous column…
6 pulvisque: nom. subject 10 mūtuā miserātiōne: with…; abl. cause
ortus: dep. PPP orior: translate ‘having Xed’ 12 cum…praeterīrent: when they,..
velut nūbe inductā: as if… abl. abs. and obsessa: PPP obsideō
conditional clause of comparison ab armātīs (virīs): abl. agent
7 quibus…ēlātīs: what each was able having been

Tullus Hostilius 29.5-30.3

praeterīrent ac velut captōs relinquerent deōs. 6. ēgressīs urbe 1

Albānīs Rōmānus passim pūblica prīvātaque omnia tēcta adaequat
solō, ūnāque hōrā quadringentōrum annōrum opus quibus Alba
steterat excidiō ac ruīnīs dedit. templīs tamen deum—ita enim
ēdictum ab rēge fuerat—temperātum est. 5
30. Rōma interim crēscit Albae ruīnīs. duplicātur cīvium
numerus; Caelius additur urbī mōns, et quō frequentius habitārētur
eam sēdem Tullus rēgiae capit ibique habitāvit. 2. prīncipēs
Albānōrum in patrēs ut ea quoque pars reī pūblicae crēsceret lēgit,
Iūliōs, Servīliōs, Quīnctiōs, Geganīōs, Cūriātiōs, Cloelīōs; 10
templumque ōrdinī ab sē auctō cūriam fēcit quae Hostīlia usque ad
patrum nostrōrum aetātem appellāta est. 3. et ut omnium ōrdinum
adaequō (1): make equal; be equal, 2 Iūlius, -ī m.: Julius, 2
Caelius, -ī m.: Caelius, Caelian mountain, 1 passim: here and there, far and wide, 2
Cloelius, -ī m.: Cloelius, 1 praetereō, -īre, -īvī, -itum: pass, go pass, 3
duplicō (1): double, 2 quadringentī, -ae, -a: four hundred, 1
ēdictum, -ī n.: proclamation, edict, 3 Quinctius (Quintus), -ī m.: Quin(c)tus, 1
ēgredior, -ī, -gressus: go out, disembark, 5 ruīna, -ae f.: ruins, downfall, 2
excidium, -iī n.: destruction, 2 Servīlius, -iī m.: Servilius, 1
frequēns, frequentis: crowded, busy, 6 solum, -ī n.: ground, soil, 1
Gegānius, -ī m.: Geganius, 1 stō, stāre, stetī, statum: stand, 6
hōra, -ae f.: hour, 2 tēctum, -ī n.: roof; dwelling, home, shelter, 6
Hostīlius, -a, -um: Hostilia(n), 1 temperō (1): regulate, refrain from, keep from, 3
interim: meanwhile, in the meantime, 5 usque: up to, until; all the way, 4

1 velut captōs: as if…; conditional clause of eam sēdem…capit: takes it as seat…; eam
comparison refers to Caelius but is assimilated into the fem.
ēgressīs…Albānīs: abl. abs. by sēdem
2 solō: to…; a noun, dat. of compound verb, i.e. rēgiae: of the royal house, of the palace
leveled the buildings 9 in patrēs: among…
3 ūnā hōrā: abl. of time within ut…crēsceret: so that…might….; purpose
quadringentōrum annōrum: gen. description reī pūblicae: of the government, of the (public)
modifying opus state, of the commonwealth
quibus…steterat: in which…; relative and abl. lēgit: chose
time when 10 Iūliōs…Cloelīōs: in apposition to prīncipēs:
4 excidiō ac ruīnīs: dat. ind. obj. well-known families in Roman history
templīs de(ōr)um: from…; abl. separation or 11 templum: a consecrated place; a place
dat. (temperō often governs a dat.) consecrated by augurs and not necessarily a
5 ēdictum…fuerat: had been (once)…; plpf. building
pass., the use of fuerat instead of erat stresses ōrdinī ab sē auctō: for the order…; i.e. for the
the completedness of the action senate, dat. of interest and PPP augeō
temperātum est: they… ‘it was refrained,’ fēcit: pf. faciō governs a double acc.
impers. pf. pass. is often translated actively in Hostīlia: Curia Hostilia; the traditional senate
English house until it burned down in 52 BC
6 ruīnīs: abl. source or means 12 ut…adicierētur: so that…; purpose, impf.
7 urbī: dat. ind. obj. or compound verb subj.
quō…habitāretur: so that…; purpose omnium ōrdinum: modifying vīribus
frequentius: comparative adv.

30.3-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

vīribus aliquid ex novō populō adicerētur equitum decem turmās 1

ex Albānīs lēgit, legiōnēs et veterēs eōdem supplementō explēvit et
novās scrīpsit.
4. hāc fīdūciā vīrium Tullus Sabīnīs bellum indīcit, gentī eā
tempestāte secundum Etrūscōs opulentissimae virīs armīsque. 5
utrimque iniūriae factae ac rēs nēquīquam erant repetītae. 5. Tullus
ad Fērōniae fānum mercātū frequentī negōtiātōrēs Rōmānōs
comprehēnsōs querēbātur, Sabīnī suōs prius in lūcum cōnfūgisse
ac Rōmae retentōs. hae causae bellī ferēbantur.
6. Sabīnī haud parum memorēs et suārum vīrium partem Rōmae 10
ab Tatiō locātam et Rōmānam rem nūper etiam adiectiōne populī
Albānī auctam, circumspicere et ipsī externa auxilia. 7. Etrūriā erat
adiectio, adiectiōnis f.: addition, 1 lūcus, -ī m.: grove, 7
auxilium, -ī n.: help, aid, assistance, 3 memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7
circumspiciō, -ere, -spexī: look around, 1 mercātus, -ūs m.: market; trading, traffic, 1
comprehendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: grasp, arrest, 4 negōtiātor, -is m.: trader, businessman, 1
cōnfugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee, 2 nēquīquam: to no purpose, in vain, 3
decem: ten, 3 nūper: recently, lately, not long ago, 4
Etrūria, -ae f.: Etruria, 5 opulentus, -a, -um: opulent, wealthy, 5
expleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum: fulfull, fill out, 4 parum: adv. too little, 6
externus, -a, -um: external, foreign, 3 queror, -ī, questum: complain, lament, 1
Fērōnia, -ae f.: Feronia (goddess), 1 retineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: to hold back, 2
fīdūcia, -ae f.: confidence, reliance, trust, 1 scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 6
frequēns, frequentis: crowded, busy, 6 supplēmentum, -ī n.: supply, supplement, 1
legio, legiōnis f.: legion, 7 tempestās, -tātis f.: time; weather, 6
locō (1): to put, place, 3 turma, -ae f.: squadron (30 riders), 1

1 vīribus: to…; dat. of compound, pl. vīs negōtiātōrēs…comprehēnsōs (esse): that…;

2 lēgit: chose, appointed pf. pass. inf.
et…et…: both…and… 8 Sabīnī (querēbantur): add main verb, the
scrīpsit: registered, enrolled Sabines have complaints of their own
4 hāc fidūciā vīrium: because of…; abl. cause suōs (hominēs)…cōnfūgisse…retentōs (esse):
and objective gen. vīs that their own (people)…; pf. act. and pf. pass.
Sabīnīs: on…; dat. of compound verb inf.
gentī…opulentissimae: dat. in apposition to in lūcum: i.e. seeking sanctuary
Sabīnīs 9 Rōmae: at…; locative
eā tempestāte: at…; abl. time when; tempestās ferēbantur: were reported
means ‘time’ here and eā is demonstrative 10 et suārum vīrium partem…locātam (esse):
5 secundum: following after… both that a part of…; first half of ind. disc. with
virīs armīsque: in…; abl. respect, vir and arma pf. pass. inf. governed by memorēs
6 factae: PPP with nom. iniūriae 11 et Rōmānam rem…auctam (esse): and that
rēs: restitution the Roman state…; second half of ind. disc. with
erant repetītae: plpf. pass. pf. pass. inf. governed by memorēs
7 ad: at… 12 circumspicere: look around for; historical inf.
(in) mercātū frequentī: abl. place where; 3rd with nom. subject Sabīnī: translate as 3p impf.
decl. i-stem abl. or possibly abl. time when: et ipsī: themselves also
during peak trading hours

Tullus Hostilius 30.7-10

vīcīna, proximī Etrūscōrum Vēientēs. inde ob residuās bellōrum 1

īrās maximē sollicitātīs ad dēfectiōnem animīs voluntāriōs trāxēre,
et apud vagōs quōsdam ex inopī plēbe etiam mercēs valuit: pūblicō
auxiliō nūllō adiūtī sunt valuitque apud Vēientēs—nam dē cēterīs
minus mīrum est—pacta cum Rōmulō indūtiārum fidēs. 5
8. cum bellum utrimque summā ope parārent vertīque in eō rēs
vidērētur utrī prius arma īnferrent, occupat Tullus in agrum
Sabīnum trānsīre. 9. pugna atrōx ad silvam Malitiōsam fuit, ubi et
peditum quidem rōbore, cēterum equitātū auctō nūper plūrimum
Rōmāna aciēs valuit. 10. ab equitibus repente invectīs turbātī 10
ōrdinēs sunt Sabīnōrum, nec pugna deinde illīs cōnstāre nec fugā
explicārī sine magnā caede potuit.
adiuvō, -āre, -iūvī, adiūtum: help, assist, 6 pacīscō, -ere, , pactum: agree upon; betroth, 2
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 pedes, peditis m.: foot soldier; infantry, 5
auxilium, -ī n.: help, aid, assistance, 3 plūrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 4
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 repente: suddenly, 5
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 residuus, -a, -um: residual, remaining, 1
dēfectiō, -iōnis f.: revolt, 1 rōbor, rōboris n.: oak; strength, 5
equitātus, -ūs m.: cavalry, 3 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 3
explicō (1): to untangle, unfold; explain, 2 sollicitō (1): to agitate, stir, worry, 3
indūtiae, -ārum f.: a truce, 3 trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum: draw, drag, 6
inops (inopis): poverty-stricken, poor, 1 turbō (1): throw in confusion, disturb, 5
invehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: convey, bring in, 5 uter, utra, utrum: which (of two), 7
Malitiosa, -ae f.: Malitiosa (forest), 1 vagus, -a, -um: wandering, roaming, 1
mercēs, mercēdis f.: pay, wages; bribe, 2 valeō, -ēre, uī: be strong, be effective, prevail, 4
mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7 vīcīnus, -a, -um: neighboring, 6
nūper: recently, lately, not long ago, 4 voluntārius, -iī m.: volunteer, 2

1 Vēientēs (erant): nom. pred. vertī: pass. inf.

2 sollicitātīs…animīs: abl. abs.; i.e. a revolt from in eō: on this; i.e. the following question
the treaty the Veientes struck with the Romans 7 vidērētur: seemed
trāxēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.; i.e. gathered; utrī…īnferrent: which one was to…; ind.
The Sabines are subject, and the Veientes are deliberative question; utrī is nom. pl.
the object. occupat: seizes (the opportunity) + inf.; i.e. to
3 apud: among… do something first
vagōs: transients; i.e. those without property agrum: land
etiam: even 8 et...quidem…cēterum: certainly…but more so;
valuit: prevailed quidem is concessive in sense when followed by
pūblicō auxiliō nūllō: i.e. the Veientes offered adversative
no public money to the Sabines/ peditum rōbore: because of…; abl. cause
4 valuitque: and…prevailed; pacta fīdēs is subject equitātū auctō nūper: because of…; abl. cause
apud: among plūrimum valuit: prevailed the most; ‘was the
dē cēterīs (Etrūscīs): concerning the rest (of the most powerful,’ inner acc. and superlative of
Etruscans); who had no motive to attack Rome multus
5 minus mīrum est: it is…; impers. verb and 10 ab: as a result of…
comparative adv. turbātī…sunt
indūtiārum: translate as sg. 11 nec pugna cōnstāre…potuit: the battle-line
6 cum…parārent: impf. subj. was able neither to stand firm…
summā ope: abl. manner
31.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

31. dēvictīs Sabīnīs cum in magnā glōriā magnīsque opibus 1

rēgnum Tullī ac tōta rēs Rōmāna esset, nūntiātum rēgī patribusque
est in monte Albānō lapidibus plūvisse. 2. quod cum crēdī vix
posset, missīs ad id vīsendum prōdigium in cōnspectū haud aliter
quam cum grandinem ventī glomerātam in terrās agunt crēbrī 5
cecidēre caelō lapidēs. 3. vīsī etiam audīre vōcem ingentem ex
summī cacūminis lūcō ut patriō rītū sacra Albānī facerent, quae
velut dīs quoque simul cum patriā relictīs oblīviōnī dederant, et aut
Rōmāna sacra suscēperant aut fortūnae, ut fit, obīrātī cultum
relīquerant deum. 4. Rōmānīs quoque ab eōdem prōdigiō 10
novendiāle sacrum pūblicē susceptum est, seu vōce caelestī ex
Albānō monte missā—nam id quoque trāditur—seu haruspicum
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 1 lūcus, -ī m.: grove, 7
cacumen, -inis n.: peak, top, 1 novendiālis, -e: a nine-day, of nine days (feast), 1
caelum, -ī n.: sky, 7 obīrascor, -ārī, obīrātum: be angry at (dat), 1
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 obliviō, -iōnis f.: oblivion, 1
crēbēr, crēbra, -rum: thick, crowded, 1 patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7
cultus, -ūs m.: worship; cultivation, upbringing, 5 pluō, -ere, -vī: impers. it rains, 1
dēvincō, -ere, -vīcī, -victum: conquer, 2 rītus, -ūs m.: rite, ceremony, 6
glomerō (1): form a ball or mass, 1 suscipiō, -ere, cēpī, ceptum: undertake, take up, 7
grando, grandinis f.: hail, a hail-storm, 1 vīsō, -ere: examine, view carefully, 2
haruspex, -spicis m.: haruspex, 1 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
lapis, -idis m.: stone, 4

1 dēvictīs Sabīnīs: abl. abs. 7 ut…faceret: that…; ind. command, impf. subj.
cum…esset patriō rītū: abl. manner
2 rēs Rōmāna: the Roman state sacra: rites, sacrifices
nūntiātum…est: it…; impers. 8 velut d(e)īs…relictīs: as if…; abl. abs. and
rēgī patribusque: dat. ind. obj. conditional clause of comparison; the Albans
3 in monte…plūvisse: that it had…; imper. had abandoned their gods when they left their
pf. inf. and abl. of means patria and came to Rome
quod: this; connective relative and subject oblīviōnī dederant: i.e. Albans had forgotten
cum…posset aut…aut…: either…or…
4 missīs…prōdigium: for (those)…; PPP dat. of 9 suscēperant: Albans are still subject
reference: i.e. ‘in the eyes of those…’ fortūnae: at their fortune; i.e. their misfortune,
ad id vīsendum prōdigium: for…; gerundive + dat. with compound verb
noun: perform a gerund-gerundive flip and ut fit: as happens; clause of comparison
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. or as an inf. obīrātī: dep. PPP, translate as ‘having Xed’
aliter: as often, followed by quam introducing a cultum…de(ōr)um
clause of comparison 10 Rōmānīs: for…; dat. of interest
5 cum…agunt: when…drive; temporal clause ab: as a result of…
6 cecidēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. 11 seu…seu…: whether…or…
(ē) caelō voce caelestī…missā: because…; causal abl.
vīsī (sunt): they seemed…; i.e. the same ones abs.; i-stem 3rd decl. abl.
sent (mīssīs) above 12 trāditur: is handed down; i.e. is reported

Tullus Hostilius 31.4-7

monitū; mānsit certē sollemne ut quandōque idem prōdigium 1

nūntiārētur fēriae per novem diēs agerentur.
5. haud ita multō post pestilentiā labōrātum est. unde cum pigritia
mīlitandī orerētur, nūlla tamen ab armīs quiēs dabātur ā bellicōsō
rēge, salūbriōra etiam crēdente mīlitiae quam domī iuvenum 5
corpora esse, dōnec ipse quoque longinquō morbō est implicitus. 6.
tunc adeō frāctī simul cum corpore sunt spīritūs illī ferōcēs ut quī
nihil ante ratus esset minus rēgium quam sacrīs dedere animum,
repente omnibus magnīs parvīsque superstitiōnibus obnoxius
dēgeret religiōnibusque etiam populum implēret. 7. volgō iam 10
hominēs eum statum rērum quī sub Numā rēge fuerat requīrentēs,
ūnam opem aegrīs corporibus relictam sī pāx veniaque ab dīs
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, injured; adv. poorly, 6 pigritia, -ae f.: reluctance, sluggishness, 1
bellicōsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 quandōque: whenever, 1
dēgō, -ere, dēgī: spend, pass (time), 1 quiēs, quiētis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 4
fēriae, -ārum f.: festival, 1 religio, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
frangō, -ere, frēgī, frāctum: break, 1 repente: suddenly, 5
implicō, -āre, -āvī(uī), itum: entangle, enfold, 1 requīrō, -ere: seek out, ask, inquire, 1
labōrō (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2 salūbris, -e: healthy, useful, 4
longinquus, -a, -um: prolonged; distant, 1 spīritus, -ūs m.: breath; spirit, 2
militō (1): serve as a soldier, 1 status, -ūs m.: position, condition, state, 2
monitus, -ūs m.: warning, admonition, 2 superstitiō, -tiōnis f.: superstition, 1
morbus, -ī m.: disease, sickness, illness, 1 tunc: then, at that time, 3
novem: nine, 1 venia, -ae f.: mercy, indulgence, favor, 3
obnoxius, -a, -um: subject to, obedient to (dat.), 2 vulgus (volgus), -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7
pestilentia, -ae f.: plague, pestilence, 1

1 monitū: because of…; abl. cause domī: at…; locative

certē: at least 6 ipse: (the king) himself
ut…agerentur: that…was celebrated; ‘was 7 frāctī…sunt: spīritūs illī ferōcēs is the subject;
conducted,’ ind. command translate in the sg.; illī indicates something well-
quandōque…nūntiārētur: whenever…; subj. of known or renowned: that (famous) spiritedness
subordinate verb in a ind. command cum corpore: with the body
3 multō: much; ‘by much,’ abl. of degree of ut…dēgeret: that…; result clause, impf. subj.
difference modifying post quī…ratus esset: (the man) who…; relative of
labōrātum est: they…; ‘it was struggled,’ characteristic with plpf. dep. reor
impers. pf. pass.: translate as active in English 8 nihil (esse) minus rēgium…animum: that
unde: then; connective relative: translate nothing (was)…; here with clause of comparison
as a demonstrative, e.g. inde sacrīs: dat. ind. obj.
cum…orerētur: although…; concessive, dedere: to give; inf. dedō
impf. pass. subj. orior 10 dēgeret (vitam)
4 mīlitandī: gen. gerund (-ing) volgō: in general; ‘in a mass,’ an abl. adv,
ab armīs: from…; abl. of separation 11 eum statum rērum: that…; demonstrative
ā bellicōsō rēge: abl. agent 12 ūnam opem…relictam (esse): that only one
salūbriōra…corpora esse: that…; ind. disc. help …; pf. pass.relinquō, ‘be left’ governed by
with comparative adj.; governed by credente crēdēbant
5 crēdente: modifying rēge aegrīs corporibus: for…; dat. of interest
mīlitae: abroad; ‘in military service,’ locative ab d(e)īs

31.7-32.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

impetrāta esset crēdēbant. 8. ipsum rēgem trādunt volventem 1

commentāriōs Numae, cum ibi quaedam occulta sollemnia
sacrificia Iovī Ēliciō facta invēnisset, operātum hīs sacrīs sē
abdidisse; sed nōn rītē initum aut cūrātum id sacrum esse, nec
sōlum nūllam eī oblātam caelestium speciem sed īrā Iovis 5
sollicitātī prāvā religiōne fulmine ictum cum domō cōnflagrāsse.
Tullus magnā glōriā bellī rēgnāvit annōs duōs et trīgintā.
32. mortuō Tullō rēs, ut īnstitūtum iam inde ab initiō erat, ad
patrēs redierat hīque interrēgem nōmināverant. quō comitia
habente Ancum Marcium rēgem populus creāvit; patrēs fuēre 10
Numae Pompilī rēgis nepōs fīliā ortus Ancus Marcius erat. 2. Quī
abdō, -ere, -didī, -ditus: hide, put away, 3 nōminō (1): (call by) name, mention, 3
comitium, -ī n.: assembly; elections, 6 occultus, -a, -um: concealed, hidden, 2
commentārius, -ī m.: commentary, 3 offerō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: offer, present, 3
cōnflagrō (1): burn up, be consumed, 1 operor, -ārī, -ātum: be occupied with, devote
cūrō (1): care for, take care of, attend to, 3 onself to, engage in (often religious rite) (dat.), 1
Ēlicius, -ī m.: Eliciter, (epithet of Jupiter), 2 Pompilius, -iī m.: Pompilius, 4
fulmen, -minis n.: lightning, thunderbolt, 3 prāvus, -a, -um: wrong, crooked, wrong, 4
impetrō (1): obtain, accomplish, 2 religiō, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
ineō, -īre, -īī, -itum: go into, enter, initiate, 7 rītē: duly, fitly, 3
interrēx, -rēgis m.: interim king, 2 sacrificium, ī n.: sacrifice, 7
Mārcius, -ī n.: Marcius, Ancus Marcius, 4 sollicitō (1): to agitate, stir, worry, 3
mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 4 trīginta: thirty, 7
nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7 volvō, -ere, volvī: turn over, roll over, 3

1 impetrāta esset: plpf. dep. subj. of subordinate 6 prāvā religiōne: abl. cause with sollicitātī
verb in ind. disc.; equiv. to fut. pf. indicative in ictum: PPP iciō
direct speech cum: along with…
ipsum rēgem…abdidisse: that…; pf. inf. 7 magnā glōriā bellī: with…; abl. of attendant
trādunt: they hand down; i.e. they report circumstances
2 cum…invēnisset annōs duōs et trīgintā: for…; acc. duration
occulta: i.e. not publicly performed 8 mortuō Tullō: abl. abs., supply pple ‘being’
3 Iovī Ēliciō: for…; dat. interest rēs: the state
operātum hīs sacrīs: dep. PPP: translate as ut īnstitūtum…erat: as it…; clause of
‘having Xed;’ and dat. obj. comparison; impers. plpf. pass.
4 nōn rītē initum (esse)…id sacrum esse: that 9 quō…habente: this one…; abl. abs. with
this…; pf. pass. inf. ineō, cūrō governed by connective relative quō, i.e. the interrex
trādunt, crēavit: governs a double acc. (obj. and pred.)
nec sōlum…sed: not only…but (also)… 10 fuēr(unt) auctōrēs: i.e. authorized it
5 nūllam…oblātam (esse)…speciem: that…; pf. 12 fīliā: from…; abl. of origin
pass. inf. offerō ortus est: pf. dep. orior
eī: dat. ind. obj., is Quī: This one…; connective relative, translate
(eum) īrā...cōnflagrā(vi)sse: that he…; pf. inf. as a demonstrative in English
with abl. cause

Ancus Marcius 32.2-3

ut rēgnāre coepit et avītae glōriae memor et quia proximum 1

rēgnum, cētera ēgregium, ab ūnā parte haud satis prōsperum fuerat
aut neglēctīs religiōnibus aut prāvē cultīs, longē antīquissimum
ratus sacra pūblica ut ab Numā īnstitūta erant facere, omnia ea ex
commentāriīs rēgiīs pontificem in album ēlāta prōpōnere in 5
pūblicō iubet.
inde et cīvibus ōtiī cupidīs et fīnitimīs cīvitātibus facta spēs in
avī mōrēs atque īnstitūta rēgem abitūrum. 3. igitur Latīnī cum
quibus Tullō rēgnante ictum foedus erat sustulerant animōs, et cum
incursiōnem in agrum Rōmānum fēcissent repetentibus rēs 10
Rōmānīs superbē respōnsum reddunt, dēsidem Rōmānum rēgem
inter sacella et ārās āctūrum esse rēgnum ratī.
album, -ī n.: a whitewashed board, 1 neglegō, ere, -lēxī, neglēctum: to neglect, 2
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient; better, important, 5 ōtium, -iī n.: leisure, peace, 5
āra, ārae f.: altar, 6 pontifex, -ficis m.: priest, pontifex, 5
avītus, -a, -um: ancestral, of a grandfather, 5 prāvus, -a, -um: wrong, crooked, wrong, 4
commentārius, -ī m.: commentary, 3 prōpōnō, -ere: publish, put forth, 1
colō, -ere, coluī, cultum: cultivate; worship, 3 prōsperus, -a, -um: favorable, successful, 2
cupīdus, -a, -um: desirous for, eager for (gen.), 1 religiō, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
dēses, dēsidis: inactive, idle (sitting down), 1 respōnsum, -ī n.: answer, reply, 5
ēfferō, -ere, -tulī, -lātum: carry out, lift, 5 sacellum, -ī n.: sanctuary (unroofed, w/ altar), 3
ēgregius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 4 superbus, -a, -um: arrogant, proud; Superbus, 7
incursiō, -iōnis f.: incursion, 2 tollō, ere, sustulī, sublātum: lift up; raze, 5
memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7

1 ut…coepit: as…; temporal clause facta (est)

et…et…: both…and…; note the lack of 8 in avī…rēgem abitūrum (esse): that the
parallelism king…; in apposition to spēs with fut. inf. abeō;
2 cētera: otherwise; ‘in other respects,’ adv. acc. i.e. that he would avoid Tullus’ mistakes and
3 aut…aut…: either,…or… adopt the ways of Numa, Anca’s grandfather
ab ūnā parte: in one part īnstituta: procedures; i.e. of governing
neglectīs…cultīs: abl. abs. 9 Tullō rēgnante: abl. abs.
longē antīquissimum (esse)…facere: (that it ictum…est: pf. pass. iciō
was) by far most important to… sustulerant: plpf. tollō
4 ratus: PPP dep. reor: translate as ‘having Xed’ cum…fēcissent: plpf. subj.
ut…īnstitūta erant: just as…; clause of 10 agrum: land
comparison repententibus rēs Rōmānīs: dat. ind. obj. and
omnia ea…prōpōnere in pūblicō (locō): that… pres. pple; rēs means ‘restitution’
ea: those things; acc. pl. demonstrative 11 dēsidem…actūrum esse…: that…would
5 ēlāta: PPP ēfferō idly spend…; fut. inf. agō; dēsidem, ‘idle,’ is
7 et cīvibus…et finītimīs cīvitātibus…: both predicative and best translated as an adverb
for…and for…; dat. of interest 12 ratī: dep. PPP reor: translate as ‘having Xed’
ōtiī: for…; objective gen.

32.4-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

4.medium erat in Ancō ingenium, et Numae et Rōmulī memor; et 1

praeterquam quod avī rēgnō magis necessāriam fuisse pācem
crēdēbat cum in novō tum ferōcī populō, etiam quod illī contigisset
ōtium sine iniūriā id sē haud facile habitūrum; temptārī patientiam
et temptātam contemnī, temporaque esse Tullō rēgī aptiōra quam 5
Numae. 5. ut tamen, quoniam Numa in pāce religiōnēs īnstituisset,
ā sē bellicae caerimōniae prōderentur, nec gererentur sōlum sed
etiam indīcerentur bella aliquō rītū, iūs ab antīquā gente Aequicolīs
quod nunc fētiālēs habent dēscrīpsit, quō rēs repetuntur.
6. lēgātus ubi ad fīnēs eōrum venit unde rēs repetuntur, capite 10
vēlātō fīlō—lānae vēlāmen est—’audī, Iuppiter’ inquit; ‘audīte,
fīnēs’—cuiuscumque gentis sunt, nōminat—; ‘audiat Fās. ego sum
Aequicolī, -ōrum m.: a portion of the Aequi, memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7
dwelling in Sabine territory, 1 necessārius, -a, -um: necessary, inevitable, 2
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient; better, important, 5 nōminō (1): (call by) name, mention, 3
aptus, -a, -um: fitting, suitable for (dat.), 6 ōtium, -iī n.: leisure, peace, 5
avus, avī m.: grandfather, 3 patientia, -ae f.: endurance, patience, 2
bellicus, -a, -um: of war, 1 praeterquam: besides, beyond; except, 4
caerimōnia, -ae f.: ceremony, rite, 3 prōdō, ere, -didī: publish, bring forth; betray, 2
contemnō, -ere, -tempsī: despise, scorn, 1 quoniam: since (now), seeing that, 5
contingō, -ere, -tigī,: to touch, happen, 2 religiō, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
describō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: draw up, arrange, 1 rītus, -ūs m.: rite, ceremony, 6
fās n.: right, righteousness, divine law, 6 temptō (1): attempt, test; attack, 5
fētiālis, -e: fetialis (type of priest), 5 vēlāmen, -minis n.: covering, veil, 1
fīlum, -ī n.: thread; fillet of wool, 1 vēlō (1): to veil, shroud, 3
lāna, -ae f.: wool, 2

1 medium: moderate; i.e. well-balanced, not temporaque…Numae: and that…

favoring religion or war exclusively quam Numae…: clause of comparison
et…et…: both,…and… 6 ut…prōderentur…gererentur…indīcerentur:
et praeterquam quod…crēdēbat: and besides so that…; purpose, impf. subj., i.e. established as
the fact that…; quod introduces a noun clause a custom
2 avī rēgnō…fuisse pācem: that…; pf. inf. sum 7 nec…sōlum sed etiam: not only…but also…
avī rēgnō: for…; dat. of interest gererentur: in same purpose clause, gerō,
3 cum…tum…: both…and… ‘conduct’
etiam (crēdēbat) quod…: he also (believed)… aliquō rītū: with…; abl. manner
quod…contigisset ōtium …id: that peace 8 iūs…dēscrīpsit: the main clause; iūs, ‘law’
which had happened to that one without injury; Aequicolīs: in apposition to antīquā gente
ōtiium…id is the antecedent the relative clause 9 quō: by which…; abl. means
quod…contigisset; dat. illī refers to Numa, and rēs: restitution
theverb is subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.; 10 lēgātus: i.e. the Pater Patratus discussed earlier
otium…id is obj. of habitūrum (esse) capite vēlātō fīlō: abl. abs., the fīlō is likely a
4 sē…habitūrum (esse): that he…; fut. inf. habeō; fillet of wool worn by priests
governed by etiam (crēdēbat) above 12 fīnēs: vocative dir. address
facile: adv. cuiuscumque…sunt: of…; relative clause with
temptārī patientiam: that…; again governed gen. adjective quīcumque, ‘whichsoever’
by etiam (crēdēbat) audiat: let…; jussive pres. subj.
5 (patientiam) temptātum contemnī: that…; Fās: personfied and subject of audiat
pass. inf.; add an acc. subject; PPP temptō
Ancus Marcius 32.6-10

pūblicus nūntius populī Rōmānī; iūstē piēque lēgātus veniō, 1

verbīsque meīs fidēs sit.’ peragit deinde postulāta. 7. inde Iovem
testem facit: ‘sī ego iniūstē impiēque illōs hominēs illāsque rēs
dēdier mihi exposcō, tum patriae compotem mē nunquam sīrīs
esse.’ haec, 8. cum fīnēs suprāscandit, haec, quīcumque eī prīmus 5
vir obvius fuerit, haec portam ingrediēns, haec forum ingressus,
paucīs verbīs carminis concipiendīque iūris iūrandī mūtātīs,
peragit. 9. sī nōn dēduntur quōs exposcit diēbus tribus et trīgintā—
tot enim sollemnēs sunt—perāctīs bellum ita indīcit: ‘audī,
Iuppiter, et tū, Iāne Quirīne, dīque omnēs caelestēs, vōsque 10
terrestrēs vōsque īnfernī, audīte; 10. ego vōs testor populum
illum’—quīcumque est, nōminat—’iniūstum esse neque iūs
carmen, carminis n.: song, prediction, 6 nōminō (1): (call by) name, mention, 3
compos (compotis): partaking of, possessing, 2 nunquam: never, at no time, 1
concipiō, -ere, -cēpī: conceive, take in, 3 obvius, -a, -um: in the way of (dat), 5
exposcō, -ere, -poposcī: pray for, demand, 3 paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1
forum, -ī n.: forum, marketplace, 2 pius, -a, -um: dutiful, pious, 3
Iānus, -ī m.: Janus, 2 postulō (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 1
impius, -a, -um: unholy, impious, 3 Quirīnus, -ī m.: Quirinus (Romulus), 2
īnfernus, -a, -um: of the lower world, 1 suprāscandō, -ere: climb over, 1
ingredior -gredī -gressum: step in, enter, 4 terrestris, -e: of earth, 1
iniūstus, -a, -um: unjust, 3 testis, -is m/f: witness, 4
iūrō (1): to swear (an oath), 6 testor, -ārī, -ātum: bear witness, make a will, 2
iūstus, -a, -um: just, legitimate, 5 tot: so many, 5
mūtō (1): to change, 6 trīginta: thirty, 7

1 piēque: et piē; adv. pius relative clause of characterstic with pf. subj.
lēgātus: as… sum: translate as pf.
2 verbīs mēis…sit: let my words have…; dat. of eī: dat. of special adj. obvius, is
possession and jussive pres. subj. sum 6 portam ingrediēns: (while)…; pres. pple
peragit: go though forum ingressus: dep. PPP
postulāta: demands; substantive, PPP paucīs…mūtātīs: abl abs.
Iovem: acc. Jupiter carminis concipiendīque iūris iūrandī: for
3 facit: governs a double acc. (obj. and pred.) conceiving…and…; two noun + gerundive pairs:
impiēque: et impiē; adv. impius peform flips and translate as gerunds (-ing) +
illōs…dēdier mihi: that…; dēdier is an archaic objs.; iūs iurāndum, ‘swearing an oath,’
form for dedī, pass. inf. of dedō, ‘give up’ or 8 quōs exposcit: (those) whom…; the missing
‘surrender;’ mihi is dat. ind. obj. antecedent is subject of dēduntur
4 patriae compotem…mē…esse: that I…; diēbus tribus et trīgintā…peractīs: abl. abs.,
governed by nunquam sīrīs interrupted by a parenthetical statement
nunquam si(ve)rīs: may you never permit…; 2s 9 sollemnēs: customary, regular
pf. optative subj. (subj. of wish) sīnō, ‘allow’ 10 Iāne Quirīne: Janus Quirinus; vocative dir.
5 haec (verba)…haec…haec…haec…peragit: address; the god of beginning and ending war
he goes through these (words)…these (same d(e)īque…īnfernī: vocative dir. address
words) …these (same words)…these (same 11 populum…esse…persolvere: that…
words); parallelism and asyndeton 12 quīcumque est: i.e. populum; obj. of nōminat
quīcumque…fuerit: (to the one) whosoever…; iūs persolvere: populum illum is acc. subject

32.10-12 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

persolvere; sed dē istīs rēbus in patriā maiōrēs nātū cōnsulēmus, 1

quō pactō iūs nostrum adipīscāmur.’ cum †. . . . .† nūntius Rōmam
ad cōnsulendum redit. 11. cōnfestim rēx hīs fermē verbīs patrēs
cōnsulēbat: ‘quārum rērum lītium causārum condīxit pater patrātus
populī Rōmānī Quirītium patrī patrātō Prīscōrum Latīnōrum 5
hominibusque Prīscīs Latīnīs, quās rēs nec dedērunt [nec solvērunt].
nec fēcērunt, quās rēs darī fierī [solvī] oportuit, dīc’ inquit eī quem
prīmum sententiam rogābat, ‘quid cēnsēs?’ tum ille: 12. ‘pūrō
piōque duellō quaerendās cēnseō, itaque cōnsentiō cōnscīscōque.’
inde ōrdine aliī rogābantur; quandōque pars maior eōrum quī 10
aderant in eandem sententiam ībat, bellum erat cōnsēnsum. fierī
solitum ut fētiālis hastam ferrātam aut praeustam sanguineam ad
adipīscor, -ī, adeptus: obtain, overtake, 3 nātus, -ūs m.: birth, 1
adsum, -esse, -fuī: be present, assist, 6 oportet, -uit: it is right, proper, fitting, 3
cēnseō, -ēre, -uī, -sum: think, judge; register, 7 pactum, -ī n.: pact, agreement, 4
condīcō, -ere, -xī: give notice, demand back, 1 patrō (1): bring to pass, execute, accomplish, 7
cōnfestim: at once, immediately, 4 persolvō, -ere: pay, perform, 1
cōnscīscō, -ere, -scīvī: assent (by vote), resolve, 2 pius, -a, -um: dutiful, pious, 3
cōnsentiō, -īre, -sī: agree, agree upon, 3 praeūrō, -ere, -ussī, -ustum: harden by fire, 1
duellum, -ī n.: combat, fight; war, 1 pūrus, -a, -um: clean, pure; free, 4
fermē: nearly, about, 4 quandō: when, since, 3
ferrātus, -a, -um: iron-pointed, 1 rogō (1): to ask, ask for, 7
fētiālis, -e: fetialis (type of priest), 5 sanguineus, -a, -um: bloody, stained with blood, 1
hasta, -ae f.: spear, 5 sententia, -ae f.: opinion, thought, feeling, 4
iste, ista, istud: that/those (of yours), 2 soleō, -ēre, solitum: be accustomed, 3
līs, lītis f.: lawsuit, legal dispute, 1 solvō, -ere, -vī, solūtum: loosen; pay, 4

1 persolvere: pay; i.e. perform the just response 4 pater…Quirītium: Pater Patratus…; subject
maiōrēs nātū: elders; ‘greater by birth,’ abl. of 5 patrī patrātō…Latīnīs: to the Pater…; dat. obj.
respect and comparative magnus; i.e. senators 6 quās rēs…fēcērunt: what restitution…; relative
cōnsulēmus: fut. adj. and clause; quibus rēbus is the antecedent
2 quō pactō adipīscāmur: with what...we are [nec solvērunt], [solvī]: omit from translation
to…; ind. deliberative subj. with 1p pres. subj. 7 (et) quās rēs…oportuit: what restitution it has
and abl. means been right…; see note above; impers. 3s pf.
†. . . . .†: A obelus (†) indicates that the clause dīc: imper. dīcō but not governed
inbetween is corrupt but the editor does not eī: to that one i.e a senator, dat. ind. obj.
know how to emend it. quem…rogābat: the verb governs a double acc.
Rōmam: acc. place to which 8 Quid cēnsēs (dē eīs): What do you think (about
3 ad cōnsulendum: for…; ad + gerund (-ing) those things)?; supply a pronoun as the missing
expressing purpose antecedent for quārum in the relative clause
4 quārum rērum lītium causārum…Lātīnīs: above
about what restitution, about (what) disputes, tum ille (dīxit): i.e. the senator addressed
about (what) cases,,,; gen. of charge with pūrō…(rēs) quaerendās (esse): that restitution
condīxit, translate into English as dē + abl. must be…; passive periphrastic (gerundive +
constructions; a series of relative clauses esse); supply the acc. subject rēs from context
governed by quid cēnsēs in line 8 10 ōrdine: in…; abl. of manner
condīxit: has given formal notice; the noun 11 ībat: impf. eō, īre
condictio is used when a plaintiff summons a fierī solitum (erat): it was customary to happen
defendant to court 12 ut…ferret: that…; noun result clause after fierī
Ancus Marcius 32.12-33.1

fīnēs eōrum ferret et nōn minus tribus pūberibus praesentibus 1

dīceret: 13. ‘quod populī Prīscōrum Latīnōrum hominēsque Prīscī
Latīnī adversus populum Rōmānum Quirītium fēcērunt
dēlīquērunt, quod populus Rōmānus Quirītium bellum cum Prīscīs
Latīnīs iussit esse senātusque populī Rōmānī Quirītium cēnsuit 5
cōnsēnsit cōnscīvit ut bellum cum Prīscīs Latīnīs fieret, ob eam
rem ego populusque Rōmānus populīs Prīscōrum Latīnōrum
hominibusque Prīscīs Latīnīs bellum indīcō faciōque.’ 14. id ubi
dīxisset, hastam in fīnēs eōrum ēmittēbat. Hōc tum modō ab
Latīnīs repetītae rēs ac bellum indictum, mōremque eum posterī 10
33. Ancus dēmandātā cūrā sacrōrum flāminibus sacerdōtibusque
cēnseō, -ēre, -uī, -sum: think, judge; register, 7 flāmen, flāminis, m.: priest, 5
cōnscīscō, -ere, -scīvī: assent (by vote), resolve, 2 hasta, -ae f.: spear, 5
cōnsentiō, -īre, -sī: agree, 3 praesēns, -sentis: present, being present, 7
dēlinquō, -ere, -uī, -ī m.: commit a fault, 1 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
dēmandō (1): to entrust, commend, 1 senātus, -ūs f.: senate, 5
ēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send out, 3

1 ferret et…diceret: impf. subj. in result clause impf. and, as here, plpf. subj. to indicate
nōn minus (quam) tribus pūberibus repeated action in the past; this construction,
praesentibus: with no less (than) three men of called an ‘indefinite relative clause’ or a ‘past
military age being present; abl. abs., pres. pple general temporal clause,’ is common in Greek
2 quod…fēcērunt (et) dēlīquērunt: whereas…; but found only in this instance in book 1
‘in respect to the fact that…’ quod is acc. of 9 ēmittēbat: he used to…; or ‘he would…’
respect introducing a non clause; this customary impf.
serves as a legal preamble to the main clause s eōrum: i.e. of the enemy
Quirītium: of the Quirites hōc modō: in…; abl. of manner
3 adversus: against + acc. ab Latīnīs: abl. of separation
4 (et) quod…iussit…cēnsuit (et) cōnsēnsit (et) 10 repetītae (sunt)
cōnscīvit: (and) whereas…; ‘in respect to the rēs: restitution
fact that…’ quod is again acc. of respect indictum (est)
introducing another noun clause mōrem eum: demonstrative
6 ut…fieret: that…; ind. command, impf. subj. fiō posterī (Rōmānī): nom. pl.
ob eam rem: for this reason 12 dēmandātā cūrā sacrōrum: abl. abs.
7 populīs…Latīnīs: upon…; dat. of compound flāminibus sacerdōtibusque aliīs: dat. ind obj.
verb of dēmandāta
8 id ubi dīxisset: whenever he…; Livy uses the

33.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

aliīs, exercitū novō cōnscrīptō profectus, Politōrium, urbem 1

Latīnōrum, vī cēpit; secūtusque mōrem rēgum priōrum, quī rem
Rōmānam auxerant hostibus in cīvitātem accipiendīs,
multitūdinem omnem Rōmam trādūxit. 2. et cum circā Palātium,
sēdem veterum Rōmānōrum, Sabīnī Capitōlium atque arcem, 5
Caelium montem Albānī implēssent, Aventīnum novae multitūdinī
datum. additī eōdem haud ita multō post, Tellēnīs Ficānāque
captīs, novī cīvēs.
3. Politōrium inde rūrsus bellō repetītum quod vacuum
occupāverant Prīscī Latīnī, eaque causa dīruendae urbis eius fuit 10
Rōmānīs nē hostium semper receptāculum esset. 4. postrēmō omnī
bellō Latīnō Medulliam compulsō, aliquamdiū ibi Mārte incertō,
aliquamdiū: for some long time, 2 Mārs, Mārtis m.: Mars, 6
Aventīnum, ī n. (us, -ī m.): Aventine hill, 4 Medullia, -ae f.: Medullia (Latin town), 2
Caelius, -ī m.: Caelius, Caelian mountain, 1 Politōrium, -ī n.: Politorium, 2
Capitōlium, -ī n.: Capitolium, 4 postrēmō,: at last, finally; abl. as adv., 5
compellō, -ere, -pulī: drive back or together, 2 receptāculum, -ī n.: refuge, shelter, 2
cōnscrībō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: register, enroll, 3 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 3
dīruō, -ere, -ī, -utum: tear down, destroy, 4 Tellēna, -ōrum n.: Tellena (town), 1
Ficāna, -ae f.: Ficana (town), 1 trādūcō, -ere, -dūxī: carry across, 4
incertus, -a, -um: unreliable, doubtful, 5 vacuus, -a, -um: empty, fear, vacant, 3

1 exercitū novō cōnscrīptō: abl. abs. multō: much; ‘by much,’ abl. of degree of
profectus: dep. PPP proficīscor, translate as difference with post; modified by haud
‘having Xed’ Tellēnīs Ficānāque captīs: abl. abs.
2 vī: abl. means vīs 9 bellō: with…; abl. means
secūtus: dep. PPP, translate as ‘having Xed’ repetītum (est)
rēgum priōrum: gen. pl. quod: which…; relative
rem Rōmānam: the Roman state 10 eaque…fuit: and this was…; nom. subj.
3 auxerant: plpf. augeō dīruendae urbis eius: of…; noun + gerundive:
hostibus…accipidendīs: by…; abl. means, noun perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as
+ gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive flip gerund (-ing) + obj.; eius is gen. demonstrative
and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. 11 Rōmānīs: dat. of interest
4 Rōmam: acc. place to which nē…esset: so that…might not…; neg. purpose
cum…implē(vi)ssent: since…; causal cum clause with impf subj. sum
clause with plpf. subj. 12 omnī bellō…compulsō: abl. abs.
6 novae multitūdinī: dat. ind. obj. Medulliam: acc. place to which
7 datum (est) Mārte incertō: abl. abs., supply the pple
additī (sunt): novī cīvēs is the subject ‘being;’ via metonomy Mārte means, ‘fight’ or
eōdem: in the same place; or ‘in that very place’ ‘combat’
i.e the Aventine hill; adv.

Ancus Marcius 33.4-8

variā victōriā pugnātum est; nam et urbs tūta mūnītiōnibus 1

praesidiōque firmāta validō erat, et castrīs in apertō positīs
aliquotiēns exercitus Latīnus comminus cum Rōmānīs signa
contulerat. 5. ad ultimum omnibus cōpiīs cōnīsus Ancus aciē
prīmum vincit; inde ingentī praedā potēns Rōmam redit, tum 5
quoque multīs mīlibus Latīnōrum in cīvitātem acceptīs, quibus, ut
iungerētur Palātiō Aventīnum, ad Murciae datae sēdēs.
6. Iāniculum quoque adiectum, nōn inopiā locī sed nē quandō ea
arx hostium esset. id nōn mūrō sōlum sed etiam ob commoditātem
itineris ponte subliciō, tum prīmum in Tiberī factō, coniungī urbī 10
placuit. 7. Quirītium quoque Fossa, haud parvum mūnīmentum ā
plāniōribus aditū locīs, Ancī rēgis opus est. 8. ingentī incrēmentō
aditus, -ūs m.: approach, access, 1 mūnīmentum, -ī n.: fortification, 1
aliquotiēns: several times, 1 mūnītiō, -iōnis f.: fortification, entrenchment, 3
Aventīnum, ī n. (us, -ī m.): Aventine hill, 4 Murcia, -ae f.: Murcia (goddess, later surname of
comminus: hand-to-hand, 1 Venus), 1
commoditās, -tātis f.: convenience, 1 placet, -uit: it is pleasing, it is resolved, 5
cōnferō, -ferre: bring together, collect, 4 plānus, -a, -um: flat, level, 2
cōnitor, -ī, cōnīsum: endeavor, strive, 1 pōns, pontis m.: bridge, 2
coniungō, -ere, -iunxī, -iunctum: join together, 2 potēns, -entis: powerful, being powerful over, 4
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 5 pugnō (1): to fight, 5
firmō (1): strengthen, support, 4 quandō: when, since, 3
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 5 sublicius, -a, -um: on wooden piles, 2
Iāniculum, -ī n.: Janiculum hill, 2 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
incrēmentum, -ī n.: increase, addition, 2 validus, -a, -um: strong, powerful, 5
inopia, -ae f.: poverty, need; lack of, 2 varius, -a, -um: various, alternating, 6
iter, itineris n.: way, route, path; journey, 5

1 variā victōriā: with alternating… 7 ad (aram) Murciae: near (the altar) of Murcia;
pugnātum est: they…; ‘it was fought,’ impers. i.e. future site of Circus Maximus
pf. pass.: best translated as active in English datae (sunt)
et…et…: both…and 8 adiectum (est)
2 mūnītiōnibus, praesidiō validō: abl. means inopiā: because of…; abl. cause
firmāta…erat: nē quandō…esset: so that at some time this
castrīs…positīs: camp pitched; common idiom might not…; neg. purpose; indefinite aliquandō
in apertō (locō): PPP aperiō loses the prefix ali- before sī, nisi, num, and nē
3 signa: military standards; i.e. in battle 9 id…coniungī urbī: that this be joined with the
4 contulerat: plpf. conferō city…; pass. inf. and dat. of compound
ad ultimum: at last; i.e. finally nōn…sōlum sed etiam: not only…but also
cōnīsus: dep. PPP: translate as ‘having Xed’ mūrō: with…; abl. means
(in) aciē 10 ponte subliciō…factō: by a Pons Sublicius...;
5 ingentī praedā: means, i-stem 3rd decl. abl. abl. means and PPP; a bridge over the Tiber
potēns: i.e. enriched, empowered leading to the Janiculum; this is a proper name
Rōmam: acc. place to which placuit: impers. pf. with pass. inf. coniungī
6 Multīs mīlibus…acceptīs: abl. abs. 11 Quirītium Fossa: Ditch of the Quirites; i.e. a
cīvitātem: citizenship moat where the city was flat and unprotected
quibus…: to these people; a connective relative ā plāniōribus…locīs: on the…
and dat. ind. obj. 12 aditū: in…; abl. respect
ut iungerētur: so that…might…; purpose ingentī incrēmentō: means, i-stem 3rd decl. adj.
33.8-34.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

rēbus auctīs, cum in tantā multitūdine hominum, discrīmine rēctē 1

an perperam factī cōnfūsō, facinora clandestīna fierent, carcer ad
terrōrem incrēscentis audāciae mediā urbe imminēns forō
9. nec urbs tantum hōc rēge crēvit sed etiam ager fīnēsque. Silvā 5
Maesiā Vēientibus adēmptā usque ad mare imperium prōlātum et
in ōre Tiberis Ōstia urbs condita, salīnae circā factae, ēgregiēque
rēbus bellō gestīs aedis Iovis Ferētrī amplificāta.
34. Ancō rēgnante Lucumō, vir impiger ac dīvitiīs potēns,
Rōmam commigrāvit cupīdine maximē ac spē magnī honōris, 10
cuius adipīscendī Tarquiniīs—nam ibi quoque peregrīnā stirpe
oriundus erat—facultās nōn fuerat. 2. Dēmarātī Corinthiī fīlius erat,
adipīscor, -ī, adeptus: obtain, overtake, 3 Ferētrius, -ī m.: Feretrius (of trophies), 2
aedificō (1): make a building, build, 2 forum, -ī n.: forum, 7
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house, 5 immineō, -ēre: overhang, threaten, 2
amplificō (1): enlarge, made larger, 2 impiger, -gra, -grum: active, energetic, quick, 2
an: or (in questions), 7 incrēscō, -ere: grow, increase,1
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 6 Lucumō, Lucumōnis m.: Lucumo, 5
carcer, -eris m.: prison, 1 Maesia, -ae f.: Maesia (forest), 1
clandestīnus, -a, -um: in secret, clandestine, 1 oriundus, -a, -um: descended, born, 6
commigrō (1): move with one’s family, 2 ōs, ōris n.: mouth; face, 1
cōnfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -fūsum: confuse, disturb, 3 Ōstia, -ae f.: Ostia (port town of Rome), 1
Corinthius, -ī m.: Corinthian, 1 perperam: wrongly, 2
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 potēns, -entis: powerful, being powerful over, 4
Dēmarātus, -ī m.: Demaratus, 1 prōferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus: bring forth, extend, 3
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 rēctus, -a, -um: correct, straight; honest, 5
dīvitiae, -ārum f.: riches, wealth, 4 salīnae, -ārum f.: salt works, salt pits, 1
ēgregius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 4 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 3
facinus, -noris n.: bad deed, crime, 6 Tarquiniī, -ōrum m.: Tarquinii (city), 5
facultās, -tātis f.: opportunity, ability, 1 usque: up to, until; all the way, 4

1 rēbus auctīs: abl. abs., augeō factae (sunt)

cum…fierent: since…; causal 8 rēbus…gestīs: abl. abs.
discrīmine…cōnfūsō: abl. abs. Iovis Ferētrī: of Jupiter Feretrius; built by
2 rēctē an perperam factī: of whether something Romulus
(was) done rightly or wrongly; elliptical ind. amplificāta (est)
question following discrīmine; equiv. to ‘factī 9 Ancō rēgnante: abl. abs.
utrum rēctē an perperam factum esset’ dīvitiīs: in…; abl. respect
clandestīna: predicative, translate as an adv. 10 Rōmam: acc. place to which
ad: for… cupīdine…ac spē: abl. cause
3 incrēscentis audāciae: i.e. crime; pres. pple 11 cuius adipīscendī…facultās: of…; pronoun in
(in) mediā urbe…(in) forō gen. + gerundive; perform a gerund-gerundive
nec…tantum…sed etiam: not only…but also flip and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.
5 hōc rēge: abl. cause (translate cuius just as acc. relative ‘which’)
Silvā…adēmptā: abl. abs. Tarquiniīs: at…; locative
6 Vēientibus: from…; dat. of separation peregrīnā stirpe: from…; abl. origin
prōlātum (est) 12 Dēmārātī Corinthiī: gen. father of Lucumo
7 condita (est)

Ancus Marcius 34.2-5

quī ob sēditiōnēs domō profugus cum Tarquiniīs forte cōnsēdisset, 1

uxōre ibi ductā duōs fīliōs genuit. nōmina hīs Lucumō atque
Arrūns fuērunt. Lucumō superfuit patrī bonōrum omnium hērēs:
Arrūns prior quam pater moritur uxōre gravidā relictā. 3. nec diū
manet superstes fīliō pater; quī cum, ignōrāns nurum ventrem 5
ferre, immemor in testandō nepōtis dēcessisset, puerō post avī
mortem in nūllam sortem bonōrum nātō ab inopiā Egerīō inditum
nōmen. 4. Lucumōnī contrā, omnium hērēdī bonōrum, cum dīvitiae
iam animōs facerent, auxit ducta in mātrimōnium Tanaquil,
summō locō nāta et quae haud facile iīs in quibus nāta erat 10
humiliōra sineret ea quō innūpsisset. 5. spernentibus Etrūscīs
Lucumōnem exsule advenā ortum, ferre indignitātem nōn potuit,
advena, ae m.: foreigner, immigrant, 7 innūbō, -ere, -nūpsī, -nuptum: veil on, marry, 1
Arrūns, Arruntis m.: Arruns, 6 inopia, -ae f.: poverty, need; lack of, 2
avus, avī m.: grandfather, 3 Lucumō, Lucumōnis m.: Lucumo, 5
cōnsīdō, -ere, -sēdī, -sessus: to sit down, 4 mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6
dēcēdō, -ere, -cessī: depart, withdraw, die, 1 morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 3
diū: a long time, long, 4 nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7
dīvitiae, -ārum f.: riches, wealth, 4 nurus, -ūs f.: daughter-in-law, 2
Ēgerius, -ī m.: Egerius, 3 profugus, -ī m.: fugitive, refugee, 4
exsul, exsulis m/f: an exile, 2 sēditiō, -tiōnis f.: insurrection, riot, 2
gignō, -ere, genuī, genitum: beget, 4 sors, sortis f.: lot, lottery; oracle, prophecy, 4
gravidus, -a, -um: pregnant, 2 spernō, -ere, sprēvī: spurn, reject, 3
hērēs, hērēdis, m./f.: heir, heiress, 5 superstes, -stitis: outliving surviving, 1
humilis, -e: lowly, humble, 3 supersum, -esse, -fuī: remain, survive, be left, 5
ignōrō (1): be ignorant of, 2 Tanaquil, -is f.: Tanaquil, 6
immemor, -oris: forgetful, unmindful, 1 Tarquiniī, -ōrum m.: Tarquinii (city), 5
indignitās, -tātis f.: indignity, outrage, 4 testor, -ārī, -ātum: bear witness, make a will, 2
indō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: attach, give to, 3 venter, -ris m.: stomach, belly, 1

1 domō: from…; abl. separation ab inopiā: based on…

Tarquiniīs: at…; locative Egeriō…nōmen: the name‘Egerius;’ nom. but
forte: abl., fors attracted into the dat. by puerō
2 uxōre…ductā: abl. abs.; ducere in matrimōnium inditum (est)
is a common idiom for ‘marry’ 8 Lucumōnī: for…; dat. of interest
hīs: dat. of possession; i.e. fīliīs contrā: in response
3 patrī: dat. possession hērēdī: as…; dat. in apposition
bonōrum omnium: i.e. property; bona, ‘goods’ 9 animōs faceret: gave courage
hērēs: as…; predicative auxit (animōs): pf. augeō
4 uxōre…relictā: abl. abs., Arruns’ wife 10 (in) summō locō: locus refers to ‘posiition’ or
nec diū: and..not long ‘status’ in society
5 fīliō: dat. with special adj. nāta: dep. PPP nāscor
quī: this one; connective relative; i.e. Demaratus quae…sineret: who…would…; relative clause
cum…dēcessisset: plpf. subj. of characteristic or result with impf. subj. sīnō
nurum ventrem ferre: that… ; ventrum ferre is facile: adv.
idiom for ‘be pregnant,’ lit. ‘carries a belly’ iīs: than…; eīs, demonstrative, abl. comparison
6 in testandō: i.e. the creation of a will 11 humiliōra ea: those things lower (in status)
puerō…nātō: to…; dat. ind. obj.; i.e. Arruns’ quō: into which; adv. ‘to where;’ ea antecedent
7 bonōrum: i.e. property; bona, ‘goods’ 12 ortum: dep. PPP orior + abl. source
34.5-8 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

oblītaque ingenitae ergā patriam cāritātis dummodo virum 1

honōrātum vidēret, cōnsilium migrandī ab Tarquiniīs cēpit. 6.
Rōma est ad id potissima vīsa: in novō populō, ubi omnis repentīna
atque ex virtūte nōbilitās sit, futūrum locum fortī ac strēnuō virō;
rēgnāsse Tatium Sabīnum, arcessītum in rēgnum Numam ā 5
Curibus, et Ancum Sabīnā mātre ortum nōbilemque ūnā imāgine
Numae esse. 7. facile persuādet ut cupīdō honōrum et cui Tarquiniī
māterna tantum patria esset.
8. sublātīs itaque rēbus āmigrant Rōmam. ad Iāniculum forte
ventum erat; ibi eī carpentō sedentī cum uxōre aquila suspēnsīs 10
dēmissa leviter ālīs pilleum aufert, superque carpentum cum
magnō clangōre volitāns rūrsus velut ministeriō dīvīnitus missa
āla, -ae f.: wing, 1 leviter: lightly, 1
āmigrō (1): move away, remove, depart, 1 māternus, -a, -um: maternal, 1
aquila, -ae f.: eagle, 1 migrō (1): to travel, migrate, 3
arcessō, -ere, -īvī, -itum: summon, call, 1 ministerium, -ī n.: service, office, 4
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātus: carry away, 3 nōbilis, -e: noble, 1
cāritās, -tātis f.: affection, 5 nōbilitās, -tātis f.: nobility, renown, 4
carpentum, -ī n.: carriage (two-wheeled), 5 oblīvīscor, -ī, oblītus sum: forget (gen.), 4
clangor, -ōris m.: noise, 1 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -āsum: persuade, 2
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 pilleus, -ī m.: cap, 1
Curēs, ium m.: Cures (Sabine town), 3 potissimus, -a, -um: most of all; above all, 2
dēmittō, -ere, -mīsī: drop down, send down, 1 repentīnus, -a, -um: sudden, unexpected, 2
dīvīnitus: from the gods, providentially, 3 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 3
dummodo: provided only, provided that, 1 sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: to sit, 5
ergā: toward, for (acc), 3 stēnuus, -a, -um: strenuous, energetic, 1
fortis, -e: strong, brave, 1 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
honorō (1): honor, distinguish, 1 suspendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: hang up, 5
Iāniculum, -ī n.: Janiculum hill, 2 Tarquiniī, -ōrum m.: Tarquinii (city), 5
imāgō, imāginis f.: image; waxen image, 2 tollō, ere, sustulī, sublātum: lift up; raze, 5
ingenitus, -a, -um: inborn, native, 1 volitō (1): to fly around, flitter, 1

1 oblīta: dep. PPP oblivīscor: ‘having Xed’ ortum: dep. PPP orior + abl. of source
ingenitae…cāritātis: gen. obj. of verb of ūnā imāgine Numae: because of a single…;
forgetting; i.e. patriotism abl. of cause following nōbiliem; the wax masks
dummodo...vīderet: provided that…; proviso cl. of exceptional ancestors displayed in the atrium:
2 cēpit: conceived; ‘took up,’ a idiom Ancus was able to display only one such mask.
3 est…vīsa: seemed 7 persuādet: Tanaquil is subject; facile is an adv.
ad id: for…; expressing purpose ut cupīdō honōrum: as (one) desirous of
ubi…sit: where…; relative with pres. subj. sum; honors; clause of comparison and cupidō
subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc modifies the missing dat. ind. obj. of persuādet
omnis…nōbiliās Cui…esset: for whom Tarquiniī…; relative
4 rapentīna atque ex virtūte: predicative: clause of characteristic with dat. of interest
translate after the verb 8 tantum: only, merely; qualifying māterna
futūrum (esse) locum: there will...; fut. inf. sum 9 sublātīs…rēbus: abl. abs. tollō
fortī…virō: for…; dat. of interest 10 ventum erat: they...; impers. plpf.: make active
5 rēgnā(vi)sse…Sabīnum: that… eī (in)…sedentī: from him...; dat. of compound
arcessītum (esse)...Numam: that…; pf. pass. 8 suspēnsīs...ālīs: abl. abs. āla, ‘wing’
6 Ancum…esse: that…; ind. disc. 12 velut ministeriō: as if for that service; purpose
Ancus Marcius 34.8-12

capitī aptē repōnit; inde sublīmis abiit. 9. accēpisse id augurium 1

laeta dīcitur Tanaquil, perīta ut volgō Etrūscī caelestium
prōdigiōrum mulier. excelsa et alta spērāre complexa virum iubet:
eam ālitem eā regiōne caelī et eius deī nūntiam vēnisse; circā
summum culmen hominis auspicium fēcisse; levāsse hūmānō 5
superpositum capitī decus ut dīvīnitus eīdem redderet.
10. hās spēs cōgitātiōnēsque sēcum portantēs urbem ingressī sunt,
domiciliōque ibi comparātō L. Tarquinium Prīscum ēdidēre
nōmen. 11. Rōmānīs cōnspicuum eum novitās dīvitiaeque
faciēbant; et ipse fortūnam benignō adloquiō, cōmitāte invītandī 10
beneficiīsque quōs poterat sibi conciliandō adiuvābat, dōnec in
rēgiam quoque dē eō fāma perlāta est. 12. nōtitiamque eam brevī
adiuvō, -āre, -iūvī, adiūtum: help, assist, 6 domicilium, -iī n.: dwelling, 1
adloquium, -ī n.: address, 1 ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: bring forth, perform, 6
āles, ālitis m.: bird, 1 excelsus, -a, -um: lofty, on high, 1
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall; deep, 3 ingredior -gredī -gressum: step in, enter, 4
aptus, -a, -um: fitting, suitable for (dat.), 6 invītō (1): to invite, summon, 2
auspicium, -ī n.: auspice, augury, bird-signs, 3 laetus, -a, -um: happy, fortunate; abundant, rich, 6
beneficium, -ī n.: good deed, favor, 5 levō (1): to raise; lift, 1
benignus, -a, -um: kind, kindly, 7 nōtitia, -ae f.: acquaintance, 1
brevis, -e: short, brief, 5 novitās, -tātis f.: newness, novelty, 3
caelum, -ī n.: sky, 7 nūntia, -iae f.: messenger, 1
cōgitātiō, -tiōnis f.: thought, reflection, 2 perferō, -re, -tulī, -lātum: carry through, 2
cōmitās, -tātis f.: friendliness, kindliness, 1 perītus, -a, -um: experienced, skilled in (gen) 1
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 1 portō (1): to carry, 3
complector, -plectī, -plexus: embrace, 1 repōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positum: put back, 1
conciliō (1): win over, unite (dat.), 6 spērō (1): hope, hope for, expect, 4
cōnspicuus, -a, -um: conspicuous, 1 sublīmis, -e: on high, aloft, uplifted, 3
culmen, culminis n.: top, peak, 2 superpōnō, -ere, -suī: place on top, 1
dīvīnitus: from the gods, providentially, 3 Tanaquil, -is f.: Tanaquil, 6
dīvitiae, -ārum f.: riches, wealth, 4 vulgus (volgus), -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7

1 capitī: back on…; dat. compound verb bird)…; pf. inf.

abiit: pf. abeō hūmānō…capitī: above…; dat. of compound
2 laeta: predicative: translate nom. adj. as adv. 6 ut…rederet: so that (the bird) might…; purpose
3 perīta...mulier: nom. apposition, governs a gen. eī-dem: back on… dat. compound or ind. obj.
ut…Etrūscī: just as…; clause of comparison 7 ingressī sunt: pf. dep. ingredior
volgō: in general; ‘in a mass,’ an abl. adv, 8 domiciliōque ibi comparātō: abl. abs.
excelsa et alta spērāre: that (he)…; add acc. ēdidēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.
subject; neut. acc. pl. substantives (add ‘things’) 10 faciēbant: governs a double acc.
complexa virum: dep. PPP complector adloquiō, cōmitāte, beneficiīs: abl. means
(dīcit) eam ālitem…vēnisse: (she says) that modifying conciliandō
this…; pf. inf., supply main verb invītandī: i.e. of hospitality; gen. gerund (-ing)
4 (ex) eā regiōne caelī: demonstrative 11 quōs potest (concilāre): (those) whom...; the
eius deī nūntiam: as…; gen. demonstrative missing antecedent is obj. of conciliandō
circā (eam ālitem)…fēcisse: (and that this sibi conciliandō: by…; gerund (-ing) + dat. sē
bird)…; supply eam ālitem as acc. subj. 12 perlāta est: pf. pass. perferō
5 culmen: caput brevī (tempore): in…; abl. time when
(eam ālitem) levā(vi)sse…decus: (and that this
34.12-35.3 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

apud rēgem līberāliter dexterēque obeundō officia in familiāris 1

amīcitiae addūxerat iūra, ut pūblicīs pariter ac prīvātīs cōnsiliīs
bellō domīque interesset et per omnia expertus postrēmō tūtor
etiam līberīs rēgis testāmentō īnstituerētur.
35. rēgnāvit Ancus annōs quattuor et vīgintī, cuilibet superiōrum 5
rēgum bellī pācisque et artibus et glōriā pār. iam fīliī prope
pūberem aetātem erant. eō magis Tarquinius īnstāre ut quam
prīmum comitia rēgī creandō fierent. 2. quibus indictīs sub tempus
puerōs vēnātum ablēgāvit. isque prīmus et petīsse ambitiōsē
rēgnum et ōrātiōnem dīcitur habuisse ad conciliandōs plēbis 10
animōs compositam: 3. [cum] sē nōn rem novam petere, quippe quī
nōn prīmus, quod quisquam indignārī mīrārīve posset, sed tertius
ablegō (1): send away, send off, 1 obeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: engage in; enter; die, 4
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead to, 2 officium, -iī, n.: duty, service, 3
ambitiōsē: ambitiously, solicitously, 1 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speech, speaking, 5
amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship; alliance, 3 postrēmō,: at last, finally; abl. as adv., 5
comitium, -ī n.: assembly; elections, 6 pūbēs, pūberis f.: men (young, of military age), 7
compōnō, -ere, -posuī: arrange; collect, 1 quattuor: four, 3
conciliō (1): win over, unite (dat.), 6 quilibet, quae-, quod-: anyone you please, 2
dexterē: skillfully, 1 superior, -ius: higher, upper; previous, 6
experior, -ī, expertum: try, attempt, test, 3 tertius, -a, -um: third, 4
familiāris, -e: of the household; intimate, 2 testāmentum, -ī n.: will, testament, 1
indignor, -ārī, indignātum: be offended, 3 tūtor, -ōris m.: guardian; defender, 2
īnstō, -āre, -stitī: press (on), engage, 6 vēnor, -ārī, -ātum: hunt, chase, 2
intersum, -esse, -fuī: engage in, be among (dat), 3 vīgintī: twenty, 4
līberāliter: generously, liberally, 1

1 notitiam eam…addūxerat: he had raised this quam prīmum: as soon as possible; idiom
acquaintance into… (quam + superl. is translated ‘as…as possible’)
apud regem: before…, 8 regī creandō: for…; dat. of purpose; noun +
līberāliter...obeundō officia: by…; abl. means, gerundive; perform a gerund-gerundive flip and
gerund (-ing) translate as a gerund (ing) + obj.
in…amīcitiae…iūra: into the bonds of…; quibus indictīs: these things…; abl. abs. with
2 ut…interesset…īnstituerētur: so that…; result connective relative
clause with impf. subj. (translate as indicative) sub tempus: near the…; i.e. for the comitia
3 (in) bellō domīque: in….; abl. and locative 9 vēnātum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
expertus: having been…; dep. PPP but passive expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
in sense, see also 36.4; governs per omnia isque prīmus…dīcitur: and he is said (to be)
4 līberīs: dat. of interest the first…; prīmus is nom. pred.
tūtor: as guardian et…et…: both…and…
(in) testāmentō 10 ōrātiōnem habuisse: to have delivered a
5 annōs quattuor et vīgintī: for…; acc. duration speech; common idiom
cuilibet: to…; quilibet, dat of special adj. pār ad conciliandōs animōs: for…; perform a flip
6 et artibus et glōriā: both in…and in…; respect an translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.
7 pūberem aetātem: military age; the pūbēs are 11 sē…petere: that…; the editor omits [cum]
‘soldiers’ or ‘men’ of military age quī…adfectet: who is not the first but third to…
eō: because of this; abl. cause subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
īnstāre: historical inf.: translate as 3s impf. 12 quod…posset: at which anyone would be able
ut…fierent: that…; ind. command to express indignation or surprise
Tarquinius Priscus 35.3-6

Rōmae peregrīnus rēgnum adfectet; et Tatium nōn ex peregrīnō 1

sōlum sed etiam ex hoste rēgem factum, et Numam ignārum urbis,
nōn petentem, in rēgnum ultrō accītum: 4. sē ex quō suī potēns
fuerit Rōmam cum coniuge ac fortūnīs omnibus commigrāsse;
māiōrem partem aetātis eius quā cīvīlibus officiīs fungantur 5
hominēs, Rōmae sē quam in vetere patriā vīxisse; 5. domī
mīlitiaeque sub haud paenitendō magistrō, ipsō Ancō rēge,
Rōmāna sē iūra, Rōmānōs rītūs didicisse; obsequiō et observantiā
in rēgem cum omnibus, benignitāte ergā aliōs cum rēge ipsō
certāsse. 6. haec eum haud falsa memorantem ingentī cōnsēnsū 10
populus Rōmānus rēgnāre iussit.
ergō virum cētera ēgregium secūta, quam in petendō habuerat,
adfectō (1): strive for, pursue, 3 fungor, -ī, functum: perform (abl.), 3
benignitās, -tātis f.: kindness, 1 ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, 4
certō (1): to contend, strive, compete, 6 magister, -strī m.: head, keeper, teacher, 2
cīvīlis, -e: civil, of a citizen, 2 memorō (1): to recall, mention, 5
commigrō (1): move with one’s family, 2 obsequium, -ī n.: obedience, 1
coniūnx -ūgis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 6 observantia, -ae, f.: reverance, attention, 1
cōnsēnsus, -ūs m.: agreement, consent, 4 officium, -iī, n.: duty, service, 3
discō, -ere, didicī: learn, come to know, 3 paenitet, -ēre, -uit: it makes (acc) feel regret, 4
ēgregius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 4 potēns, -entis: powerful, being powerful over, 4
ergā: toward, for (acc), 3 rītus, -ūs m.: rite, ceremony, 6
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7 ultrō: voluntarily, spontaneously, 4
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, cheat, 6 vīvō, -ere, vīxī, vīctum: live, 4

1 Rōmae: locative 6 Rōmae sē (vīxisse): that…; add pf. inf. vīvō

Tatium…factum (esse): that,..; pf. pass. inf. quam (sē)…patriā vīxisse…: than…; a clause
nōn…sōlum sed etiam: not only…but also of comparison following comparative maiōrem
ex: from (the status of)… domī mīlitaeque: at home and abroad; locative;
2 Numam…accītum (esse): pf. pass. inf. acciō; mīlitiae, lit. ‘in military service’
ultrō likely means ‘unexpectedly’ rather 7 paenitendō: regrettable; ‘worthy to be
than ‘voluntarily’ regretted,’ gerundive as simple adj.
3 sē…commigrā(vi)sse: that he… 8 Rōmāna sē iūra (et) Rōmānōs rītūs didicisse:
ex (tempore) quō…fuerit: from (the time) in that…; with pf. inf. discō
which…; ‘since...’ abl. time when; relative with (sē) obsequiō…certā(vi)sse: that he…
pf. subj. sum of subordinate verb in ind. disc. obsequiō et observantiā in regem: in…; abl.
suī potēns: master of himself, having power respect
over himself; objective gen., gen. sg. reflexive sē 9 in rēgem: toward…
Lucumo was no longer under another’s potestas cum omnibus: i.e surpassed all; abl. association
once his father Demaratus died benignitāte: in…; abl. respect
Rōmam: to…; acc. place to which cum rēge ipsō: i.e. surpassed the king
5 maiōrem partem aetātis eius: for…; acc. of 11 iussit: pf. iubeō
duration; eius is gen. possession: i.e. Tarquinius’ 12 cētera: otherwise; ‘in other respects,’ adv. acc.
quā…fungantur hominēs: in which (time)…; secūta…est: pf. dep., ambitio is subject
relative with pres. subj.; subj. of subordinate quam: which…; the antecedent is fem. ambitio
verb in ind. disc.; quā is abl. time when/within in petendō: in…; gerund (-ing)
cīvīlibus officis: obj. of verb

35.6-10 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

etiam rēgnantem ambitiō est; nec minus rēgnī suī firmandī quam 1
augendae reī pūblicae memor centum in patrēs lēgit quī deinde
minōrum gentium sunt appellātī, factiō haud dubia rēgis cuius
beneficiō in cūriam vēnerant. 7. bellum prīmum cum Latīnīs gessit
et oppidum ibi Apiolās vī cēpit; praedāque inde māiōre quam 5
quanta bellī fāma fuerat revectā lūdōs opulentius īnstrūctiusque
quam priōrēs rēgēs fēcit. 8. tum prīmum circō quī nunc maximus
dīcitur dēsignātus locus est. loca dīvīsa patribus equitibusque ubi
spectācula sibi quisque facerent; 9. forī appellātī; spectāvēre furcīs
duodēnōs ab terrā spectācula alta sustinentibus pedēs. lūdicrum fuit 10
equī pugilēsque ex Etrūriā maximē accītī. sollemnēs deinde annuī
mānsēre lūdī, Rōmānī magnīque variē appellātī. 10. ab eōdem rēge
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall; deep, 3 furca, -ae f.: prop, fork-shaped prop, fork, 2
ambitiō, -tiōnis f.: canvassing, 1 lūdicrum, -ī n.: game, sport, exhibition, 4
annuus, -a, -um: lasting a year, annual, 1 lūdus, -ī m.: game, play, sport; school, 5
Apiolae, -ārum f.: Apiolae, 1 memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7
beneficium, -ī n.: good deed, favor, 5 opulentus, -a, -um: opulent, wealthy, 5
circus, -ī m.: racetrack, circuit, 2 pēs, pedis m.: foot, 1
dēsignō (1): to mark out, designate, 2 pugil, -is m.: boxer, 1
duodenī, -ae, a: twelve each, 1 revehō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: carry back, 2
Etrūria, -ae f.: Etruria, 5 spectō (1): to watch, look at, 6
factiō, factiōnis f.: faction, party, 4 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, 4
firmō (1): strengthen, support, 4 varius, -a, -um: various, alternating, 6
forus, -ī m.: benches, seats, bleachers, 1

1 etiam rēgnantem: even (while)…; pres. pple, īnstructus, ‘prepared’ or ‘arranged’

modifying virum circō: for…; dat. of pupose
nec minus…: and no less 8 dīcitur (esse): governs nom. pred. maximus
rēgnī suī firmandī: of…; noun + gerundive; dēsignātus…est: pf. pass.
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as loca: region; sg. translation for neut. pl. of locus
gerund (-ing) + obj.; modifying memor dīvīsa (sunt)
2 augendae reī pūblicae: of…; see above patribus equitibusque: for…; dat. interest
lēgit: chose, selected ubi…facerent: where…would…; relative clause
3 (patrēs) minōrum gentium: (fathers) of lesser of purpose
clans; or ‘of secondary clans,’ nom. pred. 9 spectācula: seats
factiō: in apposition; i.e. the new patres sibi: for…; dat. of interest
haud dubia rēgis: by no means doubtful toward forī appellātī (sunt): forī is nom. pred.
the king; i.e. loyal; dubius governs gen. or dat. spectāvēr(unt): patrēs et equitēs are subject;
cuius beneficiō…vēnerant: by…; relative furcīs…sustinentibus: abl. abs., obj. spectācula
clause with gen. sg. quī; patrēs is 3p subject 10 duodēnōs…pedēs: acc. of extent
4 cum…gessit: pf. gerō ab terrā: i.e. in height
Latīnīs: with…; dat. of association lūdicrum fuit: the exhibition was…
5 vī: abl. means vīs 11 accītī: PPP acciō
praedā maiōre…revectā: abl. abs. 12 mānsēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.
6 quanta…fuerat: how much…, as much as… Rōmānī magnī…appellātī (sunt): were called
fāma: expectation in various ways Romani Ludi or Magni Ludi
opulentius īnstrūctiusque: comparative adv.

Tarquinius Priscus 35.10-36.2

et circā forum prīvātīs aedificanda dīvīsa sunt loca; porticus 1

tabernaeque factae.
36. mūrō quoque lapideō circumdare urbem parābat cum
Sabīnum bellum coeptīs intervēnit. adeōque ea subita rēs fuit ut
prius Anienem trānsīrent hostēs quam obviam īre ac prohibēre 5
exercitus Rōmānus posset. 2. itaque trepidātum Rōmae est; et
prīmō dubiā victōriā, magnā utrimque caede pugnātum est.
reductīs deinde in castra hostium cōpiīs datōque spatiō Rōmānīs ad
comparandum dē integrō bellum, Tarquinius equitem maximē suīs
dēesse vīribus ratus ad Ramnēs, Titiēnsēs, Lucerēs, quās centuriās 10
Rōmulus scrīpserat, addere aliās cōnstituit suōque īnsignēs
relinquere nōmine.
aedificō (1): make a building, build, 2 porticus, -ūs f.: portico, colonnade, 1
Aniō, Aniēnis f.: Anio river, 3 prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 6
circumdō, -are, -dedī: surround, put around, 4 pugnō (1): to fight, 5
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 4 Ramnēs (Ramnensēs), -um, m.: Ramnes (Latin
cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -tus: decide establish, 6 clan), 2
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 5 redūcō, -ere, -xī, -ctus: lead/bring back, 2
dēsum, -esse, -fuī: be lacking, fail (dat), 6 scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 6
forum, -ī n.: forum, marketplace, 2 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
integer, integrī n.: whole, 2 subitus, -a, -um: sudden, 4
interveniō -īre -vēnī: come between, interrupt, 5 taberna, -ae f.: shop, 1
lapideus, -a, -um: of stone, 2 Titiēnsēs, -um m.: Titienses (Sabine clan), 2
Lucerēs, -um m.: Luceres (Etruscan clan), 2 trepidō (1): tremble, be agitated, 4
obviam: in the way, opposite, 3

1 et: also English

aedficanda loca: places to be built; i.e. building 8 reductīs…cōpiīs: abl. abs.; i.e. the enemy;
sites; gerundive as simple adj. the cōpiae are ‘troops’
2 prīvātīs: for private (citizens); dat. of interest dātō spatiō: abl. abs.
facta (sunt) ad comparandum…bellum: for…; noun +
4 coeptīs: (between) the undertakings; ‘things gerund; perform a gerund-gerundive flip and
begun,’ PPP coepī and dat. of compound translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.
adeō: adv. modifying subita 9 dē integrō: anew, afresh
ut…trānsīrent: that…; result with impf. subj. equitem…dēesse vīribus: that…; ind. disc., inf.
prius: before, earlier; comparative prīmus dēsum governs dat.
5 quam…posset: than…; clause of comparison 10 ratus: dep. PPP reor, translate as ‘having Xed’
impf. subj. possum in same result clause 11 scrīpserat: had registered, had enrolled
6 trepidātum est: they…; ‘it was agitated’ impers. aliās (centuriās)
pf. passive, translate actively in English suōque...relinquere nōmine: to leave them (to
Rōmae: at…; locative posterity) distinguished by his own name;
7 primō: abl. as adv. īnsignēs is predicative; just as Tarquinius added
dubiā victōriā: abl. abs., supply ‘being’ senators who favor him, so now he adds
pugnātum est: they…; ‘it was agitated’ impers. centuries distinct from the old ones.
pf. passive, which is often translated actively in

36.3-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

3. id quia inaugurātō Rōmulus fēcerat, negāre Attus Navius, 1

inclitus eā tempestāte augur, neque mūtārī neque novum cōnstituī
nisi avēs addīxissent posse. 4. ex eō īra rēgī mōta; ēlūdēnsque
artem ut ferunt, ‘age dum’ inquit, ‘dīvīne tū, inaugurā fierīne possit
quod nunc ego mente concipiō.’ cum ille auguriō rem expertus 5
profectō futūram dīxisset, ‘atquī hōc animō agitāvī’ inquit, ‘tē
novāculā cōtem discissūrum. cape haec et perage quod avēs tuae
fierī posse portendunt.’ tum illum haud cūnctanter discidisse cōtem
ferunt. 5. statua Attī capite vēlātō, quō in locō rēs ācta est in
comitiō in gradibus ipsīs ad laevam cūriae fuit; cōtem quoque 10
eōdem locō sitam fuisse memorant ut esset ad posterōs mīrāculī
eius monumentum.
addīcō, -ere, -dīxī, -dictum: assent to, 2 inaugurō (1): take auspices, decide by augury, 5
agitō (1): drive; chase; consider, 3 inclitus, -a, -um: famed, well known, 5
atquī: and yet, 1 laevus, -a, -um: left, unfavorable, 6
Attus, -ī m.: Attus, 2 memorō (1): to recall, mention, 5
augur, -is m.: augur, 4 mēns, mentis f.: mind, intent, purpose, 4
comitium, -ī n.: assembly; elections, 6 mūtō (1): to change, 6
concipiō, -ere, -cēpī: conceive, take in, 3 Navius, -ī m.: Navius, 1
cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -tus: decide establish, 6 negō (1): to deny, say that…not, 5
cōs, cōtis f.: whetstone, sharpening stone, 3 nisi: if not, unless, 7
cūnctor, -ārī, -ātus: delay, hesitate, 2 novācula, -ae f.: razor, 1
discindō, -ere, -dī, -ssum: split, cleave, 2 portendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: foretell, 7
dum: while, as long as, until, 6 profectō: assuredly, indeed, certainly, 4
ēlūdō, -ere, -sī, -sus: mock, make fun of, 2 statua, -ae f.: statue, 1
experior, -ī, expertum: try, attempt, test, 3 tempestās, -tātis f.: time; weather, 6
gradus, -ūs m.: step, pace; stairs, 5 vēlō (1): to veil, shroud, 3

1 id: i.e. the adding of centuries; obj. of fēcerat dīvine tū: you prophet; ‘divine one,’ dir. address
inaugurātō: with the auspicies having been inaugurā: imper.
taken; a common single term abl. abs. fierī-ne possit: whether…; ind. question with
negāre: historical inf. with nom. subj.: translate pres. subj. possum
as 3s impf. 5 quod…concipiō: (that) which…; or ‘what…’
2 eā tempestāte: at…; abl. time when; tempestās relative clause and subject of fierī
means ‘time’ here and eā is demonstrative (in) mente
neque mūtārī neque novum cōnsituī…posse: auguriō...expertus: experienced/skilled in + abl.
that (anything) is able either to be changed or respect; dep. PPP but passive in sense (cf. 34.12)
to be established as new; pres. pass. infs,.; rem…profectō futūram (esse): that…; fut. inf.;
neque…neque is made positive after negāre; i.e. will come to pass
novum is predicative 6 (in) hōc animō
3 nisi…addīxissent: plpf. subj. of subordinate tē…discissūrum (esse): that…; fut. inf.
verb in ind. disc. (fut. pf. ind. in direct speech) quod…portendunt: (that) which…; relative
rēgī: dat. of possession 7 illum…discidisse cōtem
mōta (est) ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition
4 ut ferunt: as they report; parenthetical 9 capite vēlātō: abl. abs.
age dum: come now; ‘come awhile,’ imper. quō in locō: in quō locō…
agō is commonly used to grab attention and 10 ad: near…
dum, ‘awhile’ is used as an intensive, often cōtem...sitam fuisse: that…was (once) situated
found in comedy 11 ut…esset: that...might exist; purpose
Tarquinius Priscus 36.6-37.1

6. auguriīs certē sacerdōtiōque augurum tantus honōs accessit ut 1

nihil bellī domīque posteā nisi auspicātō gererētur, concilia populī,
exercitūs vocātī, summa rērum, ubi avēs nōn admīsissent,
dirimerentur. 7. neque tum Tarquinius dē equitum centuriīs
quicquam mūtāvit; numerō alterum tantum adiēcit, ut mīlle et 5
octingentī equitēs in tribus centuriīs essent. 8. posteriōrēs modo sub
iīsdem nōminibus quī additī erant appellātī sunt; quās nunc quia
geminātae sunt sex vocant centuriās.
37. hāc parte cōpiārum auctā iterum cum Sabīnīs cōnflīgitur. sed
praeterquam quod vīribus crēverat Rōmānus exercitus, ex occultō 10
etiam additur dolus, missīs quī magnam vim lignōrum, in Aniēnīs
rīpā iacentem, ārdentem in flūmen conicerent; ventōque iuvante
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 iterum: again, a second time, 3
admittō, -ere, -mīsī: allow, permit; send, 2 iuvō (1): help, assist, aid; iuvat, it is pleasing, 3
Aniō, Aniēnis f.: Anio river, 3 lignum, -ī n.: wood, 2
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 4 mūtō (1): to change, 6
augur, -is m.: augur, 4 nisi: if not, unless, 7
auspicātō: auspices taken, after taking auspices, 1 occultus, -a, -um: concealed, hidden, 2
cōnflīgō, -ere, -īxī: clash, dash together, 1 octingentī, -ae, -a: eight hundred, 1
coniciō, -ere, -iēcī: throw together, hurl, 2 posteā: after this, afterwards, 5
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 5 praeterquam: besides, beyond; except, 4
dirimō, -ere -ēmī, -emptum: interrupt, break off 4 rīpa, -ae f.: riverbank, bank, shore, 3
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 7 sacerdōtium, -ī n.: priesthood, 1
geminō (1): double, 4 sex: six, 4
iaceō, -ēre, -uī: lie down, lie dead, 3 ventus, -ī m.: wind, 2

1 auguriīs…sacerdōtiōque augurum: to…; dat. sub iīsdem nōminibus: i.e. old names
of compound verb; augurum is gen. pl. 7 quī additī erant: (those) who…; the missing
ut…gererētur: that…; result antecedent is subject of appellātī sunt
2 bellī domīque: in…; both locative quā vocant centuriās: these...; connective
nisi auspicātō: unless with the auspicies having relative, vocant governs a double acc. and sex
been taken; another common single term abl. centūriās is a proper name: “the Six Centuries”
abs.; cf. inaugurātō on the previous page 9 hāc parte…auctā: PPP, augeō; copiae, ‘troops’
(et) concilia, exercitūs, summa...dirimerentur: cum Sabīnīs: with…; abl. of association
2nd half of the result clause with three subjects cōnflīgitur: they…; impers. pass.: translate in
3 exercitūs vocātī: summoning the armies; English as active with Rōmānī as subject
‘armies called,’ PPP where one expects a gerund 10 praeterquam quod…: but besides the fact
summa rērum: highest of affairs; i.e. that…; quod introduces a noun clause
administration fo affairs vīribus: in…; abl. respect, vīs
ubi…admīsissent: when…; plpf. subj. of ex occultō: in secret, secretly
subordinate verb in ind. disc. (fut. pf. ind. in 11 mīssīs: abl. abs. explaining dolus; the other
direct speech) term in the abs. is the antecedent of quī
5 numerō: abl. respect quī…conicerent: (those) who,…would…;
alterum tantum: another as much; i.e. doubled relative clause of purpose
ut…essent: so that…; result vim: quantity
6 posteriōrēs: “Secondary (knights)”; nom. pred. 12 iacentem: pres. pple iaceō
modo: only ventō iuvante: abl. abs. or means

37.2-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

accēnsa ligna, et plēraque [in] ratibus impacta sublicīs<que> cum 1

haerērent, pontem incendunt. 2. ea quoque rēs in pugnā terrōrem
attulit Sabīnīs, et fūsīs eadem fugam impedit; multīque mortālēs
cum hostem effūgissent in flūmine ipsō periēre, quōrum fluitantia
arma ad urbem cognita in Tiberī prius paene quam nūntiārī posset 5
īnsignem victōriam fēcēre.
3. eō proeliō praecipua equitum glōria fuit; utrimque ab cornibus
positōs, cum iam pellerētur media peditum suōrum aciēs, ita
incurrisse ab lateribus ferunt, ut nōn sisterent modo Sabīnās
legiōnēs ferōciter īnstantēs cēdentibus, sed subitō in fugam 10
āverterent. 4. montēs effūsō cursū Sabīnī petēbant, et paucī tenuēre:
maxima pars, ut ante dictum est, ab equitibus in flūmen āctī sunt. 5.
accendō, -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum: kindle, set afire, 4 latus, -eris n.: side, flank, 2
adferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: bring, propose, 6 legio, legiōnis f.: legion, 7
cēdō, -ere, cessī: withdraw; yield to (dat) 3 lignum, -ī n.: wood, 2
cognōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nitum: recognize, know, 4 mortālis, -e: mortal, 6
cornū, -ūs n.: horn; wing (of a battle), 4 paene: almost, nearly, 3
cursus, -ūs m.: course, running, haste, 6 paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1
effugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee away, escape, 1 pedes, peditis m.: foot soldier; infantry, 5
effūsus, -a, -um: spread out; adv. widely 7 pereō, -īre, periī: to pass away, perish, 4
ferōciter: fiercely, 3 plērusque, plēra-, plērum-: very many, most, 3
fluitō (1): float, 2 pōns, pontis m.: bridge, 2
haereō, -ēre, haesī: stick, hesitate, 3 praecipuus, -a, -um: special, 2
impediō, -īre, -īvī: hinder, impede, 1 ratis, -is f.: raft, 1
impingō, -ere, -pēgī, -pactum: strike against, 1 sistō, -ere, stitī, statum: stand, stop, 2
incendō, -ere, -ī, -ēnsus: kindle, enflame, burn, 3 subitō: immediately, straightaway, 4
incurrō, -ere, -currī, -cursūrum: run in, attack, 1 sublicius, -a, -um: wooden piles, 2
īnstō, -āre, -stitī: press (on), engage, 6

1 accēnsa (sunt): pf. pass. prius…quam (victōria) nuntiārī posset: equiv.

plēraque (ligna): nom. subj. to priusquam with impf. subj. of anticipated
impācta (sunt) action; impf. subj. possum
ratibus…sublicīs<que>: against…; dat. of īnsignem victōriam fēcēr(unt): made the
compound verb; diamond brackets indicate an victory known; double acc.
addition made by the modern editor 7 (in) eō proeliō
cum haerērent: i.e. burning timber that did not (equitēs) utrimque…positōs: (the horsemen)…
slip past the bridge PPP, equitēs is missing but understood
2 ea…rēs: this situation ab cornibus: on the flanks; i..e of the Romans
3 attulit: pf. adferō 8 pellerētur: i..e to the point of retreat
fūsīs: for (those)…; i.e. the Sabines in a rout; ita incurrisse ab lateribus: that…; (equitēs)…
dat. of interest; PPP fundō, ‘spread out’ positōs is acc. subject
which can be supply the noun from context 10 ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition
eadem (rēs): the same situation ut…sisterent…āverterent: that…; result clause
4 periēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. nōn…modo…sed: not only…but (also)…
quōrum…arma…fēcēr(unt): whose weapons... cēdentibus: on those withdrawing; i.e the
i.e. spears and shields of wood or wicker retreating Roman infantry from two lines earlier;
fluitantia…ad urbem…in Tiberī: (while)…; dat. of compound verb
pres. pple 11 tenuēr(unt) (cursum): syncopated 3p pf.
5 cognita: having been recognized 12 ut: as…; parenthetical, clause of comparison
Tarquinius Priscus 37.5-38.2

5. Tarquinius, īnstandum perterritīs ratus, praedā captīvīsque 1

Rōmam missīs, spoliīs hostium—id vōtum Volcānō erat—ingentī
cumulō accēnsīs, pergit porrō in agrum Sabīnum exercitum
indūcere; 6. et quamquam male gesta rēs erat nec gestūrōs melius
spērāre poterant, tamen, quia cōnsulendī rēs nōn dabat spatium, īre 5
obviam Sabīnī tumultuāriō mīlite; iterumque ibi fūsī, perditīs iam
prope rēbus pācem petiēre.
38. Collātia et quidquid citrā Collātiam agrī erat Sabīnīs
adēmptum; Egērius—frātris hic fīlius erat rēgis—Collātiae in
praesidiō relictus. dēditōsque Collātīnōs ita accipiō eamque 10
dēditiōnis fōrmulam esse: 2. rēx interrogāvit: ‘estisne vōs lēgātī
ōrātōrēsque missī ā populō Collātīnō ut vōs populumque
accendō, -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum: kindle, set afire, 4 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier; soldiery, 7
captīva, -ae f. (-us, -ī m): prisoner, 2 obviam: in the way, opposite, 3
citrā: this side of (acc), 1 ōrātor, -ōris, m.: speaker, orator, 2
Collātia, -ae f.: Collatia, (town), 7 perdō, -ere, perdidī: lose, ruin, destroy, 2
Collātīnus, -ī m.: of Collatia (town); Collatine, 5 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
cumulus, -ī m.: heap, 1 perterreō, -ēre: frighten, terrify, 1
dēditio, -ōnis f.: surrrender, capitulation, 1 porrō: forward; again, in turn; furthermore, 4
Ēgerius, -ī m.: Egerius, 3 quisquis, quidquid: whoever, whatever, 4
fōrmula, -ae f.: form, 1 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
indūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead in, bring to, 3 spērō (1): hope, hope for, expect, 4
īnstō, -āre, -stitī: press (on), engage, 6 tumultuārius, -a, -um: haphazard, disordered, 1
interrogō (1): to ask, question, 2 Volcānus (Vulcanus), -ī m.: Vulcan, 1
iterum: again, a second time, 3 vōtum, -ī n.: vow, prayer, 2
melior, melius: better, 5

1 īnstandum (esse): that (he)…; ‘that it must/had subj.: translate as 3p impf.

to be pressed on,’ impers. passive periphrastic 6 tumultuāriō mīlite: i.e. the Sabine army was
(gerundive + esse); supply a subject and make likely not able to organize into its usual ranks
active in English fūsī (sunt): pf. pass. fundō, ‘spread,’ but here
perterritīs: on (those)…; PPP, dat. obj. of ‘rout’ or ‘turn away’
compound verb; i.e. the Sabines perditīs…rēbus: abl. abs.
ratus: dep PPP, reor: translate as ‘having Xed’ 7 petiēr(unt)
praedā…missīs: abl. abs. 8 agrī: of land; partitive with quidquid
2 spoliīs hostium…accēnsīs: abl. abs. erat adēmptum: plpf. pass.
Volcānō: dat. interest Sabīnīs: from…; dat. of compound verb
ingentī cumulō: in…; abl. manner, i-stem abl. 9 Collātiae: at…; locative
3 agrum: land 10 relictus (est)
4 gesta…erat: had been carried out; i.e. for the dēditōs (esse) Collātīnōs: that…; pf. pass. dedō
Sabines governed by accipiō
(sē) gestūrōs (esse) melius: that…; with fut. inf. accipiō: I understand; Livy, as narrator, is
gerō; melius is comparative adv. of bonus speaking in the 1st person singular
5 cōnsulendī: for…; gen. gerund (-ing) eam dēditiōnis...esse: and that…; eam is subject
rēs: situation; i.e. for the Sabines 12 ut…dēderētis: so that…might…; purpose
īre obviam Sabīnī: an historical inf. with nom.

38.2-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

Collātīnum dēderētis?’—’sumus.’—’estne populus Collātīnus in 1

suā potestāte?’—’est.’—’dēditisne vōs populumque Collātīnum,
urbem, agrōs, aquam, terminōs, dēlūbra, ūtēnsilia, dīvīna
hūmānaque omnia, in meam populīque Rōmānī diciōnem?’—
’dēdimus.’—’at ego recipiō.’ 5
3. bellō Sabīnō perfectō Tarquinius triumphāns Rōmam redit. 4.
inde Prīscīs Latīnīs bellum fēcit; ubi nusquam ad ūniversae reī
dīmicātiōnem ventum est, ad singula oppida circumferendō arma
omne nōmen Latīnum domuit. Corniculum, Fīculea vetus,
Cameria, Crustumerium, Ameriola, Medullia, Nōmentum, haec dē 10
Prīscīs Latīnīs aut quī ad Latīnōs dēfēcerant, capta oppida. 5. pāx
deinde est facta.
Ameriola, -ae f.: Ameriola (town), 1 Fīculea, -ae f.: Ficulea (town), 1
at: but, yet; at least, 6 Medullia, -ae f.: Medullia (Latin town), 2
Cameria, -ae f.: Cameria, 1 Nōmentum, -ī n.: Nomentum, 1
circumferō, -ferre: carry around, 1 nusquam: nowhere, 2
Collātīnus, -ī m.: of Collatia (town); Collatine, 5 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring
Corniculum, -ī n.: Corniculum (town), 2 about, 7
Crustumerium, -ī n.: Crustuminum, 1 potestās, -tātis f.: power; rule, 3
dēficiō, -ere, -fēxī, -fectum: fail; defect, revolt, 3 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4
dēlūbrum, -ī n.: shrine, 1 terminus, -ī m.: boundary, boundary-line, 3
dicio, diciōnis f.: sway, authority, jurisdiction, 2 triumphō (1): celebrate a triumph, 1
dīmicātiō, -tiōnis f.: combat, fight, 5 ūniversus, -a, -um: one and all, entire, whole, 4
domō, -āre, -uī: tame, subdue, 1 ūtēnsilia, -um n.: utensils, necessaries, 1

1 dēderētis: 2s impf. subj. dedō; in a series of common idiom

Roman questions and Sabine responses ad ūniversae reī dīmicātiōnem: to a decisive
Collātinus: of Collatia, Collatine battle; idiom, ‘to a battle of the entire event’
in suā potestāte: i.e. independent 8 ventum est: they…; i.e. the Romans; ‘it was
2 dēdistis-ne: pres. dedō come,’ impers. pf. pass. is often translated
4 meam populīque Rōmānī: both possessives, actively in English
adj. and gen. respectively modifying diciōnem ad singula oppida circumferendō arma: by
5 dēdimus: pres. dedō bearing arms…; abl. means, gerund (-ing)
at: then, in turn 9 omne nōmen Latīnum: i.e. the entire people
6 bellō Sabīnō perfectō: abl. abs. 10 haec…oppida: nom. subj.
Rōmam: acc. place to which (dē illōs) quī…dēfēcerant: (from those) who…
Prīscīs Latīnīs: on…; bellum facere + dat. is a 11 capta (sunt)

Tarquinius Priscus 38.5-39.2

māiōre inde animō pācis opera incohāta quam quantā mōle 1

gesserat bella, ut nōn quiētior populus domī esset quam mīlitiae
fuisset. 6. nam et mūrō lapideō, cuius exōrdium operis Sabīnō bellō
turbātum erat, urbem quā nōndum mūnierat cingere parat, et īnfima
urbis loca circā forum aliāsque interiectās collibus convallēs, quia 5
ex plānīs locīs haud facile ēvehēbant aquās, cloācīs fastīgiō in
Tiberim ductīs siccat, 7. et āream ad aedem in Capitōliō Iovis quam
vōverat bellō Sabīnō, iam praesāgiente animō futūram ōlim
amplitūdinem locī, occupat fundāmentīs.
39. eō tempore in rēgiā prōdigium vīsū ēventūque mīrābile fuit. 10
puerō dormientī, cui Serviō Tulliō fuit nōmen, caput ārsisse ferunt
multōrum in cōnspectū; 2. plūrimō igitur clāmōre inde ad tantae reī
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house, 5 incohō (1): begin, 1
amplitudo, -inis f.: magnificence, grandeur, 2 intericiō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw between, 2
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 4 lapideus, -a, -um: of stone, 2
ārea, -ae f.: ground, building site, open space, 2 mīrābilis, -e: amazing, wonderous, 2
Capitōlium, -ī n.: Capitolium, 4 mōlēs, -is f.: mass; burden, magnitude; labor, 3
cingō, -ere, cinxī: surround, gird, 1 mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: fortify, build, 6
cloāca, -ae f.: sewer, 3 ōlim: once; one day, 2
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 plānus, -a, -um: flat, level, 2
convallis, -is f: lowland, vale, 2 plūrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 4
dormiō, -īre, -īvī: to sleep, 2 praesāgiō, -īre, -īvī: foretell, presage,, 1
ēvehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: carry out, 2 quiētus, -a, -um: resting, calm, tranquil, 1
ēventus, -ūs m.: outcome, result, 4 siccō (1): to dry, 1
exōrdium, -iī n.: beginning, 1 Tullius, -ī m.: Tullius, 6
fastīgium, -ī n.: slope, descent; pediment, 1 turbō (1): throw in confusion, disturb, 5
forum, -ī n.: forum, 7 vīsus, -ūs m.: appearance, sight; vision, 1
fundāmentum, -ī n.: foundation, base, 6 voveō, -ēre, vōvī, vōtum: vow, swear, 5

1 māiōre animō: i.e. spirit, enthusiasm; cloācīs…ductīs: abl. abs.

comparative magnus; abl. manner fastīgiō: abl. means
pācis: of peacetime; modifying opera 7 Iovis: gen. Iuppiter modifying aedem
incohāta (sunt) 8 vōverat: the subject is Tarquinius
quam: clause of comparison (in) bellō Sabīnō
quantā mōle: with as much labor…; praesāgiente animō: abl. abs.
‘burden’; abl. manner futūram: going to come; fut. pple
2 ut…esset…fuissset: so that…; result clause ōlim: one day
with impf. subj and plpf. subj. 9 fundāmentīs: for…; dat. purpose
domī: locative 10 eō tempore: at…; abl. time when
mīlitae: abroad; ‘in military service,’ locative vīsū ēventūque : in…; abl. of respect
3 et…et…et…: both…and…and… 11 puerō dormientī: dat. of possession with caput
cuius…operis…erat: of which …; relative adj. cui…fuit: dat. of possession
(in) Sabīnō bellō Serviō Tulliō: nom. attracted into the dat. by cui
4 quā…mūnierat: where…; relative adv. caput ārsisse: that…; pf. inf. ‘burst in flames,’
interiectās: PPP modifying fem.convallēs or ‘caught fire’
collibus: between…; dat. of compound ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition
5 facile: adv. 12 plūrimō clāmōre…ortō: abl. abs. orior
6 ēvehēbant: would…; customary impf.; i.e. there ad: at…, in regard to…
was no drainage tantae reī: of so great an event
39.2-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

mīrāculum ortō excitōs rēgēs, et cum quīdam familiārium aquam 1

ad restinguendum ferret, ab rēgīnā retentum, sēdātōque eam
tumultū movērī vetuisse puerum dōnec suā sponte experrēctus
esset; mox cum somnō et flammam abīsse. 3. tum abductō in
sēcrētum virō Tanaquil ‘vidēn tū puerum hunc’ inquit, ‘quem tam 5
humilī cultū ēducāmus? scīre licet hunc lūmen quondam rēbus
nostrīs dubiīs futūrum praesidiumque rēgiae adflīctae; proinde
māteriam ingentis pūblicē prīvātimque decōrīs omnī indulgentiā
nostrā nūtriāmus.’
4. inde puerum līberum locō coeptum habērī ērudīrīque artibus 10
quibus ingenia ad magnae fortūnae cultum excitantur. ēvenit facile
quod dīs cordī esset: iuvenis ēvāsit vērē indolis rēgiae nec, cum
abdūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductum: lead away, 2 lūmen, lūminis n.: light, 1
adfligō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: crush, beat down, 1 māteria, -ae f.: opportunity, source, stuff, 4
cor, cordis n. heart, 2 mox: soon, 1
cultus, -ūs m.: worship; cultivation, upbringing, 5 nūtriō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: to feed, nourish, 1
ērudiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: educate, instruct, 1 proinde: then, therefore, consequently, 3
ēvādō, -ere, -vāsī, -vāsum: turn out, go out, 1 quondam: formerly, at one time, 6
ēveniō, -īre: turn out, happen, 4 rēgīna, -ae f.: queen, 2
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 5 restinguō, -ere, restinxī: put out, quench, 1
expergīscor, -ī, experrēctum: awake, rouse, 2 retineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: to hold back, 2
familiāris, -e: of the household; intimate, 2 sēcrētus, -a, -um: secret, private, separate, 3
flamma, -ae f.: flame, fire, torch, love, 3 sēdō (1): settle, calm, 2
humilis, -e: lowly, humble, 3 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 4
indoles, -is f.: natural ability, talent, 4 sponte: of one’s own will, voluntarily, 1
indulgentia, -ae f.: kindness, 1 Tanaquil, -is f.: Tanaquil, 6
licet, -ēre, -uit: it is allowed, permitted, 3 vetō, -āre, vetuī, vetitum: forbid, advise…not, 2

1 ortō: dep. PPP orior in abl. abs. one…; fut. inf. sum
excitōs (esse) rēgēs: that…; i.e. rēx et regīna; 6 rēbus nostrīs dubiīs: for…; dat. of interest
governed by ferunt 7 rēgiae adflīctae: for…; dat. of interest, rēgia
familiārium: of domestics; i.e. members of the 8 māteriam ingentis decōris: i.e. Servius
household, whether free or slaves 9 nūtriāmus: let…; 1p hortatory pres. subj.
2 ad restinguendum: for…; ad + gerund (-ing) 10 puerum…coeptum (esse) habērī: the boy
supply the obj. began…; pf. pass.
(eum) ā rēgīnā retentum (esse): that…; līber(ōr)um: gen. pl. līberī, ‘children’
governed by ferunt; add acc. subject (in) locō
sēdātō tumultū: abl. abs. 11 ingenia: the talents
eam…vetuisse puerum: that… ad: for…
3 dōnec…experrēctus esset: temporal clause ēvēnit: it… impersonal
with plpf. dep. subj. of anticipated action facile: adv.
4 et: also 12 quod…cordī esset: (that) which served as a
flammam abīsse: that…; pf. inf. abeō pleasure…; relative clause of characteristic and
abductō…vīrō: abl. abs.; vir is here ‘husband’ a dat. of purpose (lit. ‘was for a pleasure/heart’);
in sēcrētum: aside cordī est is an idiom used three times in book 1
5 vidēn: = vidēsne?; a common colloquial form d(e)īs: dat. of interest
scīre licet: it is evident ēvāsit (esse): turned out (to be)
hunc…futūrum (esse)…adflīctae: that this indolis rēgiae: of…; gen. of description

Tarquinius Priscus 39.4-6

quaererētur gener Tarquiniō, quisquam Rōmānae iuventūtis ūllā 1

arte cōnferrī potuit, fīliamque eī suam rēx dēspondit.
5. hic quācumque dē causā tantus illī honōs habitus crēdere
prohibet servā nātum eum parvumque ipsum servīsse. eōrum magis
sententiae sum quī Corniculō captō Ser. Tullī, quī prīnceps in illā 5
urbe fuerat, gravidam virō occīsō uxōrem, cum inter reliquās
captīvās cognita esset, ob ūnicam nōbilitātem ab rēgīnā Rōmānā
prohibitam ferunt servitiō partum Rōmae ēdidisse Prīscī Tarquinī
<in> domō; 6. inde tantō beneficiō et inter mulierēs familiāritātem
auctam et puerum, ut in domō ā parvō ēductum, in cāritāte atque 10
honōre fuisse; fortūnam mātris, quod captā patriā in hostium
manūs vēnerit, ut servā nātus crēderētur fēcisse.
beneficium, -ī n.: good deed, favor, 5 nōbilitās, -tātis f.: nobility, renown, 4
captīva, -ae f. (-us, -ī m): prisoner, 2 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 5
cāritās, -tātis f.: affection, 5 partus, -ūs m.: offspring, 4
cognōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nitum: recognize, know, 4 prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 6
cōnferō, -ferre: bring together, collect, 4 rēgīna, -ae f.: queen, 2
Corniculum, -ī n.: Corniculum (town), 2 reliquus, -a, um: remaining, left (over), 2
dēspondō, -ere, -spondī: to betroth, 2 sententia, -ae f.: opinion, thought, feeling, 4
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: bring forth, perform, 6 Ser.: Servius, 7
ēdūcō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: lead or draw out, 4 serva, -ae, f.: slave, 4
familiāritās, -tātis f.: intimacy, 1 serviō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: be slave to (dat), 2
gener, generī m.: son-in-law, 5 servitium, -ī n.: slavery, servitude, 4
gravidus, -a, -um: pregnant, 2 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7
iuventūs, -tūtis f.: youth, 5 ūnicus, -a, -um: unique, singular, only, 2

1 Tarquiniō: for…; dat. of interest 7 ab rēgīnā Rōmānā: abl. agent

nec…quisquam: and not… prohibitam…servitiō: kept from…; PPP and
ūllā arte: in…; abl. respect abl. of separation
2 cōnferrī: to be compared ferunt: they report; main verb
eī: dat. ind. obj., i.e. Servius Rōmae: locative
3 hic: demonstrative pronoun; i.e. marriage ties Prīscī Tarquinī: gen. with in domō
quācumque dē causā: for whatever reason; 9 et…et…: both…and…
Livy shows skepticism toward the previous story tantō beneficiō: abl. cause; i.e. Tanaquil’s
tantus…honōs habitus: PPP habeō, ‘consider,’ kindess toward the uxor
+ nom. pred. familiāritātem auctam (esse): that…; pf. pass.
illī: dat. interest, i.e. Servius augeō
crēdere: (us) from believing…; after prohibet 10 puerum…fuisse: that…; i.e. Servius Tulllius
4 servā nātum (esse) eum: that…; pf. dep. nāscor ut…ēductum: as if (one)…; comparison
and abl. of origin ā parvō: from a little (boy), from boyhood
parvumque ipsum serv(īv)isse: and that…as fortūnam mātris…fēcisse: (and) that…; pf. inf.
a little (boy)…; parvum is predicative faciō, ‘bring it about’
5 sententiae sum: I am of the opinion 11 quod…vēnerit: because…; pf. subj. of
Corniculō captō: abl. abs. subordinate verb in ind. disc.
Ser(vī) Tullī: i.e. the father of the king; this gen. ut…crēderētur: that he was…; noun result
more likely modifies Corniculō than uxorem clause and impf. subj. governed by fēcisse
6 gravidam…uxōrem…ēdidisse: that…; pf. inf. 12 servā nātus (esse): to…; pf. dep. inf. and
virō occīsō: abl. abs. i.e. Servius Tullius above abl. of origin
cum…cognita esset: plpf. pass. subj.
40.1-3 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

40. duodēquadrāgēsimō fermē annō ex quō rēgnāre coeperat 1

Tarquinius, nōn apud rēgem modo sed apud patrēs plēbemque
longē maximō honōre Ser. Tullius erat. 2. tum Ancī fīliī duo etsī
anteā semper prō indignissimō habuerant sē patriō rēgnō tūtōris
fraude pulsōs, rēgnāre Rōmae advenam nōn modo vīcīnae sed nē 5
Italicae quidem stirpis, tum impēnsius iīs indignitās crēscere sī nē
ab Tarquiniō quidem ad sē redīret rēgnum, 3. sed praeceps inde
porrō ad servitia caderet, ut in eādem cīvitāte post centēsimum ferē
annum quam Rōmulus deō prōgnātus deus ipse tenuerit rēgnum
dōnec in terrīs fuerit, id servus servā nātus possideat. cum 10
commūne Rōmānī nōminis tum praecipuē id domūs suae dēdecus
fore, sī Ancī rēgis virīlī stirpe salvā nōn modo advenīs sed servīs
advena, ae m.: foreigner, immigrant, 7 porrō: forward; again, in turn; furthermore, 4
anteā: before, earlier, previously, 3 possideō, -ēre, -sēdī: possess, hold, 2
centēsimus, -a, -um: hundredth, 1 praeceps, praecipitis: headlong, fast, 2
dēdecus, -coris n.: dishonor, disgrace, 2 praecipuē; especially, 5
duodēquadrāgesimus, -a, -um: 38th, 1 prōgnātus, -a, -um: born, 1
etsī: even if, although, though, 5 salvus, -a, -um: well, safe, healthy, 3
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 5 Ser.: Servius, 7
fermē: nearly, about, 4 serva, -ae, f.: slave, 4
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception; harm, hurt, 5 servitium, -ī n.: slavery, servitude, 4
impensē: earnestly, strongly; vehemently, 2 Tullius, -ī m.: Tullius, 6
indignitās, -tātis f.: indignity, outrage, 4 tūtor, -ōris m.: guardian; defender, 2
indignus, -a, -um: unworthy, undeserving, 4 vīcīnus, -a, -um: neighboring, 6
Ītalicus, -a, -um: Italic, Italian, 1 virīlis, -e: of a man, masculine, 4
patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7

1 duodēquadrāgēsimō…annō: abl. time when protasis of a fut. more vivid (sī pres. subj., pres.
ex (tempore) quō… coeperat: from (the time) subj.) in secondary seq. with a surpressed
in which…; ‘since...’ abl. time when apodosis: ‘it would be undignified.’
2 nōn…modo sed: not only…but (also) nē ab Tarquiniō quidem: not even after
3 maximō honōre: of…; abl. quality as predicate Tarquinius; nē…quidem emphasizes the
Ancī filiī duo etsī…stirpis: although… intervening words
4 prō: as…; often before verb of considering 8 ut…possideat: result with pres. subj.
habuerant: had considered 9 quam…tenuerit rēgnum: which…; pf. subj.,
sē…pulsōs (esse): pf. pass. pellō subj. of subordinate verb in result clause
patriō rēgnō: abl. separation deō: abl. of source (origin)
rēgnāre…advenam: that… 10 dōnec…fuerit: temporal clause with pf. subj.
5 nōn modo…sed: not only…but (also)… sum of anticipated action
vīcīnae (stirpis)…Italicae stirpis: gen. of servā nātus: nom. pred.; dep. PPP nāscor and
description with advenam abl. of origin
6 nē…quidem: not even; emphasizing the cum…tum…: both…and…
intervening word 11 commūne…id…dēdecus fore: that it would
tum: main clause, in response to anteā above be…; ind. disc. still governed by habuerant
impēnsius: comparative adv. above; fut. inf. sum (alternative to futūrum esse)
iīs: for…; i.e .the sons; eīs, dat. of interest 12 sī…pateret: if…should…; fut. more vivid
indignitās crēscere: historical inf. with nom. Ancī…salvā: abl. abs., supply pple ‘being’
subject: translate as finite 3s impf. nōn modo…sed: not only…but (also); dat. of
sī…redīret…caderet: if…should…should; interest
Tarquinius Priscus 40.3-6

etiam rēgnum Rōmae pateret. 1

4. ferrō igitur eam arcēre contumēliam statuunt; sed et iniūriae
dolor in Tarquinium ipsum magis quam in Servium eōs stimulābat,
et quia gravior ultor caedis, sī superesset, rēx futūrus erat quam
prīvātus; tum Serviō occīsō, quemcumque alium generum 5
dēlēgisset, eundem rēgnī hērēdem factūrus vidēbātur; ob haec ipsī
rēgī īnsidiae parantur. 5. ex pāstōribus duo ferōcissimī dēlēctī ad
facinus, quibus cōnsuētī erant uterque agrestibus ferrāmentīs, in
vestibulō rēgiae quam potuēre tumultuōsissimē speciē rixae in sē
omnēs appāritōrēs rēgiōs convertunt; inde, cum ambō rēgem 10
appellārent clāmorque eōrum penitus in rēgiam pervēnisset, vocātī
ad rēgem pergunt. 6. prīmō uterque vōciferārī et certātim alter alterī
agrestis, -e: of the fields, rural; farmer, ruralfolk, 4 gravis, -e: heavy, serious, important, 2
ambō, -ae, -ō: both, two together, 3 hērēs, hērēdis, m./f.: heir, heiress, 5
appāritor, -ōris f.: attendant (free-born), guard, 3 īnsidiae, -ārum f.: ambush, 3
arceō, -ēre, -uī: fend/shut off, keep away, 5 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 5
certātim: in rivalry, 2 penitus: within, inwardly, deeply, 1
consuescō, -ere, -ēvī, -suētum: accustom, 1 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
contumēlia, -ae f.: insult, abuse, 2 rixa, -ae f.: quarrel, dispute, 1
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsus: turn (around), 4 stimulō (1): provoke, incite, rouse, excite, 6
dēligō, -ere, dēlēgī, dēlectum: choose, select, 2 supersum, -esse, -fuī: remain, survive, be left, 5
dolor, -ōris m.: pain, grief, 1 tumultuōsus, -a, -um: tumultuous, 2
facinus, -noris n.: bad deed, crime, 6 ultor, ultōris m.: avenger, 3
ferrāmentum, -ī n.: iron tool, 1 vestibulum, -ī n.: entrance, vestibule, 3
gener, generī m.: son-in-law, 5 vōciferor, -ārī, -ātum: shout, 1

2 ferrō: abl. means; ‘a sword’ via metonomy 7 rēgī: dat. of interest

sed et…et quia…: but both…and because…; dēlēctī: PPP, i.e. by the sons of Ancus
explaining why Tarquin’s death is preferable to ad facinus: for… ad expressing purpose
Servius’ 8 quibus…ferrāmentīs: with what…; relative
et…et…: both…and… clause and relative adj.
3 in…: against… uterque: i.e the shepherds, subject of 3p verb
4 gravior ultor caedis: nom. pred. agrestibus: dat. of interest
sī superessent,…futūrus erat: if he were to…, 9 quam potuēr(unt) tumultuōsissimē: clause of
would be…; mixed condition: impf. subj. comparison; quam + superl. is often translated
supersum and periphrastic fut. (fut. pple + sum): ‘as X as possible’ with posse ‘is possible’ just
‘were going to X’ is equiv. to ‘would X’ understood; here, 3p pf. posse is expressed
5 tum: (and) then…; continuing the point made speciē: abl. means
since et quia in: upon…
Serviō occīsō: abl. abs. 10 cum…appellārent…pervēnisset: impf. and
quemcumque…dēlēgisset, eundem: the same plpf. subj.
one…; eundem is the antecedent of the relative 12 prīmō: at first; adv.
clause; a fut. pf. ind. made plpf. subj as a vōciferārī: historical inf. with nom. subject:
subordinate verb in ind. disc. translate as finite 3p impf.
6 factūrus vidēbātur: seemed…; fut. pple faciō alter alterī: one…to the other; nom. and dat. of
governs a double acc. compound
ipsī: they themselves; nom. pl.

40.6-41.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

obstrepere; coercitī ab līctōre et iussī in vicem dīcere tandem 1

obloquī dēsistunt; ūnus rem ex compositō ōrdītur. 7. cum intentus
in eum sē rēx tōtus āverteret, alter ēlātam secūrim in caput dēiēcit,
relictōque in volnere tēlō ambō sē forās ēiciunt.
41. Tarquinium moribundum cum quī circā erant excēpissent, 5
illōs fugientēs līctōrēs comprehendunt. clāmor inde concursusque
populī, mīrantium quid reī esset. Tanaquil inter tumultum claudī
rēgiam iubet, arbitrōs ēiēcit. simul quae cūrandō volnerī opus sunt,
tamquam spēs subesset, sēdulō comparat, simul sī dēstituat spēs,
alia praesidia mōlītur. 10
2. Serviō properē accītō cum paene exsanguem virum ostendisset,
dextram tenēns ōrat nē inultam mortem socerī, nē socrum inimīcīs
ambō, -ae, -ō: both, two together, 3 intentus, -a, -um: intent, focused, eager, 4
arbiter, arbitrī m.: witness, 2 inultus, -a, -um: unavenged, 1
claudō, -ere, -dī, -sum: to close, enclose, 5 mōlior, -īrī, mōlītum: set in motion, stir, 3
coerceō, -aere, -uī, -citum: enclose, confine, 1 moribundus, -a, -um: dying, almost dead, 2
comparō (1): prepare, collect, 1 obloquor, -ī, -locūtum: interrupt, speak against, 1
compositum, -ī n.: agreement, compact, 4 obstrepō, -ere, -uī: raise a cry against, 1
comprehendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: grasp, arrest, 4 ōrō (1): plead, pray (for), entreat, 5
concursus, -ūs m.: gathering; collision, charge, 5 ostendō, -ere, ostendī: to show, 5
cūrō (1): care for, take care of, attend to, 3 paene: almost, nearly, 3
dēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw/bring down, 3 properē: quickly, hastily, speedily, 1
dēsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitum: desist, stop, 1 secūris, -is f.: axe, 1
dēstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: leave, abandon, 3 sēdulō: busily, 1
ēfferō, -ere, -tulī, -lātum: carry out, lift, 5 socer, socerī m.: father-in-law, 3
ēiciō, -ere, ēiēcī, ēiectum: throw out, 2 subsum, -esse, -fuī: be near or at hand, 1
excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: receive, welcome, 6 tamquam: as if, as much as, so to speak, 3
exsanguis, -e: lifeless, fainting; bloodless, 2 Tanaquil, -is f.: Tanaquil, 6
forās: out of doors, 2 tandem: finally, at last, in the end, 4
fugiō, -ere, fūgī: to flee, hurry away, 3 tēlum, -ī n.: projectile, arrow, spear, 5
inimīcus, -a, -um: hostile, unfriendly, 1 vicis, -is f.: turn, exchange; office; -em, in turn, 6

1 obstrepere: historical inf. with nom. subject: claudī: pass. inf.

translate as finite 3p impf. 8 iubet (et) arbitrōs ēiēcit
in vicem: in turn simul…simul…: both…and at the same time
2 obloquī: from…; dep. inf.: translate as pres. pple quae…opus sunt : (those things) which are
ex compositō: by agreement in need; opus est, ‘there is a need’ is an idiom
rem: (his) case; i.e. legal case or cause that governs either (1) nom. or (2) abl. of
3 tōtus: translate nom. adj. as adv. separation of the thing needed; here quae is neut.
ēlatum…dēiēcit: PPP ēfferō; English prefers nom. pl.; missing antecedent is obj. of comparat
two finite verbs (e.g. lifted and threw down) cūrandō volnerī: for…; dat. of purpose, noun +
whereas Latin often prefers PPP and a main verb gerundive; perform a gerund-gerundive flip and
4 relictō…tēlō: abl. abs. translate as a gerund (ing) + obj.; volnus=vulnus
5 cum…excēpissent: plpf. subj. 9 tamquam…subesset: as if…; conditional
quī circā erant: (those) who…; missing clause of comparison with impf. subj.
antecedent is subject 10 alia praesidia: i.e. remedies
7 mīrantium: of (those)…; pple modifies populī cum…ostendisset: Tanaquil is subject
quid reī essent: what was the matter; ‘what of 12 nē inultam mortem socerī (esse sinat),: that…
matter there was,’ ind. quest.; partitive gen. not…; ellipsis, ind. command with pres. subj.
Servius Tullius 41.2-5

lūdibriō esse sinat. 3. ‘tuum est’ inquit, ‘Servī, sī vir es, rēgnum, 1
nōn eōrum quī aliēnīs manibus pessimum facinus fēcēre. ērige tē
deōsque ducēs sequere quī clārum hoc fore caput dīvīnō quondam
circumfūsō ignī portendērunt. nunc tē illa caelestis excitet flamma;
nunc expergīscere vērē. et nōs peregrīnī rēgnāvimus; quī sīs, nōn 5
unde nātus sīs reputā. sī tua rē subitā cōnsilia torpent, at tū mea
cōnsilia sequere.’ 4. cum clāmor impetusque multitūdinis vix
sustinērī posset, ex superiōre parte aedium per fenestrās in Novam
viam versās—habitābat enim rēx ad Iovis Statōris—populum
Tanaquil adloquitur. 5. iubet bonō animō esse; sōpītum fuisse 10
rēgem subitō ictū; ferrum haud altē in corpus dēscendisse; iam ad
sē redīsse; īnspectum volnus abstersō cruōre; omnia salūbria esse;
abstergeō, -ere, -sī, -tersum: wipe away, 1 īnspiciō, -ere, -spexī, -spectum: look on, 1
adloquor, loquī, locūtus: speak, address, 3 lūdibrium, -ī n.: object of mockery, 3
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house, 5 pessimus, -a, -um: worst, very bad, 1
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall; deep, 3 portendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: foretell, 7
at: but, yet; at least, 6 quondam: formerly, at one time, 6
circumfundō -ere -fūdī -fūsus: pour around, 1 reputō (1): to think over, reflect on, 1
clārus, -a, -um: clear, distinguished, bright, 6 salūbris, -e: healthy, useful, 4
cruor, cruōris m.: blood, gore, 2 sōpiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: put to sleep, lull to sleep, 2
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: descend, 6 Stator, -ōris m.: the Stayer (of Jupiter), 2
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rectum: raise up, lift, 4 subitus, -a, -um: sudden, 4
expergīscor, -ī, experrēctum: awake, rouse, 2 superior, -ius: higher, upper; previous, 6
facinus, -noris n.: bad deed, crime, 6 sustineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold up, 4
fenestra, -ae f.: window, 1 Tanaquil, -is f.: Tanaquil, 6
flamma, -ae f.: flame, fire, torch, love, 3 torpeō, -ēre.: be paralyzed, be numb, 2
ictus, -ūs m.: strike, blow, 1 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 2 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 lūcibriō esse: to serve as a object of mockery; a et: also, too; or concessive with peregrīnī: ‘even
common translation of dat. of purpose; a double though’
dative construction (purpose and interest) quis sīs: ind. question, 2s pres. subj. sum
Servī: voc. dir. address 6 unde nātus sīs: ind. question, pf. dep. nāscor
Sī vir es: i.e. a real man, a man of character rē subitā: by…; abl. cause
2 nōn eōrum: not theirs; in contrast to possessive 7 sequere: sg. dep. imperative
tuum, assume rēgnum est cum…posset: impf. subj. possum
quī…fēcēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. 8 Novam viam: Nova Via; a proper name
aliēnīs manibus: abl. means, the sons used ad Iovis Statōris: near (the temple of)…;
shepherds to assassinate the king ellipsis; gen. sg. Iuppiter
3 ducēs: as guides, as leaders 10 bonō animō esse: that (they) be of good spirit;
sequere: sg. dep. imperative or ‘of good cheer/will,’ abl. of quality as pred.
clārum hoc fore caput: that this…; with fut. inf. sōpītum fuisse…ictū: that… pf. inf.; the verb
(equiv. to futūrum esse); caput can often mean ‘dicit’ is missing but understood
‘life’ as well as ‘head’ sōpitum: rendered unconscious; ‘put to sleep’
dīvīnō…circumfūsō īgnī: abl. abs.; i-stem 3rd 11 ‘ferrum…dēscendisse: that…;
decl. noun (sē) iam…redīsse: that…; pf. inf. redeō
4 excitet: Let…; jussive pres. subj. 12 īnspectum (esse) volnus: that…
5 expergīscere: sg. dep. imperative omnis salūbria esse: that…

41.5-42.1 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

cōnfīdere propediem ipsum eōs vīsūrōs; interim Ser. Tulliō iubēre 1

populum dictō audientem esse; eum iūra redditūrum obitūrumque
alia rēgis mūnia esse. 6. Servius cum trabeā et līctōribus prōdit ac
sēde rēgiā sedēns alia dēcernit, dē aliīs cōnsultūrum sē rēgem esse
simulat. itaque per aliquot diēs cum iam exspīrāsset Tarquinius 5
cēlātā morte per speciem aliēnae fungendae vicis suās opēs
firmāvit; tum dēmum palam factum est complōrātiōne in rēgiā
ortā. Servius praesidiō firmō mūnītus, prīmus iniussū populī,
voluntāte patrum rēgnāvit. 7. Ancī līberī iam tum comprēnsīs
sceleris ministrīs ut vīvere rēgem et tantās esse opēs Servī 10
nūntiātum est, Suessam Pōmētiam exsulātum ierant.
42. nec iam pūblicīs magis cōnsiliīs Servius quam prīvātīs
aliquot: several, 6 mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: to fortify, build, 6
cēlō (1): hide, conceal, 1 obeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: engage in; enter; die, 4
complorātiō, -tiōnis f.: wailing, lamentation, 2 palam: openly, publicly, 5
comprehendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: grasp, arrest, 4 prōdeō, -īre, -iī: to go forth, advance, 3
cōnfīdō, -ere: trust, believe, rely upon, 1 propediem: soon, 3
dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētum: decide, decree, 6 sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: to sit, 5
dēmum: at length, finally, 2 Ser.: Servius, 7
exspīrō (1): breathe out, 1 simulō (1): feign, pretend, make like, 7
exsulō (1): to exile, banish; live in exile, 3 Suessa Pōmētia, -ae f.: Suessa Pometia (town), 2
firmō (1): strengthen, support, 4 trabea, -ae f.: robe of state, state robe, 1
firmus, -a, -um: strong, steadfast, 2 Tullius, -ī m.: Tullius, 6
fungor, -ī, functum: perform (abl.), 3 vicis, -is f.: turn, exchange; office; -em, in turn, 6
iniussū: without orders, 4 vīsō, -ere: examine, view carefully, 2
interim: meanwhile, in the meantime, 5 vīvō, -ere, vīxī, vīctum: live, 4
minister, ministrī m.: attendant, servant, 1 voluntās, -tātis f.: will, wish, permission, 6
mūnia (nom. and acc.): duties, 2

1 (eam) cōnfīdere: that (she)… king was dead

ipsum eōs vīsūrōs (esse): that…; fut. inf. videō 7 complōrātiōne…ortā: abl. abs. causal in sense;
eōs refers to the crowd, and ipsum to the king dep. PPP orior
(rēgem) interim…iubēre: that (the king)…; 8 prīmus: i.e. was the first to…
2 dictō audientem esse: be obedient to + dat.; or 9 comprēnsīs…ministrīs: abl. abs.; i.e. shepherds
‘obey,’ an idiom with an unusual use of dictō 10 ut…nūntiātum est: as it…, when it…;
eum…redditūrum (esse) obitūrumque…esse: temporal clause with impers. pf. pass.
that he…; fut. infs vīvere rēgem, tantās…Servī: that…; ind. disc.
4 alia…dē aliīs: some cases…about other cases 11 Suessam Pōmētiam: to Suessa Pometia; acc.
cōnsultūrum sē rēgem esse: that…; fut. inf. place to which; two names to distinguish it from
5 cum…exspīrā(vi)sset Tarquinius: although…; the town Suessa Aurunca, also in Latium
perhaps concessive with plpf. subj. exsultātum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
6 cēlātā morte: abl. abs. expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
aliēnae fungendae vicis: of…; do a gerund- ierant: plpf. eō, īre
gerundive flip and translate as a gerund (ing) + 12 pūblicīs cōnsiliīs, prīvātīs (cōnsiliīs): abl.
obj.; aliēna vicis means ‘the office of a another’ means; i.e. public acts and familial ties outlined
7 factum est: it…; impers. pf. pass., i.e. that the below

Servius Tullius 42.1-4

mūnīre opēs, et nē, quālis Ancī līberum animus adversus 1

Tarquinium fuerat, tālis adversus sē Tarquinī līberum esset, duās
fīliās iuvenibus rēgiīs, Lūciō atque Arruntī Tarquiniīs iungit; 2. nec
rūpit tamen fātī necessitātem hūmānīs cōnsiliīs quīn invidia rēgnī
etiam inter domesticōs īnfīda omnia atque īnfēsta faceret. 5
peropportūnē ad praesentis quiētem statūs bellum cum
Vēientibus—iam enim indūtiae exierant—aliīsque Etrūscīs
sūmptum. 3. in eō bellō et virtūs et fortūna ēnituit Tullī; fūsōque
ingentī hostium exercitū haud dubius rēx, seu patrum seu plēbis
animōs perīclitārētur, Rōmam rediit. 4. adgrediturque inde ad pācis 10
longē maximum opus, ut quemadmodum Numa dīvīnī auctor iūris
fuisset, ita Servium conditōrem omnis in cīvitāte discrīminis
adgredior, -ī, -gressum: go to, attack, address, 4 mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: fortify, build, 6
Arrūns, Arruntis m.: Arruns, 6 necessitās, -tātis f.: necessity, 4
conditor, -tōris m.: founder, 5 periclitor, -ārī, -ātum: try, test, 1
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 peropportūnē: very opportunely, 1
domesticus, -a, -um: of a house, 4 praeses, praesidis m.: protector, 1
ēniteō, -ēre, ēnituī: shine forth, gleam, 1 quālis, -e: of what sort? what?, 5
exeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go out, 6 quemadmodum: in what manner, how, 1
fātum, -ī n.: fate, ruin, death, 5 quiēs, quiētis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 4
indūtiae, -ārum f.: a truce, 3 rumpō, -ere, rūpī: burst, break, 1
īnfīdus, -a, -um: unfaithful, disloyal, 2 status, -ūs m.: position, condition, state, 2
invidia, -ae f.: hatred, envy, lack of popularity, 5 sūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take (up), chose, 6
Lūcius, -ī m.: Lucius, 1 tālis, -e: such, 3

1 mūrīre: historical inf. with nom. subject: ad…: for…, in regard to…
translate as finite 3p impf. praesentis…statūs: gen. sg.
nē…esset: so that…might not…; neg. purpose 8 sūmptum: PPP with bellum
clause with impf. subj. et…et…: both…and…
quālis…animus…fuerat, tālis (animus): such fūsōque…exercitū: abl. abs. with PPP fundō;
a mind…as…; ‘this sort (of mind), which sort of ‘spread out in a rout’
mind…’ correlatives (demon. and relative) tālis 9 haud dubius rēx (fuit)
is the antecedent of the relative quālis…fuerat seu…seu…perīclitāretur: whether…or…; ind.
Ancī līber(ōr)um: gen. modifying animus question with impf. dep. following dubius;
adversus: against + acc. seu = sīve
2 Tarquinī līber(ōr)um: gen. modifying animus 10 Rōmam: acc. place to which
3 iuvenibus rēgiīs: with…; abl. of association ut…ferrent: so that…might…; purpose
Lūciō…Tarquiniīs: in apposition to iuvenibus 11 quemadmodum…ita…: in what manner…
4 hūmānīs cōnsiliīs: by…; abl. means so…; correlatives (relative and demonstrative)
quīn…faceret: that envy for the kingship…; a 12 fuisset: plpf. subj., of subordinate clause
quin-clause with impf. subj. after a negative (relative clause) in a purpose clause
verb of prevention (rūpit); the verb governs a conditōrem: as…; acc. pred. with ferrent
double acc. omnis…discrīminis ordinumque: of every
5 īnfīda omnia atque īnfesta: neut. pl., i.e. things distinction of the orders; hendiadys (two
6 peropportūnē…(erat) bellum: add linking verb terms denote the same object)

42.2-43.3 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

ōrdinumque quibus inter gradūs dignitātis fortūnaeque aliquid 1

interlūcet posterī fāmā ferrent. 5. cēnsum enim īnstituit, rem
salūberrimam tantō futūrō imperiō, ex quō bellī pācisque mūnia
nōn virītim, ut ante, sed prō habitū pecūniārum fierent; tum classēs
centuriāsque et hunc ōrdinem ex cēnsū dīscrīpsit, vel pācī decōrum 5
vel bellō.
43. ex iīs quī centum mīlium āeris aut māiōrem cēnsum habērent
octōgintā cōnfēcit centuriās, quadrāgēnās seniōrum ac iūniōrum; 2.
prīma classis omnēs appellātī; seniōrēs ad urbis custōdiam ut
praestō essent, iuvenēs ut foris bella gererent; arma hīs imperāta 10
galeā, clipeum, ocreae, lōrīca, omnia ex aere; haec ut tegumenta
corporis essent: tēla in hostem hastaque et gladius. 3. additae huic
aes, aeris n.: bronze, copper; as (coin), 4 iūnior, iūnius: younger, 5
clipeus, -ī m.: round shield, 2 lōrīca, -ae f.: breast-plate, 2
cōnficiō, -ere: to finish (off), accomplish, 5 mūnia (nom. and acc.): duties, 2
cūstōdia, -ae f.: guard, watch, 4 ocrea, -ae f.: greave, 2
decōrus, -a, -um: suitable/appropriate for (dat.), 2 octōginta: eighty, 3
dignitās, -tātis f.: worth, merit, 3 pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 6
discrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī: distribute, divide, 2 praestō: at hand, ready, 2
foris, -is f.: door, entrance, 2 quadrāgēnī, -ae, -a: forty each, 1
galea, -ae f.: helmet, 1 salūbris, -e: healthy, useful, 4
gradus, -ūs m.: step, pace; stairs, 5 senex, senis m.: old man; adj. old, 5
habitus, -ūs m.: state, disposition; possession, 5 tegumentum, -ī n.: covering, protections, 1
hasta, -ae f.: spear, 5 tēlum, -ī n.: projectile, arrow, spear, 5
interlūceō, -ēre: is distinguished, 1 virītim: individually, man by man, 3

1 ōrdinumque: see previous note Roman coin made out of bronze; partitive gen.
quibus…aliquid interlūcet: by which…; māiōrem: comparative, magnus
relative clause with abl. means; partitive gen. 8 quadrāgēnās…iūniōrum: in apposition
modifying aliquid 9 prīma classis: nom. pred.
2 posterī fāmā ferrent: posterity might report omnēs appellātī (sunt): they all…
by word of mouth; i.e. might glorify seniōrēs: in apposition to quadrāgēnās
cēnsum: i.e. of persons and property ad: for…; expressing purpose
rem salūberrimam: in apposition of cēnsum, 10 ut…essent: so that…; purpose
superl. salūbris iuvenēs: in apposition to quadrāgēnās
3 tantō futūrō imperiō: for…; dat. of purpose, ut…gererent: so that…; purpose
fut. pple sum hīs: from them; i.e. from the seniōrēs et iūniōrēs
ex quō…fierent: from which…might…; relative dat. ind. obj.
clause of purpose with impf. subj. fiō imperāta (sunt)
4 ut ante: as…; clause of comparison galeā…lōrica, omnia: in apposition to arma
prō: in proportion to…, according to… 11 haec ut…essent: so that these…; purpose
5 vel…decōrum vel…: suitable either…or…; 12 tēla in hostem (hīs imperāta sunt): parallel to
decorum is an adjective governing a dat., equiv. arma above; in, ‘against’
to dat. of purpose hastaque et gladius: both…and…; in apposition
7 iīs: those; eīs additae (sunt)
centum mīlium: of…; objective gen., mīlle huic classī: dat. of compound verb
āeris: asses; ‘of bronze (coin),’ the as is a

Servius Tullius 43.3-7

classī duae fabrum centuriae quae sine armīs stīpendia facerent; 1

datum mūnus ut māchinās in bellō ferrent. 4. secunda classis intrā
centum usque ad quīnque et septuāgintā mīlium cēnsum īnstitūta,
et ex iīs, seniōribus iūniōribusque, vīgintī cōnscrīptae centuriae;
arma imperāta scūtum prō clipeō et praeter lōrīcam omnia eadem. 5
5. tertiae classis [in] quīnquāgintā mīlium cēnsum esse voluit;
totidem centuriae et hae eōdemque discrīmine aetātium factae; nec
dē armīs quicquam mūtātum, ocreae tantum adēmptae. 6. in quārtā
classe cēnsus quīnque et vīgintī mīlium, totidem centuriae factae,
arma mūtāta: 7. nihil praeter hastam et verūtum datum. quīnta 10
classis aucta; centuriae trīgintā factae; fundās lapidēsque missilēs
hī sēcum gerēbant; [in] hīs accēnsī cornicinēs tubicinēsque in duās
accēnseō, -ēre, -ui, -sum: register (in addition), 1 praeter: except, besides, 5
clipeus, -ī m.: round shield, 2 quārtus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 1
cōnscrībō, -ere, -psī, -ptum: register, enroll, 3 quīnquāgintā: fifty, 1
cornicen, -nis m.: hornblower, trumpeter, 1 quīnque: five, 6
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 Quintus, -a, -um: fifth, 1
faber, fabrī m.: engineer, 3 scūtum, -ī n.: shield, 2
funda, -ae f.: sling, 1 senex, senis m.: old man; adj. old, 5
hasta, -ae f.: spear, 5 septuāgintā: seventy, 1
intrā: within, among (acc), 3 stīpendium, -iī n.: contribution, military service, 2
iūnior, iūnius: younger, 5 tertius, -a, -um: third, 4
lapis, -idis m.: stone, 4 totidem: so many as, just as many, 2
lōrīca, -ae f.: breast-plate, 2 trīginta: thirty, 7
māchina, -ae f.: siege machine, seige engine, 1 tubicen, -inis m.: trumpeter, 1
missilis, -e: missle, 1 usque: up to, until; all the way, 4
mūnus, mūneris n.: service, duty, 1 verūtum, -ī n.: javelin, dart, 1
mūtō (1): to change, 6 vīgintī: twenty, 4
ocrea, -ae f.: greave, 2

1 quae…facerent: who would…; relative clause 7 totidem centuriae (factae sunt)

of purpose aetātium: gen. aetās, i.e. between seniōrēs et
2 datum (est): pf. pass., i.e. to the engineers iūniōrēs
ut…ferrent: that…; ind command 8 mūtātum (est)
secunda classis…īnstitūta (est) tantum: only; adv.
3 centum (mīlium)…mīlium: of 100,000 down adēmptae (sunt)
to of…; objective gen. pl. mīlle with cēnsum 9 cēnsus (fuit)
4 iīs: those; eīs quīnque et vīgintī mīlium: of…; objective gen.
seniōribus iūniōribusque: in apposition with cēnsus
vīgintī cōnscrīptae (sunt) centuriae factae (sunt)
5 imperāta (sunt) i.e. from those 10 mūtāta (sunt)
scūtum…omnia eadem: in apposition to arma hastam et verūtum: the hasta was for jabbing,
prō clipeō: in place of…; the scūtum is oblong- and the verūtum for throwing
shaped while the clipeus is round datum (est)
6 tertiae classis…esse: belongs to the third class; aucta (est)
gen. description as predicate; cēnsum is subject 11 facta (sunt)
quīnquāgintā mīlium: objective gen. mīlle with missilēs: as missles
cēnsum 12 hīs: (in addition) to these; dat. compound
voluit: i.e. chose, determine accēnsī (sunt): pf. pass. accēnseō
43.7-10 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

centuriās distribūtī; ūndecim mīlibus haec classis cēnsēbātur. 8. hōc 1

minor cēnsus reliquam multitūdinem habuit; inde ūna centuria
facta est, immūnis mīlitiā.
ita pedestrī exercitū ōrnātō distribūtōque, equitum ex prīmōribus
cīvitātis duodecim scrīpsit centuriās; 9. sex item aliās centuriās, 5
tribus ab Rōmulō īnstitūtīs, sub iīsdem quibus inaugurātae erant
nōminibus fēcit. ad equōs emendōs dēna mīlia aeris ex pūblicō
data, et, quibus equōs alerent, viduae attribūtae quae bīna mīlia
aeris in annōs singulōs penderent. haec omnia in dītēs ā pauperibus
inclīnāta onera. 10
10. deinde est honos additus. nōn enim, ut ab Rōmulō trāditum
cēterī servāverant rēgēs, virītim suffrāgium eadem vī eōdemque
aes, aeris n.: bronze, copper; as (coin), 4 ōrnō (1): equip, decorate, adorn, 1
alō, -ere, aluī, alitus: feed, nourish, 1 pauper, -eris: poor, 1
attribuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: assign, 2 pedester, -is, -e: infantry, of foot soldier, 1
bīnī, -ae, -a: two each, two by two, 4 pendō, -ere: pay; weight, 1
cēnseō, -ēre, -uī, -sum: think, judge; register, 7 reliquus, -a, um: remaining, left (over), 2
dēnī, -ae, -a: ten each, 1 scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 6
distribuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: distribute, divide, 2 servō (1): save, preserve, protect, 4
dītes (dīves), dititis: wealthy, rich, 2 sex: six, 4
duodecim: twelve, 6 suffrāgium, -ī n.: vote, right of voting, 4
emō, -ere, ēmī, emptum: buy, 2 tribus, -ūs f.: tribe, 1
immūnis, -e: exempt, 1 ūndecim: eleven, 1
inaugurō (1): take auspices, decide by augury, 5 vidua, -ae f.: widow; unmarried woman, 2
item: also, likewise, in like manner, 3 virītim: individually, man by man, 3
onus, oneris n.: burden, load, 3

1 distribūtī (sunt) Roman coin made out of bronze; partitive gen.

undecim mīlibus: at eleven thousand (asses); ex pūblicō: i.e. public expense
abl. of price 8 data (est)
hōc: than this (amount); abl,. of comparison quibus equōs alerent: …might…; relative
3 mīlitiā: from…; abl. of separation; immūnis is clause of purpose; bīna mīllia is the antecedent
nom. modifying centuria attribūtae (sunt): viduae is subject
4 pedestrī…ōrnātō distribūtōque: abl. abs. quae…penderent: who…would…; relative of
equitum…duodecim centuriās: partitive gen. purpose with impf. subj.
5 scrīpsit: registered, enrolled 9 āeris: asses; partitive gen.
6 tribus…īnstitūtīs: abl. abs. haec omnia…onera
sub iīsdem…nōminibus in: onto…
quibus inaugurātae erant: with which they had inclīnāta (sunt)
been inaugurated; abl. means 11 est…additus: i.e. to the rich
7 ad equōs emendōs: for…; noun + gerundive; ut (suffragium) ab Romulō trāditum regēs: as
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as …had preserved (the right to vote); clause of
a gerund (-ing) + obj. comparison; trāditum is acc. PPP
mīlia: pl. mīlle 12 eadem vī eōdemque iūre: with equal…; īdem
āeris: asses; ‘of bronze (coin),’ the as is a here means ‘equal’

Servius Tullius 43.10-13

iūre prōmiscē omnibus datum est; sed gradūs factī, ut neque 1

exclūsus quisquam suffrāgiō vidērētur et vīs omnis penes prīmōrēs
cīvitātis esset; 11. equitēs enim vocābantur prīmī, octōgintā inde
prīmae classis centuriae; ibi sī variāret —quod rārō incidēbat—
secundae classis; nec ferē unquam īnfrā ita dēscendērunt ut ad 5
īnfimōs pervenīrent. 12. nec mīrārī oportet hunc ōrdinem quī nunc
est post explētās quīnque et trīgintā tribūs, duplicātō eārum numerō
centuriīs iūniōrum seniōrumque, ad īnstitūtam ab Ser. Tulliō
summam nōn convenīre. 13. quadrifāriam enim urbe dīvīsā
[regiōnibus] collibus quī habitābantur, partēs eās tribūs appellāvit, 10
ut ego arbitror, ab tribūtō; nam eius quoque aequāliter ex cēnsū
cōnferendī ab eōdem inita ratiō est; neque eae tribūs ad
aequāliter: equally, uniformly, 1 penes: belonging to, in the possession of (acc.), 2
arbitror, -ārī, arbitrātus: judge, think, 2 prōmiscuus, -a, -um: promiscuous, 1
cōnferō, -ferre: bring together, collect, 4 quadrifāriam: in four parts, 1
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: descend, 6 quīnque: five, 6
duplicō (1): double, 2 rārus, -a, -um: rare; scattered, far apart, 2
exclūdō, -ere, -clūsī, -clūsum: shut out, 1 ratiō, -ōnis f.: plan, method, system, calculation, 2
expleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum: fulfull, fill out, 4 senex, senis m.: old man; adj. old, 5
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 5 Ser.: Servius, 7
gradus, -ūs m.: step, pace; stairs, 5 suffrāgium, -ī n.: vote, 4
incidō, -ere, -cīdī: fall into/upon; happen, 5 tribūtum, -ī n.: tax, tribute, 1
ineō, -īre, -īī, -itum: go into, enter, initiate, 7 trīginta: thirty, 7
īnfrā: below, underneath, beneath, 2 tribus, -ūs f.: tribe, 3
iūnior, iūnius: younger, 5 Tullius, -ī m.: Tullius, 6
octōginta: eighty, 3 unquam (umquam): ever, 3
oportet, -uit: it is right, proper, fitting, 3 variō (1): vary, waver, fluctuate, 1

1 prōmiscē: adv. duplicātō eārum numerō: abl. abs.; since the

omnibus: dat. ind. obj. centuries, not tribes were doubled, eārum must
factī (sunt) refer to fem. pl. centuriae instead of fem. tribūs;
ut…vidērētur…esset: so that…might seem…; 8 centuriīs iūniōrum seniōrumque: abl. in
purpose; everyone votes but votes are not equal apposition to numerō eārum; the doubling
neque…et…: not…and… occurred with the division into an equal
2 suffrāgiō: from…; abl. separation number of seniōrēs and iuniōrēs centuries
3 prīmī: i.e. the first to vote ad īnstitūtam…summam (centuriārum): to
octōgintā inde centuriae (vocābantur): then… the total sum…
i.e. second in voting 9 urbe dīvīsā: abl. abs.
4 variāret: there is a difference (of opinion) 10 [regiōnibus]: omit
quod: which… collibus: abl. means
rārō: abl. as adverb appellāvit: called (x) (y); governs a double acc.
5 (octōgintā centuriae) secundae classis 11 ut: as…; clause of comparison
(vocābantur): heavy ellipsis; i.e. to vote ab tribūtō: from the word ‘tributum’
ut…pervenīrent: that…; result, impf. subj. eius…cōnferendī: of…; perform a gerund-
6 nec mīrārī oportet: i.e. it should be no surprise gerundive flip: translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.;
pres. dep. inf. gen. sg. eius refers to tribūtum; modifies ratiō
hunc ōrdinem…nōn convenīre: that this 12 ab eōdem (rēge): i.e. Servius Tullius
organization,,,does not fit ratiō initia est: the plan…
7 post…tribūs: after…; fem. pl. with PPP expleō eae: nom. pl. demonstrative adj.
43.13-44.3 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

centuriārum distribūtiōnem numerumque quicquam pertinuēre. 1

44. cēnsū perfectō quem mātūrāverat metū lēgis dē incēnsīs lātae
cum vinculōrum minīs mortisque, ēdīxit ut omnēs cīvēs Rōmānī,
equitēs peditēsque, in suīs quisque centuriīs, in Campō Mārtiō
prīmā lūce adessent. 2. ibi īnstrūctum exercitum omnem 5
suovetaurīlibus lustrāvit, idque conditum lustrum appellātum, quia
is cēnsendō fīnis factus est. mīlia octōgintā eō lustrō cīvium cēnsa
dīcuntur; adicit scrīptōrum antīquissimus Fabius Pictor, eōrum quī
arma ferre possent eum numerum fuisse.
3. ad eam multitūdinem urbs quoque amplificanda vīsa est. addit 10
duōs collēs, Quirīnālem Vīminālemque; Vīminālem inde deinceps
auget Ēsquiliīs; ibique ipse, ut locō dignitās fieret, habitat; aggere
adsum, -esse, -fuī: be present, assist, 6 Mārtius, -a, -um: of Mars, 1
agger, -is m.: mound, 1 mātūrō (1): hasten, do quickly, 2
amplificō (1): enlarge, made larger, 2 minae, -ārum f.: threats, menaces, 2
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient; better, important, 5 octōginta: eighty, 3
campus, -ī m.: field, 4 pedes, peditis m.: foot soldier; infantry, 5
cēnseō, -ēre, -uī, -sum: think, judge; register, 7 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring
deinceps: one after another, successively, 4 about, 7
dignitās, -tātis f.: worth, merit, 3 pertineō, -ēre, -tinuī: pertain to; reach, 5
distributiō, -iōnis f.: distribution, 1 Pictor, -is m.: Pictor, 1
ēdīcō, -ere, -dīxī: declare, proclaim, 1 Quirīnālis, -e: Quirinal Hill, 1
Ēsquiliae, -ārum f.: Esquiline (hill) 2 scriptor, -is m.: author, writer, 4
Fabius, -iī m.: Fabius, 2 suovetaurilia, -um n.: sacrifice of pig, sheep,and
incēnseō, -ēre, -ui, -sum: not register (in census) 1 bull at altar of Mars, 3
lustrō (1): purify, 1 Vīminālis, -e: Viminal (hill), 2
lustrum, -ī n.: space of five years, 2 vinculum, -ī n.: bond, chain, 2
lūx, lūcis m.: light, 6

1 centuriārum: modifies both acc. nouns cīvium: partitive with mīlia octōgintā
quicquam pertinuēr(unt): did not pertain at cēnsa (esse): to have…; pf. pass.
all; syncopated 3p pf.; quicquam is an inner acc. 8 Fabius Pictor: (ca. 270-200 BC) wrote a history
2 cēnsū perfectō: abl. abs. of Rome from Aeneas to his present in Greek
dē in-cēnsīs: about those unregistered; failed to eōrum: of those
register in the census; the law is called lex de quī…possent: who…; relative clause of
incensis characterstic with impf. subj.
latae: i.e. having been passed by the assembly; 9 eum numerum fuisse: that this…; pf. inf. sum
PPP ferō 10 ad: for…
3 (Servius) ēdīxit amplificanda vīsa est: seemingly had to…; a
ut…adessent: that...; ind. command, impf. subj. variation of passive periphrastic (gerundive +
4 quisque: each one sum) with pf. videor, ‘seem’
5 prīmā lūce: at…; abl. time when 12 Ēsquiliīs: abl. means
6 idque conditum: and this, having been ipse: he himself; i.e. Servius
completed,; nom. subj., PPP condō ut…fieret: so that…might; purpose, impf. fiō
appellātum (est) locō: of the place; dat. poss.
7 is: this; i.e. the lustrum; neut. id but attracted aggere: i.e. a ditch and mound (fossa
into the masc. of the pred. fīnis vallumque) construction
cēnsendō: for…; dat. of purpose
eō lustrō: by…; i.e. by that census
Servius Tullius 44.3-45.1

et fossīs et mūrō circumdat urbem; ita pōmērium prōfert. 4. 1

pōmērium verbī vim sōlam intuentēs postmoērium interpretantur
esse; est autem magis circāmoerium, locus quem in condendīs
urbibus quondam Etrūscī quā mūrum ductūrī erant certīs circā
terminīs inaugurātō cōnsecrābant, ut neque interiōre parte aedificia 5
moenibus continuārentur, quae nunc volgō etiam coniungunt, et
extrīnsecus pūrī aliquid ab hūmānō cultū pateret solī. 5. hoc
spatium quod neque habitārī neque arārī fās erat, nōn magis quod
post mūrum esset quam quod mūrus post id, pōmērium Rōmānī
appellārunt; et in urbis incrēmentō semper quantum moenia 10
prōcessūra erant tantum terminī hī cōnsecrātī prōferēbantur.
45. auctā cīvitāte magnitūdine urbis, fōrmātīs omnibus domī et
aedificium, -ī n.: building, 1 incrēmentum, -ī n.: increase, addition, 2
arō, arāre, -āvī: plow, 1 interior, -ius: interior, 1
autem: however, moreover, 1 interpretor, -ārī: translate, interpret; decide, 2
circāmoerium, -ī n.: ‘around the wall,’ 1 intueor, -tuērī, -tuitus sum: look upon, 5
circumdō, -are, -dedī: surround, put around, 4 pōmērium, -ī n.: pomerium, 7
coniungō, -ere, -iunxī, -iunctum: join together, 2 postmoērium, -ī n.: ‘behind the wall,’ 1
cōnsecrō (1): consecrate, make sacred, 4 prōcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum; proceed, 5
continuō (1): connect; hold successively, 2 prōferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus: bring forth, extend, 3
cultus, -ūs m.: worship; cultivation, upbringing, 5 pūrus, -a, -um: clean, pure; free, 4
extrīnsecus: outside, 1 quondam: formerly, at one time, 6
fās n.: right, righteousness, divine law, 6 solum, -ī n.: ground, soil, 1
fōrmō (1): shape, form, 2 spatium, -iī n.: period, span,; distance, space, 7
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 5 terminus, -ī m.: boundary, boundary-line, 3
inaugurō (1): take auspices, decide by augury, 5 vulgus (volgus), -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7

1 et…et…: and…and…; there are three terms etiam: even

2 pōmērium verbī vim sōlam intuentēs: (those) 7 pūrī aliquid…sōlī …: some ground free…;
looking at the meaning alone of the word partitive gen.; pūrī governs an abl. of separation
‘pomerium’ 8 fās erat: it…; impersonal
postmoērium…esse: that it…; i.e. an open nōn magis…quam: not more…than…
space immediately behind the city-wall quod…esset: because…; impf. subj. sum, subj.
3 autem magis: but rather; pōmērium is subject of alleged cause (from the characters’ point of
circāmoerium: i.e. an open space immediately view)
behind and in front of the city-wall 9 quod mūrus (esset) post id: alleged cause
in condendīs urbibus: perform a gerund- 10 quantum…prōcessūra erant: as far as…;
gerundive flip: translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. relative clause, quantum is an adv. acc. (inner
4 quā: where; relative adv. acc.); fut. periphrastic (fut. pple + sum)
ductūrī erant: periphrastic fut. (fut. pple + 11 tantum: so far; adv. acc. (inner acc.);
sum), dūcō, ‘build’ or ‘draw up’ correlative with quantum (tantum…quantum: so
5 inaugurātō: with the auspicies having been far…as far as = as far as)
taken; a common single term abl. abs. 12 auctā cīvitāte: abl. abs.
ut…continuārentur…pateret: that…; result magnitūdine urbis: abl. means
6 (in) interiōre parte fōrmātīs omnibus: abl. abs.
moenibus: with…; dat. of compound domī: locative
volgō: in general; ‘in a mass,’ an abl. adv,

45.1-3 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

ad bellī et ad pācis ūsūs, nē semper armīs opēs adquīrerentur, 1

cōnsiliō augēre imperium cōnātus est, simul et aliquod addere urbī
decus. 2. iam tum erat inclitum Diānae Ephesiae fānum; id
commūniter ā cīvitātibus Asiae factum fāmā ferēbat. eum
cōnsēnsum deōsque cōnsociātōs laudāre mīrē Servius inter 5
procerēs Latīnōrum, cum quibus pūblicē prīvātimque hospitia
amīcitiāsque dē industriā iūnxerat. saepe iterandō eadem perpulit
tandem, ut Rōmae fānum Diānae populī Latīnī cum populō
Rōmānō facerent. 3. ea erat cōnfessiō caput rērum Rōmam esse, dē
quō totiēns armīs certātum fuerat. 10
id quamquam omissum iam ex omnium cūrā Latīnōrum ob rem
totiēns īnfēlīciter temptātam armīs vidēbātur, ūnī sē ex Sabīnīs fors
adquirō, -ere: acquire, attain, 1 iterō (1): renew, repeat, 2
amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship; alliance, 3 laudō (1): to praise, glorify, 2
Asia, -ae f.: Asia Minor, 1 mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7
certō (1): to contend, strive, compete, 6 omittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: disregard, 1
cōnfessiō, -iōnis f.: acknowledgement, 1 perpellō, -ere, -pulī: push through, prevail, 2
cōnor, -ārī, cōnātum: try, attempt, 3 prīvātim: privately, in private, 2
cōnsēnsus, -ūs m.: agreement, consent, 4 procerēs, -um m.: leaders, chieftains, 3
cōnsociō (1): share, make common, 4 saepe: often, 2
Ephesius, -a, -um: of Ephesus, Ephesian, 1 tandem: finally, at last, in the end, 4
hospitium, ī n.: guest-friendship/hospitality, 6 temptō (1): attempt, test; attack, 5
inclitus, -a, -um: famed, well known, 5 totiēns: so many times, so often, 2
industria, -ae f.: diligence, exertion, 3 ūsus, -ūs m.: use, practice; need, 3
īnfēlīx, -fēlīcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 3

1 ad bellī (ūsūs): for…; expressing purpose iterandō eadem: by…; gerund (-ing) and means
nē…adquīrerentur: so that…might not; neg. 8 ut…facerent: that…; ind. command
purpose clause Rōmae: at…; locative
2 cōnsiliō: by planning, by policy 9 ea: this; neut. id attracted into fem. by pred.
cōnātus est: pf. dep cōnfessiō
et (cōnātus est): and…; add caput…esse: that…; in apposition to confessiō
aliquod…decus: acc. obj. certātum fuerat: had been (once) contested;
urbī: to…; dat. ind. obj. or compound plpf. pass.; fuerat emphasizes the completedness
3 id…factum (esse): that this…; pf. pass. inf. of the action
4 Āsiae: of Asia Minor 11 Id quamquam: although this…; i.e. the contest
fāmā ferēbant: they reported by word of mouth for superiority
eum cōnsēnsum: i.e. the temple made in omissum (esse)
common ob rem…temptātum armīs: on account of…
5 laudāre: historical inf. with nom. subject, vidēbātur: seemed
Servius: translate as finite 3p impf. 12 ūnī…ex Sabīnīs: to…; dat. ind. obj. ūnus (gen.
7 dē indūstriā: out of… -ius ., dat. –ī); reflexive sē is acc. obj.

Servius Tullius 45.3-6

dare vīsa est prīvātō cōnsiliō imperiī reciperandī. 4. bōs in Sabīnīs 1

nāta cuidam patrī familiae dīcitur mīranda magnitūdine ac speciē;
fīxa per multās aetātēs cornua in vestibulō templī Diānae
monumentum eī fuēre mīrāculō. 5. habita, ut erat, rēs prōdigiī locō
est, et cecinēre vātēs cuius cīvitātis eam cīvis Diānae immolāsset, 5
ibi fore imperium; 6. idque carmen pervēnerat ad antistitem fānī
Diānae Sabīnusque ut prīma apta diēs sacrificiō vīsa est, bovem
Rōmam actam dēdūcit ad fānum Diānae et ante āram statuit. ibi
antistes Rōmānus, cum eum magnitūdo victimae celebrāta fāmā
mōvisset, memor respōnsī Sabīnum ita adloquitur: ‘quidnam tū, 10
hospes, parās?’ inquit, ‘incestē sacrificium Diānae facere? quīn tū
ante vīvō perfunderis flūmine? īnfimā valle praefluit Tiberis.’
adloquor, loquī, locūtus: speak, address, 3 incestē: impurely, 1
antistes, antistis m.: priest, 4 memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7
aptus, -a, -um: fitting, suitable for (dat.), 6 perfundō, -ere, -fūdī, -sum: pour over, bathe, 2
āra, ārae f.: altar, 6 praefluō, -ere, -xī: flow by, 1
canō, -ere, cecinī, cantum: sing, prophesy, 5 quīnam, quae-, quid-: just who/what?, 2
carmen, carminis n.: song, prediction, 6 reciperō (1): recover, restore, recuperate, 2
celebrō (1): celebrate; practice, engage in, 3 respōnsum, -ī n.: answer, reply, 5
cornū, -ūs n.: horn; wing (of a battle), 4 sacrificium, ī n.: sacrifice, 7
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2
familia, -ae f.: family, household, 3 vātēs, -is m.: prophet, 3
fīgō, -ere, fīxī, fīxum: fix, fasten; pierce, 2 vestibulum, -ī n.: entrance, vestibule, 3
hospes, -pitis m.: stranger; host, guest-friend, 4 victima, -ae f.: victim, 1
immolō (1): burn (in sacrifice), sacrifice, 2 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

1 vīsa est: pf. videor, ‘seem’ cuius cīvitātem…immolā(vi)sset, ibi: there, of

prīvātō cōnsiliō: means whose city-state…; relative clause with plpf.
imperiī recipierandī: for…; noun + gerundive; subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc. (originally
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as fut. pf.); ibi is the antecedent
a gerund (ing) + obj.; gen. eam: i.e. the heifer
2 bōs: a heifer; a female cow Diānae: dat. of interest
nata (esse): pf. nāscor following dīcitur 6 ibi fore imperium: that …; fut. inf. sum (alter.
patrī familiae: to a paterfamilias to futūrum esse); i.e. the seat of power
mīrandā magnitūdine ac speciē: of amazing…; id carmen: i.e. the prophetic response, which
abl. of quality (predicative) and a gerundive: was delivered in verse
(‘worthy to be amazed at’ = amazing) 7 Sabīnusque…dēdūcit: and a Sabine…
3 per multās aetātēs: over many generations ut prīma…vīsa est: as soon as…; ‘when first’
4 monumentum…fuēr(unt): nom. pred. and temporal clause; videor, ‘seem’
syncopated 3p pf. sacrificiō: for…; dat. of purpose
eī…mīrāculō: to this…; i.e. the size of the 8 Rōmam: acc. place to which
bōs; dat. of possession actam: PPP, agō, ‘drive’
habita…est: was considered 9 cum…mōvisset: since…; causal, plpf. subj.
ut erat: as it was; clause of comparison fāmā: by word of mouth
rēs: the circumstances; i.e. the birth of the bōs 11 (Parāsne) incestē…facere?: add main verb
prōdigiī (in) locō: at the position of a prodigy; quīn: Why…not…?; common interrogative
i.e. as an omen; pred. after habita est; 12 ante: beforehand
5 cecinēr(unt): the responses were often delivered vīvō…flūmine: i.e. running water
in verse perfunderis: 2s pres. dep.
45.7-46.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

7. religiōne tactus hospes, quī omnia, ut prōdigiō respondēret 1

ēventus, cuperet rītē facta, extemplō dēscendit ad Tiberim; intereā
Rōmānus immolat Diānae bovem. id mīrē grātum rēgī atque
cīvitātī fuit.
46. Servius quamquam iam ūsū haud dubiē rēgnum possēderat, 5
tamen quia interdum iactārī vōcēs ā iuvene Tarquiniō audiēbat sē
iniussū populī rēgnāre, conciliātā prius voluntāte plēbis agrō captō
ex hostibus virītim dīvīsō, ausus est ferre ad populum vellent
iubērentne sē rēgnāre; tantōque cōnsēnsū quantō haud quisquam
alius ante rēx est dēclārātus. 2. neque ea rēs Tarquiniō spem 10
adfectandī rēgnī minuit; immō eō impēnsius quia dē agrō plēbis
adversā patrum voluntāte sēnserat agī, crīminandī Servī apud
adfectō (1): strive for, pursue, 3 iniussū: without orders, 4
conciliō (1): win over, unite (dat.), 6 interdum: sometimes, from time to time, 2
cōnsēnsus, -ūs m.: agreement, consent, 4 intereā: meanwhile, 1
crīminor, -ārī, -ātus: charge, accuse, 2 minuō, -ere, minuī: diminish, ebb, 1
cupiō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum: desire, long for, 1 mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7
dēclārō (1): to declare, make clear, 1 possideō, -ēre, -sēdī: possess, hold, 2
dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: descend, 6 religiō, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
ēventus, -ūs m.: outcome, result, 4 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -nsus: answer, 1
extemplō: immediately, straightaway, 5 rītē: duly, fitly, 3
grātus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 6 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
hospes, -pitis m.: stranger; host, guest-friend, 4 tangō, -ere, tetigī, tactum: touch, 2
iactō (1): toss, throw, cast, 3 ūsus, -ūs m.: use, practice; need, 3
immō: on the contrary, but rather, 1 virītim: individually, man by man, 3
immolō (1): burn (in sacrifice), sacrifice, 2 voluntās, -tātis f.: will, wish, permission, 6
impensē: earnestly, strongly; vehemently, 2

1 tāctus: i.e. motivated, inspired assembly

quī…cuperet: who...would…; relative clause of 9 sē rēgnāre: that…; Servius is the antecedent
characteristic with impf. subj. tantō…quantō: by so great…as; ‘…by how
ut prōdigiō respondēret ēventus: so that… great,’ correlatives (demonstrative and relative)
might correspond...; purpose with dat. ind. obj.; 10 Tarquiniō: dat. of interest
ēventus is subject adfectandī regnī: of…; gen. noun + gerundive:
3 rēgī atque cīvitātī: to…; dat. of reference perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as
5 ūsū: by right of use; a legal term; i.e. the idea gerund (-ing) + obj.
that one acquires the rights by use over time 11 eō: because of this; ‘by this,’ abl. of cause; or
6 iactārī vōcēs: that… possibly abl. degree of difference: ‘so much’
sē…regnāre: that… with impēnsius
7 conciliātā…voluntāte: abl. abs. impēnsius: comparative adv. with crīminandī
agrō captō…dīvīsō: abl. abs. quia…sēnserat: Tarquinius is subject
8 ausus est: pf. dep. audeō (rēs) dē agrō plēbis…agī: that (matters)
ferre ad populum: i.e. for vote in the comitia about…; pres. pass. inf.; i.e. by Servius
centuriata 12 adversā…voluntāte: with…; abl. abs.
vellent iubērentne…rēgnāre: whether they adversus, ‘opposing’
were to be willing and were to order…; indirect crīminandī Servī: of…; perform the gerund-
deliberative subj. in secondary seq.; the original gerundive flip and translate as gerund (-ing) +
“Velitis iubeatis, Quirites?” is the formula for a obj.; modifies occāsiōnem
rogatio, the process of bring a matter before the
Servius Tullius 46.2-5

patrēs crēscendīque in cūriā sibi occāsiōnem datam ratus est, et 1

ipse iuvenis ārdentis animī et domī uxōre Tulliā inquiētum animum
stimulante. 3. tulit enim et Rōmāna rēgia sceleris tragicī exemplum,
ut taediō rēgum mātūrior venīret lībertās ultimumque rēgnum esset
quod scelere partum foret. 5
4. hic L. Tarquinius—Prīscī Tarquinī rēgis fīlius nepōsne fuerit
parum liquet; plūribus tamen auctōribus fīlium ēdiderim—frātrem
habuerat Arruntem Tarquinium mītis ingeniī iuvenem. 5. hīs
duōbus, ut ante dictum est, duae Tulliae rēgis fīliae nūpserant, et
ipsae longē disparēs mōribus. forte ita inciderat nē duo violenta 10
ingenia mātrimōniō iungerentur fortūnā, crēdō, populī Rōmānī,
quō diūturnius Servī rēgnum esset cōnstituīque cīvitātis mōrēs
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 4 mātūrus, -a, -um: mature; timely, early, 2
Arrūns, Arruntis m.: Arruns, 6 mītis, -e: mild, gentle, 5
cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -tus: decide, establish, 6 nepōs, nepōtis m.: grandson, decendent, 7
dispār (gen. dispāris): unequal, unlike, 2 nubō, -ere, -psī, nuptum: marry, put on veil, 4
diūturnius, -a, -um: longer, of long duration, 1 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 4
ēdō, -ere, ēdidī, ēditum: put forth, produce, 6 parum: adv. too little, 6
incidō, -ere, -cīdī: fall into/upon; happen, 5 stimulō (1): provoke, incite, rouse, excite, 6
inquiētus, -a, -um: restless, 1 taedium, -iī n.: disgust, loathing, 1
lībertās, -tātis f.: freedom, liberty, 3 tragicus, -a, um: fit for tragedy, 1
liqueō, -ēre, līquī: be clear, be evident, 1 Tullia, -ae f.: Tullia, 7
mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6 violēns, violentis: violent, 1

1 patrēs: i.e. senātōrēs accompaniment with missing preposition

crescendī: of…; gerunds modifying occāsiōnem ēdiderim (eum): would…; 1s potential pf. subj.
i.e. in power and influence i.e. declare; double acc. (obj., pred.): supply eum
occāsiōnem datam (esse): that…; pf. pass. inf. 8 habuerat: subject is L. Tarquinius above
ratus est: dep. pf. reor mītis ingeniī: of…; gen. of description
2 ipse (fuit): he himself (was) iuvenem: apposition
ārdentis animī: of…; gen. of description; pres. hīs duōbus: dat. of interest
pple ardeō often indicating passion or anger 9 ut ante dictum est: as…; clause of comparison
domī: at…; locative 10 ipsae (erant)
uxōre…stimulante: abl. abs. mōribus: in character; abl. respect
3 tulit: pf. ferō forte: abl. fors
et: also inciderat: it…; impersonal
sceleris tragicī: gen. modifying exemplum nē…iungerentur: so that…not…; one expects a
4 ut…venīret…esset: so that…; result noun result clause (ut nōn) but Livy makes it a
taediō: abl. of cause purpose clause to reveal divine will
rēgum: for…; objective gen., rēx 11 ingenia: characters
mātūrior: comparative as predicate: translate fortūnā…populī Rōmānī: because of…; abl.
after the verb of cause
5 quod…partum foret: because it had…; plpf. crēdō: parenthetical
subj. (foret is often equiv. to esset); subj. of 12 quō…esset…possent: so that….might…;
subordinate verb in a result clause purpose clause, impf. sum and possum
scelere: abl. of origin cōnstituī: pass. inf.
fīlius nepōsne fuerit: whether…or…; ind. quest. mōrēs: character
with pf. subj. sum governed by liquet
7 (cum) plūribus auctōribus: abl.
46.5-9 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

possent. 6. angēbātur ferōx Tullia nihil māteriae in virō neque ad 1

cupiditātem neque ad audāciam esse; tōta in alterum āversa
Tarquinium eum mīrārī, eum virum dīcere ac rēgiō sanguine
ortum: spernere sorōrem, quod virum nacta muliebrī cessāret
audāciā. 7. contrahit celeriter similitūdo eōs, ut ferē fit: malum 5
malō aptissimum; sed initium turbandī omnia ā fēminā ortum est.
ea sēcrētīs virī aliēnī adsuēfacta sermōnibus nūllīs verbōrum
contumēliīs parcere dē virō ad frātrem, dē sorōre ad virum; et sē
rēctius viduam et illum caelibem futūrum fuisse contendere, quam
cum imparī iungī ut ēlanguēscendum aliēnā ignāviā esset; 8. sī sibi 10
eum quō digna esset dī dedissent virum, domī sē propediem
vīsūram rēgnum fuisse quod apud patrem videat. 9. Celeriter
adsuefaciō, -ere, -fēcī: accustom (to), 1 impar: unequal, 1
angō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: torture, distress, 1 māteria, -ae f.: opportunity, source, stuff, 4
aptus, -a, -um: fitting, suitable for (dat.), 6 nanciscor, nanciscī, nactus: obtain, 2
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 6 parcō, -ere, pepercī: spare, refrain (dat), 1
caelebs, caelibis: unmarried, 1 propediem: soon, 3
celeriter: swiftly, quickly, 2 rēctus, -a, -um: correct, straight; honest, 5
cessō (1): cease from, be remiss, be idle, 1 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
contendō, -ere, -ī, -ntus: strive; hasten, 1 sēcrētus, -a, -um: secret, private, separate, 3
contrahō, -ere, -trāxī: draw together, 1 sermō, sermōnis m.: conversation, talk, 3
contumēlia, -ae f.: insult, abuse, 2 similitūdo, -inis f.: likeness, resemblance, 1
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, ambition, 6 soror, sorōris f.: sister, 6
dignus, -a, -um: worthy, deserving of (abl.), 5 spernō, -ere, sprēvī: spurn, reject, 3
ēlanguēscō, -ere, -guī: grow feeble, languish, 1 Tullia, -ae f.: Tullia, 7
fēmina, -ae f.: woman, 2 turbō (1): throw in confusion, disturb, 5
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 5 viduus, -a, -um: unmarried, widowed, 1
ignāvia, -ae f.: cowardice, laziness, 2

1 ferōx Tullia: opposed to her sister, gentle Tullia 7 ea: this one; i.e. ferōx Tullia
nihil māteriae…esse: that there was no stuff sēcrētīs…sermōnibus: to…; dat. compound
in virō: i.e. husband virī aliēnī: i.e. mild Tullia’s husband
ad cupitiātem: for ambition nūllīs…contumēliīs: dat. obj. of parcere
2 tōta: predicative: translate nom. adj. as adv. 8 parcere: historical inf.: translate as 3s impf.
in alterum…Tarquinium: toward… (et) dē sorōre ad virum: (and)…; asyndeton
3 mīrārī: historical inf.: translate as 3s impf. et…contendere: she contended; historical inf.
eum…dicere: (and) she calls him; the fierce one 9 rēctius…fuisse: that it would…; impersonal
virum: i.e. a man of honor, one with ambition periphrastic fut. pf. inf. and neut. comparative
rēgiō sanguine: abl. of origin sē (esse)...illum (esse) caelibem: that she
ortum: (one)…; dep. PPP orior (be)...and that one (be)…; add linking infs.
4 spernere: historical inf.: nom. Tullia is subject quam…iungī: than to…; clause of comparison
quod…cessāret: because…; subj., alleged cause 10 ut…ēlanguēscendum esset: so that she had
nacta: dep. PPP to…; ‘it had to…’ result and impersonal pass.
muliebrī…audāciā: abl. separation periphrastic: make active with Tullia as the subject
5 ut ferē fit: as…; clause of comparison aliēnā ignāviā: because of…; abl. cause
malum (est): the wicked (is)…; substantive sī…dedissent, sē…vīsūram…fuisse: that, if…
6 malō: dat. of special adj.; substantive had… she would have…; past contrary to fact
turbandī omnia: gen. sg. gerund condition in ind. disc. governed by contendere
ortum est: pf. dep. orior, with abl. origin 11 quō digna esset: of whom she was worthy
Servius Tullius 46.9-47.3

adulēscentem suae temeritātis implet; [Arrūns Tarquinius et Tullia 1

minor] prope continuātīs fūneribus cum domōs vacuās novō
mātrimōniō fēcissent, iunguntur nuptiīs, magis nōn prohibente
Serviō quam adprobante.
47. tum vērō in diēs īnfēstior Tullī senectūs, īnfēstius coepit 5
rēgnum esse; iam enim ab scelere ad aliud spectāre mulier scelus.
nec nocte nec interdiū virum conquiēscere patī, nē grātuita
praeterita parricīdia essent: 2. nōn sibi dēfuisse cui nupta dīcerētur,
nec cum quō tacita servīret; dēfuisse quī sē rēgnō dignum putāret,
quī meminisset sē esse Prīscī Tarquinī fīlium, quī habēre quam 10
spērāre rēgnum māllet. 3. ‘sī tū is es cui nuptam esse mē arbitror, et
virum et rēgem appellō; sīn minus, eō nunc peius mūtāta rēs est
adprobō (1): approve, consent to, 1 nubō, -ere, -psī, nuptum: marry, put on veil, 4
adulēscens, -ntis m./f.: youth, 1 nuptiae, -ārum f.: marriage, wedding, 2
arbitror, -ārī, arbitrātus: judge, think, 2 parricīdium, -iī n.: parricide, treason, 4
Arrūns, Arruntis m.: Arruns, 6 peior, peius: worse, 1
conquiēscō, -ere, -ēvī: remain at rest, 2 praetereō, -īre, -īvī, -itum: pass, go pass, 3
continuō (1): connect, hold successively, 2 prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 6
dēsum, -esse, -fuī: be lacking, fail (dat), 6 pūtō (1): to think, consider, 4
dignus, -a, -um: worthy of, deserving of (abl.), 5 senectūs, -tūtis f.: old age, 1
fūnus, fūneris n.: funeral, death, 1 serviō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: be slave to (dat), 2
grātuitus, -a, -um: without pay, gratuitous, 1 sīn: but if, if, however, 2
interdiū: by day, during the day, 1 spectō (1): to watch, look at, 6
mālō, mālle, māluī: prefer, 1 spērō (1): hope, hope for, expect, 4
mātrimōnium, -iī n.: marriage, 6 tacitus, -a, -um: silent, still, 7
meminī, -isse: recall, remember, 1 temeritās, -tātis f.: recklessness, 1
mūtō (1): to change, 6 Tullia, -ae f.: Tullia, 7
nox, noctis, f.: night, 5 vacuus, -a, -um: empty, fear, vacant, 3

1 suae temeritātis: with…; partitive gen.; implēre dīceretur: there was not lacking for her (a
elsewhere governs an abl. but in Livy governs a man) to whom she would be called a wife; ind.
partitive gen.; Ferōx Tullia is subject disc. with implied verb of speaking; first of a
[Arrūns…]: omit from translation series of relative clauses of characteristic;
2 prope continuātīs fūneribus: abl. abs. nūpta is a substantive or pf. pass. nūpta (esse)
cum…fēcissent: plpf. subj. with double acc. the missing antecedent virum is the subject
novō mātrimōniō: dat. of purpose 9 nec cum quō..servīret: nor (a man) with
3 nōn prohibente Serviō: abl. abs. whom...; relative clause of characteristic
4 adprobante (Serviō): abl. abs. in a clause of dēfuisse quī…: (rather) there was lacking
comparison (a man) who would…; relative of characteristic
5 vērō: in fact, actually; abl. as adv. sē rēgnō dignum (esse): that he…; ind. disc.
in diēs: day by day, daily dignus often governs an abl. of respect
īnfēstior…infēstius: more insecure; comp. adj. 10 quī meminisset: who would…; characteristic
senectūs (coepit esse) quī…mallet: who would…; impf. subj. mālō,
6 ad aliud…scelus relative clause of characteristic
spectāre: historical inf.; translate as 3s impf. 11 is…cui..: he to whom…; pred. and dat. interest
7 nocte: abl. time when 12 (tē) appellō: I call (you); double acc.
patī: historical inf. patior, mulier is the subject sīn minus: but if not; common ellipsis
nē…essent: lest…; fearing clause, impf. subj. eō: so much; ‘by this much” dat. degree of diff.
8 nōn sibi dēfuisse (virum) cui nūpta (esse) rēs: my situation
47.3-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

quod istīc cum ignāviā est scelus. 4. quīn accingeris? nōn tibi ab 1
Corinthō nec ab Tarquiniīs, ut patrī tuō, peregrīna rēgna mōlīrī
necesse est: dī tē Penātēs patriīque et patris imāgō et domus rēgia
et in domō rēgāle solium et nōmen Tarquinium creat vocatque
rēgem. 5. aut sī ad haec parum est animī, quid frūstrārīs cīvitātem? 5
quid tē ut rēgium iuvenem cōnspicī sinis? facesse hinc Tarquiniōs
aut Corinthum; dēvolvere retrō ad stirpem, frātrī similior quam
patrī.’ 6. hīs aliīsque increpandō iuvenem īnstīgat, nec conquiēscere
ipsa potest sī, cum Tanaquil, peregrīna mulier, tantum mōlīrī
potuisset animō ut duo continua rēgna virō ac deinceps generō 10
dedisset, ipsa rēgiō sēmine orta nūllum mōmentum in dandō
adimendōque rēgnō faceret.
accingō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: gird, prepare, encircle istīc: there in you, in you there, there, 1
with a belt, 1 mōlior, -īrī, mōlītum: set in motion, stir, 3
conquiēscō, -ere, -ēvī: remain at rest, 2 mōmentum, -ī n.: influence, movement, 1
cōnspiciō, -ere, -spexī: catch sight of, see, 2 necessis, -e: necessary, 1
continuus, -a, -um: continuous, 1 parum: adv. too little, 6
Corinthus, -ī m.: Corinth, 2 patrius, -a, -um: of a father, ancestral, 7
deinceps: one after another, successively, 4 Penātēs, -ium m.: Penates, 4
dēvolvō, -ere: roll, tumble down, sink down, 1 rēgālis, -e: regal, of a king, 1
facessō, -ere, -ī, -ītum: take off, retire, 2 retrō: back, again, 1
frustror, -ārī, -ātum: disappoint, 1 sēmen, -is n.: seed, 1
gener, generī m.: son-in-law, 5 similis, -e: similar to, like (dat), 6
ignāvia, -ae f.: cowardice, laziness, 2 solium, -ī n.: throne, seat, 1
imāgō, imāginis f.: image; waxen image, 2 Tanaquil, -is f.: Tanaquil, 6
increpō, -āre, -uī: rattle, clang; rebuke, chide, 5 Tarquiniī, -ōrum m.: Tarquinii (city), 5
īnstīgō (1): stimulate, 1

1 quod istīc: because in you there…; istīc is an (middle voice) in sense; i.e. go back where you
adv. formed from a 2nd pers. demonstrative came from!
quīn accingeris?: why…not?; 2s pres.pass. but 7 similior: in apposition to 2s subject
reflexive (middle voice) in sense 8 hīs aliīsque: abl. means; i.e. Tullia’s words
tibi: for… dat. of interest increpandō: abl. means, gerund (-ing)
2 ut patrī tuō: as for…; clause of comparison, 9 sī…faceret: this lengthy conditional clause
dat. of interest cum…potuisset: plpf. subj. possum
3 d(e)ī Pentātēs: a single entity, not two tantum: so much; adv. acc. (inner acc.)
patriīque (deī): and… 10 animō: abl. means
patris imāgō: i.e. the wax mask of Tarquinius ut…dedisset: that…; result, plpf. subj. dō
Priscus 11 ipsa: Tullia herself; the subject of the sī-clause
domus: fem. sg. orta: dep. PPP orior with abl. of source
5 ad: for… nūllum mōmentum…faceret: exert no
animī: partitive gen. with parum influence; or ‘bring no weight to bear,’
quid: why…?; acc. respect: ‘in respect to what?’ momentum is actually the difference in weight
6 quid: why…? that tips a scale and creates change
ut rēgium iuvenem: as…; clause of comparison in dandō adimendōque rēgnō: gerundives,
sinis: 2s pres. sinō perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate
7 dēvolvere (tē): pass. imperative but reflexive as gerunds (-ing) + obj.

Servius Tullius 47.7-10

7. hīs muliebribus īnstīnctus furiīs Tarquinius circumīre et 1

prēnsāre minōrum maximē gentium patrēs; admonēre paternī
beneficiī ac prō eō grātiam repetere; allicere dōnīs iuvenēs; cum dē
sē ingentia pollicendō tum rēgis crīminibus omnibus locīs crēscere.
8. postrēmō ut iam agendae reī tempus vīsum est, stīpātus agmine 5
armātōrum in forum inrūpit. inde omnibus perculsīs pavōre, in
rēgiā sēde prō cūriā sedēns patrēs in cūriam per praecōnem ad
rēgem Tarquinium citārī iussit. 9. convēnēre extemplō, aliī iam ante
ad hoc praeparātī, aliī metū nē nōn vēnisse fraudī esset, novitāte ac
mīrāculō attonitī et iam dē Serviō actum ratī. 10
10. ibi Tarquinius maledicta ab stirpe ultimā orsus: servum
servāque nātum post mortem indignam parentis suī, nōn
admoneō, -ēre, -uī: remind, admonish, 2 inrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptum: burst in, 2
agmen, agminis n.: column (of troops), army, 5 īnstinguō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: incite, 1
alliciō, -ere, -lēxī: entice, allure, 1 maledictum, -ī n.: abusive word, curse, 1
attonitus, -a, -um: astonished, stunned, 1 novitās, -tātis f.: newness, novelty, 3
beneficium, -ī n.: good deed, favor, 5 paternus, -a, -um: paternal; ancestral, 4
circumeō, -īre, -iī: go around, canvass, 2 percellō, -ere, -culī, perculsum: strike, 4
citō (1): summon, hasten; ~full gallop, 3 polliceor, -cērī, -citus: promise, offer, 1
crīmen, crīminis n.: charge, crime; 3 postrēmō,: at last, finally; abl. as adv., 5
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 praecō, praecōnis m.: herald, 3
extemplō: immediately, straightaway, 5 praeparō (1): prepare, get ready before, 1
forum, -ī n.: forum, marketplace, 2 prensō (1): solicit (for an office), grasp, 1
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception; harm, hurt, 5 sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: to sit, 5
furia, -ae f.: madness; fury, avenging spirit, 3 serva, -ae, f.: slave, 4
grātia, -ae f.: gratitude, favor, influence, thanks, 6 stīpō (1): crowd together, stuff, pack, 1
indignus, -a, -um: unworthy, undeserving, 4

1 circumīre, prēnsāre, admonēre,…crēscere: 8 rēgem…citārī: that…

historical inf.; translate as 3s impf. iussit: pf. iubeō
2 paternī beneficiī: of…; i.e. about; gen. with convēnēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf.
verbs of forgetting and reminding aliī…aliī…: some…others…; partitive in
3 prō eō: in return for this; i.e. the beneficium apposition to previous subject
cum…tum…: both…and…; abl. means 9 ad hoc: for this (purpose)
dē sē: from… metū: because of…; abl. cause
ingentia: neut. acc. pl., nē nōn vēnisse…esset: lest…not…; ‘that…not’
4 pollicendō: by…; abl. means, gerund (-ing) fearing with impf. subj. and inf. as the subject
rēgis crīminibus: abl. means, and objective gen. fraudī: harmful; dat. of purpose (lit. ‘be for a
(i.e. against...) harm’); cf. cordī est, ‘be pleasant’
(in) omnibus locīs 10 actum (esse): that it was done; impers. pf.
crēscere: i.e. in power and influence pass.
5 ut…vīsum est: as…; ‘when…’ temporal clause ratī: dep. PPP reor: translate as ‘having Xed’
agendae reī: of…; noun + gerundive; perform 11 orsus est: pf. dep. ordior
the gerund-gerundive flip and translate as a (eum esse) servum...: that (he was)…; i.e.
gerund (-ing) + obj. Servius; ind. disc. in apposition to maledicta,
6 armātōs (virōs) add linking verb
omnibus perculsīs: abl. abs.; pavōre is abl. of 12 servā nātum: dep. PPP nāscor and abl. origin

47.10-48.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

interrēgnō, ut anteā, initō, nōn comitiīs habitīs, nōn per suffrāgium 1

populī, nōn auctōribus patribus, muliebrī dōnō rēgnum occupāsse.
11. ita nātum, ita creātum rēgem, fautōrem īnfimī generis hominum
ex quō ipse sit, odiō aliēnae honestātis ēreptum prīmōribus agrum
sordidissimō cuique dīvīsisse; 12. omnia onera quae commūnia 5
quondam fuerint inclīnāsse in prīmōrēs cīvitātis; īnstituisse cēnsum
ut īnsignis ad invidiam locuplētiōrum fortūna esset et parāta unde,
ubi vellet, egentissimīs largīrētur.
48. huic ōrātiōnī Servius cum intervēnisset trepidō nūntiō
excitātus, extemplō ā vestibulō cūriae magnā vōce ‘quid hoc’ 10
inquit, ‘Tarquinī, reī est? quā tū audāciā mē vīvō 2. vocāre ausus es
patrēs aut in sēde cōnsīdere mea?’ cum ille ferōciter ad haec—sē
anteā: before, earlier, previously, 3 interveniō -īre -vēnī: come between, interrupt, 5
audācia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 6 invidia, -ae f.: hatred, envy, lack of popularity, 5
comitium, -ī n.: assembly; elections, 6 largior, -īrī, -ītum: give generously, 2
cōnsīdō, -ere, -sēdī, -sessus: to sit down, 4 locuplēs, -ētis: rich, wealthy, 2
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 odium, -iī n.: hatred, 2
egēns, egentis: poor, 1 onus, oneris n.: burden, load, 3
ēripiō, -ere, -uī, -ptus: snatch, rescue, 2 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speech, speaking, 5
excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 5 quondam: formerly, at one time, 6
extemplō: immediately, straightaway, 5 sordidus, -a, -um: dirty, 3
fautor, -ōris m.: supporter, patron, 3 suffrāgium, -ī n.: vote, right of voting, 4
ferōciter: fiercely, 3 trepidus, -a, -um: trembling, alarming, alarmed, 3
honestās, -tātis f.: respectability, honor, rank, 1 vestibulum, -ī n.: entrance, vestibule, 3
ineō, -īre, -īī, -itum: go into, enter, initiate, 7 vīvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
interrēgnum, -ī n.: interim king, 3

1 interregnō…initō: abl. abs., ineō quae…fuerint: which…; relative with pf. subj.
ut anteā: as…; clause of comparison of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
comitiīs habitīs: abl. abs. 6 (eum) īnstituisse cēnsum: that (he)…
2 auctōribus patribus: abl. abs., i.e. the senators ut…esset: so that…might; purpose
did not authorize the vote 7 īnsignis…et parāta: marked…and ready at
muliebrī dōnō: because of…; abl. cause hand; both nom. pred.; PPP parō
(eum) rēgnum occupā(vi)sse: that (he)…; all of ad: for
the preceding abls. are part of this ind. disc. unde…largīrētur: from which…might; relative
3 (eum) ita nātum (esse): that (he)…; pf. dep. inf. of purpose with impf. dep; fortūna is antecedent
(eum) ita creātum (esse): that (he)…; rēgem is ubi vellet: whenever…; relative clause with
pred. impf. subj. volō
generis: class 9 huic ōrātiōnī: dat. of compound verb
4 ex quō ipse sit: from…; relative with pres. subj. trepidō nūntiō: i.e. an alarming message
of subordinate verb in ind. disc. 10 ā vestibulō: i.e. i.e. while standing in…
(eum) odiō…dīvīsisse: that (he)…; ind. disc. magnā vōce: with a loud voice; abl. manner
odiō: because of…; abl. cause quid…reī: what purpose…?; appositional gen.
aliēnae honestātis: for…; objective gen. of odiō 11 Tarquinī: voc. dir. address
prīmōribus: from…; dat. of compound ēreptum quā…audāciā: with…; interrogative adj.
agrum: land mē vīvō: abl. abs., supply pple ‘being’
5 sordidissimō cuique: among every…; dat. ind. ausus es: 2s dep. pf. audeō
obj.; i.e. of the lowest class 12 cum ille (dīceret): i.e. Tarquinius
(eum) omnia…inclīnā(vi)sse: that (he)… ad haec: in response to…
Servius Tullius 48.2-5

patris suī tenēre sēdem; multō quam servum potiōrem fīlium rēgis 1
rēgnī hērēdem; satis illum diū per licentiam ēlūdentem īnsultāsse
dominīs—, clāmor ab utriusque fautōribus oritur et concursus
populī fīēbat in cūriam, appārēbatque rēgnātūrum quī vīcisset. 3.
tum Tarquinius necessitāte iam et ipsa cōgente ultima audēre, 5
multō et aetāte et vīribus validior, medium arripit Servium
ēlātumque ē cūriā in īnferiōrem partem per gradūs dēiēcit; inde ad
cōgendum senātum in cūriam rediit. 4. fit fuga rēgis appāritōrum
atque comitum; ipse prope exsanguis cum sine rēgiō comitātū
domum sē reciperet ab iīs quī missī ab Tarquiniō fugientem 10
cōnsecūtī erant interficitur. 5. crēditur, quia nōn abhorret ā cēterō
scelere, admonitū Tulliae id factum. carpentō certē, id quod satis
abhorreō, -ēre, -uī: shrink from; vary from, 1 ēlūdō, -ere, -sī, -sus: mock, make fun of, 2
admonitus, -ūs m.: suggestion, reminder, 1 exsanguis, -e: lifeless, fainting; bloodless, 2
appāreō, -ēre, -uī: appear, be apparent, 4 fautor, -ōris m.: supporter, patron, 3
appāritor, -ōris f.: attendant (free-born), guard, 3 fugiō, -ere, fūgī: to flee, hurry away, 3
arripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptus: snatch, grab, 1 gradus, -ūs m.: step, pace; stairs, 5
carpentum, -ī n.: carriage (two-wheeled), 5 hērēs, hērēdis, m./f.: heir, heiress, 5
cōgō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum: compel, collect, 4 īnferior, -ius: lower, 1
comes, -itis m. f.: companion, comrade, 6 īnsultō (1): insult, taunt, 1
comitātus, -ūs m.: retinue, escort, company, 1 licentia, -ae f.: license, lack of restraint, 1
concursus, -ūs m.: gathering; collision, charge, 5 necessitās, -tātis f.: necessity, 4
cōnsequor, -ī, secūtum: follow, go after, 2 potior, potius: more preferable, better, 1
dēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw/bring down, 3 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4
diū: a long time, long, 4 senātus, -ūs f.: senate, 5
dominus, -ī m.: master, 4 Tullia, -ae f.: Tullia, 7
ēfferō, -ere, -tulī, -lātum: carry out, lift, 5 validus, -a, -um: strong, powerful, 5

1 sē…tenēre: that… medium: i.e. by the waist

multō (esse)...hērēdem: that…(be) the heir... 7 ēlatum…dēiēcit: PPP ēfferō; English prefers
multō: much; ‘by much,’ abl. degree of two finite verbs (e.g. lifted and threw down)
difference with potiōrem whereas Latin often prefers PPP and a main verb
quam servum: than…; clause of comparison per: over
2 satis illum…īnsultā(vi)sse: that that one…; i.e. ad cōgendum senātum: for…; perform a
Servius; satis modifies diū gerund-gerundive flip and translate as gerund
3 dominīs: dat. of compound verb (-ing) + obj.
clāmor…oritur: end of Tarquinius’ speech 9 ipse: he himself; i.e. Servius
utriusque: gen. sg. ūterque prope: adv.
appārēbat: it…; impersonal cum…sē reciperet: i.e. retreat or return
rēgnātūrum (esse) quī vīcisset: that (the 10 domum: acc. place to which
one)…; the missing acc. subj. is antecedent of ab iīs: by those; abl. agent
quī; plpf. vincō; subordinate verb in ind. disc. fugientem: (the one)… ; pres. pple
5 necessitāte…cōgente: abl. abs. 11 crēditur: it is…; impers. pass.
audēre: historical inf. with nom. subject: nōn abhorret: it is not inconsistent with, it does
translate as finite 3s impf. not vary from; common translation for abhorreō
ultima: extreme things, extreme measures 12 id…(factum) esse: that…; id refers to
6 multō: much; abl. degree of difference Tarquinius’ behavior; logical subject of crēditur
et aetāte et vīribus: abl. respect; i.e younger id quod…: that which…; parenthethical; id is
and stronger in apposition to the entire clause
48.5-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

cōnstat, in forum invecta nec reverita coetum virōrum ēvocāvit 1

virum ē cūriā rēgemque prīma appellāvit. 6. ā quō facessere iussa
ex tantō tumultū cum sē domum reciperet pervēnissetque ad
summum Cyprium Vīcum, ubi Diānium nūper fuit, flectentī
carpentum dextrā in Urbium Clīvum ut in collem Ēsquiliārum 5
ēveherētur, restitit pavidus atque inhibuit frēnōs is quī iūmenta
agēbat iacentemque dominae Servium trucīdātum ostendit. 7.
foedum inhūmānumque inde trāditur scelus monumentōque locus
est—Scelerātum Vīcum vocant—quō āmēns, agitantibus furiīs
sorōris ac virī, Tullia per patris corpus carpentum ēgisse fertur, 10
partemque sanguinis ac caedis paternae cruentō vehiculō,
contāmināta ipsa respersaque, tulisse ad Penātēs suōs virīque suī,
agitō (1): to drive; chase; consider, 3 inhibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: check, 1
āmēns, -ntis: out of one’s mind, distracted, 1 inhūmānus, -a, -um: inhuman, 1
carpentum, -ī n.: carriage (two-wheeled), 5 invehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: convey, bring in, 5
clīvus, -ī m.: slope, 1 iūmentum, -ī n.: oxen, beast of burden, 1
coetus, -ūs m.: gathering, meeting, 2 nūper: recently, lately, not long ago, 4
cōnstō, -āre, -stitī: it is agreed; stand firm, 6 ostendō, -ere, ostendī: to show, 5
contāminō (1): contaminate, defile, disgrace, 1 paternus, -a, -um: paternal; ancestral, 4
cruentus, -a, -um: bloody, blood-stained, 2 pavidus, -a, -um: alarmed, horrified, 2
Cyprius, -ī m.: Cyprius, 1 Penātēs, -ium m.: Penates, 4
Diānium, -iī n.: temple of Diana, 1 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4
domina, -ae f.: mistress, master, owner, 1 respergō, -ere, -spersī: splatter, sprinkle over, 2
Ēsquiliae, -ārum f.: Esquiline (hill) 2 resistō, -ere, -stitī: stand still, stop; oppose, 4
ēvehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: carry out, convey, 2 revereor, -ērī, -itum: respect, feel abashed at, 1
ēvocō (1): call out, challenge, 3 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
facessō, -ere, -ī, -ītum: take off, retire, 2 scelerātus, -a, -um: wicked; profane, 2
flectō, -ere, flexī, flectum: turn, bend, 4 soror, sorōris f.: sister, 6
foedus, -a, -um: ugly, foul, filthy, 4 trūcīdō (1): cut down, kill, butcher, 2
forum, -ī n.: forum, 7 Tullia, -ae f.: Tullia, 7
frēnum, -ī n. (pl. masc.): bit, rein, 2 vehiculum, -ī n.: carriage, vehicle, 2
furia, -ae f.: madness; fury, avenging spirit, 3 vīcus, -ī m.: street, 2
iaceō, -ēre, -uī: lie down, lie dead, 3

1 cōnstat: is agreed Urbium Clīvum: Clivus Urbius; a street name

(Tullia) in forum invecta: PPP ut…ēveherētur: so that…might; purpose
reverita coetum virōrum: dep PPP, translate as 6 is quī…agēbat: the one who…; i.e. Tullia’s
‘having Xed;’ Tullia does not show a proper driver, subject of restitit, inhibuit, and ostendit
sense of shame for being among men in public. 7 iacentem: pres. pple iaceō, i.e. in the road
2 virum: her husband 8 trāditu: is handed down; according to tradition
prima: i.e. was the first to… monumentō…est: serves as…; dat. of purpose
ā quō: by this one; i.e. Tarquin; connective rel. vocant (locum): a double acc. (obj., pred.)
iussa: i.e. Tullia, the subject of the cum-clause 9 quō: to where; or connective rel.: ‘to there’
3 cum sē…reciperet…vicum: i.e. was returning agitantibus…virī: abl. abs.
domum: acc. place to which 10 fertur: is reported; governs pf. inf. agō, ferō
4 Cyprium Vīcum: Cyprus Street 11 partem …tulisse: and…to have brought part…
flectentī…ēveherētur: for (the one) turning…; sanguinis…paternae: of the blood of her
i.e. Tullia (or her driver), dat. of interest murdered father; hendiadys (2s terms, one obj.)
5 dextrā: to the right; ‘on the right’ 12 ipsa: Tullia herself; subject of fertur
Tarquinius Superbus 48.7-49.2

quibus īrātīs malō rēgnī prīncipiō similēs propediem exitūs 1

8. Ser. Tullius rēgnāvit annōs quattuor et quadrāgintā ita ut bonō
etiam moderātōque succēdentī rēgī difficilis aemulātiō esset;
cēterum id quoque ad glōriam accessit quod cum illō simul iūsta ac 5
lēgitima rēgna occīdērunt. 9. id ipsum tam mīte ac tam moderātum
imperium tamen quia ūnīus esset dēpōnere eum in animō habuisse
quīdam auctōrēs sunt, nī scelus intestīnum līberandae patriae
cōnsilia agitantī intervēnisset.
49. inde L. Tarquinius rēgnāre occēpit, cui Superbō cognōmen 10
facta indidērunt, quia socerum gener sepultūrā prohibuit, 2.
Rōmulum quoque īnsepultum perisse dictitāns, prīmōrēsque
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 mītis, -e: mild, gentle, 5
aemulātiō, -tiōnis f.: rivalry; envy, 1 moderātus, -a, -um: temperate, 2
agitō (1): drive; chase; consider, 3 nī (nisī): if not, unless, 5
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 5
cognōmen, -minis n.: nickname, 7 occipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -captum: begin, 2
dēpōnō, -ere, -posuī: put aside, put down, 2 pereō, -īre, periī: to pass away, perish, 4
dictitō (1): say repeatedly, 3 prīncipium, -ī n.: beginning, 4
difficilis, difficile: hard, difficult, 1 prohibeō, -ēre, -hibuī: hold back, hinder, 6
exitus, -ūs m.: end, result, 1 propediem: soon, 3
gener, generī m.: son-in-law, 5 quadrāgintā: forty, 7
indō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: attach, give to, 3 quattuor: four, 3
īnsepultus, -a, -um: unburied, 1 sepultūra, -ae f.: burial, 2
interveniō -īre -vēnī: come between, interrupt, 5 Ser.: Servius, 7
intestīnus, -a, -um: domestic, family; civil, 1 similis, -e: similar to, like (dat), 6
īrātus, -a, -um: angry, angered, 2 socer, socerī m.: father-in-law, 3
iūstus, -a, -um: just, legitimate, 5 succēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cesum: come up, succeed, 2
lēgitimus, -a, -um: lawful, legal, 1 superbus, -a, -um: arrogant, proud; Superbus, 7
līberō (1): to free, release, 2 Tullius, -ī m.: Tullius, 6

1 quibus īrātīs…sequerentur: by whom, angered Servius’ perspective; ūnīus is gen. sg. ūnus
i.e. by whose anger; abl. of cause; subj. of dēpōnere (imperium) eum in animō habuisse:
subordinate verb in ind. disc.; exitūs is subject that he…; i.e. he intended; eum is acc. subject;
malō…prīncipiō: to…; dat. of adj. similēs; governed by quīdam auctōres sunt
2 annōs…quadrāgintā: for…; acc. of duration 8 quīdam auctōrēs sunt: there are certain writers
ut…esset: that…would…; result (who state); governing ind. disc.
3 bonō…rēgī: for…; dat. of interest nī…intervēnisset: if…had not; contrary to fact
etiam: even condition (sī plpf. subj., plpf. subj.) but dēponere
5 id…accessit: this…is added; accēdere, ‘be …habuisse replaced the apodosis dēposuisset
added,’ + ad is an idiom līberandae patriae: of…; noun + gerundive;
quod…occīdērunt: (namely) that…; noun translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. with cōnsilia
clause in apposition to id; Tarquin and Tullia are 9 cōnsilia agitantī: (the one) considering…; dat.
the subject; cum illō refers to Servius of compound verb intervēnisset; i.e. Servius
6 id ipsum (esse)…imperium: that this rule itself 10 cui: to whom; ind. obj. and dat. of possession
(was)…; governed by quīdam auctōres sunt Superbō: ‘Superbus’ attracted into dat. of cui
tamen: however 11 facta: actions, deeds; nom. pl. substantive
7 quia (imperium) ūnīus esset: because it was sepultūrā: from…; abl. of separation
one man’s rule; subj. of alleged cause from īnsepultum: predicative: translate after inf.
49.2-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

patrum, quōs Servī rēbus fāvisse crēdēbat, interfēcit; cōnscius 1

deinde male quaerendī rēgnī ab sē ipsō adversus sē exemplum capī
posse, armātīs corpus circumsaepsit; 3. neque enim ad iūs rēgnī
quicquam praeter vim habēbat ut quī neque populī iussū neque
auctōribus patribus rēgnāret. 4. eō accēdēbat ut in cāritāte cīvium 5
nihil speī repōnentī metū rēgnum tūtandum esset. quem ut plūribus
incuteret cognitiōnēs capitālium rērum sine cōnsiliīs per sē sōlus
exercēbat, 5. perque eam causam occīdere, in exsilium agere, bonīs
multāre poterat nōn suspectōs modo aut invīsōs sed unde nihil
aliud quam praedam spērāre posset. 10
6. praecipuē ita patrum numerō imminūtō statuit nūllōs in patrēs
legere, quō contemptior paucitāte ipsā ōrdō esset minusque per sē
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, is added, 7 invīsus, -a, -um: hateful, hated (dat.), 2
capitālis, -e: of the head, capital, 1 iussus, -ūs m.: order, 4
cāritās, -tātis f.: affection, 5 multō (1): deprive from (abl); punish, 2
circumsaepiō -īre -saepsī: hedge around, 1 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 5
cognitiō, -tiōnis f.: inquiry, examination, 3 paucitās, -tātis f. (1): fewness, scarcity, 1
cōnscius, -a, -um: conscious, aware, witnessing, 1 praecipuē; especially, 5
contemptus, -a, -um: despised, 1 praeter: except, besides, 5
exerceō, -ēre, -uī, -citum: train, 2 repōnō, -ere, -posuī,: put, place back, store, 1
exsilium, -iī n.: exile, 3 spērō (1): hope, hope for, expect, 4
faveō, -ēre, fāvī: favor, support (dat.), 2 suspiciō, -ere, -spexī: look up to, suspect, 2
imminuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: diminish, 1 tūtor, -ārī, -ātum: secure, make safe, 2
incutiō, -ere: strike into, inspire, 1

1 rēbus: affairs, interests; ind. obj. 6 speī: partitive gen. with nihil
quōs…fāvisse: ind. disc in a relative clause metū: abl. means
male…exemplum…posse: that an example…; quem: this; connective relative; i.e. metus
pass. inf. capiō, governed by cōnscius ut…incuteret: so that…might…; purpose clause
2 male quaerendī rēgnī: of…; noun + gerundive: plūribus: into…; dat. of compound,
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as 7 cognitiōnēs: inquiries; a legal inquiry or trial
gerund (-ing) + obj.; modifies exemplum rērum: of…cases; i.e. legal cases involving the
ab sē ipsō: from…; abl. of source death penality
adversus: against…; + acc. per sē: by…
3 armātīs (virīs): abl. means 8 per eam causam: i.e. through this pretext
ad: in regard to… bonīs: from…; abl. separation; bona, ‘property’
4 quicquam: anything 9 nōn…modo…sed: not only…but (also)
ut quī…rēgnāret: who…; causal relative clause suspectōs, invīsōs: (those)…; obj. of infs. above
of characteristic; an ‘ut’ or ‘quippe’ may being a unde…posset: (those) from where…; relative
relative of characteristic, and ‘ut quī’ therefore, clause of characteristic; impf. subj.
may be translated ‘since…ruled’ 11 patrum numerō imminūtō: abl. abs.
5 auctoribus patribus: abl. abs., add pple ‘being’ 12 legere: to select; i.e. the appointing of senators
eō accēdēbat: it was added to this; a periphrasis quō…esset…indignārentur: so that…might…;
for ‘moreover;’ eō, ‘to this,’ is an adv. (cf. quō) purpose
ut…tūandum esset: that…had to be…; noun ōrdō: i.e. the senate
result clause with pass. periphrastic (gerundive + paucitāte ipsā: by…; abl. cause
impf. subj.) and dative of agent per sē: through themselves; with agī
in cāritāte…repōnentī: by (the one)…; dat. of
agent; here dat. pres. pple
Tarquinius Superbus 49.6-9

nihil agī indignārentur. 7. hic enim rēgum prīmus trāditum ā 1

priōribus mōrem dē omnibus senātum cōnsulendī solvit;
domesticīs cōnsiliīs rem pūblicam administrāvit; bellum, pācem,
foedera, societātēs per sē ipse, cum quibus voluit, iniussū populī ac
senātūs, fēcit dirēmitque. 5
8. Latīnōrum sibi maximē gentem conciliābat ut peregrīnīs
quoque opibus tūtior inter cīvēs esset, neque hospitia modo cum
prīmōribus eōrum sed adfīnitātēs quoque iungēbat. 9. Octāviō
Mamiliō Tusculānō—is longē prīnceps Latīnī nōminis erat, sī
fāmae crēdimus, ab Ulixe deāque Circā oriundus—, eī Mamiliō 10
fīliam nuptum dat, perque eās nuptiās multōs sibi cognātōs
amīcōsque eius conciliat.
adfīnitās, -tātis f.: relationship (by marriage), 3 Mamilius, -ī m.: Mamilius, 2
administrō (1): administer, manage, 1 nubō, -ere, -psī, nūptum: marry, put on veil, 4
amīcus, -ī m.: friend, 2 nuptiae, -ārum, f.: marriage, wedding, 2
cognātus, -ī m.: kinsman, relative, 2 Octāvius, -iī m.: Octavius, 1
conciliō (1): win over, unite (dat.), 6 oriundus, -a, -um: descended, born, 6
dea, -ae f.: goddess, divinity, deity, 4 senātus, -ūs f.: senate, 5
dirimō, -ere -ēmī, -emptum: interrupt, break off 4 societās, -tātis f.: alliance, partnership, 7
domesticus, -a, -um: of a house, 4 solvō, -ere, -vī, solūtum: loosen; pay, 4
hospitium, ī n.: guest-friendship/hospitality, 6 Tusculānus, -a, -um: of Tusculum, 1
indignor, -ārī, indignātum: be offended, 3 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
iniussū: without orders, 4 Ulixēs, -is m.: Ulysses (Odysseus), 1

1 per sē nihil agī: that…; pass. inf. agō, ‘do’ Tusculānō: of Tusculum; Latin town; dat.
prīmus: i.e. was the first to… 9 longē: by far; i.e. a quite important leader
mōrem…senātum cōnsulendī: a gerund (-ing) Latīnī nōminis: i.e. of all the people who carry
solvit: break, dissolve the name Latin
2 priōribus: (those)…; comparative prīmus 10 fāmae: dat. ind. obj.
3 rem pūblicam: government, (public) state, eī Mamiliō: to this…; resuming the same dat.
commonwealth after a parenthetical clause
voluit: pf. volō 11 nuptum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
6 sibi: to himself; dat. ind. obj. expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
ut…esset: so that…might…; purpose sibi: to himself; dat. ind. obj.
7 neque…modo…sed: not only…but (also)… 12 eius: i.e. Mamilius’; gen. sg. is
8 Octāviō Mamiliō: to…; dat. ind. obj.

50.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

50. iam magna Tarquinī auctōritās inter Latīnōrum procerēs erat, 1

cum in diem certam ut ad lūcum Ferentīnae conveniant indīcit:
esse, quae agere dē rēbus commūnibus velit. 2. conveniunt
frequentēs prīmā lūce: ipse Tarquinius diem quidem servāvit, sed
paulō ante quam sōl occideret vēnit. multa ibi tōtō diē in conciliō 5
variīs iactāta sermōnibus erant. 3. Turnus Herdonius ab Arīciā
ferōciter in absentem Tarquinium erat invectus: haud mīrum esse
Superbō inditum Rōmae cognōmen.—iam enim ita clam quidem
mussitantēs, volgō tamen eum appellābant.—an quicquam
superbius esse quam lūdificārī sīc omne nōmen Latīnum? 4. longē 10
ab domō excitīs, ipsum, quī concilium indīxerit, nōn adesse.
temptārī profectō patientiam ut, sī iugum accēperint, obnoxiōs
absēns, absentis (adj.): absent, 3 lūdificor, -ārī, -ātum: make sport of, 1
adsum, -esse, -fuī: be present, assist, 6 lūx, lūcis m.: light, 6
an: or (in questions), 7 mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7
Arīcia, -ī f.: Aricia (Latin town), 1 mussitō (1): mutter, grumble, 1
auctōritās, -tātis f.: authority, 2 obnoxius, -a, -um: subject to, obedient to (dat.), 2
clam: secretly, in secret, 3 occidō, -ere, -cidī, -cāsum: fall, 1
cognōmen, -minis n.: nickname, 7 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 6
Ferentīna, -ae f.: Ferentina (goddess), 2 procerēs, -um m.: leaders, chieftains, 3
ferōciter: fiercely, 3 profectō: assuredly, indeed, certainly, 4
frequēns, frequentis: crowded, busy, 6 sermō, sermōnis m.: conversation, talk, 3
Herdonius, -ī m.: Herdonius, 1 servō (1): save, preserve, protect, 4
iactō (1): toss, throw, cast, 3 sōl, sōlis m.: sun, 1
indō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: attach, give to, 3 superbus, -a, -um: arrogant, proud; Superbus, 7
invehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: bring in, attack, 5 temptō (1): attempt, test; attack, 5
iugum, -ī n.: yoke, harness (for oxen); ridge, 2 varius, -a, -um: various, alternating, 6
lūcus, -ī m.: grove, 7 vulgus (volgus), -ī n.: mass, masses, crowd, 7

2 in diem certam: on a decided day erat invectus: had made an attack; ‘had brought
ut…conveniant: that…; ind. command with himself against,’ plpf. pass. invehō is reflexive
pres. subj. (middle voice) in sense
3 esse: that (there)...; subject is antecedent of quae 7 haud mīrum esse: that it…; impers.
quae…velit: (things) which…; relative clause of 8 (eī) Superbō inditum (esse)…cognōmen: that
characteristic, pres. subj. volō the name ‘Superbus’…; ind. disc., pf. pass. inf.;
agere: to discuss Superbō is drawn to dat. of missing eī, ‘to him’
4 prīmā lūce: abl. time when Rōmae: locative
servāvit: kept; i.e. remembered the appointment quidem…tamen: albeit…nevertheless
paulō: a little; ‘by a little,’ abl. of degree of 9 volgō: in general; ‘in a mass,’ an abl. adv,
difference an quicquam…esse: Is there anything…; ind.
ante quam…occideret: before…; often as one rhetorical questions are expressed as ind. disc.
word; quam introduces a clause of comparison superbius: neut. comparative adj.
but when joined with ante (or prius), we quam lūdificārī sīc: clause of comparison
describe it as a temporal clause with a subj. of nōmen Latīnum: i.e. all who carry the name
anticipated action 11 excitīs: for (those)…; dat. interest
5 tōtō diē: abl. time within; i.e. Tarquin is absent ipsum…abesse: that he himself…
6 variīs sermōnibus: means indīxerit: pf. subj., subordinate verb in ind. disc.
iactāta…erant: i.e. back and forth in discussion 12 temptārī patientiam: that (their) patience…
7 in: upon…, against… accēperint: pf. subj.; see indīxerit above
Tarquinius Superbus 50.4-8

premat. cui enim nōn appārēre, adfectāre eum imperium in 1

Latīnōs? 5. quod sī suī bene crēdiderint cīvēs, aut sī crēditum illud
et nōn raptum parricīdiō sit, crēdere et Latīnōs quamquam nē sīc
quidem aliēnigenae dēbēre: 6. sīn suōs eius paeniteat, quippe quī
aliī super aliōs trūcīdentur exsulātum eant bona āmittant, quid speī 5
meliōris Latīnīs portendī? sī sē audiant, domum suam quemque
inde abitūrōs neque magis observātūrōs diem conciliī quam ipse
quī indīxerit observet.
7. haec atque alia eōdem pertinentia sēditiōsus facinorōsusque
homō hīsque artibus opēs domī nactus cum maximē dissereret, 10
intervēnit Tarquinius. 8. is fīnis ōrātiōnī fuit; āversī omnēs ad
Tarquinium salūtandum. quī silentiō factō monitus ā proximīs ut
adfectō (1): strive for, pursue, 3 observō (1): watch, observe, attend to, 2
aliēnigena, -ae m./f.: foreign-born, foreigner, 1 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speech, speaking, 5
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 paenitet, -ēre, -uit: it makes (acc) feel regret, 4
appāreō, -ēre, -uī: appear, be apparent, 4 parricīdium, -iī n.: parricide, treason, 4
bene: well, 3 pertineō, -ēre, -tinuī: pertain to; reach, 5
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, debitum: ought. owe, 3 portendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: foretell, 7
disserō, -ere, -seruī: talk about, discuss, 5 premō, -ere, pressī, -ssum: press, check, 2
exsulō (1): to exile, banish; live in exile, 3 salūtō (1): to greet, 2
facinorōsus, -a, -um: criminal, 1 sēditiōsus, -a, -um: seditious, treasonable, 1
interveniō -īre -vēnī: come between, interrupt, 5 silentium, -iī n.: silence, 5
melior, melius: better, 5 sīn: but if; if, however, 2
moneō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: warn, advise, 2 super: on top of, over, above (acc.), 7
nanciscor, nanciscī, nactus: obtain, 2 trūcīdō (1): cut down, kill, butcher, 2

1 premat: that he may degrade them as subjects exsultātum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
cui…appārēre: to whom is it not….? an ind. expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
rhetorical question is oft expressed in ind. disc. eant: 3s pres. subj. eō, īre
adfectāre…Latīnōs: that… bona: property; ‘goods’
2 quod: this; connective relative, i.e. imperium quid…portendī: what…; ind. rhetorical quest.
sī…bene crēdiderint (eī)…, aut sī crēditum… expressed as ind. disc.; pres. pass. inf. portendō
…sit, debēre: if (in fact)…have entrusted (to speī meliōris: partitive gen., comparative bonus
him)… well or if…has been entrusted…; ought… 6 Latīnīs: dat. interest
simple condition (sī pf. ind., pres. ind.); pf. act. sī sē audiant,…quemque…abitūrōs (esse)…
and pass. subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc. observātūrōs (esse): if they heed…, each one
3 crēdere (imperium eī) et Latīnōs…dēbēre: will…; future more vivid (sī fut., fut.) in ind.
that the Latins also…; crēdō, ‘entrust’ + dat. disc. (sī pres. subj., fut. inf.); the Latīnī are
quamquam…aliēnigenae: Herdonius corrects subject, and sē refers to Herdonius
himself mid-clause; dat. obj. of crēdō; dat. obj. 7 ipse: Tarquinius himself
nē…quidem: not even; emphasizing sīc 8 indīxerit: pf. subj., subordinate verb in ind. disc.
4 sīn…paeniteat: if it should make…; pres. subj. 9 pertinentia: pres. pple + dat. eō-dem
suōs (cīvēs): i.e. the Romans domī: locative
eius: for him; impers. paenitet governs acc. of indīxerit: pf. subj., subordinate verb in ind. disc.
person affected and gen. of the object of feeling 10 cum maximē: just when…; homō is subject
quī…trūcīdentur,…eant, (et)…āmittant: ōrātiōnī: dat. possession
who…; three pres. subj. verbs in a series; subj. 11 ad Tarquinium salūtandum: to…; perform a
of subordinate verb in ind. disc. gerund-gerund flip: translate as gerund (-ing)
5 aliī super aliōs: i.e. one after another 12 silentiō factō: abl. abs.
50.8-51.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

pūrgāret sē quod id temporis vēnisset, disceptātōrem ait sē 1

sūmptum inter patrem et fīlium cūrā reconciliandī eōs in grātiam
morātum esse, et quia ea rēs exēmisset illum diem, posterō diē
āctūrum quae cōnstituisset. 9. nē id quidem ab Turnō tulisse
tacitum ferunt; dīxisse enim nūllam breviōrem esse cognitiōnem 5
quam inter patrem et fīlium paucīsque trānsigī verbīs posse: nī
pāreat patrī, habitūrum īnfortūnium esse.
51. haec Arīcīnus in rēgem Rōmānum increpāns ex conciliō
abiit. quam rem Tarquinius aliquantō quam vidēbātur aegrius
ferēns cōnfestim Turnō necem māchinātur, ut eundem terrōrem 10
quō cīvium animōs domī oppresserat Latīnīs iniceret. 2. et quia prō
imperiō palam interficī nōn poterat, oblātō falsō crīmine īnsontem
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, injured; adv. poorly, 6 īnsōns, -sontis: innocent, guiltless, 2
aiō: say, affirm, 6 māchinor, -ārī, -ātum: contrive, devise, 1
aliquantum, -ī n.: some, considerable, 5 moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3
Arīcīnus, -a, -um: of Aricia, Arician (town), 2 nex, necis f.: death, violent death, murder, 2
brevis, -e: short, brief, 5 nī (nisī): if not, unless, 5
cognitiō, -tiōnis f.: inquiry, examination, 3 offerō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: offer, present, 3
cōnfestim: at once, immediately, 4 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overwhelm; suppress, 6
cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -tus: decide establish, 6 palam: openly, publicly, 5
crīmen, crīminis n.: crime; charge, 3 pāreō, -ēre, -uī: obey (dat.), 1
disceptātor, -is m.: arbiter, judge, decider, 1 paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1
exemō, -ere, -ēmī, -emptum: take away, 1 pūrgō (1): excuse, apology; clear away, cleanse, 3
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, cheat, 6 reconciliō (1): win back, recover, 2
grātia, -ae f.: gratitude, favor, influence, thanks, 6 sūmō, -ere, -mpsī, -mptum: take (up), chose, 6
increpō, -āre, -uī: rattle, clang; rebuke, chide, 5 tacitus, -a, -um: silent, still, 7
īnfortūnium, -ī n.: misfortune, 1 trānsigō, -ere, -ēgī: settle, complete, transact, 1
iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw upon, 6

1 ut pūrgāret sē: that…; ind. command 5 ferunt: they report

quod…vēnisset: because…; plpf. subj., subj. of (eum) dīxisse: that (he)…; i.e. Turnus is subject
subordinate verb in ind. command nūllam…esse cognitiōnem: that…
id temporis: at that time 6 quam…fīlium: than…; clause of comparison
disceptātōrem: as…; following PPP sūmptum paucīsque…posse: that it was able…; pass. inf.
sē…morātum esse: that he…; pf. dep. inf. nī (fīlius) pāreat patrī: a fut. more vivid
2 cūrā reconciliandī eōs…: because of concern… condition (sī fut., fut.) in ind. disc. (sī pres. subj.,
abl. cause; gen sg. gerund (-ing) fut. inf.); translate as present with fut. sense
ad grātiam: into (good) graces; i.e. each other’s 7 habitūrum īnfortūnium esse: (he) will be
favor; an idiom with verbs of reconciliation badly off; ‘(he) will hold misfortune,’ an idiom
3 quia…exēmisset: because…; plpf.. subj., subj. cf. īnfortūnium ferre, ‘come badly off’
of subordinate verb in ind. disc. 8 Arīcīnus: the man from Aricia; i.e. Herdonius
posterō diē: abl. time when quam rem: this matter; ‘which matter’
4 (sē) actūrum (esse): that (he)… 9 aliquantō: somewhat; ‘by some,’ abl. degree of
quae: (the things) which… difference with comparative adv. aegrē, ‘poorly’
nē…quidem: not even 10 aegrius: comparative adv. with pres. pple ferō
id (Tarquinium)…tulisse tacitum: that ut…iniceret: so that…might; purpose
(Tarquinius) did not carry this off in silence; 11 quō…oppresserat: by which…; abl. means
pf. inf. ferō; i.e. get away with, steal prō: by virtue of…, in proportion to…
ā Turnō: from…; abl. of separation 12 oblātō…crimine: abl. abs.
Tarquinius Superbus 51.2-5

oppressit. per adversae factiōnis quōsdam Arīcīnōs servum Turnī 1

aurō corrūpit, ut in dēversōrium eius vim magnam gladiōrum
īnferrī clam sineret. 3. ea cum ūnā nocte perfecta essent, Tarquinius
paulō ante lūcem accītīs ad sē prīncipibus Latīnōrum quāsī rē novā
perturbātus, moram suam hesternam velut deōrum quādam 5
prōvidentiā inlātam ait salūtī sibi atque illīs fuisse. 4. ab Turnō dīcī
sibi et prīmōribus populōrum parārī necem ut Latīnōrum sōlus
imperium teneat. adgressūrum fuisse hesternō diē in conciliō;
dilātam rem esse, quod auctor conciliī āfuerit quem maximē
peteret. 5. inde illam absentis īnsectātiōnem esse nātam quod 10
morandō spem dēstituerit. nōn dubitāre, sī vēra dēferantur, quīn
prīmā lūce, ubi ventum in concilium sit, īnstrūctus cum
absēns, absentis (adj.): absent, 3 īnsectātiō, -tiōnis f.: attack, 1
adgredior, -ī, -gressum: go to, attack, address, 4 lūx, lūcis m.: light, 6
aiō: say, affirm, 6 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 3
Arīcīnus, -a, -um: of Aricia, Arician (town), 2 moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3
aurum, -ī n.: gold, 2 nex, necis f.: death, violent death, murder, 2
clam: secretly, in secret, 3 nox, noctis, f.: night, 5
corrumpō, -ēre, -rūpī: break down, ruin, 3 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overwhelm; suppress, 6
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry away, bring, 5 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 6
dēstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum: leave, abandon, 3 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring
dēversōrium, -ī n.: lodging, inn, 1 about, 7
differō, -ferre,: delay, put off; carry apart, 2 perturbō (1): trouble, set in confusion, 1
dubitō (1): to hestitate, doubt, 3 prōvidentia, -ae f.: foresight, 1
factiō, factiōnis f.: faction, party, 4 quāsī: as if, just as, as though, 1
hesternus, -a, -um: of yesterday, 4 salūs, -ūtis f.: refuge, (means of) safety, health, 1

1 adversae factīonis: gen. description …; pass. dīcī; take ab Turnō with pass. parārī
2 aurō: abl. means 7 sibi et prīmōribus: for…; dat. interest
ut…sineret: so that…; purpose ut…teneat: so that…
eius: i.e. Turnus Herdonius’, gen. sg. is 8 (eum) adgressūrum fuisse…: that (he) would
vim magnam: great amount; ‘great force’ have…; apodosis of past contrary to fact with
3 īnferrī: pres. pass. inf. suppressed protasis (‘if Tarquinius had come’)
ūnā nocte: abl. time when hesternō diē: abl. time when
ea : these things; subject of plpf. pass. subj. 9 dilātam…esse: pf. pass. differō
paulō: a little; ‘by a little,’ degree of difference quo…āfuerit: because…; pf. subj. absum;
4 accītīs…prīncipibus: abl. abs., acciō subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
rē novā: by recent circumstances; a common 10 inde illam…esse nātam: that then…; pf. dep.
phrase for ‘revolution’ or ‘political change’ nāscor
5 moram… ait…fuisse: said that…; ind,. absentis: of (the one)…; i.e. Tarquinius
disc. with pf. inf. sum governed by ait quod…dēstituerit: because…; pf. subj. of
velut… inlātam : as if…; conditional clause of alleged cause
comparison, pf. pass. īnferō, ‘bring;’ Tarquinius 11 morandō: abl. means, gerund (-ing)
suggests the gods are on his side (sē) nōn dubitāre: that (he)…; i.e. Tarquinius
6 salūtī…fuisse: served as a refuge…; dat. of quīn: that…; begins a substantive clause with
purpose and sum; a double dat. construction subj. following a verb of doubt in the negative
(purpose and interest) 12 prīmā lūce: at…; abl. time when
sibi atque illīs: dat. interest; i.e. Latins leaders ventum sit: they…; impers. pf. pass: translate
ab Turnō dīcī…parārī…necem: that…is said actively
51.5-8 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

coniūrātōrum manū armātusque ventūrus sit. 6. dīcī gladiōrum 1

ingentem esse numerum ad eum convectum. id vānum necne sit,
extemplō scīrī posse. rogāre eōs ut inde sēcum ad Turnum veniant.
7. suspectam fēcit rem et ingenium Turnī ferōx et ōrātiō hesterna et
mora Tarquinī, quod vidēbātur ob eam differrī caedēs potuisse. 5
eunt inclīnātīs quidem ad crēdendum animīs, tamen, nisi gladiīs
dēprehēnsīs, cētera vāna exīstimātūrī.
8. ubi est eō ventum, Turnum ex somnō excitātum circumsistunt
cūstōdēs; comprehēnsīsque servīs quī cāritāte dominī vim
parābant, cum gladiī abditī ex omnibus locīs dēverticulī 10
prōtraherentur, enimvērō manifēsta rēs vīsa iniectaeque Turnō
catēnae; et cōnfestim Latīnōrum concilium magnō cum tumultū
abdō, -ere, -didī, -ditus: hide, put away, 3 excitō (1): excite, rouse, incite, 5
cāritās, -tātis f.: affection, 5 existimō (1): judge, consider, think, 2
catēna, -ae f.: chain, fetter, shackle, 1 extemplō: immediately, straightaway, 5
circumsistō, -ere, -stetī: to surround, 3 hesternus, -a, -um: of yesterday, 4
comprehendō, -ere, -ndī, -nsum: grasp, arrest, 4 iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw upon, 6
cōnfestim: at once, immediately, 4 manifēstus, -a, -um: clear, evident, flagrant, 4
coniūrātī, -ōrum m.: conspirators, 1 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 3
convehō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: collect, gather, 1 nisi: if not, unless, 7
cūstōs, cūstōdis m.: guard, doorkeeper, 2 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speech, speaking, 5
dēprehendō -ere -sī: seize upon discover, 1 prōtrahō, -ere, -xī: produce; pull out, 1
dēverticulum, -ī n.: longing, 1 rogō (1): to ask, ask for, 7
differō, -ferre,: delay, put off; carry apart, 2 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 4
dominus, -ī m.: master, 4 suspiciō, -ere, -spexī: look up to, suspect, 2
enimvērō: actually, really; for in truth, 1 vānus, -a, -um: in vain, useless, worthless, false, 7

1 (cum) manū: with a group; abl. accompaniment crēdendum: gerund (-ing)

with missing preposition gladiīs dēprehēnsīs: abl. abs.
ventūrus sit: fut. periphrastic subj. governed by 7 cētera (esse) vāna: that...; i.e. the entire alleged
quīn coup
dīcī…esse convectum: that…is said to…; pass. exīstimātūrī (sunt): fut. periphrastic
dīcī governs pf. pass. inf. convehō 8 est ventum: they…; impers. pf. pass.: translate
2 id…sit: whether…or…; ind. question in the active voice
3 scīrī posse: ind. disc.; ind question is subject eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’)
(sē ) rogāre: that (he)…; Tarquinius is subject 9 comprehēnsīsque servīs: abl. abs.
ut…veniant: that…; ind. command, pres. subj. cāritāte dominī: because of…; abl. of cause and
4 suspectam: suspicious; acc. pred.; fēcit governs objective gen.
a double acc. vim parābant: i.e. to use force
et ingenium…mora Tarquinī: 3p with 3s verb 10 cum…prōtraherentur: impf. pass. subj.
5 vidēbātur: seemed + pf. inf. possum 11 vīsa (est)
ob eam: i.e. mora iniectae (sunt)
6 eunt: 3p pres. eō, īre Turnō: on…; dat. of compound verb
inclīnātīs…animīs: abl. abs. 12 magnō cum tumultū: cum magnō tumultū

Tarquinius Superbus 51.9-52.3

advocātur. 9. ibi tam atrōx invidia orta est gladiīs in mediō positīs, 1
ut indictā causā, novō genere lētī, dēiectus ad caput aquae
Ferentīnae crāte superne iniectā saxīsque congestīs mergerētur.
52. revocātis deinde ad concilium Latīnīs Tarquinius
conlaudātisque quī Turnum novantem rēs prō manifēstō parricīdiō 5
meritā poenā adfēcissent, ita verba fēcit: 2. posse quidem sē vetustō
iūre agere, quod, cum omnēs Latīnī ab Albā oriundī sint, [in] eō
foedere teneantur, quō sub Tullō rēs omnis Albāna cum colōnīs
suīs in Rōmānum cesserit imperium; 3. cēterum sē ūtilitātis id
magis omnium causā cēnsēre ut renovētur id foedus, secundāque 10
potius fortūnā populī Rōmānī ut participēs Latīnī fruantur quam
urbium excidia vastātiōnēsque agrōrum, quās Ancō prius, patre
adficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: affect, afflict, 2 lētum, -ī n.: death, 1
advocō (1): to summon, call to, 6 manifēstus, -a, -um: clear, evident, flagrant, 4
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 mergō, -ere, -rsī, mersum: sink, drown, 2
cēdō, -ere, cessī: withdraw; yield to (dat), come, 3 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 1
cēnseō, -ēre, -uī, -sum: think, judge; register, 7 novō (1): revolutionize, make new, 1
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 oriundus, -a, -um: descended, born, 6
colōnus, -ī m.: settler, colonist, 4 parricīdium, -iī n.: parricide, treason, 4
congerō, -ere, -gessī, -gestum: heap up together, 2 particēps, participis: partner, 1
conlaudō (1): praise highly, 1 poena, -ae, f.: punishment, 6
crātis, -is f.: wicker crate, 1 potius: rather, more, preferably, 5
dēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw/bring down, 3 novō (1): foment, change, make new, 1
excidium, -iī n.: destruction, 2 revocō (1): call back, recall, 1
Ferentīnus, -a, -um: Ferentine, 1 saxum, -ī n.: rock, 3
fruor, -ī, frūctum: enjoy (abl.), 1 superne: from above, 2
indictus, -a, -um: not said, not spoken, 1 ūtilitās, -tātis f.: utility, advantage, 1
iniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw upon, 6 vastātiō, -tiōnis f.: devastation, 1
invidia, -ae f.: hatred, unpopularity, envy, 5 vetustus, -a, -um: ancient, old, 4

1 orta (est): pf. dep. orior posse…sē…agere: that he…; inf. agō, ‘proceed’
gladiīs…positīs: abl. abs. vetustō iūre: in acccordance with..; abl. manner
ut…mergerētur: that…; result, impf. pass. subj. 7 quod…teneantur: because…; with pres. subj.,
indictā causā: abl. abs.; i.e. not pleaded: the subj. of subordinate verb in ind. disc.
prefix in- here means ‘not’ cum…sint: since…; causal sense; subj. sum
2 novō genere lētī: abl. means eō foedere: demonstrative
ad caput: at the source; i.e. spring, fountain 8 quō (foedere)…cesserit: by which (treaty)…;
aquae Ferentīnae: of the Ferentine water; relative clause with pf. subj. of subordinate verb
in the sacred grove of the goddess Ferentina in ind. disc.
3 crāte…iniectā: abl. abs. rēs omnis Albāna: the entire Alban state
saxīsque congestīs: abl. abs. 9 sē…id magis…cēnsēre: that he thought it better
4 revocātīs…Latīnīs…conlaudātisque: abl. abs. ūtilitātis…omnium causā: for the sake of…
quī…adfēcissent: who had…; or’ since they 10 ut renovētur: (namely) that…; ind. command
had…’ a relative clause of characteristic secundāque potius…ut…quam…: and that the
expressing cause; plpf. subj. Latins, as participants, enjoy the favorable…
5 novantem rem: fomenting revolution; nova rēs ind. command; secundus, ‘favorable’
is an idiom for ‘revolution’ or ‘political change’ 11 quam...patiantur: than…; cl. of comparison
prō: for…, on account of… 12 Ancō…rēgnante: abl. abs.
6 verba fēcit: made a speech; idiom prius…deinde: first…then…
52.3-6 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

deinde suō rēgnante perpessī sint, semper aut exspectent aut 1

4. haud difficulter persuāsum Latīnīs, quamquam in eō foedere
superior Rōmāna rēs erat; cēterum et capita nōminis Latīnī stāre ac
sentīre cum rēge vidēbant, et [Turnus] suī cuique perīculī, sī 5
adversātus esset, recēns erat documentum. 5. ita renovātum foedus,
indictumque iūniōribus Latīnōrum ut ex foedere diē certā ad lūcum
Ferentīnae armātī frequentēs adessent. 6. quī ubi ad ēdictum
Rōmānī rēgis ex omnibus populīs convēnēre, nē ducem suum nēve
sēcrētum imperium propriave signa habērent, miscuit manipulōs ex 10
Latīnīs Rōmānīsque ut ex bīnīs singulōs faceret bīnōsque ex
singulīs; ita geminātīs manipulīs centuriōnēs imposuit.
adsum, -esse, -fuī: be present, assist, 6 lūcus, -ī m.: grove, 7
adversor, -ārī, -ātum: be against, resist, 1 manipulus, -ī m.: maniple (2 centuries/120 men) 2
bīnī, -ae, -a: two each, two by two, 4 misceō, -ēre, -uī, mīxtum: mix, mingle, 5
centuriō, -iōnis m.: centurion, 3 perīculum, -ī n.: risk, danger, peril, 7
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 perpetior, -ī, -pessum: suffer, endure ongoing, 1
difficulter: with difficulty, 1 persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -āsum: persuade, 2
documentum, -ī n.: example, lesson, instruction, 3 proprius, -a, -um: of one’s own, 1
ēdictum, -ī n.: proclamation, edict, 3 recēns, -ntis: fresh, recent, 2
exspectō (1): look out for, wait for, await, 4 renovō (1): renew, make new, 4
Ferentīna, -ae f.: Ferentina (goddess), 2 sēcrētus, -a, -um: secret, private, separate, 3
frequēns, frequentis: crowded, busy, 6 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
geminō (1): double, 4 stō, stāre, stetī, statum: stand, 6
impōnō, -ere, -posuī: put upon, impose, 3 superior, -ius: higher, upper; previous, 6
iūnior, iūnius: younger, 5

1 suō: i.e. Tarquinius Superbus’ renovātum (est)

perpessī sint: pf. dep. perpetior (per-patior), 7 indictum (est): it was…; impers. pf. pass.
subj. of subordinate verb in a ind. command indīcō
aut…aut…: either…or…; pres. subj. governed iūniōribus: dat. ind. obj.; men of military age
by quam in the clause of comparison ut…adessent: that…; ind. command, impf. subj.
3 persuāsum (est) Latīnīs: The Latins were…; diē certā: abl. time when
impers. pf. pass. with dat. ind. obj.: translate ad: at…
with personal subject 8 armātī (virī)
4 Rōmāna rēs: the Roman state quī: these; connective relative, nom. subject
cēterum: in other respects ubi…convēnēr(unt): when…
capita…sentīre…cum rēge: that the heads…; ad: according to…
i.e. that the leaders… 9 nē…nēve…ve…habērent: so that (they) not…
nōminis Latīnī: of the Latin people; i.e. all who or…or…; neg. purpose clause; Latīnī are subject
carry the name ‘Latin’ 10 sēcrētum: separate
sentīre: assent signa: military standards
5 sui cuique perīculī: of his own risk, to each 11 ut…faceret: so that…; result, impf. subj.
one; obj. gen. with documentum; dat. of interest ex bīnīs singulōs: one (maniple) out of two
sī adversātus esset: if (each) had…; protasis (halves); i.e. half a maniple of Romans and half
of a contrary to fact (sī plpf. subj., plpf. subj.) a maniple of Latins form one maniple
with suppressed apodosis (‘each would have bīnōs ex singulīs: two (halves) out of one
died just as Turnus had’); plpf. dep. subj. (maniple); each Roman/Latin divided into two
6 recēns: i.e. the death of Turnus 12 geminātīs manipulīs: on…; dat. compound
Tarquinius Superbus 53.1-4

53. nec ut iniūstus in pāce rēx, ita dux bellī prāvus fuit; quīn eā 1
arte aequāsset superiōrēs rēgēs nī dēgenerātum in aliīs huic quoque
decorī offēcisset. 2. is prīmus Volscīs bellum in ducentōs amplius
post suam aetātem annōs mōvit, Suessamque Pōmētiam ex iīs vī
cēpit. 3. ubi cum dīvēnditā praedā quadrāgintā talenta argentī 5
refēcisset, concēpit animō eam amplitūdinem Iovis templī quae
digna deum hominumque rēge, quae Rōmānō imperiō, quae ipsīus
etiam locī maiestāte esset; captīvam pecūniam in aedificātiōnem
eius templī sēposuit.
4. excēpit deinde lentius spē bellum, quō Gabiōs, propinquam 10
urbem, nēquīquam vī adortus, cum obsīdendī quoque urbem spēs
pulsō ā moenibus adēmpta esset, postrēmō minimē arte Rōmānā,
adorior, -īrī, adortus: rise up, attack, 3 minimus, -a, -um: very little; adv. least, 6
aedificātiō, -tiōnis f.: building, 1 nēquīquam: to no purpose, in vain, 3
aequō (1): equal, make equal, 2 nī (nisī): if not, unless, 5
amplitudo, -inis f.: magnificence, grandeur, 2 obsideō, -ēre, -sēdī, -sessum: beset, beseige, 2
amplus, -a, -um: ample, full, spacious, 3 officiō, -ere, -fēcī: block, throw shade on (dat.), 2
argentum, -ī n.: silver, 2 pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 6
captīvus, -a, -um: captured, plundered, 1 postrēmō,: at last, finally; abl. as adv., 4
concipiō, -ere, -cēpī: conceive, take in, 3 prāvus, -a, -um: wrong, crooked, wrong, 4
dēgenerō (1): (make) degenerate, 1 propinquus, -a, -um: near, neighboring; kin, 3
dignus, -a, -um: worthy of, deserving of (abl.), 5 quadrāgintā: forty, 7
dīvendō, -ere, dī, -itum: sell in pieces, 1 reficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: refresh, repair, 3
ducentī: two-hundred, 3 sēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put aside, 2
excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: receive, welcome, 6 Suessa Pōmētia, -ae f.: Suessa Pometia (town), 2
iniūstus, -a, -um: unjust, 3 superior, -ius: higher, upper; previous, 6
lentus, -a, -um: slow, 1 talentum, -ī n.: talent (unit of weight), 2
maiestās, -tātis f.: majesty, 1 Volscī, -ōrum m.: Volscians, Volsci, 3

1 nec ut…(fuit), ita…: just as…so…not…; clause dīvēnditā praedā: abl. abs.
of comparison; ut and ita are correlatives 6 concēpit (in) animō
quīn: rather; or ‘(there is no doubt) that...’ eam amplitūdinem: such magnificence
2 aequā(vi)sset…nī offēcisset: he would have…, Iovis templī: for…; gen. possession; Iūppiter,
if he had not…; past contrary to fact (sī plpf. which declines Iovis, Iovī, Iovem, and Iove
subj., plpf. subj.) quae…quae…quae…esset: which would be…;
dēgenerātum: his degeneracy; substantive relative clauses of result (quae = ut ea); in a
in aliīs: in other things parallel series with the same verb and ellipsis;
huic…decorī: dat. of compound verb amplitūdinem is the antecedent
3 prīmus: i.e. was the first to… 7 digna: + abl. of respect, as often
Volscīs: against the Volsci; dat. ind. obj. quae (digna) Rōmānō imperiō (esset)
in…annōs: for…; acc. duration quae (digna) ipsīus…maiestāte esset
4 aetātem: lifetime ipsīus…locī: gen. sg. intensive
mōvit: set in motion, began 10 lentius bellum: neut. comparative adj.
Suessam Pōmētiam: Suessa Pometia; the main spē: than expectation; abl. of comparison
town of the Volsci (in) quō
vī: by…, with…; irreg. abl. manner vīs 11 adortus: dep. PPP adorior, abl. manner vīs
5 ubi:…cōncēpit where… 12 cum…adēmpta esset: plpf. pass. subj. adimō
cum…refēcisset: after he had made back…; obsīdendī…urbem: gen. gerund (-ing)
plpf. subj. i.e. gained in return pulsō: from (him) having...; PPP, dat. compound
53.4-8 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

fraude ac dolō, adgressus est. 5. nam cum velut positō bellō 1

fundāmentīs templī iaciendīs aliīsque urbānīs operibus intentum sē
esse simulāret, Sextus fīlius eius, quī minimus ex tribus erat,
trānsfugit ex compositō Gabiōs, patris in sē saevitiam
intolerābilem conquerēns: 6. iam ab aliēnīs in suōs vertisse 5
superbiam et līberōrum quoque eum frequentiae taedēre, ut quam
in cūriā sōlitūdinem fēcerit domī quoque faciat, nē quam stirpem,
nē quem hērēdem rēgnī relinquat. 7. sē quidem inter tēla et gladiōs
patris ēlapsum nihil usquam sibi tūtum nisi apud hostēs L. Tarquinī
crēdidisse. nam nē errārent, manēre iīs bellum quod positum 10
simulētur, et per occāsiōnem eum incautōs invāsūrum. 8. quod sī
apud eōs supplicibus locus nōn sit, pererrātūrum sē omne Lātium,
adgredior, -ī, -gressum: go to, attack, address, 4 minimus, -a, -um: very little; adv. least, 6
compositum, -ī n.: agreement, compact, 4 nisi: if not, unless, 7
conqueror, -ī, -stum: complain bitterly (about), 1 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: chance, opportunity, 4
dolus, -ī m.: trick, deceit, 7 pererrō (1): to wander; be mistaken, 1
ēlābor, -lābī, -lapsum: slip away or out, escape, 2 saevitia, -ae f.: savageness, cruelity 1
errō (1): make a mistake, wander astray, 1 Sextus, -ī m.: Sextus, 3
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception; harm, hurt, 5 simulō (1): feign, pretend, make like, 7
frequentia, -ae f.: large number, crowd, 1 solitūdō, solitūdinis f.: wilderness, solitude, 3
fundāmentum, -ī n.: foundation, base, 6 superbia, -ae f.: arrogance, pride, 6
hērēs, hērēdis, m./f.: heir, heiress, 5 supplex, -icis m.: suppliant, petitioner, 1
iaciō, -ere, iēcī, iactum: throw, cast, 3 taedet, -ēre: it makes (acc) feel disgust for (gen), 1
incautus, -a, -um: unawares, off one’s guard, 1 tēlum, -ī n.: projectile, arrow, spear, 5
intentus, -a, -um: intent, focused, eager, 4 trānsfugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee, desert, 1
intolerābilis, -e: unbearable, intolerable, 1 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
invādō, -ere, -vāsī: rush upon, attack, 4 urbānus, -a, -um: of a city, urban, 2
Lātium, -ī n.: Latium, 1 usquam: anywhere, 3

1 adgressus est: pf. dep. ut…faciat: so that…may…; purpose

velut positō bellō: as if…; conditional clause quam…sōlitūdinem fēcerit: what…; relative
of comparison and abl. abs.; ponō, ‘put aside’ clause with relative adj.; pf. subj. of subordinate
fundamentīs…iaciendīs: on…; dat. compound verb in a purpose clause
adj. intentum; perform a gerund-gerundive flip domī: locative
and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. 7 nē quam stirpem (reliquat): so that…may…
2 aliīsque urbānīs operibus: on...; dat. compound neg. purpose with pres. subj; quam means ‘any’
intentum…sē…esse: that he…; indefinite aliquam loses the preflix ali- before sī,
3 minimus (natū): youngest; ‘least (in birth)’ nisi, num or nē; same for (ali)quem below
ex tribus (līberīs): Tarquinius had 3 children 8 nē quem hēredem…reliquat: see above
4 ex compositō: by agreement sē…crēdidisse: that…; nihil, ‘not at all’ (adv.)
Gabiōs: acc. place to which inter: from among…
in sē: upon… 10 nē errārent: that they…; ind. command
5 iam (eum)…vertisse superbiam: that he…; i.e. manēre iīs…bellum: that for them…
Tarquinius; pf. inf. vertō in apposition to above positum (esse): to have put aside
ab aliēnīs (liberīs) in suōs (liberōs): add nouns eum…invāsūrum (esse): that…; fut. inf.
6 līberōrum…taedēre: that he is disgusted by the 11 quod sī: but if…; ‘in respect to this, if,’ quod is
number of children; ‘it causes him disgust for acc. of respect, connective rel., and adversative.
the number of children’ a common impers. verb: 12 pererrātūrum (esse) sē…: that he…; fut. inf.
translate actively in English Lātium: acc. plact to which
Tarquinius Superbus 53.8-54.1

Volscōsque sē inde et Aequōs et Hernicōs petītūrum dōnec ad eōs 1

perveniat quī ā patrum crūdēlibus atque impiīs suppliciīs tegere
līberōs sciant. 9. forsitan etiam ārdōris aliquid ad bellum armaque
sē adversus superbissimum rēgem ac ferōcissimum populum
inventūrum. 5
10. cum sī nihil morārentur īnfēnsus īrā porrō inde abitūrus
vidērētur, benignē ab Gabīnīs excipitur. vetant mīrārī sī, quālis in
cīvēs, quālis in sociōs, tālis ad ultimum in līberōs esset; 11. in sē
ipsum postrēmō saevītūrum, sī alia dēsint. sibi vērō grātum
adventum eius esse, futūrumque crēdere brevī ut illō adiuvante ā 10
portīs Gabīnīs sub Rōmāna moenia bellum trānsferātur.
54. inde in cōnsilia pūblica adhibērī. ubi cum dē aliīs rēbus
adhibeō, -ēre, -buī: apply, admit, 4 īnfēnsus, -a, -um: hostile, 2
adiuvō, -āre, -iūvī, adiūtum: help, assist, 6 moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, linger, 3
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 6 porrō: forward; again, in turn; furthermore, 4
Aequī, -ōrum m.: Aequi, Aequians (people), 2 postrēmō,: at last, finally; abl. as adv., 5
ārdor, ārdōris m.: ardor, passion, 2 quālis, -e: of what sort? what?, 5
benignus, -a, -um: kind, kindly, 7 saeviō, -īre, -īvī, -itum: be savage, 2
brevis, -e: short, brief, 5 socius, -ī m.: ally, companion, comrade, 5
crūdēlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 1 superbus, -a, -um: arrogant, proud; Superbus, 7
dēsum, -esse, -fuī: be lacking, fail (dat), 6 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: receive, welcome, 6 tālis, -e: such, 3
forsitan: perhaps, 2 tegō, -ere, tēxī, tēctum: cover, protect, 1
Gabīnus, -, -um: of Gabii, 7 trānsferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry across, 2
grātus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 6 vetō, -āre, vetuī, vetitum: forbid, tell…not, 2
Hernicī, -ōrum m.: Hernici (people), 1 Volscī, -ōrum m.: Volscians, Volsci, 3
impius, -a, -um: unholy, impious, 3

1 Volscōsque sē…petītūrum (esse): that… sī, quālis…quālis…tālis…esset: if what sort…

dōnec…perveniat: temporal clause with pres. what sort…,this sort he was…; or ‘as…as…
subj. of anticipated action such…’ correlatives (relative and demonstrative)
2 quī…sciant: who…; relative of characteristic in: against…
with pres. subj. sciō, ‘know how’ + inf. 8 ad ultimum: at last; i.e. finally
crūdēlibus…suppliciīs: from…; abl. separation (eum) in sē…saevītūrum (esse): that (he)…;
3 forsitan...sē...inventūrum (esse): that he…; fut. fut. inf.; eum and sē both refer to Tarquinius
inf. 9 sibi…esse: that…; dat. sibi refers to the Gabini
etiam ārdōris aliquid: even some passion; and is dat. of reference with grātum
‘something of passion,’ partitive gen. vērō: in fact, actually; abl. as adv.
ad: for… 10 eius: i.e. Sextus’; gen. sg., is
6 cum…vidērētur: when he seemed…; (sē)…credere: that they…; i.e. Gabini
sī…morārentur: if they did not at all detain futūrum (esse)…ut…trānsferātur: that war
(him); legal formula when a judge dismisses an will be transferred…; ‘that it will be the case
accused person or consul dismisses the senate that…war is transferred’ futūrum esse ut + subj.
nihil is an adv. acc. (inner acc.); impf. subj. of is a periphrastic fut. passive inf. construction
subordinate verb in a cum clause brevī (tempore): abl. time when
porrō inde: forward from there illō adiuvante: abl. abs.
abitūrus: fut. pple abeō, nom. pred. 12 cōnsilia: counsel, deliberations
7 vetant (Sextum) mirārī: they tell (Sextus) not adhibērī: (he) is admitted…; historical inf.
to be surprised ubi, cum: where, although…; concessive clause
54.1-4 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

adsentīre sē veteribus Gabīnīs dīceret quibus eae nōtiōrēs essent, 1

ipse identidem bellī auctor esse et in eō sibi praecipuam
prūdentiam adsūmere quod utriusque populī vīrēs nōsset, scīretque
invīsam profectō superbiam rēgiam cīvibus esse quam ferre nē
līberī quidem potuissent. 2. ita cum sēnsim ad rebellandum 5
prīmōrēs Gabīnōrum incitāret, ipse cum prōmptissimīs iuvenum
praedātum atque in expedītiōnēs īret et dictīs factīsque omnibus ad
fallendum īnstrūctīs vāna adcrēsceret fidēs, dux ad ultimum bellī
legitur. 3. ibi cum, īnsciā multitūdine quid agerētur, proelia parva
inter Rōmam Gabiōsque fierent quibus plērumque Gabīna rēs 10
superior esset, tum certātim summī īnfimīque Gabīnōrum Sex.
Tarquinium dōnō deum sibi missum ducem crēdere. 4. apud mīlitēs
adcrēscō, -ere, -crēvī: grow, increase, 1 nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtum: learn, know, 3
adsentiō, -īre, -sēnsī: agree to, approve (dat.), 1 nōtus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 2
adsūmō, -ere, -sumpī: assume, take to oneself, 2 plērumque; for the most part, mostly, 1
certātim: in rivalry, 2 praecipuus, -a, -um: special, 2
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 praedor, -ārī, -ātum: plunder, 1
expedītiō, -tiōnis f.: expedition, patrol, 1 profectō: assuredly, indeed, certainly, 4
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, cheat, 6 prōmptus, -a, -um: ready; prompt, 1
Gabīnus, -, -um: of Gabii, 7 prūdentia, -ae f.: prudence, good sense, 1
identidem: repeatedly, 2 rebellō (1): renew war, wage war again; rebel, 1
incitō (1): urge on, incite, 3 sēnsim: slowly, gradually, 2
īnscius, -a, -um: unknowing, 2 superbia, -ae f.: arrogance, pride, 6
invīsus, -a, -um: hateful, hated (dat.), 2 superior, -ius: higher, upper; previous, 6
mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 7 vānus, -a, -um: in vain, useless, worthless, false, 7

1 adsentīre sē…Gabīnīs: that…; dat. compound continuation of cum cluase; impf. subj. eō, īre
quibus…essent: to whom…; relative cl. with cum prōmpissimīs...: with...; accompaniment
impf. subj. of subordinate verb in a cum clause 7 praedātum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
eae (rēs): nom. pl. demonstrative expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
2 ipse…auctor esse…et adūmere: he himself dictīs factīsque: with words and actions; abl.
was an adviser…; historical infs. with nom. means; substantives from PPP dīcō and faciō
subject: translate as finite 3s impf. verbs omnibus…īnstrūctīs: abl. abs.
in eō: i.e. in bellō ad fallendum: for…; gerund (-ing)
sibi: for…; dat. of compound verb and interest 8 vāna…fidēs: false confidence; nom. subject
3 quod…nō(vi)sset, scīretque: because…; dux…bellī: nom. pred.
alleged cause; plpf. subj. nōscō, impf. subj. scīre ad ultimum: at last; i.e. finally
utriusque: gen. sg. ūterque 9 legitur: he…; pres. pass. legō ‘choose’
vīrēs: acc. pl. vīs cum…fierent: impf. subj. fiō
4 invīsam…superbiam…esse: that arrogance… īnsciā multitūdine: abl. abs., add pple ‘being’
ind. disc. governed by scīrent quid agerētur: ind. question, agō, ‘do’
cīvibus: dat. reference with invīsam 10 (in) quibus: abl. place where
quam…potuissent: which…; relative with plpf. Gabīna rēs: the state of Gabii
subj. possum; subordinate verb in ind. disc. 11 summī īnfimīque Babīnōrum…credere:
ferre: inf. ferō historical inf. with nom. pl. subject
nē…quīdem: not even; emphasizing līberī 11 Sex....missum (esse) ducem: that...; pf. pass.
5 cum…incitāret 12 dono sibi: as…for…; double dat. (dat. purpose
ad rebellandum: for…; gerund (-ing) and interest); sibi refers to the Gabii
6 (et) ipse…īret…adcrēsceret: and he himself…; de(ōr)um: syncopated gen. pl.
Tarquinius Superbus 54.4-7

vērō obeundō perīcula ac labōrēs pariter, praedam mūnificē 1

largiendō tantā cāritāte esse ut nōn pater Tarquinius potentior
Rōmae quam fīlius Gabiīs esset.
5. itaque postquam satis vīrium conlēctum ad omnēs cōnātūs
vidēbat, tum ex suīs ūnum sciscitātum Rōmam ad patrem mittit 5
quidnam sē facere vellet, quandō quidem ut omnia ūnus pūblicē
Gabiīs posset eī dī dedissent. 6. huic nūntiō, quia, crēdō, dubiae
fideī vidēbātur, nihil vōce respōnsum est; rēx velut dēlīberābundus
in hortum aedium trānsit sequente nūntiō fīliī; ibi inambulāns
tacitus summa papāverum capita dīcitur baculō dēcussisse. 7. 10
interrogandō exspectandōque respōnsum nūntius fessus, ut rē
imperfectā, redit Gabiōs; quae dīxerit ipse quaeque vīderit refert;
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house, 5 largior, -īrī, -ītum: give generously, 2
baculum, -ī n.: staff, 4 mūnificus, -a, -um: generous, 1
cāritās, -tātis f.: affection, 5 obeō, -īre, -iī, -itum: engage in; enter; die, 4
colligō, -ere, -ī, -lectum: collect, gather, 2 papāver, -eris n.: poppy, 1
cōnor, -ārī, cōnātum: try, attempt, 3 perīculum, -ī n.: risk, danger, peril, 7
dēcutiō, -ere, dēcussī, -ssum: strike off, cut off, 1 potēns, -entis: powerful, being powerful over, 4
dēlīberābundus, -a, -um: deep in throught, 1 quandō: when, since, 3
exspectō (1): look out for, wait for, await, 4 quisnam, quae-, quid-: who, which pray, 1
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 5 referō, -ferre, -tulī: report, relate, 5
hortus, -ī m.: garden, 1 respondeō, -ēre, -dī, -nsus: answer, 1
imperfectus, -a, -um: unfinished, 1 respōnsum, -ī n.: answer, reply, 5
inambulō (1): to walk back and forth, 1 sciscitor, -ārī, -ātum: examine, inquire, 4
interrogō (1): to ask, question, 2 tacitus, -a, -um: silent, still, 7
labor, -is m.: labor, toil, 6

1 vērō: in fact, actually; abl. as adv. ut…posset: that…had power over everything …
obeundō: by…; abl. means, gerund (-ing), noun result clause; impf. subj.; ūnus, ‘alone’
Sextus does the same work as his soldiers. 7 Gabiīs: locative
pariter: adv. from pār, pāris eī: dat. ind. obj. is, i.e. Superbus; sē is Sextus
2 largiendō: by…; abl. means gerund huic nūntiō: dat. ind. obj. with respōnsum est
(eum) tantā cāritāte esse: he was of…; abl. of crēdō: parenthetical
quality as pred.; add the acc. subj. dubiae fideī: of…; gen. of description as pred.
ut Tarquinius (esset)…quam…esset: that…; i.e. the messenger could not be trusted
result clause with clause of comparison 8 vidēbātur: seemed
Rōmae: locative velut dēlīberābundus: as if…; conditional
3 Gabiīs: locative clause of comparison
satis…conlectum (esse)…cōnātūs: that…; ind. 9 sequente nūntiō fīliī: abl. abs.
disc. with pf. pass. inf. tacitus: predicative, translate adj. as an adv.
virium: partitive gen. pl. vīs with satis 10 capita: i.e. the flowers
ad: for… 11 interrogandō exspectandōque: by…; abl. of
5 ex suīs (virīs): out of his own (men) cause following fessus
sciscitātum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often ut rē imperfectā: as if…; conditional clause of
expresses purpose: translate as an inf. comparison and abl. abs.;
Rōmam: place to which 12 Gabiōs: acc. place to which
6 quidnam…vellet: ind. quest., impf. subj. volō quae dīxerit…vīderit: (the things) which…; or
quandō…d(e ī) dedissent: plpf. subj. dō, ‘what…’ relative of characteristic; pf. subj.
‘grant’ or ‘allow;’ subordinate verb in ind. disc. ipse: he himself
54.7-55.1 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

seu īrā seu odiō seu superbiā īnsitā ingeniō nūllam eum vōcem 1
ēmīsisse. 8. Sextō ubi quid vellet parēns quidve praeciperet tacitīs
ambāgibus patuit, prīmōrēs cīvitātis crīminandō aliōs apud
populum, aliōs suā ipsōs invidiā opportūnōs interemit. multī
palam, quīdam in quibus minus speciōsa crīminātiō erat futūra 5
clam interfectī. 9. patuit quibusdam volentibus fuga, aut in exsilium
āctī sunt, absentiumque bona iuxtā atque interemptōrum dīvīsuī
fuēre. 10. largītiōnēs inde praedaeque; et dulcēdine prīvātī
commodī sēnsūs malōrum pūblicōrum adimī, dōnec orba cōnsiliō
auxiliōque Gabīna rēs rēgī Rōmānō sine ūllā dīmicātiōne in 10
manum trāditur.
55. Gabiīs receptīs Tarquinius pācem cum Aequōrum gente fēcit,
absēns, absentis (adj.): absent, 3 iuxtā: close, next, 1
Aequī, -ōrum m.: Aequi, Aequians (people), 2 largītiō, -tiōnis f.: largesse, generous offering, 1
ambāges, -ium f.: hint, intimation; enigma, 3 odium, -iī n.: hatred, 2
auxilium, -ī n.: help, aid, assistance, 3 opportūnus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient 1
clam: secretly, in secret, 3 orbus, -a, -um: deprived of, bereft of (abl.), 2
commodum, -ī n.: gain, advantage, benefit, 1 palam: openly, publicly, 5
crīminātiō, -tiōnis f.: accusation, incrimination, 1 pateō, -ēre, -uī: lie open, is clear, is allowed, 2
crīminor, -ārī, -ātus: charge, accuse, 2 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take before;
dīmicātiō, -tiōnis f.: combat, fight, 5 order, 5
dīvīsus, -ūs m.: a division, distribution, 1 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4
dulcēdō, -inis f.: sweetness, 2 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
ēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send out, 3 Sextus, -ī m.: Sextus, 3
exsilium, -iī n.: exile, 3 speciōsus, -a, -um: good-looking, attractive, 2
Gabīnus, -, -um: of Gabii, 7 superbia, -ae f.: arrogance, pride, 6
īnsitus, -a, -um: inborn, innate; implanted, 1 tacitus, -a, -um: silent, still, 7
interimō, -ere, -ēmī, -emptum: take out, kill, 4 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7
invidia, -ae f.: hatred, envy, lack of popularity, 5

1 seu…seu…seu…: whether…or…or…; = sīve interest and pple volō

with abl. of cause 7 āctī sunt: pf. pass. agō, ‘drive’
ingeniō: in his character; dat. of compound adj. absentium: of (those)…; gen. pl.
nūllam…ēmīsisse: that…; ind. disc. governed bona: property; ‘goods’
by refert iuxtā atque: and equally; ‘and close at hand’
2 ubi…patuit: when… interēmptōrum: of (those)…
quid vellet parēns: ind. quest.; impf. subj. volō dīvīsuī: dat. of purpose, which with the verb
quidve…ambāgibus: or what…; ind. question sum is often translated ‘serve as…’
3 prīmōrēs cīvitātis: obj. of interemit 8 fuēr(unt)
crīminandō: abl. means, gerund (-ing) largītiōnēs inde praedaeque (fuērunt): (there
aliōs…aliōs…: some…others… were)…
4 suā invidiā: because of their own lack of ` dulcēdine prīvātī commodī: by the…; abl.
popularity; abl. cause with opportūnōs cause; parallel to the preceding two nominatives
multī palam (interfectī sunt) 9 sēnsūs…adimī: that…; pres. pass. inf.
5 (sed) quidam… cōnsiliō auxiliōque: from…; abl. separation
minus speciōsa: nom. pred., comparative adv. 10 Gabīna rēs: the state of Gabii
erat futūra: periphrastic fut. sum in manum: i.e. into his power; a term often used
6 interfectī (sunt) for the power of a husband over his wife
quibusdam volentibus: for some…; dat. of 12 Gabiīs receptīs: abl. abs.
Tarquinius Superbus 55.1-4

foedus cum Tuscīs renovāvit. inde ad negōtia urbāna animum 1

convertit; quōrum erat prīmum ut Iovis templum in monte Tarpēiō
monumentum rēgnī suī nōminisque relinqueret: Tarquiniōs rēgēs
ambōs patrem vōvisse, fīlium perfēcisse. 2. et ut lībera ā cēterīs
religiōnibus ārea esset tōta Iovis templīque eius quod 5
inaedificārētur, exaugurāre fāna sacellaque statuit quae aliquot ibi,
ā Tatiō rēge prīmum in ipsō discrīmine adversus Rōmulum pugnae
vōta, cōnsecrāta inaugurātaque posteā fuerant. 3. inter prīncipia
condendī huius operis mōvisse nūmen ad indicandam tantī imperiī
mōlem trāditur deōs; nam cum omnium sacellōrum exaugurātiōnēs 10
admitterent avēs, in Terminī fānō nōn addīxēre; 4. idque ōmen
auguriumque ita acceptum est nōn mōtam Terminī sēdem
addīcō, -ere, -dīxī, -dictum: assent to, 2 nūmen, -inis n.: divine power, approval, 3
admittō, -ere, -mīsī: allow, permit; send, 2 ōmen, ōminis n.: omen, 3
aliquot: several, 6 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring
ambō, -ae, -ō: both, two together, 3 about, 7
ārea, -ae f.: ground, building site, open space, 2 posteā: after this, afterwards, 5
cōnsecrō (1): consecrate, make sacred, 4 prīncipium, -ī n.: beginning, 4
convertō, -ere, -ī, -rsus: turn (around), 4 religio, -iōnis f.: religious scruple/observance, 7
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 renovō (1): renew, make new, 4
exaugurātiō, -tiōnis f.: deconsecration, 1 sacellum, -ī n.: sanctuary (unroofed, w/ altar), 3
exaugurō (1): deconsecrate, 1 Tarpēius, -a, -um: Tarpeian, 2
inaedificō (1): build in or on, 1 Terminus, -ī m.: Terminus (god of boundaries), 2
inaugurō (1): take auspices, decide by augury, 5 Tuscus, -a, -um: Etruscan, 1
indicō (1): indicate, point out, declare, 1 urbānus, -a, -um: of a city, urban, 2
mōlēs, -is f.: mass; burden, magnitude; labor, 3 voveō, -ēre, vōvī, vōtum: vow, swear, 5
negōtium, iī n.: task, business, 4

1 animum: his attention action

2 ut…relinquerent: that…; i.e. leave it to others quae aliquot: i.e. several of which
finished; ind. command after prīmum negōtium 7 in ipsō dīscrīmine…: at the very deciding point
prīmum (negōtium) adversus: preposition
Iovis: gen. sg. Iūppiter 8 inter prīncipia: in the beginnings
3 monumentum…nōminisque: in apposition 9 condendī…operis: of…; noun + gerundive;
Tarquiniōs…(et) fīlium perfēcisse: (namely) perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as
that…; pf. inf. in apposition to monumentum; gerund (-ing) + obj. with prīncipia
add ‘templum’ as obj. of infs. mōvisse nūmen…deōs: that the gods set in
4 et ut…esset…eius: that…; ind. command still motion their power
following prīmum (negōtium) above ad indicandam…mōlem: for…; gerundive:
5 tōta: entirely, wholly; predicative perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as
templīque eius: and of…; demonstrative gerund (-ing) + obj.; mōles, ‘magnitude’
quod inaedificārētur: which…; relative with 10 trāditur: it is handed down;
impf. pass. subj. of subordinate verb in an ind. cum…avēs: although…; concessive cum clause
command 11 addīxēr(unt)
6 exaugurāre: to deconsecrate; so that the land idque omen auguriumque: and this…; subject
may be used for other purposes 12 nōn mōtam (esse) Terminī sēdem: (the fact
quae…vōta, cōnsecrāta, inaugurātaque that)…; pf. pass. inf.; the entire clause is subject
fuerant: which had been (once)…; plpf. pass., of the infinitive portendere below
fuerant emphasizes the completedness of the
55.4-9 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

ūnumque eum deōrum nōn ēvocātum sacrātīs sibi fīnibus firma 1

stabiliaque cūncta portendere. 5. hōc perpetuitātis auspiciō acceptō,
secūtum aliud magnitūdinem imperiī portendēns prōdigium est:
caput hūmānum integrā faciē aperientibus fundāmenta templī
dīcitur appāruisse. 6. quae vīsa speciēs haud per ambāgēs arcem 5
eam imperiī caputque rērum fore portendēbat; idque ita cecinēre
vātēs quīque in urbe erant quōsque ad eam rem cōnsultandam ex
Etrūriā accīverant. 7. augēbātur ad impēnsās rēgis animus; itaque
Pōmētīnae manubiae, quae perdūcendō ad culmen operī dēstinātae
erant, vix in fundāmenta suppeditāvēre. 8. eō magis Fabiō, 10
praeterquam quod antīquior est, crēdiderim quadrāgintā ea sōla
talenta fuisse, 9. quam Pīsōnī, quī quadrāgintā mīlia pondō argentī
ambāges, -ium f.: hint, intimation; enigma, 3 integer, -gra, -grum: whole, intact, unharmed, 3
antīquus, -a, -um: ancient; better, important, 5 manubiae, -ārum f.: spoils, loot (from plunder), 1
appāreō, -ēre, -uī: appear, be apparent, 4 perdūcō, -ere: build up, draw up; lead through, 1
argentum, -ī n.: silver, 2 perpetuitās, -tātis f.: pepetuity, 1
auspicium, -ī n.: auspice, augury, bird-signs, 3 Pīsō, Pīsōnis m.: Piso, 1
canō, -ere, cecinī, cantum: sing, prophesy, 5 Pōmētīnus, -a, -um: of Suessa Pometia, 1
cōnsultō (1): to deliberate, consult, 2 pondus, -eris n.: weight; pondō, in pounds, 2
culmen, culminis n.: top, peak, 2 portendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: foretell, 7
cūnctor, -ārī, -ātus: delay, hesitate, 2 praeterquam: besides, beyond; except, 4
dēstinō (1): intend, design, 2 Etrūria, f.: Etruria, 5 quadrāgintā: forty, 7
ēvocō (1): call out, challenge, 3 sacrō (1): make sacred, consecrate, dedicate, 4
Fabius, -iī m.: Fabius, 2 stabilis, -e: steadfast, stable, 2
faciēs, faciēī f.: appearance, face, 1 suppeditō (1): supply, furnish, procure, 1
firmus, -a, -um: strong, steadfast, 2 talentum, -ī n.: talent (unit of weight), 2
fundāmentum, -ī n.: foundation, base, 6 vātēs, -is m.: prophet, 3
impensa, -ae f.: expenditures, expenses, 1 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 ūnumque…ēvocātum (esse)…fīnibus: and (the 7 quīque…quōsque…: both who…and whom…

fact) that…; pf. pass. inf.; subject of portendere ad eam…cōnsultandam: for…; gerundive +
eum: this; demonstrative noun: flip and translate as a gerund (-ing) + obj.
sacrātīs…fīnibus: from…; abl. of separation; 8 ad: for…; expressing purpose
firma…portendere: foretold…; ind. disc., the animus: spirit, passion; i.e. inclination
acc.-inf. clauses above are subject of portendere Pōmētīnae manubiae: the spoils noted in 53.3
firma stabiliaque (futūra esse) cūncta: that 9 perdūcendō…operī: for…; dat. of purpose;
everything…; ind. disc., add fut. inf. gerundive: translate as gerund s(-ing) + obj.
2 hōc…acceptō: abl. abs. 10 suppeditāvēr(unt): syncopated pf.
3 secūtum…est: pf. dep. sequor eō: because of this; abl. of cause
aliud…prōdigium: subject Fabiō: Fabius Pictor, historian (ca. 270-200)
4 integrā faciē: with…; abl. quality with caput crēdiderim: I would…; potential pf. subj. + dat.
aperientibus: to (those)…; dat. of reference 11 praeterquam: besides that he is more ancient
5 quae…species: this…; a connective relative adj. quadrāgintā…fuisse: that those (spoils) were…
visa: (when)…; PPP talentum is a Greek unit; pondus is a Roman unit
haud per ambāgēs: litotes; i.e. left no doubt 12 quam (crēdiderim) Pīsōnī: than Piso; L.
arcem...fore: that (it)...; fut. inf. (=futūrum esse) Calpurnius Piso Frugi, historian, consul 133 BC
6 imperiī: of the empire quadrāgintā…sēposita (esse): that…; pf. pass.
id: i.e. ‘arcem…fore’ above; acc. obj. pondō: in pounds; ‘in weight,’ abl. of respect
cecinēr(unt): syncopated pf.; delivered in verse argentī: partitive gen.
Tarquinius Superbus 55.9-56.3

sēposita in eam rem scrībit, summam pecūniae neque ex ūnīus tum 1

urbis praedā spērandam et nūllīus nē hōrum quidem operum
fundāmenta nōn exsuperātūram.
56. intentus perficiendō templō, fabrīs undique ex Etrūriā accītīs,
nōn pecūniā sōlum ad id pūblicā est ūsus sed operīs etiam ex plēbe. 5
quī cum haud parvus et ipse mīlitiae adderētur labor, minus tamen
plēbs gravābātur sē templa deum exaedificāre manibus suīs quam
postquam et ad alia, 2. ut speciē minōra, sīc labōris aliquantō
maiōris trādūcēbantur opera, forōs in circō faciendōs cloācamque
maximam, receptāculum omnium pūrgāmentōrum urbis, sub terrā 10
agendam; quibus duōbus operibus vix nova haec magnificentia
quicquam adaequāre potuit. 3. hīs labōribus exercitā plēbe, quia et
adaequō (1): make equal; be equal, 2 magnificentia, -ae f.: magnificence, splendor, 2
aliquantum, -ī n.: some, considerable, 5 opera, -ae f.: effort, exertion; workman, 4
circus, -ī m.: racetrack, circuit, 2 pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 6
cloāca, -ae f.: sewer, 3 perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring
Etrūria, -ae f.: Etruria, 5 about, 7
exaedificō (1): build, construct, 1 pūrgāmentum, -ī n.: refuse, 1
exerceō, -ēre, -uī, -citum: train, 2 receptāculum, -ī n.: refuge, shelter, 2
exsuperō (1): surpass, exceed, 1 scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 6
faber, fabrī m.: engineer, 3 sēpōnō, -ere, -suī, -situm: put aside, 2
forus, -ī m.: benches, seats, bleachers, 1 spērō (1): hope, hope for, expect, 4
fundāmentum, -ī n.: foundation, base, 6 trādūcō, -ere, -dūxī: carry across, 4
gravō (1): weigh down, oppress, aggrieve, 3 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 4
intentus, -a, -um: intent, focused, eager, 4 ūtor, ūtī, usum: use, enjoy (abl.), 3
labor, -is m.: labor, toil, 6 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 sēposita (esse): pf. pass. inf. minus: comparative adv.

in eam rem: for this purpose 7 sē…exaedificāre...suīs: that they…
summam…exsuperātūram: a sum of…; in de(ōr)um
lengthy apposition to mīlia above manibus suīs: abl. means
ex ūnīus…urbis praedā: from…; gen. sg. ūnus quam: than…; clause of comparison
2 spērandum: going to be hoped for; gerundive 8 postquam…trādūcēbantur: after…;
modifying summam et: also
nūllius…hōrum operum: of…; gen. sg. nūllus ad alia…opera
modifying fundāmenta; i.e. Roman projects ut…sīc…: just as …so…; correlatives; clause of
3 nē…quidem: not even; emphasizing hōrum comparison
exsuperātūram: fut. pple modifying summam, speciē: in…; abl. of respect
fundāmenta is acc. obj. labōris maiōris: of…; gen. of description with
4 perficiendō templō: on…; dat. of compound opera; comparative bonus
adj.: flip and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. aliquantō: somewhat; ‘by some’ abl. of degree
fabrīs…accītīs: abl. abs. of difference
5 nōn…sōlum…sed etiam: not only…but also 9 forōs…cloācamque: in apposition to opera
ad: for… faciendōs: going to be made; gerundive
est ūsus: dep. pf. ūtor agendam: going to be driven; gerundive
operīs: workmen; abl. pl. opera, -ae quibus…operibus: to these…; dat. compound
6 cum…adderētur: when…; impf. pass. subj. nova haec magnificentia: nom. sg.; Augustan
et: also 12 quicquam: at all; adv. acc. (inner acc.)
mīlitae: to…; dat. ind. obj. exercitā plēbe: abl. abs.
56.3-7 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

urbī multitūdinem, ubi ūsus nōn esset, onerī rēbātur esse et colōnīs 1
mittendīs occupārī lātius imperiī fīnēs volēbat, Signiam
Circeiōsque colōnōs mīsit, praesidia urbī futūra terrā marīque.
4. haec agentī portentum terribile vīsum: anguis ex columnā
ligneā ēlapsus cum terrōrem fugamque in rēgiā fēcisset, ipsīus 5
rēgis nōn tam subitō pavōre perculit pectus quam ānxiīs implēvit
cūrīs. 5. itaque cum ad pūblica prōdigia Etrūscī tantum vātēs
adhibērentur, hōc velut domesticō exterritus vīsū Delphōs ad
maximē inclitum in terrīs ōrāculum mittere statuit. 6. neque
respōnsa sortium ūllī aliī committere ausus, duōs fīliōs per ignōtās 10
eā tempestāte terrās, ignōtiōra maria in Graeciam mīsit. 7. Titus et
Arrūns profectī; comes iīs additus L. Iūnius Brūtus, Tarquiniā,
adhibeō, -ēre, -buī: apply, admit, 4 ligneus, -a, -um: of wood, 1
anguis, -is m. f.: serpent, snake, 1 onus, oneris n.: burden, load, 3
ānxius, -a, -um: anxious, 1 ōrāculum, -ī n.: oracle, 1
Arrūns, Arruntis m.: Arruns, 6 pectus, pectoris n.: chest, breast; heart, 6
Circeiī, -ōrum m.: Circeii (town), 1 percellō, -ere, -culī, perculsum: strike, 4
colōnus, -ī m.: settler, colonist, 4 portentum, -ī n.: omen, portent, 1
columna, -ae f.: pillar, column, 1 respōnsum, -ī n.: answer, reply, 5
comes, -itis m. f.: companion, comrade, 6 Signia, -ae f.: Signia (town), 1
committō, -ere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 2 sors, sortis f.: lot, lottery; oracle, prophecy, 4
Delphī, -ōrum m.: Delphi, 2 subitus, -a, -um: sudden, 4
domesticus, -a, -um: of a house, 4 Tarquinia, -ae f.: Tarquinia, 1
ēlābor, -lābī, -lapsum: slip away or out, escape, 2 tempestās, -tātis f.: time; weather, 6
exterreō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: terrify, 1 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 1
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 1 Titus, -ī m.: Titus, 1
ignōtus, -a, -um: unknown, 2 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7
inclitus, -a, -um: famed, well known, 5 ūsus, -ūs m.: use, practice; need, 3
Iūnius, -ī m.: Junius, 3 vātēs, -is m.: prophet, 3
lātus, -a, -um: wide, broad, 2

1 rēbātur: impf. dep. reor; Tarquinius is subject main clauses below; dep. PPP: translate as
urbī mulititūdinem…onerī…esse: that…; a ‘having Xed’
double dat. (interest and purpose); translate the cum…fēcisset
dat. of purpose + esse as ‘serve as…’ in English 6 nōn tam…quam: not so much…as…;
ubi…esset: when there was…; impf. subj of correlatives (demonstrative, relative); quam
subordinate verb in ind. disc. introduces a comparative clause
colōnīs mittendīs: by…; means; perfom gerund- pectus: neut. obj. of both verbs; i.e. heart
gerundive flip: translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. 7 cum…adhibērentur: although…; concessive
2 occupārī…fīnēs: that…; ad: in regard to,…, for…
lātius: comparative adv. tantum: only; adv. acc
Signiam Circeiōsque: acc. place to which 8 hōc velut domesticō vīsū: as it were, by…
3 praesidia futūra: acc. in apposition to colōnōs Delphōs: acc. place to which
urbī: dat. interest 10 ūllī aliī: to…; dat. sg. ind. obj. ūllus alius
(in) terrā (in)que marī ausus (est): pf. dep. audeō
4 haec: neut. acc. pl., 11 eā tempestāte: at that time; abl. time when
agentī: to (the one)…; dat. reference; agō, ‘do’ 12 profectī (sunt): pf. dep. proficīscor
vīsum (est) comes: as…; predicative
5 anguis…ēlāpsus: subject of cum clause and iīs: to them; dat. ind. obj. or compound
Brutus and Lucretia 56.7-9

sorōre rēgis, nātus, iuvenis longē alīus ingeniī quam cuius 1

simulātiōnem induerat. is cum prīmōrēs cīvitātis, in quibus frātrem
suum, ab avunculō interfectum audīsset, neque in animō suō
quicquam rēgī timendum neque in fortūnā concupīscendum
relinquere statuit contemptūque tūtus esse ubi in iūre parum 5
praesidiī esset. 8. ergō ex industriā factus ad imitātiōnem stultitiae,
cum sē suaque praedae esse rēgī sineret, Brūtī quoque haud abnuit
cognōmen ut sub eius obtentū cognōminis līberātor ille populī
Rōmānī animus latēns opperīrētur tempora sua. 9. is tum ab
Tarquiniīs ductus Delphōs, lūdibrium vērius quam comes, aureum 10
baculum inclūsum corneō cavātō ad id baculō tulisse dōnum
Apollinī dīcitur, per ambāgēs effigiem ingeniī suī.
abnuō, -ere, -uī: refuse, resent, 1 imitātio, imitātiōnis f.: imitation, 1
ambāges, -ium f.: hint, intimation; enigma, 3 inclūdō, -ere, -ūsī, -ūsum: close in/shut in, 3
Apollo, -inis m.: Apollo, 1 induō, -ere, induī, indūtum: put on, 1
aureus, -a, -um: gold, golden, 3 industria, -ae f.: diligence, exertion, 3
avunculus, -ī m.: uncle (mother’s side), 1 lateō, -ēre, -uī: lie hidden, 1
baculum, -ī n.: staff, 4 līberātor, -is m.: liberator, 3
cavō (1): hollow, 1 lūdibrium, -ī n.: object of mockery, 3
cognōmen, -minis n.: nickname, 7 obtentus, -ūs m.: cover, veil; spreading over, 1
comes, -itis m. f.: companion, comrade, 6 opperior, -īrī, -peritum: wait for, await, 1
concupiscō, -ere, -īvī: desire eagerly, 1 parum: adv. too little, 6
contemptus, -ūs m.: contempt, 1 simulātio, -ōnis f.: pretence, 2
corneus, -a, -um: of cornel wood, 1 soror, sorōris f.: sister, 6
Delphī, -ōrum m.: Delphi, 2 stultitia, -ae f.: foolishness, folly, 1
dōnum, -ī n.: gift, 7 timeō, -ēre, -uī: fear, be afraid of, 1
effigiēs, -ēī f.: likeness, image, 1 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7

1 Tarquiniā, sorōre rēgis: from…; abl. origin ubi…esset: where…; relative; impf. subj. of
nātus: dep. PPP nāscor subordinate verb in ind. disc.
iuvenis: in apposition to L. Iūnius Brūtus in iūre: in the rule of law, in justice
longē alīus ingeniī: of a far different character; 6 praesidiī: partitive gen.
alīus is gen. sg. of alius (-īus gen., -ī dat.); gen. ad: into…
of description modifying iuvenis 7 cum…sineret: when he allowed
quam: clause of comparison following alīus sē suaque (bona) praedae esse rēgī: that he
(is iuvenis) cuius…: (that youth) whose… and…; double dat. (interest and purpose);
2 induerat: i.e. as if putting on a mask translate dat. of purpose + esse as ‘serve as…’
cum…audī(vi)sset sua (bona): add bona, ‘goods,’ or ‘property’
prīmōrēs…interfect(ōs) (esse): that…; ind. 8 ut…opperīrētur: so that…might…; purpose
disc. with pf. pass. interficiō and heavy ellipsis; with impf. dep. subj.
interfectōs is attracted to acc. sg. by frātrem eius…cognōminis: gen. sg. demonstrative
in quibus: (and) among them līberātor ille…animus: that soul, the liberator
3 neque…quicquam…neque (quicquam): 10 Delphōs: acc. place to which
neither anything…nor (anything)…; quicquam is vērius: comparative adv. with cl. of comparison
neut. acc. modified by two gerundives, which 11 corneō cavātō…baculō: means or place where
are translated ‘going to be Xed’ + dat. of agent tulisse...: pf. ferō
5 contemptū: because of…; abl. of cause donum Apollonī: as a gift for Apollo; interest
tūtus esse: that (he)…; governed by statuit 12 effigiem ingeniī suī: in apposition to baculum
56.10-13 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

10. quō postquam ventum est, perfectīs patris mandātīs cupīdō 1

incessit animōs iuvenum scīscitandī ad quem eōrum rēgnum
Rōmānum esset ventūrum. ex īnfimō specū vōcem redditam ferunt:
imperium summum Rōmae habēbit quī vestrum prīmus, ō iuvenēs,
ōsculum mātrī tulerit. 11. Tarquiniī ut Sextus, quī Rōmae relictus 5
fuerat, ignārus respōnsī expersque imperiī esset, rem summā ope
tacērī iubent; ipsī inter sē uter prior, cum Rōmam redīsset, mātrī
ōsculum daret, sortī permittunt. 12. Brūtus aliō ratus spectāre
Pȳthicam vōcem, velut sī prōlapsus cecidisset, terram ōsculō
contigit, scīlicet quod ea commūnis māter omnium mortālium 10
esset. 13. reditum inde Rōmam, ubi adversus Rutulōs bellum
summā vī parābātur.
contingō, -ere, -tigī,: to touch, happen, 2 Pȳthicus, -a, -um: of the Pythia, 1
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 respōnsum, -ī n.: answer, reply, 5
expers, expertis: free from, without (gen), 3 Rutulus, -ī m.: Rutulians, 6
ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, 4 scīlicet: evidently, no doubt, of course, 1
incēdō, -ere, cessī: go, come into, enter, 5 sciscitor, -ārī, -ātum: examine, inquire, 4
mandātum, -ī n.: command, order, 2 Sextus, -ī m.: Sextus, 3
mortālis, -e: mortal, 6 sors, sortis f.: lot, lottery; oracle, prophecy, 4
ō: oh (in exclamation), 1 spectō (1): watch, look at, 6
ōsculum, -ī n.: kiss; lip, 3 specus, -ūs m./f.: cave, 2
perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: accomplish, bring taceō, -ēre, -uī: be silent, pass over in silence, 2
about, 7 uter, utra, utrum: which (of two), 7
permittō -ere -mīsī -missum: entrust to (dat), 3 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, yours, 4
prōlābor, -lābī, -lapsum: slip or fall forward, 2

1 quō: to there; ‘to where,’ connective relative uter…daret: which one was to…; indirect
ventum est: they…; impers. pf. pass.: translate deliberative quest.; uter is an interrogative
as pf. active cum…redīsset: plpf. subj. redeō
perfectīs…mandātīs: abl. abs. Rōmam: acc. place to which
2 scīscitandī: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) 8 sortī: ind. obj., i.e. chance or luck
ad quem…esset ventūrum: to whom…would… ratus: dep. PPP reor: translate as “having Xed’
ind. question with periphratic fut. subj. in aliō…spectāre…vōcem: that…in another
secondary seq. (fut. pple + sum) direction…; ‘to elsewhere,’ aliō is an adv. just as
3 vōcem redditam (esse): that…; pf. pass. inf. eō, ‘to there’ and quō, ‘to where’
ferunt: they report; i.e. according to tradition 9 velut sī…cecidisset: just as if…; conditional
4 quī…tulerit: (the one) who…; relative with fut. clause of comparison, plpf. subj. cadō
perf. ferō (translate pres. with fut. sense) equiv. prōlāpsus: dep. PPP: translate as ‘having Xed’
to fut. more vivid condition; the missing 10 quod…esset: because…; impf. subj. of alleged
antecedent is subject of habēbit cause (from Brutus’ own point of view)
vestrum: partitive gen. vōs ea: subject; i.e. terra
5 ut Sextus…esset: so that…might…; purpose 11 reditum (est): they…; impers. pf. pass. redeō:
Rōmae: locative translate as pf. active
relictus fuerat: plpf. pass.; Rōmam: acc. place to which
6 rem…tacērī: that…; i.e. the prophecy adversus: against…
summā ope: in their utmost power; abl. manner 12 vī: abl. sg. vīs
7 ipsī: they themselves

Brutus and Lucretia 57.1-5

57. Ardeam Rutulī habēbant, gēns, ut in eā regiōne atque in eā 1

aetāte, dīvitiīs praepollēns; eaque ipsa causa bellī fuit, quod rēx
Rōmānus cum ipse dītārī, exhaustus magnificentiā pūblicōrum
operum, tum praedā dēlēnīre populārium animōs studēbat, 2.
praeter aliam superbiam rēgnō īnfēstōs etiam quod sē in fabrōrum 5
ministeriīs ac servīlī tam diū habitōs opere ab rēge indignābantur.
3. temptāta rēs est, sī prīmō impetū capī Ardea posset: ubi id parum
prōcessit, obsidiōne mūnītiōnibusque coeptī premī hostēs. 4. in hīs
statīvīs, ut fit longō magis quam ācrī bellō, satis līberī commeātūs
erant, prīmōribus tamen magis quam mīlitibus; 5. rēgiī quidem 10
iuvenēs interdum ōtium convīviīs cōmīsātiōnibusque inter sē
ācer, ācris, ācre: sharp; fierce, keen, 2 mūnītiō, -iōnis f.: fortification, entrenchment, 3
Ardea, -ae f.; Ardea (Latin town), 5 obsidiō, -iōnis f.: seige, blockade, 1
cōmīsātiō, -tiōnis f.: carousing, partying, 1 ōtium, -iī n.: leisure, peace, 5
commeātus, -ūs m.: grant of leave, furlough, 1 parum: adv. too little, 6
convīvium, -ī n.: banquet, feast, 3 populāris, -is m.: countryman, 2
dēlēniō, -īre, iī, -itum: soothe, mitigate, 1 praepolleō, -ēre: be very powerful, 1
dītō (1): enrich, make rich 1 praeter: except, besides, 5
diū: a long time, long, 4 premō, -ere, pressī, -ssum: press, check, 2
dīvitiae, -ārum f.: riches, wealth, 4 prōcēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum; proceed, 5
exhauriō -īre -hausī -haustum: empty, take out, 2 Rutulus, -ī m.: Rutulians, 6
faber, fabrī m.: engineer, 3 servīlis, -e: slavish, servile, of a slave, 2
indignor, -ārī, indignātum: be offended, 3 statīva, -ōrum n: outpost, stopping-place, camp, 2
interdum: sometimes, from time to time, 2 studeō, -ēre, uī: be eager to, strive to (inf.), 1
longus, -a, -um: long, 3 superbia, -ae f.: arrogance, pride, 6
magnificentia, -ae f.: magnificence, splendor, 2 temptō (1): attempt, test; attack, 5
mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 7 terō, -ere, trīvī: wear down; waste, spend, 4
ministerium, -ī n.: service, office, 4

1 ut: for in this region and in this time period; or sē…diū habitōs (esse): that (they)…; pf. pass.
‘considering (it is) in this region and in this time habeō, ‘hold’ governed by indignābantur
period’ ut introduces a concessive clause 6 (in) servīlī tam…opere: i.e. treated as slaves
2 dīvitiīs: in…; abl. respect ab rēge: abl. agent with habitōs (esse)
ea ipsa: nom. subj., demonstrative; id ipsum is 7 temptāta rēs est: i.e. an attempt was made
attracted into fem. sg. by causa sī…posset: whether…; ind. question, impf. subj.
quod…dītārī…dēlēnīre…studēbat: (namely) cāpī: pass. inf. capiō`
because… id: i.e. the attack
3 cum…tum : both…and… 8 coeptī (sunt)
ipse: himself; modifying rēx premī: pass. inf.
5 praeter aliam superbiam: besides the rest of 9 ut fit: as it…; clause of comparison, impers. 3s
the arrogance; i.e. other instances of arrogance (in) longō (bellō)…(in) ācrī bellō
(eōs) rēgnō īnfēstōs (esse): that (they) were…; līberī: i.e. freely given
ind. disc. governed by no verb but paralel to commeātūs: i.e. time off granted to soldiers
quod…studēbat above 10 prīmōribus, mīlitibus: for…; dat. of interest
etiam quod…indignābantur: also because... 11 inter sē: with one another

57.6-9 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

6. forte pōtantibus hīs apud Sex. Tarquinium, ubi et Collātīnus 1

cēnābat Tarquinius, Ēgeriī fīlius, incīdit dē uxōribus mentiō. suam
quisque laudāre mīrīs modīs; 7. inde certāmine accēnsō Collātīnus
negat verbīs opus esse; paucīs id quidem hōrīs posse scīrī quantum
cēterīs praestet Lucrētia sua. ‘quīn, sī vigor iuventae inest, 5
cōnscendimus equōs invīsimusque praesentēs nostrārum ingenia?
id cuique spectātissimum sit quod necopīnātō virī adventū
occurrerit oculīs.’
8. incaluerant vīnō; ‘age sānē’ omnēs; citātīs equīs āvolant
Rōmam. quō cum prīmīs sē intendentibus tenebrīs pervēnissent, 10
pergunt inde Collātiam, 9. ubi Lucrētiam haudquāquam ut rēgiās
nurūs, quās in convīviō luxūque cum aequālibus vīderant tempus
accendō, -ere, -cendī, -cēnsum: kindle, set afire, 4 laudō (1): to praise, glorify, 2
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 6 luxus, -ī m.: luxury, extravagance, splendor, 2
aequālis, -e: equal; subt. peer, 2 mentiō, mentiōnis f.: mention, 1
āvolō (1): to fly away, 1 mīrus, -a, -um: amazing, surprising, 7
cēnō (1): to dine, eat dinner, 1 necopīnātus, -a, -um: unexpected, 1
citō (1): summon, hasten; ~full gallop, 3 negō (1): to deny, say that…not, 5
Collātia, -ae f.: Collatia, 7 nurus, -ūs f.: daughter-in-law, 2
cōnscendō, -ere, -scendī: climb, embark, 1 occurrō, -ere: come to, occur, meet, 1
convīvium, -ī n.: banquet, feast, 3 oculus, -ī, m.: eye, 6
cupīdō, cupīdinis f.: desire, longing, 7 paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1
Ēgerius, -ī m.: Egerius, 3 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
haudquāquam: not at all, in no way, 2 pōtō (1): to drink, 1
hōra, -ae f.: hour, 2 praesēns, -sentis: present, being present, 7
incalescō, -ere, -uī: grow hot, 1 praestō, -stāre, -stitī: exceed, surpass, stand out, 1
incidō, -ere, -cīdī: fall into/upon; happen, 5 sānē: certainly, absolutely; then, if you will, 1
insum, -esse, -fuī: to be in, 1 spectātus, -a, -um: proven, tried, tested, 1
intendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: stretch, direct, 2 tenebrae, -ārum f.: darkness, 1
invīsō, -ere: go to see, visit, 1 vigor, vigoris m.: vigor, 1
iuventa, -ae f.: youth, 1 vīnum, -ī n.: wine, 2

1 forte: abl. fors inest: i.e. in nōbīs

pōtantibus hīs…: abl. abs. 6 nostrārum (uxorum)
apud: in the presence of… ingenia: characters
2 et: also 7 id…sit: let that…; 3s jussive pres. subj. sum
suam (ūxorem) cuique: for…; dat. of interest; perhaps referring
3 laudāre: historical inf.: translate as 3s impf. to the wives (quaeque) rather than husbands
mīrīs modīs: in…; abl. manner (quisque)
certāmine accēnsō: abl. abs. quod…occurrerit: which…; relative with fut.
4 verbīs opus esse: that…; the idiom opus est, pf. occurrō: translate as present with fut. sense
‘there is a need for’ governs abl. of separation virī: of the husband
paucīs…hōrīs: in…; abl. time when 8 oculīs: dat. obj. of compound verb
id…posse scīrī: that… 9 age sānē: come now!; imper. often used to grab
quantum…praestet: how much…; ind. attention; sānē is an intensive adv.
question, pres. subj.; adv. acc. (inner acc.) citātīs equīs: abl. abs.
5 cēterīs: over…; dat. of compound verb 10 quō: there, to there; ‘to where,’ connective rel.
sua: his own prīmīs…tenebrīs: abl. abs.
quīn: Why…not…?; common interrogative 11 ut rēgiās nurūs: as…; clause of comparison
Brutus and Lucretia 57.9-58.2

terentēs, sed nocte sērā dēditam lānae inter lūcubrantēs ancillās in 1

mediō aedium sedentem inveniunt. 10. muliebris certāminis laus
penes Lucrētiam fuit. adveniēns vir Tarquiniīque exceptī benignē;
victor marītus cōmiter invītat rēgiōs iuvenēs. ibi Sex. Tarquinium
mala libīdō Lucrētiae per vim stuprandae capit; cum fōrma tum 5
spectāta castitās incitat. 11. et tum quidem ab nocturnō iuvenālī
lūdō in castra redeunt.
58. paucīs interiectīs diēbus Sex. Tarquinius īnsciō Collātīnō
cum comite ūnō Collātiam vēnit. 2. ubi exceptus benignē ab ignārīs
cōnsiliī cum post cēnam in hospitāle cubiculum dēductus esset, 10
amōre ārdēns, postquam satis tūta circā sōpītīque omnēs
vidēbantur, strictō gladiō ad dormientem Lucrētiam vēnit
adveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: arrive, 1 invītō (1): to invite, summon, 2
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house, 5 iuvenālis, -e: youthful, 1
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, passion, 5 lāna, -ae f.: wool, 2
ancilla, -ae f.: attendant, handmaid, 1 laus, laudis f.: praise, adulation, 2
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsum: be on fire, burn, 4 libīdō, libidinis f.: lust, wanton desire, 4
benignus, -a, -um: kind, kindly, 7 lūcubrō (1): work by lamplight, 1
castitās, -tātis f.: chastity, 1 lūdus, -ī m.: game, play, sport; school, 5
cēna, -ae f.: dinner, 1 marītus, -ī m.: husband, 1
Collātia, -ae f.: Collatia, 7 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2
comes, -itis m. f.: companion, comrade, 6 nox, noctis, f.: night, 5
cōmiter: courteously, friendly, 2 paucī, -ae, -a: few, 1
cubiculum, -ī n.: bedroom, 1 penes: belonging to, in the possession of (acc.), 2
dēdūcō, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 7 sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: to sit, 5
dormiō, -īre, -īvī: to sleep, 2 serus, -a, -um: late, a late time, 2
excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: receive, welcome, 6 sōpiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: put to sleep, lull to sleep, 2
fōrma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 spectō (1): to watch, look at, 6
hospitalis, -e: of a guest-friend, 1 stringō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: draw, unsheathe, 2
ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, 4 stuprō (1): rape, degrade, defile in illicit sex, 1
incitō (1): urge on, incite, 3 terō, -ere, trīvī: wear down; waste, spend, 4
īnscius, -a, -um: unknowing, 2 tūtus, -a, -um: safe, secure, guarded, 4
intericiō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: throw between, 2

1 tempus terentēs: predicative, modifying quās same time…’

nocte sērā: i.e. late in the night 6 spectāta: (once)….; PPP
dēditam lānae: PPP + dat. ind. obj. modifying 7 redeunt: 3p pres. redeō
Lucrētiam, obj. of inveniunt 8 paucīs interiectīs diēbus: abl. abs.
2 sedentem: pres. pple modifying Lucrētiam īnsciō Collātīnō: abl. abs., supply pple ‘being’
muliebris: gen. with certāminis 9 Collātiam: acc. place to which
3 vir: the husband ab ignārīs: by (those)…
exceptī (sunt) cōnsiliī (suī): of (his)…
4 victor: as victor 10 cum…dēductus esset: plpf. pass. subj.
5 Lucrētiae…stuprandae: for…; objective gen. 11 amōre: abl. cause
noun + gerundive: perform a gerund-gerundive (omnia) satis tūta (vidēbantur): (everything
flip and translate as gerund (-ing) + obj.; the seemed)…; heavy ellipsis, nom. pred.
verb stuprāre and noun stuprum evade easy sōpītī (esse) omnēs vidēbantur: and everyone
translation into English. seemed…; pf. pass. inf.
cum…tum…: both…and…; lit. ‘while…at the 12 strictō gladiō: abl. abs.
58.2-5 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

sinistrāque manū mulieris pectore oppressō ‘tacē, Lucrētia’ inquit; 1

‘Sex. Tarquinius sum; ferrum in manū est; moriēre, sī ēmīserīs
vōcem.’ 3. cum pavida ex somnō mulier nūllam opem, prope
mortem imminentem vidēret, tum Tarquinius fatērī amōrem, ōrāre,
miscēre precibus minās, versāre in omnēs partēs muliebrem 5
animum. 4. ubi obstinātam vidēbat et nē mortis quidem metū
inclīnārī, addit ad metum dēdecus: cum mortuā iugulātum servum
nūdum positūrum ait, ut in sordidō adulteriō necāta dīcātur. 5. quō
terrōre cum vīcisset obstinātam pudīcitiam velut <vī> victrīx
libīdō, profectusque inde Tarquinius ferōx expugnātō decōre 10
muliebrī esset, Lucrētia maesta tantō malō nūntium Rōmam
eundem ad patrem Ardeamque ad virum mittit, ut cum singulīs
adulterium, -ī n.: adultery, 1 necō (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 2
aiō: say, affirm, 6 nūdus, -a, -um: naked, bare, 3
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, passion, 5 obstinātus, -a, -um: resolved, resolute, fixed, 2
Ardea, -ae f.; Ardea (Latin town), 5 opprimō, -ere, -pressī: overwhelm; suppress, 6
dēdecus, -coris n.: dishonor, disgrace, 2 ōrō (1): plead, pray (for), entreat, 5
ēmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: send out, 3 pavidus, -a, -um: alarmed, horrified, 2
expugnō (1): capture by assault, 2 pectus, pectoris n.: chest, breast; heart, 6
fateor, -ērī, fassum: acknowledge, 1 precēs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 7
immineō, -ēre: overhang, threaten, 2 pudīcitia, -ae f.: sexual virtue, chastity, 2
iugulō (1): kill, slay, cut the throat of, 1 sinister, -tra, -trum: left; fem. left hand, 4
libīdō, libidinis f.: lust, wanton desire, 4 somnus, -ī m.: sleep, 4
maestus, -a, -um: grief-stricken, gloomy, 4 sordidus, -a, -um: dirty, 3
minae, -ārum f.: threats, menaces, 2 taceō, -ēre, -uī: be silent, pass over in silence, 2
misceō, -ēre, -uī, mīxtum: mix, mingle, 5 versō (1): turn over, agitate, 2
morior, morī, mortuus sum: die, 3 victrīx, -icis f.: conquerer, vanquisher, 1
mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 4

1 mulieris pectore oppressō: abl. abs. fut. inf., pōnō, ‘put alongside or beside’
Lucrētia: voc. dir. address cum mortuā (fēminā)
9 ferrum: a sword; ‘iron,’ via metonomy iugulātum: i.e. with throat slit
moriēr(is): 2s fut. dep. 8 ut…dīcātur: so that she may…; purpose
ēmīserīs: fut. pf.: translate as pres. with fut. necāta (esse): to have…; pres. pf. in sense
sense quō terrōre: by this…; connective relative and
3 cum…vidēret, tum…: while…saw…, at the abl. of cause
same time… 9 cum…vīcisset: after…; plpf. subj.
(et) prope…: adv. velut victrīx: as if a victor; conditional clause of
4 fatērī, ōrāre, miscēre, versāre: tried to…; comparison
historical inf. with nom. subject: translate as 10 profectus…esset: plpf. dep. subj. proficīscor
finite 3p impf.—here conative imperfect (e.g. expugnātō decōre muliebrī: abl. abs.; i-stem
attempted to..., tried to…) 3rd decl. abl.; PPP used for the storming of cities
5 partēs: directions tantō malō: because of…; abl. cause
6 (eam) obstinātam (esse): that (she)…; i.e. 11 nūntium: message
Lucretia, supply acc. subj. Rōmam: acc. place to which
nē…quidem: not even; emphasizing the 12 eundem: acc. īdem
intervening word Ardeam: acc. place to which
7 (eam) inclīnārī: that (she)… ad virum: to her husband
(sē) cum mortuā...positūrum (esse): that (he)... ut…veniant: that…; ind. command, pres. subj.
Brutus and Lucretia 58.5-9

fidēlibus amīcīs veniant; ita factō mātūrātōque opus esse; rem 1

atrōcem incīdisse.
6. Sp. Lucrētius cum P. Valeriō Volesī fīliō, Collātīnus cum L.
Iūniō Brūtō vēnit, cum quō forte Rōmam rediēns ab nūntiō uxōris
erat conventus. 7. Lucrētiam sedentem maestam in cubiculō 5
inveniunt. adventū suōrum lacrimae obortae, quaerentīque virō
‘satin salvē?’ ‘minimē’ inquit; ‘quid enim salvī est mulierī āmissā
pudīcitiā? vestīgia virī aliēnī, Collātīne, in lectō sunt tuō; cēterum
corpus est tantum violātum, animus īnsōns; mors testis erit. sed
date dexterās fidemque haud impūne adulterō fore. 8. Sex. est 10
Tarquinius quī hostis prō hospite priōre nocte vī armātus mihi
sibique, sī vōs virī estis, pestiferum hinc abstulit gaudium.’ 9. Dant
adulter, -erī m.: adulterer, 1 Lucrētius, -iī m.: Lucretius, 3
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 6 maestus, -a, -um: grief-stricken, gloomy, 4
amīcus, -ī m.: friend, 2 mātūrō (1): hasten, 2
āmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: lose, let go, 7 minimus, -a, -um: very little; adv. least, 6
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 nox, noctis, f.: night, 5
auferō, -ferre, abstulī, -lātus: carry away, 3 oborior, -īrī, -tum: rise, 1
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 P.: Publius, 2
cubiculum, -ī n.: bedroom, 1 pestiferus, -a, -um: fatal, 1
fidēlis, -is: faithful, trustworthy, loyal, 1 pudīcitia, -ae f.: sexual virtue, chastity, 2
gaudium, -iī n.: joy, gladness, 4 salvus, -a, -um: well, safe, healthy, 3
hospes, -pitis m.: stranger; host, guest-friend, 4 sedeō, -ēre, sēdī, sessum: to sit, 5
impūne: with impunity, 1 Sp.: Spurius, 3
incidō, -ere, -cīdī: fall into/upon; happen, 5 testis, -is m/f: witness, 4
īnsōns, -sontis: innocent, guiltless, 2 Valērius, -ī m.: Valerius, 3
Iūnius, -ī m.: Junius, 3 vestīgium, -ī n.: footstep, tracks; trace, 3
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 5 violō (1): to do violence to, violate, 5
lectus, -ī m.: bed, couch, 1 Volesus, -ī m.: Volesus 1

1 Ita…opus esse: that…; the idiom opus est, supply a verb such as agis, ‘are you doing?’
‘there is a need for’ governs an abl. of separation 7 minimē: a strong negative; superl. adv.
factō: action salvī: partitive gen. with quid
mātūrātōque: and quickly; lit. ‘and (action) mulierī: for…; dat. interest
done quickly’ āmissā pudīcitiā: abl. abs.
rem…incīdisse: that…; pf. inf. 8 Collātīne: voc. direct address
3 Volesī fīliō: abl., in apposition 9 tantum: only, alone; adv. acc.
L. Iūniō Brūtō: the same man who travelled īnsōns (est)
with the Tarquins to the oracle at Delphi 10 fidem: a pledge
vēnit: 3s with 3p subject haud…fore: that (it)…; impersonal fut. inf. sum
4 cum quō…erat conventus: relative, plpf. pass. (alternative to futūrum esse)
forte: abl. fors adulterō: dat. of interest
Rōmam: acc. place to which 11 hostis: as…
rediēns: nom. pres. pple, redeō prō: in place of…, instead of…
6 suōrum: i.e. of her own kin; subjective gen. priōre nocte: abl. time when
obortae (sunt) mihi sibique: for..; dat. of interest; with sibi,
6 virō: to her husband which refers to Sextus, Lucretia hints at the
7 Sati(s)n(e) salvē (agis)?: satis and salvē are retribution to come
adverbs, and –ne introduces a yes/no question; 12 virī: i.e. men of honor, real men
58.9-59.1 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

ōrdine omnēs fidem; cōnsōlantur aegram animī āvertendō noxam 1

ab coācta in auctōrem dēlictī: mentem peccāre, nōn corpus, et unde
cōnsilium āfuerit culpam abesse. 10. ‘vōs’ inquit ‘vīderītis quid illī
dēbeātur: ego mē etsī peccātō absolvō, suppliciō nōn līberō; nec
ūlla deinde impudīcā Lucrētiae exemplō vīvet.’ cultrum, 11. quem 5
sub veste abditum habēbat, eum in corde dēfīgit, prōlapsaque in
volnus moribunda cecidit. 12. conclāmat vir paterque;
59. Brūtus illīs lūctū occupātīs cultrum ex volnere Lucrētiae
extractum, mānantem cruōre prae sē tenēns, ‘per hunc’ inquit
‘castissimum ante rēgiam iniūriam sanguinem iūrō, vōsque, dī, 10
testēs faciō mē L. Tarquinium Superbum cum scelerātā coniuge et
omnī līberōrum stirpe ferrō ignī quācumque dehinc vī possim
abdō, -ere, -didī, -ditus: hide, put away, 3 impudicus, -a, -um: shameless; lewd, 1
absolvō, -ere, -solvī: absolve, free, acquit, 3 iūrō (1): to swear (an oath), 6
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, injured; adv. poorly, 6 lūctus, ūs m.: mourning, grief, sorrow, 2
castus, -a, -um: chaste, 1 mānō (1): flow, be wet; spread, get abroad, 2
cōgō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctum: compel, collect, 4 mēns, mentis f.: mind, intent, purpose, 4
conclāmō (1): cry out together, shout, 2 moribundus, -a, -um: dying, almost dead, 2
cōniungō, -ere, -iunxī, -iunctum: join, 2 noxa, -ae f.: harm, injury, 1
consolor, -ārī, -ātum: console, 1 peccō (1): sin, transgress, do wrong, 1
cor, cordis n. heart, 2 peccātum, -ī n.: sin, transgression, 1
cruor, cruōris m.: blood, gore, 2 prae: in front of, before (acc); compared to (abl), 6
culpa, -ae m.: blame, fault; cause, 3 prōlābor, -lābī, -lapsum: slip or fall forward, 2
culter, cultrī m.: knife, 3 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 7
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, debitum: ought. owe, 3 scelerātus, -a, -um: wicked; profane, 2
dēfīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxus: fix, pierce, 3 superbus, -a, -um: arrogant, proud; Superbus, 7
dehinc: from here, hence, 1 supplicium, -iī n.: punishment, 7
dēlictum, -ī n.: crime, offense, transgression, 1 testis, -is m/f: witness, 4
etsī: even if, although, though, 5 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 7
extrahō, -ere, -trāxī, -tractum: draw out, 1 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 4
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 2 vīvō, -ere, vīxī, vīctum: live, 4

1 (in) ōrdine 4 peccātō: from…; abl. of separation

fidem: a pledge suppliciō: abl. separation
aegram animī: sick at heart; adj. + gen. animī 5 ūlla impudīcā (fēmina)…vīvet: fut.
is common among poets but does not conform to Lucrētiae exemplō: according to...; abl. manner
common usage of the gen.: perhaps a locative? 6 eum:i.e. the knife; resuming the acc. cultum
āvertendō…dēlictī: by…; means, gerund (-ing) placed emphatically at the start of the clause
2 coāctā: (the one)…; PPP prōlāpsa: dep. PPP, translate as ‘having Xed’
mentem peccāre, nōn corpus: that… volnus: vulnus
unde…āfuerit: where…; relative clause with pf. 7 cecidit: pf. cadō
subj. absum; subordinate verb in ind. disc. 8 illīs…occupātīs: abl. means
3 cōnsilium: intention 9 per hunc castissimum…sanguinem iurō: I
culpam abesse: that…; ind. disc. swear by… per + acc. is commonly used in oaths
vīderītis: you will see (to it); i.e. you will bring 10 ante…iniūriam: qualifying castissimam
to pass; 2p fut. pf.: translate in English as fut. 11 faciō: governs a double acc. (obj. and pred.)
quid…debeātur: ind. question with pres. subj. mē…exsecūtūrum (esse): that I…; fut. inf.
debeō, ‘owe’ 12 ferrō (et) ignī (et) quācumque…vī...: i-stem
illī: dat. sg. ind. obj.; i.e. Sextus abl. means.; relative cl. of characteristic possum
Brutus and Lucretia 59.1-5

exsecūtūrum, nec illōs nec alium quemquam rēgnāre Rōmae 1

passūrum.’ 2. cultrum deinde Collātīnō trādit, inde Lucrētiō ac
Valeriō, stupentibus mīrāculō reī, unde novum in Brūtī pectore
ingenium. ut praeceptum erat iūrant; tōtīque ab lūctū versī in īram,
Brūtum iam inde ad expugnandum rēgnum vocantem sequuntur 5
ducem. 3. ēlātum domō Lucrētiae corpus in forum dēferunt,
concientque mīrāculō, ut fit, reī novae atque indignitāte hominēs. 4.
prō sē quisque scelus rēgium ac vim queruntur. movet cum patris
maestitia, tum Brūtus castīgātor lacrimārum atque inertium
querellārum auctorque quod virōs, quod Rōmānōs decēret, arma 10
capiendī adversus hostīlia ausōs. 5. ferōcissimus quisque iuvenum
cum armīs voluntārius adest; sequitur et cētera iuventūs. inde patre
adsum, -esse, -fuī: be present, assist, 6 iuventūs, -tūtis f.: youth, 5
castīgātor, -is m.: chider, chastiser, 1 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 5
concieō, -ēre, -īī: rouse, provoke stir up, 3 Lucrētius, -iī m.: Lucretius, 3
culter, cultrī m.: knife, 3 lūctus, ūs m.: mourning, grief, sorrow, 2
decet: befits, is fitting/ is becoming for (acc), 1 maestitia, -ae: sadness, gloom, 2
dēferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: carry away, bring, 5 pectus, pectoris n.: chest, breast; heart, 6
ēfferō, -ere, -tulī, -lātum: carry out, lift, 5 praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take before;
expugnō (1): capture by assault, 2 order, 5
exsequor, -ī, -secūtum: pursue, carry out, 2 querella, -ae f.: complaint, 3
forum, -ī n.: forum, 7 queror, -ī, questum: complain, lament, 1
hostīlis, -e: of an enemy, hostile, 3 stupeō, -ēre, -uī: be stunned, astounded, 1
indignitās, -tātis f.: indignity, outrage, 4 Valērius, -ī m.: Valerius, 3
iners (inertis): idle, 1 voluntārius, -iī m.: volunteer, 2
iūrō (1): to swear (an oath), 6

1 (me) nec…passūrum (esse): that I…; fut. inf. ēlatum…dēferunt: PPP ēfferō; English prefers
patior ‘allow’ + inf. as part of the oath two finite verbs (e.g. lifted and carried away)
Rōmae: locative whereas Latin often prefers PPP and a main verb
2 Collātīnō: dat. ind obj. domō: abl. place from which
inde (cultrum trādit) Lucrētiō ac Valēriō: 7 ut fit: as it…; clause of comparison, impers. 3s
Brutus gave the knife to each man as each swore reī novae: of the recent situation; modifying
the oath; ellipsis, dat. ind. obj. both ablatives
3 stupentibus: pres. pple. modifying both men 8 prō sē quisque: each man for his part; ‘each
reī: of the situation, of the circumstance according to his own ability’
unde…ingenium (esset): from where…; ind. movet (eōs): i.e. the homines
question; with impf. subj. sum in apposition to cum…tum…: both…and…
mīrāculō 10 auctorque…arma capiendī: and promoter
4 ut praeceptum erat: just as (it)…; impers. plpf. of…; gen. gerund (-ing) + obj.
pass. in a clause of comparison 10 quod vīrōs (decēret et) quod Rōmānōs
tōtī: predicative, translate adj. as adv. decēret: because…; impf. subj. decet; subj. of
versī: PPP vertō alleged cause (Brutus’ point of view)
5 ad expugnandum rēgnum: for…; gerundive; adversus hostīlia ausōs: against (those) having
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as …; dep. PPP audeō, translate as ‘having Xed’
gerund (-ing) + obj. 12 voluntārius: as…; predicative
vocantem: supply the men as object et: also
6 ducem: as leader

59.5-8 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

praeside relictō Collātiae ad portās. cūstōdibusque datīs nē quis 1

eum mōtum rēgibus nūntiāret, cēterī armātī duce Brūtō Rōmam
profectī. 6. ubi eō ventum est, quācumque incēdit armāta multitūdō,
pavōrem ac tumultum facit; rūrsus ubi anteīre prīmōrēs cīvitātis
vident, quidquid sit haud temerē esse rentur. 7. nec minōrem 5
mōtum animōrum Rōmae tam atrōx rēs facit quam Collātiae
fēcerat; ergō ex omnibus locīs urbis in forum curritur. quō simul
ventum est, praecō ad tribūnum Celerum, in quō tum magistrātū
forte Brūtus erat, populum advocāvit. 8. ibi ōrātiō habita
nēquāquam eius pectoris ingeniīque quod simulātum ad eam diem 10
fuerat, dē vī ac libīdine Sex. Tarquinī, dē stuprō īnfandō Lucrētiae
et miserābilī caede, dē orbitāte Tricipitīnī cui morte fīliae causa
advocō (1): to summon, call to, 6 motus, -ūs m.: movement, disturbance, riot, 3
anteeō, -īre: go before, 1 nēquāquam: by no means, 3
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 ōrātiō, -iōnis f.: speech, speaking, 5
Celerēs, -um m.: Celeres, ‘the Swift’ (guards), 2 orbitās, -tātis f.: bereavement, orphanhood, 2
Collātia, -ae f.: Collatia, 7 pectus, pectoris n.: chest, breast; heart, 6
currō, -ere, cucurrī: run, rush, fly, 2 praecō, praecōnis m.: herald, 3
cūstōs, cūstōdis m.: guard, doorkeeper, 2 praeses, praesidis m.: protector, 1
ergō: therefore; for the sake of + gen., 7 quisquis, quidquid: whoever, whatever, 4
forum, -ī n.: forum, marketplace, 2 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 3
incēdō, -ere, cessī: go, come into, enter, 5 simulō (1): feign, pretend, make like, 7
īnfandus, -a, -um: unspeakable, 1 stuprum, -ī n.: rape, degradation, illicit sex 1
libīdō, libidinis f.: lust, wanton desire, 4 temerē: without purpose, without design; rashly, 1
magistratus, -ūs m.: magistrate, officer, 2 tribūnus, -ī m.: tribune, officer, 1
miserābilis, -e: miserable, pitiable, 4 Tricipitinus, -ī m.: Tricipitinus, 1

1 patre…relictō: abl. abs. with pres. subj.; the missing antecedent is acc.
praeside: as…; predicative subj. of esse; the people do not know the reason
Collātiae: at…; locative or possibly gen. for the uprising as they look on the armed men
cūstōdibusque dātīs: abl. abs. rentur: 3p pres. dep. reor
2 nē quis…nūntiāret: so that not anyone…; neg. 6 Rōmae: locative
purpose clause; indefinite aliquis loses the prefix quam: than…; clause of comparison
ali- before sī, nisi, num or nē Collātiae: locative
eum motum: demonstrative adj. 7 curritur: they…; impers. pass.: translate active
rēgibus: i.e. rēgia familia quō: there, to there; ‘to where,’ connective rel.
duce Brūtō: abl. abs., supply pple ‘being’ 8 ventum est: they…; impers. pf. pass.: translate
3 profectī (sunt): 3p pf. dep. proficīscor as pf. active
eō: there, to there; adv. (cf. quō, ‘to where’) Celerum: of the Celeres; bodyguard of the king
ventum est: they…; impers. pf. pass.: translate in quō…magistrātū
as pf. active 9 forte: abl. fors
quācumque…multitūdo: wheresoever…; habita (est): was delivered; i.e. by Brutus
relative adv. 10 eius…ingeniīque: of that…; gen. of description
4 rūrsus: i.e. on the other hand; adversative quod…fuerat: which…
anteīre prīmōrēs cīvitātis: that… ad eam diem: up to…, until…
5 vident: the subject are the people who feel panic 11 dē: about…
as the armed men approach 12 Tricipitīnī: father, Sp. Lucretius Tricipitinus
quidquid…esse: that… cui: to whom…; dat. of reference (his viewpoint)
quidquid sit: relative clause of characteristic morte fīliae: than…; abl. of comparison
Brutus and Lucretia 59.8-12

mortis indignior ac miserābilior esset. 9. addita superbia ipsīus 1

rēgis miseriaeque et labōrēs plēbis in fossās cloācāsque
exhauriendās dēmersae; Rōmānōs hominēs, victōrēs omnium circā
populōrum, opificēs ac lapicīdās prō bellātōribus factōs. 10. indigna
Ser. Tullī rēgis memorāta caedēs et invecta corporī patris nefandō 5
vehiculō fīlia, invocātīque ultōrēs parentum dī. 11. hīs
atrōciōribusque, crēdō, aliīs, quae praesēns rērum indignitās
haudquāquam relātū scrīptōribus facilia subicit, memorātīs
incēnsam multitūdinem perpulit ut imperium rēgī abrogāret
exsulēsque esse iubēret L. Tarquinium cum coniuge ac līberīs. 12. 10
ipse iūniōribus quī ultrō nōmina dabant lectīs armātīsque, ad
concitandum inde adversus rēgem exercitum Ardeam in castra est
abrogō (1): repeal, annul, recall, 1 labor, -is m.: labor, toil, 6
Ardea, -ae f.; Ardea (Latin town), 5 lapicida, -ae, m.: stone-worker, stone-cutter, 1
atrōx, atrōcis: savage, cruel, atrocious, 7 memorō (1): to recall, mention, 5
bellātor, -is m.: warrior, 1 miserābilis, -e: miserable, pitiable, 4
cloāca, -ae f.: sewer, 3 miseria, -ae f.: misery, suffering, 1
concitō (1): stir up, incite, impel, 4 nefandus, -a, -um: unspeakable, impious, 2
coniūnx -ūgis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 6 opifex, -icis m/f: craftsman, artisan, 1
dēmergō, -ere, -sī, -sum: plunge, send beneath, 1 perpellō, -ere, -pulī: push through, prevail, 2
exhauriō -īre -hausī -haustum: empty, take out, 2 praesēns, -sentis: present, being present, 7
exsul, exsulis m/f: an exile, 2 referō, -ferre, -tulī: report, relate, 5
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 5 scriptor, -is m.: author, writer, 4
haudquāquam: not at all, in no way, 2 Ser.: Servius, 7
incendō, -ere, -ī, -ēnsus: kindle, enflame, burn, 3 subiciō, -ere, -iēcī: place under, bring up, 2
indignitās, -tātis f.: indignity, outrage, 4 superbia, -ae f.: arrogance, pride, 6
indignus, -a, -um: unworthy, undeserving, 4 ultor, ultōris m.: avenger, 3
invehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: convey, bring in, 5 ultrō: voluntarily, spontaneously, 4
invōcō (1): invoke, call on, 4 vehiculum, -ī n.: carriage, vehicle, 2
iūnior, iūnius: younger, 5

1 esset: subordinate verb in implied ind. disc. 7 crēdō: parenthetical

addita (est): 3s pf. pass. with 3p subjects quae…subicit: which….suggests (to a speaker);
ipsīus rēgis: of…; gen. sg. intensive ipse ‘brings up (to a speaker),’ quae is neut. acc. pl.;
2 in fossās…exhauriendās: into…; noun + praesēns rērum indignitās: present indignation
gerundive, perform a gerund-gerundive flip and for such affairs; (1) praesēns refers to Brutus’
translate as gerund (-ing) + obj. present and (2) indignitas can mean (a) indignity
3 dēmersae: PPP modifying fem. gen. sg. plēbis (i.e. humiliation one suffers) or (b) indignation
Rōmānōs…factōs (esse): that…; ind. disc. (i.e. anger one feels in response); This is anger.
4 opificēs ac lapicīdās: pred. of factōs (esse) 8 haudquāquam…facilia: modifies neut. pl. quae
prō: in place of…., instead of… relātū: abl. respect; supine modifying facilia;
5 memorāta (est): indigna caedēs is subject translate as inf. or a gerund (-ing)
invecta…fīlia: the daughter having..; PPP, a scrīptōribus: for…; i.e. for a historian like Livy
second subject for 3s memorāta (est) 9 ut...abrogāret...iubēret: that...; ind. command
corporī patris: over…; dat. of compound verb 10 exsulēs…esse...L. Tarquinium: that…
6 invocātī (sunt)…d(e)ī 11 ipse…est profectus: Brutus himself set out;
ultōrēs parentum: as…; predicative iūniōribus…lectīs armātīs: abl. abs.
hīs atrōciōribusque aliīs…memorātīs: these ad concitandum…: for…; flip to gerund (-ing)
things and…; abl. abs., comparative adj. 12 adversus: against…; preposition
59.12-60.2 Ab Urbe Condita Liber I

profectus: imperium in urbe Lucrētiō, praefectō urbis iam ante ab 1

rēge īnstitūtō, relinquit. 13. inter hunc tumultum Tullia domō
profūgit exsecrantibus quācumque incēdēbat invocantibusque
parentum furiās virīs mulieribusque.
60. hārum rērum nūntiīs in castra perlātīs cum rē novā trepidus 5
rēx pergeret Rōmam ad comprimendōs mōtūs, flexit viam
Brūtus—sēnserat enim adventum—nē obvius fieret; eōdemque
ferē tempore, dīversīs itineribus, Brūtus Ardeam, Tarquinius
Rōmam vēnērunt. 2. Tarquiniō clausae portae exsiliumque
indictum: līberātōrem urbis laeta castra accēpēre, exāctīque inde 10
līberī rēgis. duo patrem secūtī sunt quī exsulātum Caere in
Etrūscōs iērunt. Sex. Tarquinius Gabiōs tamquam in suum rēgnum
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 6 iter, itineris n.: way, route, path; journey, 5
Ardea, -ae f.; Ardea (Latin town), 5 laetus, -a, -um: happy, fortunate; abundant, rich, 6
Caere (no gen.) n.: Caere (town), 2 līberātor, -is m.: liberator, 3
claudō, -ere, -dī, -sum: to close, enclose, 5 Lucrētius, -iī m.: Lucretius, 3
comprimō, -ere, -pressī: suppress, hold back, 2 motus, -ūs m.: movement, disturbance, riot, 3
dīversus, -a, -um: different, contrary, 2 obvius, -a, -um: in the way of (dat), 5
exigō, -ere, -ēgī, -actum: drive out, spend, 1 perferō, -re, -tulī, -lātum: carry through, 2
exsecror, -ārī, -ātum: curse, 1 pergō, -ere -rēxī -rectum: proceed, continue, 7
exsilium, -iī n.: exile, 3 praefectus, -ī m.: Prefect (official), 2
exsulō (1): to exile, banish; live in exile, 3 profugiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: flee, escape, 2
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 5 sēntiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum: feel, perceive, 7
flectō, -ere, flexī, flectum: turn, bend, 4 tamquam: as if, as much as, so to speak, 3
furia, -ae f.: madness; fury, avenging spirit, 3 trepidus, -a, -um: trembling, alarming, alarmed, 3
incēdō, -ere, cessī: go, come into, enter, 5 Tullia, -ae f.: Tullia, 7
invōcō (1): invoke, call on, 4 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 7

1 Lucrētiō: dat. ind. obj. 6 viam: i.e. his course or direction

praefectō urbis…īnstitūtō: abl. abs.; the 7 nē…fieret: so that…not…; neg. purpose with
praefectus urbis managed the city in the absence impf. subj. fiō and pred.
of the king and later in the absence of all eōdem…tempore: abl. time when
officials who possessed imperium 8 dīversīs itineribus: abl. means; iter, ‘route’
2 inter: in the middle of… Ardeam, Rōmam: acc. place to which
domō: abl. place from which 9 Tarquiniō: for…; dat. of interest
3 exsecrantibus…invocantibusque…virīs clausae (sunt) portae: 3p pf. pass.
mulieribusque: abl. abs. with two subjects and exsilium…indictum (est)
two pples 10 laeta: predicative: translate nom. adj. as adv.
quācumque...incēdēbat: wheresoever...; adv. accēpēr(unt)
4 parentum: i.e. Tullia’s father Servius, but Livy exāctī (sunt)
also uses the word to describe one’s ancestors 11 secūtī sunt: dep. pf.
5 hārum rērum nūntiīs…perlātīs: messages…; exsultātum: to…; acc. supine (PPP + um) often
abl. abs. with objective gen. expresses purpose: translate as an inf.
cum…pergeret Caere: acc. place to which
rē novā: by recent circumstances; a common in: among
phrase for ‘revolution’ or ‘political change’ 12 iērunt: 3p pf. īre
ad comprimendōs mōtūs: for…; gerundive + Gabiōs: acc. place to which
noun, perform a gerund-gerundive flip and tamquam…: as if…; conditional clause of
translate as a gerund (-ing) + obj. comparison
Brutus and Lucretia 60.2-3

profectus ab ultōribus veterum simultātium, quās sibi ipse caedibus 1

rapīnīsque concierat, est interfectus.
3. L. Tarquinius Superbus rēgnāvit annōs quīnque et vīgintī.
rēgnātum Rōmae ab conditā urbe ad līberātam annōs ducentōs
quadrāgintā quattuor. duo cōnsulēs inde comitiīs centuriātīs ā 5
praefectō urbis ex commentāriīs Ser. Tullī creātī sunt, L. Iūnius
Brūtus et L. Tarquinius Collātīnus.
centuriātus, -a, -um: centuriate, 1 quattuor: four, 3
comitium, -ī n.: assembly; elections, 6 quīnque: five, 6
commentārius, -ī m.: commentary, 3 rapīna, -ae, f.: pillaging, plundering, 1
concieō, -ēre, -īī: rouse, provoke stir up, 3 Ser.: Servius, 7
ducentī: two-hundred, 3 simultās, -tātis f.: rivalry, grudge, 1
Iūnius, -ī m.: Junius, 3 superbus, -a, -um: arrogant, proud; Superbus, 7
līberō (1): to free, release, 2 ultor, ultōris m.: avenger, 3
praefectus, -ī m.: Prefect (official), 2 vīgintī: twenty, 4
quadrāgintā: forty, 7

1 profectus: dep. PPP prōficīscor, translate as English prefers a gerund + obj.

‘having Xed’ ad līberātam (urbem): to the liberation of the
āb ultōribus: abl. agent city; ‘to the city having been liberated,’ PPP
veterum simulātium: of…; gen. pl. annōs…quattuor: for…; acc. of duration
sibi: upon…; dat. of interest 5 (in) comitiīs centuriātīs
ipse: (he) himself ā praefectō urbis: abl. agent; as noted earlier,
caedibus rapīnīsque: abl. means the praefectus urbis managed the city in the
2 est interfectus: interfectus est absence of the king and later in the absence of
3 annōs quīnque et vīgintī: for...; acc. of duration all officials who possessed imperium
4 rēgnātum (est): it…; impers. pf. pass. 6 ex: based on…, as a result from…
Rōmae: locative L. Iūnius Brūtus et L. Tarquinius Collātīnus:
ab conditā urbe: from the founding of the city; in apposition to duo cōnsulēs
‘from the city having been founded,’ PPP where



PR. factūrusne operae pretium sim sī ā prīmōrdiō urbis rēs 1

populī Rōmānī perscrīpserim nec satis sciō nec, sī sciam, dīcere
ausim, 2. quippe quī cum veterem tum volgātam esse rem videam,
dum nōvī semper scrīptōrēs aut in rēbus certius aliquid allātūrōs sē
aut scrībendī arte rudem vetustātem superātūrōs crēdunt. 3. 5
utcumque erit, iuvābit tamen rērum gestārum memoriae prīncipis
terrārum populī prō virīlī parte et ipsum cōnsuluisse; et sī in tantā
scrīptōrum turbā mea fāma in obscūrō sit, nōbilitāte ac
magnitūdine eōrum mē quī nōminī officient meō cōnsōler. 4. rēs est 9

adferō, -ferre, attulī, allātum: bring, propose, 6 pretium, -ī n.: worth, value, price, reward, 1
consolor, -ārī, -ātum: console, comfort, 1 prīmōrdium, -ī n.: (very) beginning, 2
dum: while, as long as, until, 6 rudis, -e: uncultivated, inexperienced in (gen), 3
iuvō (1): help, assist, aid; iuvat, it is pleasing, 3 scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 6
memor, -is: mindful, remembering (gen.), 7 scriptor, -is m.: author, writer, 4
nōbilitās, -tātis f.: nobility, renown, 4 superō (1): overcome, surpass, be above, 2
nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtum: learn, know, 3 turba, -ae f.: crowd, throng; tumult, 4
obscūrus, -a, -um: dim, obscure, indistinct, 3 utcumque: however, in whatever way, 2
officiō, -ere, -fēcī: block, throw shade on (dat.), 2 vetustās, -tātis f.: antiquity; past, old age, 2
opera, -ae f.: effort, exertion; workman, 4 virīlis, -e: of a man, masculine, 4
perscrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī: write in detail, 1 volgō (1): make common, prostitute, publish, 3

1 factūrusne…sim: whether I am…; ind. question in rēbus…allātūrōs (esse) sē: that they…; ind.
with 1s periphrastic fut. subj. (fut. pple + sum) disc. with fut. inf. adferō, ‘produce’
faciō, ‘accomplish’ in rēbus: in affairs
pretium: something worthy, something of value certius: comparative adj.
sī…perscrīpserim…: if I…; protasis (if-clause) 5 (sē) scrībendī…superātūrōs (esse): that they…;
of a fut. more vivid condition (sī fut. pf., fut.); ind. disc. with fut. inf.
translate 1s fut. pf. as pres. with fut. sense; the scrībendī arte: abl. means and appositional gen.
apodosis (then-clause) is the ind. question above 6 utcumque erit: concessive clause
2 nec…nec…: neither…nor… iuvābit: it…; impers. 3s fut. + inf.
sī sciam,…ausim: if…should, would…; a fut. rērum…et (mē) ipsum cōnsuluisse: that I
less vivid condition (sī pres. subj., pres. subj.); myself also have given thought to…; + dat.; ind.
here, the apodosis (then-clause) is replaced with disc.; et is an adverb modifying intensive ipsum
1s pf. subj. audeō (ausim is equiv. to ausus sim) rērum gestārum: i.e. history; PPP gerō, ‘do’
quippe quī…videam: inasmuch as (I am) one memoriae: dat.
who…; or ‘since I…’ causal relative clause of prīncipis…populī: adj. + noun modifies rērum
characteristic with 1s pres. subj; quippe 7 terrārum: of the world; short for the common
‘inasmuch as’ or ut sometimes introduces the expression orbis terrārum, ‘sphere of lands’
clause when expressing cause prō virīlī parte: according to a man’s ability;
3 cum…esse rem: that the subject…; ind. disc. i.e. to do one’s best/to the utmost of one’s ability
cum…tum…: both…and…; lit. ‘while…at the 8 sī…sit, cōnsōler: if…should, I would…; fut. less
same time…’ vivid condition (sī pres. subj., pres. subj.);
4 dum…crēdunt: as long as…; usual translation 9 eōrum…quī…officient: of those who…; 3p fut.
with indicative mood; this clause is causal and nōminī…meō: dat. of compound verb ‘
explains the preceding statement cōnsōler: let…; 1s jussive subj. dep.
aut…aut…: either…or… rēs: the subject; i.e. Livy’s subject
Preface Pr.4-6

praetereā et immēnsī operis, ut quae suprā septingentēsimum 1

annum repetātur et quae ab exiguīs profecta initiīs eō crēverit ut
iam magnitūdine labōret suā; et legentium plērīsque haud dubitō
quīn prīmae orīginēs proximaque orīginibus minus praebitūra
voluptātis sint, festīnantibus ad haec nova quibus iam prīdem 5
praevalentis populī vīrēs sē ipsae cōnficiunt: 5. ego contrā hoc
quoque labōris praemium petam, ut mē ā cōnspectū malōrum quae
nostra tot per annōs vīdit aetās, tantisper certē dum prīsca [tōta] illa
mente repetō, āvertam, omnis expers cūrae quae scrībentis
animum, etsī nōn flectere ā vērō, sollicitum tamen efficere posset. 10
6. quae ante conditam condendamve urbem poēticīs magis decōra
fabulīs quam incorruptīs rērum gestārum monumentīs trāduntur, ea
cōnficiō, -ere: to finish (off), accomplish, 5 mēns, mentis f.: mind, intent, purpose, 4
cōnspectus, -ūs m.: sight, view, 7 plērusque, plēra-, plērum-: very many, most, 3
dubitō (1): to hestitate, doubt, 3 poēticus, -a, -um: poetic, of a poet, 1
decōrus, -a, -um: suitable/appropriate for (dat.), 2 praebeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: present, offer, 3
dum: while, as long as, until, 6 praemium, -ī n.: reward, prize, 1
efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: make, bring about, 2 praetereā: besides, moreover, in addition, 1
etsī: even if, although, though, 5 praevaleō, -ēre, -uī: be exceedingly powerful, 1
exiguus, -a, -um: small, meager, 1 prīdem: for a long time, long since, 1
expers, expertis: free from, without (gen), 3 priscus, -a, -um: old, of former times, 1
fabula, -ae f.: story, 3 festīnō (1): hasten, 2 scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum: write, 6
flectō, -ere, flexī, flectum: turn, bend, 4 septingentesimus, -a, -um: seven hundredth, 1
immēnsus, -a, -um: immense, 2 sollicitus, -a, -um: troubled, anxious, 2
incorruptus, -a, -um: uncorrupted, reliable, 2 supra: above; before (acc.)1
labor, -is m.: labor, toil, 6 tantisper: for a while, so long, meanwhile, 3
labōrō (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2 tot: so many, 5 voluptās, -tātis f.: pleasure, 2

immēnsī operis: gen. description as pred. 6 vīrēs: fem. nom. pl. vīs
ut quae…repetātur: which is traced back…; sē…cōnficiunt: has been finishing itself off;
causal relative clause of characteristic with pres. i.e. proves its undoing; a verb in the present with
subj.; as ‘quippe,’ ‘ut’ emphasizes the causal iam pridem is translated as perfect progressive
role: Ut quī can mean ‘since this…’ contrā: adv.
quae…crēverit: which…; same causal relative 7 petam: fut.
clause of characteristic, pf. subj. crēscō ut…āvertam: (namely) that…; result, pres. subj.
2 profecta: dep. PPP prōficīscor: ‘having Xed’ 8 tantisper…dum: so long…as; ‘so long while’
eō: to that point; ‘to there,’ adv. (cf. quō) 9 (in) mente
ut…labōret: that…; result with pres. subj. expers omnis cūrae: nom. modifying 1s subject
3 legentium: of (those)…; pres. pple legō quae…posset: which would be able…; relative
plērīsque: for…; dat. of interest clause of characteristic or relative of result
4 quīn… praebitūra sint: that…; substantive cl. scrībentis: of (one)…; pres. pple, i.e. a historian
after a negative verb of doubt; a periphrastic fut. 10 etsī nōn flectere ā vērō (posset): even if…
subj. (fut. pple + subj. sum): translate as a fut. vērō: truth; substantive
proxima: (matters) closest to + dat.; neut. pl. efficere: make (x) (y); double. acc. (obj. pred.)
minus…voluptātis: neut. comparative acc. obj. 11 quae...trāduntur, ea: those things, which…are
5 festinantibus: (while)...; pple modifies plērīsque handed down more suitable for (dat) than (dat)
ad haec nova: i.e. current times; novus, ‘recent’ ante…urbem: i.e. before the city was founded
quibus: in which (times); abl. time when or about to be founded; gerundive clarifies PPP
iam pridem: for a long time now 12 rērum gestārum: i.e. history; PPP gerō, ‘do’
P4.6-8 Preface

nec adfirmāre nec refellere in animō est. 7. datur haec venia 1

antīquitātī ut miscendō hūmāna dīvīnīs prīmōrdia urbium
augustiōra faciat; et sī cui populō licēre oportet cōnsecrāre orīginēs
suās et ad deōs referre auctōrēs, ea bellī glōria est populō Rōmānō
ut cum suum conditōrisque suī parentem Mārtem potissimum ferat, 5
tam et hoc gentēs hūmānae patiantur aequō animō quam imperium
8. sed haec et hīs similia utcumque animadversa aut exīstimāta
erunt haud in magnō equidem pōnam discrīmine: 9. ad illa mihi prō
sē quisque ācriter intendat animum, quae vīta, quī mōrēs fuerint, 10
per quōs virōs quibusque artibus domī mīlitiaeque et partum et
auctum imperium sit; lābente deinde paulātim disciplīnā velut
ācriter: keenly, sharply; bitterlys, 1 licet, -ēre, -uit: it is allowed, permitted, 3
adfirmō (1): affirm, strengthen, confirm, 3 Mārs, Mārtis m.: Mars, 6
aequus, -a, -um: equal, fair, level, even, 3 misceō, -ēre, -uī, mīxtum: mix, mingle, 5
animadvertō, -ere, -tī, -versum: notice, 2 oportet, -uit: it is right, proper, fitting, 3
antīquitās, -tātis f.: antiquity, old times, 1 paulātim: little by little, 1
augustus, -a, -um: august, majestic, 4 potissimus, -a, -um: most of all; above all, 2
conditor, -tōris m.: founder, 5 prīmōrdium, -ī n.: (very) beginning, 2
cōnsecrō (1): consecrate, make sacred, 4 refellō, -ere, -ī: refute, prove false, 1
disciplīna, -ae f.: training, instruction, 4 referō, -ferre, -tulī: report, relate, 5
discrīmen, -nis n.: difference, distinction, 7 similis, -e: similar to, like (dat), 6
equidem: for my part; indeed, 1 utcumque: however, in whatever way, 2
existimō (1): judge, consider, think, 2 venia, -ae f.: mercy, indulgence, favor, 3
intendō, -ere, -tendī, -tentum: stretch, direct, 2 vīta, -ae f.: life, 1
lābor, -ī, lapsum,: slip, glide, 2

1 in animō (meō) est: i.e. I intend to (demonstrative and relative), and quam
haec venia: this indulgence introduces a clause of comparison
2 ut…faciat: (namely) that…; noun result clause et hoc: this also; acc. obj.; i.e. Mars’ divine role
with pres. subj. in apposition to haec venia gentēs hūmānae: i.e. those under Roman rule
miscendō hūmāna dīvīnīs: by…; abl. means 8 haec et hīs similia: these (things) and (those)…;
gerund (-ing) with two neut. substantives (add acc. neut. pl. substantives
‘affairs’): acc. obj. and abl. assocation (‘with...’) utcumque…erunt: however they…; fut. sum
3 faciat: governs a double acc. (obj. and pred.) with two PPP as predicates; concessive clause
cui populō: for any…; interest; indef. adj. alicui 9 in magnō…discrīmine: of great importance
loses the preflix ali- before sī, nisi, num or nē pōnam: 1s fut.
licēre: that it…; impersonal inf. after oportet mihi: for me; dat. of interest or ethical dat.
4 ad deōs…auctōrēs: to the gods as promoters prō sē quisque: each man for his part
referre (orīginēs): attribute (the origins) 10 intendat animum: let…; jussive pres. subj.;
ea: such…; equiv. to talis animum here means ‘attention’
populō Rōmānō: dat. of possession or interest quae...quae…: what life (was) what customs…
5 ut…patiantur: that…; result, dep. subj. patior ind. questions in apposition to illa; pf. subj. sum
cum…ferat: when…it reports; i.e. populus 11 quibus artibus: and by what…; ind. question
suum (parentem) conditōrisque suī parentem domī mīlitiaeque: at home and abroad; locative
(esse) Mārtem potissimum: that Mars (is)…; et partum (sit) et auctum…sit: both…and…;
ind. disc.; add inf. pf. pass. subj. pariō, augeō same ind. question
6 tam…aequō animō quam: with as calm a spirit 12 lābente…disciplīnā: abl. abs.
as…; abl. of manner; tam...quam are correlatives deinde...sequātur: then let...; following intendat
Preface Pr.8-12

dēsidentēs prīmō mōrēs sequātur animō, deinde ut magis magisque 1

lapsī sint, tum īre coeperint praecipitēs, dōnec ad haec tempora
quibus nec vitia nostra nec remedia patī possumus perventum est.
10. hoc illud est praecipuē in cognitiōne rērum salūbre ac
frūgiferum. omnis tē exemplī documenta in inlūstrī posita 5
monumentō intuērī; inde tibi tuaeque reī pūblicae quod imitēre
capiās, inde foedum inceptū foedum exitū quod vītēs.
11. cēterum aut mē amor negōtiī susceptī fallit, aut nūlla unquam
rēs pūblica nec maior nec sānctior nec bonīs exemplīs dītior fuit,
nec in quam [cīvitātem] tam serae avāritia luxuriaque 10
immigrāverint, nec ubi tantus ac tam diū paupertātī ac parsimōniae
honos fuerit. 12. adeō quantō rērum minus, tantō minus cupiditātis
amor, -ōris m.: love, desire, passion, 5 intueor, -tuērī, -tuitus sum: look upon, 5
avāritia, -ae f.: greed, avarice, 2 lābor, -ī, lapsum,: slip, glide, 2
cēterum: but, in other respects; besides, 7 luxuria, -ae f.: (excessive) indulgence, 1
cognitiō, -tiōnis f.: inquiry, examination, 3 negōtium, iī n.: task, business, 4
cupiditās, -tātis f.: desire, ambition, 6 parsimonia, -ae f.: frugality, thrift, 1
dēsidō, -ere, disēdī: sink, subside, 1 paupertās, -tātis f.: poverty, 1
dītes (dīves), dititis: wealthy, rich, 2 praeceps, praecipitis: headlong, fast, 2
diū: a long time, long, 4 praecipuē; especially, 5
documentum, -ī n.: example, lesson, instruction, 3 remedium,-ī n.: remedy, 1
exeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go out, end, 6 salūbris, -e: healthy, useful, 4
fallō, -ere, fefellī, falsum: deceive, cheat, 6 sānctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy, 4
frūgifer, -a, -um: fruit-bearing, productive, 1 serus, -a, -um: late, a late time, 2
imitor, -ārī, -ātum: imitate, 1 suscipiō, -ere, cēpī, ceptum: undertake, take up, 7
immigrō (1): travel in, move in, 1 unquam (umquam): ever, 3
incipiō, -ere, incēpī, inceptum: begin, 2 vitium, -ī n.: vice, fault, 1
inlūstris, -e: illustrious, distinguished, 1 vitō (1): avoid, 1

1 velut dēsidentēs…mōrēs: as if…; conditional in inlūstrī…monumentō

clause of comparison with previous abl. abs. 6 inde…capiās: from there you should pick out;
primō: at first; abl. as adv. modifies dēsidentēs 2s jussive subj. pres. subj. (or potential: ‘may...’)
(in) animō tibi…pūblicae: for…; dat. of interest; rēs
deinde (sequātur): let him…; quisque subject pūblica, ‘government’ or ‘public state’
ut (mōrēs)…lāpsī sint: how…; ind. question quod imitēr(is): (that) which…would; relative
governed by sequātur; pf. dep. subj. lābor clause of chararactistic; 2s pres. dep. subj.
2 coeperint: pf. subj., same ind. question 7 inde…quod vitēs (capiās): (and) from there
dōnec…perventum est: until they…; impers. (you should pick out)…; same as above
pf. pass.; translate in English in the active voice foedum inceptū (et) foedum exitū: foul in…
ad: up to…, until… and foul in…; acc. in apposition to quod vitēs;
3 quibus…possumus: in which; abl. time when abl. of respect and supine (PPP + ū) for incipiō
patī: dep. inf. patior and exeō; translate as gerunds (-ing) or infs.
4 hoc illud est…frūgiferum: this is that…thing 8 bonīs exemplīs: in…; abl. respect
in…; hoc points forward to the next sentence. 10 in quam...immigrāverint, ubi...fuerit: two
in cognitiōne rērum: i.e. study of history relative cl. of characteristic with pf. subj. sum
5 omnis tē…intuērī: (namely) that you…; dep. 11 paupertātī ac parsimōniae: dat. of possession
pres. inf.; all in apposition to hoc above; Livy 12 quantō rērum minus, tantō: the less of riches,
is addressing the reader in general the less of greed there was; ‘by how so
omnis…exemplī: gen. sg. much,’ abl. degree of difference; partitive gen.
Pr.12-13 Preface

erat: nūper dīvitiae avāritiam et abundantēs voluptātēs dēsīderium 1

per luxum atque libīdinem pereundī perdendīque omnia invēxēre.
sed querellae, nē tum quidem grātae futūrae cum forsitan
necessāriae erunt, ab initiō certē tantae ōrdiendae reī absint: 13.
cum bonīs potius ōminibus vōtīsque et precātiōnibus deōrum 5
deārumque, sī, ut poētīs, nōbīs quoque mōs esset, libentius
inciperēmus, ut orsīs tantum operis successūs prōsperōs darent.
abundō (1): overflow, 2 nūper: recently, lately, not long ago, 4
avāritia, -ae f.: greed, avarice, 2 ōmen, ōminis n.: omen, 3
dēsīderium, -iī n.: longing; grief (for a loss), 5 perdō, -ere, perdidī: lose, ruin, destroy, 2
dīvitiae, -ārum f.: riches, wealth, 4 pereō, -īre, periī: pass away, perish; be ruined, 4
forsitan: perhaps, 2 poēta, -ae m.: poet, 1
grātus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 6 potius: rather, more, preferably, 5
incipiō, -ere, incēpī, inceptum: begin, 2 precātiō, -tiōnis f.: prayer, entreaty, 1
invehō, -ere, -vexī, -vectum: convey, bring in, 5 prōsperus, -a, -um: favorable, successful, 2
libenter: willingly (comp. libentius), 1 querella, -ae f.: complaint, 3
libīdō, libidinis f.: lust, wanton desire, 4 successus, -ūs m.: outcome, result, 1
luxus, -ī m.: luxury, extravagance, splendor, 2 voluptās, -tātis f.: pleasure, 2
necessārius, -a, -um: necessary, inevitable, 2 vōtum, -ī n.: vow, prayer, 2

2 pereundī perdendīque omnia: for…; gen. sg. initiō, ‘beginning’ in English, ordior ‘begin’
gerund (-ing), pereō and perdō; objective gen. may also be translated as ‘undertake’
following dēsīderium, obj. of main verb; while 5 cum bonīs potius…deārumque: preferably
‘for perishing’ is a possible translation for with…; comparative adv., prepositional phrase
pereundī, more likely it means ‘for ruining modifying inciperēmus
oneself’ (middle voice) and therefore the two sī…mōs esset,...inciperēmus: if it were...; we
gerunds have similar meaning but different would…, pres. contrary to fact condition (sī
objects impf. subj., impf. subj.) with an impersonal
invēxēr(unt): syncopated 3p pf. construction in the protasis
3 nē…quidem…futūrae: not going to be pleasing 6 ut poētīs: just as for…; clause of comparison
even at that time…; nē…quidem here qualifies with a dat. of interest
the entire pple phrase nōbīs: dat. of interest nōs; i.e. historians
cum…erunt: when…; temporal clause; fut. sum libentius: comparative adv.
4 ab initiō…absint: let…; or ‘should…’ 3p 7 ut…darent: so that they might…; purpose with
jussive subj. absum; querellae is the subject, impf. subj.; the gods and goddesses above are
certē: at least; restrictive adv. modifiying initiō the subject
tantae ōrdiendae reī: of…; noun + gerundive; (nōbīs) orsīs: (to us)…; dat. ind. obj. nōs and
perform a gerund-gerundive flip and translate as dep.PPP ordior (translate as ‘having Xed’)
a gerund (-ing) + obj.; rēs means ‘subject’ or tantum operis: acc. and partitive gen. opus
‘matter’ here; to avoid an jarring pleonasm with

Correlatives 171

Correlative Pronouns and Adjectives from Ab Urbe Condita Book I *

Demonstrative Relative Interrogative Indefinite
is, ea, id 322 quī 574* quis? aliquis 14
this, that who who? someone, anyone
quality 3 5*
tālis quālis quālis?
such which sort what sort?
42 12*
quantity tantus quantus quantus? aliquantus 5
so great as great as how great? some
tot 5 quot quot? aliquot 6
so many as many as how many? some, several
totiēns 2 quotiēns quotiēns? aliquotiēns 1
so many times as many times as how many times? several times

Correlative Adverbs from Ab Urbe Condita Book I *

Demonstrative Relative Interrogative Indefinite
place ibi 36 ubi 41 ubi? alicubi
there where where? somewhere
eō (eōdem) 10 quō 8 quō? aliquō 1 aliō 1
thither, to there whither, to where whither? to where? to somewhere
83 13
inde unde unde? alicunde
from there, then whence, from where whence? from where? from somewhere
77 209 3
time tum cum quando? aliquando 1
then when when? some time
tamdiū quam diū quam diū aliquamdiū 2
so long as long as how long? for some long time
manner eā 1 quā 3 quā? aliquā
place that way, there which way, where which way? where? in some way
degree tam 21 quam 20 quam? aliquam
so as (than) How? in some degree
*The relative and interrogative frequency count are tallied together in the relative column.

Prepositions in Book I prae: because of, for (acc.); before (abl.), 6

prō: before, in front of, for (abl), 20
ā, ab, abs (away) from, out of; by (abl), 153
propter: on account of, because of, 1
ad: to, toward; near (acc), 212
secundus, -a, -um: favorable; following (acc.), 10
adversus, -a, -um: opposite; against + acc., 17
sine: without (abl), 19
ante: before, in front of (acc); before, 27 sub: under, beneath (abl), 15
apud: among, in the presence of (acc), 18
super: over, above (acc.), 7
causā: for the sake of (gen), 5
supra: above (acc.), 1
citrā: this side of (acc), 1
contrā: against (acc); in reponse, 10 Common Correlatives in Book 1
cum: with (abl); (quom) when, since, although, 209
eā…quā: there…where
dē: down from, about, concerning (abl), 31 eō…quō: (to) there…(to) where
ē, ex: out from, from, out of (abl), 108 eō…quōd: because of this…because…
ergā: toward, for (acc), 3 hōc/eō…quō: the…the…(by this much…by as much)
extrā: outside; beyond, outside of (acc.), 3
ita/sīc…ut: thus/so…just as
in: in, on (abl) , into, against (acc.), 352
ita…quemadmodum: thus/so…in what manner
inter: between, among (acc), 51
tālis…quālis: such…as
intrā: within, among (acc), 3 tam…quam: as/so…as (just as)
ob: on account of (acc), 11 tantus…quantus: so (great/much)…as
per: through, over, across (acc), 49 tanto…quantō: the…the (by so much …by as much)
post: after, behind (acc); afterward, next, 18
172 Subjunctives in Ab Urbe Condita Book 1

Below is an appoximate count of how many times each construction is identified is the commentary. The actual
frequency may be higher since (a) multiple verbs in a series are identified as a single occurrence of a construction
and (b) a subordinate verb in an ind. clause includes subjunctive constructions that are not individually identified.
How to identify special translation example

1. Purpose, adverbial 67 ut/quō/nē + pres./impf. may/might ut Romulus mitteret

so that Romulus might send

Purpose, relative 14 quī, quae, quod + pres./impf. may/might quī mitteret

would who would send

2. Cum-Clauses 79 cum + subjunctive none Cum Romulus mitteret

When Romulus sent

3. Subordinate Verb quī, quae, quod in ind. none eōs, sī id mitteret, lēgere
in Ind. Clause 66 disc. or subjunctive clause that they read it, if he sent it

4. Indirect Question 52 interrogatives: e.g. quis, cūr none nōvit quōs Romulus mitteret
he learned whom Romulus sent

5. Result, adverbial 48 tam, tantus, sīc, ita + ut/ut nōn none ut Romulus mitteret
or noun clause any subj. tense that Romulus sent

Result, relative 1 tam, tantus, sīc, ita + quī none quī Romulus mitteret
any subj. tense that Romulus sent

6. Relative Clause of quī, quae, quod + subj. none/would quōs Romulus mitteret
Characteristic 41 the sort whom Romulus would send

7. Indirect Command 35 verb of commanding + ut/nē none persuāsit ut Romulus mitteret

he persuaded that Romulus send

8. Alleged/Reported 14 quod + subjunctive none quod mittat

Cause because/on the grounds that…

9. Jussive Subj.12 main verb (neg. nē) let/should Romulus mittat

often in 3s or 3p Let Romulus send…

10. Anticipated Action 11priusquam/antequam/dōnec none priusquam mittat…

+ subj. before he could send

11. Deliberative Subj.6 main verb (interrogative) is he/she to X Quid mittam?

or ind. deliberative question should they X What am I to send? What should…?

12. Optative Subj.5 often quod/ut + main verb Would that… Ut eōs mittat…
(subj. of wish) (neg. nē) May… May he see them…

13. Proviso Clause 1 dummodo/modo (nē) + pres. none dummodo mittat…

subj. provided that he send…

14. Past General 1 ubi/cum/ut/quandō + subj. none ubi mīsisset…

Temporal whenever he had sent…

15. Future Less Vivid 2 sī pres. subj., pres. subj. should/would sī sit, mittat
if he should be...he would send
16. Pres. Contrary to Fact 2 sī impf. subj., impf. subj. were/would sī esset, mitteret
if he were…he would send
17. Past Contrary to Fact 9 sī plpf. subj., plpf. subj. had/would have sī fuisset, mīsisset
(or mixed) if he had been…he would have
Synopsis: First Conjugation 173

amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum: to love

active translation passive translation
Pres. amō amāmus I love amor amāmur I am (being) loved
amās amātis amāris amāminī
amat amant amātur amantur
Impf. amābam amābāmus I was loving amābar amābāmur I was (being) loved
amābās amābātis amābāris amābāminī
amābat amābant amābātur amābantur
Fut. amābō amābimus I will love amābor amābimur I will be loved
amābis amābitis amāberis amābiminī
amābit amābunt amābitur amābuntur
Perf. amāvī amāvimus I have loved amāta sum amātae sumus I have been loved
amāvistī amāvistis amāta es amātae estis was loved
amāvit amāvērunt amāta est amātae sunt
Plpf. amāveram amāverāmus I had loved amāta eram amātae erāmus I had been loved
amāverās amāverātis amāta erās amātae erātis
amāverat amāverant amāta erat amātae erant
Fut. Pf amāverō amāverimus I will have amāta erō amātae erimus I will have been
amāveris amāveritis loved amāta eris amātae eritis loved
amāverit amāverint amāta erit amātae erunt

Pres. amem amēmus same as amer amēmur same as
amēs amētis indicative amēris amēminī indicative
amet ament ametur amentur
Impf. amārem amārēmus amārer amārēmur
amārēs amārētis amārēris amārēminī
amāret amārent amāretur amārentur
Perf. amāverim amāverīmus amāta sim amātae sīmus
amāverīs amāverītis amāta sīs amātae sītis
amāverit amāverint amāta sit amātae sint
Plpf. amāvissem amāvissēmus amāta essem amātae essēmus
amāvissēs amāvissētis amāta essēs amātae essētis
amāvisset amāvissent amāta esset amātae essent

amā amāte love!

Pres. amāns (gen. amantis) loving
Perf. amātus, -a, -um having been loved
Fut. amātūrus, -a, -um going to love amandus, -a, -um going to be loved

Pres. amāre to love amārī to be love
Perf. amāvisse to have loved amātum esse to have been loved
Fut. amātūrum esse to be going to love
174 Synopsis: Second Conjugation

teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: to hold

active translation passive translation
Pres. teneō tenēmus I hold teneor tenēmur I am (being) held
tenēs tenētis tenēris tenēminī
tenet tenent tenētur tenentur
Impf. tenēbam tenēbāmus I was holding tenēbar tenēbāmur I was (being) held
tenēbās tenēbātis tenēbāris tenēbāminī
tenēbat tenēbant tenēbātur tenēbantur
Fut. tenēbō tenēbimus I will hold tenēbor tenēbimur I will be held
tenēbis tenēbitis tenēberis tenēbiminī
tenēbit tenēbunt tenēbitur tenēbuntur
Perf. tenuī tenuimus I have held tenta sum tentae sumus I have been held
tenuistī tenuistis tenta es tentae estis was held
tenuit tenuērunt tenta est tentae sunt
Plpf. tenueram tenuerāmus I had held tenta eram tentae erāmus I had been held
tenuerās tenuerātis tenta erās tentae erātis
tenuerat tenuerant tenta erat tentae erant
Fut. Pf. tenuerō tenuerimus I will have held tenta erō tentae erimus I will have been held
tenueris tenueritis tenta eris tentae eritis
tenuerit tenuerint tenta erit tentae erunt

Pres. teneam teneāmus same as tenear teneāmur same as indicative
teneās teneātis teneāris teneāminī
teneat teneant teneatur teneantur
Impf. tenērem tenērēmus tenērer tenērēmur
tenērēs tenērētis tenērēris tenērēminī
tenēret tenērent tenērētur tenērentur
Perf. tenuerim tenuerīmus tenta sim tentae sīmus
tenuerīs tenuerītis tenta sīs tentae sītis
tenuerit tenuerint tenta sit tentae sint
Plpf. tenuissem tenuissēmus tenta essem tentae essēmus
tenuissēs tenuissētis tenta essēs tentae essētis
tenuisset tenuissent tenta esset tentae essent

tenē tenēte hold!

Pres. tenēns (gen. tenentis) holding
Perf. tentus, -a, -um having been held
Fut. tentūrus, -a, -um going to hold tenendus, -a, -um going to be held

Pres. tenēre to hold tenērī to be held
Perf. tenuisse to have held tentum esse to have been held
Fut. tentūrum esse to be going to hold
Synopsis: Third Conjugation 175

dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum: to lead

active translation passive translation
Pres. dūcō dūcimus I lead dūcor dūcimur I am (being) led
dūcis dūcitis dūceris dūciminī
dūcit dūcunt dūcitur dūcuntur
Impf. dūcēbam dūcēbāmus I was leading dūcēbar dūcēbāmur I was (being) led
dūcēbās dūcēbātis dūcēbāris dūcēbāminī
dūcēbat dūcēbant dūcēbātur dūcēbantur
Fut. dūcam dūcēmus I will lead dūcar dūcēmur I will be led
dūcēs dūcētis dūcēris dūcēminī
dūcet dūcent dūcētur dūcentur
Perf. dūxī dūximus I have led ducta sum ductae sumus I have been led
dūxistī dūxistis ducta es ductae estis
dūxit dūxērunt ducta est ductae sunt
Plpf. dūxeram dūxerāmus I had led ducta eram ductae erāmus I had been led
dūxerās dūxerātis ducta erās ductae erātis
dūxerat dūxerant ducta erat ductae erant
Fut.. Pf. dūxerō dūxerimus I will have led ducta erō ductae erimus I will have been led
dūxeris dūxeritis ducta eris ductae eritis
dūxerit dūxerint ducta erit ductae erunt

Pres. dūcam dūcāmus same as dūcar dūcāmur same as indicative
dūcās dūcātis indicative dūcāris dūcāminī
dūcat dūcant dūcātur dūcantur
Impf. dūcerem dūcerēmus dūcerer dūcerēmur
dūcerēs dūcerētis dūcerēris dūcerēminī
dūceret dūcerent dūcerētur dūcerentur
Perf. dūxerim dūxerīmus ducta sim ductae sīmus
dūxerīs dūxerītis ducta sīs ductae sītis
dūxerit dūxerint ducta sit ductae sint
Plpf. dūxissem dūxissēmus ducta essem ductae essēmus
dūxissēs dūxissētis ducta essēs ductae essētis
dūxisset dūxissent ducta esset ductae essent

dūc(e) dūcite lead!

Pres. dūcēns (gen. dūcentis) leading
Perf. ductus, -a, -um having been led
Fut. ductūrus, -a, -um going to lead dūcendus, -a, -um going to be led

Pres. dūcere to lead dūcī to be led
Perf. dūxisse to have led ductum esse to have been led
Fut. ductūrum esse to be going to lead
176 Synopsis: Fourth Conjugation

sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītum: to know

active translation passive translation
Pres. sciō scīmus I know scior scīmur I am (being) known
scīs scītis scīris scīminī
scit sciunt scītur sciuntur
Impf. sciēbam sciēbāmus I was knowing sciēbar sciēbāmur I was (being) known
sciēbās sciēbātis sciēbāris sciēbāminī
sciēbat sciēbant sciēbātur sciēbantur
Fut. sciam sciēmus I will know sciar sciēmur I will be known
sciēs sciētis sciēris sciēminī
sciet scient sciētur scientur
Perf. scīvi scīvimus I have known scīta sum scītae sumus I have been known
scīvistī scīvistis scīta es scītae estis
scīvit scīvērunt scīta est scītae sunt
Plpf. scīveram scīverāmus I had known scīta eram scītae erāmus I had been known
scīverās scīverātis scīta erās scītae erātis
scīverat scīverant scīta erat scītae erant
Fut. Pf. scīverō scīverimus I will have scīta erō scītae erimus I will have been
scīveris scīveritis known scīta eris scītae eritis known
scīverit scīverint scīta erit scītae erunt

Pres. sciam sciāmus same as sciar sciāmur same as indicative
sciās sciātis indicative sciāris sciāminī
sciat sciant sciātur sciantur
Impf. scīrem scīrēmus scīrer scīrēmur
scīrēs scīrētis scīrēris scīrēminī
scīret scīrent scīrētur scīrentur
Perf. scīverim scīverīmus scīta sim scītae sīmus
scīverīs scīverītis scīta sīs scītae sītis
scīverit scīverint scīta sit scītae sint
Plpf. scīvissem scīvissēmus scīta essem scītae essēmus
scīvissēs scīvissētis scīta essēs scītae essētis
scīvisset scīvissent scīta esset scītae essent

scī scīte know!

Pres. sciēns (gen. scientis) knowing
Perf. scītus, -a, -um having been known
Fut. scītūrus, -a, -um going to know sciendus, -a, -um going to be known

Pres. scīre to know scīrī to be known
Perf. scīvisse to have known scītum esse to have been known
Fut. scītūrum esse to be going to know
Irregular Synopses 177

sum, esse, fuī, futūrum: to be eō, īre, iī, itūrum : to go

translation translation
Pres. sum sumus I am eō īmus I go
es estis īs ītis
est sunt it eunt
Impf. eram erāmus I was ībam ībāmus I was going
erās erātis ībās ībātis
erat erant ībat ībant
Fut. erō erimus I will be ībō ībimus I will go
eris eritis ībis ībitis
erit erunt ībit ībunt
Perf. fuī fuimus I have been, iī iimus I have gone,
fuistī fuistis I was īstī īstis went
fuit fuērunt iit iērunt
Plpf. fueram fuerāmus I had been ieram ierāmus I had gone
fuerās fuerātis ierās ierātis
fuerat fuerant ierat ierant
Fut. Pf. fuerō fuerimus I will have been ierō ierimus I will have gone
fueris fueritis ieris ieritis
fuerit fuerint ierit ierint

Pres. sim sīmus same as eam eāmus same as
sīs sītis indicative eās eātis indicative
sit sint eat eant
Impf. essem essēmus īrem īrēmus
essēs essētis īrēs īrētis
esset essent īret īrent
Perf. fuerim fuerīmus ierim ierimus
fuerīs fuerītis ieris ieritis
fuerit fuerint ierit ierunt
Plpf. fuissem fuissēmus īssem īssēmus
fuissēs fuissētis īssēs īssētis
fuisset fuissent īsset īssent
xxx ī īte

Pres. iēns (euntis) going
Perf. ---
Fut. itūrus, -a, -um going to go

Pres. esse to be īre to go
Perf. fuisse to have been īsse to have gone
Fut. futūrum esse (fore) to be going to be ītūrum esse to be going to go

Ab Urbe Condita Book 1: Alphabetized Vocabulary

The following five pages includes all 425 words in the Book 1 that occur eight or more times arranged in an
alphabetized list. The number at the end of each dictionary entry is the frequency of the word in the speech. If
there is no number at the end of the entry, the word occurs only once in the work.

ā, ab, abs: from, away from, by (abl), 153 audeō, -ēre, ausum sum: dare, venture, 11
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go away, depart, 12 audiō, -īre, -īvī, audītum: hear, listen to, 25
absum, -esse, āfuī: be away, be absent, 8 augeō, -ēre, -xī, -ctum: increase, enrich, 18
ac: and, 84 augurium, -ī n.: augury, divination, 9
acciō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: rouse to, summon, 8 aut: or; aut...aut, either…or, 37
accipiō, -ere -cēpī -ceptum: receive, 19 āvertō, -ere, -vertī: turn aside or away, 11
aciēs, -ēī f.: battle line, army, 19 avis, avis f.: bird, 9
ad: to, toward; near; for; in regard to (acc.), 212 bellum, -ī, n.: war, 98
addō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: bring to, add, 21 bonus, -a, -um: good, kind, noble, 13
adeō: so, to such a degree, to such an extent, 8 bōs, bovis m/f: cow, ox, bull, cattle, 10
adiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectum: add, throw to, 8 Brūtus, -ī m.: Brutus, 13
adimō, -ere, -ēmī, -ēmptum: take (away), 8 cadō, -ere, cecidī, cāsum: fall, 8
adversus, -a, -um: opposite; against (acc), 16 caedēs, -is f.: murder, killing, 15
Aenēās, -ae m.: Aeneas, 17 caelestis, -e: celestial, of the gods; the gods, 11
aetās, aetātis f.: age, lifetime, generation, time, 22 capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum: take, seize, 32
ager, agrī m.: land, field, territory, 27 caput, capitis, n.: head; life, 23
agō, -ere, ēgī, āctum: drive, lead, spend, 43 castra, -ōrum n.: camp, 18
Alba Longa, -ae f.: Alba Longa (town), 15 causa, -ae f.: reason; causā for the sake of, 18
Albānus -a -um: Alban, of Alba, 59 cēnsus, -ūs m.: census, registration, 10
aliēnus, -a, -um: of another, foreign, 11 centum: hundred, 9
aliquis, aliquid (adj. -quī, -qua, -quod): someone, centuria, -ae f.: century (unit), 21
something, anyone, anything; adj. some, any, 14 certāmen, -minis n.: contest, rivalry, combat 12
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 75 certus, -a, -um: decided, fixed; sure, reliable, 15
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two); one…another, 18 cēterī, -ae, -a: the other, remaining, 21
Ancus, -ī m.: Ancus, 15 circā: about, around, 19
animus, -ī m.: spirit, soul, mind; passion, anger, 79 cīvis, -is m/f: citizen, 15
annus, -ī m.: year, 24 cīvitās. cīvitātis f.: city-state, state, city, 35
ante: before, in front of (acc); adv. before, 27 clāmor, -is f.: shout, cry, 9
aperiō, -īre, -uī, -ertum: open, disclose, 10 classis, -is f.: fleet, 11
appellō (1): call (by name), name, 32 coepī, coepisse, coeptum: begin, 10
apud: among, in the house/presence of (acc), 18 Collātīnus, -ī m.: Collatinus (name), 7
aqua, -ae f.: water, 10 collis, -is m.: hill, 8
arma, -ōrum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 24 commūnis, -e: common, 9
armō (1): arm, equip, 37 concilium, -iī n.: meeting, council, 12
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 13 condō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: found, establish, 20
arx, arcis m.: citadel, hilltop, 16 cōnsilium, -iī n.: plan, advice; council, 29
atque: and, 43 cōnsulō, -ere, -uī, consultum: consult, 9
auctor, -is m.: author, originator, promoter, 25 contrā: against (acc); in response, opposite, 10
Alphabetized Core Vocabulary 179

conveniō -īre -vēnī -ventum: come together, 11 ferō, -re, tulī, lātum: carry, bear, endure, 48
corpus, corporis, n.: body, 23 ferōx, -ōcis: fierce, savage, 19
crēdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: believe, trust, 28 ferrum, -ī n.: iron; sword, 8
creō (1): create, appoint, 19 Fīdēnātēs, -ium m.: people of Fidenae, 10
crēscō, -ere, crēvī, crētum: grow, 14 fidēs, eī f.: faith, trust, confidence; pledge, 19
cum: with (abl); when, since, although, 209 fīlia, -iae f.: daughter, 11
cūra, -ae f.: care, concern, worry, 9 fīlius, -iī m.: son, 26
cūria, ae f.: curia (district); senate house, 15 fīnis, -is m./f.: end; border, territory, 15
Cūriātius, -ī m.: Curiatius, 9 fīnitimus -a -um: neighboring, bordering, 9
dē: down from, about, concerning (abl), 31 fiō, fierī, factum: become, be made, 29
decus, decōris n.: distinction, honor, adornment, 7 flūmen, -inis n.: river, 8
dedō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give up, dedicate, 9 foedus, -eris n.: treaty, alliance, 26
deinde: then, thereupon, 49 fors, fortis: chance; forte, by chance, 18
deus, -ī m.: god, 54 fortūna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 18
dexter, -ra, -rum: right (hand); skilful, 11 frāter, -tris m.: brother, 17
Diāna, -ae f.: Diana, 8 fuga, -ae f.: flight, retreat, 16
dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictus: say, speak, tell, 36 fundō, -ere, fūdī, fūsum: spread out, pour, 11
diēs, -ēī m./f.: day, time, 27 Gabiī, -ōrum m.: Gabii (town), 8
dīvidō, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsum: divide, 8 gēns, gentis f.: clan, family; race, people, 22
dīvīnus, -a, -um: divine, 11 genus, -eris n.: race, class, family; birth, 10
dō, dare, dedī, datum: give, put; grant (+ inf), 67 gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus: carry on, wage, 19
domus, -ī f.: house, home; domī, at home, 35 gladius, -ī m.: sword, 11
dōnec: until, 10 glōria, -ae f.: glory, 8
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, 9 habeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum: have, hold; consider, 29
dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductus: lead, draw, 13 habitō (1): inhabit, dwell, live, 9
duo, duae, duo: two, 35 haud: by no means, not at all, 43
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 22 hic, haec, hoc: this, these, 139
ē, ex: out from, from, out of; as a result of (abl), 108 hinc: from here, hence, 8
ēdūcō (1): bring up, rear, train, 8 homō, -inis m/f: person, people, human, 25
ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē: I, 34 honor (honos), -ōris m.: honor; offering, 11
enim: for, indeed, in truth, 27 Horātius, -ī m.: Horatius, 10
eō, īre, iī, itūrum: go, 18 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 43
eques, equitis m.: horseman, equestrian, 17 hūmānus, -a, -um: human, humane, 14
equus, -ī m.: horse, 11 iam: now, already, soon, 55
et: and, also, even, 280 ibi: there, in that place; then, 36
etiam: also, even, 37 iciō, -ere, icī, ictum: strike, hit, 11
Etrūscus, -a, -um: Etruscan, 16 īdem, eadem, idem: same, 31
exciō, -īre, -ivī, -itum: rouse, draw out, 9 igitur: therefore, then, accordingly, 10
exemplum, -ī n.: example, 8 ille, illa, illud: that, those, 61
exercitus, -ūs m.: army, 37 imperium, -iī n.: power, command, 48
facilis, -e: easy, 9 imperō (1): order, command, 8
faciō, -ere, fēcī, factum: make, do, 120 impetus, -ūs m.: attack, assault, 13
fāma, -ae f.: report, rumor, reputation, 13 impleō, -ēre, -ēvī, implētum: fill, fill up, 8
fānum, -ī n.: shrine, 8 in: in, on (abl) , into, against (acc), 352
180 Alphabetized Core Vocabulary

inclīnō (1): incline, lean, bend, turn, 10 maneō, -ēre, mānsī: stay, wait, wait for, 12
inde: from there, then, afterward, 83 manus, -ūs f.: hand; band, group, 21
indīcō, -ere, -dīxī: inform, declare, appoint, 16 mare, maris n.: sea, 8
inferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum: bring in, wage, 9 māter, matris f.: mother, 10
īnfēstus, -a, -um: hostile, insecure, 9 maximus, -a, -um: greatest; adv. especially, 32
īnfimus, -a, -um: lowest; bottom of, 9 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 14
ingenium, -ī n.: character, talent, 16 Mettius, -ī m.: Mettius, 16
ingēns, ingentis: huge, immense, 11 metus, -ūs f.: dread, fear, 14
initium, -ī n.: beginning, entrance, 8 meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 12
iniūria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 10 mīlitia, -ae f.: military service, 8
inquam, inquis, inquit: say (direct speech), 29 mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 13
īnsignis, -e: distinguished, noted; insigne badge, 9 minor, minus: smaller, less, 27
īnstituō, -ere, -ī, -tum: set up, establish, 16 mīrāculum, -ī n.: marvel, wonder, 10
īnstruō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: set up, arrange, 9 mīror, -ārī, -ātum: wonder, be amazed/surprised, 8
inter: between, among (acc), 51 mittō, -ere, mīsī, missum: send, let go, 23
interficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: kill, 8 modus, -ī m.: way, manner; modo, only, 21
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, 8 moenia, -ōrum n.: city-walls, 10
ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 81 mons, montis m.: mountain, 14
īra, īrae f.: anger; passion, 15 monumentum, -ī n.: monument, memorial, 8
is, ea, id: this, that; he, she, it, 332 mors, mortis, f.: death, 16
ita: so, thus, 61 mōs, mōris m.: custom, habit; morals, character, 13
itaque: and so, 18 moveō, -ēre, -vī, mōtum: move, set in motion, 16
iubeō, -ēre, iussī, iussum: order, bid, 34 muliebris, -e: womanly, of a woman, 10
iungō, -ere, iunxī, -iunctum: join, 11 mulier, -is f.: woman, 12
Iuppiter, Iovis, Iovī, Iovem, Iove m.: Jupiter, 23 multitūdō, -tūdinis f.: population, multitude, 27
iūs, iūris n.: justice, law, right; oath; court, trial, 31 multus, -a, -um: much, many, 24
iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 30 mūrus, -ī m.: wall, rampart, 10
L.: Lucius, 11 nam: for, 13
Latīnus, -a, -um: Latin; King Latinus, 55 nāscor, nascī, nātum: be born, 21
Lāvīnium, -ī n.: Lavinium (town), 8 nē: lest, that not, so that not, 43
lēgātus, -ī m.: legate, ambassador, envoy, 10 nec: and not, neither…nor, 87
legō, -ere, lēgī, lectum: choose, select; read, 16 neque: and not; neither…nor, 24
lēx, lēgis f.: law; term, condition, regulation, 13 nihil: nothing; adv. not at all, 18
līber, lībera, līberum: free, 9 nōmen, nōminis, n.: name, 44
līberī, -ōrum n.: children, 13 nōn: not, 87
līctor, līctōris m.: lictor (bodyguard), 9 nōs, nostrī, nōbīs, nōs, nōbīs: we, us, 8
locus -ī m. (pl. loca): place; pl. region, 55 noster, nostra, nostrum: our, 9
longē: far, by far, far and wide, 10 novus, -a, -um: new, recent, strange, 31
Lucrētia, -iae f.: Lucretia, 12 nūllus, -a, -um: none, no, not any, 17
magis: more, rather, 28 Numa, -ae m.: Numa Pompilius, 23
magnitūdo, -tūdinis f.: size, greatness, 9 numerus, -ī m.: number; group, 16
magnus, -a, -um: great, large; important, 31 Numitor, -ōris m.: Numitor, 8
maior, maius: greater, larger; older, 14 nunc: now, 20
malus, -a, -um: bad, wicked, evil, 14 nūntiō (1): announce, report, 12
Alphabetized Vocabulary 181

nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, 11 prior, prius: before, earlier, 25

ob: on account of, because of (acc), 11 priscus, -a, -um: ancient; Tarquinius Priscus, 17
occupō (1): seize, occupy, 8 prīvātus, -a, -um: private, 8
omnis, omne: every, all, 107 prō: before; for, in proportion to, in place of, 20
oppidum, -ī n.: town, 8 prōdigium, -ī n.: prodigy, omen, 13
ops, opis f.: power, help; pl. resources, wealth, 22 proelium, -iī n.: battle, 10
opus, -eris n.: work, project; opus est, is a need, 24 proficīscor, -ī, profectum: set out, 10
ordior, -īrī, -sum: begin, undertake, 8 prope: near, close; adv. nearly, 17
ōrdō, -inis m.: order, rank, line, 11 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 13
orīgō, orīginis f.: origin, 10 pūblicus, -a, -um: public, of the people, 34
orior, orīrī, ortum: arise, spring up, 19 puer, -ī, m.: boy, 12
Palātinum, -iī n.: Palatine hill, 9 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 19
pār, paris: equal, 9 quaerō, -ere, -sīvī, -sītum: seek, ask, 13
parēns, -entis m.: parent, ancestor, 17 quamquam: although, 9
pariō, -ere, peperī, partum: bring forth, produce, 8 quantus, -a, -um: how great/much, as great as, 12
parō (1): prepare, make ready, 17 que: and, 420
pars, partis, f.: part; direction, side, 27 quī, quae, quod (quis quid): who, which, 574
parvus, -a, -um: small, little, 8 quia: because, seeing that, 31
pāstor, -is m.: shepherd, 9 quīcumque, quae-, quod-: whosoever, which- 11
pater, patris, m.: father; senator, 87 quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: certain, some, 15
patior, -ī, passum: suffer, endure; allow, 11 quidem: indeed, in fact, certainly; for one’s part, 25
patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 15 quīn: why not?; that, but that, 8
pavor, -is m.: panic, terror, 10 quippe: certainly, of course, obviously, 8
pāx, pācis f.: peace, 36 Quirītēs, -ium m.: Quirites (Romans), 11
pellō, -ere, pepulī, pulsum: drive, beat, 8 quisquam, quicquam (quidquam): anyone,
per: through, over, across, 49 anything, someone, something, 17
peragō, -ere, -ēgī: carry/drive through, continue, 8 quoque: also, 46
peregrīnus, -ī m.: foreigner, stranger, 11 rapiō, -ere, -uī, raptum: snatch, kidnap, 14
perveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: arrive, come to, 10 reddō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give back, render, 8
petō, -ere, -īvī, petītum: seek, head for; attack, 17 redeō, -īre, -īvī: go/come back, return, 21
plēbs, plēbis, f.: plebs, masses, 17 rēgia, -ae f.: palace, royal house, 25
plūs, plūris: more, many, 12 regiō, -ōnis f.: region, district, 9
pōnō, -ere, posuī, positum: put, place, 13 rēgius, -a, -um: regal, of the king/queen, 10
populus, -ī m.: people; population, 89 rēgnō (1): rule, reign, 33
porta, -ae f.: gate, 13 rēgnum, -ī n.: kingdom, kingship, 59
possum, posse, potuī: be able, can; be powerful, 60 relinquō, -ere, -uī, -lictum: leave behind, 19
post: after, behind (acc); adv. afterward, next, 18 Remus, -ī m.: Remus, 10
posterus, -a, -um: following, next; posterity, 13 reor, -ī, ratus: think, reckon; ratify, confirm, 26
postquam: after, when; after that, 12 repetō, -ere, -īvī, -ītum: seek again or back, 15
praeda, -ae f.: plunder (=cattle), spoils, 18 rēs, reī, f.: matter, situation; restitution; state, 140
praesidium, -iī n.: protection, garrison, 11 rēx, rēgis m.: king, 148
prīmōrēs, -um m.: first ranks, leaders, 16 Rōma, -ae f.: Rome, 51
prīmus -a -um: first, foremost; early, 56 Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman, 129
prīnceps, -cipis m.: leader; foremost, leading, 9 Rōmulus, -ī m.: Romulus, 43
182 Alphabetized Vocabulary

Sabīnus, -a, -um: Sabine, 45 terror, terrōris m.: terror, fright, 8

sacer, -cra, -crum: sacred; sacra, sacred rites, 21 Tiberis, -is m.: Tiber, 12
sacerdōs, -dōtis m/f: priest, priestess, 8 tōtus, -a, -um: whole, entire, 12
satis: enough, sufficiently, 19 trādō, -dere, -didī, -ditum: hand over, say, 18
scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 14 trānseō, -īre, -iī, itus: go across or over, cross, 8
sciō, -īre, -īvī. -ītus: know, 16 trēs, tria: three, 12
sē: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 126 Troiānī, -ōrum m.: Trojans, 11
secundus, -a, -um: favorable; following (acc.), 10 tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē: you, 33
sed: but, moreover, however, 56 Tullus, -ī m.: Tullus, 39
sēdes, sēdis f.: seat; abode, home, 16 tum: then, at that time, 77
semper: always, forever, 9 tumultus, -ūs m.: tumult, uproar, confusion, 9
sequor, -ī, secūtum: follow, pursue; attend, 21 Turnus, -ī m.: Turnus, 13
Servius, -ī m.: Servius, 21 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 14
servus, -ī, m.: slave, 9 ubi: where, when, 41
seu (sīve): or if; whether…or, 14 ultimus, -a, -um: farthest, last, 12
Sex.: Sextus, 8 unde: from where, whence, 13
sī: if, whether, 55 ūnus, -a, -um: one, single, 34
sīc: thus, in this way, 11 urbs, urbis, f.: city, 87
signum, -ī n.: sign, signal; military-standard, 10 ut (utī): as, when (ind); that, so that, 190
simul: at the same time (as), 14 uterque utra- utrum-: each (of two), both, 13
sine: without (abl), 19 utrimque: on both sides, 10
singulī, -ae, -a: one by one, individual, 13 uxor, uxōris f.: wife, 9
sinō, -ere, sīvī, situm: let, permit; lay, 9 ve: or, either…or, 9
sollemnis, -e: regular; sacrifice, sollemn rite, 13 Vēiēns, -entis m.: Veientii (people), 12
sōlus, -a, -um: only, alone, sole, 19 vel: or, either…or, 8
species, -ēi f.: sight, look, appearance, 11 velut (velutī): just as, as if, as, 20
spectāculum, -ī n.: spectacle; spectator’s seat, 9 veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventus: come, 38
spēs, -eī f.: hope, expectation, 23 verbum, -ī n.: word, speech, 12
spolium, -iī n.: spoils, loot, booty, 8 vertō, -ere, -tī, versum: turn, change, 16
statuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus: establish, set up; decide, 8 vērus, -a, -um: true, real; vērō, actually, indeed, 11
stirps, stirpis f.: offspring; roots, lineage, 15 vetus, veteris: old, experienced, ancient, 11
sub: under, beneath (abl), 15 victor, -ōris m.: conquerer, vanquisher, 8
sum, esse, fuī, futūrum: to be, 583 victōria, -ae f.: victory, 9
summus, -a, -um: highest, top of; subst. sum, 16 videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsum: see; videor, seem, 61
suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 82 vincō, -ere, vīcī, victum: conquer, beat, 13
tam: so, so much, so very, 21 vir, virī m.: man; husband, 42
tamen: nevertheless, however, 36 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manliness, virtue, 9
tantus, -a, -um: so great/many/much; adv. only, 42 vīs, vīs, f.: force, power; pl. vīrēs, strength, 52
Tarquinius, -ī m.: Tarquinius, 66 vocō (1): call, name; invite, summon, 22
Tatius, -ī m.: Tatius, 12 volō, velle, voluī: will, wish, be willing, 17
templum, -ī n.: temple, 21 vōs, vestrī, vōbīs, vōs, vōbis: you (all), 15
tempus, -poris n.: time, 21 vōx, vōcis, f.: voice, utterance, word, 19
teneō, -ēre, -uī, tentum: hold, keep, 19 vulnus (volnus), -eris n.: wound, blow, 9
terra, -ae f.: land, earth, ground, 18

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