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"Lord, I have cried ... ': 4 stichera, the compo­ tone the litanies, but we chant the first sticheron
sition ofour venerable father John ofDamascus, of the resurrectional aposticha, in Tone IV-
ToneiV- Having ascended the Cross, 0 Lord, Thou
Stichos: From the morning watch until didst destroy the ancestral curse; and descend­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in ing into hades, Thou didst free the prisoners of
the Lord. ages past, granting incorruption to the human
Bowing down unceasingly before Thy life­ race. Wherefore, chanting, we glorify Thy life­
creating Cross, 0 Christ God, we glorify Thy creating and saving resurrection.
resurrection on the third day; for thereby Thou
And these other stichera, ofthe Theotokos: Spec.
hast restored corrupted human nature,
Mel.: ''Called from on high ... ''--
0 Almighty, and hast renewed for us the ascent
Stichos: I shall commemorate thy name in
of the heavens, in that Thou alone art good and
every generation and generation.
lovest mankind.
God the Son, Who was timelessly [begotten]
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
of the unoriginate Father, became man for the
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
sake of[His] condescension and the salvation of
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
men, that He might then grant paradise to first­
The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
created [Adam]. Then was all nature delivered
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
from the deception ofthe serpent, and He saved
praise Him, all ye peoples.
the fallen image, in that He is the One Who
Thou hast lifted the penalty for the disobe­
changeth all for the better. Hence, He made
dience committed through the tree, 0 Savior,
[His] Mother a pure and undefiled Bride who
having been nailed ofThine own will to the Tree
gave birth. Her do we all bless as [our] anchor
of the Cross; and having descended into hades,
and haven.
0 Mighty One, as God Thou didst break asun­
Stichos: Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and
der the bonds of death. Wherefore, we worship
incline thine ear.
Thy resurrection from the dead, crying out with
In thy womb, 0 thou who art blessed of God,
joy: 0 Lord Almighty, glory be to Thee!
thou didst hold the incarnate Creator of all,
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Who refashioned man who of old had fallen
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
through the crime of the serpent; for thou didst
eth forever.
give birth for us ineffably to God in the flesh,
Thou didst break down the gates of hades,
and by thy birthgiving hast freed from corrup­
0 Lord, and didst destroy the kingdom ofdeath;
tion all nature which hath waxed old. Where­
and Thou didst free the human race from cor­
fore, we hymn and glorify thy grace, 0 Virgin
ruption, granting life, incorruption and great
unwedded. Cease thou never to pray that our
mercy to the world.
souls be saved.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion- Stichos: The rich among the people shall
Thou didst conceive without seed and didst entreat thy countenance.
ineffably give birth unto Him Who hath cast That thou mightest disclose unto us all the
down the mighty from [their] thrones, hath multitude of [thy] mercy and the boundless
exalted the humble and lifted up the horn ofHis depth of [thy] goodness, thou hast wiped away
faithful, who glorify the Cross of Christ, [His] the sins of thy servants; for, as Mother of God,
burial and glorious resurrection. Wherefore, 0 most immaculate one, thou hast authority
0 Theotokos, with unceasing hymns we bless [over] creation, and by thy power arrangest all
thee, the mediatress of so many good things, as things as thou desirest. For the grace of the
the one who ever prayeth that our souls be Holy Spirit, manifestly abiding in thee, doth
saved. always assist thee in everything, 0 most
blessed one.
Then, ''0 gladsome Light... ". The Prokimenon,
''The Lord is king... ': with its stichoi. And after Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion, in
"Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... ", the priest doth not in­ the same tone­


The Son Who is glorified with the Father delivering mankind from the madness of idola­
and the Spirit in the highest by the seraphim, try, hath deified it within Himself, and led it up
desiring to restore first-created [Adam], ineffa­ to the heavens.
bly emptied all of Himself into thy womb, 0
most lauded Theotokos; and shining forth from Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... ",
thee, Christ God, the Savior of our souls, hath Trisagion, and after Our Father ... , the resurrec­
illumined the whole world by [His] divinity, tional troparion, Glory ... , Now & ever ... , its
theotokion. Little litany, and dismissal.


After the Introductory Psalm, the usual chant­ and have all received incorruption and life,
ing from the Psalter. crying out: 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind,
Who wast crucified, buried and hast arisen,
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 10 stichera. If the save us by Thy resurrection!
Menaion hath a doxasticon, it is chanted on Stichos: IfThou shouldstmarkiniquities, 0
Glory.... If there is no doxasticon, we chant Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
Glory ... ,Now&ever... , thedogmaticonofthetone. there is forgiveness.
Angels and men hymn Thy rising on the
The Resurrectional Stichera, in Tone IV­ third day, 0 Savior, whereby the ends of the
Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, that I whole world have been illumined, and we have
may confess Thy name. all been delivered from enslavement to the
Bowing down unceasingly before Thy life­ enemy, crying out: 0 Savior, almighty Creator
creating Cross, 0 Christ God, we glorify Thy of life, Who alone lovest mankind, save us by
resurrection on the third day; for thereby Thou Thy resurrection!
hast restored corrupted human nature, Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
0 Almighty, and hast renewed for us the ascent tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord, my soul hath
of the heavens, in that Thou alone art good and waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
lovest mankind. hoped in the Lord.
Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently Thou didst crush the gates of bronze, didst
for me until Thou shalt reward me. break their chains, 0 Christ God, and didst
Thou hast loosed the penalty for the disobe­ raise up the fallen human race. Wherefore, we
dience committed through the tree, 0 Savior, cry out together: 0 Lord Who hast risen from
having been nailed ofThine own will to the Tree the dead, glory be to Thee!
of the Cross; and having descended into hades, Stichos: From the morning watch until
0 Mighty One, as God Thou didst break asun­ night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
der the bonds of death. Wherefore, we worship the Lord.
Thy resurrection from the dead, crying out with Thy begetting by the Father is everlasting
joy: 0 Lord Almighty, glory be to Thee! and outside of time, 0 Lord; Thine incarnation
Stichos: Out ofthe depths have I cried unto from the Virgin is ineffable and indescribable
Thee, 0 Lord; 0 Lord, hear my voice. for men; and Thy descent into hades is fearsome
Thou didst break down the gates of hades, for the devil and his angels. For, having
0 Lord, and didst destroy the kingdom ofdeath; trampled down death, Thou didst arise on the
and Thou didst free the human race from cor­ third day, granting to men incorruption and
ruption, granting life, incorruption and great great mercy.
mercy to the world.
Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive to the And these stichera ofthe all-holy Theotokos, the
voice of my supplication. composition of Paul of Amorium, which are
Come, 0 ye people, let us hymn the Savior's chanted when there is no Menaion, or at Litia.
rising on the third day, whereby we have been In Tone VIII.~ Spec. Mel.: "0 all-glorious
delivered from the unbreakable bonds of hades, wonder ... "­

Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, the usual bow to the superior, chanteth the daily
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He prokimenon, in Tone VI-
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty.
He Who is God of all, Who took flesh of Thy Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength and
blood, 0 most pure Theotokos, hath shown thee He hath girt Himself.
to the faithful as their protection, the interces­ Stichos: For He hath established the world
sor and champion of all amid need and grievous which shall not be shaken.
circumstances, a right calm haven amid the Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0 Lord,
storm. Wherefore, from all sorrow and afflic­ unto length of days.
tion do thou save all who have recourse to thy
divine protection. Then the usual litany. "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... " The
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; litany: "Let us complete our evening prayer... ':
praise Him all ye peoples. and the rest. And after the exclamation, we chant
Let me glorify and venerate, let me honor the sticheron idiomelon ofthe feast ofthe church,
and hymn, let me ever raise a song to thy divine and performing Litia in the narthex, we chant the
name, 0 all-blessed Mistress, that thou leave stichera of Paul of Amorium, or whatever the
me not who flee to thy protection, to be a joy to superior desireth. And after the usual prayers, we
the foe. But with the pinions of thy precious enter the church proper, chanting the Aposticha
prayers do thou ever preserve me whole from all stichera, in Tone /V-
temptations. Having ascended the Cross, 0 Lord, Thou
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to didst destroy the ancestral curse; and descend­
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ ing into hades, Thou didst free the prisoners of
eth forever. ages past, granting incorruption to the human
Rejoice, 0 all-pure Mother of God! Rejoice, race. Wherefore, chanting, we glorify Thy life­
hope of the faithful! Rejoice, cleansing of the creating and saving resurrection.
world! Rejoice, thou who deliverest thy ser­ Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed
vants from all sorrows and art the destroyer of with majesty.
death! Rejoice, 0 thou who didst bear Life! Suspended on the Tree, 0 Thou Who alone
Rejoice, 0 comforter! Rejoice, 0 helper! Re­ art powerful, Thou didst shake all creation; and
joice, 0 [our] refuge! laid in the tomb, Thou didst raise up those who
lived in the graves, granting incorruption and
Glory ... , from the Menaion, if there be a doxas­
life to the human race. Wherefore, chanting, we
glorify Thine arising on the third day.
Now & ever ... : The dogmatic theotokion- Stichos: For He hath established the world
The Prophet David, the forefather of God, which shall not be shaken.
for thy sake gave voice beforehand in psalmody Iniquitous men, having given Thee over to
concerning thee, unto Him Who in thee accom­ Pilate, 0 Christ, condemned thee to be cruci­
plished mighty works: the Queen stood at Thy fied, showing themselves ungrateful for Thy
right hand. For God Whose good pleasure it benefactions. And of Thine own will Thou didst
was to become incarnate of thee without father endure burial and didst rise of Thine own ac­
showed thee, His Mother, to be the mediatress cord, as God, on the third day, granting us
of life, that He might renew His image which never-ending life and great mercy.
had become corrupt through the passions; and Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0
having found the sheep which had strayed Lord, unto length of days.
among the mountains and become lost, He The women, arriving at the tomb in tears,
taketh it upon His shoulders and bringeth it to sought thee; and finding Thee not, they said,
His Father; and Christ, Who is possessed of lamenting and crying out with weeping: "Woe to
great and rich mercy, in accordance with His us, 0 our Savior, Thou King ofall! How is it that
will, uniteth it with the hosts of heaven, and Thou hast been stolen? What place holdeth Thy
saveth the world, 0 Theotokos. life-bearing Body?" And an angel answered
them: "Weep not," he said, "but, going forth,
Entrance. "0 gladsome Light... " And after the proclaim that the Lord hath risen, granting us
Entrance, the appointed server, having made joy, in that He alone is compassionate!"


Glory ... , from the Menaion, ifthere is a doxasti­Resurrectional troparion, in Tone IV-
con provided. If not, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Having learned the splendid tidings from
Theotokion- the angels and cast off the ancestral curse,
Mercifully regard the supplications of thy uttering praise the women disciples of the Lord
servants, 0 all-immaculate one, quelling the said to the apostles: Death hath been cast down!
uprisings of the cruel demons against us, deliv­ Christ God is risen, granting the world great
ering us from every sorrow; for thee alone have mercy!
we as a steadfast and sure confirmation, and we Theotokion: The mystery hidden from be­
have acquired thine intercession; let not us that fore the ages and unknown even to the angels,
call upon thee be put to shame, 0 Mistress. through thee, 0 Theotokos, hath been revealed
Haste thou to answer the entreaty of those who to those on earth: God incarnate in unconfused
cryouttotheewithfaith: Rejoice, thouhelp,joy union, Who willingly accepted the Cross for our
and protection of all, and salvation of our souls! sake and, thereby raising up the first-formed
man, hath saved our souls from death.
Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart... "
Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest of the service followeth in order.


The priest saith: Blessed is our God ... , and we deliver from cruel misfortunes me who am
respond: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to grievously bowed down by violent tribulations.
Thee. 0 heavenly King... , Trisagion through
Our Father. Lord, have mercy (12 times). ODE III
Glory ... , Now & ever ... 0 come, let us worship... Irmos: The bow of the mighty is become
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, 0 God .. .); weak, and the strengthless have girded them­
Psalm 69 (0 God, be attentive unto helping selves with power; wherefore, my heart is
me... ); and Psalm 142 (0 Lord, hear my prayer). established in the Lord.
Then, Glory to God in the highest... , and the Having acquired thee as a mighty weapon
Symbol ofFaith (I believe in one God .. .).
and a rampart, 0 Theotokos who knewest not
Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy
wedlock, I vanquish the hordes ofthe adversary
Theotokos, in Tone IV­ and hymn thy mighty works.
ODE I Thou destroyest the furnace of griefs and
Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the dost extinguish the burning heat of despair,
Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old van­ 0 Virgin Theotokos. Who then is a hope for us
quished the might of Amalek in the wilderness like unto thee?
by Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the Glory ... : Attend unto the voice of thy ser­
Cross. vant who am in need of thy help, 0 Mother of
0 all-pure one who alone defendest those God. 0 my hope, hearken unto me and rescue
who ardently flee beneath thy protection amid me from perils!
perils and tribulations, in that thou art ali-good Now & ever ... : Oppression hath come upon
accept our heartfelt entreaties. us because of the multitude of our transgres­
Ignorant though I am, I have found thee to sions, bearing pernicious death; but save thy
be a tranquil haven repelling dangers and vio­ servants, 0 Theotokos, for thou art able so to do.
lent assaults, 0 thou who gavest birth to the
God-man, and I chant hymns of thanksgiving ODE IV
unto thee. Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the
Glory ... : Regarding me, who am stuck fast Cross, 0 Sun of righteousness, the Church
amid evil circumstances and sorrows, with thy stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet:
meek and merciful eye, 0 Theotokos, quickly Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
free me therefrom, for I call upon thee for help. Thou hast vanquished those who make war
Now & ever ... : In that thou alone art a good upon me in vain, for they strove cruelly to make
and merciful intercessor for thy servants, 0 my soul captive. Preserve me, 0 Mistress, have
Mistress, extend the hand of entreaty and mercy upon me and save me, for I, thy servant,
flee unto thee.

Delivering me from the tongue which spea­ transgressions, temptations and sorrows have
keth falsehood, 0 my good ally, show me forth risen up against me; but do thou thyselfsave me.
as unpunished for the deeds of my life, for, in
that thou art the Mother ofthe Creator, thou art "Lord, have mercy!", thrice.
able to accomplish much. Glory ... , Now & ever ... :
Glory ... : Mflicted as I am, I know thee to be
a painless physician, and I cry to thee with my Sessional hymn, in Tone JV-
mouth: 0 Mistress, heal me, have mercy on me, Benighted in mind by many transgressions,
and save me, for I, thy servant, flee unto thee. prodigal that I am, I cry out for thy mighty aid,
Now & ever ... : Leave me not to be given over 0 Theotokos: Illumine the eyes of my soul,
to tortures, 0 Mother of our God, but preserve shine upon me the radiant effulgence of repen­
me unharmed by any affliction and the malice tance, and array me in the armor oflight, 0 pure
of men; for thou art the helper of us all. Theotokos.


Irmos: Thou hast come, 0 my Lord, as a Irmos: 0 all-hymned Lord God of our fa­
light into the world: a holy light turning from thers, Who saved the children of Abraham in
the darkness of ignorance those who hymn the fire, slaying the Chaldeans whom justice
Thee with faith. rightly overtook: blessed art Thou!
Set the supplication of thy servant forth Quickly routing the assault of the Moslems
before the Lord thy Son, 0 pure one, that I may with the weaponry of thy prayers, 0 Mary,
obtain remission of my many transgressions. preserve thy people and flock who cry out to thy
Deliver me from sufferings and misfor­ Son: 0 God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
tunes, 0 Bride of God, for God hath truly ap­ 0 thou who art equal in majesty to the
pointed thee as cleansing for my lowliness. tabernacle, receive me who flee to thee, that the
Glory ... : Thou art my protection and sure enemy not seize me, desiring to destroy me who
boast, 0 Mistress Theotokos, for thou dost in cry: 0 all-exalted God of our fathers, blessed art
nowise spurn those who have recourse unto Thou!
thee. Glory ... : 0 MaryTheotokos, go thou quickly
Now & ever ... : Have mercy upon those who before me, thy servant, who am drowning, help­
worship thine Offspring, 0 pure one, and de­ less, amid the threefold billows of perils, and
liver them from the torment and bitterness of who cry to thee: 0 thou hope of the ends of the
men; for thou art able so to do. earth, have mercy upon me!
Now & ever ... : By thy divine supplications,
ODE VI 0 good Theotokos, do thou dispel my human
Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of thoughts, in that they are the cause of sins, and
praise, 0 Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee, deliver thy servant from painful dangers and
cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood all harm.
which, for mercy's sake, flowed from Thy side.
0 all-pure Mistress, thou thyself art my ODE VIII
strength amid the exceeding hopeless sorrows Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all, de­
which beset me; and I cry unto thee, for thou art scending into the midst ofthe flame Thou didst
a mighty protectress for thy servant. bedew the pious youths and didst teach them to
Heal thou my spiritual wounds, 0 all-pure chant: Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!
Virgin, help me, and deliver thy servant from An iniquitous nation hath assailed us,
slander, attack and undeserved ruination. boasting that it will destroy thy servants; but,
Glory ... : Crush thou those who unjustly destroying it, 0 all-pure one, protect those who
assail me who ever flee unto thee, and leave me cry: Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!
not to their destruction, for all things are pos­ Thy manifold compassions mercifully save
sible for thee, 0 pure one, in that thou art the us from sinful judgment and divers perils,
Theotokos. 0 only Mother of God, for, having given birth
Now & ever ... : Quell thou the savage billows unto God, thou takest pity on His world.
of my soul, 0 Mistress, for a multitude of



Glory ... : Since thou art our might and help, Might hath been given thee against the
I am undaunted by the wrath of the enemy, but enemy and deliverance from misfortunes for
I hymn thee, 0 Mistress, and cry out to thy Son: me, 0 Mistress, and I know not what I shall
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! offer thee; yet accept thou the thanksgiving
Now & ever ... : Take pity now on my turmoil which I bring to thee: Receive it now, and save
and grant me joy instead of grief, that I may me!
hymn thee, 0 Mistress, and cry out to thy Son: Glory ... : 0 most radiant Mother of the
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! Creator of all, thou consolation of the grieving,
intercessor for the drowning and helper ofthose
ODE IX who are in utter affliction: Keep me safe
Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode un­ throughout my life!
der the curse ofdisobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin Now & ever ... : Disdain me not who am
Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world · besetby many sins and misfortunes, 0 most
through the Offspring of thy child-bearing. hymned one, for I now offer thee the sacrifice
Wherefore, we all magnify thee. of praise, earnestly crying out to thee: 0 holy
Having sharpened his sword, the iniquitous Mistress, help me, for I conclude my hymnody,
and false Moslem taketh counsel against us; glorifying thee.
but with the power of the Cross and thy suppli­
cations, 0 Virgin Theotokos, thou armest thy
servants against him; wherefore, we proclaim Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and the rest as usual.
thy glory. Dismissal.


The priest saith: "Blessed is our God ... ': and we Glory ... : Unable to gaze upon the beauty of
say: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thine unapproachable glory, 0 three-Sunned
Thee. 0 heavenly King... Trisagion through Unity, the seraphim cover themselves with
Our Father... Priest: For Thine is the king­ their wings and unceasingly glorify Thee with
dom ... And we say: Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 thrice-holy hymns.
times), Glory ... , Now & ever ... , 0 come, let us Now & ever ... : Ineffably didst thou give
worship (thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, birth unto the Creator of all, Who delivereth
0 God .. .) men from the ancient curse and the corruption
ofdeath. Through thee, 0 all-pure one, have we
And then, the Canon to the Holy & Life-creating come to know God in three Hypostases.
Trinity, the acrostic whereof is "The fourth
hymn unto God", the composition of ODE III
Metrophanes, in Tone IV­ Irmos: Neither in wisdom, nor in power, nor
yet in riches do we boast, but in Thee, 0 Christ,
ODE I the hypostatic Wisdom ofthe Father; for none is
Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the holy save Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old van­ In that of old, 0 Christ, Thou didst send the
quished the might of Amalek in the wilderness Comforter from the Father upon Thy holy
by Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the apostles [as] power from on high, Thou didst
Cross. reveal the one three-sunned Essence.
Let us glorify the divine Trinity of hy­ When Thou didst appear to the Patriarch
postases, the single nature of the Three, which Abrahaminhumanguise, Otriune Unity, Thou
is co-eternal and equally enthroned; and en­ didst show forth the immutability of Thy good­
treating Him, let us say: Save those who glorify ness and dominion.
Thee with faith! Glory ... : 0 only God, Who art believed on as
Anointed with deifying oil by the Father in three Persons, Who art manifestly uncircum­
through the Spirit, the Son became man and scribable and incomprehensible to all: deliver
taught [man that] the only Godhead is in three our souls from every tribulation.


Now & ever ... : Guided by the all-wise birth to the timeless Son, granting peace unto
precepts of thy Son, we glorify the only thrice- all who hymn thee.
radiant Godhead and bless thee, the Ever- Knowing through faith the all-
virgin. accomplishing Godhead, the one unapproach­
able Essence, and the three life-creating Hy­
Sessional hymn, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Go postases, we worship them equally-the Fa­
thou quickly before ... "­ ther, the Son and the Holy Spirit: the equally
0 three-Sunned, uncreated and consub­ eternal Being.
stantial Unity, unapproachable and in three 0 three-Sunned Light, shine Thou upon me
Hypostases: Take pity on Thy servants, and as the single Divinity, the uncreated Essence, of
Thou art our merciful God, save us from misfor­ Thine essential light. 0 light-creating Well­
tunes; for Thee, 0 Lord, do we have as our only spring, illumine me with everything that is
Deliverer and Master, and we cry out: Be Thou luminous, that I may contemplate Thine inef­
merciful unto us! fable beauty.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Glory ... : Thou alone art truly the Creator
Beset by many evil circumstances and the and Sustainer of all things, the all-wise Pilot,
assaults of the wicked, and ever falling into the Bestower of life; wherefore, we cry out to
despair, 0 Virgin Theotokos, we have thee Thee with faith: 0 three-Sunned Master, pre­
alone as our salvation, hope and bulwark; and serve those who hymn Thee!
as is meet we now entreat thee with faith: Save Now & ever ... : He Who created [man] in His
thy servants! goodness and showed forth [in him] the divine
form of[His] image, desiring to deify him who of
ODE IV old had become corrupt, through thee became
Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of man and proclaimed the one, triune Godhead.
the Godhead, Jesus most divine hath come on a
light cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath
Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial,
saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power,
the Prophet Jonah, praying within the sea mon­
0 Christ!
ster, cried out: Deliver me from corruption, 0
With the seraphim we glorify Thee, the
Jesus, King of hosts!
transcendent Trinity, the dominion in the unity
When Christ was baptized, the Father,
of the Godhead, for Thou art the inseparable
speaking, revealed His Sonship, and the Spirit
Essence, unapproachable, though equal in
became visible; wherefore, we glorify the one,
glory, 0 unattainable God.
triune Godhead.
As Thou art ineffably separate persons of
When Isaiah beheld Thee seated upon an
the Godhead, united in might and a single
exalted throne, hymned by thrice-holy voices,
dominion, and alone art infinite and uncircum­
he recognized the trinitarian Hypostasis of the
scribable, we hymn Thee, the Creator of all
one Godhead.
Glory ... : Show Thou the hearts of us, Thy
Glory ... : The unoriginate Mind ineffably
servants, to be uplifted, 0 exalted King in three
begat the Word and sent forth the divine Spirit,
Hypostases, that we may clearly behold the
Who is equal in might; wherefore, we proclaim
effulgence of Thy glory.
the consubstantial Trinity to be God, the Mas­
Now & ever ... : In that he loveth mankind,
ter of all.
the Son of God desired to take visible form
Now & ever ... : Seen by the ancients in
through the Virgin in our form, and He made
images, theWord announced His incarnation of
men to share in divine glory.
thee, [0 Theotokos]; and having appeared to
men in later times, He truly revealed the one Sessional hymn, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Go
Principle in three Hypostases. Thou quickly before ... "­
Pondering upon the unbegotten Father, the
0DEV begotten Son and the Holy Spirit Who proceed­
Irmos: All things are filled with awe at thy eth from the Father, we proclaim the one begin­
divine glory; for thou, 0 Virgin who hast not ningless kingship and divinity; and rendering
known wedlock, didst contain within thy glory, with one mind we cry: 0 consubstantial
womb Him Who is God over all, and gavest Trinity our God, save us!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- ODE IX
0 all-pure one, thou didst supernaturally Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy, en­
give birth in the flesh, within time, unto the lightened by the Spirit; and let the nature ofthe
God-man, Who transcendeth time and existeth incorporeal intelligences keep festival, honor­
from before the ages. Wherefore, confessing ing the sacred feast ofthe Mother of God, and let
thee to be truly and rightly the Theotokos, we them cry aloud: Rejoice, 0 most blessed Theoto­
all earnestly cry out to thee: Vouchsafe unto us kos, pure Ever-virgin!
everlasting glory! I now direct my whole heart and mind, and
the inclinations ofmy whole soul and body, unto
Thee, my Creator and Deliverer; and I cry unto
Irmos: The children of Abraham in the
Thee, 0 thrice-radiant sole Dominion: Save me,
Persian furnace, afire with love of piety more
Thy servant, from all manner of temptations
than with the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou
and tribulations. Twice
in the temple of Thy glory, 0 Lord!
Glory ... : Elevate our mind and thought unto
Emulating in Orthodox manner the celes­
Thee, theMostHigh,andilluminemewith Thine
tial essences all-arrayed and the noetic ranks,
all-pure radiance, 0 Father, Word and Com­
all of us mortals glorify the one Godhead in
forter, Who dwellest in light unapproachable,
three Hypostases equally active. Twice
0 Sun of glory, Ruler of light, that I may ever
Glory ... : The sayings ofthe holy prophets of
glorify Thee, the one God in three Hypostases.
old revealed Thee in images to be the one
Now & ever ... : Save those who believe in
Creator of all the ages, the ineffable God and
Thee, 0 Lord, and who proclaim the one, eter­
Lord in three divine Hypostases.
nal, beginningless Essence, the three Persons
Now & ever ... : 0 Thou Who art in essence
of Thy divine and identical dominion; and
the invisible and all-accomplishing Word, Thou
through the entreaties of the pure Mother of
didst manifest Thyself unto men as a man
God, vouchsafe us Thy divine glory.
through the pure Mother of God, calling man to
share in Thy divinity. Then, the hymn ofGregory the Sinaite, which is
chanted every Sunday after the canon-
ODE VIII It is truly meet to glorify Thee, the Word of
Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel God before Whom the cherubim tremble and
shut the lions' mouths in the pit; and the young quake,' and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify.
lovers of piety, girded about with virtue, And with fear we glorify Christ, the Bestower of
quenched the power ofthe fire, crying out: Bless life, Who rose from the tomb on the third day.
the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! With divine songs let us all in godly manner
0 thrice-radiant and single Light, begin­ hymn the Father, the Son and the Spirit divine,
ningless Essence, incomprehensible Beauty: the Might in three Hypostases, the one King­
Make Thine abode within my heart, and show ship and Dominion,
forth as a temple of Thy divinity, splendid and Whom all mortals hymn and the hosts of
pure, me who cry: Bless the Lord, all ye works heaven glorify, the essential Unity in three Hy­
of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him supremely postases, Who is worshipped with faith by all.
forever! Twice We magnify Thee, the Godhead, the Lord of
Glory ... : 0 indivisible Trinity, unconfused the cherubim, the incomparable divine Origin
Union, deliver me from the divers passions and of the seraphim, the indivisible Trinity in
the darkness of transgressions, and illumine Unity.
me with Thy divine rays, that I may embody I worship the unoriginate God the Father,
Thy glory and hymn Thee, the Lord of glory. the Son Who is equally without beginning,
Now & ever ... : As Thou art Mind, Essence, and the Spirit. With hymns let us honor the
Power and Being-the unbegotten Father, the one indivisible and unified Essence, the
Word of like form with Him, and the equally threefold Unity.
enthroned Spirit-O transcendent and inef­ Shine forth Thy dazzling lightning flashes
fable Trinity and Unity Who doest mighty upon me, 0 my God in three Hypostases, Thou
works, preserve Thy flock through the supplica­ Creator of all, and show me to be a splendid,
tions of the Theotokos, for Thou art in essence luminous and immutable habitation of Thine
He Who loveth mankind. unapproachable glory.

With fear let us glorify Christ the Bestower Virgin, for the cherubim tremble and quake
of life, Who became ineffably incarnate of the before Him, and the angelic armies glorify Him.

The rest ofNocturns, and the dismissal.


After the Six Psalms, we chant "God is the Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
Lord... ", in Tone IV, and sing the resurrectional whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
troparion, twice, and the theotokion, once (see Having descended from the heights of
Great Vespers, pg. 56). Then the usual chanting heaven and approached the stone where the
of the Psalter. Stone oflife had lain, Gabriel, arrayed in white,
cried out to those who wept: "Cease your cries of
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these lamentation, 0 ye who have mercy now with
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone IV- you! Be of good cheer, for He Whom ye seek,
Gazing upon the entrance to the tomb, and weeping, hath truly arisen! Wherefore, cry out
unable to endure the angel offlame, the myrrh­ to the apostles that the Lord hath risen! And
bearing women marvelled, trembling, and said: receiving this joy, worship the Risen One! Beye
"Hath He been stolen away Who hath opened of good cheer, that Eve also may rejoice!"
paradise to the thief? Or hath He risen Who
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
even before His suffering proclaimed His resur­
All the choirs of the apostles marvelled at
rection? Truly, Christ hath risen, granting life
the dread mystery of thy birthgiving, 0 pure
and resurrection unto those in hades!"
one: how He Who holdeth all things in one hand
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
is held in thine arms as a man, how the
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
Preeternal One receiveth the beginning, how
In Thy voluntary counsel Thou didst endure
He Who in His ineffable goodness nurtureth
the Cross, 0 Savior, and in a new tomb mortal
every creature is fed with milk. And praising
men laid Thee Who by Thy word didst create the
thee, they glorify thee as the true Mother of
ends ofthe earth. Wherefore, the alien one was
bound, death taken grievously captive; and all
those in hades cried out to Thy life-bearing
Then, "Blessed are the blameless in the way... ':
resurrection: Christ hath arisen, remaining the
followed by the troparia "The assembly of the
Bestower of life forever!
angels ... ". Little litany, and this hypacoi~ in
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- ToneiV-
Joseph marvelled, beholding that which Running on before, the myrrh-bearing
transcendeth nature, and pondering thy seed­ women proclaimed Thine all-glorious arising to
less conception he dwelt in thought upon the the apostles, 0 Christ: how, as God, Thou didst
dew which fell upon the fleece, the bush uncon­ arise, granting great mercy to the world.
sumed by the fire, and the rod of Aaron which
put forth branches. And thy guardian and SoNGS oF ASCENT, IN ToNE IV,
betrothed cried out to the priests: "The Virgin THE VERSES BEING REPEATED­
giveth birth, and even after birthgivingremain­ Antiphon I
eth virgin!" From my youth have the many passions warred
against me. But do Thou help and save me,
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these 0 my Savior.
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone IV- 0 ye who hate Sion, ye shall be put to shame by
Thou didst arise from the tomb as One the Lord; for ye shall be withered up like
Immortal, 0 Savior, and by Thy power didst grass by the fire.
raise Thy world up with Thyself, 0 Christ our Glory ... : By the Holy Spirit is every soul given
God; in might Thou didst crush the dominion of life, exalted by purity, and made radiant by
death, 0 Merciful One, and hast shown forth the unity of the Trinity in a sacred and
the resurrection unto all. Wherefore, we glorify mystical manner.
Thee, 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind! Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.


Antiphon II Then, in Tone VI:

From the depths of my soul have I cried out to Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy
Thee, 0 Lord. Let Thy divine ears be atten­ great mercy; and according to the multitude of
tive unto me. Thy compassions, blot out my transgression.
Everyone who hath set his hope on the Lord is
Then, this sticheron:
higher than all who sorrow.
Jesus having risen from the grave, as He
Glory ... : Through the Holy Spirit do streams of
foretold, hath given us life eternal,* and great
grace flow, watering all creation, unto its
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated. Then, the Prayer: "Save, 0 God, Thy people ... ':
followed by the exclamation: "Through the mercy
Antiphon III
and compassions and love for mankind... "
Let my heart be lifted up unto Thee, 0 Word,
and let none of the delights of the world The Canons: ofthe Resurrection, with 4 troparia;
beguile me, unto my weakening. that of the Cross & the Resurrection, with 3
We who have love for our mothers must needs troparia; that of the Theotokos, with 3 troparia;
be yet more ardent in our love for the Lord. and that from the Menaion, with 4 troparia. If a
Glory ... : From the Holy Spirit is the richness of saint with 6 troparia is being celebrated, then the
divine vision, sight and wisdom; for in Him Canon of the Cross & Resurrection hath 2 tro­
doth the Word reveal all the precepts of the paria, as doth that ofthe Theotokos.
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated. ODE I
Canon of the Resurrection, the composition of
Prokimenon, in Tone IV- John of Damascus, in Tone IV-
Arise, 0 Lord, help us, and redeem us for Thy Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the
name's sake, Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old van­
Stichos: 0 God, with our ears have we heard, for quished the might of Amalek in the wilder­
our fathers have told us. ness by Moses' arms stretched out in the form
of the Cross.
Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos: Glory to Thy holy resurrection, 0
The appointed Resurrectional Gospel. Then, Thou wast lifted up upon the Tree of the
this resurrectional hymn, in Tone VI- Cross, setting aright our fall, 0 Master, and
Having beheld the resurrection of Christ, healing the destruction wrought by the tree, in
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only that Thou art good and almighty.
Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, 0 Christ, Thou wast in the tomb bodily and in hades
and Thy holy resurrection we hymn and glorify. with Thy soul, as God; Thou wast in paradise
For Thou art our God, and we know none other with the thiefand on the throne with the Father
beside Thee, we call upon Thy name. 0 come, and the Spirit, 0 Christ, Thou Infinite One Who
all ye faithful, let us worship Christ' s holy fillest all things.
resurrection, for behold, through the Cross joy Theotokion: At the will of the Father,
hath come to all the world. Ever blessing the through the divine Spirit thou didst conceive
Lord, we hymn His resurrection; for, having the Son of God without seed and gavest birth
endured crucifixion, He hath destroyed death unto Him in the flesh. He Who was begotten of
by death. the Father without mother came forth from
thee without father for our sake.
Psalm 50: "Have mercy on me, 0 God ... "
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection, the
Glory ... : Through the prayers of the
acrostic whereof is: "I sing praise to the life­
apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude
bearing Word"-
of our transgressions.
Irmos: I will open my mouth ...
Now & ever ... : Through the prayers of the
Thou didst heal the affliction of mankind, 0
Theotokos, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multi­
Lord, restoring it by Thy divine blood; and Thou
tude of our transgressions.
didst break him who is mighty in power, who of
old broke Thy creature.

Through death Thou becamest the resurrec­ Of Thine own will Thou wast seen, dead, in
tion of the dead; for the might of mortality was the tomb, 0 Bestower of life; and Thou hast
removed when it fought with eternal Life, the overthrown the gates of hades for the souls
incarnate God Who hath mastery over all things. held prisoner from ages past; for there is none
Theotokion: More beautiful than the heav­ among the saints as holy as Thou, Who lovest
enly hosts did Thy divine and animate temple mankind.
become: the Virgin, the holy mountain which Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be the
bore Thee in her womb. unploughed furrow, having given birth to the
Grain oflife, the Mediator ofimmortality for all
Canon of the All-holy Theotokos, the acrostic
who partake of the Holy One Who in holiness
whereof is: "The fourth ode to the most
abideth among the saints.
glorious Maiden"
Irmos: 0 Thou Who wast born ofthe Virgin,
Canon of the Theotokos
drown Thou, I pray Thee ....
Irmos: Willingly didst Thou descend from
The people were shaken, the nations were
on high to earth ....
troubled, and mighty kingdoms bowed down
The essence of men is purified, having been
out of fear of thine Offspring, 0 pure one. For
united through thee with the unbearable divine
my King came: He cast down the tyrant and
Fire, 0 all-pure Virgin, baked into Bread which
hath delivered the world from corruption.
was hid within thee, and Who preserved thee
Christ, Who dwelleth in the highest and
descended unto mortal man, sanctified thee as
Who is this who is truly close to God? For,
His dwelling-place, and showed thee forth as
having surpassed all the ranks of the angels,
unshaken. For Thou, having borne the Creator,
she alone shineth forth as the Mother of the
hast remained a treasury of virginity after
Almighty in the beauty of virginity.
Then, the canon from the Menaion, and the
Canon of the Resurrection
katavasia as prescribed by the Typicon.
Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the
Cross, 0 Sun of righteousness, the Church
stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet:
Canon of the Resurrection
Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
Irmos: Thy Church rejoiceth in Thee,
In the suffering of Thine all-pure flesh in
0 Christ, crying aloud: Thou art my strength,
which Thou hadst willingly clothed Thyself,
0 Lord, my refuge and my consolation!
Thou didst ascend the Cross, healing my pas­
The Tree of life, the true noetic Vine, hang­
sions; wherefore, we cry out to Thee: Glory to
eth upon the Cross, pouring forth incorruption
Thy power, 0 Lord!
upon all.
Death, having tasted Thy sinless and life­
As One great and awesome, as the One Who
creating body, 0 Master, died as was meet; and
cast down the arrogance of hades, and as God
we cry out to Thee: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
incorrupt, Thou hast arisen in the flesh.
Theotokion: Thou gavest birth without
Theotokion: Thou alone, who in manner
knowing wedlock, 0 Virgin, and even after
transcending nature art the mediatress of good
giving birth thou remainest a virgin still;
things for those on earth, becamest the Mother
wherefore, with steadfast faith we cry aloud to
of God; wherefore, we offer thee "Rejoice!"
thee, "Rejoice, 0 Mistress!"
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, thou living and abun­ Irmos: Perceiving the inscrutable counsel of
dant fountain ... God ...
0 Savior, the serpent sank into me his Israel of the law refused to acknowledge
fangs, full of venom, which Thou didst break Thee as God Who made the law, 0 Christ;
with the nails which pierced, Thy hands, 0 instead, violating the law, they nailed Thee to
Almighty Master; for there is none among the the Tree as a transgressor, and are now unwor­
saints as holy as Thou, Who lovest mankind. thy of the law.



Thy divine soul, 0 Savior, having captured The grave and hades divided the ruined
the treasuries ofhades, raised up with itselfthe temple of Thy body, 0 Thou Who lovest man­
souls of ages past; and Thy life-bearing body kind, and both were against their will com­
hath poured forth incorruption upon all. pelled to pay a fine: the one by giving up the
Theotokion: All of us glorify thee as the souls of Thy saints, and the other their bodies,
Ever-virgin and the true Theotokos, whom the 0 Immortal One.
bush which mingled with fire without being Theotokion: Behold! now hath the prophecy
consumed prefigured for Moses who beheld of the prophets been fulfilled! For thou, 0
God, 0 all-pure one. Virgin who knewest not wedlock, didst have
within thy womb Him Who is God over all, and
Canon of the Theotokos gavest birth to the timeless Son for all, Who
Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne ofthe giveth peace unto all who hymn thee.
Godhead ....
The Invisible One, becoming visible, dwelt Canon of the Theotokos
with men; He Who is in the form of the unap­ Irmos: "Now I shall arise, now I shall be
proachable Divinity took on a form alien to glorified ....
Himself through thee, 0 Maiden, and He The Son of God, making His abode within
saveth those who acknowledge thee to be the thee, made thee for us a house ofglory, the holy
pure Mother of God. mountain of God, His bride, bridal-chamber
The Virgin received the Immaterial One and temple ofsanctity, a paradise ofeverlasting
into material participation in matter, when He delight, 0 pure one.
became a babe through her; wherefore, He Through the Virgin's blood, 0 Christ, Thou
alone is known in two essences: as incarnate didst receive blood which is seedless, all-pure,
God and transcendent man. hypostatic, reasonable and noetic, animate,
He Who made His abode within thee and active, with a will, possessed of its own power,
was born ofthee without seed remained God the self-governing.
Word and preserved thee as virgin during thy The womb of the Virgin confounded the
birthgiving and virgin after birthgiving, in that understanding of the tyrants; for her Babe
He is the Master and Maker of all creation. sustained the soul-destroying sting of the ser­
pent, cast down the proud apostate, and sub­
dued him beneath the feet of the faithful.
Canon of the Resurrection
Irmos: Thou hast come, 0 my Lord, as a
light into the world: a holy light turning from OnE VI
the darkness of ignorance those who hymn Canon of the Resurrection
Thee with faith. Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of
In Thy mercy Thou didst descend to earth, praise, 0 Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee,
0 Lord; and, lifted up upon the Tree, Thou didst cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood
raise up fallen human nature. which, for mercy's sake, flowed from Thy side.
Thou, 0 Christ, hast taken away the con­ Girded about with power, Thou didst as­
demnation of my transgressions; and Thou, 0 cend the Cross, and as God didst wrestle with
Compassionate One, hast destroyed the pangs the tyrant. And Thou didst cast him down from
of death by Thy divine resurrection. the heights and with invincible power didst
Theotokion: Thee do we wield as an invin­ raise up Adam.
cible sword against the enemy, 0 Bride of God, Radiant and comely, Thou didst arise from
for we have acquired thee as our confirmation the tomb, 0 Christ, and didst drive away all the
and hope of salvation. enemies by Thy divine power; and as God Thou
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection hast filled all with gladness.
Irmos: All things are filled with awe ... Theotokion: 0 wonder newest of all won­
Mindless hades seized Thee in its maw; for, ders! For when the Virgin, without knowing
having seen Thee nailed to the Cross, pierced by man conceived in her womb, Him Who sustain­
the spear, bereft of breath, it thought that eth all things, He was not confined.
Thou, the living God, wast a simple man. But
testing the might of Thy divinity it understood.


Canon of the Cross & Resurrection any royal chamber, 0 Christ, for it bore the Life
Irmos: I have come unto the depths of the and is truly more beautiful than paradise.
sea .... Theotokion: Rejoice, divine and sanctified
Hades opened its maw and swallowed me, dwelling of the Most High! For through thee,
and, mindless, it puffed up its soul; but Christ, 0 Theotokos, hath joy been given unto those
descending, led up my life, in that He loveth who cry: Blessed art thou among women, 0
mankind. most immaculate Mistress!
Death hath perished through death; for He
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Who slew death hath arisen, granting me
Irmos: The divinely wise youths worshipped
incorruption; and appearing to the women He
not a creation ...
proclaimed immortal joy.
Lifted up upon the Tree, He Who hath saved
Theotokion: Thy womb was shown to be the
man laid low the lofty eye and cast overweening
pure receptacle of the unbearable Godhead,
pride down to the ground. 0 all-hymned Lord
0 Theotokos, which the ranks of heaven were
and God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
unable to gaze upon without fear.
By Thy power lift up the horn of those who
Canon of the Theotokos
serve Thee, 0 Thou Who arose from the dead
Irmos: (Same as the foregoing)
and emptied hades of its former riches, the
Of old the serpent beguiled and slew me souls of many men, 0 Master. 0 all-hymned
through my first mother Eve; but now, 0 pure Lord and God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
one, He Who fashioned me hath through thee Triadicon: Following the words of God, we
called me back from corruption. glorify the one Godhead united in three Lights,
The Abyss of compassion ineffably showed indivisible, the eternal Flame which enlight­
thee to be His chosen abyss of miracles, 0 eneth all creation, which crieth: Blessed art
Maiden; for from thee hath Christ the pearl Thou, 0 God!
shone forth through the lightning-flashes ofHis
Canon of the Theotokos
Irmos: The three youths in Babylon, having
put to mockery ....
Kontakion, in Tone IV- The fire of love for the Virgin which is within
My Savior and Deliverer hath from the my heart moveth me to hymnody, so that I cry
grave, as God, raised up mortals from their out to the Mother and Virgin: 0 blessed one, the
bonds and broken down the gates of hades; and Lord of hosts is with thee!
as Master He hath arisen on the third day~ Thou wast shown to transcend creation, in
Ikos: 0 all ye mortals, let us all hymn that thou gavest birth to the Creator and Lord;
Christ, the Bestower of life, Who hath arisen wherefore, 0 Theotokos, I cry out to thee:
from the dead and the grave on the third day, 0 blessed one, the Lord of hosts is with thee!
demolished the gates ofdeath by His own power Triadicon: Worshipping Thee, the one Do­
today, slain hades, broken the sting of death, minion in three sanctities, indivisible, I hymn
and freed Adam and Eve; and let us earnestly Thee, the Essence in three Hypostases, crying out
cry out praise, for He alone, as the only mighty to Thee, 0 Blessed One, Who directest all things.
God and Master, hath arisen on the third day.
ODE VII Canon of the Resurrection
Canon of the Resurrection Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel
Irmos: The children of Abraham in the shut the lions' mouths in the pit; and the young
Persian furnace, afire with love of piety more lovers of piety, girded about with virtue,
than with the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou quenched the power ofthe fire, crying out: Bless
in the temple of Thy glory, 0 Lord! the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
Mankind, washed in the divine blood of Stretching forth Thy hands, Thou didst
Christ, hath been recalled to incorruption, and gather in all the nations, 0 Master, and didst
in thanksgiving it chanteth: Blessed art Thou reveal the one Church which hymneth Thee,
in the temple of Thy glory, 0 Lord! unto those in heaven and on earth, who sing
Thy tomb, the well-spring of our resurrec­ together: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the
tion, hath been shown to be more splendid than Lord! Hymn and exalt Him supremely forever!


The angel clad in white, resplendent in the Then we chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos: "My
unapproachable light of the resurrection, ap­ soul doth magnify the Lord... ': with the refrain
peared to the women, crying: "Why seek ye the "More honorable than the cherubim ... "
Living in the tomb as one dead? Truly Christ
hath arisen!" And unto Him do we cry: All ye ODE IX
works, hymn the Lord and exalt Him supremely Canon of the Resurrection
for all ages! Irmos: Christ, the Chief Cornerstone uncut
Theotokion: Alone among all generations, by human hands, Who united the two disparate
0 all-pure Virgin, thou hast been shown to be natures, was cut from thee, the unquarried
the Mother of God; and thou wast the habita­ mountain, 0 Virgin. Wherefore, in gladness we
tion of the Divinity, 0 most immaculate one, magnify thee, 0 Theotokos.
who wast not consumed by the fire of the unap­ Thou didst wholly receive all of me into
proachable Light. Wherefore, we all bless thee, union with Thee without confusion, 0 my God,
0 Mary, Bride of God. through Thy suffering which Thou didst endure
bodily on the Cross imparting salvation wholly
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Irmos: The birthgiving of the Theotokos unto me, for the sake of Thy great compassion.
saved the pious ... Beholding Thy tomb open and the God­
Creation, beholding Thine unjust slaugh­ bearing grave-clothes emptied by Thy resurrec­
tion, with the angels Thy women disciples said:
ter, veiled itself in darkness and lamented; for
when the earth was troubled, the sun clothed Truly the Lord hath risen!
itself in gloom as in a black robe. And we Triadicon: Worshipping the Oneness of the
unceasingly hymn and exalt Christ supremely divine Essence, the Trinity of Hypostases, and
forever. honoring rightly that which is in unconfused
Hypostases, equal in power and one as to adora­
Having descended to me, even unto hades,
and made resurrection a way for all, thou didst tion, let us magnify It, all ye faithful.
ascend again, taking me with Thee on Thy Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
shoulder, and didst bring me to the Father. Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy...
Wherefore, I cry out to Thee: Hymn the Lord, 0 Having deceitfully caused me to fall, the
ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages! serpent took me captive away from Eden; but on
Triadicon: Let us glorify the one God of the hard stone of Golgotha the Lord Almighty
all-the Father, Who alone is unoriginate, the dashed him as he were a babe, and through the
first Mind and Cause of all, and the Word Who tree of the Cross opened the entrance to delight
is without beginning, and the Spirit Com­ again to me.
forter-, worshipping and exalting the united The mighty fortresses of the enemy hast
Trinity for all ages. Thou now brought to desolation; and with
Canon of the Theotokos Thine almighty hand Thou hast plundered his
Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all .... riches, 0 Christ Who raised me up with Thyself
The Lord of all, Who fashioned thee of the from the wastelands of hades; and an object of
rib of Adam, became incarnate of thy virginity. scorn hast Thou shown him to be who of old
Unto Him do we cry out, chanting: Bless the boasted beyond measure.
Come Thou, and, visiting the ·affliction of
Lord, all ye works, and exalt Him supremely
Thy poor people, strengthen Christians, Thine
excellent inheritance, with Thy merciful and
In a shadow Abraham beheld the mystery
which is in thee, the Theotokos; for he received mighty arm, 0 Christ, in that Thou lovest
thine incorporeal Son, chanting: Bless the Lord, mankind.
all ye works! Hymn and exalt Him supremely Canon of the Theotokos
forever! Irmos: The ineffable hidden mystery ....
The prefiguration of thy virginity saved We behold thee as a lily, arrayed in a robe
those who were equal in number to the Trinity; dyed by the divine Spirit, 0 all-pure one,
for in their virginal bodies they trampled down resplendent amid thorns and filling with sweet
the flame, 0 Virgin, crying: Bless the Lord, fragrance those who sincerely magnify thee.
hymn and exalt Him supremely forever!



The Incorrupt One, receiving corrupt Stichos: Praise Him with timbrel and
human nature from thy womb, 0 most immacu­ dance, praise Him with strings and flute.
late one, showed it to be incorrupt within Him­ Thou didst accept death in the flesh, medi­
self, in His loving-kindness; wherefore, we ating immortality for us, 0 Savior, and didst
magnify thee as the Theotokos. make Thine abode in the tomb, that Thou
As the Mistress of all creatures, grant thy mightest free us from hades, raising us up with
people triumphant victory, making the enemy Thyself. Therefore, Thou didst suffer as a man,
pacific toward the Church, that we may mag­ but didst rise as God, for which cause we cry out:
nify thee, the Theotokos. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord, Bestower of life, Who
alone lovest mankind!
After the katavasia, the little litany. Then, Stichos: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals,
"Holy is the Lord our God!': thrice; and the praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let
matins exapostilarion. every breath praise the Lord.
The stones fell, 0 Savior, when Thy Cross
On the Praises, 8 stichera, in Tone IV­
was planted on Golgotha; and the gatekeepers
Stichos: To do among them the judgment
of hades were struck with fear when Thou wast
that is written. This glory shall be to all His
laid in the tomb as one dead. For Thou, 0 Savior
Who hast set at naught the might of death, hast
0 Almighty Lord, Who didst endure the
by Thy resurrection granted incorruption unto
Cross and death, and didst rise from the dead,
all the dead. 0 Lord, Bestower of life, glory be
we glorify Thy resurrection!
to Thee!
Stichos: Praise ye God in His saints, praise
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
Him in the firmament of His power.
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
By Thy Cross, 0 Christ, hast Thou freed us
The women desired to see Thy resurrection,
from the ancient curse; by Thy death hast Thou
0 Christ God, but Mary Magdalene came,
set at naught the devil who tormenteth our
arriving before them, and found the stone rolled
nature; and by Thine arising hast Thou filled all
away from the tomb and an angel seated
with joy. Wherefore, we cry aloud to Thee:
thereon, who said: "Why seek ye the Living
0 Lord Who hast risen from the dead, glory be
among the dead? He is risen, as God, that He
to Thee!
might save all!"
Stichos: Praise Him for His mighty acts,
Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
praise Him according to the multitude of His
whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
Tell us, 0 Jews, where is Jesus Whom ye
By Thy Cross, 0 Christ our Savior, guide us
thought to guard? Where is He Whom ye placed
to Thy truth, and deliver us from the snares of
in the tomb, sealing the stone? Give up the dead
the enemy. 0 Thou Who hast risen from the
one, 0 ye who rejected Life, or believe on the
dead, through the supplications of Thy saints
Risen One! For ifye try to silence the word of
do Thou raise us up who have fallen through
the Lord's rising, the stones will cry out, espe­
sin, stretching forth Thy hand to us, 0 Lord
cially the one which rolled away from the tomb!
Who lovest mankind.
Great is Thy mercy! Great is the mystery ofThy
Stichos: Praise Him with the sound of
dispensation! 0 our Savior, glory be to Thee!
trumpet, praise Him with psaltery and harp.
Without separating Thyselffrom the bosom
Glory ... : The matins Gospel sticheron.
ofthe Father, 0 only-begotten Son of God, Thou
didst come to earth in Thy love for mankind, Now & ever ... : Theotokion, in Tone!!­
becoming a man immutable; and Thou didst Most blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos,
endure death in the flesh, 0 Thou Who in Thy for through Him Who became incarnate ofThee
divinity art foreign to suffering. And having is hades led captive, Adam recalled, the curse
risen from the dead, Thou hast given immortal­ annulled, Eve set free, death slain, and we are
ity to the human race, in that Thou alone art given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise:
Almighty. Blessed art Thou, 0 Christ God, Who hast been
thus well-pleased, glory to Thee.


Great Doxology, and the resurrectional tro­ Thyselfto Thine apostles, Thou didst send them
parwn- forth to preach; and through them hast granted
Having risen from the tomb, and having Thy peace to the world, 0 Thou Who alone art
burst the bonds of hades, Thou hast destroyed plenteous in mercy.
the sentence of death, 0 Lord, delivering all
from the snares of the enemy. Manifesting And the dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- member us also in Thy kingdom!
By the tree [ofknowledge] was Adam forced 0 ye faithful, let us entreat Him Who hath
to depart from paradise; and by the tree of the risen from the dead, hath made captive the
Cross was the thief made to dwell in paradise. dominion of hades, and wast seen by the myrrh­
For the one by tasting broke the commandment bearing women and said to them: "Rejoice!",
of the Creator; while the other, crucified with that He deliver from corruption the souls of us
Him, confessed the hidden God, crying out: who ever cry out to Him with the voice of the
Remember me in Thy kingdom! noble thief: Remember us also in Thy kingdom!
0 Lord Who wast lifted up upon the Cross, Triadicon: Oyefaithful, let us all pray, that
Who hast destroyed the power of death and as with one mind we may worthily glorify the
God hast destroyed the record of our sins, grant Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the unity of
also the repentance of the thief unto us who the Trinity in three Hypostases, unmingled,
faithfully serve Thee and cry out to thee, 0 abiding, simple, indivisible and unapproach­
Christ God Who alone lovest mankind: Remem­ able; for thereby have we been delivered from
her us also in Thy kingdom! fiery torment.
On the Cross Thou didst tear asunder with Theotokion: 0 Christ, most merciful Mas­
the spear the record of our sins; and, numbered ter, Thy Mother, who gave birth unto Thee in
among the dead, Thou didst bind the tyrant of the flesh without seed, the true Virgin, who
hades, 0 Lord Who lovest mankind, Who by remained incorrupt even after giving birth, do
Thy resurrection hast delivered all from the we set before Thee to make the supplication:
bonds of hades. Thereby have we been illu­ Grant forgiveness of transgressions unto those
mined, and we cry to Thee: Remember us also in who ever cry out to Thee: Remember us also in
Thy kingdom! Thy kingdom!
0 Thou Who alone art immortal, Who wast
crucified and as almighty didst arise from the Prokimenon, in Tone IV-
tomb on the third day, and hast raised up How magnified are thy works, 0 Lord! In
Adam, the first created: Vouchsafe that I also wisdom hast Thou made them all.
may turn to repentance with my whole heart, Stichos: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; 0 Lord my
and may ever cry out to Thee with fervent faith: God, Thou hast been magnified
Remember me, 0 Savior, in Thy kingdom! exceedingly.
For our sake He Who is without passion
became a man subject to the passions; and, Alleluia, in Tone IV-
nailed of His own will to the Cross, He hath Stichos: Bend thy bow, and proceed prosper­
raised us up with Himself. Wherefore, we ously, and be king, because of truth and
glorify His Cross, passion and resurrection, meekness and righteousness.
whereby we have been refashioned and Stichos: Thou hast loved righteousness and
whereby we also are saved, who cry out: Re­ hated iniquity.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
tance, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Thou hast given praise Him, all ye peoples.
a sign ... "- Desiring as God to reveal an abyss of good­
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, ness, 0 Thou Who art without beginning, Thou
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee didst first create the angelic choirs and the
is forgiveness. ranks of the hosts by Thine almighty hand and
I have sinned against Thee, 0 Thou Who divine command; for it was truly fitting that
lovest mankind, and not according to my h u­ goodness be poured out and go forth, that it
man nature, for which I might ask forgiveness, might be given unto many, 0 Master.
but inhumanly, past my nature, beyond for­ Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
giveness. 0 my Savior Who becamest man, prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
transcending the laws of nature and compre­ eth forever.
hension by the human mind, and Who hast love The six-winged seraphim, the many-eyed
for mankind which passeth understanding, cherubim and the all-exalted thrones, the do­
have mercy on me that I may turn to Thee. minions, the principalities, authorities, arch­
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ angels, angels and divine powers surround
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath Thee, partaking directly of Thine all-accom­
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath plishing radiance, praising Thy glory, 0 Al­
hoped in the Lord. mighty; and they pray to Thee in our behalf.
Thou didst appoint repentance for those
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
who sin, and not for the righteous, 0 Christ. I
0 most immaculate one, who hast sur­
have as examples the thief and the prodigal,
passed the ranks ofangels: With the angels ever
Mannaseh and the harlot, the persecutor
beseech Him Who hath dominion over the an­
[Paul], the publican and [Peter] who fell away,
gels and all creation, that He grant us remis­
yet I am brought sorely to despair. Knowing
sion of transgressions, deliver us from the pas­
Thine all-good love for mankind, 0 Savior, I
sions, and make us, who hymn His glory, wor­
turn to Thee and weep, and I am filled with
thy inheritors of incorrupt sustenance.
goodly hope that Thou wilt accept me.
Stichos: From the morning watch until Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
the Lord.
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone IV­
Unto me who am now sunk in the passions
I desired to erase the record of my trans­
of the body and am far removed from Thee, 0
gressions with tears, and to please Thee well by
King and God of all, grant compunction, the
repentance for the rest ofmy life; but the enemy
removal of evils and perfect amendment. In
deceiveth me and wageth war on my soul. Be­
Thy great goodness, 0 omnipotent Jesus, Sav­
fore I perish utterly, 0 Lord, save me!
ior of our souls, save me, a prodigal, who other­
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
wise have no hope.
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Then the sticheraofthe saint, from the Menaion; hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
holy, incorporeal angels, in the same tone: Spec. look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Mel.: "As one valiant among the martyrs ... "- eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, pity on us.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Who is tempest-tossed, yet fleeth to Thy
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui­ haven, 0 Lord, and is not saved? Who is sick
ties. and, falling down before Thy healing power, is
Thou didst establish the angelic armies as not cured? 0 Lord, Creator of all and Physician
pleasing habitations and most honored recep­ of the infirm: Before I perish utterly, save me!
tacles of divine light, 0 Immortal One; and Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Thou didst set them in godly ranks as beholders mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
and ministers of Thy glory, to carry out Thy abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
word and fulfill Thine all-accomplishing and therewith; let reproach come upon them that
all-holy will. prosper, and abasement on the proud.

M artyricon: 0 Christ God, Who art glorified unburnt! Rejoice, bridal-chamber! Rejoice,
in the memorials of Thy saints, be Thou en­ thou throne! Rejoice, holy mountain! Rejoice,
treated by them, and send down upon us great refuge! Rejoice, divine table! Rejoice, mystic
mercy. portal! Rejoice, thou joy of all!

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Rejoice, 0 cloud of Light! Rejoice, radiant Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
candlestick! Rejoice, jar wherein the Manna Litany, and Dismissal.
was kept! Rejoice, staff of Aaron! Rejoice, bush


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy Theotokos

ODE I Now & ever ... : Ever saved from all sorrows
Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the by thy protections, 0 good Mistress, we offer
Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old van­ praise to thy Son.
quished the might of Amalek in the wilderness
by Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the ODE IV
Cross. Irmos: I heard report of Thee and was
Accept the entreaty of my soul, 0 all-pure afraid; I understood Thy works, 0 Lord, and
Mistress who gavest birth to God in the flesh; was filled with awe.
for I have fled unto thy mighty assistance, lest As thou hast boldness before thy Son, 0
my hope fail utterly. pure Theotokos, free me from this present
Like a slave I fall down before thee, 0 all­ temptation, setting at naught the constant
pure Theotokos, for, as thou hast great bold­ machinations ofthe enemy who ever wages war
ness, by thy supplications deliver me from all upon me.
tribulations, mediating before thy Son. 0 ye choirs ofthe ranks on high, ye martyrs
Glory ... : Engulfed by the waves ofthe sea of and apostles, ye assembly of the divine proph­
life and beset by cruel temptations, I have ets, ye righteous and venerable: with the
hastened to the calm haven of thy protections; Mother and Theotokos entreat Christ in our
wherefore, deliver me from evils, 0 Theotokos. behalf.
Now & ever ... : With thy compassionate and Glory ... : 0 Christ, accept thine all-glorious
calm gaze look thou upon thy servant and make Mother who prayeth for the world and merci­
haste to hearken unto me, 0 good one, fulfilling fully crieth out to Thee: "0 my Son, accept mine
the entreaty of thy servant and destroying the entreaty and still Thou the wrath which lieth
counsels ofthe evil, 0 all-pure one. upon the world!"
Now & ever ... : I fall down before thee, 0
ODE III Theotokos, and pray from the depths of my
Irmos: Thy Church rejoiceth in Thee, 0 heart: Rescue me from these present trials,
Christ, crying aloud: Thou art my strength, 0 that, delivered from evils, I may offer hymnody
Lord, my refuge and my consolation! to thy splendor.
0 Mistress, for the faithful thou art an aide
against the enemy, an ally in battles, and a 0DEV
refuge for those who grieve. Irmos: The ungodly perceive not Thy glory,
In that He is thy Son, entreat the God of all, 0 Christ; but, waking at dawn out of the night,
to Whom thou gavest birth in the flesh, that we hymn Thee, 0 Only-begotten One Who
throughout the vicissitudes of life He grant me lovest mankind, Thou effulgence of the glory of
remission of mine evils. the Father's divinity.
Glory ... : Mercifully regard our lowliness, 0 0 pure one, thou hope and help of mortals,
Mistress, that thy servants may be delivered take pity on our lowliness, we pray, and free us
from the wrath which besetteth us. from this present wrath.


Availing ourselves of thy supplication as it away, ashamed, from my hope, but hearken,
were an insuperable rampart, 0 pure one, we and deliver me from the snares of those who
cry out to thee: 0 Mistress, drive away the pursue me.
invisible foe! Like a slave I bend my neck, wretch that I
Glory ... : Let us who put our trust in thee am, and I utter a cry from the depths of my
never be put to shame, 0 all-pure one, we pray heart; stretching forth my hands, I bend my
with tears, rendering homage to thy goodness. knees and entreat thee, the all-pure Virgin,
Now & ever ... : With thine all-pure hand that I be delivered from the tribulations ofthose
drive away the enemy who warreth against who ever come against me with the assault of
us, 0 all-hymned one; and let the accursed the evil one.
ones understand that we have set our hope Glory ... : 0 all-glorious and pure Mary,
on thee. boast of mortals, we pray: Grant thine aid unto
us who pray and piously worship thine Off­
ODE VI spring, for we have acquired none other hope or
Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial, helper than thee.
the Prophet Jonah, praying within the sea mon­ Now & ever ... : 0 Mary who knewest not
ster, cried out: Deliver me from corruption, 0 man, 0 helper of the faithful, who gavest birth
Jesus, King of hosts! to God in manner transcending understanding
Wash away our sins, we pray, 0 Thou Who and all nature, from sudden temptations de­
lovest mankind, by the supplications ofher who liver as pure those who honor thee, unharmed
gave birth to Thee without seed; for for our sake, by all enemies, visible and invisible.
0 Word, Thou didst shed Thy precious blood.
Against us hath a wicked assembly of those ODE VIII
who unjustly war against us gathered together, Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel
0 Bride of God; but cast them down, like Peter shut the lions' mouths in the pit; and the young
cast down Simon Magus of old. lovers of piety, girded about with virtue,
Glory ... : Hearken unto our prayer, 0 Mis­ quenched the power ofthe fire, crying out: Bless
tress, we pray, and still thou the waves of the the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
tempest of divers pangs whereby the enemy I dare not raise my hands unto thy Son, 0
have assembled against us. pure one, for I am wholly defiled; wherefore, I
Now & ever ... : Transform my grief into joy, make bold to flee to thee, 0 Mistress. Mediate
in that Thou art compassionate, replace my with the compassionate God Who is easily pla­
lamentation with gladness, and have pity, 0 cated, that we may be delivered from the ad­
Christ Who, for the sake of the Theotokos, verse foes who afflict us.
transformed water into wine in Cana ofGalilee. To thee have I entrusted mine eyes, heart
and soul, 0 all-pure one; wherefore, have pity,
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , 0 pure Mistress, falling down before the Com­
Now & ever ... : Sedation, in Tone IV- passionate One, in behalf of me who am wicked
Prodigal though I am, having darkened my and unable to endure, that He save me from all
mind with many transgressions, I cry out to thy want, from wounds and grief.
mighty assistance, 0 Theotokos: Enlighten the Glory ... : "With Thy weaponry fell those who
eyes ofmy soul, shine forth upon me the radiant war against us, 0 Lord, in that Thou art mighty,
splendor of repentance, and array me in the and grant victory unto those who trust in Thee
armor of light, 0 pure Theotokos! with faith, 0 Master!" the Theotokos prayeth
with John the forerunner, the choir of the
ODE VII apostles and Thy martyrs.
Irmos: Deliver us not up utterly, for Thy Now & ever ... : Once Gabriel brought thee
holy name's sake, neither disannul Thou Thy the joy of the annunciation, 0 pure virgin, and
covenant, and cause not Thy mercy to depart by thy birthgiving hath the grief of our first
from us, 0 Lord God of our fathers, Who art mother been loosed; wherefore, having
supremely hymned forever. cleansed my soul of despondency, by thy suppli­
Amid divers perils and tribulations, I cations do thou thyself show me to be un­
have now fled to thee, my salvation, 0 pure ashamed.
one, and I cry aloud: Let me not be turned

ODE IX Glory ... : Bring down the tongue of the

Irmos: Christ, the Chief Cornerstone uncut ungovernable and haughty one which, sharp­
by human hands, Who united the two disparate ened like an arrow, is launched to slay me, 0
natures, was cut from thee, the unquarried Virgin; melt it like wax, and show forth his
mountain, 0 Virgin. Wherefore, in gladness we counsels to be in vain.
magnify thee, 0 Theotokos. Now & ever ... : Destroy all the counsels of
Quickly manifest thine aid, 0 Virgin those who have armed themselves against us,
Theotokos; do thou eagerly bend thine ear 0 Mother of God Most High, and fill with joy
and hearken ardently to us who cry aloud, those who trust in thee, that we may all ear­
and free us from evils, delivering us by thy nestly publish thine aid.
Stuck fast wholly in slothfulness, I find Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
myself in an abyss of despair because of my prostration. Trisagion through Our Father ...
transgressions; wherefore, stretch forth thy Troparion. The rest as usual. Dismissal.
hand unto me, 0 Virgin Mother, as Christ did
to Peter, and deliver me from the depths of


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these tears of repentance unto Thee, Who hast au­
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone IV­ thority over life and death; and in compunction
0 Lord, visit Thou my lowly soul, which I cry to Thee: I have sinned! Save me, 0 Lord!
hath squandered all its whole life in sins; accept Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
me as Thou didst the harlot, and save me. God of Israel.
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine M artyricon: Today the armies of heaven
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. have come for the memorial of the passion­
Navigating the deep of this present life, I bearers, to enlighten the minds of the faithful
consider the abyss of my many evils; and lack­ and to illumine the whole world with grace.
ing a helmsman for my thoughts, I utter unto Entreated by them, 0 God, grant us great
Thee the cry of Peter: Save me, 0 Christ! Save mercy.
me, 0 God, in that Thou lovest mankind!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Having received the Word in thy womb at
Thou art an invincible rampart for us Chris­ the angel's salutation, and given birth to the
tians, 0 Virgin Theotokos; for, fleeing unto incarnate God, Christ Emmanuel, 0 Theoto­
thee, we remain unharmed, and though we sin kos, pray thou in behalf of our souls.
again, we have thee as an advocate. Wherefore,
we cry out to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice, 0 After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
thou who art full ofgrace! The Lord is with thee! sessional hymns, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Go
Thou quickly before ... "­
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these 0 all-blessed Trinity, the choirs ofthe incor­
sessional hymns, in Tone IV­ poreal ones unceasingly hymn Thee with their
W e shall soon enter together into the bridal­ immaterial mouths, and they stand before Thee
chamber of Christ, that we may all hear the with fear, crying out: Holy is the Essence in
divine voice of Christ our God. Come, ye who three Hypostases! At their entreaties have
love the glory of heaven, and having lit our mercy on the creation of Thy hands, 0 Thou
lamps with faith, with the wise virgins let us Who alone lovest mankind.
receive it. The ranks of angels stand with fear before
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine Thy throne, 0 Master, and ever enlightened by
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. the rays thereof, they unceasingly chant unto
Condemned by the multitude of my trans­ Thee a hymn ofvictory, 0 Lord. By their sacred
gressions, I am troubled by fear of torment, 0 prayers grant peace unto the world and the
Christ God; from the depths of my heart I offer remission of our transgressions.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ Bowing down before God with love, and
0 most immaculate Virgin who gavest birth manifestly limned by the beauties of God, 0
to the transcendent God: With the incorporeal glorious archangels, ye have taken your place
ones unceasingly entreat Him, that before the around Him in orderly ranks, crying out to the
end He grant remission of transgressions and Creator a hymn of victory.
amendment of life unto us who with faith and Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, who
love hymn thee as is meet, 0 thou who alone art alone received in thy womb the Word, Whom
most hymned. the angelic armies ever glorify: Illumine my
soul, releasing it from dark evil thoughts of sin,
ODE I and enlightening it with the understanding of
Canon of repentance, to our Lord Jesus Christ thine Offspring.
& His holy martyrs, the acrostic whereof is "0
Savior, save me as Thou didst the harlot of ODE III
old': in Tone IV- Canon of Repentance
Irmos: 0 Thou Who wast born of the Virgin, Irmos: Willingly didst Thou descend from on
drown Thou, I pray Thee, the three parts of my high to earth, 0 Thou Who art more highly
soul in the depths of dispassion, as of old Thou exalted than every principality, and from the
didst drown the mounted captains of Pharaoh; uttermost depths of hades thou didst raise up
that, in the mortality of my body, as on a lowly human nature; for there is none more holy
timbrel, I may chant a hymn of victory. than Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
0 Jesus my Savior, Who saved the prodigal, 0 Christ God, Who art the never-waning
accepted the weeping of the harlot, and by Thy Light, the darkness of the passions hath sur­
gesture justified the publican who sighed: Ac­ rounded me with the night of life, but in that
cept me also, who turn to Thee though I have Thou lovest mankind, save me, enlightening
committed sins innumerable, and save me. me with rays of repentance, that I may glorify
The fire of evil devoureth my soul like tin­ Thee.
der, and kindleth the flame which is to come. 0 Show me to be an inheritor of the portion of
Long-suffering One Who lovest mankind, ex­ the elect, 0 Christ my Savior, cutting me off
tinguish it with the dew of Thy mercies, grant­ from the portions ofthe adversary, and showing
ing us tears of repentance. me to be cleansed by tears and almsgiving, that
M artyricon: Full of great understanding, in praise I may ever glorify Thee.
the choir of the holy passion-bearers, chastely M artyricon: Truly dyed red by your blood,
rejecting the foolish counsel and adverse your feet ran right swiftly to the heavens, leav­
thinking ofall the violators ofthe law, received ing behind the world of sin, 0 martyrs, convers­
divine honors. ers with the divine hosts.
M artyricon: 0 wise and all-praised passion­ M artyricon: Subjected to wounding, your
bearers, who in your faith disdained the beau­ bodies collapsed, 0 athletes of Christ, but the
tiful things of this world, ye have inherited power of your souls was strengthened, being
heavenly life. Wherefore, from all the turmoil of tightly bound by love to Him Who by His will
the world deliver me, who truly bless you. hath created all things.
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, all-radiant lu­ Theotokion: 0 Lady Mary, who for all gav­
minary of the Sun of glory: Enkindle the flame est birth to the Lord: Enlighten and free me,
of my soul, which hath guttered out through who am beset by the passions of my mind and
despondency, and ever feed it with the oil of am benighted by evil.
divine works, that I may glorify thee with faith
Canon of the Angels

and love.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.

Another canon, ofthe holy incorporeal angels, 0 Christ Who art hymned by the heavenly
in Tone!V- choirs: In Thy divine wisdom move the assem­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. blies of the faithful to hymn the ranks thereof,
0 angels, who as pure intelligences stand for there is none more holy than Thou, 0 Word
before the great and primal Mind, fed by divine Who lovest mankind. Twice
radiance: Illumine me with your rays, hymning Sharing in fervent love and the bonds of
the Word Who is the cause of all, 0 all-glorious love, ye stand as ministers before the primal
ones. Twice

Source, unceasingly hymning the one Es­ Thy ministering radiances were vouchsafed
sence of the unoriginate Godhead, 0 divine to gaze upon the comely beauty of Thy counte­
archangels. nance; and, thence receiving understanding,
Theotokion: 0 pure Mother who gavest they cry out to Thee: Glory to Thy power, 0
birth unto Christ, thou didst most splendidly Christ!
annul the ancient curse of Eve by the blessings Theotokion: Before the King her Son, the
of Him Who crowneth all; for there is none as Virgin Queen now standeth, arrayed in golden
all-holy as thee, our helper. vesture, incomparably more exalted than the
angels, who cry: Glory to Thy power, 0 Christ!
Canon ofRepentance 0DEV
Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of the Canon of Repentance
Godhead, Jesus most divine hath come on a Irmos: "Now I shall arise, now I shall be
light cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath glorified, now I shall be exalted, elevatingfallen
saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power, 0 human nature, which I received from the Vir­
Christ! gin, to the noetic light of My divinity!" said God
I now fall down before thee as Judge, 0 through the prophet.
Lord. Have pity on me, who am condemned and 0 how I shall stand condemned before Thee,
in despair; deliver me from Thy just sentence, the Judge and God of all, and be accused of all
and vouchsafe that I may stand with Thine the evils wherein I have mindlessly sinned of
elect. mine own will, making myself wholly unprofit­
0 Christ Who lovest mankind, heal me who able!
have fallen among savage thieves and been Save me, 0 Lord, for I have been filled with
wounded, pouring forth the wine and oil of many evils; and I pray: Heal my sins and griev­
repentance upon me, and clothing me in the ous sores, and leave me not to perish alone, who
vesture of my salvation. have sinned greatly against Thee, 0 my Jesus.
M artyricon: When your bodies were flayed, Martyricon: Manifestly finding a blessed
0 most lauded martyrs, ye were clothed from on end, the athletes have received glory, with their
high with the robe of salvation; and ye stripped members glorifying Christ, the Appointer ofthe
bare him who of old stripped our first father contest, having manfully resolved to suffer
naked, rendering him dead and lifeless. wounds and stripes.
M artyricon: Waxing eloquent before the Martyricon: 0 blessed athletes ofChrist, by
iniquitous, adorned by piety with the under­ your godly and beautiful way of life ye have
standing of the Word of God, 0 martyrs, ye put inherited the riches of heaven, imperishable
to shame all the ungodly sages and rhetors, crowns, never-waning light, and a habitation
slaying the enemy. unmade by men's hands, which waxeth not old.
Theotokion: Like rain did Jesus, the Abyss Theotokion: The voices of the prophets fore­
ofwisdom, descend upon thee, OVirgin Theoto­ told thy wonders, 0 all-pure one, calling thee
kos, finding thee alone to be pure; and He hath the mountain, the door, and the radiant lamp,
restrained the grievous torrents of ungodliness from whence the wondrous Light truly illumin­
with divine grace. eth the world, 0 pure one.
Canon of the Angels Canon of the Angels
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
With unapproachable power didst Thou With trembling the cherubim and sera­
bring the heavenly intelligences out of from phim, the thrones and the divine archangels,
non-existence, 0 transcendent Word of God; the dominions, powers and principalities, the
and with Thine ineffable glory Thou didst adorn authorities and the angels, glorify the one wor­
them, who cry out: Glory to Thy power, 0 shipful Godhead of the Trinity. Twice
Christ! The angels were shown to be shining radi­
Guided by the Spirit and His reins, and antly with light, 0 Christ, proclaiming Thy
illumined by divine rays, the heavenly hosts resurrection to the venerable women in the
formed themselves into unbroken ranks, wor­ world, and shaking the mind of Thine enemies
shipping the one Godhead, the Cause of all. with the rays of Thy divinity.

Theotokion: 0 Thou Who wast ineffably to mockery the tyrant's command, cried out
born of the Virgin and deliverest men from amid the flames: Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord God
corruption, by the regiments of the angels pre­ of our fathers!
serve now Thy Church, which glorifieth Thee To whom shall I liken thee, 0 my wretched
with Orthodox voices. soul? Woe is me, who love unseemly things and
fail to seek what is good! Wherefore, haste thou
ODE VI before the end, and exhibit goodly conduct.
Canon of Repentance Grant me a shower of tears, that I may be
Irmos: I have come unto the depths of the sea, cleansed of mine evils; and leave me not to
and the tempest ofmy many sins hath engulfed perish now, who have sinned against Thee more
me; but, as God, lead up my life from the abyss, than all other men, 0 Savior.
0 greatly Merciful One. M artyricon: Bearing in your own bodies the
As one mortal, I have neither understand­ mortality of the Word Who was slain, ye put
ing nor sense, wretch that I am, possessed of a deception to death; and having died, 0 glorious
conscience ever defiled. 0 God my Creator, let athletes, ye heal those brought to death by the
me not perish utterly! passions.
My deeds, like enemies, will accuse me at M artyricon: What place doth not now have
Thy judgment-seat, 0 Compassionate One; but you as enlighteners and a bulwark, 0 martyrs?
deliver me quickly from them, 0 Christ, guiding What land is not sanctified by your sufferings
me to repentance. and the dawning of your healings, 0 glorious
M artyricon: The assembly ofthe violators of ones?
the law broke the bones of the passion-bearers, Theotokion: Thou alone remainest a virgin
yet were unable to break their faith, for which even after giving birth, 0 Mistress, who art
they have been shown to be heirs of God, the resplendent in virginal beauty; thou alone didst
Savior of our souls. escape the pain of motherhood: for thou alone
Martyricon: Like costly stones were the gavest birth to God, the Deliverer of our souls.
passion-bearers set with divine wisdom upon
Canon of the Angels
the unshakable rock of hope; and as temples of
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
the Holy Spirit they have made their abode in
With the noetic angels as witnesses to what
the temple of God.
we have done, 0 my soul, let us choose their
Theotokion: My heart, which hath been
pure life, for they cry out: Blessed art Thou, 0
darkened by the dark visitations of sin, do thou
Lord God of our fathers! Twice
illumine with the light which is within thee, 0
Purified by a burning coal, the divine Isaiah
Bride of God, who gavest birth unto Christ the
beheld the seraphim standing before Thy
throne, and he cried out: Blessed art Thou, 0
Canon of the Angels Lord God of our fathers!
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Theotokion: As thou gavest birth to the
Standing round about the Master, and in Creator and Lord, 0 Virgin, thouart manifestly
purity delighting in the effulgence ofthe Source more exalted than the ranks of all the incorpo­
of radiance, 0 ye angelic armies, enlighten real beings. Blessed is the Fruit ofthy womb, 0
those who hymn you with faith. Twice pure one!
0 Thou Who in Thy wisdom didst create the
angelic choirs, as Master Thou didst show forth ODE VIII
the dominions, powers and seraphim, who Canon of Repentance
honor Thee with praises. Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all, descending
Theotokion: 0 Christ, Who restest upon the into the midst ofthe flame Thou didst bedew the
most exalted thrones and preservest all things pious youths and didst teach them to chant:
in Thy divine providence, Thou didst rest in the Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!
arms of the Virgin, 0 Master. Having submitted to the passions, I have
shown myselfto be like unto the irrational dogs.
ODE VII 0 Word of God Who art without beginning, turn
Canon of Repentance and save me, who cry: Bless the Lord, all ye
Irmos: The three youths in Babylon, having put works of the Lord!

The boar ravaged and laid waste to me like While there is yet time to repent, 0 my soul,
a solitary vineyard cultivated by the Spirit, 0 turn thou from the evils which thou hast com­
Savior. Deliver me from him, 0 Word, and mitted in knowledge and in ignorance, and cry
straightway show me to be fruitful for Thee in out unto Him Who knoweth all things: I have
the virtues. sinned against Thee! Forgive me, 0 Master,
M artyricon: Your bloody skins dyed a di­ and disdain me not, who am unworthy!
vinely woven robe for you, 0 martyrs, and, Martyricon: In places of glory, in resting­
thereby adorned and wearing crowns ofvictory, places of honor hath Christ most manifestly
ye stand in the highest before the eternal King. assembled the saints who suffered, from every
Martyricon: The sacred harmony of the land and city; and now they shine forth in
martyrs set at naught the unholy discord which gladness upon the Church of the firstborn.
would have them commit what is unlawful; and Martyricon: Illumined by the rays of the
having suffered lawfully, they have been law­ divine Spirit, the most precious shrine of Thy
fully crowned by the Master of all. holy martyrs all-gloriously emitteth the radi­
Theotokion: All creation blesseth thy birth­ ance of healings, and dispelleth the pangs of
giving, which hath crowned us with blessings infirmities, 0 only greatly merciful Lord.
and removed the curse, 0 only most blessed and Theotokion: Enlighten my soul with rays
all-glorious one, who hath filled our race with from the light that is within thee, 0 Bride of
grace. God, and raise it up, for it lieth in the pit of
destruction, defeating the enemies who ever
Canon of the Angels
assail my heart and impel it toward the pas­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
As the only immortal Life, as the Creator,
Thou didst create the angels to share in immor­ Canon of the Angels
tal life, and didst teach them to chant: Bless ye Irmos: The ineffable hidden mystery of God is
and hymn the Lord! Twice revealed in thee, 0 all-pure Virgin; for God hath
Noetically standing round about Thee, the become incarnate of thee in His loving-kind­
archangels chant with never-ceasing voices, ness. Wherefore, we magnify thee as the
divinely honoring Thee as the Master of all: Theotokos.
Bless ye and hymn the Lord! Hymning the Mind, the Father and Origin
Theotokion: 0 most blessed one, the images of the Son and the Spirit, and having received
ofthe law prefigured thee who gavest birth unto gifts ofdivine grace, 0 angels, be ye assiduously
God Who is united to fleshly matter, but before quick to send them down upon us. Twice
was immaterial in His divine essence. 0 Virgin, Beautifully adorned with the gift of incor­
we bless thy birthgiving! ruption and with grace, hymning Thee, the
eternal Source of incorruption, 0 Christ, the
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the divine archangels magnify Thee as their Bene­
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable factor.
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. Theotokion: 0 Mother of God, we, the faith­
ful, know thee to be the bridal-chamber and
ODE IX dwelling-place of the ineffable Incarnation, and
Canon of Repentance the ark of the law; wherefore, we unceasingly
Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode under magnify thee.
the curse of disobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin
Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
through the Offspring of thy child-bearing. prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Wherefore, we all magnify thee. usual psalms.
This is the time for repentance! Why then
are we slothful? Why are we sunk in sleep? Let Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone JV-
us put away despondency and feed our lamps Wash me with my tears, 0 Savior, for I have
with the oil ofgood deeds, as it is written, lest we defiled myself with many sins; wherefore, I fall
find ourselves standing outside the doors, la­ down before Thee, crying: I have sinned, 0 God!
menting. Have mercy on me!



Stichos: We were filled in the morning with vanquished the incorporeal foe, confessing
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were Christ and having armed yourselves with His
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days Cross? Wherefore, as is meet, ye have been
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years shown to be expellers of the demons and oppo­
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy nents of the barbarians, unceasingly praying
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou that our souls be saved.
guide their sons.
I am a sheep of Thy reason-endowed flock, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
and I flee to Thee, the good Shepherd. Seek me 0 Theotokos, Queen of all, boast of the
out who am lost, 0 God, and have mercy on me. Orthodox: Cast down the arrogance of the her­
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord etics, and put them to shame who neither bow
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands down before nor venerate thy precious icon, 0
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of all-pure one.
our hands do Thou guide aright.
Who is not filled with awe, beholding the Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
good contest wherein ye struggled, 0 holy mar­ through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
tyrs? How have ye, who are fleshly beings, Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- Martyricon: Cast into the fire, ye utterly
Of old was Adam banished from paradise consumed the tinder of deception, 0 passion­
through the tree, but by the tree of the Cross bearers of Christ; and in the multitude of your
hath the thiefcome to dwell in paradise: the one blood ye drowned the serpent of the deep; and
by tasting rejected the commandment of the having won the victory, ye rejoice with the
Creator, but the other, crucified with Christ, armies on high, praying earnestly that we be
confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remem­ saved.
her me in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : 0 Effulgence of the threefold Sun
I have sinned more than all other men on who shinest in the fullness of the world, dispel­
earth, and I fear the implacable tribunal which ling the cruel passions of my soul: Send down
is to come, 0 All-good One. Then preserve me the radiance of light and cleansing of offenses
uncondemned thereat, and deliver me from unto me who now cry out with faith to Thee, the
torment, granting me repentance which wash­ all-unoriginate Father, the Son Who is equally
eth away all defilements, in that Thou lovest enthroned with Him, and the Spirit. 0 Trinity,
mankind. all-accomplishing Power, save us!
Standing now before the Master of all, 0 Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, have pity on me
cherubim and seraphim, ye authorities, who ever sin and am greatly hindered by sloth­
thrones, archangels, dominions and hosts, ye fulness, and reveal to me models of repentance,
holy angels and most exalted principalities, ask granting compunction to my perplexed soul, 0
remission ofoffenses and correction of life for all all-pure hope unashamed. And remember us
who cry out with faith: Remember us in Thy who hymn thee with love and cry out with faith,
kingdom! 0 most hymned Virgin.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ 0 Forerunner, who hast boldness before the
tance, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Called from on Lord, and who dost surpass all born of women:
high... "- Unceasingly entreat Him in behalfofthose who
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, pray to thee with faith, that He grant us conver­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee sion and a beginning to repentance, that, saved,
is forgiveness. we may ever hymn thee.
Emulating the Canaanite woman, 0 my Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
soul, touch Christ from behind, and cry out praise Him, all ye peoples.
repeatedly: Have mercy on me, 0 Master! My Thou wast called a prophet from thy
body, like her daughter, is possessed by evil mother's womb and a preacher from her belly, 0
spirits, and it flaileth about. Quench the burn­ Forerunner and Apostle of the coming of the
ing of my flesh, I pray; and, causing the disor­ Lord. I have given myself over to the demons
derly seizures thereof to cease, mortify it by the and am become an industrious slave to sin. As
fear of Thee, through the supplications of her a mighty warrior cure me of both these sins,
who conceived and gave Thee birth, and of all that I may proclaim thy speedy help.
the saints, 0 greatly merciful Benefactor. Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath eth forever.
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath As the winnowing-fan of the divine Spirit,
hoped in the Lord. winnow away like weeds the ways of my heart,
Thou didst once send Jonah to the sinful gathering divine deeds from me to store like
Ninevites to preach to them, 0 Christ, and, grain in the granary of God, that, enriched by
repenting, they transformed their anger into thee, my mediator, I may become food fit for the
kindliness, delivered from pernicious wrath. Master, 0 blessed one who baptized Christ.
Wherefore, send also Thy mighty help unto me,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
who am unworthy, 0 Thou Who lovest man­
Grant me tears from the depths ofmy heart,
kind, that I may turn away from my countless
sighing from the depths of my soul, 0 Maiden,
offenses and be guided to the path of repen­
and contrition and confession of the transgres­
tance; for I weep, groaning bitterly, to be deliv­
sions I have committed in this life, that by thy
ered by Thy mercy from my many transgres­
help, 0 most pure one, I may pass my life in
repentance and receive surcease.
Stichos: From the morning watch until
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
the Lord.
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
0 Compassionate One, Who earnest into the
world to save sinful men and call them to
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone IV­
repentance: In that Thou art full of
I desired to erase the record of my trans­
lovingkindness, have pity on me who have an­
gressions with tears, and to please Thee well by
gered Thee more than all other men, save me in
repentance for the rest of my life; but the enemy
Thy goodness, guide me to the way of repen­
deceiveth me and wageth war on my soul. Be­
tance, and grant me thought ofcompunction, in
fore I perish utterly, 0 Lord, save me!
Thy goodness making my heart steadfastly
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
humble, simple, meek and guileless, 0 my Sav­
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
ior, in that Thou art full of lovingkindness.
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
or if there is no M enaion, these stichera of the look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
holy & great John the Forerunner, in Tone IV- eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, pity on us.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Who is tempest-tossed, yet fleeth to Thy
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his haven, 0 Lord, and is not saved? Who is sick
iniquities. and, falling down before Thy healing power, is
not cured? 0 Lord, Creator of all and Physician
of the infirm: Before I perish utterly, save me!

Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with Deliver us from our needs, 0 Mother of
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled Christ God, who gavest birth to the Creator of
therewith; let reproach come upon them that all, that all of us may cry out to thee: Rejoice, 0
prosper, and abasement on the proud. only intercession for our souls!
Martyricon: 0 Thou Who lovest mankind,
and Who hast accepted the patience of the holy Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart...
martyrs, through their supplications grant us Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
great mercy. Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy Theotokos
ODE I God. 0 my hope, hear me and make haste to
Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the save me.
Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old van­ Now & ever ... : Look down, 0 pure one, and
quished the might of Amalek in the wilderness save me, for at the behest of God, in manner
by Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the which transcendeth recounting and under­
Cross. standing, thou gavest flesh to the Word of God
0 all-pure one, who alone providest defense Who sustaineth all things.
amid perils and tribulations, in that thou art
good accept the heartfelt entreaty of us who ODE IV
ardently flee unto thy protection. Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the
Wretch that I am, I have found thee to be a Cross, 0 Sun of righteousness, the Church
calm haven fending offthe assaults ofperils and stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet:
want, 0 divine bearer of the God-man, and I Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
chant hymns of thanksgiving unto thee. Having vanquished those who have become
Glory ... : Gazing upon me, who am stuck mine enemies in vain and have striven cruelly
fast in evil circumstances and sorrow, with thy to seize my soul, preserve me unassailed, 0
meek and merciful eye, 0 Theotokos, quickly Mistress, that, rejoicing, I may glorify thee.
free me, for I call upon thee for help. Delivering me from the tongue which spea­
Now & ever ... : Adam and Eve have been keth lies, in that thou art my good intercessor,
delivered from condemnation by thee, 0 pure show me to be unsullied by the works ofthis life,
one, and with them I .fall down before thee. for as the Mother ofthe Creator thou art able to
Transform my tears of grief now into joy, and accomplish much.
free me from perils. Glory ... : Afflicted as I am, but knowing
thee to be a painless physician, I cry out with
ODE III spirit and mouth: Heal me, 0 Mistress! Have
Irmos: The bow of the mighty is become mercy and save me, for I, thy servant, flee
weak, and the strengthless have girded them­ unto thee!
selves with power; wherefore, my heart is es­ Now & ever ... : 0 Virgin Mary, we all hymn
tablished in the Lord. thee as the boast of angels and men, and we
Having acquired thee as a mighty weapon pray with faith: 0 Mistress, make thou en­
and bulwark, I vanquish hordes of the adver­ treaty, that we be delivered from all sorrow!
sary, and I hymn thy mighty acts, 0 Theotokos
who knewest not wedlock. 0DEV
Thou destroyest the furnace of grief and Irmos: Thou hast come, 0 my Lord, as a
dost extinguish the burning heat of despair. light into the world: a holy light turning from
Who is a help for us like unto thee, 0 Virgin the darkness of ignorance those who hymn
Theotokos? Thee with faith.
Glory ... : Hearken unto the cry of thy ser­ 0 pure one, direct the supplication of thy
vant, who am in need of thine aid, 0 Mother of servant to the Lord thy Son, that I may find
remission of my manifold transgressions.

Deliver me from sufferings and misfor­ Glory ... : 0 Mary Theotokos, go thou quickly
tunes, 0 Bride of God, for God hath appointed before thy servant who am engulfed in the
thee as a mediator before Him for my lowliness. threefold waves of perils and am bereft of help,
Glory ... : Thou art my protectress and con­ for I cry unto thee: 0 Theotokos my help, have
stant boast, 0 Mistress Theotokos, for thou dost mercy upon me!
in nowise spurn me who am beset by griefs. Now & ever ... : The human temptations
Now & ever ... : Now ask for us remission of which are the cause of sins do thou now destroy
transgressions, and deliver us from perils and by thy divine supplications, 0 good Theotokos,
impure passions by thy supplications, 0 all­ and deliver thy servants from painful trans­
hymned one. gressions and all perils.
Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of
Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all, de­
praise, 0 Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee,
scending into the midst of the flame Thou didst
cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood
bedew the pious youths and didst teach them to
which, for mercy's sake, flowed from Thy side.
chant: Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!
Amid the desperate tribulations which be­
An iniquitous nation hath arisen against
set me greatly thou art my strength, 0 all-pure
us, boasting that it will destroy thy servants,
Mistress, and I cry unto thee: For thou art a
0 all-pure one; but, destroying it, protect
great helper for thy servant.
those who cry: Bless the Lord, all ye works of
Heal thou the wounds of my soul, 0 Virgin
the Lord!
Mistress; help me, and deliver thy servant from
Thy many compassions mercifully save us
slander, attack and unjust assault.
from the judgment of sin and divers perils, 0
Glory.. .: Destroy thou the unjust assailants
only Mother of God, for, having given birth unto
who ever attack me who have recourse to thee,
God, thou hast pity for His world.
0 pure one, and leave me not to perish, for all
Glory ... : Take pity now upon mine entreaty
things are possible for thee, 0 divine Maiden.
and grant me joy in place of grief, 0 Mistress,
Now & ever ... : Still thou the raging billows
that I may hymn thee and cry out to thy Son:
of my soul, for a multitude of transgressions,
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
temptations and griefs have risen up against
Now & ever ... : In that thou art my strength
me; but do thou save me, 0 Mistress.
and helper, I am not afraid ofthe hostility ofthe
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , enemy, but I hymn thee, 0 Mistress, and cry out
Now & ever.... Sedalion, in Tone !V- to thy Son: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the
All of us who have recourse to thy protec­ Lord!
tion, 0 Virgin, cry out to thee: Accept our en­
treaty, and cease thou never to pray to Him Who ODE IX
loveth mankind, that thy servants be saved. Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode un­
der the curse of disobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin
ODE VII Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world
Irmos: 0 all-hymned Lord God of our fa­ through the Offspring of thy child-bearing.
thers, Who saved the children of Abraham in Wherefore, we all magnify thee.
the fire, slaying the Chaldeans whom justice Having sharpened his weapons, the iniqui­
rightly overtook: blessed art Thou! tous and false Arab taketh counsel against us;
Having quickly repelled the force of the yet thou dost arm thy servants against him
Moslems with the sword of thy supplications, with the power of the Cross ofthy Son and thy
0 Mary, preserve thy people and flock, who supplications, 0 Virgin Theotokos; wherefore,
cry unto thy Son: 0 God of our fathers, blessed we proclaim thy glory.
art Thou! Thou hast been given to me as strength
0 thou who art equal in majesty to the against the enemy and deliverance amid trials.
tabernacle, 0 MotherofGod, acceptmewhoflee What I shall offer thee I know not, 0 pure one.
unto thee, that the enemy who striveth to de­ Yet that which I have - my thanks - I offer
stroy me may not overtake me who chant to thy unto thee, 0 Mistress. Accept them from thy
Son: 0 God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! servant, and save me.


Glory ... : 0 Mother of the Creator of all, now offer thee the sacrifice of praise and ear­
0 most pure comfort of the sorrowful, interces­ nestly cry out to thee: 0 holy Theotokos, help me,
sor for the drowning and helper of the van­ for, glorifying thee, I complete my hymnody.
quished: keep me safe until the end of my life!
Now & ever ... : 0 most hymned one, though Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
I am oppressed by many sins and cruel perils, I Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion.
The rest as usual, and the dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone IV­ God of Israel.
0 Lord, visit Thou my lowly soul, which Martyricon: Armed with the Cross, 0
hath squandered all its whole life in sins; accept Christ our God, Thy passion-bearers overcame
me as Thou didst the harlot, and save me. the wiles of the enemy, the author of evil, and
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine shone forth, guiding mortal men like beacons;
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. and they impart healings unto those who ask
Navigating the deep of this present life, I with faith. Through their supplications save
consider the abyss of my many evils; and lack­ Thou our souls.
ing a helmsman for my thoughts, I utter unto
Thee the cry of Peter: Save me, 0 Christ! Save Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
me, 0 God, in that Thou lovest mankind! 0 only pure, only blessed Virgin Theotokos,
we have come to know the Word of the Father,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Christ our God, Who became incarnate of thee;
In that thou art truly the Theotokos, who
wherefore, chanting unceasingly, we magnify
prayest with boldness to thy Son and our God as
His Mother, preserve this city, which hath ear­
nest recourse to thy protection, in thee findeth
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
its might, and fleeth for refuge to thee, our
sessional hymns, in Tone IV-
haven and bulwark, the only intercessor for the
Repent, 0 my soul, before thy departure, for
human race.
the judgment upon sinners is implacable; and
though thou art fickle, cry out to the Lord in
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
compunction of heart: I have sinned in knowl­
sessional hymns, in Tone IV-
edge and in ignorance, 0 Compassionate One.
The mind of my wretched soul, darkened by
Through the supplications of him who baptized
the gloom of the passions and the pleasures of
Thee have pity and save me!
life, giveth no thought to compunction; but have
The sacred Baptist, the desert-loving dove,
pity on me, the accursed, 0 Savior, and grant
who preached repentance and pointed to Christ
me thought of compunction, that even I may cry
Who had become man, hath become an interces­
out to Thy lovingkindness before the end, 0
sor for all sinners, a faithful helper for all who
Lord: Save me, who am unworthy, 0 Christ my
are tempest-tossed. By his supplications, 0
Christ, save Thy world.
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
We shall soon enter together into the bridal­ By thy divine birthgiving, 0 pure one, thou
chamber of Christ, that we may all hear the didst restore the mortal nature of those on
divine voice of Christ our God. Come, ye who earth, which had become corrupt in the pas­
love the glory of heaven, and having lit our sions; and thou hast raised all up from death to
lamps with faith, with the wise virgins let us the life of incorruption. Wherefore, we all bless
receive it. thee as is meet, 0 all-glorious Virgin, as thou
didst foretell.


ODE I show my soul, which is became empty through

Canon of repentance, to our Lord Jesus
unfruitfulness, to be fruitful, bringing forth the
Christ, & His holy martyrs, the acrostic
virtues as goodly children.
whereof is "Wash me with purifying tears,
Thou didst prepare the ways ofthe Deliverer,
0 Word': the composition of Joseph,
achieving the power of Elijah, 0 ever-glorious
in ToneiV-
Baptist. By thy supplications direct the move­
Irmos: 0 Thou Who smote Egypt and drowned
ment of my soul unto Him, removing every
the tyrant Pharaoh in the sea, Thou didst save
stumbling-block and the flame of the passions.
from slavery the people who like Moses chanted
Theotokion: 0 radiant cloud, by thy splen­
a hymn of victory, for Thou hast been glorified.
did mediations drive the dark and cruel clouds
Do not openly denounce me who commit from my soul, that I may see the light of Him
acts of darkness in secret, neither put me to Who shone forth from thee, and may receive
shame before all men; but shine forth upon me unwaning light through the Light.
the light of sincere repentance, 0 Savior, and
save me. ODE III
Prodigal as I am, I ever heap sins upon sins Canon of Repentance
and never sense the fear of Thee, 0 Master; Irmos: 0 Lord Who dost establish the thunder
wherefore, save me before mine end, and have and formest the wind: make me steadfast, that
pity on me, 0 Lord. I may hymn Thee in truth and do Thy will; for
Martyricon: Protected by the shieldofpiety, none is as holy as Thee, 0 our God.
0 glorious saints, and wielding the implement 0 Christ Who enlightened the eyes ofblind
of the Cross as it were a sword, ye went forth to men, enlighten mine eyes, which have grown
do battle with the enemy, and cast him down. dim through pleasures and the griefs oflife, and
Martyricon: The godly martyrs were un­ which never look to thy judgments.
daunted by the bloodthirsty wild beasts, the Lo! the time is come! Awake from the evils
severing sword, the boiling of cauldrons, the thou hast committed, 0 my soul, and cry out
uprooting of their nails, maiming, and the pain with fear to the Master and Deliverer: Open
of tortures. unto me the doors of repentance, 0 Christ!
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, thou wast M artyricon: Belial, who boasted of old, is
shown to be the ark gilded by the divine Spirit, shown to be driven away by the divine struggles
holding not the tablets ofthe law, but Christ the of the passion-bearers, and is seen to be dead
Lord, Whom the law and the prophets pro­ and lifeless, trampled underfoot by them.
claimed of old. Martyricon: Finishing the course ofmartyr­
dom, with divine power the company of the
Another canon, of the holy & great John the
saints truly hewed down myriads of noetic
Forerunner, the acrostic whereof is "With love
moors, and have received glory.
do I fashion a prayerful hymn to thee, 0
Theotokion: Thou didst assuage the grief of
blessed ones': the composition of Joseph, in
our first parents by giving birth for us to Joy,
the Bestower of life and Deliverer, 0 all-holy
Irmos: 0 Thou Who wast born of the Virgin,
Theotokos. Him do thou earnestly entreat, that
drown Thou, I pray Thee, the three parts of my
He save our souls.
soul in the depths of dispassion, as of old Thou
didst drown the mounted captains of Pharaoh; Canon of the Forerunner
that, in the mortality of my body, as on a Irmos: The bow of the mighty is become weak,
timbrel, I may chant a hymn of victory. and the strengthless have girded themselves
Preceding the Sun like a great star, thou with power; wherefore, my heart is established
didst enlighten the earth with thy radiance, 0 in the Lord.
Baptist; wherefore, I cry unto thee: Enlighten Thou didst fulfill every virtue and didst hate
my heart, which hath been blinded by the cruel all evil with thy heart, 0 blessed one; and thou
darkness of my countless transgressions. didst direct men to the paths of repentance.
0 blessed one, in thy nativity thou didst Thou wast shown to be the great Forerun­
once release thy mother from barrenness; ner of the incarnate Word; wherefore, I pray to
wherefore, I beseech thee: By thy supplications thee: Deliver me from the irrational passions,
guiding me to dispassion.

While yet alive on earth, in thy body thou Theotokion: Thy Son, 0 Virgin, hath be­
didst show forth the life ofthe incorporeal ones, come known as our cleansing and deliverance.
0 Forerunner. Through thy supplications, 0 Him do thou entreat, that He save the souls of
God-bearer, give us also the strength to emu­ those who bless thee in compunction.
late this, we pray.
Theotokion: The world, which before had 0DEV
become useless through disobedience, hath Canon of Repentance
found mercy through thee; wherefore, in Irmos: Shine forth upon me the light of Thy
chanted hymns it blesseth thee, as is meet. precepts, 0 Lord, for my spirit riseth early unto
Thee and hymneth Thee: for Thou art our God,
OnE IV and I flee to Thee, 0 King of peace.
Canon ofRepentance 0 Jesus, have pity on me, who in despon­
Irmos: I heard report of Thee, 0 God, and I was dency have led a corrupt life, and all the days of
afraid; I understood Thy works, 0 Lord, and I my life am benighted by the deceptions of the
was filled with awe, for the earth is full of Thy deceiver.
praise. My heart hath been made lofty by the as­
Stripped bare of the virtues, I have clothed saults of the serpent, and I have fallen greatly.
myselfinevil, and, lo! I am filled with shame. 0 0 Jesus, Who dost correct the negligent, raise
Jesus Who lovest mankind, make me bright me up and save me, for the sake of Thy many
with divine vesture. compassions.
Navigating the waters of the sea of life, 0 Martyricon: With the drops ofyour bloodye
Word, through slothfulness I have fallen into have extinguished the furnace of the deception
the misfortune of the shipwreck of bodily plea­ ofpolytheism, 0 divinely blessed ones, and with
sures; but guide me to the harbor ofrepentance. showers of healings ye have ever quenched the
M artyricon: Having truly cleansed away all flame of the passions, 0 athletes of the Savior.
the rot of the tolerance of sin, the valiant mar­ Martyricon: Standing before the tribunal,
tyrs have given salvation unto all. your nails ripped out, your heads cut off, and
M artyricon: Rolled about the earth like undergoing a multitude of cruel tortures, 0
stones, the steadfast passion-bearers utterly martyrs, at the behest of God ye remained
cast down deception and reached the city on unshaken.
high. By their supplications, 0 Lord, save us. Theotokion: 0 Mistress, shine a ray of thy
Theotokion: At every time and in every mercy upon me who am in the darkness of my
place I call upon thee, my salvation: Disdain me transgressions, and guide me to the light of
not, 0 most immaculate one, who gavest birth repentance, that I my hymn thee with faith.
to God, my Deliverer and Savior!
Canon of the Forerunner
Canon of the Forerunner Irmos: Send down upon us Thine enlighten­
Irmos: Out of love for Thine image Thou didst ment, 0 Lord, and free us from the gloom of
stand affixed to the Cross, 0 Compassionate transgressions, 0 Good One, granting us Thy
One, and the nations melted away; for Thou art peace.
my strength and boast, 0 Thou Who lovest 0 offspring of the wilderness, with the dew
mankind. of thy supplications preserve me, who am con­
Understanding thee to be the turtledove sumed by the assaults of the passions as with
who with thy words most true dost herald the the burning coals of the desert, uninjured by
springtime of Truth, we ever bless thee, 0 their harm.
glorious Forerunner. By thy holy right hand 0 most blessed one,
As thou art the mediator between the Old was the divine Right Hand of the Father bap­
and New Covenants, 0 Forerunner, by thy tized, Who saveth us from the hand of the
supplications renew all of me, who am broken deceiver by thy mediations.
by the pummeling of the deceiver. The whole world hath thee as refuge,
By thy divine supplications, 0 Forerunner, mighty protection and a great bulwark, 0 Fore­
who led a blameless life in the wilderness, runner. By thy supplications deliver us from all
renew my mind, which hath been laid waste by oppression.
all manner of wicked deeds.

Theotokion: God loved thee, the beauty of of the Word Who was to arrive; wherefore, the
Jacob, 0 Virgin Maiden, through thee adorning whole Church blesseth thee with unceasing
all who before had enshrouded themselves in voices.
gloom through disobedience. Theotokion: The images of the law were
made clear by thine awesome birthgiving, 0
OnE VI Bride of God; and, seeing their fulfillment now,
Canon of Repentance 0 Mistress, we honor thee fittingly.
Irmos: I have been brought down into hades by
the abyss of life and my deeds; yet as Jonah ODE VII
cried out from within the sea monster, so do I Canon of Repentance
cry: Lead me up from the depths of evils, I pray, Irmos: The children of Abraham, refusing to
0 Son and Word of God! worship the golden image, were tried like gold
I have weighed down my soul with the in a crucible; and they joined chorus in the fiery
slumber of negligence, wretch that I am, and furnace, as in a splendid bridal-chamber,
am brought low by the sleep of sin. Rouse me to chanting: Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fa­
the light of repentance, 0 Lord, and save me by thers!
Thy lovingkindness. Desiring to deliver the world from the age­
How have I fallen, wretch that I am? How old condemnation, 0 Christ, Thou didst reveal
have I withdrawn far from the all-good God? Thyself as a young babe, in that Thou art full of
How have I paid no heed in my senses to the lovingkindness; wherefore, I cry out to Thee:
dread tribunal at which I must needs bejudged? Renew me now, who have grown old in many
0 my Creator, have pity on me! sins, 0 Compassionate One, and save me who
M artyricon: Y e were truly shown to be a chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
harp ever playing the song of salvation, delight­ 0 Savior, Who once saved Mannaseh who
ing the hearts of the faithful, and utterly driv­ repented, and had pity on the harlot who wept,
ing away the drunkenness of deception, 0 all­ and didst justify the thief by Thy word, accept
radiant athletes. me also, who have committed many and griev­
Martyricon: Passing beyond the limits of ous sins against Thee, but cry out: Blessed is the
man to the Creator, by divine exaltation, 0 God of our fathers!
martyrs of Christ, rejoicing, ye endured the Martyricon: When the cruel storm of poly­
tortures of martyrdom as though your bodies theism smote the whole world, 0 passion-bear­
were not your own. ers, ye made yourselves ships of piety and
Theotokion: 0 most holy Virgin, intercessor reached the harbor of life by the steering of
and protection of all the faithful, stand forth Christ; and ye cry out: Blessed is the God of our
and deliver me from the impending threat and fathers!
the dread trial at the hour of judgment, that I Martyricon: Manifestly enlightened from
may ever hymn thee with faith. on high, and tried by tortures like gold in a
crucible, the athletes were shown to be precious
Canon of the Forerunner
seals of the sufferings of Christ, and have now
Irmos: I have come unto the depths of the sea,
been deposited in the treasuries of heaven, in
and the tempest of my many sins hath engulfed
great security.
me; but, as God, lead up my life from the abyss,
Theotokion: Having given birth in the flesh
0 greatly Merciful One.
to the Savior and God, the Deliverer and Mas­
Thou didst stand in the currents [of the
ter, 0 all-pure Mistress, pray thou ever unto
Jordan], baptizing the Master Who taketh
Him, 0 all-pure one, that, having received re­
away the sins of all men. Him do thou never
lease from evils and the remission of our many
cease to entreat, 0 Forerunner, that He have
sins, we may glorify His compassions which
pity on our souls.
pass understanding.
0 Forerunner, thou wast shown to be a
preacher of repentance, wherein do thou keep Canon of the Forerunner
my heart, which hath been defiled by harmful Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the children of Abra­
sins and hath no recovery. ham trampled upon the flame of the furnace,
0 blessed one, in the trackless wilderness crying aloud in hymns: 0 God of our fathers,
thou didst proclaim to [men's] souls the coming blessed art Thou!

0 prophet, who wast shown to be greater Canon of the Forerunner

than all who were born, by thy supplication Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all, descending
most great deliver from great flame and ever­ into the midst ofthe flame Thou didst bedew the
lasting darkness me who have sinned greatly pious youths and didst teach them to chant:
against God, that I may call thee blessed. Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!
I have shown myself to be a barren fig-tree, By thy radiant supplication, 0 Forerunner,
and fear lest I be hewn down. Make me stead­ guide me aright, who am beset by the sleep of
fast by thy mediation, 0 Forerunner of Christ, despondency and benighted by the gloom of
and render me fruitful, that I may call thee evil; and grant that I may walk nobly in the
blessed. daylight of the virtues.
By thy vigil and supplications to the Deliv­ The storm oftemptations besetteth me, and
erer of all, 0 Forerunner John, still every storm the waves of the passions engulf me. Grant me
stirred up by the enemy against me who with thy hand, 0 Forerunner, by thy supplications
faith have recourse unto thee. bringing the ship of my soul up to the harbor of
Theotokion: 0 Virgin, from the assaults and repentance.
lot of the evil one and from slavery to the 0 blessed Forerunner John, who in the
demons preserve thou thy servants, who with river's waters didst baptize Him Who taketh
soul and mouth ever glorify thee. away the transgressions of the world: With the
streams ofthy supplications dry up the abyss of
ODE VIII mine evils.
Canon of Repentance Seeing the Holy Spirit, thou didst hear the
Irmos: The cherubim and seraphim stand be­ voice of the Father bearing witness to Jesus,
fore Thee in flames of fire, 0 Lord, and all Who was ineffably baptized by thee, 0 Forerun­
creation chanteth unto Thee a beauteous song: ner. Him do thou entreat, that He save us.
0 ye people, hymn, bless and supremely exalt Theotokion: As the Source of our restora­
Christ, the one Creator, forever! tion, wholly renew me who have been undone by
I have not remained in the fear of Thee; I the sting of the serpent, that I may bless thee
have not heeded Thy commandments; and I with faith and love, 0 most immaculate Virgin
have never done Thy will. What shall become of Theotokos.
me, wretch that I am? As Thou lovest mankind,
0 Savior, freely have pity on me, and turn not We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
away from me. Magnificat], with the refrain: "More honorable
0 Creator of good things, I cry unto Thee: than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
With the scythe ofthe fear of Thee cut off at the
root all the thorny thoughts of my wretched OnE IX
soul, and vouchsafe, 0 Christ, that with the Canon of Repentance
seed of repentance I may produce the grain of Irmos: The God of Israel hath wrought might
salvation. with His arm; for He hath cast down the mighty
M artyricon: Beset by many torments, the from their thrones and exalted those of low
passion-bearers achieved the broad spaces by degree, wherein the Dayspring from on high
grace; and they confined the enemy to paths full hath visited us, and guided us to the way of
of defiles, and guide us now to the paths of God peace.
in faith and love. Behold! the mystical bridal-chamber hath
Martyricon: Suffering misfortune, the been opened, and the wise, having replenished
mindless deceiver fell into the depths of your their lamps with the oil of the virtues, enter it
patience and suffering, 0 martyrs, and lieth in splendor. Shake offthe sleep ofdespondency,
there, mocked by all; but ye have been adorned 0 my soul, that, bearing thine own lamp, thou
with crowns of victory. mayest enter in with Christ.
Theotokion: Thy womb was shown to be a Like the harlot I noetically clasp Thy feet
harvest-stack, bearing into the world the Grain and bathe them in my tears, 0 Word. Wash
of life which feedeth all; wherefore, we, the away the mire of the passions, 0 Savior, saying
faithful, fittingly bless thee as the cause of all to me now: "Thy faith hath saved thee!", that I
good things. may hymn Thine incalculable lovingkindness.


Martyricon: With gladdened heart and joy­ Theotokion: 0 right loving Theotokos, who
ful soul the martyrs dwell in the highest, ever gavest birth to the right loving God: Entreat
having the wounds of Christ as an adornment of Him to deliver me from all evil, and to make my
majesty; and they let fall upon us the dew of heart zealous for Him, hating the sweet plea­
peace, deliverance from evils, and the remis­ sures of the flesh, that I may magnify thee in
sion of transgressions. hymns.
Martyricon: Every place that hath your
relics is sanctified, 0 godly athletes, like an­ Then, ((It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
other ark such as delivered Israel from evils. prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
And the heavens rejoice with the honored an­ usual psalms.
gels, 0 blessed ones, having acquired your
souls. Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone JV-
Theotokion: 0 right loving Maiden, who Wash me with my tears, 0 Savior, for I have
gavest birth to the right-loving God, I cry to defiled myself with many sins; wherefore, I fall
thee: Bless thou my wretched soul, which hath down before Thee, crying: I have sinned, 0 God!
been grievously oppressed by the passions and Have mercy on me!
the assault ofevil demons, that with faith I may Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
hymn thee, the hope of all. Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Canon of the Forerunner
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode under
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
the curse of disobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world
guide their sons.
through the Offspring of thy child-bearing.
I am a sheep of Thy reason-endowed flock,
Wherefore, we all magnify thee.
and I flee to Thee, the good Shepherd. Seek me
Christ the Lord is my strength and my song.
out who am lost, 0 God, and have mercy on me.
Him do thou entreat, 0 blessed Forerunner,
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
that He strengthen me against the passions
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
and against every assault of the demons; and
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
grant that I may do His divine will, that I may
our hands do Thou guide aright.
ever bless thee with love.
Martyricon: Ye have become fellow partak­
Thou hast been shown to be a beauteous
ers with the angels, 0 holy martyrs who man­
turtledove and a melodious swallow, 0 divine
fully preached Christ at the tribunal; for ye
Forerunner, heralding the divine springtime of
forsook all the beautiful things of this world as
Christ. Him do thou beseech, that He deliver
though they did not exist, and clung to the Faith
me from the soul-corrupting winter and the
as your steadfast hope. Wherefore, having
tempest of sin, I pray thee.
driven deception away, ye pour forth gifts of
Leaping up in thy mother's womb, thou
healing upon the faithful, unceasingly praying
didst announce Him Who shone forth from the
that our souls be saved.
Virgin. Him do thou beseech, that He mortify
the movements of my flesh, which do me to Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
death, and that He fill my heart with joy, that Preserve thy servants from all misfortunes,
I may hymn thee, 0 divine Forerunner. 0 blessed Theotokos, that we may glorify thee,
Behold and pay heed, 0 my soul! The the hope of our souls.
sentence is implacable for those who do not act
with mercy. Then take the oil which Then, '7t is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
replenisheth thy lamp, and keep it unextin­ through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
guished. The Bridegroom draweth nigh. Be Hour, and Dismissal.
vigilant, that thou mayest have an unquench­
able will.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- Martyricon: Broken by tortures, thrown to
Of old was Adam banished from paradise the wild beasts for them to devour, dismem­
through the tree, but by the tree of the Cross bered, cast into the depths of the sea, burned
hath the thiefcome to dwell in paradise: the one with fire and lacerated with sharp implements,
by tasting rejected the commandment of the 0 wise and most glorious martyrs, ye did not
Creator, but the other, crucified with Christ, reject God. Him do ye beseech, 0 saints, that He
confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remem­ grant us peace, enlightenment and great
ber me in Thy kingdom! mercy.
0 Word, Who accepted the weeping of Peter Glory ... : 0 ye faithful, in oneness ofmind let
and the tears ofthe harlot, Thou didst also have us all entreat the Father, the Son and the Holy
compassion upon the publican, who only Spirit, that we may glorify as is meet the Unity
sighed, 0 Christ, in that Thou art full of of the Godhead, Who existeth simply, without
lovingkindness. 0 ali-good Lord, have mercy up confusion, indivisibly and unapproachably, in
me who ask for forgiveness of my transgres­ three Hypostases; for thereby are we delivered
sions, and deliver me from everlasting torment. from fiery torment.
0 great Forerunner, who broke the bonds of Now & ever ... : Havingreceivedin thy womb
infertility, release my lowly heart from its Him Who with the Father is without beginning
unfruitfulness, and by thy mediation make it to and with the Holy Spirit is equally enthroned,
produce virtuous acts, whereby I may receive in manner past understanding and recounting
inexhaustible sustenance, crying out to Christ: thou gavest birth unto Him, Who had become
Remember me, 0 Savior, when Thou earnest in man in His benevolence toward mankind, 0
Thy kingdom! Mary Bride of God, spacious habitation of our
God. Him do thou earnestly beseech, that thy
servants be saved.


On "Lord:~ I have cried ... 3 stichera of the

', Stichos: From the morning watch until
Cross, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "As one valiant night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
among the martyrs..."- the Lord.
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, I bow down before Thy precious Cross, kiss­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee ing it with love, 0 All-good One, and I glorify
is forgiveness. Thy condescension, boundless mercy, ineffable
Uplifted upon the Cross, pierced by a spear, compassions and rich goodness, which pass
Thy fingers bloodied, 0 ali-good Master, Thou understanding, for thereby Thou hast saved the
didst sign our emancipation; and tearing apart human race, which was held fast in the dark­
the record of the sins of Adam, our forefather, ness of transgressions. Glory to Thy crucifix­
Thou didst free human nature. Wherefore, 0 ion, 0 Christ!
Compassionate One, we hymn Thy goodness,
which passeth understanding. Then the stichera ofthe saint, from theMenaion;
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera ofthe all­
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath holy Theotokos, in the same tone & melody-
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, and
hoped in the Lord. with Him there is plenteous redemption; and He
We hymn Thy sufferings, 0 Jesus our Mas­ shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
ter: the Cross, the spear and the reed, the When she beheld Thee nailed to the Cross,
sponge and the nails, the beatings, the purple 0 Lord, the Ewe-lamb, Thy Mother, marveled
robe and the crown of thorns, the spittings and and cried out: "What is this that I see, 0 my Son
mockery which Thou didst endure of Thine own most desired? Thus art Thou repaid by the
will. I magnify Thy long-suffering, 0 only disobedient and iniquitous assembly, which
Innocent One, Bestower of life, and I glorify enjoyed Thy many miracles. But glory to Thine
Thee with faith, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. ineffable condescension, 0 Master!"


Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone IV­
praise Him, all ye peoples. Thou hast given Thy Cross to us as an
When she beheld Thee, the Lamb and Shep­ invincible weapon, 0 Christ; and therewith we
herd, upon the Tree, the Ewe-lamb who gave triumph over the assaults of the alien one.
Thee birth lamented and exclaimed to Thee Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
maternally: "0 my Son most beloved, how hast eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Thou been lifted up upon the tree of the Cross, hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
0 Long-suffering One? How have Thy hands of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
and feet been pierced with nails by the iniqui­ look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
tous, 0 Word? How hast Thou shed Thy blood, eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
0 Master?" pity on us.
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to Ever possessing Thy Cross as a help, 0
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ Christ, we easily trample the snares of the
eth forever. enemy underfoot.
When she beheld Thee hanging upon the Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Cross, the Virgin Thy Mother marveled, 0 mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
Lord, and, lifting up her eyes, said: "How have abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
they who enjoyed Thy many gifts rewarded therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Thee, 0 Master? Yet I pray: Leave me not alone prosper, and abasement on the proud.
in the world, but haste Thou to arise, raising up Martyricon: As ye have boldness before the
our forefather with Thee!" Savior, 0 saints, unceasingly pray for us sin­
ners, asking remission of transgressions and
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec,
great mercy for our souls.
Mel,: "Called from on high... "­
"Lament me not, 0 Mother, seeing me, thy Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Son and God, hanging upon the Tree, Who Seeing Christ, Who loveth mankind, cruci­
suspended the earth unsupported upon the fied, His side pierced by a spear, the all-pure
waters and fashioned all creation. For I will one cried out, weeping: "What is this, 0 my Son?
arise and be glorified; with might I shall break How have the ungrateful people rewarded Thee
the kingdom of hades and destroy its power; for the good things Thou hast done for them?
and I shall deliver those bound by its malice, in And dost Thou hasten to leave me childless, 0
that I am full oflovingkindness; and I shall lead most beloved? I marvel at Thy voluntary cruci­
them to My Father, in that I love mankindt" fixion, 0 Thou Who art full oflovingkindness!"

Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy Theotokos
ODE I 0 thy birthgiving which passeth under­
Irmos: I will open my mouth, and with the standing, 0 all-pure one, whereby the multi­
Spirit will it be filled; and I shall utter discourse tude of mortals hath been enriched with incor­
unto the Queen and Mother, and shall appear, ruption and, as is meet, now call thee, the
keeping splendid festival; and, rejoicing, I will Mediatress of restoration, blessed!
hymn her wonders. Glory ... : By thine overshadowing heal thy
Having without seed given birth in the flesh servant, who am sick in soul and body, 0 Virgin;
to Christ, the immeasurable Wisdom and for I have recognized thee as the Intercessor for
Power of God, 0 all-immaculate Theotokos, all who find themselves amid grief, in that thou
through thy birthgiving thou hast acquired the gavest birth to our salvation.
might of strength and divine majesty.


Now & ever ... : Extending unto me a hand of Now & ever ... : I am at a loss, I weep and
salvation, 0 Mistress, from the abyss of evils groan because ofmypassion-plagued thoughts,
lead me up who am cruelly engulfed in the and I beseech thee, in that thou art a well­
depths of sorrows and beset by the tempest of spring of mercy, that thou deliver me from my
boundless evil circumstances. pain, leading me to divine compunction.
Irmos: All things are filled with awe at thy
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, thou living and abun­
divine glory; for thou, 0 Virgin who hast not known
dant fountain: in thy divine glory establish
wedlock, didst contain within thy womb Him Who
those who hymn thee and spiritually form
is God over all, and gavest birth to the timeless Son,
themselves into a choir; and vouchsafe unto
granting peace unto all who hymn thee.
them crowns of glory.
Thou ever pourest forth the waters of heal­
Everywhere thou pourest forth streams of
ing upon all the infirm, 0 Virgin, in that thou
healing upon the sick, 0 Virgin; for the Lord of
art the animate cloud ofChrist the King; where­
mercy, Who was born of thee in manner past
fore, send down the dew ofhealing upon me who
understanding, hath shown thee to be a well­
am sick.
spring of loving-kindness, 0 Mistress.
0 Virgin Bride of God, cease thou never to
0 Virgin Mother, thou becamest the
entreat as Savior and Master Him Whom thou
beautiful chamber of the divine Word and
didst bear, that He grant me remission of sor­
a divine bridal-chamber 1n manner
rows and pangs, and lead me up to joy incor­
transcending nature; wherefore, open unto
ruptible, forgiving my transgressions.
me the mercies of thy compassions, leading
Glory .. .: Thou art my hope and boast of
me up to salvation.
salvation, 0 all-pure one; wherefore, I flee to
Glory ... : All my strength hath drained
thy protection. Disdain me not who am now
away because of the multitude of my bound­
devoured by many and grievous pangs; but go
less evils, and I have come to despair because
thou before me, and save me.
of my many sorrows. Help me, 0 Lady who
Now & ever ... : "How hangest Thou upon the
gavest birth to Life, thou consolation of those
Tree like a rip~ cluster of grapes? 0 Sun of
who weep!
glory, how hast Thou been lifted up, at Whose
Now & ever ... : Have mercy, 0 only Mother
suffering the light of the sun grew dim?", the
ofGod, have mercy! Take pity on mine accursed
ewe-lamb who gave Thee birth, 0 Savior, cried
soul, which is beset by wicked demons and
out to thee, uttering maternal exclamation.
passions as by a flood, and before the hour of my
death deign thou to purify it. ODE VI
Irmos: I have come unto the depths of the
ODE IV sea, and the tempest of my many sins hath
Irmos: Perceiving the inscrutable coun­ engulfed me; but, as God, lead up my life from
sel of God - the Incarnation of Thee, the the abyss, 0 greatly Merciful One.
Most High, from the Virgin - the Prophet Our God, the King of all, assumed human
Habbakuk cried aloud: Glory to Thy power, guise through thee, 0 Virgin, and hath shown
0 Lord! thee to be, as the Theotokos, more exalted than
The King of all, desiring thee as a royal root the cherubim and the awesome seraphim.
and womb, 0 Theotokos, made thee more 0 thou who alone gavest birth to the divine
exalted than the cherubim and seraphim, Life Who granteth salvation unto all, vouchsafe
dwelling wholly within thee. salvation unto me who am in despair, and cut
Incarnate for the sake of human birth, the through the uprisings of my passions.
Creator was born of thee and hath shown thee Glory ... : Grant me thine aid and deliver me
to be a true intercessor for Christians; where­ from tribulations and sorrows, freeing me from
fore, I flee to thy protection, 0 pure one. perils and my transgressions, 0 thou who gav­
Glory ... : Be thou protection, help and ref­ est birth to the Deliverance of all.
uge for me, thy servant, 0 all-pure Virgin, and Now & ever ... : In thee do we boast, 0 Virgin,
cure me of my boundless evils, that I may chant and through thee are we delivered from evils.
to thee: Glory to thine ineffable birthgiving! Let not us who trust in thee fear the assault of
ungodly barbarians, for we hymn thee.

Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , transgressions by the radiance ofthy compas­
Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone IV­ sion, 0 Theotokos, granting deliverance from
0 all-immaculate Virgin Mother of Christ oppressive pangs unto me who hymn and
God, a sword pierced thine all-holy soul when supremely exalt thine all-pure Offspring with
thou didst behold thy Son and God crucified of faith.
His own will. Cease thou never to beseech Him, Glory ... : Having made His abode wholly
0 all-blessed one, that He grant us forgiveness within thy womb, 0 Ever-virgin, the transcen­
of transgressions. dent God ineffably became incarnate, making
thee the helper and universal aid of the world.
Wherefore, I beseech thee, that I be delivered
The divinely wise youths worshipped not a
from my grievous sufferings and the bonds of
creation rather than the Creator, but, manfully
my transgressions.
trampling the threat of the fire underfoot, they
Now & ever ... : At the hour of my death, 0
rejoiced, chanting: Blessed art Thou, 0 all­
Virgin Mother ofGod, rescue me from the hands
hymned Lord and God of our fathers!
ofthe demons, from condemnation, sentencing,
All my strength hath been desiccated by the
dread trial, the bitter toll-stations, the cruel
passions like clay, and lo! I have drawn nigh unto
prince, and everlasting fire.
hades. Deliver me from most pernicious bonds,
0 Mother of God, and with the hand ofthy mercy
rescue me from the griefs which assail me. ODE IX
All within me hath been rent apart by mul­ Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy, en­
tifarious evils, and I am cut off from life by the lightened by the Spirit; and let the nature ofthe
multitudeofmytransgressionsandinfirmities; incorporeal intelligences keep festival, honor­
yet deliver me from them all, 0 all-pure one, ing the sacred feast ofthe Mother of God, and let
who for us gavest birth unto Life. them cry aloud: Rejoice, 0 most blessed Theoto­
Glory ... : In that thou art good, 0 all-pure kos, pure Ever-virgin!
Virgin, vouchsafe that the kingdom ofthe most The mortal race hath been exalted by thy
compassionate Christ may be opened unto me, birthgiving, receiving adoption through union
and that, by thy supplications, 0 blessed one, I with God; and the heavenly multitude joineth
may be delivered from soul-destroying pangs chorus with those on earth, hymning thee as is
and assaults. meet, 0 pure one, as the Mother of our God, the
Now & ever ... : Painful wounds have been refuge of the whole world.
inflicted upon me by my boundless transgres­ Bound withal by my sins, countless wounds
sions and lead me to death of soul and body; yet and pangs, I call upon thine aid and assistance,
rescue me from all sorrows and infirmities, 0 0 Mistress, that thou grant me deliverance
Mistress, in that thou art mighty. from every cruel misfortune and sorrow.
Glory ... : With love I offer hymnody and
song, and well-woven laudation from my pain­
Irmos: The Offspring of the Theotokos
wracked soul unto thee who gavest birth in
saved the pious children in the furnace -then
essence unto Christ God. Rendering Him easily
in figure, but now in deed- and He moveth all
reconciled, and fulfilling all my petitions, 0
the world to chant: Hymn the Lord, ye works,
Theotokos, preserve me by thy supplications.
and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Now & ever ... : Opure Theotokos, enlighten
Having fallen into a thicket of thorny pas­ the eyes of my soul, that the heavy darkness of
sions, I am pierced by their sting; wherefore, I sin may not overtake me, and that the abyss of
have fallen into despair, weighed down by despair may not swallow me; but do thou thy­
bonds and temptations, 0 all-pure Mother of self save and pilot me, 0 thou unashamed
Christ God. Delivering me therefrom, grant intercessor of the faithful.
forgiveness of transgressions unto all by thy
supplications. Then, alt is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
As thou art the candlestand of the light of Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion.
the threefold Sun, dispel the darkness of my The rest as usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these sanctified through the activity and grace of the
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone IV- most Holy Spirit. 0 warriors of Christ, pray to
When Thou wast nailed to the Cross, and the Savior in behalf of the world.
Thy side was pierced by a spear, Thou didst
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
redeem us from the curse of the law by Thy
The Virgin and Ewe-lamb, beholding on the
precious blood and didst pour forth immortality
Cross the Lamb Who was born of her without
upon men. 0 our Savior, glory to Thee!
seed, pierced by a spear, cried out, wounded
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and
with arrows of grief, exclaiming in pain: "What
worship the footstool of His feet; for it is holy.
is this new mystery? How is it that Thou diest,
0 Savior, the Jews nailed Thee to the Cross,
Who alone art the Lord of life? Wherefore,
from whence Thou didst call us from among the
arise, raising up our fallen forefather with
nations, 0 Christ, our God and Savior. OfThine
own will Thou didst stretch out Thy hands upon
it, 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind, and in the After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
multitude of Thy compassions didst deign to be sessional hymns, in Tone III-
pierced in Thy side by a spear. On Golgotha Thou didst raise up again me
who in paradise fell grievously through the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
bitter counsel of the slayer of men, for by the
When she beheld Thee uplifted upon the
Tree Thou didst heal the curse that came from
Cross, 0 Christ, lamenting, Thine unwedded
the tree, slaying the serpent who through deceit
Mother maternally exclaimed such things as
brought death upon me; and Thou hast given
these: "What is this new and strange wonder, 0
me divine life. Glory to Thy divine crucifixion,
my Son? How is it that the iniquitous assembly
0 Lord!
naileth to the Cross Thee Who bestowest life
When it perceived that is was Thou, the Sun
upon all, 0 my Light most sweet?"
of righteousness, suspended on the Cross, 0
Christ, the sun dimmed its light. Creation
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
shook, and the dead quickly arose from the
sessional hymns, in Tone IV-
grave as from sleep, 0 Word, hymning the
Go Thou quickly before us, 0 Christ our
divine might of Thy glory.
God, before we are enslaved to the enemies who
blaspheme Thee and separate us. By Thy Cross Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­
destroy those who wage war against us, that 0 all-immaculate Virgin, Mother of Christ
they may understand what the Orthodox Faith God, a sword pierced thine all-holy soul when
may accomplish through. the supplications of thou didst behold thy Son and God crucified of
the Theotokos, 0 Thou Who alone lovest man­ His own will. Cease thou never to entreat Him,
kind. 0 blessed one, that He grant us forgiveness of
Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He transgressions.
hath wrought salvation in the midst of the
earth. ODE I

Nailed to the Cross on Golgotha of Thine Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross,

own will, 0 Master, in Thy great goodness Thou the acrostic whereof is "The Cross is a weapon

didst heal me of the ancient wound of sin; for of unto salvation': the composition of Joseph, in

Thine own will Thou wast placed there for the ToneiV-
human race, 0 our Savior Who lovest mankind, Irmos: Having traversed the depths ofthe Red
and Thou didst pour forth blood and water from Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old vanquished
Thy side upon those who hymn Thee with faith. the might of Amalek in the wilderness by
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the
God of Israel. Cross.
M artyricon: Advancing well by the power of 0 Jesus Who stretched out the heavens, in
the Cross, 0 holy passion-bearers, by your en­ that Thou art good and full of lovingkindness
durance ye mightily cast down the adverse foe; Thou didst stretch out Thine own hands, radi­
wherefore, celebrating your honored memori­ antly beckoning to Thee the nations who were
als with faith, by your supplications we are far removed from Thee.


Protect me by Thy Cross, 0 Word my Christ, Martyricon: With rivers of fire the martyrs
that I may not fall prey to the wolf, who seeketh countered the rivers of deception, and they
my destruction and every day layeth snares and quenched the flame of polytheism.
traps for me. M artyricon: Crucified, your nails ripped
Martyricon: By your pangs, 0 martyrs, ye out, 0 martyrs of Christ, ye slew the enemy and
cast down him who hath brought pain upon all. the serpent with the sword of your patience.
Ye have now inherited the life which is devoid Theotokion: Beholding Thee lifted up upon
of pain, 0 blessed ones, and ye ever ease the the Cross, 0 Master, the unblemished Ewe­
every pain of our souls and bodies. lamb hymned Thy might, lamenting tearfully.
M artyricon: Bound for Christ, Who was
Canon of the Theotokos
bound of His own will and hath destroyed all
Irmos: Neither in wisdom, nor in power, nor yet
deception, 0 wise and holy ones, ye bound the
in riches do we boast, but in Thee, 0 Christ, the
greatly crafty one with unbreakable bonds;
hypostatic Wisdom of the Father; for none is
wherefore, ye are called blessed, as is meet.
holy save Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
Theotokion: Thou didst remain a virgin
I beseech thee, who art more exalted than
even after birthgiving, 0 all-pure one, for thou
the cherubim, 0 Mistress: My mind, which hath
gavest birth unto God Who wast uplifted upon
been brought low by the temptations of the
the Cross and lifted up mortals with Himself;
serpent, do thou show forth as higher than the
wherefore, all of us, the faithful, acclaim thee
passions of the body. Twice
At the dread trial, at which the Lord will
Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos, the sentence me who have sinned greatly, 0 most
acrostic whereof is "I offer entreaty unto the immaculate one, let me find thee delivering me
Virgin Theotokos': in Tone IV­ from condemnation.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. By Thy mercy, 0 Christ, transform my piti­
In that thou art she who is more pure than less ways by Thy compassions; and at the en­
all creation, 0 all-pure Theotokos, by thy pure treaties of her who gave Thee birth save me, the
supplication purify my heart, which hath been unmerciful one.
grievously defiled by the impure passions.
Twice OnE IV
By thy God-pleasing prayers to our Creator Canon of the Cross
and God, 0 all-pure Virgin Mother, deliver me Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the
from the tears and sighs that lie before me at Cross, 0 Sun of righteousness, the Church
the dread judgment which is to come. stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet:
As thou alone, in manner past understand­ Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
ing, hast by thy birthgiving freed the human Seeing Thee, the Sun ofglory, uplifted upon
race from the curse, 0 all-pure one, by thine the Tree ofThine own will, the sun clothed itself
entreaties free me who am enslaved by carnal in darkness; the stones split asunder, and the
passions. veil of the temple was rent in twain.
When Thou wast crucified and pierced by a
ODE III spear, 0 Lord and Savior, at Thy command the
Canon of the Cross sword which barred the way [into Eden] was
Irmos: Thy Church rejoiceth in Thee, 0 Christ, withdrawn for the noble thief, who hymneth
crying aloud: Thou art my strength, 0 Lord, my Thy might.
refuge and my confirmation! M artyricon: Protected by the sword of Thy
Uplifted upon the Cross, 0 Christ our God, Cross, 0 Lord, Thy passion-bearers showed
Thou didst lift up th~se who had been cast down themselves to be unwounded by the arrow of
into corruption, and didst cast down the enemy, evil, and demolished the unstable ramparts of
0 Master. the madness of idolatry.
The swords of the enemy were blunted when M artyricon: To the Lord, Who in His
Thou wast pierced in the side, 0 hypostatic lovingkindness impoverished Himself, did ye
Word of the Father, and Eden was opened. bring yourselves as unblemished sacred sacri­
fices and wholeburnt offerings, 0 martyrs, re­
ceiving rewards for your pangs.

Theotokion: When she who gave birth which hath been led astray by the counsel ofthe
within time to the Timeless One, and who serpent and through disobedience hath become
alone acquired immaculate virginity, beheld lost in the mountains.
the Lord lifted up upon the Tree, her soul was By thy fervent supplication, 0 Ever-virgin
rent with pain. Theotokos, toward the fervor of the Creator of
divine love do thou piously impel my soul, which
Canon of the Theotokos is frozen with cruel cold.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. 0 pure one, who art good and immaculate,
0 all-pure one, who art the divine habita­ by thy supplications free my wretched soul now
tion ofthe Holy One Who hath poured forth His from the stain of the passions, and make me to
benefactions upon His creatures: Sanctify my live in purity.
soul and illumine my thoughts. Twice Under the shelter ofthy wings keep my soul
By thy supplications, 0 Mistress, make like the apple of thine eye, 0 good and all-pure
steadfast my mind, which is hurled about by the one, and deliver me from the wickedness,
wind of evil and is wholly engulfed by slothful­ vengefulness and torment of the evil spirits.
ness; and rescue me from my fall.
I now entreat thee, the animate palace of OnE VI
the heavenly King: By thy supplications show Canon of the Cross
me, who remain a den of thieves, to be a dwell­ Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of
ing-place of the Holy Trinity. praise, 0 Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee,
cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood
0DEV which, for mercy's sake, flowed from Thy side.
Canon of the Cross Though higher than all honor, Thou didst
Irmos: Thou hast come, 0 my Lord, as a light endure dishonor, that Thou mightest honor me
into the world: a holy light turning from the who have wickedly dishonored myself, 0 Thou
darkness of ignorance those who hymn Thee Who lovest mankind; and Thou savest me by
with faith. Thy Cross.
From Thy pierced side, 0 Master, Thou pour­ Thou wast uplifted upon the Cross and didst
est forth divine streams ofincorruption upon me die, 0 Lord, making the slayer of my soul dead
who have stumbled into corruption through the and full of all shame. And now, 0 my Creator,
disobedience of [Eve] and the rib [of Adam]. I hymn Thy power.
Thy precious Cross is victory over the en­ Martyricon: The most evil one, who
emy, which Thou hast given as salvation of soul wounded you, was wounded by your incurable
unto us who hymn Thee with faith, 0 Word. torments and was cast down beneath your feet,
Martyricon: Having passed through the 0 martyrs; and he is seen to be mocked by all.
material fire of great tortures, as all-radiant Martyricon: The dust of the martyrs' relics,
martyrs the dead have now been united with which lieth in the grave, poureth forth healings
the fiery ministers. and scattereth the demons like dust; and it
M artyricon: When their flesh was maimed healeth the divers sicknesses of men.
amid many sufferings, the spiritual love of the Theotokion: "The council of the violators of
martyrs was firmly established as intact. the law affixed Thee to the Cross with nails; and
Theotokion: He Who alone is good, and Who I now rend my heart with the sword of grief, 0
entered into thine incorrupt womb, 0 all-pure my Son!" the Virgin cried out, weeping.
one, appeared incarnate and was crucified, that
Canon of the Theotokos
He might deliver us from corruption.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Canon of the Theotokos 0 Virgin, thine Offspring is the Destroyer of
Irmos: The ungodly perceive not Thy glory, 0 death and the Life and Deliverance ofthose who
Christ; but, waking at dawn out ofthe night, we die; wherefore, I beseech thee: Raise up my soul,
hymn Thee, 0 Only-begotten One Who lovest which hath been slain.
mankind, Thou effulgence of the glory of the 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, at the entreat­
Father's divinity. ies of Thy Mother and of the countless hosts on
0 Mistress, thou Ewe-lamb who gavest high extend a helping hand unto me, who am
birth to the Lamb of God: Seek out my soul, bestormed upon the deep of life.

0 field who gavest rise to the divine Grain, not shaken, 0 Maiden; wherefore, make me
disdain not my soul, which hath been weakened steadfast, who am shaken by the assaults of
and withered amid a famine of godly acts, but the enemy.
water it with the divine grace of thy Son. Casting down my carnal-mindedness, 0
Lull to sleep the movements of my bodily Theotokos, show me to be wholly spiritual,
passions, and make the uprisings of my flesh adorned with the virtues, though the most evil
subject to my mind, like as they were a mule, 0 one hath cast darkness over me by the ugliness
pure one, calming them with thy supplications of pleasures.
as with sleep. 0 divine bowl of lovingkindness and good­
ness, pour forth upon me in abundance the
ODE VII wealth of thy compassions, washing away the
Canon of the Cross defilement of my transgressions; and quench
Irmos: The children of Abraham in the Persian thou the burning of my flesh.
furnace, afire with love of piety more than with
the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou in the ODE VIII
temple of Thy glory, 0 Lord! Canon of the Cross
0 only Eternal and Immortal One, Who dost Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel shut
array the skies with clouds, and Who didst will the lions' mouths in the pit; and the young
to be crucified naked upon the Tree: Thou hast lovers of piety, girded about with virtue,
clothed in shame him who of old stripped our quenched the power ofthe fire, crying out: Bless
forefather naked. the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
Thou wast lifted up upon the Cross and Thou didst extend Thy hands upon the
didst raise up fallen Adam; Thou wast pierced Cross, 0 Master, desiring to cure oftheir trans­
in the side with a spear, 0 Master, and the gression the unrestrained hands [of our first
greatly crafty one was dealt a mortal blow. parents]; and Thou wast transfixed with nails,
Blessed is Thy might, 0 Lord! 0 Lord, removing all the passion-fraught un­
M artyricon: Though most beautifully derstanding of the first-created man, who
united to the most comely Word, 0 most lauded singeth: Bless the Lord, allye works ofthe Lord!
athletes, ye have not separated yourselves from By the piercing of Thy divine side was the
the world; and though ye were bound and bro­ record of first-created Adam torn asunder, 0
ken, ye ever trample the enemy underfoot. Master; and by the drops of Thy blood is the
Martyricon: By your divine sufferings, 0 whole earth sanctified, which ever uttereth
glorious athletes, ye truly cast down the walls of cries of thanksgiving: Bless the Lord, all ye
the citadel of deception; and ye have been works of the Lord!
shown to be bulwarks and fortresses for the Martyricon: The most glorious martyrs
faithful, who piously bless you. stood in the midst of the fire as ones bedewed
Theotokion: Seeing Christ God hanging and unconsumed, truly chanting in mystic har­
upon the Tree, Who put forth dew in the furnace mony the divine hymn of the youths: Bless the
and in nowise consumed thy Womb, 0 Maiden, Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
thou didst glorify His condescension, which was Martyricon: Enduring the flickering fire by
beyond thy comprehension. [the power of] your will, 0 martyrs, ye were not
moved to vanity by your myriad torments; but,
Canon of the Theotokos strengthened by God, ye hastened to the never­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. waning light, crying: Bless the Lord, all ye
0 Maiden, thou divine mountain, from works of the Lord!
whence the Stone was quarried Who crushed Theotokion: Seeing Christ being put to
the pillars of the idols: Do away with the death, Who slayeth the enemy who brought
graven images of my soul and the stony doubt death upon men, weeping, the most hymned
of my heart. Mistress hymneth Him as Master; and marvel­
As the one who received in thy womb Him ing at His long-suffering, she cried out: Bless
Whose gaze causeth the earth and all that is on the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
it to tremble when He so desireth, thou wast


Canon of the Theotokos Theotokion: 0 pure one, enlighten my soul,

Irmos: Same as the foregoing. which hath been benighted by sins, and drive
Thou gavest birth to the ripe Fruit, 0 Mis­ away the clouds of mine evils, 0 cloud of the
tress, and eating of it death perished; where­ Light, who of old once beheld the sun dimmed
fore, I cry unto thee: Grant life unto me who by when the Immortal One was crucified.
deception have been slain by the fruit of sin, yet
Canon of the Theotokos

who cry: Bless the Lord, allye works ofthe Lord!

Irmos: Same as the foregoing.

With thy vigilant supplication lull to sleep

Sever the bonds of mine evils with the di­
the passion-fraught movements of my mind, 0
vine spear of thy Son; and loose thou my
all-pure Mistress, and rouse me from the sleep
wretched soul, which is fettered and in distress,
of slothfulness, that in vigilance of soul I may
0 Virgin Mother of our God, and bind it to the
chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
love [of Him].
OTheotokos, break asunder the bondsofmy
0 Virgin who art more spacious than the
transgressions and still the uprisings of my
heavens, my heart, which is hemmed in by all
body; hew down my wicked devisings, and
the assaults ofthe adversary, do thou lead up to
quickly cleanse thy servant of secret thoughts,
the broad expanse of dispassion, ever giving me
0 intercessor and deliverance of all the faithful.
the strength to walk the narrow path.
Art thou not afraid, 0 my soul, that thy
That I may glorify thee who art truly all­
countless evil deeds will be accusers indicting
glorious, 0 Virgin, deliver me from all the
thee? Wherefore, repent before the All-good
irrationality of sin, and cause me, who flee unto
One, and take the only all-pure one to be thine
thy mercy, to share in the glory of heaven.
ally, for she is a refuge for men.
Confound all the counsels ofthose who have
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the arrayed themselves against us, 0 Mother of
Magnificat], with the refrain: "More honorable God Most High, and fill with joy those who set
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. their hope on thee, that we may all ardently
proclaim thy help.
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
Canon of the Cross
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Irmos: Christ, the Chief Cornerstone uncut by
usual psalms.
human hands, Who united the two disparate
natures, was cut from thee, the unquarried Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone IV-
mountain, 0 Virgin. Wherefore, in gladness we Let Thy Cross be for us a bulwark, 0 Jesus
magnify thee, 0 Theotokos. our Savior; for we, the faithful, have no other
Behold, the Life of all appeared, hanging on hope save Thee Who wast nailed to it in the
the Cross; and the sun, unable to endure the flesh, and grantest us great mercy.
sight, withdrew its rays, and the earth quaked, Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
but the thoughts [of the faithful] are made Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
steadfast in piety and purity. glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
0 how hath the iniquitous assembly con­ wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
demned to die upon the Tree Thee, the Giver of wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
the law, Who art the Life and Lord of all, and servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
Who through Thy sufferings pourest forth im­ guide their sons.
mortality upon all men? Automelon: Thou hast given a sign unto
M artyricon: In the midst oflawless enemies those who fear Thee, 0 Lord: Thy precious
ye most wisely preached the incarnation of the Cross, whereby Thou didst put to shame the
Word of God with your divinely eloquent princes and rulers of darkness, and didst re­
mouths, 0 most lauded ones; and having suf­ store us to our primal blessed state. Wherefore,
fered in sacred manner, ye have been crowned we glorify Thy loving dispensation, 0 almighty
with wreaths ofvictory. Jesus, Savior of our souls.
Martyricon: Like radiant daystars ye illu­ Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
mine all creation with the brilliance of sacred our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
sufferings and the divine splendors ofhealings, do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
0 godly martyrs, and ye dispel the deep night of our hands do Thou guide aright.
the passions.

M artyricon: How can we fail to marvel at Seeing Christ slain, Who putteth the de­
your struggles, 0 holy martyrs? For, clad in ceiver to death, the all-pure Mistress cried out,
mortal bodies, ye vanquished incorporeal en­ exclaiming bitterly unto Him Who issued forth
emies. The threats of tyrants did not frighten from her womb; and marveling at His long­
you, neither did the infliction of tortures daunt suffering, she cried: "0 my Child most beloved,
you. Ye have truly been glorified by Christ, as forget not Thy handmaid! 0 Thou Who lovest
is meet. Ask ye great mercy for our souls. mankind, delay not my consolation!"
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
Mel.: '~s one valiant among the martyrs..."­ through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- lovingkindness, 0 Word!

Of old was Adam banished from paradise Martyricon: 0 ye saints, who by the all­
through the tree, but by the tree of the Cross radiant brilliance of your struggles made the
hath the thiefcome to dwell in paradise: the one earth heaven, ye have thereby dispelled the
by tasting rejected the commandment of the darkness of vanity; and deified by communion,
Creator, but the other, crucified with Christ, ye have come to dwell in never-waning light,
confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remem­ and shine the light of understanding upon all
ber me in Thy kingdom! who bless you as is meet.
Thou wast nailed to the Cross in Thy great Glory ... : We render praise, glory and wor­
goodness, 0 Christ; and Thou wast pierced in ship to the all-accomplishing Trinity; and
the side, pouring forth two fountains of remis­ offering angelic hymnody to the unoriginate
sion. Unable to bear the sight of such audacity, Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with
the earth quaked, the stones split asunder, the thrice-holy voices, we utter the cry of the
sun was extinguished, and the mountains and noble thief, chanting and exclaiming: Re­
hills trembled in fear of Thy might. member us in Thy kingdomt
Setting aright the stumbling of our forefa­ Now & ever ... : Seeing her Son and God
ther, who of old stretched forth his hands uplifted upon the Cross ofHis own will, the all­
unrestrainedly to the tree of knowledge, of pure one said, weeping and marveling, to Him
Thine own will Thou wast stretched out and Who maketh all things beautiful: "Whither
didst allow Thy hands to be nailed, 0 Long­ hath Thy comeliness gone, 0 Lord? How hath
suffering One, Who in Thy boundless goodness the ungrateful council repaid Thee for the good
didst fashion man with Thy hands. Glory things Thou hast done? I hymn Thy goodness
which passeth understanding be to Thy which passeth understanding!"


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the As is meet, we bless thee, 0 Nicholas, as an
apostles, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "As one valiant ever-shining lamp, a universal luminary who
among the martyrs ... "- hath shone forth in the firmament of the
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, Church and enlightened the world, driving
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee away the gloom ofgrievous misfortunes, dispel­
is forgiveness. ling the winter of griefs, and creating profound
0 ye glorious ones, who waged war with serenity.
most mighty understanding, ye arrayed your­ Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
selves against the wicked foe, having valiantly prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
armed yourselves with the weaponry of the eth forever.
Spirit, destroying all the might of the demons, As one compassionate, as one right loving,
and seizing men's souls like plunder; where­ as a most fervent deliverer, as a true intercessor
fore, we honor you forever, 0 apostles. for the faithful who ask thine aid, 0 most sacred
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ father Nicholas, appearing and manifesting
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath thyself in dreams, thou didst save those who
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath were about to die unjustly, 0 fellow citizen with
hoped in the Lord. the angels, who standest with the venerable
Spreading out the net of the Faith in the and the righteous.
form of the Cross, Thy twelve divine apostles
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
dragged all the nations to the knowledge of
0 most pure one, who contained within thy
Thee, 0 Christ, and dried up the salty sea ofthe
womb the infinite God Who loveth mankind and
passions; wherefore, I beseech Thee: At their
became a man, taking our substance from thee
wholly well pleasing entreaties call me up from
and manifestly deifying it: Disdain me not who
the depths of transgressions.
am now in distress, but quickly have pity, and
Stichos: From the morning watch until
free me from all the harm and enmity ofthe evil
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord.
With hymns divine let the divinely chosen
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
and most honorable twelve apostles be praised:
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Peter, Paul and James, Luke and John, Mat­
thew and Thomas, Mark, Simon and Philip, the
Aposticha stichera ofthe apostles, in Tone IV-
all-glorious Andrew and Matthias, with the
Thou didst enlighten the choir of the
godly and all-wise Bartholemew, and the sev­
apostles with the Holy Spirit, 0 Christ God. By
enty others.
them wash away the defilement of our sin, and
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from theMenaion; have mercy on us.
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
holy & great wonderworker Nicholas, in Tone eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
IV- hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui­ eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
ties. pity on us.
With divine myrrh the divine grace of the Thy Holy Spirit revealed the illiterate dis­
Spirit anointed thee, the chief hierarch of the ciples to be tutors, 0 Christ God, and set at
people ofMyra, who with most sacred virtues as naught the deception of the pagans with their
with myrrh hast perfumed the ends of the greatly eloquent harmony, in that He is al­
earth, and with thy sweet-smelling supplica­ mighty.
tions dost ever dispel the footid passions; where­ Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
fore, we glorify thee with faith and keep thy mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
most holy memory, 0 Nicholas .. abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; therewith; let reproach come upon them that
praise Him, all ye peoples. prosper, and abasement on the proud.


M artyricon: 0 martyrs of the Lord, ye Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
animate sacrifices, noetic holocausts, perfect Deliver us from our necessities, 0 Mother of
offerings to God, ye lambs who know God and Christ God, who gavest birth to the Creator of
are known of Him, and to whose fold the wolves all, that we may all cry out to thee: Rejoice, 0
have no entry: Pray ye that with you we also only intercessor for our souls!
may be tended by the water of peace.
Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy Theotokos

ODE I Creator and Lord, heal me who am wounded by

Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the unseemly thoughts.
Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old van­ Glory ... : Tempest-tossed amid the deep of
quished the might of Amalek in the wilderness my many transgressions, passions and tempta­
by Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the tions, 0 most immaculate one, with thine aid I
Cross. hasten to the most tranquil haven.
Truly, yea surely, thou hast given birth to Now & ever ... : By the divine Rain which
the Lord God, and truly, yea surely, thou alone descended into thy womb as upon a fleece, and
hast been called the Theotokos, 0 pure one. with thy supplications, bedew thou my heart,
Wherefore, with faith do we hymn and glorify which is aflame with the fire of the passions.
thee as is meet.
From thee, 0 all-pure one, hath the Star
lrmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the
shone forth out of Jacob, Who as God hath
Cross, 0 Sun of righteousness, the Church
numbered the multitude of the stars. Where­
stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet:
fore, by His effulgence remove thou the dark­
Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
ness of my sins.
From the flowing ointment of thy Son, the
Glory ... : I know thee to be manifestly the
Perfume of the life of all, 0 pure one, pour forth
rational bridal-chamber of the incarnation of
the myrrh of dispassion upon my soul, and
God, 0 pure and most immaculate one; and
I entreat thee to deliver me from carnal pas­ remove from it the mire of its passions.
With the hyssop of thy prayers sprinkle me
sions, from tribulations, temptations and evil
who am defiled with the mire of sin, 0 Mistress;
wash me clean and cleanse me of the impurity
Now & ever ... : In that thou art the ladder of
of my passions, and show me to be a dwelling­
the coming of the Almighty unto us, whereby
place of Christ.
God descended to the earth, raise me up to
Glory ... : I beseech thee, 0 all-pure one, thou
heaven from earthly carnal passions, and lead
book inscribed and sealed by the finger of God:
me to God.
with the finger of thy supplications prescribe
ODE III for me the remission of sins, and deliver me
I rmos: Neither in wisdom, nor in power, nor from perils.
yet in riches do we boast, but in Thee, 0 Christ, Now & ever ... : Thou wast the temple of God
the hypostatic Wisdom ofthe Father; for none is out of all the holy mountains, as the prophet
holy save Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. said of old. Show me to be a pure temple of
Thou art a well-spring pouring forth conso­ Christ, 0 Mistress, by thine aid.
lation upon the sorrowful, 0 Mistress; where­
fore, pour forth upon me a torrent of the waters 0DEV
of thy supplications, and quench thou the fur­ lrmos: Thou hast come, 0 my Lord, as a
nace of my passions. light into the world: a holy light turning from
0 pure one who hast healed the grievous the darkness of ignorance those who hymn
wounds of our nature in giving birth to the Thee with faith.

Knowing thee to be the dew of Hermon Thou alone hast manifestly acquired the
which descended upon Sion, 0 Theotokos, I majesty and divine glory of eternity on the
pray that thou quench the burning of my flesh. earth, having been shown to be another heaven;
As the paradise of life, 0 Theotokos, do thou wherefore, set at naught the boastful demons,
quickly deliver me from deadly sin and the mine enemies.
multifarious passions. Glory ... : 0 divine vessel of loving-kindness
Glory ... : 0 pure one, thou art the noetic and goodness, pour forth upon me the riches of
phial of alabaster. Wherefore, with the thy compassions in abundance, washing away
perfume of the Myrrh Who was poured forth the defilement of my transgressions, and
upon earth from heaven, do thou fill me now. quench thou the burning of my flesh.
Now & ever ... : Thou hast restored man who Now & ever ... : Having lived prodigally, in
was inclined toward corruption, 0 Bride ofGod. carnal pleasures I have ever wasted the spiri­
Wherefore, lead me up now from the depths of tual wealth given me by God; yet by thy suppli­
transgressions and the passions. cations do thou justify me, 0 Virgin.


Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel
praise, 0 Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee, shut the lions' mouths in the pit; and the young
cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood lovers of piety, girded about with virtue,
which, for mercy's sake, flowed from Thy side. quenched the power ofthe fire, crying out: Bless
Having become the all-beauteous palace of the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
the King ofglory, 0 glorious Mistress, thou hast Break thou the chains of my transgressions
glorified men; wherefore, vouchsafe incorrupt and quell thou the uprisings of my body, cut
glory upon me. down mine evil thoughts and quickly cleanse
With pure incorruption thou hast allayed thy servant of secret thoughts, 0 Theotokos,
the vile corruption of nature, 0 all-pure one; thou intercessor and help of all the faithful.
wherefore, dry up the torrents of my passions 0 all-pure one, who hast been shown to be
and the rivers of my carnal knowledge. the unquarried mountain of God, rich, densely
Glory ... : Quell thou the passionate move­ wooded and overshadowed, shield me with the
ments of my body and tame thou the uprisings shelter ofthy supplications, deliver me from the
ofmy flesh, making them subject to my mind as snares ofthe hunters, and preserve me from the
if they were a foal, 0 pure one, and lulling them darts of the demons and from vile thoughts.
to sleep by thy supplications. Glory ... : 0 Mistress, grant that I may re­
Now & ever ... : I hymn thee who gavest birth ceive the fear of God and the spirit of compunc­
to the all-hymned God, 0 Maiden, and I beseech tion within me, and that I may bring forth a
thee: 0 Theotokos, deliver and save me from virtuous life; and render me frightful to the
dreadful strife and everlasting condemnation. wicked demons and a partaker of the divine
glory ofthe angelic choirs.
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... ,
Now & ever ... : Quickly open unto me the
Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone IV­
doors of life, the portals of my hope, 0 all-pure
0 intercessor unopposed, 0 Theotokos, thou
one; guide me to life without end, and show me,
ready advocate for those who have recourse
thy servant, to be an heir to the kingdom of
unto thee: deliver me from misfortunes, and
heaven and a partaker ofthe divine glory of the
disdain me not, 0 helper of all.
Irmos: The children of Abraham in the OnE IX
Persian furnace, afire with love of piety more Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode un­
than with the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou der the curse ofdisobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin
in the temple of Thy glory, 0 Lord! Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world
In that thou art the fiery and God-bearing through the Offspring of thy child-bearing.
bush, 0 pure one, burn up the thorns of my Wherefore, we all magnify thee.
wicked thoughts, illumine the thoughts of my In thy supplications look down upon thy
soul, and dry up the abyss of my passions. servant, 0 pure one; go thou quickly before me,


and deliver me from the invisible foes who afflict wherefore, by thine entreaties raise me up from
and oppress me. Save me from misfortunes, the passions and the fall.
sorrows and multifarious evil circumstances. Now & ever ... : 0 Theotokos, from misfor­
0 Virgin, heal me who am condemned and tunes and falls, from sin and tempest, from the
wounded by the stripes of sin, and deliver me passions of the body, from the billows and vio­
from wicked thoughts, 0 thou who gavest birth lent griefs of life, and from wicked malice save
to the omnipotent Word, the Good One Who those who have recourse unto thee.
lovest mankind.
Glory ... : For the sake ofAdam who ofold fell Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
into sin, thy Son, 0 ali-good one, Who hath Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparia, and
dominion over life and death, partook of death; the rest as usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these the world as preachers of the Faith, through
sessional hymns of the apostles, in Tone IV­ them guiding the world to the knowledge of
0 first enthroned apostles and universal Thee; for with rays of the word they shed light
teachers, entreat the Master of all, that He upon all, dispelling the darkness of ignorance
grant peace to the whole world and great mercy with faith. By their supplications save Thou
to our souls. our souls.
Stichos: Their sound hath gone forth into all Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
the earth, and their words unto the end of the God of Israel.
world. M artyricon: In their sufferings, 0 Lord, Thy
0 Christ, Thou hast shown Thy disciples to martyrs received imperishable crowns from
be beacons in the ends of the earth, shining Thee, our God; for, possessed ofThy might, they
forth the knowledge ofThee upon souls in dark­ cast down the tyrants and crushed the feeble
ness; and having for their sake cast the decep­ audacity of the demons. By their supplications
tion of idolatry into darkness, 0 Master, Thou save Thou our souls.
hast enlightened the world with teachings of
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
piety. At their entreaties save Thou our souls.
0 Mistress, hearken to thy servant, who cry
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- out from the depths of my pain-wracked soul,
Hearken speedily to our supplications, 0 and grant me the remission of my many evils,
Mistress, and bear them to thy Son and God. for thee do I have as an intercessor day and
Remedy the adverse circumstances of those night. 0 Theotokos, deliver me from the fire of
who have recourse unto thee, 0 most pure Lady, Gehenna, and set me at the right hand of thy
and confound the ambushments and fury of Son and God.
those who now array themselves against thy
servants, 0 Virgin. After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Go
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these Thou quickly before ... "­
sessional hymns, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Go The Sun of righteousness emitted you like
Thou quickly before ... "­ rays to enlighten the whole earth, 0 glorious
Your sound raced round about the whole apostles. By your divine supplications ye illu­
earth and rendered foolish the false wisdom of mine all with the never-waning light of God,
the unwise, 0 glorious apostles; it hath drawn and enlighten those who celebrate your holy
men from the depths of deception, and hath memory with faith.
shown the path of salvation unto all; wherefore, Go thou quickly on before, 0 Nicholas, and
we now call you blessed, as is meet. save thy servants from the misfortunes and tribu­
Stichos: The heavens declare the glory of lations which assail us, for thou hast boldness
God, and the firmament proclaimeth the work before God the Creator; wherefore, come now
of His hands. speedily unto those who call upon thee with faith,
0 Savior, Thou hast shown Thy disciples to granting us thine intercession and protection.


look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our freezing cold, they poured forth their blood,
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take placing in Thee their hope, that they would
pity on us. receive reward for their toils. They endured, 0
Thy Holy Spirit revealed the illiterate dis­ Savior, and have received great mercy from
ciples to be tutors, 0 Christ God, and set at Thee.
naught the deception of the pagans with their
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
greatly eloquent harmony, in that He is al­
Thee have we acquired as a bulwark, a right
calm haven and fortress, 0 all-pure Theotokos;
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
wherefore, I who am bestormed amid this life do
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
pray: Pilot and save me!
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
our hands do Thou guide aright. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
Martyricon: Precious is the death of Thy through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
saints, 0 Lord! For broken by swords, fire and Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- Martyricon: Consumed by material fire and
Of old was Adam banished from paradise slain, 0 wise and blessed ones, ye utterly con­
through the tree, but by the tree of the Cross sumed the tinder of bitter polytheism; and ye
hath the thiefcome to dwell in paradise: the one now pour forth streams of healings upon those
by tasting rejected the commandment of the who approach you with faith, and cry out fer­
Creator, but the other, crucified with Christ, vently unto Christ, exclaiming: Remember us
confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remem­ in Thy kingdom!
ber me in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : With unwavering resolve and so­
As reason-endowed members of the flock of briety of mind let us say unto Him Who in the
the Lamb and Shepherd, 0 wise ones, ye were highest is enthroned with the Father and the
sent by Him like lambs into the midst ofwolves Spirit: 0 indivisible Trinity, Who in the begin­
to preach God; and ye transformed their sav­ ning created all things by Thy word and en­
agery into meekness, so that with faith they cry lightenest all: In Thy kingdom remember us
out with steadfast intent: Remember us, 0 who call upon Thee with faith!
Savior, in Thy kingdom! Now & ever ... : Thou art truly the never­
Passing over the fullness of the earth like fading wreath ofthe passion-bearers, 0 Theoto­
radiant stars, 0 apostles of the Lord, ye loosed kos, joy of the apostles, most immaculate
those benighted by deception and shone the Maiden. With them, 0 Mistress, ask deliver­
light of salvation upon the deceived; wherefore, ance from transgressions and correction of life
we call you blessed, 0 preachers of Christ, and for us who petition thee with faith and cry out
ask: Ever pray to the Lord for us! to thee: Rejoice, 0 thou who art most truly the
treasury of good things!


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Cross, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Thou hast given prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
a sign ... "- eth forever.
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, When she beheld Thee, the Lamb and Shep­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee herd, upon the Tree, the Ewe-lamb who gave
is forgiveness. Thee birth lamented and exclaimed to Thee
When all creation beheld Thee crucified, it maternally: "0 my Son most beloved, how hast
was altered and trembled: the whole earth Thou been lifted up upon the tree of the Cross,
shook, quaking, 0 long-suffering Word; in fear 0 Long-suffering One? How have Thy hands
the veil of the temple rent in twain and in terror and feet been pierced with nails by the iniqui­
the rocks split asunder when Thou wast in­ tous, 0 Word? How hast Thou shed Thy blood,
sulted; and the sun, knowing Thee to be its 0 Master?"
Creator, hid its rays.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
When she beheld Thee hanging upon the
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
Cross, the Virgin Thy Mother marveled, 0
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
Lord, and, lifting up her eyes, said: "How have
hoped in the Lord.
they who enjoyed Thy many gifts rewarded
How did the most iniquitous council dare to
Thee, 0 Master? Yet I pray: Leave me not alone
condemn Thee, 0 immortal Judge, Who ofold in
in the world, but haste Thou to arise, raising up
the desert gavest the law to Moses, who beheld
our forefather with Thee!"
God? How could they fail to be filled with terror,
beholding the Life of all dead upon the Cross? Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
How could it not enter their mind that Thou art the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
the one Lord and Master of creation?
Stichos: From the morning watch until Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone IV­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in Thou hast given Thy Cross to us as an
the Lord. invincible weapon, 0 Christ; and therewith we
With the piercing of Thy side, 0 greatly triumph over the assaults of the alien one.
Merciful One, the ancient record of our forefa­ Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
ther Adam's [sin] was rent asunder; and by the eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
shedding of Thy blood rejected human nature hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
was sanctified, and crieth out: Glory to Thy of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
lovingkindness! Glory to Thy divine crucifix­ look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
ion, 0 almighty Jesus, Thou Savior ofour souls! eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
pity on us.
Then the sticheraofthe saint, from the Menaion;
Ever possessing Thy Cross as a help, 0
or ifthere is no M enaio n, these stichera ofthe all­
Christ, we easily trample the snares of the
holy Theotokos, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "As one
enemy underfoot.
valiant among the martyrs... "-
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
and with Him there is plenteous redemption;
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui­
therewith; let reproach come upon them that
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
When she beheld Thee nailed to the Cross,
M artyricon: 0 Christ God, Who art glorified
0 Lord, the Ewe-lamb, Thy Mother, marveled
in the memorials of Thy saints, entreated by
and cried out: "What is this that I see, 0 my Son
them send down upon us great mercy.
most desired? Thus art Thou repaid by the
disobedient and iniquitous assembly, which Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
enjoyed Thy many miracles. But glory to Thine Mel.: "Called from on high... "­
ineffable condescension, 0 Master!" "Lament me not, 0 Mother, seeing me, thy
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; Son and God, hanging upon the Tree, Who
praise Him, all ye peoples. suspended the earth unsupported upon the
The foregoing sticheron is repeated. waters and fashioned all creation. For I will


Now & ever ... : Fill me with divine waters, Thou art mine enlightenment, thou art my
0 Virgin who didst bear the Well-spring in thy deliverance and joy, thou art mine ally, thou art
womb. Deliver me from the burning heat of my my glory, my boast, hope and my salvation, and
sins, guide me to the life of salvation, and dispel I cry unto thee: Save me, thy wretched servant,
the despondency from my wretched soul, 0 pure and rescue me from the gates of hell.
Virgin, and deliver me from the demons. Glory ... : Save me, 0 pure one who gavest
birth to the most compassionate Savior, and
OnE IX take pity on thy servant; guide me to the path of
Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy, en­ repentance, dispel from within me the tempta­
lightened by the Spirit; and let the nature ofthe tions ofthe evil one, deliver me from his pursuit,
incorporeal intelligences keep festival, honor­ and rescue me from everlasting fire, 0 all­
ing the sacred feast ofthe Mother ofGod, and let immaculate one.
them cry aloud: Rejoice, 0 most blessed Theoto­ Now & ever ... : The Word, Who from the
kos, pure Ever-virgin! beginning was incorporeal, abased Himself,
With the power of thy supplication, 0 most clothing Himself in flesh from thee and dwell­
immaculate, divinely joyous and all-pure ing incarnate in the world, 0 all-immaculate
Mistress, cut down the meadow of my sins, one; and with divine power He hath cast down
granting me saving healing, the all-pure fear of him who from of old hath tormented all.
the Master.
Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
Trisagion through Our Father ... , and troparia.
The rest as usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these God, before we are enslaved to the enemies who
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone IV- blaspheme Thee and separate us. By Thy Cross
When Thou wast nailed to the Cross, and destroy those who wage war against us, that
Thy side was pierced by a spear, Thou didst they may understand what the Orthodox Faith
redeem us from the curse of the law by Thy may accomplish through the supplications of
precious blood and didst pour forth immortality the Theotokos, 0 Thou Who alone lovest man­
upon men. 0 our Savior, glory to Thee! kind.
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He
worship the footstool of His feet; for it is holy. hath wrought salvation in the midst of the
0 Savior, the Jews nailed Thee to the Cross, earth.
from whence Thou didst call us from among the When Thou wast wounded in Thy divine
nations, 0 Christ, our God and Savior. OfThine side by the spear, 0 Master, the weapons of the
own will Thou didst stretch out Thy hands upon invisible foe failed utterly, and all the force of
it, 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind, and in the his malice was set at naught; wherefore, we
multitude of Thy compassions didst deign to be worship Thy saving sufferings, glorifying Thy
pierced in Thy side by a spear. divine dispensation.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­
God of Israel.
0 all-immaculate Virgin, Mother of Christ
M artyricon: Today, the angelic armies have
God, a sword pierced thine all-holy soul when
come for the memorial ofthe passion-bearers, to
thou didst behold thy Son and God crucified of
enlighten the thoughts of the faithful and to
His own will. Cease thou never to entreat, 0
make the whole world radiant by grace. En­
blessed one, that He grant us forgiveness of
treated by them, 0 God, grant us great mercy.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these When Thine all-pure Mother beheld Thee
sessional hymns, in Tone the Cross- uplifted upon the Cross, 0 Word of God, she
Go Thou quickly before us, 0 Christ our exclaimed, lamenting maternally: "What is this


new and strange wonder, 0 my Son? How is it Martyricon: Your ship was not capsized by
that Thou dost taste of death, 0 Life of all, the mounting waves of your unendurable tor­
desiring to bring life to the dead, in that Thou ments, 0 martyrs, for through the steering of
art full of lovingkindness?" the King of all ye reached the calm haven.
Theotokion: A sword pierced thy heart, as
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these Symeon said, when thou didst behold the one
sessional hymns, in Tone IV- Christ crucified and pierced by a spear, 0 Vir­
In Thine infinite mercy, 0 Good One, Thou gin Mistress; wherefore, lamenting, thou didst
didst endure for us an unjust trial, the Cross endure pain.
and death, that Thou mightest free from the
Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos, in
ancient curse and condemnation all who
through deception have fallen into corruption;
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
wherefore, we worship Thy crucifixion, 0 Word.
Thou alone art help, refuge and protection
When it perceived that is was Thou, the Sun
for thy servants, 0 pure Theotokos; wherefore,
of righteousness, suspended on the Cross, 0
falling down, we cry to thee: Save us in Thy
Christ, the sun dimmed its light. Creation
lovingkindness, 0 Mistress!
shook, and the dead quickly arose from the
0 Mistress who gavest birth to the all-holy
grave as from sleep, 0 Word, hymning the
Word, 0 most immaculate Maiden who art
divine might of Thy glory.
more holy than all the hosts on high, sanctify
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- my defiled heart.
When she beheld Thee uplifted upon the 0 most immaculate one, thou art the resto­
Cross, 0 Christ, lamenting, Thine unwedded ration of the fallen and the confirmation of
Mother maternally exclaimed such things as those who stand fast; wherefore, I pray to thee:
these: "What is this new and strange wonder, 0 Set aright my mind, which hath fallen through
my Son? How is it that the iniquitous assembly sin, 0 Mistress, that I may glorify thee.
naileth to the Cross Thee Who bestowest life Extending thy helping hand unto me, who
upon all, 0 my Light most sweet?" lie still and dead of sin, 0 Theotokos, raise me
up and show me to be full of divine gladness.

Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross,

the acrostic whereof is "Nailed to the Cross,
Canon ofthe Cross
Christ freeth from deception", the composition
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, thou living and abundant
of Joseph, in Tone IV- fountain: in thy divine glory establish those
Irmos: I will open my mouth, and with the who hymn thee and spiritually form them­
Spirit will it be filled; and I shall utter discourse selves into a choir; and vouchsafe unto them
unto the Queen and Mother, and shall appear, crowns of glory.
keeping splendid festival; and, rejoicing, I will All-iniquitous men led thee like a lamb to
hymn her wonders. the slaughter, 0 Christ, who art the Lamb of
Thou didst stretch out Thy divine hands God Who desirest to deliver from the cruel wolf
upon the Cross, 0 Long-suffering One, and the lambs whom Thou didst love.
didst call the perishing world to recognize Thy Unjustly condemned, Thou didst stand be­
might. Wherefore, 0 Compassionate One, we fore the judge, 0 Thou Who dostjudge the whole
magnify Thy lovingkindness. earth with righteousness; and Thou didst en­
Moses lifted up the [brazen] serpent, prefig­ dure smiting on Thy cheek, 0 Lord, desiring to
uring Thy divine crucifixion, 0 all-beginning­ free me, who am enslaved to the evil prince of
less Word, whereby the venomous serpent who this world.
caused the fall of Adam himself fell. Martyricon: Suffering lawfully, 0 saints,ye
M artyricon: Ye have now been vouchsafed put the lawless enemy to shame; and slain of
to dwell amid the splendors of the saints, 0 your own will for the uplifting of all, ye waged
martyrs, having manifestly received the un­ war on the serpent who brought about death.
shakable kingdom, as Paul said; and ye have Martyricon: Having raised themselves
come to share in the glory of Christ. above earthly things and achieved goodly glory


through suffering, the holy martyrs, full of M artyricon: Your hands and heads severed,
ineffable joy, were united to the immaterial your tongues excised, your eyes put out, and
ranks, though they are material. your bodies dismembered, 0 divinely eloquent
Theotokion: Through thee, 0 Virgin, hath martyrs, ye remained unseparated from God.
the restoration of Eve truly been made mani­ Theotokion: "When Thou wast pierced by
fest: God who is born in the flesh and uplifted the spear, 0 Master, the record of Adam's [sin]
upon the Cross, casting down the demons, 0 was rent apart," the Theotokos exclaimed as
Mistress full of the grace of God. she stood before the Cross, 0 Lord, crying out in
Canon ofthe Theotokos
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Canon of the Theotokos
Have mercy upon me, who am cruelly Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
drowning in the deep oflife, 0 Virgin, and guide 0 most immaculate Virgin Mother of God,
me to the calm harbor ofsalvation; for thee have shed upon me the radiance of repentance, dis­
I acquired as mine only hope. pel the gloom of my wretched soul, and drive
With the Light that is within thee dispel the wicked thoughts away from my heart.
darkness ofmy mind, 0 Theotokos, in that thou 0 Virgin Mother, who gavest birth to the
art good, I pray; and as thou art compassionate Master Who is easily reconciled and right
and greatly merciful, make me steadfast kindly, ever entreat Him in our behalf, in that
through examples of repentance, that, saved, I thou art good, that He deliver us from the alien
may call thee blessed. one.
With the sprinkling ofthy mercy, 0 divinely With faith I entreat thee, 0 blessed one,
joyous Virgin, quench the burning coals of my thou cleansing of all men, and I ask: Render the
passions; and light the lamp ofmy heart, which Judge, thy Son, merciful unto me, that I may
hath gone out, 0 most immaculate one, thou glorify thee in praise.
golden lampstand. Ever having thee as my helper, 0 all-pure
In that thou art merciful, 0 Theotokos, visit one, I neither fear nor am afraid of anyone. For
my wretched soul, which is grievously sick of who can desire to inflict woes upon thy servant
the passions, and save me by thy supplications, and not be terrified?
that, having received a higher life, I may mag­
nify thee. 0DEV
Canon of the Cross
OnE IV Irmos: All things are filled with awe at thy
Canon of the Cross divine glory; for thou, 0 Virgin who hast not
Irmos: Perceiving the inscrutable counsel of known wedlock, didst contain within thy womb
God-the Incarnation of Thee, the Most High, Him Who is God over all, and gavest birth to the
from the Virgin-the Prophet Habbakuk cried timeless Son, granting peace unto all who hymn
aloud: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! thee.
That Thou mightest release me from the Beholding Thee, the Sun, stretched out
bonds of sin, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, Thou upon the Cross, the sun hid its rays, when Thou
wast bound of Thine own will and didst die on didst set, 0 Savior, enlightening those asleep in
the Cross like a malefactor. Glory to Thy great the night of deception, who now worship Thy
lovingkindness! might.
Thou didst endure wounds and a violent Crucified in Thy lovingkindness, Thou sav­
death, 0 Word of God, making immortal the est me; and Thou dost taste gall and vinegar, in
essence of mortal men, which had been slain by that Thou art good, delivering us from the taste
the passions. Glory to Thy great ofpleasures, whereby we were deceived and fell
lovingkindness! into corruption.
Martyricon: The martyrs, who desired to Martyricon: With the warmth of the Holy
inherit divine joys through the most Holy Spirit ye dispelled the winter of deception, 0
Spirit, with joyous soul endured wounds and a divine martyrs, and, rejoicing, together ye
violent death, and wounded the evil one. reached the springtime of rest, helping all who
find themselves amid tribulations.


Martyricon: With the clouds ofyour divine Martyricon: Ye underwent many torments
blood, ye watered the whole earth, 0 holy mar­ and have received many crowns, 0 innumer­
tyrs, drying up the torrents of ungodliness; able multitude of martyrs, who live forever;
wherefore, ye have now made your abode by the wherefore, drive away the multitude of mine
water of life, praying for us all. evils.
Theotokion: When the divinely joyous one Theotokion: Be thou a haven unto me who
beheld the Son to Whom she had given birth navigate the deep of evils, 0 most immaculate
uplifted upon the Tree, she was filled with one, who by thy birthgiving hast saved all
weeping and truly marveled at His long-suffer­ creation, which is in distress.
ing; wherefore, she magnified His condescen­
Canon of the Theotokos
Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial, the
Canon of the Theotokos Prophet Jonah, praying within the sea mon­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. ster, cried out: Deliver me from corruption, 0
Slain by passions and defilements, 0 most Jesus, King of hosts!
immaculate Mistress, I flee to thy compassions Shine upon me a ray of repentance, 0 Mis­
and hasten to thy fervent protection and help. tress, and drive away the clouds of mine evil
0 thou who alone gavest birth to Life, impart thoughts, 0 Ever-virgin, thou cloud of the Sun
life unto my heart! of righteousness.
Enlighten my benighted heart, 0 all-pure Still the raging waves of my passions and
one, who gavest birth to the Bestower of light: calm the storm of mine evil thoughts, 0 Ever­
God and man. Him do thou entreat, as His virgin, great haven of the tempest-tossed.
Mother, to grant me deliverance before the Give me compunction to drink, 0 Mistress,
dread day, 0 Lady. granting me now rivers oftears, whereby I may
Cure the afflictions of my mind, 0 most quench the everlasting flame, 0 only most
immaculate one, heal the sufferings of my soul hymned one.
and drive away the darkness of despondency, 0 thou who truly gavest birth to the Abyss
that in praise I may hymn thee, the ever­ of goodness, and who driest up the raging deep
blessed one, 0 most hymned Theotokos. of mine evils, guide me to the haven of the will
Lay low the arrogance of mine enemies, 0 of God.
Mistress, for thee do I have as mine only inter­
cessor, hope and mighty help. Preserve me, 0 ODE VII
pure one, delivering me from their every as­ Canon of the Cross
sault. Irmos: The divinely wise youths worshipped
not a creation rather than the Creator, but,
OnE VI manfully trampling the threat of the fire
Canon of the Cross underfoot, they rejoiced, chanting: Blessed art
Irmos: Celebrating this divine and most hon­ Thou, 0 all-hymned Lord and God of our fa­
ored festival of the Mother of God, come, ye thers!
divinely wise, let us clap our hands and glorify The adversary was vanquished and suf­
God Who was born of her. fered a wondrous fall when Christ was uplifted
By the pangs which Thou didst endure upon the Tree; and that which before was con­
when Thou wast crucified Thou didst cause the demned was saved, crying out to Him: Blessed
pangs of mankind to cease, 0 loving Lord, and art Thou, the Lord and God of our fathers!
Thou leadest all to the life which is devoid of 0 Christ Who died upon the Tree, Thou
pain. didst impart life unto me who was slain by the
The rays of the sun were hidden, the veil of tree; and by thy divine wounds Thou didst heal
the temple was rent in twain, the earth the wounds of my heart. Blessed art Thou, the
trembled and the rocks split asunder in fear, Lord and God of our fathers!
unable to bear the sight of the Creator on the Martyricon: Having received the gift of
Cross. healing, to cure illnesses and to drive the de­
M artyricon: The serpent fell dead, seeing the mons from men by the power of the Spirit, 0
godly martyrs slain by tortures and truly inher­ invincible martyrs, by your supplications cure
iting life everlasting through grace divine. the passions of my heart.

Martyricon: Suffering shipwreck, the ad­ all-hymned and invisible Word Who art with­
versary and his myriad hosts perished in your out beginning; and by Thy suffering Thou didst
blood; but ye, 0 most praised martyrs, chant, rebuke the princes and powers of darkness, 0
rejoicing: Blessed art Thou, the Lord and God of Christ. Wherefore, we hymn Thee for all ages.
our fathers! M artyricon: 0 most comely martyrs, ye
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, thou hast been mounted your blood like a chariot and were
shown to be the Bride undefiled, the palace of taken up to the habitations ofheaven, receiving
the Creator, the untilled land, the fiery throne; fitting honors from Christ, and crying out:
wherefore, we cry out to thee: Rejoice, 0 all­ Hymn the Lord and exalt Him supremely for­
pure Mistress, who by thy divine birthgiving ever!
hast deified men! M artyricon: Uplifted upon trees, thrown
into pits, given over to wild beasts, cast into fire
Canon of the Theotokos
and water, rejoicing, the passion-bearers and
Irmos: 0 all-hymned Lord God of our fathers,
martyrs chanted: Hymn the Lord and exalt
Who saved the children of Abraham in the fire,
Him supremely forever!
slaying the Chaldreans whom justice rightly
Theotokion: Seeing Christ, Who imparteth
overtook: blessed art Thou!
divine and saving wakefulness unto all, asleep
With great love do I flee beneath thy holy
upon the Tree, the most immaculate Mother
protection. Turn me not empty away, 0 all­
exclaimed, lamenting, and cried out: "What is
pure one, but grant me remission of transgres­
this wonder most new? Thou Who givest life
sions, and save me, that, seeing this, mine
unto all dost die of Thine own will!"
enemies may be filled with shame.
I fear no evil, for thou art with me, 0 Virgin; Canon ofthe Theotokos
I repel the enemies who persecute me without Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
pity, and, strengthened by thy power, 0 Theo­ Having wasted my life in fornication and
tokos Mary, I vanquish them. committed every impure act, I tremble before
Thou ever hast the power to do all things, in the judgment-seat, I tremble before the ques­
that thou gavest birth to the Master. Free me tioning, and I tremble before my sentence of
from the domination ofpleasures and passions, condemnation. 0 pure one, who gavest birth to
0 blessed one, that, rejoicing, I may sing: Re­ the Judge, stand before me then, and deliver me
joice, 0 throne of the Most High! from necessity.
Thee alone do I, thy servant, have on this On thee have I set all my hope of salvation,
earth as an intercessor and a true and saving 0 Mother of God who knewest not wedlock, and
help, 0 all-pure and divine glorious one; and I ever call upon thee for help: Save me from grief
unto thee do I flee. Save me from the snares of and the temptations of the enemy, loose the
those who pursue me, 0 Theotokos! bonds of mine evils, and rescue me from ever­
lasting darkness!
ODE VIII At the hour ofmine end, 0 Virgin, rescue me
Canon of the Cross from the hands of the demons, from condemna­
Irmos: The Offspring of the Theotokos saved tion and retribution, from dreadful trials and
the pious children in the furnace - then in the hitter toll-houses, and from the cruel prince
figure, but now in deed- and He moveth all the and everlasting damnation, 0 Mother of God.
world to chant: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and 0 Virgin, preserve thy servants from the
exalt Him supremely for all ages! every assault of the alien, for thee do I have as
As the Timeless One, having entered into protection and help, refuge and confirmation, 0
time Thou dost release me from the bonds of Mistress; and because of thee I hope to be
time; and bound of Thine own will, 0 Master, delivered from the snares oftheenemy, 0 only
Thou didst send the prideful one into unbreak­ intercessor for the human race.
able bonds, and savest me by Thy Cross and
sufferings. Wherefore, I bless Thee, 0 Christ, We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
forever. Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
Uplifted upon the Tree of Thine own will, than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
Thou didst raise up all creation with Thyself, 0


ODE IX Thou art mine enlightenment, thou art my

Canon of the Cross deliverance and joy, thou art mine ally, thou art
Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy, enlight­ my glory and boast, my hope of salvation, 0
ened by the Spirit; and let the nature of the most immaculate one; and unto thee do I bow
incorporeal intelligences keep festival, honor­ down with faith and cry aloud: Save me, thy
ing the sacred feast ofthe Mother ofGod, and let wretched servant, and rescue me from the gates
them cry aloud: Rejoice, 0 most blessed Theoto­ of hades.
kos, pure Ever-virgin! Save me, 0 pure one, who gavest birth to the
0 Thou Who lovest mankind, and wilt come most compassionate Savior! Have pity on me,
to judge all men, Thou didst stand condemned. thy servant, and direct me to the ways ofrepen­
Of Thine own will and desire Thou wast tance! Repel from me the temptations of the
crowned with the crown of thorns, 0 Christ our evil one, deliver me from his pursuit, and rescue
Savior, uprooting the thorns of disobedience, me from everlasting fire, 0 all-in1n1aculate one.
and delighting all with the knowledge of Thy
lovingkindness. Then, ''It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a
0 how can the iniquitous men, benighted by prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
envy, condemn Thee, the righteous and blame­ usual psalms.
less Judge, to the Cross, 0 Bestower of light?
Seeing Thy sufferings, the sun was darkened, Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone IV-
the veil ofthe temple was rent in twain, and the Let Thy Cross be for us a bulwark, 0 Jesus
foundations of the earth trembled. our Savior; for we, the faithful, have no other
M artyricon: Ye conformed yourselves to the hope save Thee Who wast nailed to it in the
sufferings of Christ, 0 holy martyrs, and be­ flesh, and grantest us great mercy.
came fellow heirs of the kingdom and splendor; Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
wherefore, enlighten us who hymn you, 0 all­ Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
wise ones, freeing us from the gloom of sin and glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
divers evil circumstances. wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
Martyricon: Having already made your wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
abode in the very heavens, and received ever­ servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
lasting glory, 0 all-wise ones, deified by sacred guide their sons.
communion, remember all of us who with faith Automelon: Thou hast given a sign unto
honor your most sacred and honored memory, 0 those who fear Thee, 0 Lord: Thy precious
ever-glorious ones. Cross, whereby Thou didst put to shame the
Theotokion: Enlighten those who with love princes and rulers of darkness, and didst re­
hymn and magnify thee, 0 pure Maiden, and store us to our primal blessed state. Wherefore,
dispel the darkness of our passions. Still the we glorify Thy loving dispensation, 0 almighty
tempest ofthe evil one, and by thy supplications Jesus, Savior of our souls.
drive away his temptations from among us, 0 Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
Maiden. our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
Canon of the Theotokos
our hands do Thou guide aright.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Martyricon: Who is not moved to awe,
Rejoice, 0 all-pure one, who for those on
beholding the good fight whichyefought, 0 holy
earth truly gavest birth unto Joy! Rejoice,
martyrs: how, though in the flesh, ye van­
haven of salvation and protection of those who
quished the incorporeal foe, confessing Christ
have recourse unto thee! Rejoice, 0 pure ladder
and armed with the Cross? Wherefore, as is
who bearest up those who have fallen! Rejoice,
meet, ye were shown to be expellers of the
0 most blessed Theotokos, thou hope of our
demons and victors over the barbarians, pray­
ing unceasingly that our souls be saved.
By thy powerful supplication rid my defiled
soul and body of the weeds of my sin, 0 divinely Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
joyous and all-pure Mistress, granting me the Mel.: "As one valiant among the martyrs ... "­
healing of salvation, the divine fear of the Mas­ When she beheld Thee nailed to the Cross,
ter, 0 most immaculate one. 0 Lord, the Ewe-lamb, Thy Mother, marveled

and cried out: "What is this that I see, 0 my Son Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
most desired? Thus art Thou repaid by the through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
disobedient and iniquitous assembly, which Hour, and Dismissal.
enjoyed Thy many miracles. But glory to Thine
ineffable condescension, 0 Master!"


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- M artyricon: Wielding the Cross as a
Of old was Adam banished from paradise weapon, 0 holy martyrs, with valiant resolve ye
through the tree, but by the tree of the Cross went forth to engage the foe; and having de­
hath the thiefcome to dwell in paradise: the one stroyed them, ye were crowned with a wreath of
by tasting rejected the commandment of the incorruption, and, rejoicing, have received
Creator, but the other, crucified with Christ, higher glory, 0 right blessed ones; wherefore,
confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remem­ we bless you with faith.
ber me in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : That Thou mightest manifestly
Beholding Thee stretched out upon the show us Thy lovingkindness toward us, Thou
Cross, 0 only Long-suffering One, the hosts of wast nailed to the Cross, 0 Savior Who art one
heaven were at a loss and marveled, trembling; with the Father and the Spirit; and Thou didst
the earth quaked, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, endure the sponge, the reed, mockery and
and the beauty ofthe heavenly lights was extin­ stripes, desiring to deliver from everlasting fire
guished when Thou wast unjustly condemned; those who cry: Remember us, 0 Savior, in Thy
and Adam, who was condemned, was justified. kingdom!
I glorify Thy lovingkindness! Now & ever ... : He Who is everywhere infi­
Lifted up on Golgotha, thou didst crush the nite and unconfined by space made His abode
head ofthe enemy; and having died on the Tree, within thy holy womb, 0 all-pure Mistress
0 Master, Thou didst bring life to those who Theotokos; and, suspended upon the Tree, He
were slain by the fruit of the tree, and didst manifestly poured forth life upon the world.
cause to dwell in paradise those who unceas­ Him do thou beseech, that He mortify our car­
ingly glorify Thy goodness and cry out: Remem­ nal-mindedness, and that He save all, in that
ber us in Thy kingdom! He loveth mankind.


On ''Lord, I have cried ... ", these stichera of the As ye have boldness before the Savior, 0
holy martyrs, hierarchs and the venerable, in saints, unceasingly pray for us sinners, asking
Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: "Thou hast given a remissionoftransgressions andgreatmercyfor
sign ... "- our souls.
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion-
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
The Prophet David, the forefather of God,
is forgiveness.
for thy sake gave voice beforehand in psalmody
Emulating the sufferings of Christ Who
concerning thee, unto Him Who in thee accom­
loveth mankind, 0 passion-bearers, ye gave
plished mighty works: The Queen stood at Thy
your bodies over to wounds, and bitter tor­
right hand. For God Whose good pleasure it
ments, and myriad pangs, ever looking forward
was to become incarnate of thee without father
to the divine delight of paradise, to ever-abun­
showed thee, His Mother, to be the Mediatress
dant sustenance and everlasting glory; and
of life that He might renew His image which
had b~come corrupt through the passions; and
having received this, ye pray for those who
hymn you.
having found the sheep which had strayed
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
among the mountains and become lost, He
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
taketh it upon His shoulders and bringeth it to
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
His Father; and Christ, Who is possessed of
hoped in the Lord.
great and rich mercy, in accordance with His
The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
will, uniteth it with the hosts of heaven, and
Stichos: From the morning watch until
saveth the world, 0 Theotokos.
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord.
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
0 most sacred pastors, as glorious emulators
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
of Christ, the Chief Shepherd, the King of all, ye
readily laid down your lives for the sheep, and
Aposticha stichera, in Tone IV­
endured grievous misfortunes, 0 right blessed
M artyricon: 0 Christ God, Who art glorified
ones; and as champions ye save the divinely
in the memorials of Thy saints, be Thou en­
chosen flock unharmed by cruel wolves.
treated by them, and send down upon us great
Then, these other stichera, ofthe martyrs, in the
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
same melody-
God of Israel.
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
M artyricon: 0 Thou Who lovest mankind,
and with Him there is plenteous redemption;
and Who hast accepted the patience of the holy
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui­
martyrs, through their supplications grant us
great mercy.
0 martyrs of the Lord, ye animate sacri­
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast
fices, noetic holocausts, perfect offerings to
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord.
God, ye lambs who know God and are known of
N ekrosimon: With the souls ofthe righteous
Him, and to whose fold the wolves have no
who have fallen asleep grant rest, 0 Savior, to
entry: Pray ye that with you we also may be
the souls of thy departed servants, preserving
tended by the water of peace.
them in the life of blessedness which is in Thee
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
Who lovest mankind.
praise Him, all ye peoples.
Precious is the death of Thy saints, 0 Lord! Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
For broken by swords, fire and freezing cold, 0 all-pure Mistress, inextinguishable lamp
they poured forth their blood, placing in Thee and throne ofrighteousness: Pray thou that our
their hope, that they would receive reward for souls be saved.
their toils. They endured, 0 Savior, and have
received great mercy from Thee. Then Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
' .
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to Trisagion through Our Father... Tropana.
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ Litany, and Dismissal.
eth forever.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy

Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of
ODE I the Godhead, Jesus most divine hath come on a
Irmos: 0 Thou Who wast born ofthe Virgin, light cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath
drown Thou, I pray Thee, the three parts of my saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power, 0
soul in the depths of dispassion, as of old Thou Christ!
didst drown the mounted captains of Pharaoh; 0 divinely blessed Maiden, free me who am
that, in the mortality of my body, as on a held fast by despondency, am wholly benighted
timbrel, I may chant a hymn of victory. by the gloom ofthe passions, and am in thrall to
From the mire of the passions, from the sin; and join me to thy Son and our God.
threefold billows of wicked thoughts, from the In that thou gavest birth to Life, 0 all­
darts of the evil one, and from every assault of immaculate one, give life to me who have been
the adversary, deliver my wretched soul, 0 all­ slain by the malice of the deceiver; for to thee
pure Theotokos, and rescue me from everlast­ have I fled. Lead me up who have been engulfed
ing fire. by abysmal falls, in that thou art merciful, 0
Lead me up from the abyss of transgres­ most immaculate one.
sions, 0 pure one, and guide me to the light of Glory .. .: I lie in the tomb of mine unseemly
the divine commandments of Christ God our pleasures, and am held fast by despondency
Savior; shine forth upon me the saving radiance and slothfulness. Yet, 0 good one who gavest
of repentance, and grant me life eternal. birth to the Resurrection of all, enliven and
Glory ... : Having fallen into the evil mire save me!
of my wicked deeds, I am choked greatly on Now & ever ... : Of old, 0 Virgin, the prophet
mine evils, and I find no firm place whereon to called thee the sacred mountain of God, wholly
stand. 0 Virgin Mistress and Mother, lead overshadowed by the virtues, from whence the
me up by thy power, and deliver me from fire saving Word appeared, unto the edification and
and torment. enlightenment of our souls.
Now & ever ... : Thou hast destroyed death and
corruption, 0 most hymned Theotokos, having 0DEV
given birth to Christ, theWell-spring of incorrup­ Irmos: The ungodly perceive not Thy glory,
tion, Who hath adorned human nature with 0 Christ; but, waking at dawn out of the night,
immortality and grace, 0 all-immaculate one. we hymn Thee, 0 Only-begotten One Who
lovest mankind, Thou effulgence of the glory of
ODE III the Father's divinity.
Irmos: Neither in wisdom, nor in power, nor May my lowly soul rejoice to fear thy
yet in riches do we boast, but in Thee, 0 Christ, Son, 0 Mistress, and to carry out His com­
the hypostatic Wisdom ofthe Father; for none is mandments with a willing heart. 0 most
holy save Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. immaculate and all-pure one, guide me by
Having been made manifest, 0 pure Virgin, thy supplications.
take the darkness away from my soul, break 0 good Mistress, vouchsafe that my
asunder the bonds of sin, and save me by thine passion-plagued soul may confess the
assistance, I pray. Deliverer with all my heart, dispelling the
My heart, which hath been whirled about ignorance of my heart, 0 most immaculate one.
by the assaults of the passions, do thou make Glory ... : Keep thou my soul as the apple of
steadfast in the all-pure fear of God, 0 all­ thine eye under the shelter ofthy wings, 0 good
immaculate Virgin, by thy loving-kindness. and all-pure one, and deliver it from the oppres­
Glory ... : Despairing of any hope, 0 all­ sion and tyranny of the evil spirits.
immaculate one, I have fled to thee as my Now & ever ... : 0 all-pure one, thou hast
mighty preservation and shelter. Wherefore, appeared, delivering from the assaults of the
take not away from me thy divine protection. passions and the evil demons thy servant who
Now & ever ... : Arrayed like aqueeninrobes hath acquired thee as a mighty ally and
inwrought with gold, 0 Mistress, thou standest intercessor unashamed.
now at the right hand of God, praying for thy



Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial, Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all, de­
the Prophet Jonah, praying within the sea mon­ scending into the midst of the flame Thou
ster, cried out: Deliver me from corruption, 0 didst bedew the pious youths and didst teach
Jesus, King of hosts! them to chant: Bless and hymn the Lord, all
Cast down those who ever wage war upon ye works!
me, 0 Mistress, and dispel the cloud ofmine evil Heal thou my ailing soul, 0 Theotokos,
thoughts, 0 Mother of God who art the portal of Virgin Bride of God; illumine my benighted
the Sun of righteousness. mind, and rescue me from fire and the inde­
Shine upon me the radiance of repentance, scribable and everlasting torments.
0 Mistress, and break through the clouds of Bent beneath the weight of irrational pas­
mine evil thoughts, for I have been attracted sions, I have fallen into the abyss of destruction
and corrupted by grievous corruption. and have made myselffuel for the flame; yet do
Glory ... : Still thou the raging billows of my thou deliver me, thy servant, therefrom, 0
passions and quell the storm of mine evil Virgin Theotokos.
thoughts, 0 all-immaculate one, thou steadfast Glory ... : Dry up the depths ofmine evils,
intercessor and protection of all. 0 thou who gavest birth to the Abyss of
Now & ever ... : The transgressions of my loving-kindness, the Deliverer and Lord,
soul have multiplied more than the sand of and before the end loose thou the bonds of
the sea, and like a heavy burden they crush mine evils, 0 thou who gavest birth to the
me; yet, taking pity, 0 Virgin, save me before Savior of all.
the end. Now & ever ... : The Lord Who became incar­
nate through thy womb, He Who hath dominion
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': Thrice. Glory ... , over all creation, showed thee, 0 Virgin, to be
Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone IV- the sovereign Lady who reignest over all crea­
We, the faithful, bless thee as the Theoto­ tures, visible and invisible, glorifying thee as
kos, our helper and fervent aid amid misfor­ His immaculate Mother.
tunes, our reconciliation with God, by whom we
have been delivered from corruption. ODE IX
Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode un­
ODE VII der the curse ofdisobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the children of Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world
Abraham trampled upon the flame of the fur­ through the Offspring of thy child-bearing.
nace, crying aloud in hymns: 0 God of our Wherefore, we all magnify thee.
fathers, blessed art Thou! My heart, which is barren of divine virtues,
0 pure Theotokos, I call upon thee with 0 all-pure Virgin Theotokos, do thou show forth
faith: Keep safe my lowly heart, and deliver me as fruitful, in that thou wast born of a barren
from the flame of torment and everlasting woman at the behest and by the will ofHim Who
darkness. transformeth all things: that I may hymn thee,
With the spear of thy Son, 0 pure Virgin, the most hymned one.
rend asunder the record of my transgressions, With thy light illumine me, 0 all­
and deliver me, I pray, from all restraint at the immaculate one who gavest birth to the
hour of mine end. unapproachable Light; burn away the
Glory ... : With the streams of my tears and clouds of my passions, rescue me from the
the downpouring of thy compassions, 0 pure darkness devoid of light, and vouchsafe
Virgin, quench thou the furnace which the unto me divine light, that I may hymn thee,
multitude of mine evils have prepared for me 0 Virgin Mother.
through the activity of the demons. Glory ... : With the sprinkling of thy com­
Now &ever... : From the temptations which passions, 0 pure one, cleanse thou the putre­
assail us and from every torment, 0 thou who faction of my heart, and vouchsafe that I may
alone art the Ever-virgin Mother of the Word, ever shed my tears in streams, cutting off the
do thou deliver us who truly hymn thee with torrents of the passions and delivering me
understanding for all ages. from torment.


Now & ever ... : 0 right loving Theotokos Then, "It is truly meet ... ", and a prostration.
who gavest birth to the right loving God, do thou Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparia, and
now quickly free me from wicked carnal love, the rest as usual. Dismissal.
that I, who am perishing through slothfulness,
may serve the will of God, 0 Mistress.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Nekrosimon: Unto the souls whom Thou
sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone IV- hast taken to Thyself from among transitory
Todaythe armies ofheavenhave arrived for things, 0 Savior, grant rest, in that Thou alone
the memorial of the passion-bearers, to en­ art full of lovingkindness, almighty and lovest
lighten the minds ofthe faithful and to illumine mankind; forgive the sins they have committed,
the whole world with grace. Entreated by them, in that Thou art compassionate, 0 Merciful
0 God, grant us great mercy. One; and by the supplications of the Theotokos
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the have mercy on the works of Thy hands, in that
God of Israel. Thou alone lovest mankind.
Armed with the Cross, 0 Christ our God, Thy
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
passion-bearers overcame the wiles of the en­
0 pure and most immaculate one, who knew­
emy, the author of evil, and shone forth, guiding
est not wedlock, who gavest birth within time to
mortal men like beacons; and they give healings
the only timeless Son and Word of God: Beseech
unto those who ask with faith. Through their
Him with the holy and honorable patriarchs, the
supplications save Thou our souls.
martyrs and prophets, and the venerable, that
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- He grant us cleansing and great mercy.
The mystery hidden from before the ages
and unknown even to the angels, through thee, ODE I
0 Theotokos, hath been revealed to those on Canon of the holy martyrs, hierarchs, the
earth: God incarnate in unconfused union, Who venerable & the departed, the acrostic whereof
willingly accepted the Cross for our sake and, is "I praise with splendor the godly friends of
thereby raising up the first-formed man, hath Christ': the composition of Joseph, in Tone
saved our souls from death. IV-
Irmos: 0 Thou Who wast born of the Virgin,
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these drown Thou, I pray Thee, the three parts of my
sessional hymns, in Tone IV- soul in the depths of dispassion, as of old Thou
In their sufferings, 0 Lord, Thy martyrs didst drown the mounted captains of Pharaoh;
received imperishable crowns from Thee, our that, in the mortality of my body, as on a
God; for, possessed of Thy might, they cast timbrel, I may chant a hymn of victory.
down the tyrants and crushed the feeble audac­ The honorable Church is ever made splen­
ity of the demons. By their supplications save did by the radiant struggles of the athletes of
Thou our souls. the Lord, and rendering worship it glorifieth
Stichos: Many are the tribulations of the Christ, the Sun Who shone forth from the Vir­
righteous, and the Lord shall deliver them out gin and dispelled the darkness of deception.
ofthem all. With faith let us praise the holy hierarchs of
Adorned with the blood of Thy martyrs Christ, who shepherded well the chosen people;
throughout all the world, as with purple and and let us praise the whole assembly of those
fine linen, Thy Church crieth out to Thee who lived in holiness and by their spirit morti­
through them, 0 Christ God: Send down Thy fied the pleasures of the body.
compassions upon Thy people, and grant peace Might was given by God to women who by
to Thy commonwealth and great mercy to our grace trampled down the enemy in fasting and
souls! mighty suffering. By the supplications of them
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast and Thy holy prophets, 0 Lord, send down Thy
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord. mercies upon all.


Nekrosimon: 0 Christ, justify Thy servants As mouths of God, the initiates ofthe sacred
whom, in Thy righteous providence, Thou hast mysteries brought forth worthy people from
taken from this corruptible life unto true life; among the unworthy, enlightening them with
and, overlooking their transgressions, vouch­ sacred teachings.
safe that they may join chorus with all Thy The company of the venerable have found
righteous ones. inexhaustible sustenance through their asceti­
Theotokion: Delivering us from the primal cism, delighting in the sight of divine things
condemnation, the Son of God became thy Son, and in spiritual ascents.
0 pure one; wherefore, adopted for thy sake, we Nekrosimon: At the entreaties of all Thy
bless the heavenly Father, hymning thee. saints, 0 Christ, grant rest unto all who have
departed in faith, overlooking the transgres­
Another canon, of the departed, we chant
sions they have committed in their life.
when there is no Menaion, the acrostic
Theotokion: We offer praise unto God Who
whereof is "A fourth rule: remembering our
through the Virgin was born in the flesh, and
end': in Tone IV-
Who hath united the choirs of women to the
Irmos: Having traversed the depths ofthe Red
angelic choirs.
Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old vanquished
the might of Amalek in the wilderness by Canon of the Departed
Moses' arms stretched out in the form of the Irmos: Neither in wisdom, nor in power, nor yet
Cross. in riches do we boast, but in Thee, 0 Christ, the
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the hypostatic Wisdom of the Father; for none is
God of Israel. holy save Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
Keep Thy servants at Thy right hand, 0 Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Savior, and, entreated by the passion-bearing God of Israel.
martyrs, guide them to the pasture of immor­ Having triumphed over the deception of
tality, that they may behold Thy beauty. idolatry, the martyrs now entreat God the Mas­
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of ter, that He grant divine rest unto those who
Thy departed servants. have reposed before.
Overlooking their transgressions, vouch­ Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
safe, 0 Christ, that they who have reposed in Thy departed servants.
faith may inherit Thine ineffable and blessed Be Thou well-pleased to withdraw the flam­
glory; and justify them by grace, through the ing sword, 0 Master, that Thy servants who
shedding of Thy blood. have reposed may partake of the tree of life.
Glory ... : By Thy life-bearing death Thou Glory ... : Vouchsafe that Thy servants may
didst slay the slayer, 0 Christ God. Grant rest dwell amid the sustenance of paradise, where
now to Thy faithful servants, whom Thou hast the pure voices of those who keep festival are
received, and to whom Thou givest Thy life. heard, 0 Christ, granting them remission of
Theotokion: When the Son of God, Who is their offenses.
comely in all-exalted beauties, yet became in­ Theotokion: Thou didst combine virginity
carnate ofthee, 0 Virgin, was lifted up upon the with divine birthgiving, 0 all-pure one; for thou
Tree, He was bereft of beauty, taking on Him­ didst ineffably give birth to the Creator of all
self death for all. things, unto Whose will all submit.


Canon ofAll Saints Canon ofAll Saints
Irmos: The bow of the mighty is become weak, Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of the
and the strengthless have girded themselves Godhead, Jesus most divine hath come on alight
with power; wherefore, my heart is established cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath saved
in the Lord. those who cry: Glory to Thy power, 0 Christ!
Slaughtered like lambs, the right victorious The most sacred company of martyrs hath
martyrs were offered unto Christ, the Lamb been glorified; and by their members in sacred
and Word of God Who was slain for the deliver­ manner they have glorified the Lord Who is
ance of all. glorified by all the angels, and theypraythatwe
be delivered from all tribulation.

Possessed of a mind resplendent with im­ Suspended upon crosses, broken on wheels
material radiance, 0 godly hierarchs, ye dis­ and dismembered, the mighty martyrs ap­
pelled the night of all deception, and with true peared before God wholly intact.
instruction guided the divinely chosen flock of As saviors of the faithful, 0 holy hierarchs,
Christ to understanding. ye brought to the Lamb and Master those who
The innumerable multitude of the vener­ were entrusted to you to shepherd in holiness.
able hath been adorned, the sole triumph of Having withdrawn from the tumults of the
divine women hath been magnified, and the world, 0 venerable ones, ye calmed hearts
holy council ofthe prophets hath been honored, stirred up by the passions, and became children
united, rejoicing, with the councils ofthe angels of the God of all.
Nekrosimon: Having become fellow citizens Nekrosimon: 0 ye divine prophets, 0 com­
with the angels, 0 holy martyrs, ask for all pany of women who were pleasing unto God,
those who have fallen asleep remission, a dwell­ ask rest for those who have fallen asleep before
ing in divine paradise, and ultimate deliver­ us.
ance from transgressions. Theotokion: God, Who made His abode
Theotokion: He Who preserved thee a virgin within thee, 0 all-pure Virgin, hath made men
after thine incorrupt birthgiving hath glorified divine habitations of His glory.
the virgins who stand round about thee. With
Canon of the Departed
them do thou unceasingly pray that our souls be
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
saved from every sorrow and peril.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Canon of the Departed God of Israel.
Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the Thou didst glorify the martyrs of Thy do­
Cross, 0 Sun of righteousness, the Church minion, 0 Lord; for their sake grant rest unto
stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet: those who have fallen asleep before us, in that
Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! Thou art full of lovingkindness.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
God of Israel. Thy departed servants.
Shown forth as luminaries, the martyrs 0 greatly Merciful One, grant unto those
enlighten the sky of the Church, and they en­ who have died before us never-ending life,
treat Christ the Savior to grant surcease unto beauteous joy and unceasing gladness.
those who have fallen asleep. Glory ... : 0 only Good One, Source of good­
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of ness, grant rest unto those who reached the end
Thy departed servants. of their life in faith and the knowledge of Thee.
Possessing Thy Cross as a rod of power, thy Theotokion: We hymn thee, 0 Mother of
servants have passed through the sea of the God, through whom the ineffable and unap­
world, 0 Lord, and Thou hast caused them to proachable Light hath shone forth on those in
dwell in Thy mountain, wherein Thou didst darkness, and we bless thee with love.
make Thy sanctuary.
Glory ... : Thy servants, whom Thou hast OnE VI
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Master, be Thou Canon ofAll Saints
well-pleased to settle in Thy truly beloved habi­ Irmos: I have come unto the depths of the sea,
tations, where the souls of the righteous dwell. and the tempest of my many sins hath engulfed
Theotokion: The Immortal One, Who hath me; but, as God, lead up my life from the abyss,
dominion over the dead and the living, becom­ 0 greatly Merciful One.
ing incarnate as a man from thee, 0 Mother of Like most costly stones all-wisely rolling
God, endured death in the flesh, destroying the upon the earth, 0 martyrs, ye demolished the
power of death. whole structure of ungodliness and became
temples of God.
0DEV From violent hands ye save all who are
Canon ofAll Saints under your hands, 0 holy, righteous and vener­
Irmos: Thou hast come, 0 my Lord, as a light into able hierarchs, preserving the flock in Christ;
the world: a holy light turning from the darkness wherefore, ye are called blessed.
of ignorance those who hymn Thee with faith.

Following the sayings of the prophets, in The goodly endurance of the women who
sufferings and fasting the multitude of women shone forth in holiness and suffering and with
pleased God the Word, Who shone forth from faith labored in asceticism hath cast down him
the Virgin, a woman. who infected Eve with disobedience.
Nekrosimon: 0 greatly Merciful One, Thou N ekrosimon: 0 Thou Who hast destroyed
Life of all, vouchsafe unto the dead who in faith hades and trampled down death by Thy death,
have passed from us unto Thee, the Creator, grant rest to those whom Thou hast taken to
that they may dwell in light with Thy saints. Thyself in faith, and cause them to dwell in
Theotokion: With mouth, tongue and heart paradise.
I confess thee to be the pure Mother of our God, Theotokion: Seeing the flame which did not
0 Maiden. By thy mediation deliver me from consume the bush, the law-giver of old was
everlasting damnation. taught an image of thy birthgiving, 0 ever­
blessed Virgin Theotokos.
Canon of the Departed
Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of Canon of the Departed
praise, 0 Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee, Irmos: The children of Abraham in the Persian
cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood furnace, afire with love of piety more than with
which, for mercy's sake, flowed from Thy side. the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou in the
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the temple of Thy glory, 0 Lord!
God of Israel. Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Let the flaming sword, beholding the spear God of Israel.
which pierced Thy divine side, withdraw before Accepting the endurance and patience and
Thy servants, 0 Savior, at the entreaties ofThy the blood of all the martyrs, grant rest unto
passion..,bearers. those who in piety have fallen asleep in Thee, in
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of that Thou art merciful and right placable.
Thy departed servants. Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Hanging upon the Tree, 0 my Savior, Thou Thy departed servants.
didst open paradise. In that Thou art compas­ Numbering the souls of Thy servants who
sionate, cause those who have reposed in the have passed on to Thee among the firstborn and
faith to dwell therein, and show them to be Thy righteous, 0 Savior, vouchsafe that they
partakers of Thy life. may unceasingly delight in Thee Who hast
Glory ... : Vouchsafe that those who through dominion over all.
death have passed over to Thee in piety, 0 Glory ... : 0 Word of God, our Deliverer, in
Master, may delight in the pasture of life, and that Thou art merciful be Thou well-pleased, as
number them with the righteous of ages past. God, that those whom Thou hast now taken to
Theotokion: Though the Word is invisible Thyself may meet Thee on the clouds, with
God, yet did He become visibly incarnate of the gladness, confidence and splendor.
Virgin Maiden who knew not man; and by His Theotokion: Rejoice, 0 blessed Theotokos,
death He hath destroyed death. Virgin Mother, for because of thee hath the
destruction of death been wrought and life
ODE VII indestructible been given to those who have
Canon ofAll Saints died.
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the children of Abra­
ham trampled upon the flame of the furnace, ODE VIII
crying aloud in hymns: 0 God of our fathers, Canon ofAll Saints
blessed art Thou! Irmos: 0 Almighty Deliverer of all, descending
Together let us in gladness of soul hymn the into the midst ofthe flame Thou didst bedew the
martyrs of the Lord, the sanctified vessels of pious youths and didst teach them to chant:
Christ the Master, the bulwarks and pillars of Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!
the Church. The holy hierarchs, prophets and martyrs,
The holy hierarchs of Christ and the divine who fought the sacred fight, have received a
choir of all the venerable rejoice with the hosts sacred habitation with the angels, and with
on high. By their supplications, 0 Christ, save them they ask that cleansing and great mercy
those who hymn Thee. be given to us all.

Enlightened by the Spirit, the venerable gavest birth unto God, and hast poured forth
ones dispelled the darkness of the demons; and eternal life upon the dead; wherefore, we all
with them the hieromartyrs and holy hierarchs, bless thee, 0 Mary, Bride of God.
the prophets and the righteous, glorify God in
praise. We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
He who before boasted mindlessly that he Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
would destroy the earth and the sea is ever than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
trampled underfoot by the women who have
zealously served God in asceticism and fasting. ODE IX
N ekrosimon: We beseech Thee in behalf of Canon ofAll Saints
all who in faith have fallen asleep, 0 Christ: In Irmos: Eve, through weakness, abode under
that Thou art full of lovingkindness, enroll the curse of disobedience; but thou, 0 Virgin
them in the choirs of the saved, who unceas­ Theotokos, hast put forth blessing for the world
ingly cry out: Bless the Lord, allye works ofthe through the Offspring of thy child-bearing.
Lord! Wherefore, we all magnify thee.
Theotokion: 0 Mistress Theotokos, who Seeing the divine gifts and receiving honors
gavest birth to the right merciful Word, vouch­ for their great pangs, the martyrs rejoice, mag­
safe me thy mercy, and save me who cry out: nifying Christ Who truly magnified them and
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! showed them to be victors.
Having been ordained as bishops for the
Canon of the Departed
people and made yourselves radiant through
Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel shut
fasting, 0 holy hierarchs who preached God, ye
the lions' mouths in the pit; and the young
shone forth more brightly than the sun, illu­
lovers of piety, girded about with virtue,
mining the faithful in the manifestation of
quenched the power ofthe fire, crying out: Bless
great deeds, 0 venerable ones.
the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
Let us bless all the venerable and the righ­
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
teous, the hieromartyrs and all the prophets,
God of Israel.
and the women who splendidly pleased God,
Hearkening to the entreaties ofthe martyrs
crying out: At their entreaties, 0 Christ, deliver
and taking pity on that which is of the same
our souls from Gehenna!
stock as Thee, 0 Master, grant rest to the souls
Nekrosimon: Unto those who have passed
ofthose who have fallen asleep in faith in Thee,
over to Thee in faith vouchsafe the joy received
overlooking their sins, for they cry unto Thee:
by the saints who were well-pleasing unto Thee,
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
0 Christ, overlooking their offenses, 0 only
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
greatly merciful Lord.
Thy departed servants.
Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one who
Reckoned as one dead with the two malefac­
wast revealed to be more exalted than the
tors, Thou didst pour forth immortal life upon
cherubim, in that thou gavest birth to the Sus­
the dead; wherefore, vouchsafe that Thy ser­
tainer of all things, elevate my mind, strength­
vants who have reposed in the hope of resurrec­
ening me against the carnal passions, that I
tion may receive Thy kingdom, 0 Savior, for
may do the will of the Master.
they cry unto Thee: Bless the Lord, all ye works
of the Lord! Canon of the Departed
Glory ... : 0 Savior, Thou truly ever-flowing Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Well-spring of goodness, grant peace unto Thy Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
servants, who have meekly left this corruptible God of Israel.
life and found repose in the mansions ofheaven, Unto true martyrs and athletes Thou gav­
for they cry unto Thee: Bless the Lord, all ye est the boldness to entreat Thee, 0 Lord. For
works ofthe Lord! their sake give divine deliverance unto those
Theotokion: Thou alone hast appeared on who have reposed in faith, granting them to
earth as an all-pure virgin and mother who dwell in a place of holy habitation.
knew not wedlock, 0 Mistress, for in manner Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
past recounting and comprehension thou Thy departed servants.


0 Thou Who by Thy most creative hand dost their hope, that they would receive reward for
work all things for the good, Who hast authority their toils. They endured, 0 Savior, and have
over the living and dominion over the dead: In received great mercy from Thee.
that Thou art almighty, settle by peaceful wa­ Nekrosimon: In the place of Thy rest, 0
ters Thy servants whom Thou hast taken to Lord, where all Thy saints repose, grant rest
Thyself. also to the souls of thy servants, in that Thou
Glory ... : 0 Thou Who art good by nature, alone lovest mankind.
Who art rich in mercies and goodness, deliver Glory ... : Where is the passionate attraction
from the outermost darkness those who call of the world? Where is the illusion oftransitory
upon Thy name, justifying them by faith and things? Where is the gold and silver? Where
grace, and enlighten them, in that Thou lovest are the multitude of servants and their clamor?
mankind. All is dust, all is ashes, all is shadow. But come
Theotokion: The prophets proclaimed the ye, and let us cry aloud to Christ Who is immor­
images of thy birthgiving, 0 most immaculate tal: 0 Lord, vouchsafe Thine eternal good
one, and others have composed yet other titles things unto those who have departed from us,
for thee, for thou gavest birth unto the Life of granting them rest in Thy blessedness which
those in hades, Who destroyeth the might of waxeth not old.
death. Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 only pure and
all-pure Virgin, who gavest birth without seed
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a unto God: Pray thou that our souls be saved.
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Aposticha stichera of the departed, in Tone IV:
usual psalms;
Spec. Mel.: "Thou hast given a sign ... "­
Truly awesome is the mystery of death: how
On the Praises, these stichera ofthe martyrs, in
the soul is perforce wrested from the body and
is parted from the frame and cohesion of its
Who is not filled with awe, beholding the
physical form by Thy divine will! Wherefore, we
good contest wherein ye struggled, 0 holy mar­
beseech Thee: In the dwellings ofThy righteous
tyrs? How have ye, who are fleshly beings,
grant rest to those who have departed unto
vanquished the incorporeal foe, confessing
Thee, 0 Bestower of life, Who lovest mankind.
Christ and having armed yourselves with His
Stichos: Blessed are those whom Thou hast
Cross? Wherefore, as is meet, ye have been
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord.
shown to be expellers of the demons and oppo­
Death is but a dream for those who believe
nents of the barbarians, unceasingly praying
in Thee Who wast laid in the tomb, and, exercis­
that our souls be saved.
ing dominion over all, didst destroy the do min­
Ye have become fellow partakers with the
ion of death, abolishing its age-old sway.
angels, 0 holy martyrs who manfully preached
Wherefore, we entreat Thee: Those who have
Christ at the tribunal; for ye forsook all the
departed unto Thee do Thou cause to dwell in
beautiful things ofthis world as though they did
the joy of Thy saints and the splendor ofthe just.
not exist, and clung to the Faith as your stead­
Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
fast hope. Wherefore, having driven deception
away, ye pour forth gifts of healing upon the
Thou becamest justification and sanctifica­
faithful, unceasingly praying that our souls be
tion for us, and the deliverance of our souls; for
Thou didst call us, justified and delivered, unto
How can we fail to marvel at your struggles,
the Father, accepting our debt as canceled. And
0 holy martyrs? For, clad in mortal bodies, ye
we now entreat Thee: In the joy and radiance of
vanquished incorporeal enemies. The threats
Thy saints grant rest unto those who have
of tyrants did not frighten you, neither did the
passed over to Thee, 0 our Benefactor Who
infliction of tortures daunt you. Ye have truly
lovest mankind.
been glorified by Christ, as is meet. Ask ye
great mercy for our souls. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
Precious is the death of Thy saints, 0 Lord! Following the words of the divinely elo­
For broken by swords, fire and freezing cold, quent prophets, 0 most immaculate one, we
they poured forth their blood, placing in Thee understand thee to be the Theotokos; for thou


didst ineffably give birth to God incarnate, Who Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
hath delivered us who have been made captive through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
by offenses. Him do thou now beseech, 0 all­ Hour, and Dismissal.
pure one, that He illumine thy departed ser­
vants with His effulgence.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone IV- Nekrosimon: Where Thy light shineth, and
Of old was Adam banished from paradise where the choirs of the saints rejoice, whence
through the tree, but by the tree of the Cross sighing and pain are fled, do Thou number Thy
hath the thiefcome to dwell in paradise: the one servants, who have reposed in times past and
by tasting rejected the commandment of the departed this most painful life, 0 Christ, that
Creator, but the other, crucified with Christ, they may hymn Thine ineffable goodness; and
confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remem­ overlook the transgressions they committed on
ber me in Thy kingdom! earth.
Afire with the love of Christ, 0 holy mar­ Glory ... : 0 indivisible Trinity, Who art
tyrs, with the dew of your struggles ye worshipped in the Father, the Son and the
quenched the fire of ungodliness; and ye were Spirit, 0 Unity of three Hypostases, united in
shown to be greatly radiant lamps of the every way though with unconfused properties:
Church, driving the darkness ofinfirmities and At the entreaties of Thy holy martyrs, the
tribulations from our souls by your goodness; fathers and the honorable prophets, grant rest
wherefore, we praise you as is meet. unto those who have died in the Faith, and
0 sacred hierarchs, ye divine company of grant purification to their souls.
the prophets, ye choir of the venerable, ye sole Now & ever ... : Thou didst conceive the
procession of holy women, who pleased God Word Whom the Father begot before the morn­
with virtuous acts and have been glorified: We ing-star, and gavest birth to Him in the flesh as
bless you, praying through your entreaties, perfect man, known in two activities and wills,
that we may receive enlightenment and life 0 all-pure one. Wherefore, entreat Him as the
everlasting. Creator and Lord, that He have pity on us who
hymn thee, 0 Maiden Bride of God.


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