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On ''Lord, I have cried ... ': 4 stichera, the compo­ passions, 0 Christ, and by Thy resurrection
sition ofour venerable father John ofDamascus, have we been delivered from corruption. 0
in Tone I- Lord, glory be to Thee!
Stichos: From the morning watch until
And these other stichera, of the Theotokos, in
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Joy of the ranks of
the Lord.
heaven ... "-
Accept Thou our evening prayers, 0 holy
Stichos: I shall commemorate thy name in
Lord, and grant us remission of sins, as Thou
every generation and generation.
alone art He Who hath shown forth the resur­
All-glorious art thou among generations
rection in the world.
and generations, 0 Virgin Mother and Maiden,
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
Mary Theotokos, intercession for the world,
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
who gavest birth in the flesh to the Son of the
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
unoriginate Father, Who is in truth equally
The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
everlasting with the Spirit. Him do Thou en­
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
treat, that we be saved.
praise Him, all ye peoples.
Stichos: Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and
Encircle Sion and embrace it, 0 ye people,
incline thine ear.
and therein give glory unto Him Who hath risen
Beset by desperate tribulations, yet pos­
from the dead; for He is our God, Who hath
sessed of thine intercession alone, 0 pure Vir­
delivered us from our iniquities.
gin, we cry out in thanksgiving: Save us, 0 most
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
holy Bride of God, for thou art the refuge of the
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
world and the help of our race!
eth forever.
Stichos: The rich among the people shall
Come, ye people, let us hymn and worship
entreat thy countenance.
Christ, glorifying His resurrection from the
The world was renewed at thy birthgiving,
dead; for He is our God, Who hath delivered the
0 Maiden Theotokos, thou salvation of the
world from the deception of the enemy.
faithful and ever-vigilant intercessor for those
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion- who piously entreat thee: 0 all-pure one, cease
Today is the festival of the Virgin, 0 breth­ thou never to pray earnestly in behalfof all who
ren! Let creation leap for joy; let mankind join hymn thee!
chorus. For the holy Theotokos hath called us
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion, in
together, she who is the undefiled treasure of
the same tone-
virginity, the noetic paradise of the Second
The prophet called thee the cloud of the
Adam, the preserver of the unity of the two
everlasting Light, 0 Virgin; for Christ our God,
natures, the triumph of the reconciliation of
the Word of the Father, Who shone forth from
salvation, the bridal chamber wherein the
thee, descending from thee like the dew upon
Word truly espoused the flesh, the light cloud
the fleece, hath enlightened the world and abol­
which bore within her body Him Who is over the
ished deception. We entreat thee, 0 all-pure
cherubim. Through her supplications, 0 Christ
one: Cease thou never to beseech Him earnestly
God, save Thou our souls!
in behalf of us who confess thee to be the true
Then, "0 gladsome Light... ". The Prokimenon, Theotokos.
"The Lord is king... ': with its stichoi. And after
''Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... ': the priest doth not in­ Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... ':
tone the litanies, but we chant the first sticheron Trisagion, through Our Father ... , the resurrec­
of the resurrectional aposticha, in Tone I- tional troparion, Glory ... , Now & ever ... , its
By Thy Passion have we been freed from theotokion. Little litany, and dismissal.


After the Introductory Psalm, the usual chant­ Thou didst accept the Cross and death, 0 Sinless
ing from the Psalter. One, that Thou mightest grant resurrection to the
On "Lord, I have cried ... ", 10 stichera. If the world, in that Thou lovest mankind.
Menaion hath a doxasticon, it is chanted on Stichos: From the morning watch until
Glory .... If there be no doxasticon, we chant night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Glory ... , Now & ever... , the dogmaticon of the Lord.
the tone. Let us hymn the Word Who with the Father
is equally without beginning and equally ever­
The Resurrectional Stichera, in Tone 1­ lasting, Who issued forth ineffably from the
Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, that I Virgin's womb, Who of His own will accepted
may confess Thy name. the Cross and death for our sake, and rose from
Accept Thou our evening prayers, 0 holy the dead in glory; and let us say: 0 Lord,
Lord, and grant us remission of sins, as Thou Bestower of life, Thou Savior of our souls, glory
alone art He Who hath shown forth the resur­ be to Thee!
rection in the world.
Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently And these stichera of the all-holy Theotokos in
for me until Thou shalt reward me. Tone I, the composition of Paul of Amorium,
Encircle Sion and embrace it, 0 ye people, which are chanted when there is no Menaion, or
and therein give glory unto Him Who hath risen at Litia. Spec. Mel.: "Joy of the ranks of
from the dead; for He is our God, Who hath heaven ... "-
delivered us from our iniquities. Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
Stichos: Out of the depths have I cried unto and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
Thee, 0 Lord; 0 Lord, hear my voice. shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
Come, ye people, let us hymn and worship 0 Theotokos, Mistress of the world, who
Christ, glorifying His resurrection from the gavest birth to the Savior, who art more holy
dead; for He is our God, Who hath delivered the than all the holy powers and more honorable
world from the deception of the enemy. than all creation: By thy supplications save us
Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive to the from all transgressions, from sickness and mis­
voice of my supplication. fortunes.
Make merry, 0 ye heavens! Trumpet forth, Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
ye foundations of the earth! Cry aloud in glad­ praise Him all ye peoples.
ness, 0 ye mountains! For, lo! Emmanuel hath 0 Maiden, who art the portal ofcompassion,
nailed our sins to the Cross; He hath slain with faith I entreat thee, that thou disdain not
death, granting us life, having raised up Adam, my lowly soul; but do thou quickly take pity and
in that He loveth mankind. save it from the abyss of mine offenses; and
Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0 having restored thy grace within me, enlighten
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee me, 0 pure Virgin.
there is forgiveness. Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Let us hymn the One Who of His own will prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
was crucified in the flesh for our sake, Who eth forever.
suffered, and was buried, and rose from the Thou didst unite God with men, 0 Mistress.
dead; and let us chant, saying: Establish Thy Thou alone didst call our mortal essence to
Church in Orthodoxy, 0 Christ, and bring divine incorruption. Thou hast poured forth
peace to our life, in that Thou art good and salvation upon those who are of the earth. Do
lovest mankind. thou, 0 Theotokos, free us from all torments.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord, my soul hath Glory ... , from the Menaion.
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath Now & ever ... : The dogmatic theotokion, ~n
hoped in the Lord. Tone/­
Standing before Thy life-receiving tomb, un­ Let us hymn the Virgin Mary, the glory of
worthy as we are, we offer glorification to Thine the whole world, who sprang forth from men
ineffable loving-kindness, 0 Christ our God; for and gave birth unto the Master, the portal of


heaven, and the subject ofthe hymnody of the encountering it below, was filled with bitter­
incorporeal hosts and adornment of the faith­ ness, and the souls ofthe righteous, receiving it,
ful; for she hath been shown to be heaven and rejoiced. And Adam, beholding Thee, his Fash­
the temple of the Godhead. Having destroyed ioner, in the nethermost parts, arose. 0 the
the middle-wall of enmity, she hath brought wonder! HowisitthattheLifeofallhathtasted
forth peace and opened wide the kingdom. death? Yet Thou didst desire to enlighten the
Therefore, having her as the confirmation of world which crieth aloud and saith: 0 Lord,
our faith, we have as champion the Lord born of Who hast risen from the dead, glory be to Thee!
her. Wherefore, be of good courage! Yea, be ye Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0
ofgood cheer' 0 people of God, for He vanquish­ Lord, unto length of days.
eth the foe, in that He is almighty! The myrrh-bearing women arrived at Thy
tomb with haste and lamentation, bearing
myrrh; and failing to find Thine all-pure body,
Entrance. "0 gladsome Light... " And after the yet learning from the angel of the new and all­
Entrance, the appointed server, having made glorious wonder, they said to the apostles: "The
the usual bow to the superior, chanteth the daily Lord is risen, granting the world great mercy!"
prokimenon, in Tone VI-
The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty. Glory ... , from the Menaion, ifthere is a doxasti­
Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength and con provided. If not, Glory ... , Now & ever ... :
He hath girt Himself. Theotokion-
Stichos: For He hath established the world Behold, the prophecy of Isaiah hath been
which shall not be shaken. fulfilled, for a Virgin hath given birth, and after
Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0 Lord, giving birth hath remained a Virgin as before.
unto length of days. For God was born; therefore He began nature
anew. 0 Mother of God, disdain not the suppli­
Then the usual litany. "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... " cations of thy servants, which are offered unto
The litany: "Let us complete our evening thee in thy temple; but as thou bearest the
prayer... ': and the rest. And after the excla­ Compassionate One in thine arms, have pity on
mation, we chant the sticheron idiomelon of thy servants, and beseech Him that our souls be
the feast of the church, and performing Litia saved.
in the narthex, we chant the stichera ofPaul of
Amorium, or whatever the superior desireth. Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... "
And after the usual prayers, we enter the Trisagion through Our Father.
church proper, chanting the Aposticha
Resurrectional troparion, in Tone/­
stichera, in Tone 1­ When the stone had been sealed by the
By Thy passion .have we been freed from Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thine all­
passions, 0 Christ, and by Thy resurrection pure body, Thou didst arise on the third day, 0
have we been delivered from corruption. Savior, granting life to the world. Wherefore,
0 Lord, glory be to Thee! the hosts of heaven cried out to Thee, 0 Be­
Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed stower of life: Glory to Thy resurrection, 0
with majesty. Christ! Glory to Thy kingdom! Glory to Thy
Let creation rejoice! Let the heavens make dispensation, 0 Thou Who alone lovest man­
merry! Let the nations clap their hands with kind!
gladness! For Christ our Savior hath nailed our Theotokion: When Gabriel announced to
sins to the Cross; having slain death, He hath thee, "Rejoice!", 0 Virgin, the Master of all
given life, having raised up fallen Adam, the became incarnate within thee, the holy ark, at
common ancestor of all, in that He loveth man­ his cry, as the righteous David said. Thou wast
kind. shown to be more spacious than the heavens,
Stichos: For He hath established the world having borne thy Creator. Glory to Him Who
which shall not be shaken. made His abode within thee! Glory to Him Who
caine forth from thee! Glory to Him Who hath
As King of heaven and earth, 0 Unap­
set us free by thy birthgiving!
proachable One, Thou wast of Thine own will
crucified in Thy love for mankind, and Hades, And the rest of the service followeth in order.


The priest saith: Blessed is our God ... , and we to the earth by a ladder, marvelled, 0 Virgin;
respond: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to and, having awakened, he manifestly described
Thee. 0 heavenly King... , Trisagion through thee beforehand as the portal of heaven.
Our Father. Lord, have mercy (12 times). Cast into misfortune by temporal restraint,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... 0 come, let us worship ... wretch that I am, and beset by perilous tem­
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, 0 God .. .); pests, I cry aloud: Woe is me! 0 thou who gavest
Psalm 69 (0 God, be attentive unto helping birth to God and hast lifted up our horn, save me
me ... ); and Psalm 142 (0 Lord, hear my by thy supplications!
prayer... ). Then, Glory to God in the highest... , Glory ... : Stretching forth thy mighty hand
and the Symbol ofFaith (I believe in one God .. .). from heaven, 0 Christ, King of all, put Thou the
heads of the enemies, perceptible and noetic,
Canon of Supplication
under the feet of those who with faith proclaim
to the All-holy Theotokos, in Tone I
Thy Mother to be the Theotokos, 0 my Jesus.
ODE I Now & ever ... : Isaiah, of old, purified by the
Irmos: Delivered from bitter bondage, Israel burning coal of the Spirit, cried out that a Son
traversed the impassable as though it were dry would manifestly be born ofthy womb, 0 Virgin
land, and, seeing the enemy drowning, they who art exceeding rich, and to Whom in latter
chanted a hymn to God, as to their Benefactor, times thou gavest birth without man for my
Who worketh wonders with His upraised arm, sake.
for He hath been glorified.
Praising thee, 0 Queen of all, the captains of
the angelic ranks were filled with awe and fear, ODE IV
and every mind, because of thy goodness, Irmos: Habbakuk, of old, heard wondrous re­
hymneth thee as the Mother of the Creator; for port ofThee, 0 Christ, and cried out in fear: God
thou hast surpassed every form of laudation, shall come out ofThaeman, and the Holy One
having given birth to Christ. out of a mountain overshadowed and densely
Troubled by grievous temptations and af­ wooded, to save His anointed! Glory to Thy
flicted by mine enemies, wretch that I am, I cry power, 0 Lord!
out, weeping: Stretch forth thy hand to me from Thee, 0 Mother of God, did the ruler of the
on high, 0 thou who art exceeding rich, deliver­ world describe beforehand as comely and all­
ing me; and by thy supplications vouchsafe that honored among women, as coming up from the
I may live free from danger. wilderness, and bearing Christ, thine Off­
Glory ... : With the balm of thy loving­ spring, in thine arms; and he cried: Glory to Thy
kindness heal thou the secret transgressions of power, 0 Lord!
my soul, and calm the assaults of my flesh, Incline thine ear unto me, 0 good one, be­
0 Theotokos; and, turning back the spears and hold mine oppression and the increase of my
darts ofthe enemy upon them, do thou mightily tribulations! For, lifting up the eyes of my soul
pierce their hearts. to thee, 0 Mistress, and bending my knees as I
Now & ever ... : Thy virginal womb which weep, I now pray, crying: Bring an end to the
gave birth to Christ hath destroyed the ancient turmoil of my temptations!
pasture of the slayer of man; wherefore, all Glory ... : Knowing thee to be an unassail­
creation now rejoiceth, 0 all-pure one, having able rampart, moved to entreaty, I, thy servant,
been restored to life, and hymneth thy Son and now flee to thee, and I reckon the missiles ofthe
God with one accord. enemy as impotent as the darts of children, 0
thou who art exceeding rich. Wherefore, rejoic­
ODE III ing, I cry: Glory to thy birthgiving, 0 Mother of
Irmos: Let no mortal boast in his wisdom or God!
riches, but rather in his faith in the Lord, crying Now & ever ... : The power ofthe Most High
out to Christ God in Orthodox manner, and ever overshadowed thee with the visitation of the
chanting: On the rock of Thy commandments divine Spirit, 0 Virgin, and then, beyond na­
establish me, 0 Master! ture, the Lord of all, having endowed flesh and
Once, the great Jacob, sleeping on the way, soul with life, united them to Himself, bringing
and beholding angels descending from on high life thereto and remaining in the same nature.


0DEV Glory ... : Wretch that I am, I have fallen into

Irmos: Shine forth Thy never-waning light, 0 the pit of destruction, and many wild beasts
Christ, into the hearts of those who hymn Thee surround me; yet, deflect their stones by thy
with faith, granting us the peace which passeth supplications, as with stones, 0 Mistress, and
understanding. Wherefore, hastening from the keep thy servant unharmed; for thou didst bear
night of ignorance to the day by Thy light, we in thy womb Christ, the Chief Cornerstone.
glorify Thee, Who lovest mankind. Now & ever ... : Of old, the choir of the divine
Once, foreseeing thee, 0 all-hymned one, as prophets proclaimed the images of thy birth­
a divine, unquarried mountain, Daniel mani­ giving, 0 Virgin, calling thee the radiant cloud,
festly cried out: From thee let the Stone of the lampstand, the jar, the table, the dew of
divine generation be cut: Christ, the Savior of heaven, the bread, the manna and the door, the
the world! Honoring Him now, we, the faithful, throne and the palace, the rod and paradise, in
praise thee, 0 Bride of God. that thou gavest birth to Christ.
I have fallen under many dangers, wretch
that I am, and, praying with pain of heart and Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice; Glory ... , Now
weeping, I, thy servant, cry out unashamedly: & ever... Sessional hymn, in Tone / ­
0 Theotokos, deliver my lowliness from beset­ Fleeing with love to thy goodness, we all
ting perils, and fill me with gladness! know thee to be the Mother of God, who wast
Glory.. .: Calm the raging sea of my pas­ truly revealed as a virgin even after giving birth;
sions by thy mighty supplication, 0 good one for we sinners have thee as our intercessor, and
who gavest birth to Christ without suffering, we have acquired thee as our salvation amid
that, living now in tranquility of soul, I may misfortunes, the only most immaculate one.
praise thee in hymns for the rest of my life.
Now & ever ... : Tell me: how bearest thou ODE VII
God in thine arms; and how dost thou give suck Irmos: The youths, who once were manifestly
to Him Who holdeth all things in His hand, shown forth as holy for their piety, passed
0 most blessed Virgin? And she said: "Having through the unbearable flame of the furnace as
given birth unto Christ God, I remain pure, though it were a bridal chamber; and, chanting
taking away the debt of Adam and our first with one accord, they sang: 0 God ofour fathers,
mother!" blessed art Thou!
The Preeternal One, passing through thine
OnE VI impassable doors, 0 Queen of all, preserved thy
Irmos: I am wholly held fast by boundless signs pure and intact, yea pure even after giv­
passions, and have fallen into the sea monster ing birth. Wherefore, we cry aloud: 0 God of our
of evils; yet lead me up from corruption, 0 God, fathers, blessed art Thou!
as thou didst Jonah ofold, and grant me dispas­ Cast into the furnace, I am consumed by the
sion by faith, that I may sacrifice to Thee with sevenfold flames of soul-slaying perils; yet do
a voice of praise and in the spirit of salvation. thou thyself rain down dew upon me by thine
Without departing from His place in the entreaties, 0 good Mistress, that I may cry:
bosom of the Father, the preeternal Son rested Blessed is the God of our fathers!
in the bosom of His Mother. He, Who with the Glory ... : Having grown old through the
Father is before the ages, hath in latter times passions, through unremitting misfortunes
issued forth from the womb of the Virgin, lead­ and tribulations, and having reached the sun­
ing all up to life immortal in His ineffable set of my life devoid of the virtues and devoured
goodness. by slothfulness, I cry to thee, 0 Mistress:
Bound through malice by the chains of the 0 consolation of mortals, have mercy on me!
enemy, I have been cast down to the bars of hell. Now & ever ... : Worshipping the Trinity in
Woe is me! Yet, appearing from heaven, 0 pure Unity in Orthodox manner, and proclaiming
divine Maiden, stand thou before me, raising thee, 0 pure Virgin Mother, to be the one who
me, thy servant, up by thy supplications, and gave birth to God in the flesh, in godly manner
grant a helping hand to me who hymn thy we mortals chant: 0 God of our fathers, blessed
divine birthgiving. art Thou!


thee, the Theotokos, as is due, and exalt thee
Irmos: Ofold, the fiery furnace, moist with dew, supremely for all ages.
showed forth the image of a supernatural won­
der; for the fire consumed not the youths, re­ ODE IX
vealing the seedless, divine nativity of Christ Irmos: Ineffable is the mystery of the Virgin!
from the Virgin. Wherefore, chanting, let us For she hath been shown forth as heaven, the
sing: Let all creation bless the Lord and exalt throne of the cherubim, and the light-bearing
Him supremely for all ages! bridal chamber of Christ God Almighty. Her do
The all-true word of the priest prefigured we piously magnify as the Theotokos.
thy birthgiving, 0 Virgin; for thou didst truly All-glorious is the mystery ofthe Virgin! For
give birth to the Word of God, and thy womb, Him Whom the vast spaces above the heavens
through which God passed, He did not rend could not contain did she contain in her womb.
apart. Wherefore, rejoicing as is meet, with one Wherefore, assembling, we call her blessed, and
accord we hymn thee, the Theotokos, as is due, in gladness we magnify her with faith.
and exalt thee, the pure one, for all ages. Seeing thee alone as higher than the heav­
With divine fire burn up the uncultivated ens, the radiance of God, the throne of the
thorns which have grown up in my soul, 0 all­ cherubim and the bridal chamber, the holy
pure one, and by thy supplications raise me up to couch, 0 undefiled one, we mortals, praising
the virtues, that I may bear fruit for Christ; for Christ our God, magnify Him to Whom thou
the ever-living Flower, having sprung forth from gavest birth through thy pure loins.
thee, hath adorned all creation. Wherefore, we Glory ... : Round about me are many afflic­
honor thee, the pure Theotokos, for all ages. tions; and evil misfortunes, sickness and grievous
Glory ... : Quickly and painlessly grant me sins, now assailing me, have cast me into the pit.
healing amid evils, 0 Theotokos; for, having Wherefore, in the bitterness of my soul, I pray: 0
fallen into afflictions and perils, wretch that I all-holy Theotokos, find deliverance for me!
am, I invoke thy quickness to help, lamenting. Now & ever ... : Through the entreaties of
Wherefore, 0 all-pure one, haste thou to rescue the pure divine Maiden, 0 Christ, bring peace
me and save me from every torment, that, to the world, casting the power of the enemy
blessing thee, I may hymn thy birthgiving. down beneath the feet ofthe faithful and, estab­
Now & ever ... : Of old, the rod ofAaron that lishing unutterable tranquility thereby, pre­
budded forth prefigured thee, 0 Virgin; for, serve it forever.
budding forth, thou alone gavest birth without
man, having now received the Rain of heaven Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and the rest as usual.
in thy womb. Wherefore, in gladness we hymn Dismissal.


The priest saith: "Blessed is our God ... ': and we mighty, 0 Immortal One, it smote the adver­
say: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to sary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for
Thee. 0 heavenly King... Trisagion through the Israelites.
Our Father... Priest: For Thine is the king­ Refrain: 0 all-holy Trinity, our God, glory
dom ... And we say: Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 be to Thee!
times), Glory ... , Now & ever ... , 0 come, let us Never silent, the seraphim glorify the one
worship (thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, Cause in three Hypostases-unoriginate,
0 God .. .) eternal, all-creating, unapproachable- Whom
And then, the Canon to the Holy & Life-creating every tongue faithfully honoreth with hymns.
Trinity, the acrostic whereof is "I hymn Thee, the That Thou mightest reveal to men Thy
one three-Sunned Essence': the composition of single, thrice-effulgent divinity to men, creat­
Metrophanes of Smyrna, in Tone I­ ing man ofold Thou didst form him according to
Thine image, bestowing upon him mind, word
ODE I and spirit, in that Thou lovest mankind.
Irmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly Glory ... : Showing forth from on high one
manner been glorified in strength; for as al­ dominion in three divine hypostases, 0 Father,


Thou didst say to Thy Son, Who is equal to Thee the all-good Lord, 0 blessed Mary who knewest
in activity, and to the Spirit: Come ye and, not wedlock, thou refuge of despairing men and
descending, let us confuse their tongues. dwelling-place of God.
Now & ever ... : The Father is theunbegotten
Mind Who in times past was spoken of by the OnE IV
all-wise ones in images; the Word is equally lrmos: Gazing with the eyes of foresight upon
without beginning and consubstantial; and the thee, the mountain overshadowed by the grace
Holy Spirit is He Who wrought the incarnation of God, Habbakuk prophesied that the Holy
of the Word within the Virgin. One of Israel would come forth from thee, for
our salvation and restoration.
ODE III Shine upon me the splendors ofThy deifying
Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone hast known the effulgence, 0 three-Sunned Godhead, that the
weakness of human nature, having in Thy beauty of Thy divine radiance, which passeth
mercy formed Thyself therein: Gird me about understanding, and the sweet and light-giving
with power from on high, that I may chant to communion thereof, may be perceived by the
Thee: Holy is the living temple of Thine inef­ eyes of my heart.
fable glory, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind! Ofold, Thou didst establish the heavens and
Of old thou didst clearly manifest Thyself all their power by Thine all-accomplishing
unto Abraham in three Hypostases, one in the Word and the consubstantial Spirit of Thy
essence of divinity; and in images thou didst mouth, 0 Lord, with Whom Thou hast domin­
reveal the utter truth of theology. Thee do we ion over all things in the thrice-effulgent sole
hymn with faith, the three-Sunned God Who dominion of the Godhead.
alone hath dominion. Glory .. .: In that Thou hast created me
0 Father, the immutable Son, Who as God according to Thine image and likeness, 0 divine
was begotten of Thee, without corruption, and all-accomplishing Trinity, Thou uncon­
shone forth, Light from Light; and the divine fused Unity, give me understanding and en­
Spirit proceeded as Light. We faithfully wor­ lighten me, that I may do Thy holy will, which
ship and glorify the effulgence of the three is good and perfect in strength.
Hypostases of the one Godhead. Now & ever ... : Thougavest birth, 0 all-pure
Glory ... : The unity of the Trinity is super­ one, to the all-divine Son, One of the Trinity,
naturally, ineffably and in manner past under­ Who became incarnate of thee for our sake,
standing glorified by the noetic beings, who illumining mortals with the never-waning light
unceasingly utter praise with thrice-holy and radiance of the three-Sunned Godhead.
voices; and with them the Lord in three Hy­
postases is also hymned by us with one accord.
Now & ever ... : From thee, He Who tran­
Irmos: 0 Christ Who hast enlightened the ends
scendeth time issued forth within time without
ofthe world with the radiance ofThy coming and
seed: the Invisible One made Himself like unto
illumined them by Thy Cross: With the light of
us, teaching us the single Essence and Domin­
Thy divine knowledge enlighten the hearts of
ion of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, 0
those who hymn Thee in Orthodox manner.
Theotokos; wherefore, we glorify thee.
0 Trinity Who hast sole dominion, Who wast
Lord, have mercy! Thrice well pleased that the pristine array of the angels
be made resplendent by the unapproachable rays
Sessional hymn, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: ((Thy
of Thy beauty, with Thine effulgence enlighten
tomb, 0 Savior... "­
those who hymn Thee in Orthodox manner.
Let us all worship the Father and the Son,
Now nature which, in Thy goodness Thou
and the upright Spirit Who is equal to them.
didst bring into existence, hymneth Thee, the
Glory to the uncreated Trinity, the all-divine
only three-Sunned Godhead, asking deliver­
Power, Whom the ranks of the incorporeal be­
ance from transgressions and perils, from mis­
ings glorify! This day let us who are born on
fortunes and tribulations.
earth praise Him faithfully with fear.
Glory ... : With faith we glorify the Father,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one Essence
To the path ofrepentance guide us who ever and Godhead, indivisibly separate, the one God
stray into the trackless wastes of evil and anger of creation visible and invisible.


Now & ever ... : All the sayings of the proph­ 0 Word ofGod, consubstantial Effulgence of
ets described beforehand thine Offspring, the omnipotent God: As Thou hast promised, in
Whom, ineffable and not easily described, we that Thou art compassionate, with Thy Father
have come to know as our Initiator in the and Spirit accomplish the deifying indwelling
mystery of the one, three-Sunned Godhead, 0 which is in Thee; and show me forth as repug­
all-pure one. nant to the demons and the passions. Twice
Glory ... : That Thou mightest show us the
ODE VI depth of Thy compassion, 0 Master, Thou didst
Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath engulfed us, send Thy Son unto our lowliness, and didst
and there is none to deliver us. We are ac­ restore it to its pristine splendor. And now
counted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy bring me understanding through the divine
people, 0 our God, for Thou art the strength and Spirit.
correction of the weak! Now & ever ... : The King of all, Who is
Being equal in power and identical in will, 0 upborne upon the throne ofthe cherubim, made
transcendent Trinity, Thou art a simple and His abode within thy virginal womb, 0 all-pure
indivisible Unity; wherefore, preserve us by one, to deliver all from corruption, in that He
Thy power. Twice loveth mankind. Preserve us now by thy
Glory ... : By thy will, in that Thou art good, supplications.
Thou didst form all the ages out of nothing, 0
unapproachable Trinity, and Thou didst like­ ODE VIII
wise create man. Deliver me now from every Irmos: Shining in the furnace more brightly
evil circumstance. than gold in a crucible in the beauty of their
Now & ever ... : Thou wast the dwelling­ piety, the children ofIsrael said: Bless the Lord,
place of the never-setting Sun Who omnipo­ all ye works ofthe Lord! Hymn and exalt Him
tently created the great luminaries and set supremely for all ages!
them in their ranks, 0 all-pure Virgin Bride of With a deifying gesture, 0 Lord of all, Al­
God; deliver me now from the darkness of the mighty One in three Hypostases, Thou didst
passions. stretch out the heavens like a skin; and Thou
didst suspend the mass of the earth with Thine
Lord, have mercy! Thrice omnipotent hand. Wherefore, strengthen Thy
servants with faith and Thy love, 0 Thou Who
Sessional hymn, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Thy lovest mankind, that with longing we may glo­
tomb, 0 Savior..."­ rify Thee forever. Twice
0 ye mortals, with fear let us worship the Glory ... : 0 three-Sunned light of Persons,
Holy Trinity, the indivisible Essence, Who is Who art one in essence, with divine light illu­
distinct in three Persons without being sepa­ mine those who hymn thee, that they may ever
rated, and abideth indivisibly in the essence of gaze upon Thy light-creating rays. Thereby am
the Godhead; and let us glorify the all-good God I filled with Thy sweet, light-giving and all-rich
as Creator and Master. glory, and with faith exalt Thee supremely
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- forever.
Guide aright my wretched soul, 0 pure one, Now & ever ... : Having assumed human
and have pity on it which, for the multitude of nature without change, thy Son ascended into
my transgressions, hath stumbled headlong the heavens, 0 all-pure Theotokos, delivering
into the pit of destruction, 0 most immaculate man from the ancient corruption by the excel­
one; and at the dread hour of my death rescue it lence of His goodness. To Him do we sing in
from the accusing demons and from every thanksgiving: Let all creation bless the Lord
torment. and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
ODE VII Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive not consumed showed forth an image of thy
thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely pure birthgiving. And we pray now that the
Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy furnace oftemptations which rageth against us
womb the praised and most glorious God of our may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee
fathers wholly renewed the world. unceasingly, 0 Theotokos.

0 all-holy and consubstantial Trinity, Thou With divine songs let us all in godly manner
Savior of creation, material and noetic, save hymn the Father, the Son and the Spirit divine,
Thy servants from the attack and oppression of the Might in three Hypostases, the one Sover­
the enemy, and continually preserve Thy flock eignty and Dominion,
unharmed. Twice Whom all mortals hymn and the hosts of
Glory ... : That Thou mightest show forth the heaven glorify, the essential Unity in three
incalculable depths of Thy wonted goodness, Hypostases, Who is worshipped with faith by
Thou didst make us promises of salvation. all.
0 three-Sunned and omnipotent God Who hast We magnify Thee, the Godhead, the Lord of
sole dominion, vouchsafe that Thy servants the cherubim, the incomparable divine Origin
may do them. of the seraphim, the indivisible Trinity in
Now & ever ... : Look down upon our entreat­ Unity.
ies, 0 Thou one God Who in truth art believed I worship God: the unoriginate Father, the
to be in three divine Hypostases, and grant Son Who is equally without beginning, and the
consolation to Thy servants, through the sup­ Spirit. With hymns let us honor the one indivis­
plications of the all-pure and all-hymned ible and unified Essence, the threefold Unity.
Mother of God. Shine forth Thy dazzling lightning flashes
upon me, 0 my God in three Hypostases, Cre­
Then, the hymn ofGregory the Sinaite, which is ator of all, and show me to be a splendid,
chanted every Sunday after the canon- luminous and immutable habitation of Thine
It is truly meet to glorify Thee, the Word of unapproachable glory.
God, before Whom the cherubim tremble and With fear let us glorify Christ the Bestower
quake, and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify. of life, Who ineffably became incarnate of the
And with fear we glorify Christ, the Bestower of Virgin, for the cherubim tremble and quake
life, Who rose from the tomb on the third day. before Him, and the angelic armies glorify Him.
The rest of Nocturns, and the dismissal.


After the Six Psalms, we chant "God is the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Lord... ': in Tone I, and sing the resurrectional We who with love flee to thy goodness all
troparion, twice, and the theotokion, once (see know thee to be the Mother of God, who even
Great Vespers, page 5). Then the usual chanting after giving birth wast truly shown to be a
of the Psalter. virgin; for thee do we sinners have as our
intercession, and we have acquired thee, who
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these alone art most immaculate, as our salvation
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone/­ amid perils.
The soldiers guarding Thy tomb, 0 Savior,
became as dead men because of the radiance of After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
the angel who appeared before them, proclaim­ resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone I: Spec.
ing the resurrection to the women. We glorify Mel.: "When the stone had been sealed ... "­
Thee, the Destroyer of corruption, and we bow Very early the women arrived at the tomb
down before Thee, our one God Who hast risen and, beholding the appearance of the angel,
from the grave. they trembled. The tomb shone forth life, and
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand the miracle filled them with awe. Wherefore,
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end. going to the disciples, they proclaimed the res­
Nailed to the Cross of Thine own will, and urrection: Christ hath made hell captive, in
laid in the tomb as one dead, 0 compassionate that He alone is mighty and powerful; and
Bestower of life, by Thy death Thou didst break destroying the fear of damnation by the Cross,
the dominion [of death], 0 Mighty One; for the He hath raised up with Himself all who had
gate keepers of hades trembled before Thee, fallen prey to corruption!
and Thou didst raise up with Thyselfthe dead Stichos: IwillconfessThee,OLord, withmy
of ages past, in that Thou alone lovest mankind. whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
Thou wast nailed to the Cross, 0 Life of all, Antiphon III
and wast reckoned among the dead, 0 immortal My spirit was glad and my heart rejoiceth for
Lord. Thou didst rise on the third day, 0 Savior, those who said to me: Let us enter into the
with Thee raising Adam up from corruption. courts of the Lord.
Wherefore, the hosts of heaven cried out to There is great fear in the house of David, for
Thee, 0 Christ, Bestower of life: Glory to Thy there, when the thrones are set up, all the
resurrection! Glory to Thy condescension, tribes and nations of the earth will be
0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind! judged.
Glory ... : It is meet and fitting to offer honor and
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ worship, glory and power unto the Holy
0 Mary, precious receptacle of the Master, Spirit, as to the Father and the Son, for the
raise us up who have fallen into the chasm of Trinity is a unity in nature, but not 1n
grievous despondency, transgressions and sor­ Persons.
rows; for thou art salvation, help and mighty Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
intercession for sinners, and thou savest thy
servants. Prokimenon, in Tone I­
N ow will I arise, saith the Lord; I will establish
Then, "Blessed are the blameless in the way... ': them in salvation, I will be manifest
followed by the troparia "The assembly of the therein.
angels ... ". Little litany, and this hypacof, in Stichos: The words of the Lord are pure words.
Let every breath praise the Lord.
The repentance of the thief stole paradise,
and the lamentation of the myrrh-bearers an­ The appointed Resurrectional Gospel. Then,
nouncedjoy: for Thou didst arise, 0 Christ God, this resurrectional hymn, in Tone VI-
granting great mercy to the world. Having beheld the resurrection of Christ, let
us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only Sinless
SoNGS OF AscENT, IN ToNE I, One. We worship Thy Cross, 0 Christ, and Thy
THE VERSES BEING REPEATED­ holy resurrection we hymn and glorify. For Thou
Antiphon I art our God, and we know none other beside
When I am sorrowful, hearken unto my pain, 0 Thee, we call upon Thy name. 0 come, all ye
Lord. Unto Thee do I cry. faithful, let us worship Christ's holy resurrec­
Unceasing divine desire befitteth those in the tion, for behold, through the Cross joy hath come
wilderness, who are beyond this vainglori­ to all the world. Ever blessing the Lord, we hymn
ous world. His resurrection; for, having endured crucifix­
Glory ... : Worship and glory are due the Holy ion, He hath destroyed death by death.
Spirit, as also to the Father and the Son.
Wherefore, let us hymn the single dominion Psalm 50: "Have mercy on me, 0 God ... "
of the Trinity. Glory ... : Through the prayers of the
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated. apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude
of our transgressions.
Antiphon II Now & ever ... : Through the prayers of the
Thou hast brought me up to the mountains of Theotokos, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multi­
Thy laws, 0 God. Illumine me with the tude of our transgressions.
virtues, that I may hymn Thee.
Then, in Tone VI:
Taking me in Thy right hand, 0 Word, preserve
Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy
and protect me, that the fire of sin may not
great mercy; and according to the multitude of
consume me.
Thy compassions, blot out my transgression.
Glory ... : By the Holy Spirit is every creature
restored, returning to its primal state; for Then, this sticheron:
He is equal in power with the Father and Jesus having risen from the grave, as He
the Son. foretold, hath given us life eternal,* and great
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated. mercy.


Then, the Prayer: "Save, 0 God, Thy Theotokion: 0 all-pure Virgin, thou didst
people ... ", followed by the exclamation: conceive God; in virginity thou didst give birth
"Through the mercy and compassions and unto Christ Who of thee had become incarnate:
love for mankind... " the Only-begotten One, one in hypostasis, the
Son Who is known in two natures, for He hath
The Canons, in Tone I: ofthe Resurrection, with been glorified.
4 troparia; that ofthe Cross & the Resurrection,
Canon of the Theotokos
with 3 troparia; that of the Theotokos, with 3
Irmos: Thy victorious right arm... (See above,
troparia; and that from the Menaion, with 4
first canon)
troparia. If a saint with 6 troparia is being
What fitting hymnody can our weakness
celebrated, then the Canon ofthe Cross & Resur­
offer thee, who alone art full of grace, to whom
rection hath 2 troparia, as doth that of the
Gabriel hath mystically taught us to chant:
"Rejoice, 0 Virgin Theotokos, Mother un­
With a most pure heart, 0 ye faithful, let us
Canon of the Resurrection
spiritually cry out to the Ever-virgin Mother of
Irmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly
the King of the hosts on high: Rejoice, 0 Virgin
manner been glorified in strength; for as al­
Theotokos, Mother unwedded!
mighty, 0 Immortal One, it smote the adver­
Immeasurable is the depth of thine incom­
sary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for
prehensible birthgiving, 0 most pure one;
the Israelites.
wherefore, with undoubting faith we make of­
Stichos: Glory to Thy holy resurrection, 0
fering unto thee in purity, saying: Rejoice, 0
Virgin Theotokos, Mother unwedded!
0 Thou Who in the beginning didst divinely
fashion me out of dust with Thine all-pure Then, the canon from the Menaion, and the
hands, Thou didst stretch out Thine arms upon katavasia as prescribed by the Typicon.
the Cross, calling forth from the earth my cor­
rupt body, which Thou hadst received from the ODE III
Virgin. Canon of the Resurrection
Thou didst assume mortality for my sake Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone hast known the
and didst surrender Thy soul unto death, 0 weakness of human nature, having in Thy
Thou Who by Thy divine breath didst instill my mercy formed Thyselftherein: Thou girdest me
soul within me; and having loosed the everlast­ about with power from on high, that I may
ing bonds, thou didst glorify it with incorrup­ chant to Thee: Holy is the living temple ofThine
tion, raising it up with Thee. ineffable glory, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind!
Theotokion: Rejoice, 0 well-spring of grace! As God, 0 Good One, Thou hast taken pity
Rejoice, 0 ladder and door ofheaven! Rejoice, 0 on me who have fallen; and it being Thy good
lampstand and golden jar, thou unquarried pleasure to come down to me, Thou hast by Thy
mountain, who for the world gavest birth unto crucifixion raised me up to cry unto Thee: Holy
Christ, the Bestower of life! is the Lord of glory, immutable in goodness!
As enhypostatic Life, 0 Christ, clothing
Canon of the Cross & the Resurrection Thyselfin me who have become corrupt, in that
Irmos: Christ is born ... Thou art the God of loving-kindness, and de­
Christ deifieth me, assuming my flesh; scending to my mortal dust, 0 Master, Thou
Christ exalteth me, humbling Himself; Christ, didst destroy the dominion ofdeath; and having
the Bestower of life, maketh me dispassionate, risen after three days of death, Thou hast
suffering in His fleshly nature. Wherefore, I clothed me in incorruption.
chant a hymn ofthanksgiving, for He hath been Theotokion: Conceiving God in thy womb
glorified! through the all-holy Spirit, 0 Virgin, thou didst
Crucified, Christ lifteth me up; put to death, remain unconsumed; for the bush which
Christ raiseth me up with Himself. Christ burned without being consumed clearly, to
giveth me life. Wherefore, clapping my hands Moses the Law-giver, proclaimed thee before­
in gladness, I chant a hymn of victory to the hand, who received the unbearable Fire.
Savior, for He hath been glorified.


Canon of the Cross & Resurrection Theotokion: 0 Virgin, we know thee to be

Irmos: To Christ God, Who before the ages ... the tree oflife; for it is no fruit deadly for men to
To Christ God, Who took the lost sheep upon eat which thou hast put forth, but the delight of
His shoulder and by the Tree erased its sin, let everlasting Life, for the salvation of us who
us cry aloud: Holy art Thou, 0 Lord, Who hast hymn thee.
lifted up our horn!
0 ye faithful, in truth and a godly spirit let Canon of the Cross & the Resurrection
us serve Him Who led Christ, the great Shep­ Irmos: A Rod from the root of Jesse ...
herd, out of hell and doth manifestly shepherd Who is this Beautiful One from Edom,
the nations through the apostles, His hierar­ Whose robe is dyed red by the grapes ofBozrah?
chy. He Who is comely as God, and as man weareth
Theotokion: Unto Him Who is God over all, vesture of flesh stained with blood? Unto Him,
the Son Who without seed willingly became 0 ye faithful, let us chant: Glory to Thy power,
incarnate ofthe Virgin, and by His divine power 0 Lord!
preserved her who gave Him birth as a pure Showing Himselfto be the High Priest ofthe
virgin even after birthgiving, let us cry: Holy art good things to come, Christ destroyed our sins;
Thou, 0 Lord! and indicating the strange way by His own blood,
as our forerunner He hath entered the higher
Canon of the Theotokos
and more perfect tabernacle, the Holy of holies.
Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone hast known... (See
Theotokion: 0 most hymned one, of Him
above, first canon)
Who for our sake revealed Himself as the new
0 Virgin, following the sayings ofthe proph­
Adam thou didst request the ancient debt of
ets, we truly call thee the light cloud; for the
Eve; for uniting noetic and animate flesh to
Lord came upon thee to cast down the handi­
Himself by His pure conception, from thee did
works ofthe falsehood of Egypt and to enlighten
Christ issue forth, the one Lord in two natures.
those who worship them.
The choir of the prophets truly called thee
Canon of the Theotokos
the sealed well-spring and the closed door,
Irmos: Gazing with the eyes offoresight ... (See
clearly describing for us the signs ofthy virgin­
above, first canon)
ity, 0 most hymned one, which thou didst pre­
Hearken, 0 heaven, to the wonders! Pay
serve even after giving birth.
heed, 0 earth! For the daughter offallen Adam
Accounted worthy to perceive the transcen­
who was made of dust hath been appointed for
dent Mind as far as he was able, Gabriel offered
God, to be the Mother of her own Creator, for
thee a cry of joy, 0 immaculate Virgin, openly
our salvation and restoration.
announcing the conception of the Word and
We hymn thy great and awesome mystery,
proclaiming His ineffable birth.
for, hiding Himself from the captains of the
OnE IV armies of heaven, He Who Is descended upon
Canon of the Resurrection thee like rain upon the fleece, for our salvation,
Irmos: Gazing with the eyes of foresight upon 0 all-hymned one.
thee, the mountain overshadowed by the grace 0 most hymned Theotokos, thou Holy of
of God, Habbakuk prophesied that the Holy holies, expectation of the nations and salvation
One of Israel would come forth from thee, for of the faithful: From thee hath the Deliverer,
our salvation and restoration. Lord and Bestower oflife shone forth, Whom do
Who is this Savior Who issueth forth from thou entreat, that thy servants be saved.
Edom, wearing a crown of thorns, His robe
stained red, lifted up upon the Tree? He is the 0DEV
Holy One of Israel, [Who is come] for our salva­ Canon of the Resurrection
tion and restoration! Irmos: 0 Christ Who hast enlightened the ends
Behold, ye disobedient people, and be of the world with the radiance of Thy coming
ashamed! For He Whom ye madly asked Pilate and illumined them by Thy Cross: With the
to lift up on the Cross as a malefactor hath light of Thy divine knowledge enlighten the
destroyed the power of death and risen as God hearts of those who hymn Thee in Orthodox
from the tomb! manner.


The Jews put the great Shepherd and Lord ODE VI

of the sheep to death by the Tree of the Cross; Canon of the Resurrection
but the dead buried in hades did He deliver, like Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath engulfed us,
sheep, from the dominion of death. and there is none to deliver us. We are ac­
Having announced peace by Thy Cross and counted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy
proclaimed remission to those held captive, 0 people, 0 our God, for Thou art the strength and
my Savior, Thou didst put to shame him who correction of the weak!
hath dominion, as though he were naked, by We were grievously wounded by the offense
Thy divine resurrection showing him to be of the first-created man, 0 Lord, but we have
impoverished. been healed by the wounds wherewith Thou
Theotokion: Disdain not the requests of wast wounded for us, 0 Christ; for Thou art the
those who petition thee with faith, 0 most strength and correction of the weak.
hymned and all-pure one, but accept and Thou hast led us up out of hades, 0 Lord,
convey them to thy Son, the one God and having slain the all-devouring monster and
Benefactor; for thee have we acquired as our set his power at naught by Thy might, 0
intercessor. Omnipotent One; for Thou art Life, Light and
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Theotokion: The ancestors of our race re­
Irmos: As God ofpeace ...
joice in thee, 0 all-pure virgin, receiving
0 the richness, 0 the depth ofthe wisdom of
through thee the Eden which they lost through
God! Laying hold ofthe wise, the Lord delivered
transgression; for thou wast pure before giving
us from their wiles; for having of His own will
birth and art so after birthgiving.
suffered in the weakness of the flesh, by His
might He hath raised up the dead, granting
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
them life.
Irmos: The sea monster spewed forth ...
Christ God, He Who Is, uniteth Himself to
Christ God, the dispassionate and immate­
the flesh for our sake, and is crucified and dieth;
rial Mind, doth associate Himself with the mind
He is buried, and riseth again, and with His
of man, which standeth midway between the
flesh He ascendeth unto the Father in splendor.
divine Essence and the grossness of the flesh;
And therewith He shall come and save those
and, wholly immutable, He hath united Himself
who worship Him in piety.
unto all of me, that, crucified, He might grant
Theotokion: 0 pure virgin, Holy of holies,
salvation unto the whole of me who have fallen.
thou gavest birth to the Holy One of the saints,
Tripping, Adam fell and was broken, de­
Christ the Deliverer Who sanctifieth all; where­
ceived of old by the hope of deification; yet he
fore, we proclaim thee, the Queen and Mistress
ariseth, deified through union with the Word,
of all, as the Mother of the Author of creation.
and through His sufferingreceiveth dispassion,
Canon of the Theotokos and is glorified as a son, sitting upon the throne
Irmos: 0 Christ Who hast enlightened the ends with the Father and the Spirit.
of the world ... (See above, first canon) Theotokion: Without leaving the bosom of
The hosts of heaven are gladdened at the the unoriginate Father, He Who before was
sight of thee, and with them the companies of begotten without mother and becameth incar­
men rejoice; for they have been joined together nate without father, Who as God reigneth in
by thy birthgiving, 0 Virgin Theotokos, which righteousness, made His abode in the bosom of
we glorify as is meet. the pure Maiden. His descent without lineage
Let all the tongues and thoughts of men be is awesome and ineffable.
moved to the praise of thee who art truly the
adornment of mankind, for the Virgin standeth Canon of the Theotokos
forth, clearly raising to glory those who with Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath engulfed us ...
faith hymn her wonders. (See above, first canon)
The hymns and laudation of the most wise, As servants the ranks of heaven attend thy
which are offered unto the Virgin Mother of birthgiving, marvelling, as is meet, at thy seed­
God, are glorious; for she became the temple of less parturition, 0 Ever-virgin; for thou wast
all-divine glory, and we glorify her as is meet. pure before birthgiving and art so even after
giving birth.


The Incorporeal One Who existeth from delight! Rejoice, bulwark of the faithful! Re­
before time, the Word Who createth all things joice, thou who knewest not wedlock! Rejoice,
by His will, and as Almighty brought the armies universal joy, through whom the praised and
of the incorporeal beings out of non-existence, all-glorious God ofour fathers hath shone forth!
hath become incarnate of thee, 0 all-pure one.
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
The enemy was slain by thy life-bearing
Irmos: The children raised together in piety ...
Fruit, 0 thou who art full of the grace of God;
Of old, the earth was cursed, having been
hades hath been manifestly trampled down,
stained with the blood ofAbel by his murderous
and we who were in bonds have been freed.
brother's hand; but dyed with Thy divinely shed
Wherefore, I cry: Destroy Thou the passions of
blood it hath been blessed, and leaping up it
my heart!
crieth: 0 God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Let the God-opposing people of Judcea
Kontakion, in Tone 1: Spec. Mel.: "When Thou lament their audacity in slaying Christ; but let
shalt come ... "­ the gentiles be glad, and let them clap their
As God Thou didst arise from the tomb in hands and cry aloud: 0 God of our fathers,
glory, and with Thyselfdidstraise up the world; blessed art Thou!
human nature hymneth Thee as God, and Lo! the radiant angel cried out to the myrrh­
death hath vanished. Adam danceth, 0 Master, bearing women: "Come and see the signs of the
and Eve, delivered from bonds, now rejoiceth, resurrection of Christ-the winding~ sheet and
crying aloud: Thou art He, 0 Christ, Who grant­ the tomb-and cry aloud: 0 God of our fathers,
eth resurrection unto all! blessed art Thou!"
Ikos: Let us hymn as God the Almighty Who
Canon of the Theotokos
rose on the third day, Who broke down the gates
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive
of hades, Who raised up from the grave those
thee... (See above, first canon)
held there from ages past, and Who appeared to
0 Theotokos, in prophecy Jacob perceived
the myrrh-bearing women, as He was well
thee to be a ladder, for through thee did the
pleased to do, telling them first to rejoice and to
supremely Exalted One appear on earth and
proclaim joy unto the apostles, in that He alone
dwell with men, as was His good pleasure: the
is the Bestower oflife; wherefore, with faith the
praised and all-glorious God of our fathers.
women proclaimed the signs of victory to the
Rejoice, 0 pure one! From thee hath the
disciples. Hades groaneth and death uttereth
Shepherd, the supremely Exalted One, come
lamentation; the world is filled with gladness,
forth, in His unapproachable compassion truly
and all rejoice with it, for Thou, 0 Christ, didst
clothing Himself in the skin of Adam, in me, in
grant resurrection unto all.
all of man: the praised and all-glorious God of
our fathers.
ODE VII The preeternal God truly became the new
Canon of the Resurrection Adam through thy pure blood. Him do thou now
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive entreat that He restore me who have grown old,
thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely who cry: Praised and all-glorious is the God of
Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy our fathers!
womb the praised and most glorious God of our
fathers wholly renewed the world. ODE VIII
The earth was afraid, the sun hid itself, the Canon of the Resurrection
light grew dim, the divine veil ofthe temple was Irmos: Shining in the furnace more brightly
rent in twain, and the rocks split asunder; for than gold in a crucible in the beauty of their
the Righteous One, the praised and all-glorious piety, the children ofIsrael said: Bless the Lord,
God of our fathers, hung upon the Cross. all ye works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him
Wounded among mortals of Thine own will supremely for all ages!
for our sake, as though helpless, 0 supremely 0 Word of God, Who by Thy will dost create
Exalted One, Thou, the praised and all-glorious and refashion all things, transforming the
God of our fathers, didst free all and raise them shadow of death into life everlasting by Thy
up with Thyself by Thy mighty hand. sufferings: Thee do all of us, the works of the
Theotokion: Rejoice, 0 well-spring of the Lord, unceasingly hymn and supremely exalt
water of eternal life! Rejoice, paradise of for all ages.

Thou didst destroy distress and misery ODE IX

within the gates and strongholds of hades, 0 Canon of the Resurrection
Christ, rising from the tomb on the third day. Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was
Thee do all Thy works unceasingly hymn and not consumed showed forth an image of thy
supremely exalt as Lord for all ages. pure birthgiving. And we pray now that the
Theotokion: Let us hymn her who without furnace oftemptations which rageth against us
seed supernaturally gave rise to Christ, the may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee
Pearl of great price, through the divine Efful­ unceasingly, 0 Theotokos.
gence; and let us say: Bless the Lord, all ye How have the iniquitous and disobedient
works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him su­ people, plotting evils, justified a proud and
premely for all ages! ungodly man, yet condemned to the Tree the
Righteous One, the Lord of glory, Whom we
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
magnify as is meet?
Irmos: The dew-bearing furnace ...
0 Savior, Thou unblemished Lamb Who
Come, 0 ye people, let us bow down before
takest away the sins of the world: Thee Who
the place where the all-pure feet stood, and to
hast risen on the third day do we glorify with the
the divine Tree where Christ stretched out His
life-creating arms for the salvation of all men; Father and Thy divine Spirit; and, theologizing,
and standing round about the tomb of Life, let we magnify the Lord of glory.
us chant: Let all creation bless and exalt the Theotokion: Save Thy people, whom Thou
Lord supremely for all ages! hast acquired by Thy precious blood, 0 Lord,
The all-iniquitous slander of the God­ granting peace to Thy churches through the
slaying Jews hath been exposed; for He Whom supplications of the Theotokos, 0 Thou Who
they called a deceiver hath risen as One power­ lovest mankind.
ful, mocking the foolish seals. Wherefore, re­ Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
joicing, let us chant: Let all creation bless and Irmos: A strange and most glorious mystery ...
exalt the Lord supremely for all ages! Thy Cross, 0 Lord, hath been glorified by
Triadicon: Theologizing the glory [of God]
Thine ineffable power, for Thy weakness hath
in three holy Persons and one Dominion, as
been revealed unto all as transcending power.
servants the all-pure seraphim glorify the God­
Thereby have the mighty been cast down upon
head of three Hypostases. And with them we
piously chant: Let all creation bless and exalt the earth, and the poor are lifted up to the
the Lord supremely for all ages! heavens.
Our vile death hath been put to death, for,
Canon of the Theotokos appearing unto those in hades, 0 Christ, Thou
Irmos: Shining in the furnace... (See above, didst grant them resurrection from the dead;
first canon) wherefore, chanting, we magnify Thee as hypo­
The radiant bridal-chamber, whence Christ static Life, Resurrection and Light.
the Master ofall issued forth like a Bridegroom, Triadicon: 0 ye divinely wise people, we are
let us all hymn, crying aloud: Hymn the Lord, saved, trusting in the unoriginate and indivis­
all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him su­ ible Essence, the one Godhead which is known
premely for all ages! in three singular divine Hypostases-the
Rejoice, 0 glorious throne of God! Rejoice, Father, the Son and the Spirit.
bulwark of the faithful, through whom Christ
Canon of the Theotokos
hath shined light upon those in darkness, who
Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire... (See
call thee blessed and cry aloud: Hymn the Lord,
above, first canon)
all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him su­
Thou didst spring forth from the root of
premely for all ages!
David, the prophet and ancestor of God, 0
0 most hymned Virgin who for us gavest
Virgin; and thou hast truly glorified David,
birth to the Lord, the Author of our salvation,
giving birth to the prophesied Lord of glory,
pray for all who earnestly cry out: Hymn the
Whom we magnify as is meet.
Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him
Every rule of praise is overturned by the
supremely for all ages!
magnitude of thy glory, 0 all-pure one. Yet
Then we chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos: "My accept the hymns of praise which we, thine
soul doth magnify the Lord... ': with the refrain unworthy servants, earnestly offer thee with
"More honorable than the cherubim ... " love, 0 Mistress Theotokos.

Thy wonders are past understanding! For Stichos: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals,
thou, 0 most pure Virgin who alone outshinest praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let
the sun, hast enabled all to understand the every breath praise the Lord.
newest of wonders, thine incomprehensible When the honorable women, lamenting,
birthgiving. Wherefore, we all magnify thee. arrived with haste at Thy grave and found the
tomb open; and, learning of the new and all­
After the katavasia, the little litany. Then, glorious wonder from the angel, they an­
"Holy is the Lord our God!': thrice; and the nounced to the apostles that the Lord had risen,
matins exapostilarion. granting the world great mercy.
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
On the Praises, 8 stichera, in Tone 1­ be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
Stichos: To do among them the judgment We bow down before the divine wounds of
that is written. This glory shall be to all His Thy sufferings, 0 Christ God, and to the sacri­
saints. fice ofthe Master, which was revealed by God in
We hymn Thy saving Passion, 0 Christ, and Sian in the fullness of time; for the Sun of
glorify Thy resurrection. righteousness hath illumined those who sleep
Stichos: Praise ye God in His saints, praise in darkness, guiding them to never-waning
Him in the firmament of His power. splendor. Glory be to Thee, 0 Lord!
0 Lord Who endured the Cross, abolished Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
death and rose from the dead: Bring peace to whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
our life, as Thou alone art almighty. Give ear, 0 tumultuous Jewish race!
Stichos: Praise Him for His mighty acts, Where are they who went to Pilate? Let the
praise Him according to the multitude of His soldiers who kept watch say where the seals of
greatness. the tomb are! Where hath the Buried One been
0 Christ Who by the resurrection madest laid? Where was He sold Who hath not been
hades captive and raised men from the dead, sold? How was the treasure stolen? Why
count us worthy to hymn and glorify Thee with slander ye the resurrection of the Savior, 0
a pure heart. most iniquitous Jews? He hath arisen Who is
Stichos: Praise Him with the sound of free among the dead, and granteth the world
trumpet, praise Him with psaltery and harp. great mercy!
Glorifying Thy divine condescension, we
Glory ... : The matins Gospel sticheron.
hymn Thee, 0 Christ. Thou wast born of the Now & ever ... : Theotokion, in Tone If­
Virgin and yet wast not separated from the
All-blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos,
Father; Thou didst willingly suffer as a man for by Him Who became incarnate through thee
and didst endure the Cross and rise from the hath hades been made captive, Adam restored,
tomb, issuing forth therefrom as from a bridal the curse annulled, Eve set free, death slain,
chamber, that Thou mightest save the world. 0 and we have been given life. Wherefore, chant­
Lord, glory be to Thee! ing, we cry aloud: Blessed is Christ God Who
Stichos: Praise Him with timbrel and hath been thus well pleased! Glory be to Thee!
dance, praise Him with strings and flute.
When Thou wast nailed to the Tree of the Great Doxology, and resurrectional troparion-
Cross, the might of the enemy was slain, cre­ Today is salvation come unto the world; let
ation trembled with the fear ofThee, and hades us sing to Him Who arose from the tomb, and is
was made captive by Thy might. Thou didst the Author of our life. For having destroyed
raise the dead from the graves, and didst open death by death, He hath given us the victory
paradise to the thief. 0 Christ our God, glory be and great mercy. And the dismissal.
to Thee!


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone /­ and saw Thee, 0 Savior, they worshipped Thee;
Through food did the enemy lead Adam and Thou didst send them unto the nations, to
forth from paradise; but by the Cross hath teach and baptize them.
Christ led back to it the thiefwho cried: Remem­
ber me when Thou comest in Thy Glory ... : Let us worship the Father, let us
kingdom! glorify the Son, and together let us hymn the
With Adam and the thief I worship Thy all-holy Spirit, crying out and saying: 0 most
sufferings and glorify Thy resurrection; and I holy Trinity, save us all!
cry out with a splendid voice: Remember me, 0 Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thy people
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! bring Thy Mother before Thee to make suppli­
0 Sinless One, ofThine own will Thou wast cation, 0 Christ. Through her entreaties grant
crucified and placed in the tomb; yet Thou didst us Thy compassions, 0 Good One, that we may
arise as God, raising up with ThyselfAdam who glorify Thee Who hast shone forth upon us from
crieth out: Remember me when Thou comest in the tomb.
Thy kingdom!
Raising up the temple of Thy body by Thy Prokimenon, in Tone / ­
resurrection on the third day, 0 Christ God, Let Thy mercy, 0 Lord, be upon us, accord­
Thou didst raise up Adam and his descendants, ing as we have hoped in Thee.
who cry: Remember us when Thou comest in Stichos: Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye righteous;
Thy kingdom! praise is meet for the upright.
Very early, the myrrh-bearing women Alleluia, in Tone 1­
arrived, weeping, at Thy tomb, 0 Christ God; Stichos: The God that giveth avengement
and they found an angel sitting there, clad in unto me hath subdued peoples under me.
white garments, who said: What seek ye? Stichos: It is He that magnifieth the
Christ is risen! Lament no longer! salvation of His king and worketh mercy for
When Thine apostles went to the mountain His anointed, for David, and for his seed unto
whither Thou hadst commanded them to go, eternity.


Canon of the Angels Stichos: We were filled in the morning with

Irmos: Same as that of the foregoing canon. Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
0 Savior, Thou didst create the incorporeal glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
intelligences to share in Thine ineffable glory. wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
By them do Thou preserve now Thy people, who wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
flee unto Thee with faith and love, that we may servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
magnify Thee directly, 0 Master. guide their sons.
Send Thou an angel of peace to preserve Thy Overlook me not who am beset by sinful
flock, 0 Almighty; for Thou art the Cause of sloth, 0 my Savior, but lift my mind up to
peace and love, Who preservest the divinely repentance, and show me to be a skillful laborer
wise Faith, and destroyest all heresies by Thy in Thy vineyard. Grant unto me the reward of
power. the eleventh hour, and great mercy.
All the delight of which we sing, the radi­ Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
ance of heavenly delight, do Thou plant in Thy our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
Churches, 0 Master; and grant us the state do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
wherein with piety we may unceasingly mag­ our hands do Thou guide aright.
nify Thee, the Savior. M artyricon: Come, 0 ye people, and with
Theotokion: The ranks of angels now un­ hymns and spiritual songs let us all honor the
ceasingly hymn thy birthgiving, 0 all-pure one, passion-bearers ofChrist, for they are the lumi­
for they stand in rank, gazing upon and sharing naries of the world and the preachers of the
in His gladness; and they unceasingly magnify Faith, the ever-flowing fountain from whence
thee, the Theotokos. healings pour forth upon the faithful. By their
supplications, 0 Christ our God, grant peace to
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a Thy world and great mercy to our souls.
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
usual psalms. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
0 Theotokos, Mistress ofthe World, who art
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone / ­ holier than all the holy powers and more honor­
The next world awaiteth thee, 0 soul, and able than all creatures! In that thou art good,
the Judge will rebuke thy hidden and evil 0 thou who gavest birth to the Savior, by thy
deeds. Wherefore, tarry not amid the things supplications save us from myriad transgres­
that are here, but step forth beforetime, cry­ sions and misfortunes.
ing out to the Judge: Cleanse me, 0 God, and
save me! Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone ! ­ Martyricon: With the outpourings of your
By food did the enemy lead Adam out of blood ye manifestly drowned the noetic pha­
paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead back raoh, 0 saints; andye now pour forth torrents of
into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, 0 miracles which dry up the abyss of infirmities.
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! Wherefore, ye are called blessed.
By Thy loving-kindness, 0 Christ God, Glory ... : Let all of us, the faithful, worship
grant me a well-spring of compunction to the Father, glorify the Son, and hymn the most
cleanse me of all the defilement of countless Holy Spirit, crying out and saying: 0 most holy
evils, and cause me to share in Thy kingdom, Trinity, save us all!
0 Benefactor. Now & ever ... : 0 all-immaculate one, who
We bring the ranks of Thine angels before gavest birth to the timeless Light, with light
Thee to make entreaty, 0 Christ. Have pity on guide my soul which hath ever been darkened
us through them, in that Thou art all-good, by the assaults of the demons, and by thy
overlooking all our transgressions, whether mediations free it from the fire which is to come.
committed in knowledge or in ignorance.

On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ entreat, I pray thee, OJohn, that He cleanse my
tance, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "0 all-praised heart and save me.
martyrs... "- Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee eth forever.
is forgiveness. 0 divine Forerunner, wise preacher of
My whole life have I, a wretch, shamefully grace, who proclaimed repentance beforehand
squandered with harlots, 0 Lord, but like the to all nations, be thou well-pleased that my
prodigal do I cry out with compunction: 0 heav­ most accursed and blind soul may abide in
enly Father, I have sinned! Cleanse Thou and repentance and may ever do the will ofthe Lord,
save me, and reject me not who have drawn far that I may glorify thee with faith and love.
away frorn Thee, and am now reduced to beg­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
gary because of my fruitless deeds.
0 Virgin, entreat the Lamb Who taketh
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
away the sins ofthe whole world, and Whom the
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
all-great Forerunner proclaimed unto all; and
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
with him pray that I, who am unworthy, may
hoped in the Lord.
escape the lot of the goats on the day of judg­
0 Christ Who art rich, in impoverishing
ment, and may be reckoned among the sheep on
ThyselfThou hast enriched men with immortal­
His right hand.
ity and radiance. Wherefore, with the virtues
enrich me who have been impoverished by the
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
pleasures oflife, and number me with the pauper
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Lazarus, rescuing me from the torment of the
rich man and Gehenna, which lie before me.
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone / ­
Stichos: From the morning watch until
Great is the abyss of my many transgres­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
sions, 0 Savior, and I am grievously engulfed
the Lord.
because of mine offenses. Grant me Thy hand,
I have sorely enriched myself with evil, I
as Thou didst to Peter, 0 God. Save me, and
have loved food, have preferred the good things
have mercy upon me!
of this life, and am condemned to Gehenna, 0
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Lord. My starving mind have I disdained, as
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
[the rich man did] Lazarus. Have pity on me,
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
who have been cast away from the doors of Thy
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
divine works, 0 Lord.
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the pity on us.
Forerunner, in the same melody- In that I have been condemned for wicked
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, thoughts and deeds, 0 Savior, grant me the
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; thought ofconverting, 0 God, that I may cry out
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his to Thee: Save me, 0 good Benefactor, and have
iniquities. mercy upon me!
0 wondrous Prophet, Baptist and Forerun­ Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
ner of Christ, by thy supplications cause thou mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
my heart, which hath been desiccated by un­ abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
seemly deeds, to pour forth rivers of ever-flow­ therewith; let reproach come upon them that
ing tears, I beseech thee, that, saved, I who am prosper, and abasement on the proud.
greatly ailing may magnify Him Who hath M artyricon: The confession ye made before
glorified thee. the tribunal reviled the power of the demons,
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; and freed men from deception, 0 saints. Where­
praise Him, all ye peoples. fore, when ye were beheaded ye cried out: 0
0 blessed prophet who baptized Christ, the Lord, may the sacrifice of our lives be well­
Abyss Who taketh away the transgressions of pleasing to Thee, for having loved Thee, we
the world, in thee is all my hope, and on thee do have spurned this transitory life, 0 Thou Who
I set mine expectation of life. Him do thou lovest mankind.

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- as the Mother of our God: Ask peace and great
0 most hymned Virgin, with the eyes of mercy for the world.
prophecy Moses beheld in thee a mystery: the
bush which burned without being consumed; Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
for the fire of the Godhead did not consume thy Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
womb, 0 pure one. Wherefore, we entreat thee Litany, and Dismissal.


ODE I Now & ever ... : The prophets of old hymned

Irmos: Let us all chant a hymn of victory thy virginity, saying that thou wouldst give
unto God, Who hath wrought wondrous birth within time to the Timeless One, to the
miracles with His upraised arm, and saved Word Who is beyond words, Christ our God,
Israel, for He hath been glorified. One of the Trinity. Him doth the Church honor
Rejoice, 0 all-pure sanctuary, 0 Virgin, with images, 0 pure Mary.
adornment of the angels and receptacle of the
Spirit, 0 immaculate Bride of the unoriginate 0DE·IV
Father and Mother of God the Word! Irmos: Foreseeing the incarnation of the
Thou art a Queen, in that thou art the Word in the Spirit, 0 Prophet Habbakuk, thou
daughter of the King, 0 Mistress Theotokos, didst exclaim, crying out: When the years draw
having produced and given birth to God the nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when the
King in the flesh; and thou reignest with Him. season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth!
Glory ... : David the psalmist hymneth thy Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
nativity, and Isaiah singeth surpassingly of In many ways the mirror of the divine
thine all-pure womb, 0 most pure Mary. And prophets, sevenfold in radiance, hymneth thy
the Christian people glorify thy birthgiving. prefigurations; and we, receiving the signs of
Now & ever ... : The Churchproclaimeth thy thy departure in deed, believe thee to be the
birthgivingwith Orthodox doctrines and divine true Theotokos, beholding thee in matter.
matter, 0 Virgin Bride of God, for it doth vener­ Honoring thee as the true Mother of God as
ate the images of the incarnation of thy Son. is meet, 0 pure Virgin, we offer our own cry to
thee, who wast proclaimed in the law and the
ODE III prophets: Rejoice, 0 joyous one! The Lord is
Irmos: The Stone which the builders re­ with thee!
jected hath become the Head of the corner. Glory ... : Behold! the Theotokos, the divine
Christ is the Rock, whereon He founded the mountain, which Habbakuk saw manifestly
Church which He redeemed from among the overshadowed with the virtues, hath shone
nations. forth in the world. And through her we who of
As thou hast the glory ofvirginity, thou hast old fell away through disobedience have
been invested with the grace of the Holy Spirit, straightway drawn nigh again to God.
0 all-pure Mary, who hast been shown to be the Now & ever ... : Blessed is the tongue which
Theotokos. 0 new and hidden mystery! For hath been vouchsafed to honor thy birthgiving
how remainest thou a virgin, having given birth with Orthodox faith and doctrine and works, 0
to God in the flesh? all-pure and pure one, truly showing forth all
Who can recount what Thou hast done, 0 the images of the incarnation of thy Son.
Lord? For Thou hast shown Thyself to be the
Son of one who should have been cursed to g1ve 0DEV
birth to children amid grief. Yea, the fallen Irmos: Rising early out of the night, we
nature of women rejoiceth in Thee our God, hymn Thee, 0 Christ God, Who beggared Thy­
because of the Theotokos. self and endured the Cross and death in the
Glory ... : Through thee, 0 all-pure Mary, flesh for our sake.
who alone art the Theotokos, is the world freed In secret and hidden manner Moses revealed
from the tempest of transgressions. Wherefore, thee as the bush which burned without being
having thee as a haven of salvation, we, the consumed, 0 Mistress Theotokos; for thy mate­
faithful, praise thy mighty works with hymnody. rial womb was not consumed by the Godhead.

Hymning thee as the Mother of theWord of Thou hast been shown to be all-adorned
God, 0 pure Theotokos, we offer a flourishing with the virtues, with glory and the honor of
gift of words to thee, in whom we believe and virginity, 0 Bride of God; for thy comeliness is
reJOICe. truly most beautiful in magnificence, and the
Glory ... : Turn not away from the praise of Lord Who loveth thee hath brought Thee, His
our defiled lips, 0 all-pure Theotokos; for there divine Mother, to Himself.
is no one on earth who dareth to hymn thee as Thou hast manifestly become a staff of up­
is meet. rightness, a most precious staff of royalty;
Now & ever ... : He Who was born of the wherefore, thou didst bring forth as fruit the
Virgin is One Being in two natures: as invisible Word of God, which the miracle of Aaron's rod
God and as a Man Who for our sake assumed the manifestly prefigured of old.
likeness of men. Glory ... : Having defiled my body, mind and
soul with manifold carnal passions, 0 pure one,
ODE VI how can I hymn the beauty of thy virtues? I am
Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry at a loss and am afraid. Yet be thou thyselfmy
aloud: 0 Good One, free Thou my life from helper through thy supplications.
corruption, and save me, 0 Savior of the world, Now & ever ... : I honor the union of Thine
who cry: Glory be to Thee! incarnation, 0 Christ, and I reverently vener­
The seven-branched candlestand of the ate the image thereof, for, though Thou art the
prophets perceived thee to be the noetic lamp­ preeternal God, yet didst Thou become an im­
stand, 0 Virgin, manifestly showing forth the mutable man, being perfect in both natures.
activity of the Spirit Who shineth forth within
Irmos: Him of Whom the angels and all the
0 Virgin, thou wast truly shown to be the
armies of heaven are in awe do ye hymn as
tree of Life which hath slain the deceiving
Creator and Lord, 0 ye priests; glorify, ye chil­
serpent with thy fruit, having given birth to
dren; ye people, bless and exalt Him supremely
Christ God, our Life.
for all ages!
Glory ... : Beauteous laudation should not be
Let the divine sanctity of God be hymned,
offered thee from defiled lips, 0 pure Mother of
whereby the world hath been delivered from
our God; rather, behold thou the desire of my
corruption! Let all who have fallen then rise up,
soul, and accept it.
for Mary hath given birth to Christ, our
Now & ever ... : The iniquitous rage in tu­
mult of bitter unbelief when they but see the
We hymn thee, 0 all-pure Mother of God.
assemblies of the Orthodox venerating thine
Who will not glorify thee, who art truly good,
image, 0 Virgin.
the hope of our souls? Wherefore, 0 all-holy
one, accept thou our cries.
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice; Glory ... , Now
Glory ... : Adorn yourselves today with
& ever ... -
hymns, 0 ye faithful! Ye angels and men, give
glory together; for the devil and despair are
Sessional hymn, in Tone 1: Spec. Mel.: "Thy
fallen! Mary hath for us given birth to our hope
tomb, 0 Savior..."­
of salvation!
Pilot thou my wretched life, 0 pure one, and
Now & ever ... : 0 ye who are blind, de­
take pity on my soul, which hath stumbled into
scribe not the Godhead, tell no falsehood! For
the abyss ofperdition through many transgres­
He is simply invisible and unseeable. Yet,
sions, 0 most immaculate one; and at the hour
depicting the image of the flesh, I venerate it,
of my death free me from the accusing demons
and with faith I glorify the Virgin who gave
and from the terrible sentence.
birth to the Lord.
Irmos: The fire neither touched nor harmed Irmos: We all magnify as the pure Mother
Thy children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then of our God the Light-bearing cloud whereon the
the three hymned and blessed Thee as with a unoriginate Master of all sat when He de­
single mouth, saying: Blessed is the God of our scended from heaven like dew upon the fleece
fathers! and was incarnate for our sake, becoming man.


Rejoice, 0 Mary, thou great wonder of all Glory .. .: 0 all-holy Virgin Mother of God
creation! Rejoice, 0 daughter of David and Most High, thy birthgiving on earth hath been
Mother ofthe Lord! Rejoice, subject of Gabriel's shown to be the salvation of sinners and the
hymnody! Rejoice, 0 pure one, thou refuge, lowly; for in thee have we been saved who have
confirmation and help of all sinners on earth! faith. Yet save me also, now and for all the
The wondrous Joachim and the godly Anna, living ages.
beholding on earth Mary, the Mother of the Now & ever ... : I know the Word to be
Creator, to whom they gave birth as a daughter, incarnate, yet immutable. Wherefore, I hymn
hymn her through the divine Spirit and chant Thee with faith, Who art in two natures but one
songs of thanksgiving. By her supplications hypostasis. And proclaiming Thee to be truly
save us all, in that Thou art God. God and man, I end my hymnody.
Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration. Trisagion, and the rest, as usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these spirit, for he found the soul ofthe blameless one ·
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone I­ to be fortified. Yet hath he stripped me naked
I, the prodigal, am conceived in iniquities, and exiled me. Wherefore, going before me
and I dare not gaze upon the heights of heaven; before the end, 0 Savior, deliver me from the
but risking offense to Thy love for mankind, I deceiver, and save me.
cry: Cleanse me, 0 God, and save me! Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine God of Israel.
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. M artyricon: As valiant warriors, believing
If the righteous man is barely saved, where with oneness ofmind, ye were undaunted by the
shall I, a sinner, find myself, for I have not borne threats of the tyrants, 0 holy ones. Ye came
the burden and heat ofthe day. Yet number me eagerly to Christ, taking up the precious Cross;
among the hired workers of the eleventh hour, and having finished the race ye received victory
and save me. from heaven. Glory to Him Who strengthened
you! Glory to Him Who crowned you! Glory to
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Him Who through you worketh healings for all!
Having been begotten in heaven without
mother, on earth Thou wast born without fa­ Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
ther in manner past understanding and re­ Thou didst anticipate the despair of the
counting. Him do thou beseech, 0 Theotokos, Ninevites, setting aside the punishment de­
that our souls may be saved. creed for them, 0 Lord, and Thy mercy over­
came Thy wrath. Have pity now upon Thy
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these people and flock; cast down our enemies with
sessional hymns, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Thy Thy mighty hand, and through the supplica­
tomb, 0 Savior... "­ tions of the Theotokos grant us Thy mercy.
Haste Thou to open unto me Thy fatherly
embrace, though I have wasted my life in After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
prodigality. Disdain not now mine impover­ sessional hymns, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Thy
ished heart, 0 Savior Who hast before Thine tomb, 0 Savior... "­
eyes the inexhaustible riches of Thy compas­ In my thoughts I have fallen among thieves
sions. For unto Thee, 0 Lord, do I cry out in and been robbed in mind. I have wounded my
compunction: 0 Father, I have sinned against soul with sins, and lie bruised, 0 greatly merci­
heaven and before Thee! ful Jesus. Yet through the supplications of the
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine Forerunner pour forth Thy mercy, and heal the
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. grievous wounds of my soul.
Seeing the wealth of the virtues of Job, the
enemy of the righteous plotted to ruin and rob Glory ... :
him thereof; but though he broke the tower of 0 John who of old baptized the Cleansing of
his body, he could not steal the treasure of his the whole world in the streams of the Jordan,

raise me up who have been brought low by Shining forth like the dawn, like the sun,
many transgressions, and wash away all my thou enlightenest the ends ofthe earth and dost
defilement, as a right acceptable mediator ever cast the evil spirits into darkness; wherefore,
entreating Him Who loveth mankind. dispel the gloom from our souls.
0 Forerunner, unto mortals thou didst
Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
preach that our Life is come; wherefore, slay
0 unwedded and pure Virgin Theotokos,
thou the passions which do me to death, 0
only intercession and protection of the faithful,
blessed one, and show me forth as one who
from misfortunes, tribulations and grievous
shareth in the effulgence of God.
circumstances deliver all who place their trust
Theotokion: 0 all pure Mistress, who within
in thee, 0 Virgin, and by thy divine supplica­
time gavest birth to the only timeless Son incar­
tions save thou our souls.
nate heal mine all-accursed soul of the pas­
sions' which ever afflict me.
Canon ofrepentance, the acrostic whereof is
"Accept the supplication of my words, 0
Canon of Repentance
Christ," the composition of Joseph,
Irmos: The same stone which the builders
in Tone
rejected, is become the head-stone in the corner;
Irmos: Let us all chant a hymn of victory unto
this is the stone whereon Christ hath estab­
God, Who hath wrought marvelous wonders
lished the Church which He redeemed from
with His upraised arm and saved Israel, for He
among the nations.
is glorious.
Behold my weakness, 0 greatly merciful
Enslaved by the passions of sin, I fall down
Christ Who clothed Thyselftherein! Behold the
before Thee, 0 Lord, that Thou mightest show
exceeding ugliness of my soul! Hearken to my
me to be free of them, for I ardently glorify Thy
voice, 0 Savior, and transform its lack ofbeauty
into comeliness.
Wretch that I am, I have been wounded by
0 Jesus Who saved the prodigal, save me
the spear of sin and am done to death. And the
who alone have transgressed Thy laws of salva­
enemy, seeing me lying there, is glad. 0 Thou
tion, though I have mindlessly committed every
Who dost raise up the dead, give me life and
sin, and estrange myselffrom Thee by thoughts
save me.
which make me alien to Thee, 0 Good One.
Martyricon: The choirs of the passion­
M artyricon: The ranks of the incorporeal
bearers rendered glory, with their members
ones truly marveled at your courage, 0 saints:
glorifying Christ Who bore our flesh and
how, suffering all-gloriously before the tribu­
brought an end to corruption by His sufferings.
nal, and falling in body, ye cast down all the
Martyricon: The glorious martyrs, the tow­
incorporeal foes with power divine.
ers and ramparts of piety, remained unshaken
Martyricon: Still stained with the blood of
by the assaults ofthe enemy. By their supplica­
your wounds, still soaked with drops o~ your
tions, 0 God, have pity on us all.
blood 0 passion-bearers, crowned as victors
Theotokion: Like a fiery throne thou bear­
ye st~od, rejoicing, before the Lord, the im­
est the Creator, 0 Virgin, and like an animate
mortal King.
bridal-chamber and beauteous palace thou con­
Theotokion: Thou gavest birth unto Him
tainest the King Who became like us, though
Whom the Father begat before time began. And
without change or confusion.
without having known man thou didst feed the
Nourisher [of all]. Behold an all-wondrous
Another canon, of the great & holy prophet
miracle, a new mystery, 0 thou who art full of
John the Forerunner, the acrostic whereof is
the grace of God! For this cause the soul of each
"Thou hearkenest to the voice of those who cry
of the faithful doth glorify thee.
out to thee, 0 blessed one': in Tone 1­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Canon of the Forerunner
Thou wast the voice of the Word, 0 blessed Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
one; wherefore, accept the cries we make unto 0 Forerunner who sprang forth in sacred
thee, 0 Forerunner, freeing us from evils by thy manner from a barren and childless woman,
mediation. thou wast shown to be fruitful in divine deeds;


wherefore, my heart, which is in all ways un­ beseech, that He vouchsafe salvation unto all
fruitful, do thou render fruitful in good works, who glorify thee with faith.
that I may ever faithfully glorify thee.
Canon of the Forerunner
With the bread of heaven, 0 blessed one,
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
fortify my heart which is paralyzed by wicked
Having woven a garment of salvation for
thoughts; and grant that I may earnestly do the
thyself in the nakedness of thy body, 0 thou
will of God the most compassionate, that I may
who didst baptize the Lord, with the vesture of
ever glorify thee with faith.
righteousness and gladness do thou clothe me,
Thou didst preach the Lamb Who taketh
who am stripped bare of all good works, I pray.
away the sins of the world, 0 blessed prophet.
Let fall a drop of salvation upon me who am
Ease thou the heavy burden of my sins, I pray,
withering away through the burning of the
granting me compunction, which washeth
passions, 0 Forerunner, who submerged in the
away the defilements of the passions.
streams of the Jordan Jesus the Bestower of
Theotokion: The Word Who issued forth
life, the Torrent of sweetness, that I may glorify
bearing flesh of thee, 0 Theotokos, clothed
thee as is meet.
Himself wholly in Adam. Him do thou entreat,
It is neither an angel nor a mediator who
0 Theotokos, that He deliver us from all temp­
hath saved us, but the Lord Himself, Who came
tations and from everlasting fire.
to earth, and for Whom thou didst make the
ways straight, 0 blessed one. Him do thou now
entreat, that He show me the path which lead­
Canon ofRepentance
eth to the kingdom.
Irmos: Foreseeing in the Spirit the incarnation
Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be a
of the Word, 0 Prophet Habbakuk, thou didst
sanctified temple ofGod, Who dwelt within thee
announce, crying out: When the years draw
in manner past understanding, 0 Virgin. Him
nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when the
do thou beseech, that He cleanse us of the
season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth!
defilements of sin, that we may be shown to be
Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
temples and habitations of the divine Spirit.
The riches Thou gavest me have I squan­
dered, 0 Christ, wickedly committing un­ 0DEV
seemly deeds; and, myself naked, I clothed Canon of Repentance
myself in works of ungodliness. Wherefore, I Irmos: Grant us Thy peace, 0 Son of God, for
cry to Thee: Taking pity on me in Thy divine we know none other than Thee. We call upon
goodness, clothe me again in my primal Thy name, for Thou art the God of the living
vesture. and the dead.
I have been brought low by mindlessness, Replete am I with many and grievous falls
have fallen grievously, and lie on the ground, into sin, 0 compassionate and long-suffering
incurably sick. Raise me up, 0 Christ, Thou Master. Have pity on me who have condemned
restoration ofthe fallen, and establish my heartmyself, and turn not Thy face away from me.
on the rock of saving repentance. Thou didst justify the publican who sighed,
Martyricon: Emulating Christ Who was 0 Christ. And I, emulating him, beat my breast
lifted up upon the Cross, and accepting wounds, and cry out to Thee: Cleanse me, 0 Thou Who
the passion-bearers rejoiced together, and with alone art compassionate and full of loving­
the showers oftheir blood caused the showers of kindness!
polytheism to cease, pouring forth streams of Martyricon: Thy saints, 0 Lord, have been
healing. shown to be steadfast luminaries who dispel the
Martyricon: Navigating with the hope of deep night ofdeception and enlighten the whole
salvation as your rudder, 0 divine athletes, world with wondrous radiance.
dryshod ye traversed the violence of tortures Martyricon: Cherishing Thee, the Rock of
and waves of bitterness, and ye hastened to the life, like an all-precious stone, the martyrs,
harbor on high, full of all gladness. whirled about amid tortures, brought down the
Theotokion: Beholding thee, the angelic whole edifice of deception.
armies were amazed at how He Whose visage is Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, thou
invisible through thee took on visible form likegavest birth to One of the all-holy Trinity in two
unto ours, 0 Virgin Theotokos. Him do thou wills but bearing a single hypostasis. Him do
thou earnestly beseech, that we all may be saved.

Canon of the Forerunner lead to the light, and deliver me out of the
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. chasm of falsehood.
Thou madest thine abode in the desert like 0 thou who immersed the Abyss of mercy in
Elijah of old, 0 Forerunner of Christ; where­ the streams of the river, dry up the abyss of my
fore, with divine care make steadfast my heart, passions, giving me a well-spring of tears, 0
which hath been laid waste by transgressions, Forerunner and Herald of Christ.
0 most blessed one. 0 Forerunner of the Lord, save me from
As thou wast an immovable tower and ram­ sickness of spirit, the passions of the flesh, the
part of the faithful, 0 g-reat forerunner of perils of life, and all temptations and
Christ, show forth my thoughts to be unshaken tribulations.
by the wiles of the deceiver. Theotokion: I earnestly entreat thee, the
With thy voice thou didst announce to the Mother of God who art good among women:
dead the glad tidings of the Light, Who from Disdain me not, 0 pure one, but have pity and
Light shone forth on the earth, 0 blessed one, keep me untouched by any harm.
and we who were in darkness were enlightened.
Wherefore, enlighten me who am sorely be­ ODE VII
nighted. Canon of Repentance
Theotokion: 0 Virgin, David proclaimeth Irmos: The fire neither touched nor vexed Thy
thee to be the pure Queen and Virgin; where­ children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then, as
fore, I implore thee: Make me an heir to the with one mouth, the three hymned and blessed
kingdom ofheaven, that I may call thee blessed. Thee, saying: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Job mastered patience, and as a tower of
ODE VI courage remained unshaken by all the at­
Canon of Repentance tacks of the wicked one. Him do thou emu­
Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry late, 0 my soul, and in nowise be disheart­
out: 0 Good One, free my life from corruption! ened amid evils.
0 Savior of the world, save me who cry out: I have been overcome by the pleasures ofthe
Glory to Thee! body, and though a rational being, have become
The bones of mine accursed soul have been irrational. 0 Word of God Who saved the harlot
broken, and I have been crushed beneath the by Thy word, save me, the wretched one, that I
weight of many pleasures. But help me, 0 may sing, blessing Thy goodness.
Christ, Thou only help of all. M artyricon: Delivered by the blood of Him
I have fallen into the deep of evils and the Who suffered in the flesh for our sake, 0 wise
tempest of the passions, but I cry to Thee, 0 martyrs, it was your good will ardently to shed
almighty Christ: Lead me up with Thy mighty your blood for Him. Wherefore, ye reign un­
hand, and save me! ceasingly with Him.
Martyricon: With tens of thousands of the Martyricon: By the upbuilding of your sa­
elect the multitude of the holy passion-bearers cred sufferings, 0 wise ones, ye showed your­
trampled the myriads of the noetic foe under­ selves to be a palace wherein Christ, the only
foot, and united themselves to the myriads of King and Lord, joyfully rested, Who led you all
the noetic intelligences. into the mansions of heaven.
Martyricon: Having caused the depths of Theotokion: 0 most hymned one, Christ
ungodliness to dry up, 0 athletes, ye have desired thee alone out of all generations, as one
inherited a torrent of delight; wherefore, dry up pure and honorable, to be His habitation; and
the effluvium of my sin. shining forth from thee like the sun, He hath
Theotokion: 0 Mary, revealed tabernacle of enlightened all the earth.
sanctification, sanctify my wretched soul which
Canon of the Forerunner
alone hath been defiled by pleasures, and cause
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
me to share in glory divine.
As thou wast the preeminent and glorious
Canon of the Forerunner mediator between the old and the new [cov­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. enants], 0 Baptist, intercede for me, entreating
0 Baptist who preached repentance on the Jesus, the Renewer ofall things, that He restore
earth, show me the paths of repentance which me who have wholly grown old through sins.


0 Baptist and Forerunner of Christ, thou on earth; I alone have been a breaker of Thy
didst appear on earth laying down the law of laws, 0 Lord. Wherefore, for the sake of the
repentance. By thy supplications do thou Forerunner have pity and save me.
strengthen all to keep this law, that we may be An angel in manner of life wast thou shown
delivered from the countless evils we ever to be, 0 John the Baptist, who preached the
commit. Angel of great Counsel to the ends of the earth;
Pursuing all mastery, 0 wise one, thou didst wherefore, with hymns we glorify thee for all
tread the narrow path, being wholly illumined ages.
by the breadth of splendid divine visions. And Thou wast unjustly beheaded, 0 blessed
beseeching Christ, grant that we also may de­ one who immersed the head of Christ in the
light therein. waters. By thy supplications strengthen all of
Triadicon: 0 ye faithful, let us straightway us, that we may truly crush the pernicious head
glorify the Trinity, the one Essence-the of the deceiver underfoot.
unoriginate Father, the Son and the Spirit­ Theotokion: Deliver me from unseemly
the one reigning Being, the one Dominion, the sins, fiery retribution, tormenting darkness,
one Cause, the Life which createth life for us. the gnashing of teeth, and the worm, 0 Virgin,
Theotokion: Bring thou entreaty unto God, thou only intercessor for the human race.
0 all-pure one, that He overlook our transgres­
sions and boundless sins and free us from ever­ We then chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos [the
lasting fire which tormenteth. Magnificat], with the refrain: "More honor­
able than the cherubim ... ", and make pros­
ODE VIII trations.
Canon of Repentance
Irmos: Him of Whom the angels and all the
hosts of heaven stand in awe as their Creator
Canon ofRepentance
and Lord, hymn, ye priests; glorify, ye children;
Irmos: The radiant cloud upon which the un­
bless, ye people, and exalt Him supremely for
originate Master of all descended from heaven,
all ages!
like rain upon the fleece, and of whom He was
By his wicked counsel the lying serpent
incarnate, becoming man for our sake, let us all
hath stripped me bare of all the virtues. 0 my
magnify as the pure Mother of God.
Savior Who hath stripped away his evil, array
Now is the time for repentance and works of
me now in the robe of the virtues.
purity! This is the day for us to do the works of
0 righteous Judge Who shalt come to judge
light! Flee the darkness of the passions, and
the human race at the dread hour, send me not
cast offthe sleep of evil despondency, 0 my soul,
condemned into the fire of Gehenna, but have
that thou mayest share in light divine.
pity and save me.
I sigh like the publican, and I shed tears like
Martyricon: Neither tribulation, nor mis­
the harlot; like the thief I cry out to Thee:
fortune, nor the sword, nor fire were in anywise
Remember me, 0 Compassionate One; and like
able to separate you from the love of Christ, 0
the prodigal son I exclaim: I have sinned! And
most lauded athletes ofthe Lord, because ofthe
I fall down before Thee as did the Canaanite
loving-kindness of Him Who loved you.
woman. 0 merciful Christ, disdain me not!
M artyricon: Wrestling in the flesh against
M artyricon: Having patiently surrendered
the bodiless foe, ye cast him down, 0 valiant
bodies over to wounds and a violent death, ye
athletes; and ye now join chorus with the incor­
have truly been shown to be physicians who
poreal beings, curing the passions of our souls
heal the passions of men's body and the broken
and bodies.
state oftheir souls, 0 all-praised athletes ofthe
Theotokion: The Husbandman of all, find­
Lord; wherefore, ye are ever called blessed.
ing thee to be like a flower in the vales of life,
Martyricon: The patience of the all-wise
made His abode within thee, 0 Theotokos; and
passion-bearers of Christ hath shone forth
He now perfumeth us with the sweet scents of
far more brightly than the radiance of the
the virtues and purity.
sun; wherefore, by grace it hath manifestly
Canon of the Forerunner felled the prince of darkness, destroyed the
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. might of ungodliness, and illumined the
I alone have sinned more than others born hearts of the faithful.

Theotokion: With the enlightening splen­ Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
dors of theWord Who shone forth from thy holy prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
womb and hath illumined the ends ofthe earth, usual psalms.
0 Virgin Theotokos, enlighten my soul, which
hath been darkened by the blackness of plea­ Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone /­
sures and the languidness of the passions, that The next world awaiteth thee, 0 soul, and
I may hymn thee with faith. the Judge will rebuke thy hidden and evil
deeds. Wherefore, tarry not amid the things
Canon of the Forerunner
that are here, but go forth beforetime, crying
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
out to the Judge: Cleanse me, 0 God, and save
Behold, the beacon shining forth upon those
in the darkness of life! Behold, the melodiously
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
singing swallow, the harbinger of spring for all,
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
the great Forerunner of Christ, the mediator
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
between the old and the new! By his supplica­
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
tions may we ever be preserved.
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
I, who have a multitude of sins, now send
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
thee, the friend ofthe Bridegroom, unto Him as
guide their sons.
an advocate, and I cry out to thee, 0 thou who
Overlook me not, who am beset by sinful
didst baptize Him: Grant that my debts may be
sloth, 0 my Savior, but lift my mind up to
repaid, 0 all-blessed one, and light thou the
repentance, and show me to be a skillful laborer
lamp of my soul, which through my careless­
in Thy vineyard. Grant me the reward of the
ness hath utterly gone out.
eleventh hour, and great mercy.
With the incorporeal angels, with the hon­
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
ored apostles, with the sacred passion-bearers,
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
and with the prophets, 0 Forerunner, ever
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
entreat the all-good God, that we who are ever
our hands do Thou guide aright.
enriched by thee, our good intercessor, may
Martyricon: The warriors of the great King
receive everlasting good things.
opposed the edicts of the tyrants, bravely paid
0 beauteous swallow, precious nightingale,
no heed to tortures, and, having trampled all
all-good dove, turtledove who lovest the wilder­
deception underfoot, have been crowned as is
ness, offspring of the desert, who didst baptize
meet. And they ask of the Savior peace and
the Lord:. Show forth my soul, which hath be­
great mercy for our souls.
come barren through unfruitfulness, to bear
good deeds as fruit. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Theotokion: Like the throne of the cheru­ I have surpassed the harlot and the prodi­
him thou holdest Him Who upholdeth all gal; I have done worse things than the thief, and
things, and thou feedest Him Who feedeth us. have exceeded the publican and the Ninevites
Him do thou unceasingly entreat, 0 divinely in transgressions. What shall I do? How shall
joyous and pure one, that thy flock may ever be I, the accursed one, avoid torment? 0 pure one,
delivered from earthquake, calamity, exile and I fall down before thee, crying: Have pity on me
every need. in thy mercy, as thy Son once saved them.

Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparion.

Litany. First Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone M artyricon: Having endured subtle tor­
By food did the enemy lead Adam out of tures, 0 most lauded martyrs, ye were vouch­
paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead back safed the good things of heaven above; where­
into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, 0 fore, ye are ever called blessed by all men.
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : We all know the one Godhead in
0 God, turn me around, who every day three Persons-the Father, the Son and the
commit sin and break Thy commandments, and Spirit of life-to be indivisible, remaining al­
rescue me from torment, that I may glorify ways and forever unoriginate and unconfused.
Thine ineffable loving-kindness, 0 Thou Who Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, in giving birth
lovest mankind. to God in the flesh thou wast preserved ever­
Thou wast shown to be the torch of God, 0 virgin even after giving birth, as thou wast
Forerunner, going before the never-waning before birthgiving. Him do thou entreat,
Light, Who ineffably shone forth upon us from that He deliver us from the passions of the
the cloud oflight. Wherefore, ever entreat Him, soul, we pray.
that He have pity and save our souls.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the childless, who gave birth to Thee, 0 my Child!
Cross, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "0 all-praised Leave me not alone, 0 Only-begotten One Who
martyrs.. ."- with the Father art equally eternal!"
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
is forgiveness. eth forever.
Nailed to the Cross as a man, 0 Christ God, "When I gave Thee birth, I felt no pain. How
Thou didst deify human nature and slay the now do I experience pangs when Thou art un­
serpent, the author of evil. Becoming accursed justly crucified, 0 Word?", the pure one cried
in that Thou art compassionate, Thou didst free out, weeping. "Woe is me! I cannot bear to see
us from the curse which hath its origin in the Thee uplifted upon the Cross, 0 Thou Who
tree. And Thou didst come that Thou mightest lovest mankind!"
give blessing and great mercy unto all.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
Of old, when thou didst behold thy Son
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
and Master stretching forth His hands upon
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
the Cross, His side pierced by the spear, 0
hoped in the Lord.
pure Mother, thou didst cry out, lamenting:
Though Thou art exalted far above all
"Woe is me! How is it that Thou sufferest,
honor, 0 Master, Thou didst deign to be dis­
ridding men of their suffering, 0 Thou Who
honored, enduring a violent death upon the
lovest mankind?"
Tree, that when Thou didst die in the flesh, 0
Almighty, through it the human race might
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
embrace immortality and receive again its
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
primal life.
Stichos: From the morning watch until
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone I­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
The Cross was set up on Golgotha, and hath
the Lord.
blossomed forth immortality for us from the
0 most precious Cross, purification ofall the
ever-flowing fountain of the Savior's side.
faithful, sanctify all who bow down before thee
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
and glorify Christ, Who stretched out His all­
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
pure hands upon thee in His ineffable loving­
hold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hands
kindness, and Who hath gathered together all
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
the ends of the earth.
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from theMenaion; eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the pity on us.
Theotokos, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Joy of the The precious Cross of the Savior is for us an
ranks of heaven ... '~ indestructible rampart; for, placing our trust
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, therein, we all are saved.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
iniquities. abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Standing before the Cross of thy Son and therewith; let reproach come upon them that
God, and perceiving His long-suffering, the prosper, and abasement on the proud.
pure Mother said, weeping: "Woe is me, 0 my Martyricon: 0 how good was your barter, 0
Child most sweet! What things are these that saints! For ye traded your blood and inherited
Thou sufferest unjustly, that Thou mightest heavenly things; and having undergone trials
save mankind, 0 Word of God?" for a time, ye rejoice everlastingly. Of a truth
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; your commerce was goodly! For, having for­
praise Him, all ye peoples. saken corruptible things, ye received those
Standing by the Cross, 0 Bride who knew­ things which were incorrupt; and joining cho­
est not wedlock, and undergoing spasms of rus with the angels, ye unceasingly hymn the
pain, thou didst cry out: "Show me not to be consubstantial Trinity.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec. things in the palm of Thy hand, nailed in the
Mel.: Joy of the ranks of heaven ... "- flesh to the Tree?"
As she beheld the Lamb uplifted upon the
Cross, the immaculate Virgin cried out, weep­ Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
ing: "0 my sweet Child, what is this new and all­ Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
glorious sight? How art Thou, Who holdest all Litany, and Dismissal.


ODE I Lord and Healer Who through grace hath

Irmos: Thy victorious right hand hath in shown us the entry to life. Him do thou unceas­
godly manner been glorified in strength; for as ingly beseech, that He have pity and save thy
almighty, 0 Immortal One, it broke asunder servants.
the adversary, having fashioned anew the path Glory ... : Omostimmaculateone, who alone
of the deep for the Israelites. hast deified human nature in manner tran­
He Who is incomprehensible to the armies scending nature, pray thou to Him Who was
of heaven received flesh of thy flesh, 0 most born of thee, that He grant us forgiveness of
immaculate Maiden, and hath restored her who offenses and everlasting joy, 0 most hymned
became corrupt through the first sin of disobe­ and all-holy Virgin.
dience. Now & ever ... : Having wasted my life in
0 ye faithful, with hymns let us bless her slothfulness, I fall down before thee, 0 all-pure
who gave birth to the Word of God in manner one: by thy constant supplications to God move
past recounting; for she, the all-immaculate thou my mind and with the radiance of repen­
one, hath been shown to be the adornment of tance enlighten me who am wholly darkened,
mortals and hath become the intercessor for all that I may glorify thee with faith and love.
who sin.
Glory ... : Thou hast been shown to be more ODE IV
spacious than the heavens, for thou didst con­ Irmos: Perceiving thee with prophetic eyes
tain the Creator of all things, 0 Ever-virgin as the mountain overshadowed by the grace of
Mother. Wherefore, I cry to thee: Deliver me God, Habbakuk proclaimed that the Holy One
from all deadly straits, 0 divinely joyous one. of Israel would come forth from thee, unto our
Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, grant help to us salvation and restoration.
who are tempest-tossed by the turmoil of tribu­ We know thee as the divine palace of the
lations; cast down the wicked uprisings of our Word, wherein He made His abode in the flesh
enemies; and grant salvation to all who glorify and hath restored us who had been corrupted by
thee with piety. the passions. Wherefore, 0 pure one, we honor
thee as the Mother of God, and we glorify Him
ODE III Who was born of thee.
Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone knowest the weak­ The incarnate Word made His abode within
ness ofhuman nature, having mercifully formed thy womb, 0 Virgin. He hath dispelled the
Thyself therein, Thou girdest me about with curse which before resided in human nature,
power from on high, that I may cry to Thee, 0 and by His divine union He hath in godly
Holy One: Holy is the animate temple of Thine manner deified it. Wherefore, we hymn thee.
ineffable glory, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind! Glory ... : Mortality seized Adam because he
He Who is full emptieth Himself for our tasted of the fruit of corruption, 0 most im­
sake, and He Who is unoriginate receiveth a maculate one; but now, by thy birthgiving, he
beginning through thee, 0 all-immaculate hath been restored to life and dwelleth in the
Virgin; the Invisible One is seen, and He Who mansions of paradise. Wherefore, we hymn
sustaineth all things is fed with milk, intending thee as is meet.
thus to restore men. Now & ever ... : Having given birth to Christ
Heal thou our broken state, 0 Virgin who God, the Wellspring of immortality, thou hast
knewest not wedlock, who gavest birth to the caused the torrent of death to cease. Him do

thou therefore entreat, 0 thou who art full of Now & ever ... : Bearing my soul which is
the grace of God, that He heal the deadly pas­ sick with transgressions, I cry to thee, 0 most
sions of my soul and save me. holy, all-glorious and pure one: Heal and save
me by thy mediation, that I may hymn and
0DEV magnify thine aid.
Irmos: 0 Christ Who enlightened the ends Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice; Glory ... , Now
of the world by the effulgence of Thine advent & ever ... -
and hast illumined it with Thy Cross: with the Sessional hymn, in Tone / ­
light of Thy divine knowledge illumine the Possessed of thine intercessions, delivered
hearts of those who hymn Thee in Orthodox from evils by thy supplications, and everywhere
manner. preserved by the Cross of thy Son, 0 all-pure
The never-setting Sun shone forth from thy one, we all piously magnify thee as is meet.
womb, 0 all-immaculate one, and hath utterly
destroyed the darkness; and He hath illumined ODE VII
the earth with divine understanding. Where­ Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, look
fore, we hymn thee with faith. upon thee as a noetic furnace; for as the su­
We cry out to thee with the voice of the premely Exalted One saved the three children,
angel: "Rejoice, 0 all-pure one!" Forthougavest so hath the praised and all-glorious God of our
fathers wholly restored the world in thy womb.
birth to the Angel of great Counsel, Who with
The shadows of the law and the former
the Father is unoriginate, 0 Virgin, and Who
indistinct images of the divinely eloquent
assumed flesh that He might save man.
prophets manifestly proclaimed thy seedless
Glory ... : Making His abode within thy birthgiving, 0 all-pure and most immaculate
womb, 0 pure one, the Lord delivered those who one. And we cry out, hymning the hymned and
piously believe in Him from the dominion ofthe all-glorious God of our fathers.
enemy; wherefore, we all hymn thee aloud, 0 0 pure one full of the grace of God, thou
all-pure one. gavest birth to the Sun of the East, Who hath
Now & ever ... : Clothing Himself in me, the illumined the fullness of all the faithful and
Master issued forth from thee, 0 most immacu­ caused the night of impiety to fade. Wherefore,
late one, and hath deified human nature. Him we honor the hymned and all-glorious God of
do thou entreat, 0 Theotokos, that He strip me our fathers.
bare of every sin. Glory ... : Once, 0 most immaculate one, the
bush which burned yet was not consumed pre­
ODE VI figured thy womb, for the fire of the Godhead in
Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath sur­ nowise consumed thee. Wherefore, I entreat
rounded us, and there is none to deliver us. We thee: Deliver me from the unquenchable fire,
are reckoned as lambs for the slaughter. Save that I may unceasingly hymn thy mighty
Thy people, 0 our God, for Thou art the strength works, 0 pure one!
Now & ever ... : 0 Mother of God, help ofthe
and correction of the weak!
faithful, cleansing of the sinful, giver of all good
Without seed thou didst conceive God in thy
things: in thy compassion accept me, who fall
womb, and after thy strange birthgiving thou
down and approach thee with weeping, begging
didst remain a virgin, 0 most immaculate one; release from mine offenses.
wherefore, we who have been delivered from
the curse by thee glorify thee with praises, 0 all- ODE VIII
pure one. Irmos: The children of Israel shone in the
Thou art the ladder which Jacob saw, the furnace with the beauty of piety, more brightly
mountain overshadowed, the most radiant than gold in the crucible, saying: Bless the Lord,
cloud of the divine Light, the door through all ye works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him
which God alone hath passed. Blessed art Thou supremely for all ages!
among women, 0 all-immaculate one! The images of the law and the formerly
Glory ... : In manner transcending the laws unclear images manifestly foretold that thou
of nature, 0 Virgin who knewest not wedlock, wouldst become the pure Mother of the Lord,
thou gavest birth to the hypostatic Word of God 0 Virgin; and we, beholding now the fulfill­
Who healeth our broken state. Him do thou ment of these things, hymn thee together and
earnestly beseech, that He save us all. glorify thee for all ages.

Thou hast indisputably been adorned with immortality through thy supernatural and di­
divine beauties among beauties, 0 most im­ vine birthgiving; and they have received their
maculate one, having given birth to the Word of former beauty, praising thee together with joy­
God, Who illumineth with divine beauties the ous hymns.
hearts of all who hymn Him with faith for all Thou bearest Him Who beareth all things,
ages. and thou feedest with milk Him Who giveth
Glory ... : With sacred voices the prophets food unto all. Great and awesome and past
said of old that thou wouldst become the most understandingisthymystery, OVirgin Theoto­
immaculate Mother ofGod the Master. To Him kos, thouarkofthehonoredpriesthood! Where­
do we cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works! fore, we all call thee blessed.
Hymn and exalt Him supremely forever! Glory ... : 0 all-pure one, shine light now
Now & ever ... : In that thou art beauteous upon me who lie in the darkness of slothfulness,
and all-comely, 0 Virgin, thou gavest birth freeing me from the thoughts of the passions
blamelessly to Christ Who is comely in beau­ which blind me, 0 most immaculate one, and
ties. To Him do we cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ever imparting profound peace to my soul, that
ye works! Hymn and exalt Him supremely I may glorify thee.
forever! Now & ever ... : I fear the implacable judg­
ment seat and the impartial Judge, 0 most
ODE IX immaculate one; for the multitude of mine of­
Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet fenses is beyond number, in that I live in sloth­
was not consumed showed forth an image ofthy fulness, wholly consumed by the passions.
birthgiving; and now we pray that thou wilt Wherefore, moved to pity, have mercy on me, 0
extinguish the furnace of perils which rageth Theotokos.
against us, that we may unceasingly magnify
thee, 0 Theotokos. Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
The nature of mortals, which before was Trisagion through Our Father ... , and the rest as
condemned, 0 Virgin, hath received usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these strange and awesome mystery which is ineffa­
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone ! ­ bly being wrought, 0 my Jesus? How is it that
When Thou wast crucified, 0 Christ, tyr­ Thou coverest Thyself with a tomb, 0 infinite
anny perished and the power of the enemy was God. Forsake me not who gave Thee birth, 0 my
trampled down; for it was neither angel nor Son most sweet!"
man, but Thou Thyself, 0 Lord, Who saved us.
Glory to Thee!
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and
sessional hymns, in Tone / ­
worship the footstool of His feet; for it is holy.
Save Thy people, 0 Lord, and bless Thine
We bow down before the tree of Thy Cross,
inheritance, granting victories over adversar­
0 Thou Who lovest mankind, for Thou wast
ies, and preserving Thy commonwealth by Thy
nailed to it, 0 Life of all, didst open paradise to
the thiefwho came to Thee with faith, and didst
Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He
vouchsafe food unto him when he confessed
hath wrought salvation in the midst of the
Thee, saying: Remember me, 0 Lord! As Thou
didst accept him, so do Thou also accept us who
Once, the weapon of the Cross appeared to
cry: We have all sinned! In Thy loving-kindness
the pious Emperor Constantine as invincible
disdain us not!
victory over his enemies, because of his faith;
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- for the adverse powers tremble before it. It was
Beholding Thee, the Lamb, crucified on the the salvation of the faithful and the boast of
Cross with two thieves, Thy side pierced by a Paul.
spear, the Ewe-lamb exclaimed, crying out rna­ Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
ternally, 0 long-suffering Word: "What is this God of Israel.

M artyricon: Be Thou entreated by the crowned with thorns, that Thou mightest
pangs of the saints, which they suffered for make fruitful our thorny nature, 0 Planter of
Thee, 0 Lord; and heal all our pangs, we pray divine deeds.
Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. M artyricon: The all-holy assembly of the
saints who suffered lawfully sanctified all cre­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
ation with the outpouring of their blood and in
Possessed of thine intercession, delivered
God the Father abolished the abominable sacri­
from evils by thy supplications, and everywhere
fices offered to the demons.
preserved by the Cross of thy Son, 0 all-pure
M artyricon: 0 most holy martyrs, clouds of
one, we all piously magnify thee as is meet.
tortures did not obscure your patient struggles;
wherefore, ye were shown to be brighter than
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
the beams of the sun, 0 glorious ones, mani­
sessional hymns, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Thy
festly emitting rays of salvation.
tomb, 0 Savior..."­
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, thou wast con­
When the sun beheld Thee suspended in the
sumed by the sword ofthe sufferings of thy Son,
flesh of Thine own will upon the tree of the
for thou didst see pierced by the spear Him Who
Cross in the loving-kindness of Thy mercy, 0
hath withdrawn the sword which barred the
Word, unable to bear the blasphemy it hid its
way in paradise, and which forbade divine en­
rays. Enlighten my darkened soul with Thine
try even to the faithful.
unapproachable light, and save me, I pray.
0 Compassionate One Who stretched out Another canon, of the Theotokos, in Tone 1­
Thy hands upon the Cross, Thou didst gather Irmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly
together the nations which before were far from manner been glorified in strength; for as al­
Thee, that they might glorify Thy great good­ mighty, 0 Immortal One, it smote the adver­
ness. Look upon Thine inheritance, and by Thy sary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for
precious Cross cast down those who wage war the Israelites.
against it. Grant me streams of spiritual tears, 0 most
immaculate one who gavest rise to the Well­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
spring of remission Who washeth away the
Beholding the Lamb and Shepherd hang­
defilement of sin and bringeth forth my life in
ing, dead, upon the Tree, the unblemished Ewe­
lamb exclaimed, weeping and crying out mater­
In conceiving God, thou becamest more
nally: "0 my Son, how can I bear Thy descent
exalted than creation, 0 pure one; wherefore, I
[into death] and Thy voluntary sufferings, 0
beseech thee: Raise me up out of the mire of the
all-good God?"
passions, and lead me up to the divine heights
of dispassion.
ODE I On the day ofjudgment show thyself to be
Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross, merciful unto me, I pray, 0 pure one, deliv­
the acrostic whereof is "I am saved by the ering me from the dreadful standing [on the
Cross ofthe Master Who suffered", the left hand of Christ] and from grievous tor­
composition of Joseph, in Tone I ­ ment, for I flee beneath thy protection, 0 all­
Irmos: Delivered from bitter bondage, Israel pure Mistress.
traversed the impassable as though it were dry Raise me up who am beset by the darkness
land, and, seeing the enemy drowning, they of sin and have fallen, 0 all-pure one, and grant
chanted a hymn to God, as to their Benefactor, me a shower of tears whereby I may wash away
Who worketh wonders with His upraised arm, my vile deeds; for thee alone do we have as a
for He hath been glorified. helper, 0 Theotokos.
Lifted up upon the Cross, 0 Christ, with
Thyself Thou didst raise up fallen man and ODE III
didst cast down all the power of the enemy, 0 Canon of the Cross
Word. Wherefore, I hymn the sufferings ofThee Irmos: Let no mortal boast in his wisdom or
Who suffered and hast delivered me from the riches, but rather in his faith in the Lord, crying
passions. out to Christ God in Orthodox manner, and ever
Thou art the Lord of glory, 0 Thou Who chanting: On the rock of Thy commandments
hast crowned man with glory; and Thou wast establish me, 0 Master!

The iniquitous made holes in Thy hands and out of a mountain overshadowed and densely
feet, 0 my Jesus, Who ofold ineffably fashioned wooded, to save His anointed! Glory to Thy
man by Thy hand, and Who by suffering Thy power, 0 Lord!
passion hast freed all from corruption, 0 Christ Stripes and wounds didst Thou endure, 0
God. Christ, healing the wounds of our hearts; and
"Let the moon and the sun stand still!" cried tasting bitter gall, Thou didst remove the bane
Joshua, prefiguring the dimming of the heav­ of the sweet taste of corruption; and, nailed to
enly lights when the Master suffered in the the Tree, thou didst lift the ancient curse.
flesh upon the Cross, whereby the evil princes of Uplifted upon the Cross, Thou didst bring
darkness have been put to shame. nigh the nations who had rejected Thee, and
M artyricon: The glorious martyrs earnestly didst reconcile us to the Father, 0 Long-suffer­
endured wounds; and, wounded, they mightily ing One; and as Mediator Thou didst set Thyself
wounded the serpent Belial. Wherefore, they between us, and in the midst of the earth didst
ever heal the wounds of our souls at the behest endure a violent death.
of God. Martyricon: Overwhelmed by the sea of
M artyricon: Ye demolished the temples and your blood, 0 divinely blessed ones, the noetic
fanes of the demons, 0 martyrs, and by your Pharaoh and all his armies drowned; where­
courage and pangs all-gloriously raised your­ fore, saved, ye came with joy to the promised
selves up through grace as temples in which the land and became citizens of heaven.
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit dwelt. Martyricon: Given life by the suffering of
Theotokion: Beholding at the time of the Christ, the blessed ones were able to withstand
Passion Him Who is fair in beauty bereft of all manner of sufferings in their honored flesh;
comeliness and beauty, thou didst bitterly cry wherefore, they cause the sufferings of souls
out, 0 pure Virgin, exclaiming: "Woe is me! and bodies to cease for those who ever praise
How is it that Thou sufferest, 0 my Son, desir­ and call them blessed.
ing to deliver all from the passions?" Theotokion: Beholding Thee unjustly sacri­
ficed, 0 Christ, she who gave Thee birth cried
Canon of the Theotokos
out to Thee, lamenting: "0 my Son, Thou righ­
Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone hast known the weak­
teous Judge, how hast Thou been unjustly con­
ness of human nature, having in Thy mercy
demned, desiring to justify those who of old
formed Thyself therein: Thou dost gird me
were condemned and stumbled headlong into
about with power from on high, that I may
chant to Thee: Holy is the living temple ofThine
ineffable glory, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind! Canon of the Theotokos
0 all-pure one, thou becamest a temple for Irmos: Habbakuk, gazing with the eyes of
Him Who reigneth over all. From the oppres­ foresight upon thee, the mountain overshad­
sion of the soul-destroying thieves rescue me owed by the grace of God, prophesied that the
who have become a den for them, and show me Holy One of Israel would come forth from thee,
to be the pure abode of the divine Spirit. Twice for our salvation and restoration.
Send me a shower of tears which drieth up 0 good one, disdain me not who am sorely
the torrents of my wicked deeds, I pray, 0 thou diverted from the commandments of God by the
who gavest birth to Christ our God, the tranquil lies of the demon; but have pity, I pray, and
deep ofloving-kindness, 0 most hymned Virgin show me to be immune to his deception, 0 all­
Theotokos. pure one, for I flee to thy mercy. Twice
0 divinely joyous and all-pure Theotokos, 0 Christ God Who alone art merciful,
be thou for us strength and an unshakable through the supplications of her who gave Thee
pillar, a shield and invincible sword, repelling birth have mercy and take pity on those who set
the hordes of the noetic foe from us who honor their hope on Thee, and guide them to the light
thee with faith and love. of Thy commandments, and vouchsafe unto
them life everlasting.
ODE IV By thy tireless supplication, 0 all-pure one,
Canon of the Cross rouse me who have fallen into the sleep of death,
Irmos: Habbakuk, of old, heard wondrous re­ and who, weighted down by the chains of my
port ofThee, 0 Christ, and cried out in fear: God transgressions, languish in the tomb of despair;
shall come out ofThaeman, and the Holy One and show me the way to repentance, I pray.

0DEV storm of my many offenses; and guide me to the

Canon of the Cross haven of repentance.
Irmos: Shine forth Thy never-waning light, 0 Grant me cleansing ofthe defilements ofmy
Christ, into the hearts of those who hymn Thee soul, heal the pangs of my flesh, I pray, and by
with faith, granting us the peace which passeth thy supplications lift the grievous despondency
understanding. Wherefore, hastening from the which besetteth me.
night of ignorance to the day by Thy light, we
glorify Thee, Who lovest mankind. OnE VI
Beholding Thee, Who suspended the earth Canon ofthe Cross
upon the waters, hanging naked on the Tree, 0 Irmos: I am wholly held fast by boundless
Savior, the sun stripped away its light; and passions, and have fallen into the sea monster
when the stones felt Thee lifted up upon the of evils; yet lead me up from corruption, 0 God,
rock [of Golgotha], they split asunder in fear; as thou didst Jonah ofold, and grant me dispas­
and the foundations [of the earth] quaked. sion by faith, that I may sacrifice to Thee with
Uplifted upon the Tree, and run through a voice of praise and in the spirit of salvation.
with nails, Thou didst stain Thy fingers with When Moses raised up his arms, he pro­
blood, 0 Long-suffering One; and pierced by a vided an image of the Passion of Thee Who
spear in Thy side, Thou didst heal the wound of stretched out Thy hands on the Tree and de­
Adam, which he received when he listened to stroyed the pernicious dominion of the evil one;
[Eve], his rib, and disobeyed the One Who wherefore, we hymn Thee, knowing Thee to be
created her. our Deliverer and Savior, 0 Thou Who lovest
Martyricon: The multitude of the martyrs mankind.
was shown to be paradise, with Christ as the Uplifted upon the Tree, Thou didst endure
Tree of life in its midst. For enduring a violent death and didst put to death him who brought
death for Him with brave resolve, with divine death upon us; and having brought life again to
power they slew the serpent, who through food the work of Thy hands, 0 Christ, pierced in the
had brought death upon the first of our race. side with a spear Thou didst pour forth remis­
Martyricon: With drops ofbloodye dried up sion with both hands, 0 Thou Who art hymned
the abyss of ungodliness, 0 athletes of Christ; as having two volitions.
and with divine outpourings of sacred miracles Martyricon: Precious in the sight of the
ye overwhelm the torrents of the passions of Lord hath your memory become, 0 saints, who
soul and body. Wherefore, ye are rightly called have honored all by your honored sufferings,
blessed. and have put to shame Belial, who employeth
Theotokion: Beholding Christ uplifted of every wile and every form of torment to cast us
His own will, the immaculate one marveled and all down.
cried out, weeping: "0 my Son and God, though Martyricon: With all your soul ye surren­
I escaped pain in giving birth unto Thee, I now deredyourselves to multifarious tortures, 0 all­
suffer pangs as Thou art crucified unjustly by wise ones, and ye found all the helping aid of
the iniquitous!" Him Who clothed Himself in all humanity.
Wherefore, as your members were severed and
Canon of the Theotokos
ye felt the fire, ye rejoiced.
Irmos: 0 Christ Who hast enlightened the ends
Theotokion: Beholding Thy crucifixion, the
of the world with the radiance of Thy coming
all-pure one cried out: "0 my Son, what strange
and hast illumined them with Thy Cross: with
sight is this that I see? How is it that Thou, 0
the light of Thy divine knowledge enlighten the
Christ, Who healest the sufferings of the sick,
hearts of those who hymn Thee in Orthodox
dost endure new sufferings? How have Thine
enemies rewarded Thee, 0 Benefactor, for the
The torrents of my many transgressions
grace they have received?"
have engulfed me and brought down the temple
of my soul, 0 all-pure one; but as thou art the Canon of the Theotokos
restoration of our first parents, 0 Theotokos, Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath surrounded
raise me up, thy servant. Twice us, and there is none to deliver us. We are
Extending thy hand, 0 Mistress, raise me accounted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy
up who am sinking in the mire of the passions, people, 0 our God, for Thou art the strength and
wretch that I am, and am foundering amid the correction of the weak!

0 all-pure one, with the spear rend asunder Canon of the Theotokos
the record of my transgressions, for the sake of Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive
Him Who was born of thy seedless womb, and thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely
vouchsafe that I may be entered in the book of Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy
the elect, for I flee to thy divine protection. womb the praised and most glorious God of our
Twice fathers wholly renewed the world.
Through the supplications of her who gave In that thou gavest birth to the Wellspring
Thee birth cleanse Thy servants, 0 Christ, in oflife, 0 all-pure one, with thy life-bearing right
that Thou art good, and send down forgiveness hand resurrect my dead soul, and vouchsafe
of offenses [upon them], for Thou art the Savior that I may cry out in compunction of heart: 0
and Deliverer of all who set their hope on Thee. all-praised God ofour fathers, blessed art Thou!
0 all-pure Virgin who gavest birth to the Twice
Bestower of life, by thy supplications bring life God Who existeth from before time deigned
now to me who have been slain by the passions, to become the new Adam through thy pure
and show me to be victorious over the evil foe; blood. Him do thou now entreat, that He renew
for thee alone do we have as a helper in the sight me who have grown old, but who cry: 0 all­
of God. praised God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Descending upon me in wrath, the enemy
ODE VII pitilessly desireth to carry away my lowly soul,
Canon of the Cross 0 all-pure one; but foil his intent, and have pity
Irmos: The youths, who once were manifestly on me who chant: 0 praised God of our fathers,
shown forth as holy for their piety, passed blessed art Thou!
through the unbearable flame of the furnace as
though it were a bridal chamber; and, chanting ODE VIII
with one accord, they sang: 0 God ofour fathers, Canon ofthe Cross
blessed art Thou! Irmos: The dew-bearing fiery furnace showed
Though Thou art Master, 0 my Jesus, a forth the image of a supernatural wonder; for it
servant smote Thee, for Thou didst desire to burned not the youths whom it had received,
free me who am held in thrall by the enemy; just as the fire of the Godhead burned not the
and, nailed to the Cross, Thou savest me who Virgin, whose womb it entered. Wherefore,
chant: 0 God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! chanting, let us sing: Let all creation bless the
All creation trembled, 0 compassionate Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Lord, when Thou wast crucified; and when Thy Of Thine own will Thou wast crucified on
side was pierced by a spear, the enemy was the Cross, 0 Thou Who with Thy hand unfurled
wholly wounded; and Thou didst heal wounded the sky; and Thou wast pierced by nails, desir­
Adam, who cried: Blessed is the God of our ing to set aright the terrible stumbling of first­
fathers! created Adam. Wherefore, chanting, we sing:
Martyricon: Protected by the Cross, the Let all creation bless the Lord and exalt Him
glorious army of passion-bearers destroyed the supremely forever!
hordes of the enemy by grace, and received When the hard-hearted assembly lifted
crowns ofvictory, crying out: Blessed is the God Thee, the Rock, up upon the rock [of Golgotha],
of our fathers! the mountains quaked and the earth shook, 0
Martyricon: Having acquired a will stron­ Word of God; but timid souls were made stead­
ger than fire, 0 athletes who were cast into fire fast in divine life, and ever cry: Let all creation
but were not consumed, ye utterly consumed bless the Lord and exalt Him supremely for­
the evil tinder of ungodliness, crying: 0 God of ever!
our fathers, blessed art Thou! Martyricon: The holy passion-bearers
Theotokion: Thine Offspring, 0 Virgin, all­ manifestly wove the vesture of salvation for
gloriously gave rise unto the ages; and, uplifted themselves, suffering patiently in bodily na­
upon the Cross, with Himself He raised up the kedness, and withstanding a heavy onslaught
fallen and showed them to be dwellers in of wounds; wherefore, chanting, they sing: Let
heaven, who cry: 0 God of our fathers, blessed all creation bless the Lord and exalt Him su­
art Thou! premely forever!


Martyricon: Though their nails were merci­ cried out to Thee with faith: Remember me!
lessly torn out and their members pitilessly And with him we piously glorify Thy sufferings.
severed, though they were subjected to all man­ Crucified, Thou didst shake the foundations
ner ofwounds, the passion-bearers did not offer ofthe earth; and when Thou wast pierced by the
sacrifice to graven images, but showed them­ spear, Thou didst pour forth drops of
selves to be towers of courage for the faithful, immortality-Thy Blood and water-whereby
crying: Let all creation bless the Lord and exalt Thou didst cleanse mankind of the passions, 0
Him supremely forever! Jesus. Wherefore, chanting, we magnify Thee.
Theotokion: "The mindless assembly, desir­ Martyricon: The valiant saints rejoiced
ing to provoke Thee, considered how to remove amid their tortures, encouraging themselves as
Thee from the earth. I have become childless for something delightful, and crying out: "Let us
and am troubled, and my maternal heart is stand firm! Behold! Christ hath opened the
filled with pain!" she who knew not man once contest, and will now bestow wreaths upon
cried out, as she beheld Thee nailed to the those whom He hath loved!"
Cross. And with her creation glorifieth Thee, Martyricon: The whole united assembly of
the Deliverer of all, 0 Jesus, forever. the faithful is enlightened, honoring the suffer­
ings of all the invincible martyrs and their
Canon ofthe Theotokos
myriad pangs. For for their sake they have been
Irmos: The children of Israel in the furnace,
vouchsafed sweetness and life without pain,
shining more brightly than gold in a crucible in
and everlasting delight.
the beauty of their piety, said: Bless the Lord,
Theotokion: The Maiden who ineffably gave
all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him
birth to theWord Who loveth mankind, behold­
supremely for all ages!
ing Him voluntarily suffering at the hands of
Enlighten the eyes of my heart, 0 pure one
men, cried out: "What is this? God Who is
who art the portal of the Light, dispelling the
beyond suffering undergoeth suffering, that He
deep darkness and cloud of the passions, that I
might deliver from the sufferings those who
may chant: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the
worship Him with faith!"
Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever! Twice
0 pure, most immaculate Mistress, never Canon of the Theotokos
cease to pray for all who call upon thee as the Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was
Mother of God and cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye not consumed showed forth an image of thy
works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him su­ pure birthgiving. And now we pray that the
premely forever! furnace oftemptations which rageth against us
0 most hymned Virgin, who ineffably gav­ may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee
est birth to Christ, the Source of salvation, pray unceasingly, 0 Theotokos.
for all who fervently cry out: Bless the Lord, all Take away the heavy burden of mine of­
ye works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him fenses, 0 most hymned Theotokos, and vouch­
supremely forever! safe that I may bear the yoke of thy Son and
God, which is most light, and may tread the
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the path which leadeth to perfection on high. Twice
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable I tremble, 0 most immaculate one, when I
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. think of the dread day of the coming of Christ;
for all my life hath ended in sins, and my soul is
ODEIX full of the passions. But have pity on me, and
Canon of the Cross deliver me then from all damnation.
Irmos: Ineffable is the mystery of the Virgin! 0 all-pure Mistress, accept the entreaties of
For she hath been shown forth as heaven, the thine unprofitable servant, and transform the
throne of the cherubim, and the light-bearing turmoil of my soul and body into profound
bridal chamber of Christ God Almighty. Her do serenity, that, saved, I may magnify thee.
we piously magnify as the Theotokos.
When ofold the wise thiefbeheld Thee, Who Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
suspended the earth upon the unfathomable prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
waters, hanging upon the Tree, 0 Savior, he usual psalms.


Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone I­ nor the sword, nor the threatening fire were
W e unceasingly hymn Thee as Savior and able to separate you from God, 0 most
Master, Who wast nailed to the Tree and hast lauded martyrs; and ye forgot your own na­
given us life. ture, struggling as in others' bodies, and
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with spurning death out of great love for Him.
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were Wherefore, as is meet ye have received re­
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days ward for your pangs, and have become in­
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years heritors of the kingdom of heaven. Pray ye
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy unceasingly in behalf of our souls.
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
guide their sons. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
By Thy Cross have angels and men been Standing by Thy Cross, 0 Word of God, the
united into one flock, 0 Christ, and in a single unblemished Ewe-lamb, Thy Mother, cried out,
assemblage heaven and earth rejoice, crying: lamenting: "Woe is me, 0 my Son! How is it that
Glory to Thee, 0 Lord! Thou diest upon the Cross? Woe is me, 0 my
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord sweet Light! Where now hath the visage ofThy
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands beauty gone, 0 Thou Who art more comely than
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of all men?"
our hands do Thou guide aright.
Martyricon: Neither tribulation, nor op­ Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
pression, nor starvation, nor persecution, through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
nor wounds, nor the raging of wild beasts, Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone ! ­ Martyricon: 0 all-praised martyrs, who

By food did the enemy lead Adam out of with your stripes lashed a multitude of the
paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead back demons, with grace ever truly heal all the
into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, 0 wounds and stripes of men.
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : The Trinity enlighteneth all who
Thou didst endure violent suffering, 0 offer It pure worship, and acknowledge that It
Christ, and didst remove from us our reproach, possesseth indestructible dominion. Where­
0 Good One. And Thou hast shown us to be fore, let us cry out thereto: 0 Trinity, save those
sharers in the kingdom on high, who worship who hymn Thee!
Thy condescension. Now & ever ... : Standing by the Cross and
0 Christ Who coverest the nakedness of beholding Christ nailed in the flesh, the all­
Adam, Thou wast stripped naked in the flesh; immaculate one cried out, exclaiming: "Where
and when Thou wast uplifted upon the Cross, now hath the beauty ofThy glory gone, 0 loving
Thou didst raise us up from the abyss of evils. Lord?"
Wherefore, we glorify Thy holy condescension,


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera ofthe holy Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
apostles, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "0 all-praised prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
martyrs... "- eth forever.
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, The adornment of priestly vestments didst
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee thou render more splendid by thine active vir­
is forgiveness. tues, 0 God-bearing father; wherefore, for us
0 glorious apostles, divinely chosen disciples thou performest sacred acts of wondrous
ofChrist, teachers ofthe whole world, who found miracles for the sake of Christ, delivering us
the Lord God, Who is the Mediator between God from evils.
and man: Unto Him did ye cleave in godliness,
and throughout the world ye manifestly Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
preached Him as God and as most perfect man. Bestormed upon the deep of transgressions,
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ I have made haste to the calm haven ofthine all­
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath pure supplications, 0 Theotokos; and I cry unto
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath thee, 0 most immaculate one: Stretching forth
hoped in the Lord. thy mighty right hand unto thy servant, save me!
0 most wise apostles, divinely chosen dis­ Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
ciples of Christ, teachers ofthe whole world: By the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
your supplications strengthen me, that I may
obey the teachings of God; and ever help me to Aposticha stichera of apostles, in Tone / ­
walk the narrow path, that I may achieve a The harmonious harp of the apostles/
most spacious sojourn in paradise. played by the Holy Spirit,/abolished the abomi­
Stichos: From the morning watch until nable sacrifices of the demons;'and, proclaim­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in ing the one L~~d{it hath deT1~ered the nations
the Lord. from the deception of th~,!9-olsjtnd t~:t!ght them
I hymn as eyewitnesses and preachers of to worship the consubstantial Trinity.
the Word Peter the first enthroned, Paul and Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
James, Andrew and Philip, Simon, eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Bartholemew and Thomas, Matthew and John, hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
and Mark and Luke who recorded the Gospels, of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
who with the seventy others are the divinely look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
chosen choir. eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; pity on us. ,
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the Together let us praise Peter ancl,Paul/Luke
great hierarch & wonderworker Nicholas, in the and Matthew, Mark and John,/Andrew and
same melody- Thomas, Bartholer;new and Simon the Cana1te,
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, James and Philipi/and let us laud the whole
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; choir of the disCiples, as is nieet.
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
iniquities. mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
Soaring aloft above the flowers of the abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Church, 0 thrice blessed Nicholas, as a fledg­ therewith; let reproach come upon them that
ling from the angelic nest ofthe Most High thou prosper, and abasement on the proud.
ever callest unto God in behalf of all the people Martyricon: Automelon: 0 all-praised
who find themselves in the midst of violent martyrs/the earth did not hide you, but heaven
tribulations and temptations, and dost deliver received you,;l~nd unto you were opened the
them by thy supplications. gates of paradise. ,/And si~9e ye hav~, er:tered
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; therein, ye delight in the tree of life/:Pray ye
praise Him, all ye peoples. unto Christ:/that He grant our souls peace and
Ascending through the beauties of heaven, great mercy·
thou didst gaze upon the awesome glory of the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Holy of holies. Wherefore, thou dost ever dis­ Rejoice, 0 Virgin, thou joy of thine­
close unto us heavenly words of the vivifying tors/gladness of the apostles and martyr9'~'and
sight thereof, 0 most sacred father. protection of us, thy servants. ·
Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart... Trisagion through Our Father ...

Troparia. Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy

nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when the
season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth!
ODE I Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
Irmos: Let us all chant a hymn of victory Christ made His abode in thine all-pure
unto God Who hath wrought wondrous womb, 0 most holy Mistress, and deified us,
miracles with His upraised arm, and saved assuming animate flesh. Wherefore, in Ortho­
Israel, for He hath been glorified. dox manner we hymn thee, the pure Mother, 0
The bush prefigured thee, 0 Theotokos; for, Mistress, thou helper of the world.
remaining unconsumed, thou didst truly hold Sanctify us, 0 holy Theotokos who gavest
the unbearable Fire. Wherefore, with faithful birth in the flesh to the All-holy One Who
voices we ever hymn thee. desired to become like unto men; and by thy
God the Word, clothing Himself in man, supplications, 0 all-pure one, show us all to be
became incarnate ofthee in manner past under­ partakers of the heavenly kingdom.
standing, 0 all-pure one. Wherefore, every Glory ... : 0 Virgin Theotokos, undefiled
breath doth glorify thee and do thee homage, tabernacle, with the pure beams ofthy compas­
and honoreth thee as is meet. sions cleanse me who have defiled myself with
Glory ... : 0 all-pure one, thou didst conceive transgressions, and grant me a helping hand,
the ineffable Word Who upholdeth all the ends that I may cry: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
ofthe earth, and thou gavest birth to Him. Him Now & ever... : Thou wast shown to be a
do thou earnestly beseech, that He have mercy temple sanctified for God, 0 Virgin, and He made
on us. His abode in thee in manner past understanding.
Now & ever ... : In that thou alone gavest Him do thou beseech, that He wash away the
birth within time to the timeless God incarnate, defilement of our sins, that we may be shown to be
0 all-pure Mistress, heal thou the immemorial temples and habitations of the Spirit.
sufferings of my passion-plagued soul.
Irmos: GrantusThypeace, OSonofGod,for
ODE III we know none other God than Thee. We call
Irmos: Let my heart be made steadfast in upon Thy name, for Thou art the God of the
thy will, 0 omnipotent Christ God, Who estab­ living and the dead.
lished the second heaven above the waters and The wicked eating which once was done in
founded the earth upon the waters. Eden made me mortal; but do thou, 0 pure one
That He might deify humanity, God became who gavest birth to Life, restore me to life who
man through thee, 0 pure Virgin, in manner have been slain by the tree of old, that I may lift
past recounting and understanding. Wherefore up my voice in hymns, glorifying thee.
together we, the faithful, call thee blessed. 0 most pure one, save me from cruel tribu­
He Who by nature is uncircumscribable lations! Raise me up from the vile passions, and
became circumscribed, incarnate of thee, 0 from the captivity and oppression of the evil
pure one who art full of the grace of God. Him demons deliver me who honor thee with love.
do thou unceasingly entreat, that He take pity Glory ... : 0 pure Virgin Mother, we know
and enlighten the souls ofthose who bless thee. thee to be the cloud and garden of paradise, the
Glory ... : Dispel all the fruitlessness ofmine portal ofthe Light, the table and fleece, and the
unfruitful thoughts, and show forth my soul as jar holding within thee the Manna which is the
fruitful in the virtues, 0 all-holy Theotokos, delight of the world.
thou helper of the faithful. Now & ever ... : 0 all-immaculate one who
Now & ever ... : Deliver me from every evil gavest birth to God, Emmanuel, Who in His
circumstance, from the many temptations of loving-kindness manifestly became man: Him
the serpent, and from eternal fire and darkness, do thou beseech, that He have pity on sinful
0 all-immaculate one who for us gavest birth to people, in that He loveth mankind, 0 pure one.
the never-waning Light.
ODE IV Irmos: 0 Christ God, I cry to Thee: As Thou
Irmos: Foreseeing the incarnation of the didst the Prophet Jonah, lead up my life from
Word in the Spirit, 0 Prophet Habbakuk, thou corruption, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, for
didst exclaim, crying out: When the years draw with Thee is life, incorruption and power.

I entreat thee who art the good and unde­ ODE VIII
filed tabernacle: By thy mediation wash away Irmos: Him ofWhom the angels and all the
all defilement from me who have been defiled by armies of heaven are in awe do ye hymn as
many sins. Creator and Lord, 0 ye priests; glorify, ye chil­
0 pure one, be thou guidance for me who am dren; ye people, bless and exalt Him supremely
tempest-tossed upon the cruel abyss of the for all ages!
perils of life; direct me to the harbor of salva­ By thy vigilant supplications to God, 0 all­
tion, and save me. immaculate one, we who acknowledge thee to
Glory ... : The threefold billows of evil be the blessed and all-joyous Theotokos are
thoughts, the assaults of the passions and the delivered from all manner of temptations.
abyss of sins bestorm my wretched soul. Heal In godly manner the Incorporeal One be­
me, 0 holy Mistress! came incarnate of thee. Him do thou entreat, 0
Now & ever ... : 0 Mary who art called the all-pure one, that He mortify the passions of my
tabernacle of sanctification, sanctify my flesh and revive my soul, which hath been slain
wretched soul which hath been defiled by plea­ by sins.
sures, and make me a partaker of divine glory. Glory ... : 0 all-pure one who gavest birth to
God the Savior, Who hath healed the abase­
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice; Glory ... , Now
ment of Adam: Him do thou beseech, that He
& ever ...
heal the incurably painful wounds of my soul.
Sessional hymn, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Thy Now & ever ... : Raise me up who lie in the
tomb, 0 Savior... "­ abyss of evils, and vanquish the enemies who
0 Virgin who gavest nourishment to One of now assail me, the unseemly pleasures which
the Trinity, 0 beauteous garden of paradise, eat away my soul. Disdain me not, 0 pure one,
salvation of mortals: with thy protection save but have pity and save me!
those who piously hymn thee, for thou gavest
birth to Him Who spake in the prophets, and
Irmos: We all magnify as the pure Mother
didst bear Him Who upholdeth all things, in
of our God the Light-bearing cloud whereon the
that thou art the Mother of Christ God.
unoriginate Master of all sat when He de­
ODE VII scended from heaven like dew upon the fleece
Irmos: The fire neither touched nor harmed and was incarnate for our sake, becoming man.
Thy children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then the 0 all-immaculate one who gavest birth to
three hymned and blessed Thee as with a single the divine Light Who shone forth from the
mouth, saying: Blessed is the God of our fathers! Father, have pity on my soul, which hath be­
The Son ofthe unoriginate Father made His come darkened by the deceptions of life and is
abode within thy womb, receiving a beginning, become an object of mockery to mine enemies;
that He might deliver us who worship Him from and vouchsafe unto me the light of saving re­
the evil princes of darkness, in that He is God, pentance, 0 pure one.
0 pure Theotokos. 0 all-immaculate one, Isaiah beheld thee as
Arrayed in divine virtues, 0 pure Virgin, a luminous cloud from whence the Sun of righ­
thou gavest birth to the Word Who with the teousness hath shone forth upon us, mystically
Father is unoriginate, and hath truly covered to enlighten creation. Wherefore, with faith we
the heavens with virtues. Him do thou ever hymn thee who art beautiful among women.
entreat, that He have pity on us. Glory ... : Loving sin, I live in slothfulness, 0
Glory ... : Sanctify our thoughts, make stead­ pure one. I tremble before the implacable judg­
fast the souls of all, 0 Mother ofGod, that we may ment, at which do thou preserve me uncon­
execute well the judgments of the Word of the demned by thy holy entreaties, 0 Virgin Bride
unoriginate Father Who, in His ineffable loving­ of God, that I may ever bless thee as my helper.
kindness, became incarnate of thee, 0 Virgin. Now & ever ... : I tremble before the judg­
Now & ever ... : Revive my mind which hath ment and the inescapable eye ofthy Son, having
been slain by many passions, 0 all-immaculate committed many sins on earth. Wherefore, I cry
one, and strengthen me to do God-pleasing to thee: 0 most merciful Mistress, help me! 0
works, that I may magnify thee ever as the pure one, rescue me uncondemned from my
helper and hope of Christians. need at that time!
Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration. Trisagion through Our Father ... ,
and the rest as usual. Dismissal.

After the first chanting of the Psalter, these recounting, in behalf of those who hymn thee,
sessional hymns of the apostles, in Tone 1­ and grant correction of life and the remission of
0 all-wise fishers ofthe whole world, having all sins unto us who ever glorify thee.
received compassion from God, prayye now also
for us who cry out: Save Thy people, 0 Lord, and After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
for the sake of the apostles free our souls from sessional hymns, in Tone 1­
the evils which beset us. 0 radiant disciples of the Savior, ye noetic
Stichos: Their sound hath gone forth into all luminaries, ye have illumined the whole world
the earth, and their words unto the end of the as with fire. Wherefore, I pray: With your
world. brilliant rays, 0 most blessed ones, illumine my
0 ye faithful, in hymns let us honor the all­ soul, which is in darkness.
wise apostles: the melodious trumpets of 0 holy hierarch father Nicholas, who dwelt
Christ, the steeds which by grace roil the sea of bodily in Myra, thou wast shown to be anointed
ungodliness and draw men forth from the abyss noeticallywith themyrrhofthe Spirit; and with
unto the divine haven of salvation. thy miracles thou dost emit sweet fragrance,
pouring forth ever-flowing myrrh upon Myra,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
which is perfumed by thy myrrh-like hymns
Having acquired Mary the Theotokos as an
and thy memory.
unassailable bulwark, come, ye faithful, let us
bow down and fall prostrate before her; for she Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
hath boldness before Him Who was born ofher, The prophets clearly proclaimed thee be­
and entreateth Him, and saveth our souls from forehand as the Mother of God, 0 Maiden. The
wrath and death. divine apostles proclaimed thee in the midst of
the world, and we have believed on thee.
Wherefore, we all right reverently hymn thee
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
and ever call theethe true Theotokos.
sessional hymns, in Tone 1­
Destroyingthe webs ofthe rhetors with the
net of the word and the reed of the Cross, the
Canon of the holy apostles, the composition of
fishermen enlightened the nations, that in pi­
Theophanes, in Tone 1­
ety they might glorify Thee, the true God;
1rmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly
wherefore, we cry out a hymn unto Thee Who
manner been glorified in strength; for as al­
strengthened them: Glory to the Father and to
mighty, 0 Immortal One, it smote the adver­
the Son! Glory to the Holy Spirit Who is of the
sary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for
same essence! Glory to Thee Who through them
hast enlightened the world! the Israelites.
Illumined by the divine rays of the efful­
Stichos: The heavens declare Thy wonders,
gence of the threefold Sun, 0 glorious and
0 Lord.
radiant apostles, ye truly became gods by adop­
Shining forth timelessly, the Light Who is
tion; wherefore, as is meet, we honor you with
from Light entered time and appeared on earth
faith. Twice
in the flesh; and through you, 0 most blessed
Ye became faithful ministers of the Word
ones, He enlightened the earth. Wherefore,
Who in His loving-kindness appeared on earth
illumined by your divine teachings, we honor
in the coarseness ofthe flesh, and fulfillers ofall
your sacred memory, 0 apostles.
His precepts by faith, 0 apostles, and are ever
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
God of Israel.
0 ever-blessed ones, with the radiant
Martyricon: We all pray to the martyrs of
beams ofthe all-holy Spirit enlighten the whole
Christ, approaching them with love, for they
of me, who am enshrouded in the darkness of
make entreaty for our salvation, pour forth the
sins; and manifestly guide me to the path of
grace of healings and repel the hordes of the
demons, in that they kept the Faith.
Theotokion: 0 most immaculate Theotokos
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ and Mistress, who art the joy ofthe apostles: In
0 all-holy Virgin, thou hope of Christians: that thou art Mother to Him Who hath divinely
Unceasingly beseech God to Whom thou gavest spoken in them, pray with them, that He de­
birth in manner past understanding and liver me from the fire of Gehenna.

Another canon, of our father among the saints entreat Christ, to Whom thou gavest flesh ofthy
Nicholas the wonderworker, the acrostic pure blood, that thy servants may be saved.
whereof is "Unto thee, 0 Nicholas, do I offer a
Canon of Saint Nicholas
first hymn': the composition of Joseph,
Irmos: Let my heart be made steadfast in Thy
in Tone 1­
will, 0 Christ God, Who didst establish the
Irmos: Let us all chant a hymn of victory unto
second heaven above the waters and didst
God, Who hath wrought marvelous wonders
found the earth upon the waters, 0 Almighty
with His upraised arm and saved Israel, for He
is glorious.
0 wise Nicholas, adornment of high priests,
Adorned with crowns of righteousness, and
sweet savor of the divine Spirit: By thy suppli­
standing before the throne ofgrace, 0 Nicholas,
cations, redolent ofmyrrh, drive away the footid
by thy supplications ever save those who in
passions from my heart, I pray thee with love.
hymns now crown thee with faith.
I have reached the end of my life in slothful­
0 most blessed Nicholas, who receivest the
ness, wretch that I am, and fear thy dread
grace of healings, by thy supplications heal the
tribunal, 0 Christ. Put me not to shame
wounds of my soul, and deliver me from the
thereat, but be Thou entreated by the sacred
temptations which beset me, I pray.
mediations of Nicholas.
By thy mighty supplication, 0 Nicholas,
0 holy hierarch Nicholas our father, who art
heal thou my soul, which is wholly paralyzed by
adorned with grace divine, from divers tempta­
my transgressions, and deliver me from the
tions and misfortunes save those who ever flee
cruelties of life, I pray.
to thy protection, 0 most blessed one.
Theotokion: With thy light dispel the gloom
Theotokion: Deliver me from all perils, from
from my mind, 0 most immaculate one, and
the many temptations of the serpent, and from
deliver me from everlasting darkness, that I
everlasting fire and darkness, 0 most immacu­
may ever hymn thy mighty works.
late one, who for us gavest birth to the never­
waning Light.
Canon of the Apostles OnE IV
Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone hast known the Canon of the Apostles
weakness of human nature, having in Thy Irmos: Habbakuk, gazing with the eyes of
mercy formed Thyself therein: Thou dost gird foresight upon thee, the mountain over shad­
me about with power from on high, that I may owed by the grace of God, prophesied that the
chant to Thee: Holy is the living temple ofThine Holy One of Israel would come forth from thee,
ineffable glory, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind! for our salvation and restoration.
God, Who alone is invisible, became visible Roiling the sea of ungodliness and unbelief
when He was incarnate; and He chose you as by your riding forth like horses, 0 divinely
disciples for the whole world, to proclaim His chosen apostles ofChrist, ye drowned the noetic
name and surpassing glory, 0 all-blessed, foe and drew drowning men forth to salvation.
divine apostles. Twice Twice
Against Thee only have I sinned, 0 Christ, 0 apostles, ye receptacles ofthe divine efful­
against Thee only have I committed iniquity; gence of the Spirit, with the light of repentance
and I have defiled my soul with evils. By Thy enlighten my darkened soul, which hath be­
mercy cleanse Thou and save me, for I have come a receptacle of all manner of passions, 0
Thine all-wise apostles entreating Thee, 0 godly apostles divinely blessed.
Jesus Who alone art readily appeased. 0 clouds who let fall the water of life, give
0 merciful apostles, deliver me from bitter­ drink divinely unto my soul, which is desiccated
ness of the defilements of passions and sins, by the drought of the passions, and cause it to
sweetening my thoughts with repentance, in produce the grain of salvation and the virtues,
that ye have divine sweetness in your hearts, 0 0 most praised apostles.
most lauded ones. Theotokion: 0 all-praised apostles, with the
Theotokion: With the immaterial ministers, prophets and martyrs, and the Mother of the
with all the hosts on high, with the martyrs and Deliverer, earnestly pray that we may be deliv­
the apostles, 0 Virgin who knewest not wedlock, ered from sins, from everlasting torment, from
temptations, misfortunes and tribulations.

Canon of Saint Nicholas flesh in manner past recounting, 0 Virgin

Irmos: Foreseeing in the Spirit the incarnation Theotokos, that thy servants may be freed from
of the Word, 0 Prophet Habbakuk, thou didst irrational acts and the carnal passions.
announce, crying out: When the years draw
nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when the Canon of Saint Nicholas
season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth! Irmos: Shine forth thy radiant and everlasting
Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! light upon us who rise early unto the judgments
As the fulfiller of all the precepts of God, 0 of Thy commandments, 0 Master Christ our
holy hierarch Nicholas our father, and by thy God, Who lovest mankind.
supplications enable us on earth to keep the Planted in the courts of the Lord, 0 holy
laws which lead to salvation; and deliver us hierarch Nicholas our father, like a fruitful
from all the temptations which assail us. olive-tree by grace thou now anointest the faces
Having finished thy course for Christ in of all with the oil of thy labors.
holiness, direct thou our ways unto Him, 0 God­ Make entreaty now in behalf of thy ser­
bearing father Nicholas, that, having escaped vants, 0 father Nicholas, that we may receive
from wandering in trackless wastes, we may remission ofoffenses and may be delivered from
attain unto saving protection. the tribulations which surround us and from all
0 all-wise father Nicholas, who set at oppression.
naught all the wiles of the enemy, through thy Thee do we beseech, 0 Nicholas, our good
divine watchfulness fill all of us with grace who mediator before the Lord: Leave us not without
keep vigil, hymn God, and set thee before Him help, 0 holy one, but save us by the supplica­
as an advocate. tions thou art wont to make.
Theotokion: Enlightened in mind by the Theotokion: 0 Maiden full of the grace of
Spirit of God, the prophet described thee God, splendid temple ofChrist: By thy supplica­
beforehand, 0 pure one, as the mountain tions to the Father, the Son and the Spirit,
overshadowed. By grace and thy right ac­ make temples of us who do holy things.
ceptable mediations, 0 Theotokos, cool now
those who are burning up with the heat of OnE VI
many transgressions. Canon of the Apostles
Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath surrounded
ODE V us, and there is none to deliver us. We are
Canon of the Apostles accounted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy
Irmos: 0 Christ Who hast enlightened the ends people, 0 our God, for Thou art the strength and
of the world with the radiance of Thy coming correction of the weak!
and hast illumined them with Thy Cross: with With noetic nets ye fished for the nations,
the light ofThy divine knowledge enlighten the drawing them forth to the understanding of
hearts of those who hymn Thee in Orthodox Him Who edifieth men, 0 divinely blessed
manner. apostles. Him do ye earnestly entreat in behalf
Ye were shown to be mountains giving rise of the world. Twice
to sweetness and beauteous gladness, 0 most 0 lowly soul, 0 wretched soul, 0 unrepen­
glorious apostles, washing away all the bitter­ tant soul: Repent, and cry out unto Christ: I
ness of the enemy and delighting the faithful. have sinned! By the supplications of Thine
Twice apostles cleanse me, 0 Master Who lovest man­
y e understood that Christ had come to His kind, in that Thou art all-good.
own people as a sojourner, and ye cleaved unto 0 Almighty Christ, Who of old didst pour
Him sincerely. Wherefore, deliver me from the forth water from a rock for Israel, by the suppli­
harm of the alien one, 0 divine apostles of the cations of Thine apostles dispel my gloom and
Word. cause me to produce torrents of tears, in that
Heal Thou the hidden wounds of my soul Thou art greatly merciful, that I may hymn and
through the supplications of those who in sa­ magnify Thy loving-kindness.
cred manner preached in the world Thy divine Theotokion: 0 Virgin, Him Who in His
coming, Thy sufferings and rising from the goodness was well-pleased to be born of thee do
tomb, 0 Compassionate One. thou entreat as Creator and God, that He save
Theotokion: With all the incorporeal ones from temptations and perils those who ever
entreat God the Word, to Whom thou gavest hope in thee, 0 all-holy one.

Canon of Saint Nicholas Canon of Saint Nicholas

Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry out: Irmos: The fire neither touched nor vexed Thy
0 Good One, free my life from corruption! 0 children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then, as
Savior of the world, save me who cry out: Glory with one mouth, the three hymned and blessed
to Thee! Thee, saying: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
0 Christ Who dost possess a multitude of By thy loving supplication, 0 wise Nicho­
compassions, through the supplications of las, keep the feet of my soul from stumbling,
Nicholas dispel the multitude of mine evils, setting them firmly upon the rock of God's all­
ever guiding my life, which is battered by waves radiant commandments, and keeping me un­
of sin. affected by the pernicious wiles of the enemy,
Mightily hast thou trampled the enemy the author of evil.
underfoot, 0 wise Nicholas. By thy supplica­ Ask for us release from our many sins, from
tions strengthen us also to crush him, for we the snares oflife and necessity, and from all the
have been enriched by thy divine intercession. temptations which assail us, 0 sacred Nicholas,
0 Nicholas, who wast the true primate of helper of all the faithful and foundation of holy
the people of Myra, perfume the senses of our hierarchs.
souls, and ever drive away the fretid passions I am the wicked servant who hid the talent
which war against us. which I right readily received to invest, and I
Theotokion: Christ hath accomplished fear the coming trial. But through the entreaty
mighty works in thee, 0 pure one. Him do thou of the holy Nicholas, may God, the Judge of all,
ever beseech, that He magnify in us His rich not condemn me thereat.
mercy, 0 thou who art full of the grace of God. Theotokion: Thee, Omostholy, all-holyone,
do we, thy servants, ever beseech, day and
ODE VII night, with contrite mind, asking that deliver­
Canon of the Apostles ance from our sins be granted us through thy
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive supplications, 0 pure one.
thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely
Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy ODE VIII
womb the praised and most glorious God of our Canon of the Apostles
fathers wholly renewed the world. Irmos: The children of Israel in the furnace,
The Lord Jesus, the Wellspring of life, left shining more brightly than gold in a crucible in
you, His disciples, as rivers imparting the wa­ the beauty of their piety, said: Bless the Lord,
ters of the knowledge of God as drink to the all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him
whole world, for ye chant: Praised and all­ supremely for all ages!
glorious is the God of our fathers! Twice The great Sun shone you forth like rays
Bearing in your hearts the noetic Fire, the upon the whole world, 0 apostles, illumining
divine grace of Christ, 0 disciples, ye burned up those who sing with faith: Bless the Lord, all ye
the tinder of ungodliness; wherefore, utterly works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him su­
consume the flammable passions of me who cry premely forever! Twice
out: Praised and all-glorious is the God of our As reason-endowed shepherds, as sheep of
fathers! the Shepherd, as lambs of Christ the Lamb, our
Deliver me from fiery torment, 0 God, Deliverer, 0 apostles who beheld God, unceas­
through the supplications of Thy glorious dis­ ingly pray that He deliver me from the noetic
ciples; and turn not Thy face away from me, 0 wolf and vouchsafe me the portion of the saved.
Lord, for I cry out in repentance: Praised and 0 all-accursed soul, groan and cry out to the
all-glorious is the God of our fathers! Lord: I have sinned more than any other, and
Theotokion: 0 Lord, Who wast born of the have wickedly committed iniquity! Cleanse and
Virgin Mother of God without corruption, res­ save me as Thou didst the harlot, the publican
cue me from corrupting sins and the passions, and the thief, 0 Compassionate One, through
granting incorruption unto all who chant in the right acceptable prayers of the apostles.
hymns: Praised and all-glorious is the God of Theotokion: With the angels, the apostles,
our fathers! the martyrs and prophets, 0 Mother of God,
entreat Christ, that He save those who cry out:
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! Hymn
and exalt Him supremely forever!

Canon of Saint Nicholas Theotokion: Thou alone didst deify men

Irmos: Him of Whom the angels and all the when thou gavest birth to the incarnate Word.
hosts of heaven stand in awe as their Creator Him do thou entreat with the apostles and
and Lord, hymn, ye priests; glorify, ye children; martyrs, 0 all-pure and most immaculate
bless, ye people, and exalt Him supremely for Virgin, in behalf of us who bless and honor thee
all ages! with faith.
Standing on the mountain of the godly vir­
tues, by the showing forth of exalted miracles Canon of Saint Nicholas
thou becamest known to the ends of the earth, Irmos: The radiant cloud upon which the un­
0 Nicholas; wherefore, every tongue honoreth originate Master of all descended from heaven,
thee for all ages. like rain upon the fleece, and of whom He was
Having tasted ofdivine sweetness, 0 vener­ incarnate, becoming man for our sake, let us all
able one, thou didst hate the bitterness of pas­ magnify as the pure Mother of God.
sions and pleasures. Deliver us from them, With sacred hymns, 0 father, do we praise
entreating Christ to put down the misfortunes thee as the holy hierarch of Christ, the radiant
that assail us. star, the performer of miracles, the well-spring
As the unshakable pillar and confirmation of healings, the helper of those amid sorrows,
of the faithful, 0 most blessed Nicholas, by thy the most fervent deliverer of those who call
supplications strengthen me who am ever upon thee in trouble.
shaken by the evils of life and the inspirations We earnestly beseech thee, 0 Nicholas, the
of the demons. great shepherd and emulator of Christ, the
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one who gavest birth Chief Shepherd, in all things: From the sacred
to the Physician of all, cure thou the passions of heights shepherd thy servants, and deliver
my heart, and, entreating Christ, 0 Virgin, them ever from all the perils of life.
show me to share in the lot of the righteous. The end is already nigh! Wherefore art thou
slothful, 0 my soul? Why dost thou not strive to
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the live a life pleasing unto God? Haste thou, and
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable arise henceforth, and cry aloud: Have mercy
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. upon me, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, direct­
ing my life through the supplications of Nicho­
OnE IX las, in that Thou art good!
Canon of the Apostles Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, who
Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was gavest birth to the divine Light, enlighten me
not consumed showed forth an image of thy who am darkened by all the assaults of the evil
pure birthgiving. And now we pray that the one, who dwell in despondency, and anger God;
furnace oftemptations which rageth against us and guide me to good works, for thou art the
may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee cause of all good things.
unceasingly, 0 Theotokos.
Ye were shown to be divine and radiant Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
lamps ofthe Holy Spirit, 0 blessed ones, and by prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
the splendor of your honorable and all-wise usual psalms.
preaching ye illumined the whole world, driv­
ing away the darkness of the idols. Twice Aposticha stichera of the apostles, in Tone I­
As branches of the divine, noetic vine, ye 0 glorious apostles, who enlightened the
produced the divine grapes which pour forth whole world, ever entreat God, that our souls
the wine of salvation, 0 glorious apostles. may be saved.
Wherefore, deliver me from the drunkenness of Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
pleasures. Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
I tremble, wretch that I am, when I consider glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Thy dreadjudgment, 0 Christ; for I am now clad wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
in shameful and foul deeds, and am condemned wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
even before trial. Wherefore, through the suppli­ servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
cations of Thine apostles have pity on me. guide their sons.


Together let us praise Peter and Paul, Luke beasts who devoured your bodies, but, sending
and Matthew, Mark and John, Andrew and up hymnody to Christ with the angels, ye re­
Thomas, Bartholemew and Simon the Canaan­ ceived crowns from heaven. Ask that He grant
ite, James and Philip; and let us laud the whole peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.
choir of the disciples, as is meet.
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands Rejoice, 0 Virgin Theotokos! Rejoice, boast
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of of the whole world! Rejoice, 0 all-pure and
our hands do Thou guide aright. blessed Mother of God!
M artyricon: Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye mar­
tyrs, for ye fought the good fight: ye opposed Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
emperors and vanquished tyrants; ye were not through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
daunted by fire and the sword, nor by the wild Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone!­ M artyricon: Enduring tortures as though

By food did the enemy lead Adam out of ye were bodiless, 0 athletes of Christ, ye might­
paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead back ily vanquished all the incorporeal foe; where­
into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, 0 fore, ye are rightly called blessed forever, 0
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! most lauded ones.
Enlightening the ends of the earth with the Glory ... : 0 ye faithful, let us worship the
divine rays of your teachings, ye destroyed the Trinity-the Father, the Son and the upright
darkness ofcruel ungodliness; and having come Spirit, the indivisible, undivided and equally
to the never-waning Light, ye are ever called enthroned Unity-and let us cry out: Holy,
blessed. Holy, Holy art Thou, 0 most worshipful Trinity!
Possessed of the hypostatic Wisdom of the Now & ever ... : We bless thee, 0 all-pure one,
Father, Who maketh all ofyou wise, 0 disciples as thou didst foretell, for thou gavest birth to God
ofChrist, with the foolishness ofyour preaching in the flesh, whom the choir of the apostles
ye made the world wise and brought it to the preached. With them ask for us release from our
knowledge of God. transgressions, 0 most hymned one.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the Once, beholding on the Tree Him to Whom
precious & life-creating Cross, in Tone I: Spec. she had given birth from her seedless womb, the
Mel.: "0 all-praised martyrs..."- immaculate Virgin, unable to bear the wound­
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, ing of her womb, said, tearing her hair: "0 Thou
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee Who holdest all creation in Thy hand, how hast
is forgiveness. Thou been lifted up upon the Cross as one
Thou didst stretch forth Thine all-pure condemned, desiring to save man in every
hands upon the Cross, 0 Christ, summoning way?"
those who had departed far from Thee and Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
settling them near Thyself; wherefore, I pray to prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
Thee: Clasp me to Thee, though I have been eth forever.
made captive by the passions, and grant unto "0 ineffable Son of the all-unoriginate
me the repentance which washeth away all the Father," the all-pure one said, "When I behold
defilement of the passions. my Child upon the Cross, how can I not under­
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ stand for what deeds the ungrateful people
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath have thus rewarded Thee? Yet as Thou earnest
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath to save Thy creation, Thou endurest all with
hoped in the Lord. long-suffering, 0 Compassionate One."
Thou didst uplift Thine all-pure hands upon
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­
the Tree, 0 Christ, and didst bloody Thy fin­
"When Thou wast uplifted upon the Tree, 0
gers, desiring to deliver Adam, the work of Thy
my Child most sweet Who tasted gall and vin­
divine hands, who because of disobedience was
egar, Thou didst sweeten the bitter taste of
held fast in the realm of death, 0 Thou Who
Adam ofold; wherefore, as the righteous Judge,
lovest mankind; and Thou didst raise him up by
0 Master Who arose as Almighty, sweeten me
Thine authority, 0 Almighty.
with Thy healing Passion," the Virgin said,
Stichos: From the morning watch until
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord.
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
Thou didst endure suffering for our sake, 0
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Savior Who art immutable by nature and dis­
passionate in Thy divinity; and Thou wast cru­
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone ! ­
cified with thieves, 0 sinless and beginningless
The Cross was set up on Golgotha, and hath
Christ. The sun, unable to bear the audacity,
blossomed forth immortality for us from the
dimmed its rays, and the whole earth quaked,
ever-flowing fountain of the Savior's side.
acknowledging Thee to be the Creator of the
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
Cross & the Theotokos, in the same melody- look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; pity on us.
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his The precious Cross ofthe Savior is for us an
iniquities. indestructible rampart; for, placing our trust
Once, beholding on the Tree Him to Whom therein, we all are saved.
she had given birth from her seedless womb, the Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
immaculate Virgin, unable to bear the wound­ mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
ing of her womb, said, tearing her hair: "0 Thou abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Who holdest all creation in Thy hand, how hast therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Thou been lifted up upon the Cross as one prosper, and abasement on the proud.
condemned, desiring to save man in every M artyricon: By the supplications of all the
way?" saints and the Theotokos, 0 Lord, grant us
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; peace, and have mercy upon us, in that Thou
praise Him, all ye peoples. alone art compassionate.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- the waters? Leave not me, Thy Mother and
Beholding Thee an innocent Victim, 0 handmaid, alone, 0 greatly merciful· Benefac­
Christ, the Virgin cried out to Thee, weeping: "0 tor, I pray."
my Child most sweet, how is it Thou sufferest
undeservedly? And how dost Thou hang upon Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
the Tree, Who suspended the whole earth upon Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy

forth from the depths of my heart and the
streams ofmy tears, deliver me who am bound by
ODE I many transgressions, and save me, 0 pure one.
Irmos: Delivered from bitter slavery, Israel Glory ... : Possessed of boldness before
traversed the impassable as though it were dry Christ God, in that thou art His Mother, 0 pure
land, and, seeing the enemy drowned, they one, pray thou ever that we be delivered from
chanted a hymn to God, as to their Benefactor, the children of Hagar and from all harm, and
Who wrought wonders with His upraised arm, make us steadfast, that we may glorify Him
for He hath been glorified. with thanksgiving, 0 all-immaculate one.
I am held fast in despondency as I consider Now & ever ... : Beholding her Son lifted up
the multitude of my transgressions and the upon the Cross, the all-pure one exclaimed,
answer I must make to the Judge, 0 Mistress and, crying out, gave utterance from the depths
Theotokos. Yet be thou for me a divine media­ of her heart: "What have the wicked and iniqui­
tor, placating Him by thy loving-kindness. tous ones, who were filled to repletion with Thy
0 all-pure one, thou refuge of Christians, gifts, done to Thee, 0 my Son?"
setting aright of the fallen and cleansing of
offenses: at the hour of the dread judgment ODE IV
deliver me from the ever-burning fire, granting Irmos: 0 Christ, Thou Rod of the root of
me life everlasting. Jesse and Flower thereof, Thou hast sprung
Glory ... : Thee, 0 Virgin, have we all, the forth from the Virgin, from the mountain over­
faithful, acquired as our only sure helper; for shadowed and densely wooded, and art come
thou gavest birth unto God. Wherefore, all of forth, incarnate, of her who knew not man. 0
us, all the generations of the earth, bless thee, immaterial Lord and God, glory to Thy power!
as thou didst foretell, 0 pure one. Cast down the savagery of the wicked foe
Now & ever ... : Beholding thy Creator and and the machinations they direct against me,
Son upon the Cross, 0 pure and most immacu­ and invest me with thy might, 0 most immacu­
late one, thou wast filled with awe and didst late one, ever preserving me unharmed, whole
say: "What is this, 0 my Child? How have the and unvanquished, who hymn thee splendidly.
wicked repaid Thee with evil for the good which Vanquished by the law of the flesh, full of
Thou didst show upon them?" the passions, I do unseemly and iniquitous
things. And I dare not in anywise lift up mine
ODE III eyes to thee, 0 pure Mistress. But do thou save
Irmos: To Christ God, the Son Who, before me, wretch that I am, by the law of thy loving­
time began, was begotten incorruptibly of the kindness. Yea, save me!
Father, and in latter days without seed became Glory ... : 0 Mistress, we the faithful have
incarnate of the Virgin, let us cry aloud: 0 Lord thee and God alone as our hope unashamed and
Who hath lifted up our horn, holy art Thou! our help. By thy supplications deliver us from
All the prophets proclaimed thee the all enemies, visible and invisible, from harm
Mother of God in all-glorious images; and we, and temptations, that we may glorify thee
clearly beholding the fulfillment thereof, also unceasingly.
believe, and ask that through thee we may Now & ever ... : Beholding the Son to Whom
receive divine serenity. thou gavest birth without seed nailed to the
0 Mistress oftheworld, salvation and help of Cross, 0 most immaculate one, thou didst cry
the faithful: accepting the signs which issue out maternally and, lamenting, didst say:

"What is this new, all-glorious and incompre­ thou to extinguish it, in that thou gavest birth to
hensible wonder which I behold in Thee, 0 my the divine Fire, my salvation, 0 Bride of God.
Son?" Glory ... : Deliver us from the temptations of
enemies visible and invisible, 0 most hymned
0DEV Virgin, and preserve those who with Orthodox
Irmos: As God of peace and Father of com­ Faith truly confess thee to be the Theotokos, 0
passions, Thou hast sent to us Thine Angel of Mother ofGod; for thou dost ever possess might,
great Counsel, Who granteth us peace. Where­ in that thou gavest birth to Him Who hath
fore, guided to the light of knowledge divine, created all things.
and rising at dawn out of the night, we glorify Now & ever ... : Standing before the Cross
Thee, Who lovest mankind. and beholding her Son hanging thereon in the
As thy supplication is tireless and thy help­ flesh, the all-immaculate one felt her womb
ing ofthy servants fervent, 0 Virgin, rescue and burn with grief, and, shedding tears, she cried:
save us, anticipating our needs amid all the "0 my Child, truly ineffable is Thy compassion
perilous misfortunes of life, that we not fall for all men!"
victim to grief and become corrupt.
0 Mary, dwelling-place of God, show me Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice; Glory ... , Now
forth through repentance to be a habitation for & ever ...
God, who am become the haunt of wicked de­
mons through my vile deeds and mindlessly Sessional hymn, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "Thy
carry out their will. tomb, 0 Savior..."­
Glory ... : As thou art the compassionate The unblemished ewe-lamb, beholding the
Mother ofGod, heal us, who are cruelly afflicted Lamb and Shepherd hanging dead upon the
in body and soul with sinful passions; for thou Tree, exclaimed, lamenting and crying out ma­
truly gavest birth to Christ, the Physician of ternally: "How shall I bear Thine abasement
souls and bodies, the abundant Wellspring of and voluntary sufferings, which are past tell­
life. ing, 0 my Son, 0 all-goad God?"
Now & ever ... : Beholding her Son upon the
tree of the Cross, the all-immaculate one was ODE VII
stricken with pain in her womb, and with tears Irmos: The youths raised together in piety,
she cried out: "I am in awe to see Thy long­ rejecting the command of the impious one,
suffering, 0 my Son, beholding this new won­ feared not the threat ofthe fire, but, standing in
der! How is it that Thou, Who art sinless, dost the midst of the flame, chanted: 0 God of our
endure an unjust death?" fathers, blessed art Thou!
I cannot bear the assaults and tumult ofthe
ODE VI demons, for the flame of carnal passions dark­
Irmos: The sea monster spewed forth eneth my mind. Yet disdain me not, 0 holy
Jonah, like a babe from the womb, as it had Theotokos, for I set all my hope on thee.
received him; but the Word, Who made His 0 Virgin who knewest not wedlock, 0 most
abode within the Virgin and took flesh, passed holy Bride and Mistress of God, through thy
through her, preserving her intact. For, as He supplications loose thou the bonds of my trans­
did not suffer corruption, He preserved her who gressions, and bind me to Christ with bonds of
bore Him unharmed. love, that I may bring forth the virtues as fruit.
Thou wast the receptacle of the noetic Glory ... : Thou art the helper, the bulwark
Myrrh Who hath perfumed the whole earth and sure refuge of all the Christians in the
with the sweet fragrance of His divinity, 0 all­ world, 0 pure Mary. Wherefore, honoring thee
holy Bride of God. Wherefore, with the fra­ with faith, we cry out to Christ: 0 God of our
grance of thy supplication dispel all the stench fathers, blessed art Thou!
of my transgressions from my soul. Now & ever ... : The all-holy virgin, behold­
The fire ofpleasures doth utterly consume me ing her Son suspended upon the Cross, was
and afflicteth my lowly heart, and iniquitously stricken with awe, and marvelling, said: "How
moveth me to commit unseemly deeds. Haste can I bear the sight of Thee slain, Who art the
Author and Bestower of life?"


ODE VIII am now held fast by pain, beholding Thy coun­

Irmos: The dew-bearing furnace showed tenance dishonored."
forth an image of a supernatural wonder, for it
burned not the youths whom it had received; ODE IX
neither did the fire of the Godhead consume the Irmos: Ineffable is the mystery of the Vir­
Virgin when it descended into her womb. gin! For she hath been shown to be heaven, the
Wherefore, chanting, we sing: Let all creation throne of the cherubim and the radiant bridal­
bless the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all chamber of Christ God Almighty. Her do we
ages! piously magnify as the Theotokos.
0 Theotokos, Mistress of the world, do thou I have besmirched my soul with dishonor­
alone, by thy loving-kindness, lead me up, who able passions, wretch that I am, and have de­
by my wicked mind have been plunged into the filed all my flesh with soul-corrupting passions;
abyss ofperdition and evils by carnal pleasures yet as thou art pure and undefiled, cleanse me
and my passionate attachment to the things of by the magnitude of thy mercy.
life. For I in nowise have any hope of salvation, I have not acquired any other refuge than
being wholly despondent, 0 pure one. thee, 0 pure Mistress, neither do I know any
Thou art the salvation of all men, having other steadfast helper and protection on earth.
given birth ineffably to God. Thou art the savior Wherefore, I have fled with fervor to thee,
of the faithful, 0 Theotokos, the guide of the asking that through thee I might receive deliv­
blind and the setting aright of the fallen. erance from offenses.
Wherefore, praising thee, we cry out to Christ: Glory ... : From on high thou now lookest
Bless the Lord, all ye works! Hymn and exalt mercifully upon thy servants, 0 most hymned
Him supremely forever! one, preserving us with pious faith and deliver­
Glory ... : Having acquired thee as a most ing from every evil circumstance by thy suppli­
firm bulwark, we have placed in thee our hope cations those who honor thee as the true and
of salvation, 0 Mother of God. Be thou for thy honored Theotokos.
servants a haven and an insuperable rampart, Now & ever ... : When she who knew a
and guide us continually, that we may chant: seedless birthgiving saw Thee suspended upon
Let all creation bless the Lord and exalt Him the tree of the Cross, 0 Thou Who lovest man­
supremely for all ages! kind, she cried aloud: "0 my Son and almighty
Now & ever ... : Her womb rent maternally, God, in Thy desire to save men how hast Thou
and full of manifold tears, when she who gave now accepted crucifixion?"
birth to Thee in purity beheld Thee on the
Cross, she cried out with inconsolable groaning: Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
"Having escaped pain in Thy birth, 0 my Son, I Trisagion through Our Father ... , and the rest as
usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these vouchsafe food unto him when he confessed
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone / ­ Thee, saying: Remember me, 0 Lord! As Thou
When Thou wast crucified, 0 Christ, tyr­ didst accept him, so do Thou also accept us who
anny perished and the power of the enemy was cry: We have all sinned! In Thy loving"'kindness
trampled down; for it was neither angel nor disdain us not!
man, but Thou Thyself, 0 Lord, Who saved us.
Glory to Thee! Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and Beholding the Lamb and Shepherd hang­
worship the footstool of His feet; for it is holy. ing, dead, upon the Tree, the unblemished Ewe­
We bow down before the tree of Thy Cross, lamb exclaimed, weeping and crying out mater­
0 Thou Who lovest mankind, for Thou wast nally: "0 my Son, how can I bear Thy descent
nailed to it, 0 Life of all, didst open paradise to [into death] and Thy voluntary sufferings, 0
the thiefwho came to Thee with faith, and didst all-good God?"


After the second chanting of the Psalter, these misfortunes; for, preserved everywhere by the
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone ! ­ Cross ofthy Son, we all piously magnify thee as
Once, the weapon ofthe Cross was revealed is meet.
to the pious Emperor Constantine as invincible
victory over his enemies, because of his faith; ODE I

for the adverse powers tremble before it. It was Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross,

the salvation of the faithful and the boast of the acrostic whereof is "I praise the honorable

Paul. Passion of the Master': the composition of

Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He Joseph, in Tone 1­

hath wrought salvation in the midst of the Irmos: Let us chant a hymn of victory unto God
earth. Who helped Moses in Egypt and by him de­
0 Compassionate One Who of old fashioned stroyed Pharaoh and his whole army, for He
Adam from the dust, a hand ofclay smote Thee, hath been glorified.
and Thou didst endure crucifixion, mockery 0 Word Who art dispassionate by nature,
and wounding. 0 the wonder! 0 Thy great long­ yet didst endure sufferings for our sake and
suffering! Glory, 0 Lord, to Thy life-bearing wast crucified with thieves, Thou didst slay the
sufferings, whereby Thou hast saved us! serpent, the author ofevil, and hast saved those
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the who worship Thee.
God of Israel. Though Thou art the dawning ofthe East, 0
Martyricon: Invested by Thee with the Jesus, Thou didst come to the parts ofthe West,
boast of suffering and the crown of honor, 0 our rejected nature; and the sun, seeing Thee
Lord, the glorious passion-bearers patiently crucified, hid its light.
endured the wounds inflicted by the iniquitous, Martyricon: Trading well a temporal death
and with divine power received victory from the for life everlasting, 0 glorious athletes, ye were
heavens. By their supplications free us also vouchsafed the kingdom of heaven; wherefore,
from the invisible foe, 0 Savior, and save us. ye are glorified and called blessed.
Martyricon: 0 ye who valiantly emulated
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
the sufferings ofChrist, ye cure the sufferings of
Beholding Thee stretched out, dead, upon
those on earth with a mystic therapy, 0 holy
the Cross, 0 Christ, Thy most immaculate
martyrs, and drive away evil spirits by your
Mother cried out: "0 my Son, Who with the
Father and the Spiritartequallywithout begin­
Theotokion: When the Ewe-lamb beheld
ning, what is this, Thine ineffable dispensation,
Christ the Lamb lifted up upon the Cross, she
whereby Thou hast saved the work ofThine all­
exclaimed, crying aloud: "Whither hath Thy
pure hands, 0 Compassionate One?"
beauty set, 0 long-suffering Son Who art with­
out beginning?"
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos,
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone I: Spec.
in Tone 1­
Mel.: "Thy tomb, 0 Savior... "­
Irmos: Let us all chant a hymn of victory unto
When the sun beheld Thee suspended in the
God, Who hath wrought marvelous wonders
flesh of Thine own will upon the tree of the
with His upraised arm and saved Israel, for He
Cross in the loving-kindness of Thy mercy, 0
is glorious.
Word, unable to abide the blasphemy, it hid its
In that thou gavest birth in time to the only
rays. Enlighten my darkened soul with Thine
timeless God, Who became incarnate, 0 most
unapproachable light, and save me, I pray.
holy and all-pure one, heal thou the chronic
Thou wast nailed to the Cross of Thine own
passions of mine all-accursed soul.
will, 0 Compassionate One, didst deify our
As thou art merciful, 0 all-pure one, by thy
corrupted essence, and didst kill the serpent,
supplications do away with the wounds of my
the slayer of men. By Thy precious Cross
soul, the perversity ofmy heart, the darkening of
establish Orthodoxy in peace, and put down the
my thoughts and the turning away of my mind.
uprisings of heretics.
0 all-pure one, who gavest birth to the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­ Light, my Deliverer, deliver me from everlast­
Having acquired thine aid, 0 all-pure one, ing torments, that, saved, I may hymn thy
by thy supplications we are delivered from loving-kindness.

I am engulfed in the abyss of evils and the OnE IV

tumult of the passions, yet I call upon thy Canon of the Cross
tranquillity, 0 all-pure one: Save me, for thou Irmos: I have heard report ofThee, 0 Lord, and
art the haven of the faithful! I was afraid; I have understood thy works, the
prophet said, and have glorified Thy power.
ODE III Though Thou art the righteous Bestower of
Canon of the Cross the law, Thou wast reckoned among the law­
Irmos: Let my heart be made steadfast in Thy less, and wast lifted up upon the Tree, desiring
will, 0 Christ God, Who didst establish the to justify all, 0 Lord our Benefactor.
second heaven above the waters and didst All the angelic hosts marveled, beholding
found the earth upon the waters, 0 Almighty Thee, the Sun, uplifted upon the Cross; and the
One. hordes of the prince of darkness were
Thou didst stretch out Thy hands upon the vanquished.
Cross, staining Thy divine fingers with blood, Martyricon: Having drawn forth the grace
and delivering Adam, the work of Thy hands, 0 of healings from the gifts of the Spirit, by the
Master, from the hands of the slayer, in that grace of God the martyrs wash away soul­
Thou alone art good and lovest mankind. corrupting passions for all.
Thou wast lifted up upon the Tree and wast Martyricon: Having shaken offthe slumber
pierced in the side by a spear, 0 Master, setting of indifference, with godly vigilance and faith
aright the fall caused by [Eve, Adam's] rib, the passion-bearers tamed the savagery of the
whom of old misfortune befell through the fruit wild beasts and suffered, rejoicing.
of the tree; and thou didst lead them into para­ Theotokion: "Woe is me, 0 my Child! What
dise with the honest thief. shall I do? How can I bear to see Thee, Who
M artyricon: With pure minds and chanting givest life, suspended upon the Tree, unjustly
let us hymn the martyrs of the Lord: the confir­ put to death?" the Virgin said, weeping.
mation of the Church, the rampart and towers
Canon of the Theotokos
of piety, the destroyers of the enemy.
Irmos: Foreseeing in the Spirit the incarnation
Martyricon: As divine branches of the no­
of the Word, 0 Prophet Habbakuk, thou didst
etic Vine, the martyrs manifestly produced for
announce, crying out: When the years draw
us the grapes which pour forth the wine which
nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when the
gladdeneth the hearts of all the faithful.
season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth!
Theotokion: Through His Cross the blessed
Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
Fruit ofthy womb, 0 most hymned Virgin, hath
0 Virgin Theotokos, thou undefiled taber­
made those corrupted by the fruit of the tree
nacle, by thy compassions, as with outpourings
partakers of incorruption, for the sake of His
of great purity, cleanse me who am defiled by
transgressions, and grant me a helping hand,
Canon of the Theotokos thatimaycry: Glorytothee, OpureBrideofGod!
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Thou wast shown to be a temple dedicated to
Do away with all the barrenness of mine God Who made His abode within thee in man­
unfruitful thoughts, and show my soul to be ner past understanding. Him do thou entreat,
fruitful through the virtues, 0 all-pure that He cleanse us ofthe defilements ofsin, that
Theotokos, helper of the faithful. we may be known to be the temples and habita­
0 most immaculate one who gavest birth to tions of the Spirit.
the preeternal Light, deliver me from every evil Have mercy on me, 0 Theotokos, who alone
circumstance, from the many temptations of gavest birth to the Wellspring of mercies; and
the serpent, and from eternal fire and darkness. do away with the grievous illness ofmy soul and
Wholly condemned am I by the dread tribu­ the perplexity ofmy heart. Before the end grant
nal, the unquenchable fire and the stern sen­ me compunction, a stream oftears, and deliver­
tence, 0 all-pure one. Haste thou, 0 all-pure ance from evils.
Mistress, to save me, thy servant. 0 holy Theotokos who gavest birth to the All­
To deify mankind, God became a man holy One in the flesh, sanctify us, that we may
through thee, in manner past recounting and emulate Him Whose desire it was to become like
understanding, 0 pure Virgin; wherefore, to­ men; and by thy supplications show us all to
gether all of us, the faithful, call thee blessed. share in the kingdom of heaven, 0 all-pure one.


Canon of the Cross Canon of the Cross

Irmos: Shine forth thy radiant and everlasting Irmos: Thou didst save the prophet from the sea
light upon us who rise early unto the judgments monster, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. Lead me
of Thy commandments, 0 Master Christ our up from the abyss of transgressions, I pray.
God, Who lovest mankind. 0 Christ Who dost surpass all honor, lifted
Uplifted upon the Cross in the flesh, Thou up upon the Cross Thou didst endure dishonor,
didst call to the knowledge of Thee the nations desiring to honor men.
who knew Thee not, 0 Judge of all, 0 only 0 all-good Christ our God, Who wast beaten
merciful Christ our God. with a reed, Thou signest a manumission for me
When Thou didst stand before the unjust who have been enslaved to deception.
tribunal, 0 righteous Lord, Adam, who before Martyricon: Through painful sufferings ye
was condemned, was justified; and he crieth passed over to the end which is devoid of pain,
out: Glory to Thy crucifixion, 0 long-suffering 0 holy ones, and have been vouchsafed inef­
Lord! fable joy.
M artyricon: Ye were shown to be like a M artyricon: Ye were set afire by the burn­
divinely planted [garden ofl paradise, 0 mar­ ing coals of the love of Christ, 0 all-wise ones;
tyrs, having your honored sufferings as fra­ wherefore, cast into the fire ye remained
grant flowers, whereby the soul of each of the unconsumed.
faithful is filled with sweet fragrance. Theotokion: Mter giving birth, 0 most im­
Martyricon: Let us hymn the martyrs ofthe maculate one, thou didst remain as thou wast
Lord, the blossom-laden and right fruitful trees before birthgiving; for thou gavest birth unto
which put forth the fruit offaith in immortality God Who saved men by the Tree.
and pulled up the roots of evil.
Canon of the Theotokos
Theotokion: When the precious rod who
Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry out:
produced the never-fading Bloom beheld Him
0 Good One, free my life from corruption! 0
uplifted upon the Tree, she cried: "0 Master,
Savior of the world, save me who cry out: Glory
leave me not childless!"
to Thee!
Canon of the Theotokos I pray to thee, the only good one, the unde­
Irmos: Grant us Thy peace, 0 Son of God, for we filed tabernacle: By your mediation wash away
know none other than Thee. We call upon Thy all defilement from me who have been defiled by
name, for Thou art the God ofthe living and the many sins.
dead. Be thou a pilot for me who am tossed about
The wicked tasting in Eden once made me on the deep of evils by the needs of life, 0 pure
subject to mortality, but do thou, 0 all-pure one one; steer me to the true harbor, and save me.
who gavest birth unto Life, enliven me now who Threefold billows of wicked thoughts, as­
of old was slain by the tree, and grant me saults of the passions and the abyss of sin
compunction. overwhelm my wretched soul. Help me, 0 holy
Save me from cruel misfortunes, 0 all-pure Mistress!
one, raise me up out ofthe mire of the passions, 0 Mary, thou sacred tabernacle which hath
and deliver me, thy useless servant, from the been revealed, sanctify my wretched soul,
captivity and oppression of the evil demons. which hath been defiled by pleasures.
Enlighten the eyes of my soul, that I may
ever gaze upon thy divine radiance and glory, 0 ODE VII
pure and most immaculate one, and may re­ Canon of the Cross
ceive mercy and everlasting glory. Irmos: The furnace was bedewed, 0 Savior, and
0 pure Virgin Mother, we know thee to be the children, dancing, chanted: 0 God of our
the cloud and [garden ofl paradise, the portal of fathers, blessed art Thou!
the Light, the table, the fleece, the jar contain­ When Thou wast crucified, Thou didst
ing manna, the sweetness of the world. shake creation; and when Thou didst die, Thou
didst slay the serpent. Blessed art Thou, 0
Christ, God of our fathers!


Thou didst taste gall, 0 Long-suffering One, hades was soon emptied, unable to withstand
pouring forth the sweetness of salvation upon Thy might.
me who was deprived of the food of paradise 0 Compassionate One, Thou didst hang
through pleasurable eating. naked on the Tree, suffering condemnation for
M artyricon: Having their nails torn out, and the condemnation of him who was cast out,
having set aside the coarseness of mortality, the receiving nakedness. Great is Thy might and
martyrs received divine beauty from God. long-suffering!
M artyricon: Emulating the all-pure M artyricon: Armed with the Cross as with
sufferings of Christ by your own sufferings, 0 a breast-plate, the warriors ofChrist, who dwell
valiant martyrs, ye easily bore the wounds with the incorporeal ones, arrayed themselves
inflicted by the enemy. against the adversary and trampled him be­
Theotokion: Seeing Thee, the Lord, cruci­ neath their beautiful feet.
fied, the immaculate Theotokos said: "Woe is M artyricon: Their members broken, the
me, 0 my Son! How is it that Thou diest, 0 Life valiant ones stood with crowbars in the midst of
and Hope of the faithful?" the tribunal, demolishing the edifice of decep­
tion and razing the temples of the demons.
Canon of the Theotokos
Theotokion: Beholding Him Who alone is
Irmos: The fire neither touched nor vexed Thy
most high uplifted upon the Tree and putting
children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then, as
down the uprisings of the enemy, she who is
with one mouth, the three hymned and blessed
more exalted than the heavens hymned Him
Thee, saying: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Sanctify my soul, which hath been defiled
by the passions, 0 all-pure Bride of God, and Canon of the Theotokos
quickly bring an end to the grievous captivity of Irmos: Him of Whom the angels and all the
my mind, the perplexity of my heart and the hosts of heaven stand in awe as their Creator
onslaughts of the demons. and Lord, hymn, ye priests; glorify, ye children;
Enliven my mind, which hath been done to bless, ye people, and exalt Him supremely for
death by carnal passions, 0 most immaculate all ages!
one, and strengthen me to do works pleasing In godly manner He Who is incorporeal
unto God, that I may magnify thee and ever became incarnate ofthee. Him do thou beseech,
glorify thy compassion. 0 all-pure one, that He slay my carnal passions
0 Virgin Mother, who alone gavest birth and give life to my soul, which hath been slain
unto God, mortify my carnal pleasures and by my sins.
quickly remove the defilement of my soul. De­ 0 all-pure one, thou gavest birth to God the
liver me from the inquisition ofthe demons, and Savior, Who healeth the contrition of Adam,
save me. who had been fashioned from dust. Him do thou
Arrayed in godly virtues, thou gavest birth entreat, that He heal the incurably painful
to the Word Who with the Father is equally wounds of my soul.
without beginning, and Who hath truly covered Raise me up who lie in the depths of evils,
the heavens with virtues, 0 pure Virgin. Him vanquish now him who wageth war against me,
do thou ever entreat, that He have pity on us. 0 pure one, and disdain not my soul, which hath
been wounded by unseemly pleasures. Have
ODE VIII pity, 0 all-pure one, and save me.
Canon of the Cross By thy vigilant prayers unto God are we,
Irmos: Christ God, Who saved the chanting who know thee to be the blessed and joyous
children in the furnace and transformed the Theotokos, delivered from all manner of
raging flames into dew, hymn ye and exalt temptations, 0 all-pure one.
supremely for all ages!
When Thou wast nailed to the Cross, 0 We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
Savior, creation was shaken, the sun stopped Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
its shining, and the rocks split asunder; and than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.


OnE IX Mistress? Have mercy upon my passion­

Canon of the Cross fraught soul, and before the end grant mere­
Irmos: 0 pure Mother, with hymns do we mission, 0 all-pure one.
magnify thee: the unconsumed bush which 0 thou who gavest birth to the divine Light
Moses saw, the animate ladder which Jacob Who shone forth from the Father, have pity on
beheld, and the portal ofheaven, through which my soul, which hath been benighted by the
Christ our God did pass. deceptions of life and is become an object of the
0 how the disobedient people gave over to mockery of the demons, 0 most immaculate
the Cross Thee, the only Long-suffering One, one; and vouchsafe unto me the light of saving
Who didst impoverish Thyself of Thine own repentance, 0 pure one.
will, accepted sufferings, and by dispassion
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
becamest a Mediator for all who had stumbled,
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
from Adam on.
usual psalms.
Thou didst undergo ignominious crucifixion
in the flesh, 0 Christ, desiring to honor man who Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone I­
was dishonored by irrational passions and had We unceasingly hymn Thee as Savior and
marred his ancient beauty. Glory to Thy loving­ Master, Who wast nailed to the Tree and hast
kindness, which passeth understanding! given us life.
Martyricon: To the light of Thine ineffable Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
glory and radiance didst Thou guide those who Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
rose at dawn unto Thee, and who, led by Thy glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
hand, traversed the darkness of sufferings, 0 wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
Christ, Thou never-setting Sun. Wherefore, by wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
their supplications enlighten us. servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
Martyricon: The company of the sacred guide their sons.
martyrs vanquished the myriads of the noetic By Thy Cross have angels and men been
foe; they enrolled among the myriads ofthe holy united into one flock, 0 Christ, and in a single
powers, and at the behest of the Creator of all assemblage heaven and earth rejoice, crying:
ever heal the myriad passions of our souls. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
Theotokion: With the light ofthe Light Who Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
shone forth from thee in the flesh, 0 Virgin, our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
illumine my mind and enlighten my heart, do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
driving away the darkness of sin and dispelling our hands do Thou guide aright.
all the gloom of my despondency. M artyricon: 0 ye people, come, let us all
honor the passion-bearers ofChrist with hymns
Canon ofthe Theotokos
and spiritual songs: the luminaries of the
Irmos: The radiant cloud upon which the un­
world, the preachers of the Faith, the ever­
originate Master of all descended from heaven,
flowing wellsprings from whence healings pour
like rain upon the fleece, and of whom He was
forth upon the people. By their supplications, 0
incarnate, becoming man for our sake, let us all
Christ our God, grant peace to Thy world and
magnify as the pure Mother of God.
great mercy to our souls.
Loving sin, I abide in slothfulness, 0 pure
one, and I tremble before the implacable tribu­ Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
nal. Keep me uncondemned thereat by thy holy Mel.: "0 all-praised martyrs... "­
supplications, 0 all-pure Bride of God, that I The most immaculate Ewe-lamb and Mis­
may bless thee as mine intercessor. tress, beholding her Lamb upon the Cross,
I am terrified of the tribunal and the unfor­ bereft of form and comeliness, said, weeping:
gettable eye of thy Son, 0 Virgin, for I have "Woe is me! Whither hath Thy beauty set, 0
committed many sins on earth; wherefore, I cry Thou Who art most sweet? Where is Thy maj­
unto thee: 0 most loving Mistress, help me, esty? Where the shining grace of Thine image,
deliver me from tribulations then, 0 pure one, 0 Son most beloved?"
and save me.
How terrible is the day of trial, 0 Maiden! Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
How horrible the sentence! How bitter the through Our Father... Troparion. Litany. First
misfortune! How can I endure more, 0 all-pure Hour, and Dismissal.

On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone M artyricon: Having emulated the suffer­
By food did the enemy lead Adam out of ings of Him Who suffered willingly in the flesh,
paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead back 0 glorious martyrs, ye ever heal incurable suf­
into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, 0 ferings and drive ailments away from men by
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! the power of the Spirit.
When Thou wast crucified, 0 sinless Christ,
Thou didst take the sins of all upon Thyself; and Glory ... : Thee do we glorify, the Trinity
when Thou wast pierced in the side, Thou didst equal in power and one in honor, the unorigi­
pour forth blood and water, torrents of salva­ nate God; and with faith we magnify the Fa­
tion, rebuilding that which had been broken ther, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the single
down by corruption. Godhead in three Hypostases.
0 compassionate Jesus our God, Who Now & ever ... : When she who gave Thee
wast nailed to the Tree of Thine own will, birth in the flesh saw Thee nailed to the Cross,
Thou didst take away all the passion-fraught 0 Christ God, she exclaimed, weeping: "How
understanding of Adam; and by Thy precious hath the iniquitous assembly of the Jews re­
wounds didst wound the multitude of the warded Thee, 0 my Son?"


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': these stichera of the 0 your goodly commerce, 0 saints! For ye
.holy martyrs, hierarchs and the venerable, in gave your blood and inherited heavenly things;
Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "0 all-praised martyrs... "­ and having undergone trials for a time, ye
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, rejoice everlastingly. Ofa truth your commerce
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee was goodly! For, having forsaken corruptible
is forgiveness. things, ye received those things which were
The one triumphal procession of the mar­ incorrupt; and joining chorus with the angels,
tyrs drowned a multitude of the demons in the ye unceasingly hymn the consubstantial
streams of their blood, caused all the abomi­ Trinity.
nable sacrifices to cease, and set at naught the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion, in
deception of the idols, for they suffered pa­
the same tone-
tiently. And they now entreat Christ to grant
Let us hymn the Virgin Mary, the glory of
our souls peace and great mercy.
the whole world, who sprang forth from men
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
and gave birth unto the Master, the portal of
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
heaven, and the subject of the hymnody of the
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
incorporeal hosts; for she hath been shown to be
hoped in the Lord.
heaven and the temple ofthe Godhead. Having
With wise words and doctrines the most
destroyed the middle-wall of enmity, she hath
sacred pastors taught all to glorify the threefold
brought forth peace and opened wide the king­
Godhead in Unity, divinely avoiding the confu­
dom. Therefore, having her as the confirmation
sion and division of Its Persons; and they now
of our faith, we have as champion the Lord born
pray that peace and great mercy be granted our
of her. Be of good courage! Yea, be ye of good
cheer, 0 people of God, for He vanquisheth the
Stichos: From the morning watch until
foe, in that He is almighty!
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord.
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
The company of the venerable lulled carnal
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
desires to sleep and restrained the onslaughts
thereof, showing their life to be angelic; where­
Apostichasticheraofthe holy martyrs, in Tonei-
fore, they now join chorus in the habitations of
Automelon: 0 all-praised martyrs, the
heaven, entreating Christ to grant our souls
earth did not hide you, but heaven received you,
peace and great mercy.
and unto you were opened the gates ofparadise.
Then these other stichera, ofthe martyrs, in the And since ye have entered therein, ye delight in
same tone- the tree of life. Pray ye unto Christ, that He
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, grant our souls peace and great mercy.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord
iniquities. And in the same melody: Nekrosimon: What
Through the supplications of all the saints sweetness oflife remaineth untouched by grief?
and the Theotokos, 0 Lord, grant us Thy peace, What glory standeth immutable on the earth?
and have mercy upon us, for Thou alone art All are but insubstantial shadows, all are most
compassionate. deluding dreams! But a single instant, and
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; death taketh all these things. Yet in the light of
praise Him, all ye peoples. Thy countenance and in the enjoyment of Thy
The confession ye made before the tribunal beauty, 0 Christ, grant peace unto those whom
reviled the power of the demons, 0 saints, and Thou hast chosen, in that Thou lovest mankind.
freed men from deception. Wherefore, when ye Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
were beheaded ye cried out: 0 Lord, let the things.
sacrifice of our lives be well-pleasing to Thee, Nekrosimon: No one among men is without
for having loved Thee, we have spurned this sin, save Thou alone, 0 Immortal One; where­
transitory life, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. fore, by Thy loving-kindness, in that Thou art
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to our compassionate God, reckon Thy servants in
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord the light, with Thine angelic choirs, overlooking
abideth forever. their iniquities and granting them forgiveness.

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- He saved the world, in that He is full of loving­
Truly past understanding are thy wondrous kindness, 0 most hymned one.
mighty works, all the all-glorious things that all
the prophets proclaimed, 0 Bride of God thine Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Offspring. Incomprehensible and ineffable Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
were the conception and birthgiving whereby Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy

greatly tangled bonds of offenses round about
me, desiring to drag me down to destruction.
ODE I Now & ever ... : Issuing forth bodily, the
Irmos: Let us all chant a hymn of victory Word clothed Himself wholly in Adam through
unto God, Who wrought wondrous miracles thee. Him do thou therefore beseech, that He
with His upraised arm, and saved Israel, for He deliver us from the passions, from divers perils
hath been glorified! and everlasting fire.
Thou art a haven ofsalvation and protection
for those who call upon thee, 0 all-pure Theoto­ ODE IV
kos. Wherefore, I fervently cry out to thee from Irmos: Foreseeing the incarnation of the
the depths of my soul: 0 Mistress, save me! Word in the Spirit, 0 Prophet Habbakuk, thou
0 all-pure Mary, Mother of the Creator, in didst proclaim, crying aloud: When the years
that thou art good and easy to reconcile, heal draw nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when
thou my lowly soul which hath been corrupted the season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth.
by the passions and transgressions. Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
Glory ... : 0 Mistress unwedded, cease thou Having given birth to the Creator and Fash­
never to entreat my Creator and God in behalf ioner of all, 0 Virgin, thou hast ineffable power
of one who doth ever flee to thy protection, that and invincible might, and thou savest those
I may receive mercy. who approach thee with faith. Wherefore, I cry
Now & ever ... : 0 animate palace and fiery to thee: 0 Mistress of the world, help me!
throne of the King, with the holy martyrs and Set at naught the battles ofthe invisible and
apostles do thou ever entreat Christ, that He noetic foe who assail in vain my wretched heart,
deliver us from perils. 0 Mistress, and grant me divine serenity and
peace, that I may hymn thee in gladness.
ODE III Glory ... : Thou art the hope of the hopeless,
Irmos: The Stone which the builders re­ helper of the poor, consolation of those who
jected hath become the head of the corner. weep, cleansing of the sinful, guide of the lost,
Christ is the Rock whereon He established the healer of the sick and righting of the fallen.
Church, which He redeemed from among the Now & ever ... : 0 pure and blessed Virgin
nations. Mary, who alone hast done away with the curse
The darkness of transgressions surroun­ of all: with the apostles, martyrs and prophets
deth my heart, 0 Mistress, and I dare not lift up entreat Him Who issued forth from thy womb,
mine eyes to heaven. Wherefore, I cry: En­ that He save the souls of those who hymn thee.
lighten my mind, soul and heart with the pre­
cepts of Christ! 0DEV
I gaze upon thy divine image, and I honor I rmos: Grant us Thy peace, 0 Son of God, for
thee, the seal of the Master, the all-pure we know none other God than Thee. We call
Mother, as the prototype. And I kiss it, and bow upon Thy name, for Thou art the God of the
down, and praise it, knowing thine honor and living and the dead.
His alone. Save me from the abyss of perils, tribula­
Glory ... : Halt the cruel assaults ofthe body, tions, griefs and bodily passions, 0 Mistress,
and quench thou the flame of the passions, 0 and preserve my soul in divine tranquillity.
Virgin, wherewith the cruel serpent weaveth


Thou art my fervent and steadfast preser­ Hastening in thy loving-kindness, 0 all­
vation all throughout my life, 0 all-immaculate pure Mistress, deliver me, who am brought to
one. Wherefore, I beseech thee: even after my despondency by transgressions and the plea­
death, extend unto me thy rich loving-kindness. sures of the flesh and who am thrust into the
Glory ... : 0 thou who gavest birth to the abyss of destruction, 0 pure one.
Creator and Deliverer ofall, deliver me from the 0 Theotokos, thou art the refuge and
bodily passions which consume my heart and mighty protection of all the faithful. Be thou for
drag me into unseemly deeds. me a guide to the Creator, granting me deliver­
Now & ever ... : In that thou art shown to be ance from transgressions in thy compassion.
the place of noetic sanctity, 0 Virgin Mistress, Glory ... : Thou hast destroyed the curse, 0
wholly sanctify me, and with the holy and wise pure one who gavest birth to Christ our joy. By
apostles pray that I be saved. thy power, 0 all-immaculate one, break thou
also the curse which I have incurred through
ODE VI sin, and grant me joy.
Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry: Now & ever ... : 0 all-holy and pure one, thy
Lead up my life from corruption, 0 good Savior servants ever entreat thee day and night, pray­
of the world, and save me who cry: Glory to ing with contrite thoughts. Grant us deliver­
Thee! ance from our offenses by thy supplications.
Thou preservest me alive, delivering me
from dangers. In thy loving-kindness do thou ODE VIII
also stand before me when I depart this earth Irmos: Him ofWhom the angels and all the
for life everlasting, 0 Virgin Mother. armies of heaven are in awe as Creator and
Thou art an indestructible rampart, thou Lord, do ye hymn, 0 priests; glorify, ye children;
art a firm wall of protection, thou art a mighty ye people, bless and exalt Him supremely for all
intercessor for thy servant, 0 good Theotokos; ages!
wherefore, I ever call upon thee. Arise, go forth and do battle against the
Glory ... : Having acquired powerful suppli­ enemies who vex and oppress us in vain, deliv­
cations before God, 0 good Theotokos, disdain ering us by thy power, 0 holy virgin, thou helper
not me who fervently flee to thy protection and of the world!
cry aloud: Have mercy on me, 0 Mother of the Thou hast saved the world from death and
God of all! corruption by thy divine birthgiving, 0 good
Now & ever ... : Reject me not, neither spurn Virgin; and now, by thy supplications, rescue
me, 0 Savior, for the ewe-lamb who gave Thee from the passions and save us who praise thee.
birth in the flesh entreateth Thee with Thine Glory ... : Great and ineffable is thy might, 0
apostles, prophets and passion-bearers. Virgin, and many and invincible are thy divine
compassions and loving-kindness. Wherefore,
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice; Glory ... , Now save us who call upon thee in truth.
& ever ... Now & ever ... : As an animate vine, 0
Virgin, thou didst put forth for us the ripe
Sessional hymn, in Tone I­ Cluster, Who hath poured forth the wine of
0 all-pure Maiden, the prophets foretold remission and dried up the drunkenness of sin.
thee as the cloud ofthe eternal light of God, the
ark, the candlestand and jar, and the unquar­ ODE IX
ried mountain; for in latter times Christ our Irmos: We all magnify the pure Mother of
God came forth from thee without seed, as was our God as the luminous cloud upon which the
the Father's good pleasure. unoriginate Master of all descended from
heaven, like rain upon the fleece, and took on
ODE VII flesh, becoming man.
Irmos: The fire neither touched nor harmed Greatly tempest-tossed upon the sea of life
Thy children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then by carnal pleasures, I fall down before thee and
the three, as with a single mouth, hymned and cry aloud: Have mercy on me, who flee unto
blessed Thee, saying: Blessed is the God of our thee, 0 Mistress, and extend to me a hand of
fathers! salvation, delivering me from the abyss of de­


To thee do I confess my sins, 0 Virgin; before and deliver me from the unquenchable fire, 0
thy face do I disclose my shame; and I cry to thee all-holy and good Theotokos!
from the depths of my soul" Have mercy and Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, thou impassable
take pity, 0 all-pure one, for on thee and God door, gate of paradise, path of the saved, way of
have I set my firm hope! salvation: with the martyrs and prophets, the
Glory ... : With all my soul I call upon thee righteous and venerable, and the divine
who gavest birth without seed to the Creator apostles, pray thou, that our souls be saved.
and Master, and I cry out earnestly: Save me
from the corruption ofmanifold transgressions, Then, "It is truly meet ... ", and the rest as usual.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone I­ sessional hymns, in Tone I-
0 Lord, the glorious passion-bearers were Be Thou entreated by the pangs of the
invested by Thee with the boast ofsuffering and saints, which they suffered for Thee, 0 Lord;
the dignity of crowns; for by enduring wounds and heal all our pangs, we pray Thee, 0 Thou
they vanquished the iniquitous, and by divine Who lovest mankind.
power they received victory from heaven. Stichos: Many are the tribulations of the
Through their supplications free me also from righteous, and the Lord shall deliver them out
the invisible foe, 0 Savior, and save me. of them all.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the We all pray to the martyrs of Christ, ap­
God of Israel. proaching them with love, for they make
As valiant warriors, believing with oneness entreaty for our salvation, pour forth the grace
of mind, ye were undaunted by the threats of of healings and repel the hordes of the demons,
the tyrants, 0 holy ones. Ye eagerly came to in that they kept the Faith.
Christ, taking up the precious Cross, and hav­ Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast
ing finished the race ye received victory from chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord.
heaven. Glory to Him Who strengthened you! N ekrosimon: Abolishing the dominion of
Glory to Him Who crowned you! Glory to Him death, 0 Christ, Thou didst pour forth incorrup­
Who through you worketh healings for all! tion upon mortals; for those who believe on
Stichos: Their souls shall dwell among good Thee do not die, but live continually in Thee.
things. Wherefore, grant rest to the souls of Thy ser­
Nekrosimon: Spec. Mel.: "Thy tomb, 0 Sav­ vants, 0 Lord, and number them among Thy
ior ... ": In a place oflight, among the choir ofthe saints, granting them forgiveness and resur­
righteous, do Thou grant rest unto those who rection through the supplications of the
have passed over to Thee, 0 Savior; for they Theotokos.
placed their trust in Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
mankind. Accept our supplication for our fa­
0 Virgin Theotokos, thou only mighty and
thers and children, whose memory we keep,
fervent intercessor for the human race, with the
and justify them, in that Thou art greatly mer­
prophets and martyrs, the holy hierarchs, the
fasters and the venerable, unceasingly entreat
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- God the Word, to Whom thou gavest birth
When Gabriel announced to thee, "Re­ supernaturally, that He save us all.
joice!", 0 Virgin, the Master ofall became incar­
nate within thee, the holy tabernacle, at his cry, ODE I
as the righteous David said. Thou wast shown Canon of the holy martyrs, hierarchs, the
to be more spacious than the heavens, having venerable & the departed, the acrostic whereof
borne thy Creator. Glory to Him Who made His is "I sing a divine hymn unto those beloved of
abode within thee! Glory to Him Who came God': the composition of Joseph, in Tone I­
forth from thee! Glory to Him Who hath set us
free by thy birthgiving!

Irmos: Guiding Israel with a pillar of fire and having looted its strongholds, Thou didst lead
cloud, as God He divided the sea and over­ us up therefrom; and now, 0 Bestower of life,
whelmed the chariots of Pharaoh in the deep. give rest to those who have departed unto Thee.
Let us chant a hymn of victory, for He alone is Glory ... : N ekrosimon: Assuming my cor­
glorious! rupt and dead body, Thou didst invest it with
Protected by the shield of piety, the godly incorruption, and didst bear it unto endless and
athletes went forth to do battle; and they de­ blessed life. There do Thou grant rest unto
stroyed all the power of the enemy, chanting a those Thou hast taken to Thyself, in that Thou
hymn ofvictory unto Christ, Who strengthened art compassionate.
them. Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 ye faithful, let
Ye tended the flock of God on the mystical us hymn her who through God gave birth to God
pasture, 0 divine shepherds, driving away the the Word, for she, the most pure one, is become
wolves with the staff of your sacred words; and the path of life for those who have died. Let us
ye made your abode, rejoicing, in the fold of glorify her as the God-receiver and Theotokos.
heaven, where the great Shepherd is.
0 ye who by fasting and pangs mortified the ODE III
flesh, at the behest of God ye live even after Canon ofAll Saints
death, 0 venerable ones. Ever entreat Christ, Irmos: Let my heart be made steadfast in Thy
Who died for our souls, that He have compas­ will, 0 Christ God, Who didst establish the
sion upon us. second heaven above the waters and didst
Nekrosimon: When Thou didst die, Thou found the earth upon the waters, 0 Almighty
gavest unto the dead Thy divine and immortal One.
life. Give those who with faith have passed from Having endured many torments, ye have
this corrupt life a share in Thy kingdom, in that been vouchsafed many good things, 0 sacred
Thou art compassionate and alone art greatly multitude of martyrs; wherefore, by your sup­
merciful. plications cleanse me of the incalculable multi­
Theotokion: The martyrs who were tude of mine evils.
wounded with the love of Christ, the women The sacred ones, having been clothed in the
who were crowned by God, and all the venerable grace of righteousness, and the council of the
honor thee, who art good and most immaculate venerable, having acquired gladness and
among women, as the most honored Queen; and beauty, made themselves like unto the immate­
they rejoice with faith. rial ministers.
0 ye prophets of Christ, ye divine martyrs,
Another canon, of the departed, we chant
ye company ofsacred women who suffered man­
when there is no Menaion, the acrostic
fully, ye have been glorified in asceticism. By
whereof is ((With faith I offer a first hymnody
their supplications, 0 Savior, grant Thy mer­
unto those who have fallen asleep':
cies unto all.
in Tone 1­
Nekrosimon: 0 Christ Who of Thine own
Irmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly
will and with Thine own hand fashioned man
manner been glorified in strength; for as al­
out of the earth, vouchsafe the good things of
mighty, 0 Immortal One, it smote the adver­
heaven unto all Thy servants who have de­
sary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for
parted from us with faith.
the Israelites.
Theotokion: 0 Theotokos who knewest not
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
wedlock, bear the petitions of all unto God our
God of Israel.
Creator, Who was born of thy womb, that we
Martyricon: By Thy death thou didst break
may obtain complete deliverance from our
the gates and bars of death, 0 Immortal One.
Open the gates of immortality which are past
understanding, 0 Master, unto those who have Canon of the Departed
fallen asleep, through the supplications of Thy Irmos: 0 Thou Who alone hast known the
passion-bearers. weakness of human nature, having in Thy
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of mercy formed Thyself therein: Thou dost gird
Thy departed servants. me about with power from on high, that I may
Nekrosimon: That we might be vouchsafed chant to Thee: Holy is the living temple ofThine
divine life, Thou didst descend unto death, and ineffable glory, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind!

Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Canon of the Departed

God of Israel. Irmos: Habbakuk, gazing with the eyes of fore­
Martyricon: In that Thou alone art good, in sight upon thee, the mountain overshadowed
that Thou alone art greatly merciful, unto those by the grace of God, prophesied that the Holy
who in piety have departed unto Thee grant One of Israel would come forth from thee, for
rest in the mansions ofheaven, where gladness our salvation and restoration.
and delight abide, and where the council of the Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
martyrs rejoiceth. God of Israel.
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Martyricon: Slaying hades with Thine in­
Thy departed servants. vincible power, Thou wast reckoned among the
Nekrosimon: Thou alone hast appeared on dead, 0 Christ Who alone art free [among the
the earth, 0 my sinless Savior Who takest away dead]. Through the entreaties of the holy
the sins of the world, in that Thou art full of martyrs, free the souls of the pious from dam­
loving-kindness. In the courts ofThy saints, in nation thereto.
the sweetness of paradise, grant rest unto the Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
souls of those who have departed this world in Thy departed servants.
faith, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. N ekrosimon: As Master of all, Thou didst
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Casting down the do­ offer Thy sacrifice as a deliverance and ransom
minion ofdeath, 0 Master, Thou didst pour forth to annul the curse of Adam; wherefore, we
endless life unto all the faithful; therein do Thou beseech Thy compassions: Give rest unto those
number those who have departed, overlooking who have departed, granting them remission of
their immeasurable transgressions, and forgiv­ offenses.
ing their sins, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Thou didstreceive a
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Conceived with­ place in the grave, 0 my Savior, and as God
out seed, 0 pure one, the eternal Word came to didst raise up the dead condemned to abide in
us in the flesh, destroying the might of death, the graves. Vouchsafe eternal life now unto the
and granting resurrection and everlasting life departed, in that Thou alone lovest mankind.
unto the dead in His loving-kindness. Now &ever... : Theotokion: The human race
was saved by thy birthgiving; for unto us thou
ODE IV gavest birth to hypostatic Life, the destruction
Canon ofAll Saints of death, Who giveth access unto life, 0 all­
Irmos: I have heard report ofThee, 0 Lord, and immaculate Mistress Theotokos.
I was afraid; I have understood thy works, the
prophet said, and have glorified Thy power. 0DEV
0 martyrs who withstood every wound with Canon ofAll Saints
valiant resolve, ye brought yourselves as un­ Irmos: Shine forth thy radiant and everlasting
blemished lambs unto Christ, the Life Who was light upon us who rise early unto the judgments
sacrificed for all. of Thy commandments, 0 Master Christ our
Taught by the word of God, the holy hier­ God, Who lovest mankind.
archs became divine mouths, and delivered Armed with piety, ye were shown to be
men's souls from the mouth ofthe deceiver. And unwounded by the arrows ofthe foe, 0 martyrs,
we honor them with pious intent. and having become victors through grace, ye
Mighty in the divine Spirit, 0 godly fathers, have received crowns.
by grace ye mightily vanquished the spirits of The Lord hath anointed with divine oil His
evil, 0 venerable ones. priests who have shepherded multitudes of the
Nekrosimon: Having died of Thine own will faithful in holiness and have led them to the fold
upon the Tree, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, of heaven.
vouchsafe life everlasting unto those who have 0 most sacred hieromartyrs, all ye venerable,
passed on to Thee with faith. who kept the laws of the Spirit and came to share
Theotokion: The choir of women who suf­ in the kingdom, ye have been divinely glorified.
fered manfully did not deny the Lord, nor Nekrosimon: 0 Master and Lord, unto those
were the saints overwhelmed by the plea­ whom Thou hast taken to Thyself at Thy com­
sures of the body, for they had thee as an ally, mand, vouchsafe Thy kingdom with the saints,
0 all-pure one. overlooking their ancient offenses.


Theotokion: The women who found glory Nekrosimon: 0 Thou Who lovest mankind,
through asceticism and suffering destroyed the show forth the faithful, whom Thou hast taken
dominion 'of the serpent, having thee as an to Thyself, as sharers in Thy never-waning
intercessor, 0 all-pure one. light and in true delight; and reckon them
among the council of the saints.
Canon of the Departed
Theotokion: Those who suffered mightily
Irmos: 0 Christ Who hast enlightened the
and fasted ardently have through thee been led
ends of the world with the radiance of Thy
to Christ, the King of all, in thy train, as saith
coming and hast illumined them with Thy
the psalm, 0 most hymned Theotokos.
Cross: with the light of Thy divine knowledge
enlighten the hearts of those who hymn Thee
Canon of the Departed
in Orthodox manner.
lrmos: The uttermost abyss hath surrounded
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
us, and there is none to deliver us. We are
God of Israel.
accounted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy
Martyricon: Thou didst accept death,
people, 0 our God, for Thou art the strength and
counteracting the venom of death, and didst
correction of the weak!
break the sting of mortality. Do Thou Thyself
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
grant rest unto those Thou hast taken to Thy­
God of Israel.
self, 0 Bestower of life, through the entreaties
Martyricon: In that Thou art full of loving­
of the martyrs.
kindness, grant forgiveness of transgressions
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
unto the departed, bestowing upon them the
Thy departed servants.
everlasting delight where the radiance of Thy
N ekrosimon: 0 Thou Who didst free men
countenance shineth and illumineth Thy pas­
from mortality and corruption, the souls of
those who have departed in faith do Thou cause
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
to dwell in the courts of Thy saints, whence all
Thy departed servants.
sorrow is fled, and where gladness abideth.
N ekrosimon: 0 Christ Who hast redeemed
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Thou didst open
the world by the Blood which flowed from Thy
paradise unto him who was suspended with
side, by Thy precious sufferings deliver those
Thee, 0 Master. Accept now the souls who have
who have fallen asleep in faith, for Thou didst
departed unto Thee with faith, granting that
pay Thyself over· as a ransom for all men.
they may dwell in the Church of the firstborn.
N ekrosimon: 0 Thou Who of old didst fash­
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Delivering the
ion me with Thine all-pure hands and gavest
dominion ofthose who trust in thee, steer them
me a spirit, and hast most beautifully restored
calmly into the harbor of the will of God by thy
me who have fallen grievously: Do Thou Thyself
maternal boldness toward thy Son, 0 blessed
grant rest unto the souls of the departed.
and most immaculate one.
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Vouchsafe, 0 Lord,
OnE VI that those who have fallen asleep in faith in
Canon ofAll Saints Thee may dwell in Thy splendid bridal­
Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry out: chamber, and overlook their transgressions, in
0 Good One, free my life from corruption! 0 that Thou art good, and full of loving-kindness,
Savior of the world, save me who cry out: Glory and greatly merciful.
to Thee! Now & ever ... : Theotokion: We hymn thee,
Done to death through the infliction of 0 blessed and pure one, for because of thee the
many wounds, together ye have inherited never-setting Sun of righteousness hath shone
true life, praying that all of us may be saved, forth upon us who are in darkness and the
0 holy martyrs. shadow of death; for thou hast become the
Known on earth as radiant morning-stars, mediatress of our salvation.
ye illumined the faithful with the light of piety,
0 all-glorious sword -bearers of Christ, ye all­ ODE VII
wise and holy hierarchs. Canon ofAll Saints
Ye were shown to be sojourners on the earth lrmos: The fire neither touched nor vexed Thy
and citizens of heaven, 0 God-bearing fasters, children in the furnace, 0 Savior; for then, as
who mortified carnal-mindedness by asceti­ with one mouth, the three hymned and blessed
cism and humility. Thee, saying: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Tried by all manner of tortures like gold in Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Through thy
the fire, in the love of God the martyrs were birthgiving the tabernacle of the law and the
shown to be more lustrous than any gold, and ancient foreshadowings have passed away; for
were deposited in the treasuries of heaven. thou didst shine forth upon us the light ofdivine
As priests, as ministers of God, 0 all ye grace, whereby we have been delivered from
sacred hierarchs, ye offered unbloody sacrifices our ancient debts, 0 pure one, hymning God
unto God; and having shepherded the people, ye Who is all-glorious.
have made your abode where the great Shep­
herd dwelleth. ODE VIII
Refusing to submit to the passions of the Canon ofAll Saints
flesh, and having clothed yourselves in dispas­ Irmos: Him of Whom the angels and all the
sion as in a mystic robe, 0 venerable ones, ye hosts of heaven stand in awe as their Creator
were shown to dwell with the angels. By their and Lord, hymn, ye priests; glorify, ye children;
supplications, 0 Christ, deliver us from bless, ye people, and exalt Him supremely for
temptations. all ages!
N ekrosimon: Where there is mystical food, All-gloriously cooled by the fire ofthe divine
where the light of Thy countenance shineth, 0 Spirit, all the martyrs passed the mouths ofthe
Christ, there through grace cause those who lions and the boiling of cauldrons unharmed.
have departed from us in faith to dwell, that Having granted Thy prophets to foresee
with piety they may glorify Thy goodness. things afar off, in sacred manner Thou didst
Theotokion: The holy women, having thee, make wise Thy holy hierarchs. Through their
0 all-pure one, as their adornment, joyfully join supplications, 0 Christ God, enlighten the
chorus with the angels and glorify God the hearts of those who hymn Thee with faith.
Word Who in the flesh was born of thee in His 0 venerable ascetics, who crucified your­
great loving-kindness. selves to the world, ye have inherited heavenly
life with those who from all the ages pleased
Canon of the Departed God in holiness and righteousness.
Irmos: 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive N ekrosimon: 0 Thou Who as God didst
thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely fashion man from the earth, in that Thou art
Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy good Thou hast taken the faithful from the
womb the praised and most glorious God of our earth. Vouchsafe unto them the food of para­
fathers wholly renewed the world. dise, overlooking all things they have commit­
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
God of Israel. Theotokion: Knowing thee manifestly to be
Martyricon: 0 Christ, grant that those who good and immaculate among women, the
have gone to Thee out of the tempest of the women who suffered make entreaty with thee
world may be illumined by the splendors of unto God, 0 pure Virgin, that thy servants may
Thine all-pure glory; and vouchsafe that with be saved from misfortunes.
the martyrs they may cry unto Thee: Blessed
art Thou, 0 praised God of our fathers! Canon of the Departed
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Irmos: The children of Israel in the furnace,
Thy departed servants. shining more brightly than gold in a crucible in
Nekrosimon: Thou wast truly the new the beauty of their piety, said: Bless the Lord,
Adam, 0 Creator ofAdam, for Thou alone didst all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him
annul the curse ofAdam. Wherefore, we pray to supremely for all ages!
Thee: In the sweetness of paradise grant rest Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
unto the departed, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone God of Israel.
art full of loving-kindness. Martyricon: Having washed away all defile­
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: 0 Christ Who, as the ment from Thy departed servants with the dew
good and merciful God, alone knowest the of Thy love for mankind, vouchsafe that they
weakness of our nature, cause all whom Thou may hymn Thee with songs: Bless the Lord, all
hast taken to Thyself to dwell where the never­ ye works of the Lord! Hymn and exalt Him
waning light of Thy countenance shineth, 0 supremely for all ages!
praised and all-glorious God of our fathers. Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Thy departed servants.
Nekrosimon: Show forth the faithful whom lighten my mind, which is ever benighted by
Thou hast translated, 0 Savior, to be interces­ slothfulness, that I may hymn and magnify
sors at Thy right hand, justifying them by the thee with faith.
supplications of the passion-bearers, that they
Canon of the Departed
may chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the
Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was
Lord! Hymn and exalt Him supremely for all
not consumed showed forth an image of thy
pure birthgiving. And now we pray that the
Glory ... : N ekrosimon: 0 Thou Who hast all
furnace oftemptations which rageth against us
authority over death and life, be Thou well­
may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee
pleased that those who have fallen asleep in
unceasingly, 0 Theotokos.
faith may receive Thine effulgence, and may
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
cry: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
God of Israel.
Hymn and exalt Him supremely forever!
M artyricon: In that Thou art a merciful God
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou wast for us
Who lovest mankind, have pity on Thy creation,
the mediatress ofsalvation, 0 most immaculate
and grant rest unto those who have departed in
one, and our sojourn in radiance for mons un­
the habitations of Thy saints, where all the
told. Thee, 0 pure Virgin, do all of the works of
martyrs rejoice, 0 greatly Merciful One.
the Lord, ever bless and exalt supremely for all
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Thy departed servants.
N ekrosimon: 0 Thou Who lovest mankind,
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
and art possessed of an abyss of mercies which
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
overwhelmeth the transgressions of Thy ser­
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
vants, receiving those whom Thou hast chosen,
give rest to them in the bosom ofAbraham, and
OnE IX cause them to dwell with Lazarus in Thy light.
Canon ofAll Saints Glory ... : Nekrosimon: As the Deliverer and
Irmos: 0 ye faithful, let us magnify the Theoto­ Savior of the human race, for the sake of Thy
kos, the ever-flowing, Life-receiving well­ crucifixion vouchsafe divine sweetness, life in­
spring, the light-bearing lamp of grace, the corruptible, gladness and radiance unto those
animate temple, the all-pure tabernacle which whom Thou hast now taken from among us, as
is more spacious than heaven and earth. our Benefactor.
Rejoicing, let us honor the sacred contests of Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 thy wonders
the sacred martyrs, the sufferings and wounds, which pass understanding! For thou alone, 0
nailings and banishments, and blessed sacri­ Virgin, hast granted all under the sun to under­
fice, whereby they were shown to be heirs of stand the newest miracle ofthine incomprehen­
Christ. sible birthgiving. Wherefore, we all magnify
As priests of God the divine favorites were thee, 0 all-pure one.
clothed in righteousness; for having lived in
holiness those who manifestly reached the end Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a
of their life in fasting rejoice, magnifying prostration. Litany, exapostilarion.
As divine mouths ofthe Lord, all the proph­ On the Praises, these stichera ofthe martyrs, in
ets proclaimed beforehand His light unto all; Tonel-
and with them now rejoice the women who Come, 0 ye people, let us all honor the
struggled mightily and pleased God by fasting. passion-bearers of Christ with hymns and
Nekrosimon: 0 Power Who reignest over spiritual songs, for they are the luminaries of
all, those whom Thou hast taken from the earth the world and the preachers of the Faith, the
do Thou show to share with Thy saints in Thy ever-flowing fountain from whence healings
kingdom; and in Thine all-great goodness, 0 pour forth upon the faithful. By their supplica­
God of all, overlook the things they have tions, 0 Christ our God, grant peace to Thy
committed. world and great mercy to our souls.
Theotokion: 0 thou who gavest birth to the The warriors of the great King opposed the
divine and timeless Light, remit all my trans­ edicts of the tyrants, bravely paid no heed to
gressions in time by thine entreaties; and en­ tortures, and, having trampled all deception

underfoot, have been crowned as is meet. And We entreat Thee, 0 Savior: Vouchsafe Thy
they askofthe Savior peace andgreatmercyfor sweet fellowship unto those who have fallen
our souls. asleep, and by Thy loving-kindness cause them
Neither tribulation, nor oppression, nor to dwell with Thy saints in the habitations of
starvation, nor persecution, nor wounds, nor the righteous and the abodes of heaven, over­
theragingofwild beasts, nor the sword, nor the looking their iniquities and granting them rest.
threatening fire were able to separate you from Stichos: Blessed are those whom Thou hast
God, 0 most lauded martyrs; and ye forgot your chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord.
own nature, struggling as in others' bodies out Surpassingvisiblethings, 0 Savior, are Thy
of great love for Him, and spurning death. promises, which eye hath not seen, nor ear
Wherefore, as is meet ye have received reward heard, and which have never entered the heart
for your pangs, and have become inheritors of ofman. We beseech Thee, 0 Master: Vouchsafe
the kingdom of heaven. Pray ye unceasingly in that those who have passed over to Thee may
behalf of our souls. receive Thy sweet fellowship; and grant them
Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye martyrs, for ye life everlasting.
fought the good fight: ye opposed emperors and Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
vanquished tyrants; ye were not daunted by fire things.
and the sword, nor by the wild beasts who Rejoicing in Thy Cross and setting their
devoured your bodies, but, sending up hymnody hope thereon, Thy servants have passed over to
to Christ with the angels, ye received crowns Thee, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. Unto them
from heaven. Ask that He grant peace to the now grant Thy Cross, and the Blood Thou didst
world and great mercy to our souls. shed for the life of the world, as deliverance
N ekrosimon: In deed Thou revealest that from their transgressions, forgiving their of­
Thou art the resurrection of all, 0 my Savior, fenses in Thy kindheartedness, and illumining
and by Thy word Thou didst raise up Lazarus them with the light of Thy countenance.
from the dead, 0 Word. And when the dead Stichos: Their memory shall be unto gen­
arose from the graves and the gates of hades eration and generation.
were harrowed, death became for men as but a No one among men is without sin, save Thou
dream. 0 Thou Who earnest for the salvation of alone, 0 Immortal One; wherefore, by Thy lov­
Thy creatures and not for their condemnation, ing-kindness, in that Thou art our compassion­
grant rest unto those Thou hast chosen, in that ate God, reckon Thy servants in the light, with
Thou lovest mankind. Thine angelic choirs, overlooking their iniqui­
ties and granting them forgiveness.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Rejoice for us, 0 holy Virgin Theotokos, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
pure vessel of the whole world, inextinguish­ 0 Virgin Mother, beseech Christ, thine Off­
able lamp, receptacle of Him Who cannot be spring, that He grant forgiveness of offenses to
contained, indestructible temple! Rejoice, thou thy servants who have truly proclaimed thee to
through whom the Lamb of God was born Who be the Theotokos and have blessed thee with
taketh away the sins of the whole world. words of piety; and vouchsafe unto them the
splendor and gladness of the saints in the
Aposticha stichera ofthe departed, the composi­ kingdom.
tion ofTheophanes, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "0 all­
praised martyrs ... "­ Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone 1­ 0 Christ, in never-waning light settle those
By food did the enemy lead Adam out of whom Thou hast taken to Thyself, overlooking
paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead back their transgressions, in that Thou art the com­
into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, 0 passionate God, that we may glorify Thine
Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom! incalculable mercy, 0 Benefactor.
The countless multitude ofThine athletes­ Glory ... : WeworshiptheFather, we glorify
the holy hierarchs, the all-wise women and the the Son, and all ofus, the faithful, hymn the all­
all-glorious prophets-entreat Thee, 0 Jesus holy Spirit. Remember us who cry to Thee, 0
our God: Grant us remission of transgressions, God the consubstantial Trinity and Unity.
and great mercy. Now & ever ... : We hymn thee, 0 pure one,
0 most sacred athletes of Christ, who have as the spacious palace, the throne of glory and
finished your race, with the sacred hierarchs the cloud of light; and we pray: Dispel the
and prophets ye have been vouchsafed to dwell gloomy cloud from our souls by thy divine
in the heavenly city, rejoicing with the angels. supplications.


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