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Name: Trixie Jash H.

Binuya Section: BSIT – 1E

1. How would you reconcile the advantages and disadvantages that GMOs bring

to human?

 GMOs have changed the way that people view their food. The advantages of

GMOs is food supplies become predictable this gives us the ability to reduce

the presence of food and Nutritional content can be improved. It also creates

foods that are more appealing to eat. While the disadvantages of consuming

GMOs food is that GMOs food grows and grows, it never stops growing

which eventually causes Obesity. In turn Obesity causes heart disease fat

around the heart, kidney stones, abscess, difficulty breathing.

2. When do you think should the pursuit of GMOs research stop?

 I don’t know but maybe it should be stop when people overused GMOs

because it might be dangerous to eat because all uncertainly is not created

equal, and the chance that the genetically modified crops in our food supply

pose a danger to human health.

3. Is genetic engineering a pure scientific process or it is indeed an act of humans

playing like God?

 We are indeed playing God with our genes but it is a good thing because

God, nature or whatever we want to call the agencies that have made us, often

get it wrong and it is up to us to correct those mistakes.

4. What significant contribution can individuals make in response to climate


 We need to change our concept of consumption. Try to avoid the usage of

plastic and non-biodegradable materials. Plastic bags are a massive issue in

terms of their environmental impact. We also now use the biodegradable

bags but, in some point, it may also have negative impact on the environment.

We should not consume as much as we could. Also, the use of car, it is not

sustainable at all. Leave your car and walk or cycle where possible for work.

Tried to make small changes in our lifestyle. There is so much room for

change don’t refuse to grow up.

5. Is climate change preventable?

 According to a recent study, some of the effects of global warming are no

longer preventable. But I think we can still take immediate action to reduce

our global warming. We must act now to ensure a healthy and safe planet for

future generations. Self-discipline is cure.

6. What should be the significant contribution of the society as well as the

government in mitigating the hazards caused by climate change?

 I think we must use Smart Transportation, this will help get people out of

their cars and use their bikes or walk, which produce no pollution at all. Also,

Sustainable eating, this will help to reduce our personal contribution to

climate change. Use less plastics, this could be as simple as not asking for a
straw, or buying products that are not wrapped in plastics Most important of

all is to Plant Trees, trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen we

breathe. Without trees, life on earth for humans would not be possible. The

planet and your, lungs will thank you for planting trees.

7. What is nanomaterial and how are they made?

 Nanomaterial are used in a broad spectrum of applications. Most

nanoproducts produce on an industrial scale are nanoparticles, although they

also arise a product in the manufacture of other materials. Nanoparticles are

created from the gas phase by producing a vapor of the product material using

chemical or physical means.

8. What are the factors that need to be considered before manufacturing

materials through nanotechnology?

 Manufacturers are using nanotechnology to make products with improved

capabilities or to reduce their manufacturing cost.

9. What are the contributions of nanotechnology for the improvement and

sustainability of our environment?

 Nanotechnology helps by saving raw materials, energy and water as well as

by reducing greenhouse gases and hazardous wastes. It incudes cleaning up

existing pollution, improving manufacturing. Nanotechnology helps to

improves the environment.

10. Would you subject yourself to gene therapy without its 100% assurance of

effectiveness or future negative side effects?

 Of course not, if something ever happens to the subject, they might can’t

bring it back to its normal even if it is safety. That’s an experimental

technique and it’s necessary to have 100% assurance and a background for

future side effects before doing it.

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