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Who is this Idiot?

Sky Penderis
Hey guys! Welcome to my
beginners guide to getting
girls numbers. I took a year
off working to pursue the art
of attracting women. Then
Immediately started teaching
for more than 8 years.

Wanting to share my new

found passion for attracting
Sky’s Future
women with everyone im
“I'm so excited to be finally living my now taking my skills and
dream by teaching men how to attract
women. I enjoy the process of
knowledge abroad. Helping
watching a guys minds melt out their men who are stuck on their
ears when I give him the missing
piece of the puzzle.” quest to find what they are
looking for.
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We All Start This Journey Lost! Don’t take advice

I was once lost and confused about women. They from women
seemed like this impossible puzzle that I could never Its true that women
solve. I hated them for being so complex. I got together
with my friends and discussed my problems with girls
are full of advice and
almost constantly. good intention but
I know how it feels to be trapped in this confusion and the problem is they
hate looking at other men who seem to have figured tell you what they
things out. think women want.
I’ve been through a transformation and now I can read Not what they
women like a book. This PDF will shed light into your respond to.
dark thoughts and hopefully will inspire you to change
into the man who gets women with ease. A man who
A woman's Logical
enjoys women’s company and never gets forced into the
friend zone. argument is not
Imagine being able to walk up to a beautiful girl on the what she responds
street and charm her with your humor and get her to emotionally in the
phone number. real world.
This works! Just ask Raj:

“All the girls who rejected me in the past have turned me into
a Casanova” – Sky Penderis
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Chapter 1
The First Step
Everything contained in this Free PDF is for reference purposes and is intended to
help men. These Ideas and concepts have been formed over many years with
thousands of men's input. I like things that work more than concepts.

Facing Your Anxiety

How the 3
• Try stay calm. Approaching is scary but its not
rational. You cant die from approaching a cute
Steps Work
girl. This is not a horror movie where she turns I’m breaking the
into a demon and eats you. method into 3 steps
so you can easily
• Calm yourself down by considering the worst-
remember where you
case scenario. The worst thing that can happen are in the interaction
is this: you ask for her phone number, and she at any time.
won't give it to you. Can you survive that?
Probably. When you are with a
girl your brain can go
• Being nervous is ok; some girls think it’s cute into retard mode. So
that you are nervous when asking for her if you are lost just
phone number. Others will feel weird that you think. What step am I
have nervous jitters. Both don’t matter if you in?
are not interested in them…

1 Get to Know 3
Approach Her Her High Point

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Facing Your Anxiety

• Pretending that you are not interested in them in a sexual way keeps you
from triggering the alarm bells in a girls head. Being under the radar that
you want to put a penis inside them. All men want to have sex, but acting
like you are not interested keeps you from looking like a creeper.
• Imagine a guy asking a girl for sex while being sweaty and nervous. NOT
• So its much better that the interaction starts with you being a neutral
normal person with no defining characteristics. Except you seem a little

• Don’t break eye-contact.

Make Eye Contact • Let her look away first.
• Its important that you • Don’t stare her down.
make eye contact with • Smile before you look at
the woman you want to
approach. She needs to her.
see you coming.

• Don’t be in a hurry.
Walk up to her • Walk straight up to her.
• The anticipation of the • Don’t eject half way into
approach will drive up
the walk.
her attraction for you.
• Don’t care about what
other people think.
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• Turn your torso so its side

Turn body away on and not directly facing
• If you turn your body her.
away from her this • This body language is more
adjusts your body
language to be less positive and appropriate for
threatening. this moment in the

• Leaning away from the girl.

Lean on Back Leg • leaning away as if you want
• Leaning on the back leg to leave.
give the false impression • This is a subtle gesture
that you want to leave.
don’t over do it.

•The second you have her

Comment attention comment about
• Comment about something in your location.
something in your
• It doesn't really matter
location. People,
Situations or things. what you say but funny is
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Example Conversation:
Here is an example conversation that you can edit and use for your own
personal situation. Remember you will need to change the conversation to
meet the needs of your location.

Is the choc-o-coffee any


You are asking something that is neutral and not tripping

any creepy guy alarms in the girls head.


• Stand too close
• Bow like a Japanese business man when talking or
listening to a girl.
• Stare at her boobs or genitals
• Ask strange and inappropriate questions.
So it’s the girls turn to respond. Be ready its going to be a
short answer.

If she says more than this yes/no

it’s a good sign.
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This is your time to shine. Now you need to act like you just
discovered some one amazing… Her. Now you need to say
something to get her attention

Wait before I go… What’s

your name?”


Now its time to be honest and let her know why you are
talking to her.

Name, You are distracting



[NOTE: This entire conversation should be edited to suit the situation]

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You need to be funny and

Because I just came here create an opportunity to
to get a choc-o-coffee… continue the
and you are distracting conversation.
me from my addiction

Haha/oh really?

Its at this point you need to commit more into the interaction.
You will be doing most of the talking time during meeting and
she will be offering mostly one word answers.

What’s your addiction?

Let…. Me…. guess…
erican foreign
money/cats/dolls/roma The more fun you make it
nce novels the more likely a
conversation will start.

If done right this will start a conversation.

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Chapter 2
The Second Step

Get to Know Her a

Little Bit Before You
Ask For Her Phone
• If you want to keep her talking, you have to make a great first impression as
quickly as you can.
Here's how to do it:
• Be confident. Show her that you love who you are, and that you love meeting
new people. If she thinks you feel good about who you are, she'll feel good
about you too.
• Give her all of your attention and ask questions that appear that you are
seeing if she would make a good girlfriend. This doesn't mean that you should
creepily stare into her eyes. It does mean that you should turn your body
toward her, and make her see that what she says matters to you.
• Make her laugh. The easiest way to make her like you is to charm her with
your wit.

Being Funny is Super Attractive to Girls!

// Page 6
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Get Her to Like You

• Once you've moved past the introductions and have charmed her initially,
Now to get her to like you enough to want to spend time with her again. She
doesn't have to want to spend the rest of her life with you and have a
million babies; all she has to think is, "Hey, this guy is awesome. I want more
of this.”

Here is How You Get Her To Want to See You Again

Build Witty Banter Be Personal Build a Connection

Build witty banter. Reveal something a Have her open up to

Show her that you little more personal. you. Lean in a little
like to tease her, have Don't get so personal closer, and encourage
her tease you, and that you make her her to tell you
keep up your end of a uncomfortable, but something about
sharp conversation. If tell her something herself that she
she says something that makes her heart doesn't tell just
funny, answer back melt like “I called my anyone. Start
with a funny quip mom on valentines building a strong
instead of just day” See that you're connection.
laughing and saying, not just all about the
"That's funny." This jokes, but that you
will show her that really do have a
you can keep up with softer side.
her if you hang out
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Chapter 3
The Third Step
Wait for a High Point
A big mistake that a lot of men make when it comes time to close is that
they ask for her number just as they’re getting ready to leave. Instead, ask
for a number at a high point during the conversation. This allows you two to
keep talking a bit after you get her number, which cements the emotional
connection as well as shows her that you’re interested in more than just sex.

Put Your Phone in her hand!

Another big mistake guys make in

how do you get a girl’s number is
asking for the number.
Just take out your phone add a new
contact, give her your phone with the
most likely first digit entered into the
number field. Even if you get the first
digit wrong she will be compelled to
fill in the number. Make sure you got
her name right!

You will find that your batting average

when it comes to getting phone
numbers will increase dramatically
when you start using this power play
to your advantage.
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Make getting the

Number a game...
So while she is putting in
Her number you make up
a little game that the two
of you are going to play
when you call her.
You get her to promise
that when you call her
she must say “hello sexy
choc-o-latte guy!”
You remind her that if she
does not say it you are
going to spank her bum.
She will giggle or
seriously promise you.
Both are good.
After she gives back your
phone you immediately
call her on the spot.

Now You Are Showing That You Are an Attractive Man

Don’t flinch!!! Just smile and look at her expecting her to answer her phone.
If she does not answer the phone you have her permission to spank her
bum and politely ask her to turn around and give her a light short little
spank. Keep things playful and tell her you are going to call her tomorrow.

If she does answer the phone lead her into saying your line “Hello sexy
choc-o-latte guy” if she does it act like you are calling to make arrangements
for your first date. After you have made first date arrangements hang-up
and give her a little hug.
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Now She’s Ready

and Waiting For
Your Call
Try leave on a positive
note. You might have
noticed that 99% of the
interaction was your
responsibility. YOU are
providing a situation for
the both of you.

Some Final Thoughts…

You need to become comfortable being the leader in the interaction. Women all
want to be swept off their feet by a man that makes them feel amazing. Keep this
in mind. This is all about making her feel things.

I hope you enjoyed this free eBook on the basics of getting her phone number.

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