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Basic Geometric Symbols & Labeling
Topical Outline | Geometry Outline | MathBits' Teacher Resources

Terms of Use Contact Person: Donna Roberts

Mathematics is a form of a language. And as such, it has its own manner of communicating
information. As you progress in your mathematical career, you will discover that mathematics
relies more and more on its own set of symbols when discussing information.
Let's refresh our memories on the geometry symbols you have already seen.
(For information on the correct notation, using these symbols, see Notation.)

Geometric Symbol Interpretation Example

capital letter Point point A

↔ Line

Line Segment

→ or ← Ray

|| Parallel

⊥ Perpendicular



Now, let's take a look at how figures are labeled in geometry,

and the meanings of these labels. This information should
sound familiar.

Angles are labeled by Angles may be labeled with a Angles may be represented by Angles may also be
specifying 3 points, with the single letter at the vertex, as a single lower case letter or by represented by numbers, as
center point being the vertex long as it is perfectly clear a Greek letter, as long as it is long as it is clear to which
of the angle. This angle is that there is only one angle at clear which angle is being angle the number applies.
NOT ∠BAC. this vertex. referenced.


Lines are traditionally labeled by expressing two Lines may also be labeled with a single scripted
points through which the line passes. letter, and referred to by that name.

Closed Figures:

When drawing rectangle ABCD: When drawing rectangle ABCD: When drawing rectangle ABCD:
the letters must follow, in order, around the you may label in either a clockwise or you may NOT label "across" the
outside of the figure. You may start at any counterclockwise direction around the figure as shown here.
vertex point. outside of the figure. This is not rectangle ABCD.
(It is rectangle ACBD.)


When using letters to refer to the sides of A right triangle is designated with a
a triangle, it is customary to label the sides "box" drawn in the location of the
or any other three letter combination of A,
as small case letters. Across from the right angle.
B and C will apply to this triangle.
vertex labeled capital A will be the side
labeled small case a, and so on.

Parallels and Perpendiculars:

Parallel lines are marked with "feathers". A "box" at the point of intersection indicates the lines are
Notice how they appear as sets: the lines with one feather are perpendicular. This "box" represents the presence of a right
parallels, and the lines with two feathers are parallel. angle (just as it did in the right triangle).

Congruent Sides and Angles:

"Hash marks" are used to represent segments of equal length While "hash marks" are used to represent segments of
on diagrams. Notice that corresponding sides are distinguished equal length on diagrams, "arcs" are used to represent
by their number of hash marks. It is customary, with congruent angles of equal measure. In the same fashion as we saw with
triangles, to "letter" the triangles' names in a corresponding the hash marks, corresponding angles are distinguished by
order: vertex A will correspond to vertex D, vertex B to vertex their number of arcs.
E, and vertex C to vertex F, so triangle ABC is congruent to
triangle DEF.

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Topical Outline | Geometry Outline | | MathBits' Teacher Resources

Terms of Use Contact Person: Donna Roberts

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