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Chapter 1



The ROTC exist for a long time, a government program that prepare youth for military

service and to be part of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Reserve Force. This

reserve force is expected to fill the demands of the army in case of war or disaster.

ROTC is one of the choice courses in the National Service Training (NSTP) program

of the government, which aims to prepare youth for service in the country. Aside from

ROTC, other courses in the program are the Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and

Literacy Training Service (LTS). NSTP is mandatory for all college students, based on the

NSTP Law of 2001. However, students many chooses which of the NSTP courses they

can take.

Probably not everyone knows the word ROTC or Reserve Officer Training Corps is

a well-known program of the government. It aims to train military discipline and skills. It is

mandatory for students. There are others who are not allowed to experience such training

as physically handicapped students or may be recommended by a doctor who cannot


Before the NSTP Law of 2001 was implemented, ROTC was taking over the colleges

and had no civilian welfare and literacy component. Hazing or the use of violence in ROTC

is normal in order to test the courage, mental strength and for being honest of a cadet.

In fact, this hazing is the main reason why the NSTP Law of 2001 has been

enacted. The 2001 hazing and killing of the University of Santo Tomas student Mark

Welson Chua was the particular incident that resulted in the enactment of the NSTP Law

of 2001.

Jepoyo said in 1992 that ROTC was first implemented and subject to the UP and

the year 1935 made it mandatory for all colleges and universities. But in 2002 it was

completely abolished because of the death of a cadet in the UST, it was brutal that the

cadets were killed because of its exposure to ROTC training in UST, but it on February

27 2017 a law approved by President Duterte to bring back the ROTC. The Grade XI and

Grade XII students is now required to join the ROTC. The president says, “ ROTC's

residence is unique to former ROTC in the wake of corruption. He said the new ROTC is

not worthy of corruption. No hazing and sexual harassment. The Armed Forces of the

Philippines (AFP) also pledged to have restrictions in order to prevent ROTC's bad


President Rodrigo Duterte said the mandatory ROTC program in Grade XI and

Grade XII could help develop national love and good citizenship for Filipino youth.


ARTICLE II SECTION XIII The State recognizes the important role of youth in the

development of the country and must promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual,

intellectual, and social welfare. The youth will established love for their country and

established loyalty and be proud of their country, and will encourage their participation in

public or in their city or town activities.

This topic is appropriate issue for SHS, and also noticed that there are many students

that do not have knowledge about ROTC, through this research that readers would be

able to read the knowledge and know the importance and accept this program.


This study aims to discover the impression about the ROTC implementation on SHS


1. What is the positive effect of ROTC?

2. What is the negative effect of ROTC?

3. What are the benefits of the ROTC program to the youth?


To the students. This research aim to raise awareness to the Senior High students

who will be part of the ROTC program if ever its mandatory implementation becomes a

reality or not.

To the ROTC officers. This study can be used for them as a reading tool that can add

knowledge concerning the problems of the a part of the body of the ROTC

program, the officers have a huge role to the betterment and improvement of the training.

To the future researchers. This research can be used as reference to the studies of

the same subject.

To the society. This study can be utilized as a guide for the people whether or not they

find the proposed mandatory implementation of ROTC agreeable and a useful tool to the



In order to make the reader understandable, the following terms as the basis of how

each one are used.

ROTC or Reserve Officer Training Corps. Is a program that consists of military

instruction through training, interviews, and physical training.

Mandatory. Is also called upon by the voters of a person or state holding the order.

Reservist. Is a person who is a member of the military reserve force.

Reserve force. A military organization made up of citizens of a country that

combines a military role or career with a civilian career

Hazing. Refers to conducting rituals, challenges, and other activities involving

harassment, abuse or embarrassment used as a way of starting a person in a group.

Military discipline. Refers to self-control, character and efficiency exercises and as

a result of training.

National Service Training Program (NSTP). Refers to the program aimed at enhancing

civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth, by developing their ethics of

service and patriotism.

Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). Provide students with activities contributory

to the general welfare and betterment of life of the members of the community especially

those developed to improve social welfare services.

Literacy Training Service (LTS). Train students in teaching literacy and numeracy skills

to schoolchildren and out-of-school youths.


This study is very important because it can provide more information and

knowledge for learners, some parents and teachers who are mostly confused about what

the program or government wants for the society, and it can be used if all students are

aware of what is happening in our country.

Chapter 2


Presented in this chapter are foreign and local literatures and used by the researcher

in this paper in order to have a more accurate study. This helped the researcher have a

better understanding and a wider perspective on this issue.


On February 8, 1967, President Ferdinand Marcos revoked the Executive Order

No. 207 of 1939, which states the Executive Order No. 59 in its place. This executive

order was made mandatory for ROTC in all colleges, universities and other institutions

with enrollment of 250 male students and greater. President Marcos also issued a

Presidential Decree No. 1706, also known as the "National Service Law", on August 8,

1980. The obligation for all Filipino citizens served as national service and defined three

categories of national services: civic welfare services, law enforcement services and

military services.

In 1991, the Congress passed RA 7077, the Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines

Reservist Act. Sections 38 and 39 of this law have mandated military education for two

years (Basic ROTC) for all college students, while ROTC programming (Advance ROTC)

additional two years is voluntarily. The basic philosophy of these practices is the belief in

the role of Filipinos both citizens and soldiers - both the intellectual and martial guard of

democracy in which they live.

According to (2016), one of the ROTC's resurgence has sprouted due to

the tension seen in the regional territorial dispute in the west Philippine sea where the

Chinese claimed it. And if ROTC is mandatory for students in Grade XI and Grade XII

they will be prepared as officers who can be called immediately to defer the country of

any occupation. The ROTC also saw the importance of the recent super typhoon in the

Visayas Region where many died and destroyed property. The ROTC Cadet can help

save and deliver relief goods to disaster victims.

According to Pinol (2017) The new president approves the return of the Reserve

Officer Training Corps. Defense Secretary Lorenzana also filed documents on RA 7077

or "Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act" to be mandatory for ROTC.

Prior to this approval by President Rodrigo Duterte there are meetings in the cabinet.

Deep analysis and conversation. Through the ROTC program, Filipino youths are

potential to defend and protect our country

According to Padilla (2017), "if the youth will understand the reason of the

training, they will learn many skills such as basic life support, first aid training, basic self-

defense, combat preparation, survival skills and others"


On an article by John Chan in World Socialist Web Site on the 10th day of May

2007- Chinese government is imposing nationwide military training for students of the

country to achieve not only the three main goals of the latter but also to strengthen the

submission of students to “organization” and “discipline”, as well as to instill the values of

“patriotism”, “collectivism” and “revolutionary heroism”. On this article he discussed why

should a government call for a compulsory national military training for students in high

school and tertiary level and how will it effect on their educational record.

Scholarship is one of the reasons why a student of the American government

underwent with this course. On the article written by David L. Leal, Students in Uniform:

ROTC, the Citizen-Soldiers, and the Civil-Military Gap, it tell in details how and when the

ROTC rooted in the country, what are the parallel benefit if a student will participate in the

said course and the equal responsibility as a student taking part of the program.

Luke Pereira, “The History and Impact of Army ROTC at Suny College at

Brookport” 2003, the study gives a brief discussion on the history of the ROTC and how

it evolved in the United States. It also tackles the benefit of students in engaging in the

military course. It also shows how wide the influence of the training in the country. This

study could also give a glance on how this mandatory training or course affects the

academic status of the participants during the entire participation.

Tayfun Sonmez, “Bidding for Army Career Specialties: Improving the ROTC

Branching Mechanism”, this study gave a reasonable solution on how to increase the

number of participants of the training corps. It tackles on modifying the merit and

incentives system so that it will encourage numbers of students and they will not doubt to

participate in the program of the institution. This study gave an emphasis on the “priority

based system” which is most effective in the said program.

Developing Leaders through High School Junior ROTC: Integrating Theory and Practice

of Robert C. Funk is a study that deals on how to develop a leadership in the high school

level. This study aims to maximize the participation of the high school student in the

leadership training dubbed as JROTC. The author viewed that it will enhance the

knowledge of the student in leadership skills, their understanding of their part as a citizen

of the country and their personal growth.

Chapter 3



This study aims to discover the impression about the ROTC implementation on

SHS students.

1. What is the positive effect of ROTC?

2. What is the negative effect of ROTC?

3. What are the other benefits of the ROTC program to the youth?


 ROTC Program to the SHS students as well as its influences along the self-

improvement, performance, and community involvement of the students and help

to enhance their abilities in emergency response, and security defense, in case a

need arises in their communities.

 Critics of ROTC is all about abuses and violence that created the impression that

the program is no good and students are not learning anything other than

marching on the field under the sweltering heat of the sun.

 The ROTC program pays for all four years of college career. The ROTC program

also pays for the room and board, and all school related expenses, and the

ROTC program offers a monthly allowance.


1. Hire an ROTC coordinator in order to monitor the program and to ensure the

smooth implementation of the recommendations.

2. Develop a curriculum and modules that is program-oriented about the ROTC

Program that can help students gain learnings about this program.

3. Provide training and orientation to all ROTC trainers for better implementation of

the ROTC program.

4. Research on self-learning is encouraged to be done in different subjects and a

sincere evaluation of the program.


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