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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region


Trento, Agusan del Sur


Name: Score:
Section: Date:

I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

_____1. This property of gas refers to the average kinetic energy of a gas particle.
a. Mass. b. Volume. c. Temperature. d. Pressure

_____2. It is the amount of space occupied by a gas particles.

a. Mass. b. Volume. c. Temperature. d. Pressure

_____3. This refers to the force exerted by a gas particle per unit area.
a. Mass. b. Volume. c. Temperature. d. Pressure

_____4. How much gas volume does an empty 500mL bottle contains?
a. 300mL. b. 250mL. c. 500mL. d. 750Ml

_____5. Which of the following is true about the properties of gases?

a. Gas volume is always constant.
b. Room temperature is always the ideal gas temperature.
c. Pressure can only be observed using a laboratory devices.
d. All gases have a mass.
_____6. Mr. Noel observed in an experiment that when the volume is held constant, the relationship between
temperature and pressure is directly proportional. What gas law is being implied?
a. Gay-Lussac's law. c. Boyle's law.
b. Charles' law. d. Avogadro's law.

_____7. In Boyle's law ___ is held constant.

a. Pressure. b. Volume. c. Temperature. d. Mass

_____8. In Charles' law ___ is held constant.

a. Pressure. b. Volume. c. Temperature. d. Mass

_____9. The following are examples of gases EXCEPT.

a. Nitrogen. b. Hydro. c. Helium. d. Argon

_____10. A phase of matter with no definite size and shape.

a. Gas. b. Volume. c. Temperature. d. Pressure

_____11. He states that at constant temperature, volume and pressure are directly proportional.
a. Jacques Charles. b. Robert Boyle.
c. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac. d. Amedeo Avogadro

_____12. He states that at constant volume, pressure and temperature are directly proportional with each other.
a. Jacques Charles. b. Robert Boyle.
c. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac. d. Amedeo Avogadro

_____13. Which example has particles that can be drawn closer to occupy smaller volume?
a. Fruit juice. b. Block of wood. c. Air inside a syringe d. Ice cube

_____14. What gas law best explains the explosion of the heated aerosol container?
a. Boyle's law. b. Charles' law. c. Combined Gas law. d. Ideal Gas law.
_____15. In a very low temperature, gas particles would likely
a. Stay far with each other b. Stick closer together
c. Decrease in number. d. Increase in number.

_____16. Jane can still pump air in the party balloon even though it is already inflated. What explains this
a. Balloons look better if its size is bigger
b. Balloons are made up of plastic
c. Air inside the balloon is hot
d. Air molecules can be compressed

17. Refers to the variety of life I a particular ecosystem.

a. Ecosystem b. Biodiversity c. Stability d. Population

18. A constant increase in the number of population.

a. Logistic growth b. Exponential growth c. Limiting factor d. Population density

19. It is the maximum number of organism that an environment can support.

a. Carrying capacity b. Ecosystem c. Exponential growth d. Logistic growth

20. It is the total number of organisms belonging to the same species in a particular environment.
a. Stability b. Population density c. Population d. Community

21. The human population is currently growing at an exponential rate. How can this be explained in terms of
birth and death rates?
a. The number of population is not affected b. The birth rates is higher than death rates
c. The death rates is higher than birth rates d. The population will decrease

22. The monkey-eating eagle is considered an endangered species. What does this mean in terms of the birth
and the death rate of monkey-eating eagles?
a. The death rate of the monkey-eating eagle is higher than birth rate.
b. The birth rate of the monkey-eating eagle is higher than death rate.
c. The population of the monkey-eating eagle is not affected.
d. The population of the monkey-eating eagle is affected.

23. The following are examples of limiting factors that depend on population density except
a. Predation b. Typhoon c. Competition of resources d. Emigration

24. The ability of an ecosystem to be self-regulating, and again become steady after a disturbance.
a. Stability b. Ecosystem c. Population density d. Population

25. Population growth is affected by human activities, natural disasters, and climate
a. Limiting factor b. Abiotic c. Density limiting factor d. Density-independent limiting factor

26. Population growth is dependent on the carrying capacity of the environment or habitat.
a. Density limiting factor b. Limiting factor c. Abiotic factor d. Density-independent limiting factor

27. It is the factor that controls the growth of a population.

a. Abiotic factor b. Biotic factor c. Limiting factor d. Population density

28. A population growth in which the growth rate decreases with increasing number of organisms, until it
becomes zero when the population reaches its capacity.
a. Logistic growth b. Population growth c. Limiting factor d. Population density

29. A person breeds guinea pigs in a cage. After a few generation, the breeder observes that the guinea pigs are
more aggressive towards each other, the young are less healthy and more young guinea pigs die. What do you
think will happen to the population of the guinea pigs?
a. The population will remain the same b. The population will increase
c. the population will decrease d. The population is not affected

30.Which of the following causes a decreasing wildlife population in most of the places in our country?
a. Loss of limiting factor b. Loss of natural disturbance
c. Loss of habitat d. Loss of carrying capacity
II. Double Matching Type: Match column A with column B and match column B to column C. Write the letter of your
answer in the space provided. (One point each)

Column A. Column B column C

____1. Ideal Gas Law. a. V1P1 = V2P2 1. Relationship between the volume
and pressure is inversely proportional.
____2. Combined Gas Law. b. V1/T1 = V2/T2 2. Volume is directly proportional to
temperature at constant pressure
____3. Avogadro's Law. c. P1/T1 = P2/T2 3. This law is applicable as long as gas
particles would behave well.
____4. Gay-Lussac's Law. d. V1n2 = V2n1 4. In this law of gases, pressure and
temperature is held constant.
____5. Charles' Law. e. V1P1T2 = V2P2T1 5. Combination of Boyle’s law and Charles’
law including Gay-lussac’s law
____6. Boyle's Law. f. PV=nRT 6. At constant volume, the relationship of
temperature and pressure is directly proportional.

III. Problem Solving, show your solution. (5 points each)

1. A sample of liquid acetone is placed in a 25.0 mL flask and vaporized by the heating to 75°C at 1.02 atm. The vapor
weighs 5.87g. Calculate the number of moles of the acetone.

2. Gab wants to have a portable Oxygen tank. A 5.00 liter Oxygen gas exert a pressure of 1.00 atmosphere. How much
pressure is needed for this gas to be compressed in a 2.00 liter cylinder, provided there is no temperature change?

3. A 2.5L of nitrogen gas exerts a pressure of 760mmHg at 473K. What temperature is needed to reduce the volume to
1.75L at 1140 torr?

4. A cylinder of gas has a pressured of 4.40 atm at 25 degree Celsius. At what temperature, in Celsius, will it reach a
pressure of 6.50 atm?

5. A 5.65 L of gas at 25 degree Celsius at 1.00 atm will occupy what volume at 1.50 atm and 50 degree Celsius.

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