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NOTE: IGNORE THE MCQ’s Which are Repeated.

The microscopic study of tissues is called:

A Histology B Microbiology C morphology D Physiology
The literal meanings of biology:
A Scientific study of B Study of life C Science of life D Critical life
Oxygen ,carbondioxide, and water are :
A micromolecules B Macromolecules C trimolecules D None of these
Glandular tissue is specialized for
A contraction B Conduction C secretion D Excretion
The number and variety of species in a place is called:
A population B Community C biodiversity D Diversity
The six bioelements account for …..% of body mass
A 99% B 98% C 97% D 99.9%
A technology for achieving eugenic aims is:
A copying B Cloning C replication D Duplication
Defective gene can be repair by
A Chemotherapy B Gene therapy C Radio therapy D Physiotherapy
Many diseases such as polio, whooping cough, measles, Mumps, small pox can be easily controlled by:
A Vaccination B Shots C Gene therapy D Both a and c
Cow pox pus in known as:
A Vacca B Vaga C Para pox D Pus pox
In 1997 scientists in scot land succeeded in cloning a:
A horse B Sheep C goat D Cow
The HIV virus causes:
A Tuberculosis B Aids C Cancer D Hepatitis
Tentative explanation of observation is called:
A Hypothesis B Deduction C law D Theory
The technique of vaccination was first developed by:
A Edward Jenner B Louis Paster C Robritkoch D Abdul salam
Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from
A Glucose B Starch C Sucrose D Glycogen
Peptide bond is a
A C-N link B C-O link C N-H link D C-H link
Which of the following kind of atom do not occur in carbohydrates
A Carbon B Hydrogen C Nitrogen D Oxygen
The covalent bond between two monosaccharaides is called:
A Peptide bond B Glycoside bond C Ester bond D Hydrogen bond
Glycogen is found abundantly in
A Liver B Muscles C Both a and b D None of these
Terpenoids are made up of a simple repeating unit
A Perenoid B Isoprenoid C Terpene D Steroid
Cotton is pure form of
A Starch B Dextrin C Cellulose D Glucose
Glucose and fructose are
A Non-reducing sugar B Reducing sugar C Both a and b D None
An enzyme is a three dimensional ……. Protein.
A Fibrous B Globular C straight D Branched
If the amount of enzyme is increased by two fold the reaction rate is:
A same B Doubled C Four fold D Three fold
Any factor that can alter the chemistry and shape of an enzyme can affect its rate of:
A reaction B Catalysis C activation D Both B and C
Some enzyme use metal ions as co=factor like
A Mg2+ B Fe2+ C Cu2+ D All
If the non-protein part is covalently bounded to enzyme it is known
A Co enzyme B Co-factor C Holoenzyme D Prosthetic group
The optimum pH of salivary amylase is
A 2.80 B 6.80 C 4.60 D 8.80
Which of the following kinds of atom do not occur in carbohydrate:
A Carbon B Hydrogen C Nitrogen D Oxygen
Globular proteins differ from fibrous protein in
A Having amino acid B Their repeating C Soluble in water D Non crystalline
unit joined by unit
peptide bond
Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from
A Glucose B Starch C Sucrose D Glycogen
……… is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature
A Cellulose B Starch C Glycogen D Glucose
Enzymes, antibodies, harmones and haemoglobin are example of:
A Ovular protein B Glabular protein C Fibrous protein D Tough protein
Acylglycerols are composed of:
A Glycerol and B Glycerol and C Glycerol and butyric D Glycerol and
fattyacids aminoacid acid nucleic acid
Amino acids are arranged in proper sequence during protein synthesis according to the instruction
transcribed on:
A Transfer RNA B Ribosomal RNA C Messenger RNA D DNA
Of the cellular RNA. t-RNA comprises about:
A 5-10% B 10-20% C 7-14% D 15-30%
Tertiary structure is most important in
A Ovular proteins B Globular proteins C Fibrous proteins D Tough proteins
Haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying protein of red blood cells is a:
A Primary structure B Secondary C Tertiary structure D Quaternary
structure structure
Both glycoproteins and glycolipids are integral structural component of:
A Plasma membrane B Cell walls C chromosomes D Ribosomes
The compound formed by combination of a base and a pentose sugar is called:
A nucleotide B Nucleoside C nucleoid D Nucleopeptide
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are:
A micro molecules B Macromolecules C trimolecules D None of these
Glandular tissue is specialized for
A contraction B Conduction C Secretion D Excretion
The number and variety of species in a place is called:
A population B Community C biodiversity D Diversity
The six bio elements account for …..% of body mass
A 99% B 98% C 97% D 99.9%
A technology for achieving eugenic aims is:
A copying B Cloning C replication D Duplication
Defective gene can be repair by
A Chemotherapy B Gene therapy C Radio therapy D Physiotherapy
Many diseases such as polio, whooping cough, measles, Mumps, small pox can be easily controlled by:
A Vaccination B Shots C Gene therapy D Both a and c
Cow pox pus in known as:
A Vacca B Vaga C Para pox D Pus pox
In 1997 scientists in scot land succeeded in cloning a:
A horse B Sheep C goat D Cow
The HIV virus causes:
A Tuberculosis B Aids C Cancer D Hepatitis
Tentative explanation of observation is called:
A Hypothesis B Deduction C law D Theory
The technique of vaccination was first developed by:
A Edward Jenner B Louis Paster C Robrit koch D Abdul Salam
Functional unit of life is
A Cell B DNA C RNA D Nucleus
The cells of animals and plants can be distinguished by presence or absence of
A DNA B Nucleus C Cell membrane D Cell wall
The soluble part of cytoplasm is called:
A cytosol B Aerosol C membrane D Sol
Store house of vital chemicals is:
A Nucleus B Cytoplasm C Cell wall D Cell membrane
Outer most boundary of cell is:
A Plasma membrane B Cell wall C cytoplasm D Both a and b
Cell membrane is composed of :
A Globular protein B Fatty acids C Amino acids D All
Stroma is fluid in the chloroplast which surround
A granum B Intergranum C thylakoids D Both a and b
Tay sachs disease results due to the accumulation in brain cell
A Mg++ ions B Glucose C Lipid D Protein
There are 16 chromosomes in
A onion B Pea C maize D Oat
In seed rich in lipid such as castor bean fatty acid is break in
A maltase B Citrate C fumarate D Succinate
Glyoxisomes are most abundant in
A Animal embryo B Micro organisms C Plant seeding D Plant embryo
Intermediate filament play role in maintenance of
A Cell size B Cell shape C Cell turgor D None
Linnaeus published his list of name of animals
A 1757 B 1752 C 1758 D 1753
162 capsomeres are present in the……………. Of herpes virus.
A head B Tail C capsid D Capon
Paramyxo viruses causes the disease
A influenza B Polio C Mumps and D Herpes simplex
A temperate phage may exist as
A pro phage B lytic phage C virulent phage D None
The infectious protein are
A viruses B Prion C viron D Peptons
The nucleic acid and capsid is collectively called:
A nucleoid B Capso nucleoid C Nuvleocapsid D Both a and b
The phase of no growth
A lag B Log C stationary D Eath
The cell walls of most bacteria have a unique macro molecule called:
A polypeptide B Glycan C Poly peptido glycan D Poly glycol peptide
The function of pili is:
A conjugation B Mating C Exchange of genetic D All
Acanthuses nigrofuscus found in
A Intestine of brown B Stomach of the C Liver of fish D Cleome of the
fish brown fish brown fish
Chemical substances inhibit the growth of microorganisms is called:
A Antiseptic B Disinfectants C Antibodies D Antigens
Bacteria get their food from the dead organic material called:
A hetrophytic B Sapro phytic C pacositic D Photo synthetic
Defective gene can be repaired by
A chemotherapy B genetherapy C radiotherapy D Physiotherapy
Fungi, algae, protozoa and various other prokaryotes are … on earth.
A 7.4% B 19.9% C 53.1% D 9.4%
A technology for achieving eugenic aims is:
A copying B cloning C replication D Duplication
The reasoning from the general to specific is called:
A inductive B deductive C hypothetical D Suggestive
Carbondioxide, oxygen, and water are
A micromolecules B macromolecules C trimolecules D None
The number of species identified so for is:
A 5 million B 10 million C 1.5 million D 2.5 million
Carbon and hydrogen bond (C-H bond) is the potential source of …………….for cellular activities.
A Kinetic Energy B Heat Energy C Solar Energy D Chemical Energy
………….. Is also called animal starch.
A Cellulose B Glycogen C Glucose D Lactogen
Phosphatidylcholine is one of the common:
A Phospholipids B Glycolipids C Sphingolipids D Tecpenoids
The covalent bond between two monosaccharides is called:
A Peptide bond B Glycoside bond C Ester bond D Hydrogen bond
Human tissues have 85% water in:
A Bone cell B Blood cell C Brain cell D None of these
Molecular formula for chlorophyll “a” is
A C55H70O6N4Mg B C55H72O5N4Mg C C55H77O6N4Mg D C55H72O6N8Mg
The first action spectrum was obtained by Engelmann in
A 1883 B 1888 C 1873 D 1863
Photosystem I has chlorophyll a which absorb best the light of:
A 680nm B 700nm C 780nm D 600nm
Stomata cover………% of the leaf surface.
A 1-4 B 1-3 C 1/2 D 2/3
Which of the following called the accessory pigment.
A Carotenoids B Chlorophyll b C a and b D None of these
The point at which the net gaseous exchange is zero is called:
A Companion point B Compensatory C Compensation D None of these
point point
All brown algae are multicellular and range from a few centimeters to approx……………….in length.
A 70m B 75m C 75cm D 90cm
Based on molecular data, euglenoids are thought to be closely related to:
A zooflagellates B dinoflagellates C Diatoms D None
One of the most unusual protest phyla is that of:
A dinoflagellates B Diatoms C zooflagellates D Algae
……………………. Are very important in aquatic food chains:
A Algae B Diatoms C Flagella D Kelps
Kingdom Protista contains…..major groups of eukaryotic organisms.
A Two B three C Four D Five
The closest relatives of fungi are probably
A animals B Slime molds C Brown algae D Vascular plants
E.coli of fungi are the:
A rusts B Brown mold C Green mold D Yeasts
An ascus is to ascomycetes as is a …… to basidiomycetes
A basidiospore B basidiocarp C basidium D Haustorium
Septate hyphae are divided by
A Linked walls B Cross-walls C Cell walls D All
Fungi forms …….key mutualistic symbiotic associations
A two B three C Four D six
Mutualistic association b/w the fungi and algae is:
A mycorrhizae B lichen C comensilism D None
Which of the following are bio indicator of the air pollution:
A lichen B mycorrhizae C predator D Prey
Which of the following is most commonly explained yeast:
A puccinia B Ustilagotritici C Saccharomyces D Cerevisiae
cerevisiae saccharomyces
Fungi can tolerate a wide range of pH from
A 2-8 B 2-7 C 2-9 D 2-6
The body of fungi called the
A hyphae B septa C mycelium D coenocyte
Which of the following cells are associated with a-sexual reproduction in fungi:
A ascospores B conidia C zygospores D basisiospores
Cytochrome contain
A Nitrogen B Phosphorous C Magnesium D Iron
Nitrogen deficiency in soil results in
A chlorosis B Stunted growth C Premature death D Stunted growth of
Feeding on dead and decaying matter is:
A Symbiotic nutrition B Parasitic nutrition C Saprophytic D Saprotrophic
nutrition nutrition
Hydra is the example of:
A Tertaular feeding B Scraping feeding C Swallowing feeding D Seizing feeding
Chlorosis is usually caused by insufficient:
A Nitrogen B Phosphorous C Magnesium D Iron
A plant requires potassium for
A Synthesizing protein B Synthesizing C Opening and closing D Both a and b
chlorophyll of stomata
Fungi, algae, protozoan and various prokaryotes are:
A 17.6% B 19.9% C 9.4% D 9.1%
The number of species of insects in percentage …….
A 53.1% B 17.6% C 19.9% D 9.4%
The tentative explanation of observation is called:
A law B theory C Hypothesis D Deduction
The reasoning from the general to specific is:
A Deductive B inductive C Scientific D Theoretical
The branch of biology deals with the study of social behavior and communal life of human being is…..
A Human biology B Molecular biology C Social biology D Environmental
Which one the following is employed in treatment of cancer
A Antibiotics and B Radiotherapy and C Chemotherapy and D All of these
vaccination chemotherapy antibodies
First vaccination technique was developed by:
A Jenner B Koch C Pastern D Brown
Population of different species living in an area in specific time, form a …..
A Colony B committee C Tribe D Community
The most recent era is:
A Proterozoic B Paleozoic C Cenozoic D Mesozoic
The technique used to prevent milk and milk products is called:
A vaccination B Lactation C Pasteurization D Concentration
The amount of Na by weight in human body is:
A 0.35% B 0.25% C 0.15% D 0.05%
The percentage of phosphorous in human body is….
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4
Use of living organisms, systems or processes in manufacturing and service industries is studied by
branch called:
A Social biology B Human biology C Bio technology D Marine biology
The study of tissues is called:
A Anatomy B Histology C Paleontology D Physiology
In 1997, scientists in Scotland succeeded in cloning a …
A Sheep B Horse C Cow D Goat
A large regional community primarily determined by its climate is:
A Biomass B Biosphere C Biome D Population
In cities exhaust of automobiles is adding ……. In the atmosphere.
A Nitrogen B Phosphorous C Chromium D Lead
In human body amount of oxygen is:
A 50% B 65% C 70% D 40%
A group of similar cells that performs a specific function is called:
A Organ B Tissue C Organelle D Organ System
Covalent bond b/w two monosaccharides is called:
A Ionic bond B Hydrogen bond C Glycosidic bond D Single covalent
Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from
A Glycogen B Glucose C Starch D Sucrose
The heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acid is called:
A Protein B Lipid C Glucose D Carbohydrates
The specific heat of vaporization of water is………Kcal/kg
A 374 B 474 C 574 D 674
Cotton is the pure form of:
A Cellulose B Glycogen C Wax D Amino acid
Cellulose is:
A Polysaccharides B Monosaccharides C Oligosaccharides D All of these
Carbon is:
A Divalent B Trivalent C Monovalent D Tetravalent
Amount of heat absorbed when a liquid changes into gas (expressed as calories per gram vaporized) is
A Heat capacity B Specific Heat C Heat of D Latent heat
What is NOT a conjugated molecule?
A Glycoprotein B Glycolipid C Polysaccharide D Lipoprotein
Phosphatidyl-choline is one of the common
A Acylglycerol B Phospholipid C Terpeniod D Wax
Which of the following is not polysaccharide?
A Glycogen B Lactose C Starch D Dextrin
The most abundant carbohydrate in nature is:
A Starch B Glycogen C Cellulose D Agar
Which of the following is not a lipid?
A Chitin B Rubber C Cutin D Cholesterol
Keratin is an example of fibrous protein present is
A Blood B Muscle C Bone D Nail and hair
Chitin is found in the cell wall of:
A Algae B Bacteria C Fungi D Plants
Which of the following atoms do not occur in carbohydrates?
A Carbon B Hydrogen C Oxygen D Nitrogen
Starch gives ….. color in iodine.
A Blue B Red C Green D Yellow
RNA is synthesized and stored in:
A Nucleus B Nucleolus C Lysosome D Endoplasmic
Most cellular secretions are ….. in nature.
A Proteins B Lipids C Carbohydrates D Glycoproteins
Our blood normaly contains …..% glucose.
A 0.6 B 0.8 C 0.08 D 0.09
Enzymes lower down the energy of:
A Kinetic B Potential C Activation D Ionic
The non-protein part of enzyme is known as
A Activator B Co-enzyme C Co-factor D Polypeptides
If non protein part is looslely attached to the protein part is known as:
A Co factor B Co enzyme C Holo enzyme D Prosthetic group
If non protein part is covalently bonded to enzyme, it is called
A Coenzyme B Prosthetic group C Activator D Apoenzyme
The vitamins are essential raw materials for the synthesis of:
A Co enzymes B Activators C Holo enzymes D Apoenzymes
Optimum pH for enterokinase enzyme is:
A 2.00 B 4.50 C 5.50 D 6.80
Optimum pH for pepsin is:
A 2.0 B 4.5 C 5.5 D 6.8
Salivary amylase acts best as pH
A 4.5 B 6.8 C 7.2 D 8.5
The optimum pH of pancreatic lipase is:
A 6.0 B 7.0 C 8.0 D 9.0
The optimum pH of enzyme arginase is
A 2.0 B 9.5 C 7.6 D 9.7
Induced fit model was proposed by:
A Emil fisher B Robert brown C Koshland D Robert Koch
Covalent bond b/w two monosaccharides is called:
A Ionic bond B Hydrogen bond C Glycosidic bond D Single covalent
Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from
A Glycogen B Glucose C Starch D Sucrose
The heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acid is called:
A Protein B Lipid C Glucose D Carbohydrates
The specific heat of vaporization of water is………Kcal/kg
A 374 B 474 C 574 D 674
Cotton is the pure form of:
A Cellulose B Glycogen C Wax D Amino acid
Cellulose is:
A Polysaccharides B Monosaccharides C Oligosaccharides D All of these
Carbon is:
A Divalent B Trivalent C Monovalent D Tetravalent
Amount of heat absorbed when a liquid changes into gas (expressed as calories per gram vaporized) is
A Heat capacity B Specific Heat C Heat of D Latent heat
What is NOT a conjugated molecule?
A Glycoprotein B Glycolipid C Polysaccharide D Lipoprotein
Phosphatidyl-choline is one of the common
A Acylglycerol B Phospholipid C Terpeniod D Wax
Which of the following is not polysaccharide?
A Glycogen B Lactose C Starch D Dextrin
The most abundant carbohydrate in nature is:
A Starch B Glycogen C Cellulose D Agar
Which of the following is not a lipid?
A Chitin B Rubber C Cutin D Cholesterol
Keratin is an example of fibrous protein present is
A Blood B Muscle C Bone D Nail and hair
Chitin is found in the cell wall of:
A Algae B Bacteria C Fungi D Plants
Which of the following atoms do not occur in carbohydrates?
A Carbon B Hydrogen C Oxygen D Nitrogen
Starch gives ….. color in iodine.
A Blue B Red C Green D Yellow
RNA is synthesized and stored in:
A Nucleus B Nucleolus C Lysosome D Endoplasmic
Most cellular secretions are ….. in nature.
A Proteins B Lipids C Carbohydrates D Glycoproteins
Our blood normaly contains …..% glucose.
A 0.6 B 0.8 C 0.08 D 0.09
Ribosomes are particles of:
A Riboglycoprotein B Riboglycolipid C Ribonucleoprotein D Riboglycolicacid
Stroma is a fluid surrounding the ……. Of chloroplast.
A Thylakoids B Matrix C Granum D Intergranum
Germ cells of Drosophila have chromosomes.
A 26 B 4 C 8 D 16
Resolution of electron microscope ranges between:
A 1-2μm B 1-5.0 mm C 1-3 Angstrom D 2-4 Angstrom
In photosynthetic plant cells, there are membrane-bound structures containing a green pigment is
A Ribosome B Nucleus C Chloroplast D Vacuoles
Endocytosis involving ingestion of solid material is:
A Pinocytosis B Phagocytosis C Solidocytosis D Both B and D
Generally, the cells with more than nuclei are called:
A Anucleate B Multinucleate C Binucleate D Mononucleate
Eukaryotic ribosomal sub units when combined make up:
A 100S particles B 90S particle C 80S Particle D 70S particle
TaySach’s disease is caused by the absence of an enzyme that is involved in catabolism of:
A proteins B Poly saccharides C oligosaccharides D Lipids
Cyclosis and amoeboid movements are due to:
A Microtubules B Microfilaments C Intermediate D All of these
The strengthening material in prokaryotic cell wall is:
A Chitin B Lignin C cutin D Murein
The protein present in microtubules is:
A Actin B Myosin C Tubulin D Tropomyosin
Cell theory was finally formulated by:
A Watson and Crick B Lorenz Oken C Schleiden and D Louis Pasteur
A group of ribosomes attached to a single mRNA is called:
A Lysosomes B Polysomes C glyoxisome D Peroxisomes
The resolution of typical compound microscope is …….μm.
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4
Attachment of two subunits of ribosomes is controlled by:
A Mg+2 B Fe+4 C Ca+2 D Na+1
The plasma membrane and everything present within it is called:
A Chloroplast B Protoplast C Cytoplasm D Protoplasm
The resolution of human naked eye is:
A 1.0mm B 0.3mm C 0.6mm D 0.7mm
The percentage of lipids in plasma membrane is:
A 60-80% B 30-60% C 20-40% D 10-20%
An enzyme is a three dimensional ……. Protein.
A Fibrous B Globular C straight D Branched
If the amount of enzyme is increased by two fold the reaction rate is:
A same B doubled C Four fold D Three fold
Any factor that can alter the chemistry and shape of an enzyme can affect its rate of:
A reaction B catalysis C activation D Both B and C
Some enzyme use metal ions as co=factor like
A Mg2+ B Fe2+ C Cu2+ D All
If the non-protein part is covalently bounded to enzyme it is known
A Co enzyme B Co-factor C Holoenzyme D Prosthetic group
The optimum pH of salivary amylase is
A 2.80 B 6.80 C 4.60 D 8.80
Lysosomes were isolated and studied for the first time by:
A Palade B De-Duve C Golgi D Virchow
Ribosomes are particles of:
A Riboglycoprotein B Riboglycolipid C Ribonucleoprotein D Riboglycolicacid
Stroma is a fluid surrounding the ……. Of chloroplast.
A Thylakoids B Matrix C Granum D Intergranum
Germ cells of Drosophila have chromosomes.
A 26 B 4 C 8 D 16
Resolution of electron microscope ranges between:
A 1-2μm B 1-5.0 mm C 1-3 Angstrom D 2-4 Angstrom
In photosynthetic plant cells, there are membrane-bound structures containing a green pigment is
A Ribosome B Nucleus C Chloroplast D Vacuoles
Endocytosis involving ingestion of solid material is:
A Pinocytosis B Phagocytosis C Solidocytosis D Both B and D
Generally, the cells with more than nuclei are called:
A Anucleate B Multinucleate C Binucleate D Mononucleate
Eukaryotic ribosomal sub units when combined make up:
A 100S particles B 90S particle C 80S Particle D 70S particle
TaySach’s disease is caused by the absence of an enzyme that is involved in catabolism of:
A proteins B Poly saccharides C oligosaccharides D Lipids
Cyclosis and amoeboid movements are due to:
A Microtubules B Microfilaments C Intermediate D All of these
The strengthening material in prokaryotic cell wall is:
A Chitin B Lignin C cutin D Murein
The protein present in microtubules is:
A Actin B Myosin C Tubulin D Tropomyosin
Cell theory was finally formulated by:
A Watson and Crick B Lorenz Oken C Schleiden and D Louis Pasteur
A group of ribosomes attached to a single mRNA is called:
A Lysosomes B Polysomes C glyoxisome D Peroxisomes
The resolution of typical compound microscope is …….μm.
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4
Attachment of two subunits of ribosomes is controlled by:
A Mg+2 B Fe+4 C Ca+2 D Na+1
The plasma membrane and everything present within it is called:
A Chloroplast B Protoplast C Cytoplasm D Protoplasm
The resolution of human naked eye is:
A 1.0mm B 0.3mm C 0.6mm D 0.7mm
The percentage of lipids in plasma membrane is:
A 60-80% B 30-60% C 20-40% D 10-20%
The basic unit of classification is:
A genus B phylum C class D Species
Binomial nomenclature system was given by
A Pasteur B DE Duve C Lamarck D Linnaeus
The common name of Allium cepa is
A Piyaz B Bathu C Amaltas D Chana
The biological name of Amaltas is
A Cassia Senna B Bauhinia variegata C Cassia Fistula D None of these
Orders include related
A Families B Genera C Species D Classes
Organelle of symbiotic origin is:
A Cell wall B Cell membrane C Mitochondria D Vacuole
Mad cow disease is caused by:
A Virus B Bacteria C Prion D Fungus
Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
A Cow pox B mumps C Tetanus D Small pox
The branch which deals with study of virus is called:
A Biology B Cytology C Virology D Taxonomy
Foot and mouth disease is caused by:
A Algae B Bacteria C Fungi D Virus
Which of the following disease is not caused by virus:
A Cholera B Hepatitis C Influenza D Polio
The number of Capsomeres present in the capsid of herpes virus are:
A 162 B 252 C 262 D 152
The number of capsomeres present in the capsid of adenovirus is:
A 162 B 262 C 252 D 152
Twort in 1915 and D’ Herelle in 1917 discovered:
A Pox virus B Advenovirus C Bacteriophages D Herpes virus
Bacteriophage replicates only in…….cell.
A Animal B Plant C Bacterial D Fungi
Temperature Phage may exist as:
A Prophage B Capsid C Viroid D Retrovirus
Small pox is:
A DNA virus B DNA enveloped C RNA virus D RNA enveloped
virus virus
The smallest known virus is:
A Bacteriophage B Small pox C Polio D Mumps
Influenza Viruses are:
A DNA enveloped B DNA naked C RNA naked D RNA enveloped
AIDS is caused by:
A Fungi B Lichen C Virus D Bacteria
Major cells infected by HIV are:
A Leukocytes B Helper-T- C Lymphocytes D Monocytes
Orders include related
A Families B Genera C Species D Classes
Organelle of symbiotic origin is:
A Cell wall B Cell membrane C Mitochondria D Vacuole
Mad cow disease is caused by:
A Virus B Bacteria C Prion D Fungus
Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
A Cow pox B mumps C Tetanus D Small pox
The branch which deals with study of virus is called:
A Biology B Cytology C Virology D Taxonomy
Foot and mouth disease is caused by:
A Algae B Bacteria C Fungi D Virus
Which of the following disease is not caused by virus:
A Cholera B Hepatitis C Influenza D Polio
The number of Capsomeres present in the capsid of herpes virus are:
A 162 B 252 C 262 D 152
The number of capsomeres present in the capsid of adenovirus is:
A 162 B 262 C 252 D 152
Which of the following is microaerophilic bacterium:
A Campylobacter B Pseudomonas C Spirochete D E. coli
Important vectors in modern genetic engineering are:
A plasmid B Nucleoid C Mesosome D Ribosome
A cube of 8 cocci is called:
A Sarcina B Octamer C Tetrad D Streptococci
Which is present in both gram-negative and gram-positive cell walls:
A Outer membrane B Peptidoglycan C Techoic acid D Lipopolysaccharides
The stage of rapid or exponential growth in bacteria is called:
A Lag B Log C Stationary D Death
Which of the following requires low levels of oxygen:
A E. coli B Spirochete C Pseudomonas D Campylobacter
Bacteria increase in number by asexual means of reproduction called:
A Binary fission B Budding C Regeneration D Multiple fission
Pili are made of special protein called:
A Pilin B Flagellin C Tubulin D Myosin
Which of the following is anaerobic bacterium.
A Pseudomonas B Escherichia coli C Spirochete D Campylobacter
Which of the following is not found in all bacteria?
A Cell membrane B Ribosomes C A nucleoid D Capsule
Mesosomes are internal extension of the
A Cell wall B Capsule C Cell membrane D All of these
A bacterium with single polar flagellum is:
A Atrichous B Lophotrichous C Amphitrichous D Monotrichous
Conjugation in bacteria is promoted by:
A flagella B Pili C cilia D Gametes
These bacteria are smallest and without cell wall:
A mycoplasma B Pseudomonas C Spirochete D E. coli
Misuse of streptomycin can cause:
A Allergic reaction B Discoloration of C Headache D Deafness
Which of the following is aerobic bacterium:
A Campylobacter B E. Coli C Pseudomonas D None of these
Which of the following is microaerophilic bacterium:
A Campylobacter B Pseudomonas C Spirochete D E. coli
Important vectors in modern genetic engineering are:
A plasmid B Nucleoid C Mesosome D Ribosome
A cube of 8 cocci is called:
A Sarcina B Octamer C Tetrad D Streptococci
Which is present in both gram-negative and gram-positive cell walls:
A Outer membrane B Peptidoglycan C Techoic acid D Lipopolysaccharides
The stage of rapid or exponential growth in bacteria is called:
A Lag B Log C Stationary D Death
Which of the following requires low levels of oxygen:
A E. coli B Spirochete C Pseudomonas D Campylobacter
Bacteria increase in number by asexual means of reproduction called:
A Binary fission B Budding C Regeneration D Multiple fission
Pili are made of special protein called:
A Pilin B Flagellin C Tubulin D Myosin
The bacteria without any flagella are called:
A Atrichous B Monotrichous C Lophotrichous D Peritrichous
Germ theory was founded by:
A Robert Koch B Louis Pasteur C Edward Jenner D Christian Gram
Clitoriaternatea is used against.
A Dog bite B Hores bite C Insect bite D Snake bite
Female gametophyte in angiosperm is also called _____
A Embryo sac B Ovary C Seed D Archegonium
Family of sweat pea is.
A Fabaceae B Rosaceae C Solanaceae D Poceae
In spermatophytes seed is formed from_____.
A Ovary B ovule C Anther D Embryo sac
The first complete seed plants appeared in____.
A Late Devnian B Cambrian C Permian D Jurassic
Pulse producing plants belongs to the family______.
A Rosaceae B Soanaceae C Fabaceae D Poaceae
Microspore of seed plants (that contain micro gametophyte including gametes) is called_____.
A Seed B Ovule C Pollen grain D Flower
The double fertilization is characteristic feature of ______.
A Gymnosperms B Angiosperms C Bryophytes D Pteridophytes
Double fertilization if a characteristic of ______.
A Gymnosperms B Angiosperms C Bryophytes D Pteridophytes
Pulse producing plants belong to the family _____.
A Rosaceae B Fabaceae C Solanaceae D Poaceae
The leaves of Cassia alata are used to cure______.
A Snake bite B Dog bite C Cough and fever D Ring-worms
Mosses belong to the subdivision.
A Hepaticopsida B Bryosida C Anthoceropside D Ascomycota
The excretory organ in phylum arthropoda is ______
A Flame cell B Nephridia C Kidney D Malpighian tubule
Most spiders have____eyes.
A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8
Common name for Ancycostomaduodenale is_____.
A Hook worm B Pin worm C Tape worm D earth worm
Blue color respiratory pigment called haemocyanin is present in
A Arthropoda B Mollusca C Annelids D Echinodermata
It is universally accepted by biologists that mammals have evolved from reptilian ancestors called.
A Cotyosaurs B Dinosurs C cotylostomata D atmphibians
The largest invertebrate animal is
A Octopus B squid C Anodonta D Oyster
Marsupium is characteristic of ______.
A Opossum B Echidna C Dolphin D Duckbill platypus
The blood of arthropods is ____ in color
A Green B Red C Brown D Colorless
Parapodia are organs of locomotion in ______.
A Leech B Planaria C Earthworm D Neries
The pores by which water leaves body in sponges is called
A Spirales B Osculum C Ostia D Setae
Number of legs in arachnids are _____.
A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8
The animal with exceptionally large brain is.
A Star fish B Octopus C Snail D Sepia
In phylum coelenterate special cells cnidocytes give rise to.
A Polyps B Nematocysts C Gastrozoids D Gemmules
Which of the following is not an accessory pigment?
A Chlorophyll a B Chlorophyll b C xanthophll D Carotenoid
The quantitative study of energy relationship in the biological system is.
A Biochemistry B Biotechnology C Bioenergetics D Biophysics
Chlorophyll a is present in all photosynthetic organisms except ______.
A Diatoms B Red algae C Bacteria D Euglena
The maximum absorption peak of light are ______.
A 450,640 B 440,490 C 430,670 D 550,650
Light wavelength least absorbed by chlorophyll is.
A Violet B Blue C Yellow D Orang
Thylakoid membranes are involved ATP synthesis by
A Chemosynthesis B Chemiosmosis C Chemotherapy D Chemotactic
In mitochondria the pumping of protons(Chemiosmosis) is across the.
A Outer membrane B Inner membrane C Matrix D Inter- membrane
The accessory photosynthetic pigments found in chloroplasts are ______.
A Chlorophyll a B Chlorophyll c C Bacterial D Chlorophyll and
Chlorophyll carotenoids
Plastocyanin protein contains______.
A Iron B Copper C Magnesium D Potassium
In respiratory chain, NADH is oxidized by_______.
A Co factor B Voenzyme C Chlorophyll c D Chlorophyll b
Compound formed as a result of anaerobic respiration in muscles is _____.
A Alcohol B Acetic acid C Lactic acid D Fumeric acid
Iron containing protein is.
A Cytochrome B Ferredoxin C Plastocyanin D Plastoquinone
Photosynthetic prokaryotes lack.
A Ribosomes B Cytoplasm C Chloroplasts D Cell membrane
Parotid glands are situated in front of the.
A Haws B Ears C Tongue D Eyes
HCI is secreted by gastric gland’s _____ cells in stomach.
A Mucous cells B Chief cells C Parietal cells D Zymogen cells
The animals which feed on plants are.
A Detritivores B Carnivores C Herbivores D Omnivores
Dipeptides are brokendown into amino acids by
A Erypsin B Pepsin C Trypsin D Lipase
Which of the following is not a carnivore?
A Cat B Dog C Lion D Deer
The one in which intracellular digestion occurs.
A Cockroach B Planaria C Amoeba D Hydra
These animals have large canines.
A Carnivores B Detritivores C Herbivores D Omnivores
Certain type of whales are also _____.
A Detritivores B Omnivores C Filter feeders D Filter feeders
The parietal cells secrete ____ acid.
A Nitric B Sulphuric C Hydochloric D Acetic
Tentacles is a characteristic of.
A Hydra B Snail C Amoeba D Euglena
The partly digested food in cockroach is temporarily stored in
A Crop B Gizzard C Rectum D Stomach
Hepatic cacao are present in ______.
A Hydra B Planaria C Cockroach D Earthworm
The causative agent of African sleeping sickness is ____.
A Entamoeba B Trypanosoma C Vorticella D Pelomyxa
Amoebic dysentery is caused by _____.
A Amoeba B Entamoeba C Vorticella D Pelomyxa
Ceratium belongs to _____.
A pyrrophta B Chrysophyta C Phaeophyta D Rhodophyta
Which of the following is not a cilitare?
A Paramecium B Vorticella C Trypanosome D Stentor
Alge which take part in building coral reefs alongwith coral.
A Diatoms B Red algae C Brown algae D Amoeba
Pelomyxa palustris is
A Bacterium B Amoeba C Ciliate D Zooflagellate
The feeding stage of slime mold is a:
A Blastostlye B Gastrozooid C Plasmodium D Sporozoits
Mosquitos inject plasmodium in humans inthe form of _____.
A Cysts B Sporozoites C Merozoits D Gametocytes
Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic _____.
A Cholera B Fever C Dysentery D Migraine
Algae in which body is differentiated into blades, stripes and hold fast belongs to ____.
A Golden algae B Brown algae C Diatoms D Green algae
Tests of forminifera are composed of _____.
A Magnesium B Silica C Calcium D Iron
A unicellular, non-motile green alga is.
A volvox B ulva C chlorella D Kelps
Most of the visible part of the lichen consists of
A Fungi B Algae C Roots D Bacteria
Cirtic acid is also obtained from some species of fungicalled______
A Agaricus B Aspergillus C Yeast D Penicillium
Rust disease is caused by ______
A Puccinia B Aspergillus C Yeast D Ustilago
Which of the following used for lowering blood cholesterol?
A Griseofulvin B Penicillin C Cyclosporine D Lovastatin
The deadly poisonous fungus is _____.
A Agaricus B Armillaria C Morchella D Amanita
The closest relatives of fungi are probably_____
A Animal B Slime mold C Brown algae D Vascular plants
The most common rust fungi are _____
A Ustilago B punccinia C Penicillium D Yeast
Ecologically very important bio-indicator or air pollution are _____.
A Lichen B Mycorrhizae C Yeast D Viruses
Parasitic fungi directly absorb the nutrients from the living horst cytoplasm by _____.
A Haustoria B Roots C Rhizoids D Gametangia
Which of the following structures is associated with asexual reproduction in fungi ____.
A Ascospores B conidia C zygospores D Basidiospores
Poisonous mushrooms are called _____.
A Truffles B Morels C Agaricus D Toad stools
Rhizopus belongs to the phylum:.
A Ascomycota B Basidiomycota C zygomycota D Deuteromycota
Breathingrate in man at rest is _____ times per minute.
A 10-15 B 15-20 C 20-25 D 25-30
During photorespiration, glycine after its formation diffuse into
A Ribosome B Mitochondria C peroxisome D Glyoxisome
Total inside capacity of human lungs when fully inflated is ____
A 5.0 B 7.0 C 7.2 D 7.5
How much air is held in lungs when they are fully inflated in man?
A 5 liter B 4.5 liter C 4 liter D 3.5 liter
The number of air sacs in birds are ____
A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9
When oxygen tension is 115mm of mercury then hemoglobin saturation is___
A 100% B 98% C 78% D 68%
Hemoglobin in man increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood to about___ times.
A 75 B 50 C 60 D 100
Lungs of birds have thin walled ducts called____
A Alveoli B Trachea C Bronchi D Parabronchi
Which of the following animals has closed blood circulatory system?
A Snail B Octopus C Insects D Spider
Disesase in which hemoglobin has F-chain instead of B-chain is called___
A Thalassemia B Leukemia C Emphysema D Edema
Plant structures involved in guttation are_____
A Lenticels B Hydathodes C Stomata D Cuticle
The substance that inhilbits blood clotting is______
A Histamine B Sterol C Antibody D Heparin
One cardiac cycle is completed in _____ seconds.
A 0.3 B 0.5 C 0.8 D 1.2
Hydathodes are associated with
A Bleeding B Transpiration C Guttation D Imbibition
Shrinkage of protoplasm by exosmosis of water is called_____
A Bleeding B Imbibition C Plasmolysis D Turgidity
A substance produced by basophils that inhibits clotting is _____
A Fibrinogen B Heparin C Histamine D Globulin
The plasma proteins constitute ____% by weight of plasma
A 7-9 B 9-11 C 11-13 D 13-15
Guttation occurs in plants through ______
A Cuticle B Hydathodes C Lenticels D Stomata
Volume of dry seed may increase up to 200 times by_____
A Diffusion B Osmosis C Imbibition D Active transport
The condition causing narrowing and hardening of arteries is called_____
A Atherosclerosis B necrosis C Sclerosis D Apoptosis
The total transpiration taking place through cuticle is ______%
A 5-7 B 1-7 C 5-8 D 2-5
Casparian strips are present in _____ cells of root.
A Cortex B Epidermis C Endodermis D Phloem
Antiserum is a serum containing.
A Hormones B Antigen C Enzyme D Antibodies
Single circuit circulation is found in:
A Man B Cat C Fish D Bird
Which is not a lymphoid mass?
A Spleen B Tonsils C Thymus D Liver
The causative agent of African sleeping sickness is ____.
A Entamoeba B Trypanosoma C Vorticella D Pelomyxa
Amoebic dysentery is caused by _____.
A Amoeba B Entamoeba C Vorticella D Pelomyxa
Ceratium belongs to _____.
A pyrrophta B Chrysophyta C Phaeophyta D Rhodophyta
Which of the following is not a cilitare?
A Paramecium B Vorticella C Trypanosome D Stentor
Algae which take part in building coral reefs alongwith coral.
A Diatoms B Red algae C Brown algae D Amoeba
Pelomyxa palustris is
A Bacterium B Amoeba C Ciliate D Zooflagellate
The feeding stage of slime mold is a:
A Blastostlye B Gastrozooid C Plasmodium D Sporozoits
Mosquitos inject plasmodium in humans inthe form of _____.
A Cysts B Sporozoites C Merozoits D Gametocytes
Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic _____.
A Cholera B Fever C Dysentery D Migraine
Algae in which body is differentiated into blades, stripes and hold fast belongs to ____.
A Golden algae B Brown algae C Diatoms D Green algae
Tests of forminifera are composed of _____.
A Magnesium B Silica C Calcium D Iron
A unicellular, non-motile green alga is.
A volvox B ulva C chlorella D Kelps
Most of the visible part of the lichen consists of
A Fungi B Algae C Roots D Bacteria
Cirtic acid is also obtained from some species of fungicalled______
A Agaricus B Aspergillus C Yeast D Penicillium
Rust disease is caused by ______
A Puccinia B Aspergillus C Yeast D Ustilago
Which of the following used for lowering blood cholesterol?
A Griseofulvin B Penicillin C Cyclosporine D Lovastatin
The deadly poisonous fungus is _____.
A Agaricus B Armillaria C Morchella D Amanita
The closest relatives of fungi are probably_____
A Animal B Slime mold C Brown algae D Vascular plants
The most common rust fungi are _____
A Ustilago B punccinia C Penicillium D Yeast
Ecologically very important bio-indicator or air pollution are _____.
A Lichen B Mycorrhizae C Yeast D Viruses
Parasitic fungi directly absorb the nutrients from the living horst cytoplasm by _____.
A Haustoria B Roots C Rhizoids D Gametangia
Which of the following structures is associated with asexual reproduction in fungi ____.
A Ascospores B conidia C zygospores D Basidiospores
Poisonous mushrooms are called _____.
A Truffles B Morels C Agaricus D Toad stools
Rhizopus belongs to the phylum:.
A Ascomycota B Basidiomycota C zygomycota D Deuteromycota
These bacteria are smallest and with out cell wall
A mycoplasma B Pseudomonas C Spirochetc D E.coli
Which of the following requires low level of oxygen
A E.coil B Spirochete C Pseudomonas D Campylobacter
Germ theory of disease was formulated by
A Robert koch B Louis pasteur C Edward Jenner D Christain gram
In earthworm exchange of gases occur mainly though.
A Lung B Gills C Skin D Baval cavety
Organ of voice in bird is called
A Vocal cord B Lyranx C syrix D Lipids
Total inside capacity of human lungs when fully inflalied is
A 5.O litter B 7.O litter C 7.2litter D 7.5 litter
Hemoglobin in man increase the oxygen Carrying capacityof the blood to about ____ time
A 75 B 50 C 60 D 100
Lungs of binds have thin walled duct called.
A Alveoli B Trachea C Bronchi D Parabconchi
Spilaeles are found in
A Fish B Cockroach C Leech D Earthworm
Disease in which hemoglobin has F-chain instead of B-chain is called.
A Thalassemia B Leoukemia C Edema D Emphysema
Histamine is produced by
A Neuteophils B Eosinophil C Basophils D Monouytes
Which of the following animals has closed blood circulatory system.
A Snail B Octopus C Insects D Spider
Hydathodes are associated with
A Bleeding B Transpirahon C guttation D Imbibition
Volume of dry seed may increase upto 200 times by
A Diffusion B Osmosis C imbibition D Transport
The cell that provide ATP and protiens to sieve tubes are
A Companion B Epidermal C Traeheids D Phloem
Mad cow disease is caused by
A Virus B Bacteria C prion D Fungus
Which of the following is not a virus disease
A cowpox B mumps C Tetanus D Small pox
Which of the following disease is not cause by virus
A Cholera B Hepatitis C Inhuanza D polio
Which is present in both gram-negative and gram-positive cell walls
A Outer membrane B peptidoglycan C Techoicacid D Lipopolysachavides
Cylosis and amoeboid movement are due to
A Microtubules B microfllament C Intermediate D All
Cell Theory was finally garmulated by watson and crick.
A Scheiden and B Louis C Pasture D Lorenz ckew
The resolution of human naked eye
A 10mm B 0.1mm C 1.1mm D 1mm
Stoma is a fluid surrounding the---------------- of chloroplast.
A Thylakoids B Matrix C granum D Inteegranum
Amoeba move and obtain food by mean of
A plasmodium B Flagella C Cilia D Rseudopodia
The sexual process exhibilted by most ciliates is called
A Oogamy B Binary fision C conjugation D Fertelization
The closest relatives of fungi are probably
A Animals B Slime molds C Brownalgae D Plant
In the first step of citriu acid cycle, acutyle CoA with oxidation to foum
A Pyruat B citeate C NADN D ATP

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