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Scot McKay

Deserve What You Want

Adam Gilad
GiladCreative Media, Inc.

March 2010

Welcome. This is Adam Gilad and I am here talking today, again, about how to
successfully date at what I call “the Age of Mastery” - over thirty or over forty -
and I am talking to my friend Scot McKay. Scot, are you out there?

I’m out here man - good to go!

You’re in Texas - that’s how “out there” you are! Scot has got an amazing story.
We have a little bit in common; we had been married, we had been on the success
track. We suddenly were not married and we rethought our lives.
And Scot is about the hardest-working person I know in the dating and
relationship advice industry. He and his now wife, his amazing wonderful wife,
are both up to their elbows in helping both men and women, you know, find the
love they want.
And one of the things I love about you Scot; unlike almost everyone else out
there, you use the phrase “Deserve what you want” rather than “Get what you
want.” And you have always stood for that. And I think for men, particularly
over thirty, as we mature, as we come into our true power, we understand that you
don’t just grab, like a child, in the world. You deserve what you want.
So I want to ask you, right off the bat, you advise personally - I don’t know how
many men but I know you are deeply involved coaching a lot of guys - what do
you see holding back guys, let’s say of the thirty-year mark and the forty-year

mark? What do you see holding them back internally from deserving or getting
the love they want?

Well I think every guy, regardless of their age, it seems like when they are not
succeeding with women they have this void in their life that they want filled. I
mean they are hungry and they want to get that satisfied. And what that does,
whatever the case is in our lives that we are trying to get that we don’t have
satisfied, is we push to get it; you know, instead of deserving what we want and in
doing so representing to, say, the woman that we would like to have in our lives
what it is that SHE wants, we try to find the latest trick or technique that is just
going to kind of rope her into giving us what we want.
And that always kind of seems to backfire because you are dealing with another
human being. So I mean, that in and of itself, is a standard. I mean, that is
something that goes across the board. Every guy seems to deal with that at least
at one point in his life; at least till he figures out differently.
I think as guys get older sometimes we have been in relationships, like you and I
have Adam, and we get rejected by women we were really trying to please and it
really weighs on our sense of self esteem. And we find ourselves having to kind
of unload the baggage before we can have that clean slate again. There has been
too much water under the bridge. There has been too much stuff that went down.
And sometimes we have to go and kind of find our “Mo-Jo” again after maybe…
if we even had it once when we were twenty-two/twenty-three. But, you know,
we get worn down by a long marriage where things didn’t always go right and we
kind of have to build it again. It is almost like being in a horrible tragic car
accident and having to learn to walk all over again.
So, you know, it seems like as guys get older, especially after they hit the big 4-0 -
which you and I have both hit - and they find themselves single again, you really
have to go find that back.
But the good news, Adam, is most of it really is in our head! Thank God we don’t
have to go through any physical therapy for it - although Viagra and whatever
notwithstanding, right?
But usually it is in our own head and it is a very curable condition.

What are some of the specific belief systems that you have seen among men that
are holding them back?

Well, a lot of guys, say if they are fifty years’ old, they are saying to themselves,
“Well, you know I am just not attracted to women who are fifty. They don’t look
good. They don’t take care of themselves for the most part. And the women who

do look good and who I am attracted to who are my age, they are probably just
going to want a younger guy anyway!”
But then, even as they suppose women are going to get younger guys, they
automatically preclude themselves, in their own mind, from having the ability to
go after the younger women. It is the darnedest thing I ever seen in my entire life
- even though all of the evidence shows, Adam, that usually younger women end
up with older guys - and not older women ending up with younger guys! Yet I
see that limiting belief happen all the time.
I don’t think every younger woman - say twenty-five/twenty-eight years’ old is
going to want a fifty-year-old guy; but, you know, not all of them are NOT going
to be willing to find this seasoned older gentlemen who they just adore.
So really it all comes down to you leading, you believing in yourself and you
inspiring that woman to believe that you are the right guy for her. And how you
feel about yourself, you’re limiting beliefs, really are going to translate. And I tell
you, sometimes, even when a woman says - like on her dating profile, for
example, - “I am only looking for guys twenty-eight to thirty-five”, if she is
twenty-eight; if you present yourself in a way that really captures her feminine
attention, you can be fifty-five/sixty and she will “break the rules” for you. We
have seen that time and time again. I think that is the biggest one Adam.

That’s really true. And I think a lot of guys don’t realize - something I
discovered, to my joy! - is that when you are a little bit older, when you have a
little more experience in your life, you have got so much more to offer. There are
a lot of young women - maybe particularly in LA, but everywhere - who are really
sick of dating guys who don’t really have anything going on yet in their lives;
who are struggling themselves, who haven’t really defined themselves, who
haven’t gone to battle and come back scarred and somewhat victorious - or at least
There is an attraction there that is very powerful - which is why I call it “the Age
of Mastery.”

Yes. I mean look at all the women out there who are twenty-two/twenty-three:
back when you were twenty-two/twenty-three and you wanted to date them, what
were they saying? They were saying “No, I’m going to go out with this guy who
is thirty years’ old because, you know, all the boys my age are still little boys;
they’re still immature.”
Yet, you know, we grow up to be thirty years’ old and we think that women who
are twenty-three don’t want us! You know, it is all in our head. Women are
human beings. They have their own free will. They make their own decisions.
They have their own tastes.


Some of them will love and prefer to go out with you because of the age you are.
I couldn’t agree more. You know, you have hit an age where you are more
mature. And because you are more mature, you make better decisions. And
because you make better decisions and because you have kind of reached a place
in your life hopefully where you have gotten some of your plans done - you have
knocked some of those notches off your bucket-list and lived some of your
dreams, and gotten some confidence as a direct result - you become more of that
kind of guy who is going to be able to give a woman what she wants. She wants a
masculine man who is confident and who is able to make her feel safe and secure
in his presence.
If you are a young, immature guy who doesn’t even know how to get out of his
own way, how are you supposed to make her feel safe? How are you supposed to
acknowledge that her best interests are at your heart? That you are going to take
care of her - when you can’t even stay out of jail or you can’t even keep from
wrecking your motorcycle?
You see, that is what women are feeling. That is what they are going through.
And women who are sharp enough to recognize that that is what they are really
yearning for are the ones who will naturally gravitate to a guy who is older.
And even a woman who is twenty-eight - twenty-eight is the kind of age I think
where women… twenty-eight is like what thirty is to a guy; you know, we always
say that women mature two years sooner than guys when we are little kids - I
don’t think that ever really changes! I think they are always two years ahead of
At age twenty-eight it seems like women kind of hit that maturity level where
THEY know how to make good decisions, THEY know how to stay out of
trouble. And that is when they start really appreciating those guys who are thirty-
five/forty, made something of themselves and already have something in the
So, I mean, I don’t think it is necessarily thirty-year-old guys and twenty-two-
year-old hotties; I think a guy at forty-five/fifty, you know… Hey, look - you
don’t want to babysit a “young’un” anyway! So even if you CAN get a twenty-
two / twenty-three-year-old when you are forty-five, I think the Holy Grail is to
get a twenty-eight-year old who still gets carded - I mean, you will just live
Happily Ever After and the women will love you for it!

That’s exactly right! So Scot, I want to ask you another question. I call it “the
Age of Mastery”; and I want to ask you, in your coaching when you work with

men, what are three qualities that you recommend they bring out in order to really
increase their sense of attraction and confidence with women?

I think first of all a guy has got to be confident. And like I told you before - and I
told everybody else listening - man, your confidence can really take a hit if you
have got some of that baggage in your life.
So what I recommend is guys go find what they are good at and focus on what
they are good at; get some success under your belt. You talk about getting online
Adam; you know, guys think they have to get online and wrangle the hottest,
sexiest chick in their entire area - just get online and start talking to women!


Get on Twitter, for Heaven’s sakes! Get on Twitter, for Heaven’s sakes and just
start making conversations with people and watch how you start ending up in
conversations, almost by default, with some pretty women out there who are
suddenly wanting to get into what you are talking about.
Twitter is the best, best way to fine-tune your online dating skills because it
teaches you how to be concise and it teaches you how to do witty things rapid-
fire. It is just amazing.
So confidence is number one. There are many ways to hone that. We have given
you just a few.
The second is: learn what it is that women think is masculine. This is very
different than machismo. We like to impress each other, we like to be braver than
the other guy, you know; we like to out-drink each other. That kind of pissing
contest stuff is what guys do to impress each other. We have great golf games… I
mean, I don’t know if you have ever noticed this but you can brag about your golf
game to a woman all you want and she is just not going to be impressed.

Right. No, not at all.

What IS she impressed about? Well she’s impressed that you are a guy who has
got ambition; that you are a guy with a plan; that you are a guy who knows how to
make her feel safe and comfortable in your presence. That is something that is
always going to get a woman’s attention.
You just don’t seem like you are skittish or afraid about anything - and that frees
her up to calm down and to express that feminine joy. If you want a woman to
approve of you that is the feeling you have got to give her.

So, yes, be masculine in the way that women understand it.


The third I think would be: be a man of character. Do what you say you are
going to do. You know, a lot of guys write me and they go, “Man, you know,
these younger women are flaky”. Well that’s because they’re not flaky. We don’t
like flakiness, right? I have had guys who are younger say, “Well she flaked out
on me so when she agreed to the date. You know what I did? I called her and I
cancelled her an hour before we were supposed to go out!”
Bad move! You have got to lead.


And by being a man of character, you inherently do what you say you are going to
do - which is not flake-out; that is the opposite of being flaky.

Even in small things, by the way.

Even small things.

Like showing up on time is what I was thinking.

And then, you know, you are also the same guy two months from now at your
core that you were when you first met her. I don’t know about you but I have had
women say, on first dates when they were really feeling some attraction, “You
know I keep waiting for the real Scot McKay to jump out from behind a bush
somewhere, because this is too good to be true.” And of course you just say,
“Well, hopefully that won’t happen. I don’t plan on that happening. It is pretty
much Wizzy-Wig, you know - what you see is what you get. This is who I am.
But thanks for noticing.”
And then, you know, two months later you still have the same core principles you
were operating under the day you met her. There are no routines. There are no
techniques you are trying to reel her in with. You are this guy who is confident in
his own ability to attract women with his masculinity, and your character dictates

that you will continue to be that guy. I think that is an excellent factor right there,

That is. I want to add a couple of things to that; real practical ways of making
these real. And the last one - if someone said to me, you know, “I am waiting for
the real guy to show up”, I would immediately start a conversation about her
expectations or what her experiences were in the past, while laying in the fact that
I am not that guy and that, you know, to open up, to lead the conversation - not
just about me but to open HER up about what HER expectations are and what
SHE wants out of life, and how she drew those men in.
And of course I would add, “Wow, it’s really interesting; clearly you have
changed because you are not attracting those kinds of guys any more. You
attracted me. What have you done?” You know, it is a nice…

That’s such genius!

I’ve got heaps of this stuff, I tell you! Well, because it’s true!

Yes, it’s true.

You know, if they have attracted guys who aren’t present… you know, I have put
a lot of work in, Scot. I came from zero. When I got divorced, I have really… I
have put a lot of workshop time in, I have learned with some of the best teachers
in the world, I have travelled the world to meet teachers, to work with people like
David Deida; to work with Sharmans; to test myself in all kinds of ways; and
really immersed myself in this stuff. And I have dated, you know, hundreds of
women, learning all the time; really with a great curiosity.
So I have put in my time. So I know at this point I can speak to a woman in a way
that, you know, 99% of men can’t because they haven’t thought about these
things. And they are not grounded in it. I am grounded in this stuff pretty deeply
at this point.
So, yes, so I can turn it around to them and say, “Well what have you done, that
now you are attracting somebody differently? What kind of work have you done?
And do you really want to bring that kind of doubt into a relationship? You
know, I am here looking at you and I am absolutely accepting you for all the light
and energy and sincerity that YOU are. I am not going to bring doubts to you -
leave them right there.”

And she is going to look at you and go, “Holy shit!” And women do; they look at
you and go, “Wow!” You know, men don’t talk like this; they haven’t done the
reflection. So this is why I think it is so important for guys to - I will just give
some resources - to read “The Way of the Superior Man”; to get into David
Deida’s work, absolutely. Check out the “Mankind Project”: very interesting
stuff. They have amazing workshops.
You know, if you have to do Landmark - I don’t necessarily recommend
Landmark - but you could learn something about yourself and learn about what
limiting beliefs you have.
And I always talk about pushing your edges all the time, so you don’t get stale. I
think a lot of the problem guys have after thirty or forty, they are in a job, they are
in a rut and they stop growing; and they are not interested in themselves, they are
not inspired about themselves. So why would a woman be interested in them
anyway? That is one of my foundational principles.
So, yes, that is my point about if the woman says “When is the real you going to
come out? When is the ‘Boom!’ going to drop?” you know?
But going back to the second thing you said, which is one of my favorite
principles: learn what it is that women think is masculine - not what guys think is
masculine. Absolutely. A lot of guys listening to this will have already gotten my
“Deep Attraction Online”; and the whole point of that book is to teach men how
to communicate in a language that women feel; not in a language that men talk to
men in. I’m sorry - I did that sentence in a preposition! It happens!
But men will so often want to communicate to women in the same way that they
communicate to each other. Women don’t care about your car, actually. And
you’re right - women don’t care about your golf game. They care about the depth
of your heart and they care about, you know, how can you stay steady and open
and vast and powerful, in the midst of whatever change, threats, chaos may be
happening around them? Those are the things that women look for.

Yes they want the guy who will wake up in the middle of the night when
something goes “bump!” and check it out.


They want the guy who will take the spider out of the bathroom.

You know one of the hottest things I ever did? The hottest dating trick ever? You
ready for this?

I’m ready. I was born ready.

I was on the beach with a girl and somehow her keys fell out of her pocket - so I
won’t go into detail about what was happening on the beach! And she started
freaking out; it was a dark night. And I said “Wait, I have a flashlight in my car.”
And I pull out this gigantic flashlight - it literally it shoots a mile of light, right?
And I didn’t do it as a metaphor - I just keep it in my car!
And I had a flashlight in my car! She melted! She couldn’t believe it! For her it
was a miracle of masculine care-taking, you know?


So, you know, it isn’t about pickup lines. It’s about being prepared. It is about
being able to take care of life.

You should have a Gerber multi-tool or equivalent in your dashboard and you
should have jumper cables underneath the passenger seat!

Always! Always.

Preferably you have a four-wheel drive pickup truck - but, you know, some guys
just don’t…

I did. But I’m not in Texas now - I have a convertible sports car - but hey! I’m in
California, you’re in Texas!

You know what Adam? It’s funny you should say that because I picture you as
the guy in the red convertible Porsche.

Not red. Black. I don’t do red.

Is it a Porsche?

No, no, it’s an Audi.

Oh you have a convertible Audi. I’m an Audi guy myself - let’s talk about that

Actually I’m really a BMW guy - but I got a better deal! But, you know, for me
having a convertible isn’t about showing off; it is about having the wind in my
hair and just being open to the world. I live up in the mountains above Malibu, so
when I get into my car and I head out in the morning I feel like Batman leaving
his cave! I’m happy!

In a black convertible!

No, but I’m happy by the time I get to where I’m going!

Does it shoot fire out of the license plate?

I’ll work on that! Don’t ask me about Robin, okay?

My Audi did that - I don’t know what’s wrong with yours!

No but I’m serious; you know, when I arrive where I am going, I am physically
happy. I’m buoyant. My body is happy. It is like I just worked out.

You’re ebullient!

Yes I am. So that is why I like my convertible. I’m happy to be in California. It’s
wintertime but I am driving around with my roof down and I’m a happy guy. And
the music is blaring and I’m driving along the beach… You can’t not be happy!
So, part of my whole “Attract, Connect, Inspire” rubric is “Live happy. Live
inspired”, you know? Do the things that fill you up and make you happy.

Well, you know what? We’re having fun with this, obviously; but we are talking
about the essence of this, which is being this guy who isn’t old and jaded. You
still have some life to you. You are mature - but, you know, like me, I still have
this curiosity like I am six years’ old.


I’m one of those guys that whenever a jet flies over the house low, I look to see
what it is. I don’t know what the heck’s wrong with me! You know, I don’t know
what is wrong with people who can drive along in their black Audi convertibles
like you Adam and not notice when there is a beautiful sunset. How could you
not notice that?
You know, become this guy and you will just be this guy who inspires women.
And, you know, you are talking about “arriving places happy”. You are talking
about doing what it takes to be that guy who will give that woman really what it is
we like to see in them that is attractive. We love it when women are glowing at
us, and giggling and happy, and acting like little girls. Girlishness is always hot
and sexy to us, no matter how old the woman is.
You know, just thinking about the convertible, there is something about a woman
in a jeep with the roof off; I don’t know why we love women in jeeps but, you
know, she has got a sundress on or she has kind of got, you know, one of those
Patagonia shirts on and she has, you know, got her hair up in a ponytail and she is
driving her jeep around. And we just… we are so sexually charged by that.
Because that is a woman who is ready for us to provide an adventure with her; and
she has got the wind blowing in her hair, and she is blatantly impractical. She is
just enjoying life - or she wouldn’t be driving a jeep. You know?


She’s willing to get her hands dirty; she’s willing to go off-road - literally. We
love that! So why aren’t we the people who are trying to make more of that in
women’s lives, knowing women want to follow our lead?

Right. And I want to point out, you used the word… you know, a lot of guys, a
lot of dating coaches, a lot of marriage counselors, they all talk about “masculine
confidence - have confidence. Sometimes you don’t really feel that confident.

That’s right.

And so like I find ways to fake confidence. But you added a word here that I
haven’t heard anyone else use, that really is the core of everything my whole life
and what I try to teach - which is you said “Keep your curiosity”; you know, dig
into your curiosity.
I love that you brought that up. It is that kind of curiosity that keeps you alive and
awake, and challenging yourself. And your curiosity is magnetic. You know, a
man who is passionate about something is interesting to a woman. It draws their
If you get passionate about wine, for example, and you can start talking about
wine with the passion that you actually have for it, women will get caught up into
that. If you are curious about…I am trying to think… there are so many things a
woman won’t be interested in your curiosity - you know, if you are interested in
like space and planets: not that interesting! Kind of dead! But if you are curious
about food, curious about cooking; curious about anything of this sensual earth,
you know, it is fascinating for women. And it is inspiring to them, because your
curiosity is open.
I think one thing a lot of guys lose as they hit thirty and forty, because they feel
they don’t have time for it, is they stop challenging themselves and opening up
new interests.

That’s right.

And by the way, a great resource, great resource: Facebook groups! Facebook
groups in your area. You can put into Facebook, if you live in Houston and you
love wine - put in “Houston wine club” into Facebook and guess what? This
Friday night you are going to meet twenty women who are interested in wine and
live in your area! It is that easy! Put your passion into Facebook and then find a
local group and get involved. It is so easy it’s ridiculous!

What did John Cougar Mellencamp say twenty-five years ago? “Oh yeah! Life
goes on! Long after the thrill of living is gone!” Right?

Oh wow!

That’s right. That’s the way most adults live their lives: the thrill of living is
gone but they are still walking around like zombies.

Right. A lot of people ask me, and I’m sure you would say the same thing, “Are
you afraid of dying?” and I say, “No, I’m afraid of not living.” That is the thing
that really bothers me; missing out on these years.
So let me ask you another question: in the guys that you have worked with, over
thirty / over forty, what else do you see they have to let go of; the stuff that they
think is appealing in their twenties? Do you find that guys are reaching back for
stuff in their twenties? That it is hindering them; makes them look less than they
are; holding them back?

You kind of went a different direction with that question, so if you don’t mind I
am going to go ahead and answer the first part of it.

Chew it up baby!

Because I thought of something that immediately popped into my mind. They
have to drop… they have to let go of their impression of women; especially if
they have been divorced by a woman who cheated on them or took them for
everything or just wasn’t very nice after a while, who turned out to be, you know,
not mentally healthy, like was the case in my… I mean, it is amazing how you
attract exactly who you think you are going to attract - man or woman.
Unfortunately, both Emily and I have ex-spouses who are chronically
schizophrenic; they are on the same medication.


And I mean I went through so much that I didn’t feel like I deserved - and I didn’t
deserve! I mean, I was being subjected to somebody else’s altered reality, as if I
was part of it. And you know, you fear that that is going to be the way that every
woman is; and you expect that that is going to be the way every woman is,
because that is the way you have been conditioned for the past seven years.
And then what happens is, you know, you start meeting women who are nuts! Or
you bring out the “inner nut” in every woman you meet.

That’s the thing. Right.

And then the day - literally the day - I looked in the mirror and I said, “Look my
sister isn’t crazy. My mom isn’t crazy. My boss’s wife isn’t crazy. My female
friends aren’t crazy...”

Right. Got it.

“I know lots of non-crazy women. It doesn’t have to be that I am dating crazy
women. I am capable of attracting and meeting women who are perfectly
emotionally sound.”
And, you know, I will belabor you how many women in a row I went in (no pun
intended!) I went out with who weren’t on Vitamin P! But the irony of how it
ended - no, it’s not ironic at all, it is by design, this - Emily is the most mentally,
emotionally stable human being I have ever met - not just woman. She doesn’t
even PMS! She is level-headed.
Why? Because I believed it could happen!



Let’s get rid of the beliefs that you are going to keep creating what you have
created in the past.


That’s a great one. And what are the particular… is there anything particular -
because I know you have worked with a lot of guys so I really want to dig into
your experience - what have you seen guys trying to do… I will give you a great
example: when I got divorced I was thirty-nine. I had no idea how to meet
women. I was the most devoted husband/father in the world. So I was in a kind
of a state of shock.

So what did I do? I went out to Sunset and I went to a club. And I stood there
like an idiot! Like, “What am I doing here?” You know? I couldn’t
communicate with anybody; you know, I am not 6’5”; I don’t have the right
clothes, I just, you know - I didn’t know anything! I was really like a babe in the
And then of course I went home; someone told me about online dating - and my
world changed because I could communicate to women my heart, my spine, my
humor, my passion - all those things that I teach on “Deep Attraction Online”.
So that was a typical mistake of a guy in his thirties or forties; trying to do
something that maybe guys in their twenties do. What other things have you see
that guys try that kind of look a little silly or, you know, like I said, diminishing of
their true mastery?

Well you know, you hit the nail on the head: they will Google “How to get better
with women” or “How to get a date on line” and they will all try to be pickup
artists even though they are fifty years old and they don’t want to wear a fuzzy
hat! And they will be learning how to go to a club and meet a twenty-year-old
who just snorted coke or something!
And that is not what they even wanted! They just wanted a great woman to go
share that bottle of wine with, you know? And that is not what they are learning
from the first website they find. So I think that is a mistake a lot of guys make; is
they get drawn into really sexually-charged marketing on what they might be able
to expect from taking certain courses on meeting women. And they end up going
not where it is they want to go - which is what you and I teach, Adam, which is
how to get a high-quality woman in your life. So I think guys do make that
And, you know, if guys WANT to be a pickup artist, well then they shouldn’t be
talking to you or me. They should be talking to someone who can teach them
So the first thing that guys do, you know, the mistake part of it is going after
something that isn’t what they even want to be taught. But the right thing to do is
to make sure you sort through everything that is available to you in terms of all of
the wealth of information out there, and go after what it is you really want. Don’t
be drawn by something else out of the corner of your eye.
The second thing I think Adam that guys do is they assume that - especially if
they have been in a relationship for a long time and haven’t dated in a while - they
assume that everything changed. The internet came along, you know, the 2000’s
came along; texting came along - and all of a sudden everything is different; they
have been left behind; nothing that they knew in their twenties is going to work
any more; women are completely different.
Well, can I get the manual buzzer? (BEEP!) Women are still women! You know,
they are climbing the corporate ladder; they are being told they need to be more

masculine; they may have been brainwashed into thinking that men should soften
up - but you know what? In their hearts they are not going to believe any of that!
They want a man!
And when the man shows up they will become this brilliantly joyful, attractive
woman and they will rise to that occasion and they will be glad you showed up. If
anything else, your Old School manhood will work better nowadays because you
have less competition.
So all you have to do - yes, maybe you need to go figure out what the new tools in
the toolbox are: online dating, you know; cell phones, text messaging - whatever.
But at the core, who you are - your masculine, confident self, man of character
who can make a woman feel comfortable in your presence - he is still going to get
the highest quality women.
So I think instead of worrying about how things are sort of different, focus on how
everything is pretty much the same, in terms of how attraction works. Be
comfortable and confident in that. And then, you know, then go about learning
how online dating works, through Adam and I.


I have to go Adam.

Scot, it’s been a pleasure, as always. I am going to let you go. We are going to
work out… I am going to have you - because you give great information, you
have worked with a lot of guys - we are going to work out some special… I am
going to hem you down on price on some of your products that are most suitable
for guys in their thirties and forties. We will get that out there. Thank you so
much. Enjoy your evening - I know you have a beautiful wife waiting for you.
And thanks for all the hard work you put. You are kind of a - I never told you this
- you are kind of an inspiration to me: how devoted you are to helping guys.

Thanks Adam. I appreciate that. And yes, you know, I wake up every morning
just happy to be doing what I’m doing. It’s what inspires me.

I love it. Fantastic. Thank you so much man.


Talk to you soon.

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