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NAME:___________________________________ DATE:________________ SCORE:_______

I. Comprehension Directions: Read the selection carefully. Then, answer the following questions. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.

1).A practical joke is not something which is said but nothing which is done and it is usually intended to make people laugh at
2) So long as the person upon whom a joke is played is not hurt, or not put in danger of being hurt, practical joking is only for fun.
3) You may hide a friend’s books, and be amused when he loos everywhere for them.
4) But if you pull a chair away just as he is sitting down, or put something for him to pull over, he may seriously injure himself.
5) Such practical jokes are foolish

1. To what/whom does the pronoun “he” refers to in sentence 3?

A. books B. everywhere C. friend
2. Why do people joke?
A. to hurt people B. to make people laugh C to injure someone
3. which statement is not true?
A. pulling away a chair hurts B. practical jokes are foolish C. jokes are fun at all
4. sentence 1 which is a topic sentence is a/an ____ times
A.. explanation B. definition C. result
5. The best title for the selection is _____.
A. jokes are foolish B. joking is part of friendship C. practical jokes
II. Research
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
______6. It is a systematic investigation to contribute an existing body of knowledge.
A. Methodology B. Research
C. Conclusion
______7. A person who can help you in giving information about your research topic.
A. book B. internet website
C. respondent
______8. It gives you the information that you are looking for.
A. Questionnaire B. Research
C. Conclusion
______9. He is the one who asks questions.

A. Interview B. Interviewee
C Interviewer
______10. It is a conversational practice where the knowledge is produce by the interaction of the interviewer and the
A. Interviewing B. Surveying C. Observing
______11. They served as the heart of an interview.
A. Interviewers B. Interviewees C. Questions
______12. It summarizes the content that the researchers cover during interviews.
A. Interview Guide B. Interview C. Interviewer
______13. It is defined as methodological study in order to prove a specific question, and to establish facts and reach conclusions.
A.Methodology B. Research C. Survey

_______14. It is an example of secondary source.

A. Manuscript B. Dictionary C. Journal
________15. It is an example of primary source.
A. Almanac B. Manuscript C. Dictionary D. Journal

_________16. He is the one who answers questions in an interview.

A.. Interview B. Interviewer C. Interviewee
_________17. It is one of the characteristics of a good research topic.
a. specific B. immeasurable C. broad
_________18. It refers to a material that provide direct, first-hand information about subjects and events.
A. Primary source B. Secondary source C. Tertiary source
______19. It refers to a list of references that are mentioned in the body of the paper.
A.. Research B .Bibliography C. Citation

______20. It refers to an act of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them as one's own.
A. Biography B. Libel C. Plagiarism
A. Coherent Writing
Directions: Identify the following coherent device that may use in writing. Choose your answer from the given box.
Write your answer on the space provided. STUDY THE KEY POINTS IN THE BOX.

EXAMPLE OF TRANSITIONAL WORDS: namely, to illustrate, in other words, in particular, specifically, such as. On the
contrary, contrarily, notwithstanding, but, however, nevertheless, in spite of, in contrast, yet, on one hand, on the other hand,
rather, or, nor, conversely, at the same time, while this may be true.
COHERENCE means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level.
Basically, coherence refers to the “rhetorical” aspects of your writing, which include developing and supporting your argument
(e.g. thesis statement development), synthesizing and integrating readings, organizing and clarifying ideas. The cohesion of
writing focuses on the “grammatical” aspects of writing.
We can tie sentences or paragraphs together by repeating certain key words from one sentence to the next or from one
paragraph to the next. This repetition of key words also helps to emphasize the main idea of a piece of writing.

Transitional Word Synonym Pronoun Coherence Repetition of key terms

__________ 21. It replaces the noun to avoid the reader from confusion and misinterpretation.
__________ 22. It refers to the words that have the same meaning.
__________ 23. It refers to the repetition of words for the reader to easily remember some important terms.
__________ 24. It refers to the cue word that connect ideas in a sentence to another sentence and paragraph to another
__________ 25. It refers to the connection of your ideas both at sentence level and paragraph level.

B. Rhetorical Device
Directions: Identify the rhetorical device used in the sentence. Choose your answer from the given box. Write your
answer on the space provided. STUDY THE KEY POINTS IN THE BOX.

Figure of Speech Explanation Example

Allusion a reference to a well-known work of art, literature, or music John enjoyed his role as the good Samaritan until he
within another work of art, literature or music received the bill for repairing Joyce’s car.
Apostrophe directly addressing someone who is not present or who is O Juliet, what is the secret of true love?
not real

Euphemism using a mild, offensive word in place of one that might using “pass away” in place of “die”
evoke a stronger reaction

Hyperbole extreme exaggeration That suggestion to include a wooden spoon with the
ice cream is a million dollar idea!
Metaphor an imaginative comparison of two unlike things that does Her mother’s love was a lighthouse in the storm of
not use either like or as disappointment.
Onomatopoeia an expression that sounds like what it names The bees buzzed as the saw whirred.

Personification giving something not human the characteristics of a human The bees sang a song of summer as they danced
being across the meadow.
Simile a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as She was as angry as a bear, while he growled like a

Alliteration placing words with the same beginning consonant sound next to each many merry maidens meet
other or in very close succession in order to create a sound element

Litotes Litotes is an understatement in which a positive statement is The classic example of litotes is the phrase “not bad.” By
expressed by negating its opposite. This sounds like a strange negating the word “bad,” you’re saying that something is good,
definition, but a few examples will make the meaning clear. or at least OK. However, in most contexts it’s an understatement.
For example: “Not bad! Not bad at all!” The idea here is that
someone is actually pretty excited about something – that they
think it’s a lot better than just “not bad
IRONY used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the You laugh at a person who slipped stepping on a banana peel,
actual meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that ends up in and the next thing you know, you’ve slipped too.
quite a different way than what is generally anticipated. In simple
words, it is a difference between appearance and reality.
Oxymoron a paradoxical idea that is compacted into a single image by He considered himself a successful failure at the bitter
combining two contradictory words side by side pleasure of love.
Paradox a seemingly contradictory statement that nonetheless Tomorrow has another name—yesterday.
expresses a truth

Hyperbole Paradox Onomatopoeia Personification Litotes

Alliteration Allusion Irony Oxymoron Simile Metaphor

________________________ 26. Carrie's cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.

_______________________ 27. It was so cold; I saw polar bears wearing jackets.
________________________ 28. How kind of you to embarrassed me in front of many people!
________________________ 29. She has the only choice for herself.
________________________ 30. The end is only the beginning.
________________________ 31. My car was happy to be washed again.
________________________ 32. You are as tough as the stone.
________________________ 33. The ching of chimneys is so amazing.
________________________ 34. Alice's aunt ate apples and acorns around August.
________________________ 35. Philippines is facing a great depression.

IV. Literature (The Little Prince and A Martian Sends a Postcard Home)
Directions: Write C if the statement is correct and M if the statement has a mistake.
__________ 36. The fox immediately becomes a friend of the Little Prince.
__________ 37. The Little Prince is willing to tame the Fox.
__________ 38. Once a person tames something, it becomes special.
__________ 39. There is no connection between the author of the story "The Little Prince" and his writing.
__________ 40. Craig Raine is the author of the story "The Little Prince".
__________ 41. The technique used in the poem "A Martian sends a Postcard Home" is DE familiarization

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home (1979)

Craig Raine

Caxtons are mechanical In homes, a haunted

birds with many wings apparatus sleeps,
and some are treasured for that snores when you pick
their markings – it up.

they cause the eyes to melt If the ghost cries, they

or the body to shriek carry it
without pain. to their lips and soothe it
to sleep
I have never seen one fly,
but with sounds. And yet, they
sometimes they perch on wake it up
the hand. deliberately, by tickling
with a finger.
Mist is when the sky is
tired of flight Only the young are
and rests its soft machine allowed to suffer
on ground: openly. Adults go to a
punishment room
then the world is dim and
bookish with water but nothing to
like engravings under eat.
tissue paper. They lock the door and
suffer the noises
Rain is when the earth is
television. alone. No one is exempt
It has the property of and everyone’s pain has a
making colours darker. different smell.

Model T is a room with At night, when all the

the lock inside – colours die,
a key is turned to free the they hide in pairs
and read about themselves
for movement, so quick –
there is a film in colour, with their
to watch for anything eyelids shut.

But time is tied to the

or kept in a box, ticking
with impatience.
__________ 42. Defamiliarization was proposed by Victor Skhlovsky.
__________ 43. Antoine Saint-Exupery is the author of the poem "A Martian sends a Postcard Home".
__________ 44. A Martian creates pictures of the objects that he sees.
__________ 45. The poem seeks to describe human behavior and objects as if they are being seen for the first time by a visiting

V. (46-50) Writing Bibliography

Directions: Prepare a bibliography for the following references.

You have used information from a book. The author is Marvin Zimmerman and he wrote it in 2010. The little of
the book is Grammar and Composition. It was published in Manila, Philippines by Anvil Publication.
Key Answer:
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
14.14. B
15.15. B
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. C
21. Pronoun
22. Synonym
23. Repetition of Key terms
24. Transitional word
25. Coherence
26. Aliiteration
27. Hyperbole
28. 28. Irony
29. Oxymoron
30. Paradox
31. Personification
32. Metaphor
33. Onomatopoeia
34. Alliteration
35. Oxymoron
36. M
37. C
38. C
39. M
40. M
41. C
42. C
43. M
44. C
45. C

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