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Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobi antara Reno, Andre, Anto, and Aris

 Reno: "good morning friends. What your activity holiday?"

Andre: "usually when holiday arrives I go fishing in the pool behind the house."

Anto: "if it's your hobby?"

Andre: "yes. Ever since I was children I do like to fish, especially fish in the river. But because the river is
far away so I went to the pool. "

Aris: "if you vacation tomorrow An activity what?"

Anto: "I often fill holiday time reading novels. Even if the novel's great to be until the afternoon I read it.

Andre: "Wow, you turned out to prospective writers."

Anto: "yes hopefully. if you Ris? any hobbies? "

Aris: "I like cycling. Almost every afternoon I through the village on his bicycle. For me, cycling can create
a healthy body and also reduce air pollution. "

Reno: "Yes right. Currently a lot of air pollution that are around us. We had to keep the air clean by
reducing the use of motor vehicles. "

Aris: "true. If you like what Ren? "

Reno: "just like you. I also like cycling. But now my bicycle was damaged so while I was not cycling. "

Aris: "I've got two pieces of the bike. You can borrow it first. "

Reno: "Wow, thank you."

Aris: "equally."

Anto: 'then tomorrow morning we went to the house of Andre continue our afternoon bike ride
together. "

Andre: "agree. I'm waiting for your arrival. "


Percakapan antara Reno, Andre, Anto, dan Aris

Reno: “selamat pagi teman-teman. Liburan kalian ada aktivitas apa?”

Andre: “biasanya kalau waktu liburan tiba aku pergi memancing di kolam belakang rumah.”

Anto: “apakah itu hobi kamu?”

Andre: “ya. Sejak masih kecil aku memang suka memancing ikan, terutama ikan yang ada di sungai. Tapi
karena sungainya jauh jadi aku pergi ke kolam.”

Aris: “kalau kamu liburan besok aktivitasnya apa An?”

Anto: “aku sering mengisi waktu liburan dengan membaca novel. Bahkan kalau novelnya bagus bisa
sampai sore aku membacanya.”

Andre: “wah, ternyata kamu calon sastrawan.”

Anto: “ya semoga. kalau hobimu apa saja Ris?”

Aris: “aku suka sekali bersepeda. Hampir setiap sore aku keliling desa dengan naik sepeda. Menurut aku
bersepedabisa membuat badan menjadi sehat dan juga mengurangi polusi udara.”

Reno: “ya betul sekali. Saat ini banyak sekali polusi udara yang ada di sekitar kita. Kita harus menjaga
kebersihan udara dengan cara mengurangi menggunakan kendaraan bermotor.”

Aris: “betul. Kalau hobi kamu apa Ren?”

Reno: “sama seperti kamu. Aku juga suka bersepeda. Tapi sekarang sepedaku sedang rusak jadi
sementara aku tidak bersepeda.”

Aris: “aku punya 2 buah sepeda. Kamu bisa meminjamnya dulu.”

Reno: “wah, terimakasih.”

Aris: “sama-sama.”

Anto: “kalau begitu besok pagi kita pergi ke rumah Andre terus sorenya kita bersepeda bersama.”

Andre: “setuju. Aku tunggu kedatangan kalian.”

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