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Flipped Class 3

Graphs of Quadratic Functions


By examining the standard and general forms of the equation of a circle, we

see that each contains three arbitrary constants.

( x − h )2 + ( y − k )2 = r 2  Constants h, k and r
2 2
x + y + Dx + Ey + F = 0  Constants D, E, and F

Consequently, if we are given three that determine a circle, we can find its
equation by setting up and solve the corresponding three equations in h, k, and
r or in D, E, and F. The decision whether to use the standard or general form
should be made only after the data are studied.

1. Find the equation of the circle that passes through P 1(4, -2), P2(5, 5), and
P3(-3, -1).
2. Find the equation of the circle with center on x + y = 4 and on 5x + 2y =
-1 and radius 3.

Exercises 2
Find the equation of each circle described in the following problems.
1. Through (7, 9), (0, 2) and ((6, 10)
2. Circumscribed about the triangle with vertices at the intersections of 4x –
3y + 11 = 0, x – y + 2 = 0, and x + y – 6 = 0.
3. Center at (4, -3) and tangent to 3x – 4y + 1 = 0
4. Concentric with x2 - 8x + y2 + 6y = 10 and through (-2, 5)
5. Through (4, 6) and (-3, 5) with center on 3x – y = 1
6. Through (-1, 2) and (6, 1) and tangent to the X axis.
7. Tangent to 4x + 3y = 16 and 5x – 12y = 38 and through (-6, -3)
8. Tangent to 3x – 4y + 12 = 0, center on x + 4y = -1, radius 5.
9. Tangent to 4x – 3y = 18 at (6, 2) and passing through (-1, 1)
10. Tangent to 5x – 12y = -31 at (1, 3), center on 2x + y = 3


Consider the equations of circles

2 2
x + y + D 1 x + E1 y + F1 = 0 (a)
2 2
x + y + D 2 x + E 2 y + F2 = 0 (b)

Taking k as a parameter, different from -1, the equation

( x 2 + y 2 + D1 x + E1 y + F 1 ) + k ( x2 + y 2 + D2 x + E2 y + F 2 )= 0 (c)

represents a family of circles passing through the intersection points of the

given circles a and b. If the given circles are tangent to each other, equation (c)
represents the family of circles passing through the point of tangency.

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

If k = 1, equation (c) reduces to the linear equation

( D1−D2 ) x + ( E1−E2 ) y + F1 −F 2 = 0 (d)

The graph of this equation is a straight line called the radical axis of the two given
circles. If the given circles intersect in two points, the radical axis passes
through the intersection points; if the given circles are tangent, the radical axis
is tangent to the circles at their point of tangency. If the given circles have no
common point, the radical axis is between the circles. In each of the three
possibilities, the radical axis is perpendicular to the line joining the centers of
the given circles.

Sample Problems:
1. Find the equation of the family of concentric circles centered at the point
(-1, 0) and whose radii are equal to 1 unit and 2 unit, respectively. Then
find a member of this family that passes through the point (2, 0). Sketch
the graph.
2. Two circles are internally tangent at the point (0, -4) with radii equal to 1
unit and 2 units, respectively. The circle whose radius is 1 is inscribed in
a circle whose radius is 2 units and centered at (0, -2). Find the equation
of each circle then find a member of this family of circles that passes
through the point (0, 2). Sketch the graph.
3. Two members of the family of circles have radii all equal to 3 units and
are centered at (1, 1) and (-2, -2), respectively. Find the radical axis of the
family that passes through the point (-3, 2).
4. Find the equation of the radical axis of the two circles: x2 + y2 – 2x – 2y –
7 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 4x + 4y – 1 = 0.


A. Tangent a Given Point on the Circle

In this case there is exactly one tangent line to every
point on the circle. The tangent line is perpendicular to P(x1,
the radius drawn from the center to the point of r
tangency. T
C(h, L

The equation of the tangent line is k)

y − y 1 = mT ( x − x1 )

1 x −h
mT =− =− 1
mr y 1 −k

1. Find the equation of the tangent to the circle (x – 1) 2 + (y + 2)2 = 5 at (3,

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

2. Find the general equation of the tangent to the circle x 2 + y2 + 6x + 4y –

39 = 0 at the point (1, 4).

B. Tangents to a Circle in a Prescribed Direction

The second case has two possible tangents to a circle. A reference line is given
serving as a direction of tangents. The reference line is either parallel or
perpendicular to the required tangents to a circle.
The equation of the tangent lines are given by

Ax + By + C
2 2
± √ A +B

Given line
Given line

Tangent line
Tangent line
P(x, y)
P(x, y)
Center line
Center line

Tangent line
Tangent line
Each of which is the directed distance from the line through the center
(parallel to tangents) to any point (x, y) on each tangent.

1. Find the general equations of the tangents to the circle x 2 + y2 = 29
parallel to the line 2x + 5y = 2.
2. Find the general equations of the tangents to the circle x 2 + y2 – 4x + 12y
+ 27 = 0 perpendicular to 3x + 2y = 6.

C. Tangents to a Circle through a Point Outside of the Circle

The last case is a tangent line to a circle and passing through a point outside
the circle. In this case there are also two possible tangents.
P(x, y)

The equations of the tangent lines are each of the form

y − y 1 = m ( x − x1)

where m can be solved from the equation formed as follows: r

±r = directed distance from y − y 1 = m ( x − x 1 ) to the center C ( h, k ) C(x, y) TL


Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

1. Find the general equations of the tangent lines to the circle x 2 + y2 = 5

and passing through (4, 3).
2. Find the general equations of the tangent lines to the circle (x – 1) 2 + (y
+ 1)2 = 26 and passing through (-3, 5).

Exercises 3
I. Find an equation of the circle with the given properties.
1. Tangent to the line y = 5 and with center at (2, -2)
2. Tangent to the line 4x + 3y = -5 and with center at (3, 1)
3. Tangent to the line x – y = 3 at the point (7, 4) and with center on the x-
4. Tangent to the line x = 4 at the point (4, 3) and with center on the line x
= -2y
5. Tangent to the line x – 2y = 1 at the point (3, 1) and with center on the
line x + y – 7 = 0
6. Tangent to the line 4x + 3y = 26 at the point (2, 6) and to the line 3x – 4y
= 7 at the point (1, -1)
7. Passing through the points (6, 2), (8, -2) and (7, 1)
8. Circumscribed about the triangle whose sides lie on the lines 2x – y = 7,
x – 3y = -4, and 7x + 4y = -28
9. Inscribed in the triangle whose sides lie on the lines 3x – y – 6 = 0, x + 3y
– 3 = 0 and x – 3y + 6 = 0
10. Inscribed in the triangle whose sides lie on the lines 3x – 4y – 12 =
0, 4x – 3y + 5 = 0 and 3x + 4y – 15 = 0

II. Find the equation of each given family of circles. Identify and sketch three
members of the family.
1. Center at (-5, 3)
2. With a fixed radius of 2
3. Passing through the point (-1, 4)
4. Passing through the intersection of the lines 2x – 3y – 8 = 0 and x + 3y +
5. Tangent to the line x – y – 3 = 0
6. Tangent to the lines 2x – y – 2 = 0 and 2x – 4y + 3 = 0
7. Tangent to the coordinate axes
8. With center on the line y = x and passing through the origin
9. With a fixed radius r and center on the line 2x + y – 2 = 0
10. Passing through the intersections of the circles x2 + y2 – 25 = 0 and
x + y – 12x – 9y + 50 = 0
2 2

III. Determine the tangent or tangents to the circle by the given conditions.
1. To the circle x2 + y2 – 8x – y + 7 = 0 at (1, 0)
2. To the circle x2 + y2 + 6x + 10y – 15 = 0 at (-3, 2)
3. To the circle x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y = 4 parallel to the line 3x + 5y = 4
4. To the circle x2 + y2 – 2x – 8y + 15 = 0 parallel to x – y = 9
5. To the circle x2 + y2 + 6x – 6y = 7 perpendicular to 3x + 4y = 0
6. To the circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y + 5 = 0 perpendicular to x – y = 7
7. To the circle x2 + y2 + 6x + 10y = 15 at (-3, 2)
8. To the circle x2 + y2 – 6x + 7 = 0 through (3, 4)

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

9. To the circle x2 + y2 – 2x + 6y + 5 = 0 through (6, -3)


It is frequently desirable to convert the equation

Ax2 + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0

where A, C, D, E, and F are constants and where A and C are not both zero, to
standard form since it is then a simple matter to determine pertinent facts
concerning the conic. We do this by completing the square of each quadratic in
the equation.

Convert the following equations to standard form.
1. y2 – 4y – 8y – 4 = 0
2. x2 + 6x + 4y + 1 = 0
3. 9x2 + 25y2 – 18x – 150y + 9 = 0
4. 9y2 – 16x2 + 36y + 32x – 124 = 0


Definition of conic
Conic is the set of points so located in a plane that the undirected
distance of each point from a fixed point divided by its undirected
distance from a fixed line is the same constant e. The fixed point is called
the focus, the fixed line is known as the directrix and the constant e is the

In deriving the equation, consider the directrix along the Y axis, focus at F(p, 0)
and let P(x, y) be any point of the set that constitutes the conic.
y D
P(x, y)

O F(p, 0)

By using the definition and the figure, we obtain

FP/DP = e or FP = eDP

Using the distance formula we get

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

√ ( x−p )2 + y2 = ex
Squaring both sides and collect coefficients of like terms, we find that

( 1−e2 ) x 2 + y 2 − 2 px + p2 = 0 (1)

Equation of the conic with eccentricity e, a

focus at (p, 0)
and directrix along the Y axis

It can be shown similarly that

( 1−e2 ) y 2 + x 2 − 2 py + p2 = 0
Equation of the conic with eccentricity e, a
focus at (p, 0)
and directrix along the X axis

e<1  Ellipse
e=1  Parabola
e>1  Hyperbola

I. Determine the value of e, type of conic, and location of a focus in each of the
following problems.
1. y2 – 4x + 4 = 0
2. x2 + 2y2 – 16x + 32 = 0
3. –x2 + y2 -12x + 36 = 0
4. 3x2 + 4y2 + 16x + 16 = 0
5. 4y2 + 9x2 + 18y + 9 = 0


Translation formulas
If the origin is translated to (h, k) and if (x, y) and (x', y') are the
coordinates of a point P when referred to the original axes and the new
axes, respectively, then

x = x' + h and y = y' + k

Simplification by Translation
The translation formulas are often used to eliminate the linear terms from an
equation. If this is possible, it is done by replacing x and y, respectively, by x' + h
and y' + k, collecting coefficients of linear terms, setting them equal to zero,

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

and solving for h and k. Thus, the values of h and k needed to eliminate the
linear terms are determined, and the transformed equation is then readily

Sample Problems
I. Find the equation into which each of the following problems is transformed if
the origin is translated to the given point.
1. x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 4 = 0, (1, 2)
2. 4x2 + y2 – 24x + 4y + 36 = 0, (3, -2)
3. y2 – 8x – 8y – 8 = 0, (-3, 4)

II. Find the equation into which the equation in each of the following problems
is transformed if the axes are translated so as to remove the linear terms if
1. 4x2 + 9y2 – 8x – 36y + 4 = 0
2. x2 + 4x + 4y – 4 = 0
3. y2 – 6y – 4x + 13 = 0
4. 9x2 – y2 – 36x + 2y + 26 = 0


Rotation formulas
If (x, y) designates a point before the axes are rotated and if (x', y') designates
the same point after the axes are rotated through an angle , then

x = x' cos - y' sin and y = x' sin + y' cos

Simplification by Rotation of Axes

The most frequent use of rotation in connection with a quadratic equation in
two variables is to eliminate the product term.

The first step is to replace x by (x = x' cos - y' sin) and y by (y = x' sin + y'
cos) in the given equation of the form

Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 B0 (1)

If this is done, the new equation is

A'x'2 + B'x'y' + C'y'2 + D'x' + E'y' + F' = 0 (2)

We find that
A' = A cos2 + B sin cos + C sin2 (3)
B' = (C – A)2 sin cos + B(cos2 - sin2) (4)
C' = A sin2 - B sin cos + C cos2 (5)
D' = D cos + E sin
E' = E cos - D sin

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

In order to eliminate the product term, we must have

B’ = 0 = (C – A)2 sin cos + B(cos2 - sin2) (4)

By using trigonometric identities for the sine and cosine of twice an angle,
equation (4) can be expressed as
(C – A) sin2 + B cos2 = 0
B cos2 = (A – C) sin2

cot 2θ =
B B0

Formula used to determine the angle  through which the

axes must be rotated in order to eliminate the product

Exact values of sin  and cos  can be found by using the identities

1−tan θ sin θ
cot 2θ= tan θ =
2 tanθ and cosθ

If tan  = a/b, it does not follow that sin  = a and cos  = b. Instead, sin  = ka
and cos  = kb.

Using the identities sin2  + cos2  = 1, we get

k2(a2 + b2) = 1
k = 1/ √ a2 +b2
Consequently, if tan = a/b, then
a b
sin θ = 2 2
cos θ =
√a +b √ a +b 2


Given the general equation

Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 B0 (1)

The number B2 – 4AC is called the discriminant of equation (1)

It can be shown that if (1) becomes

A'x'2 + B'x'y' + C'y'2 + D'x' + E'y' + F' = 0

when the axes are rotated through any angle , then

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

B2 – 4AC = B'2 – 4A'C' (2)

If  is so chosen as to eliminate the product term from (1), then B' = 0 and (2)
becomes B2 – 4AC = -4A'C'. If we now compare (2) with B' = 0 and the
standard forms of the conics, we see that

A'x'2 + C'y'2 + D'x' + E'y' + F' = 0

is the equation of
1. An ellipse if -4A'C' < 0
2. A parabola if -4A'C' = 0
3. A hyperbola if -4A'C' > 0

Consequently, equation (1) is the equation of an ellipse, a parabola, or a

hyperbola according as the discriminant B2 – 4AC is negative, zero, or positive.

Sample Problems
I. Find the new equation if the axes are rotated through the indicated
1. x2 – 5xy + y2 = 3, 450
2. 11x2 + 24xy + 4y2 = 9,  = sin-13/5,  acute
3. 2x2 – 3 √3 xy – y2 = 5, 600

II. Identify the type of conic that is represented by the equation in each of
the following problems.
1. 8x2 + 8xy + 2y2 – 5x – 7y = 4
2. 4x2 + 7xy + 3y2 = 24
3. 3x2 – 2xy + 5y2 – 2y = 9
4. 9x2 – 6xy + y2 + 4x – 7y = 0
5. 7x2 + 11xy + 5y2 = 48

III. Find the sine and cosine of the smallest positive angle through which
the axes can be rotated so as to eliminate the product term in each of
the following problems.
1. 3x2 + xy + 3y2 = 1
2. 16x2 + 7xy – 8y2 = 17
3. 7x2 + 4xy + 4y2 = 8

IV.Remove the product term from the equation in each of the following
problems; then, if possible, remove the linear terms.
1. 31x2 + 10 √ 3 xy + 21y2 – 144 = 0
2. 41x2 + 24xy + 34y2 + 25x + 50y – 25 = 0
3. 3x2 – 8xy – 3y2 – 2 √5 x–4 √5 y=0


Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

Let (x1, y1) denote a point on a conic whose equation is

2 2
Ax + 2Bxy + Cy + 2 Dx + 2 Ey + F = 0 (1)

The equation of the tangent line is

Ax 1 x + B ( x 1 y + xy 1 ) + Cy 1 y + D ( x + x 1 ) + E ( y + y 1 ) + F = 0

Since equation 2 is of first degree in x and y regardless of the location of the

point (x1, y1), it is evident that (2) is a straight line which in some way is related
to the conic and the point (x1, y1).

This line is called the polar of the point (x1, y1) with respect to the conic (1),
and the point is called the pole of the line.

If P2 is any point on the polar of another point P 1, the polar of P2 passes
through P1.

Tangents to Conics
An inspection of the conics shows that for a point not
M on the conic either two tangents lines or no tangent line
can be drawn from the point to the conic. In the former
N case the point is said to be outside the conic and in the
latter case inside the conic.

For a point P outside a conic, let PM and PN be the two lines tangent to the

The polar of a point on a conic is the tangent line to the conic at that point.
Hence, PM is the polar of M and PN is the polar of N. By the theorem, the polar
of P must pass through M and N. Thus, the polar of P is the line MN, which is
the chord of contact of the tangent lines from P.

By similar reasoning, the converse can also be established. That is, if a straight
line intersects a conic; its pole is the point of intersection of the tangent lines
taken at the points of intersection.

General Methods
1. To find the slope, m, of a given curve at the point P1(x1, y1), choose a
second point, P', on the curve so that it has coordinates (x1 + x, y1 + y)
2. Substitute each of the coordinates of P' and P 1 in the equation of the
curve and simplify.
3. Divide both sides by x and eliminate terms that contain powers of y
higher than the first power.

Flipped Class 3
Graphs of Quadratic Functions

4. Solve for y/x. Let x approach zero and y/x will approach the slope of
the tangent line, m, at point P1.
5. When the slope and coordinates of a point on the curve are known, you
can find the equation of the tangent line by using the point-slope method.

Sample Problems
I. Derive the tangent line to the standard equation of the conics.

II. Find the equation of the lines tangent to the following conics at the given
1. y2 = 8x through (2, 4).
2. 4x2 – 5xy + 2y2 + 3x – 2y = 0, through the point (2, 3)
3. x2 + 8xy – 2y2 – 12x + 6y – 4 = 0, through the point (0, 2)
4. x2 + 2xy + y2 + 2x + 6y + 1 = 0, through the point (4, -2)


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