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Benefits of Traveling

Who would not like to travel around the world? Almost everyone will enjoy traveling
to different countries. Traveling is one of the most fun activities that anyone can do. Some
people love traveling, and they go to places without any plan just as a backpacker. According
to the statistical center of Indonesia, number of foreign guests who come to Indonesia in 2011
until 2016 is approximately 48 million people. Traveling is not only a unique experience but
also a very beneficial activity. Traveling helps us to build tolerance, culture learning, and
communication skills.

From traveling, we can build tolerance in ourselves. People who travel can notice
differences and similarities among countries. Experiencing new cultures, meeting new
people, and learning about world geography are some benefits of traveling. Meeting different
kinds of people during journeys opens up new point of views. When we visit places in other
countries, we gain a better understanding of the people is lives, and we can observe some
differences there. Observing differences during journeys enable us to accept them. I have
been to Bali. It is quite difficult when you want to find a mosque to pray. But, some stores
usually provide a room or a place in that store for the visitors who need to pray. The people
there are very appreciative of the differences.

People who travel have more opportunities to learn new cultures. Rachel Roy, an
American fashion designer said “I am inspired by different cultures around the world and
love to incorporate these facets into my collection”. Experiencing different cultures can be
enlightening and educational. Traveling increases our knowledge and widens our perspective.
It gives us a new perspective about life. It can help us change some of our habits or even
creates new ones. Usually travelers like to try something in other places or countries. For
example, when traveling, travelers love to try local cuisines so they can know more foods or
traditional clothes. There are some different tastes beetwen cities. West Java and Yogyakarta
have different tastes. People in West Java like a spicy food, while people in Yogyakarta like a
sweet food.

Traveling can improve our communication skills. When people travel, they commonly
meet people from a variety of cultures. Take the case of people who travel with a tour. There
is going to be a variety of individuals from different countries who speak different languages
and different ages. At least, we should know how to speak to people who have different ages
with us. To survive, travelers need to learn the languages. It will make them easier when they
are in other countries. History from some countries are also important for travelers. They can
know the story, the culture, and the law of that county. If they want to know the history of
that country, they can go to a museum and find out what they want to know. Last holiday I
went to Cirebon. In there I visited Linggarjati museum. Linggarjati agreement is an
agreement between Indonesia and Netherland. I read some stories of this occurrence from the
photo on display. This building has also been used by the Dutch army. In Cirebon we can
discover many historic sites like Keraton Kasepuhan, Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa or
people usually called Masjid Agung Cirebon, Taman Sari Gua Sunyaragi, and many others.

Building tolerance, learning culture, and communication skills are just some of the
benefits of travel. Each country is rich culturally and geographically, but why not visit to
learn instead of learning by reading book or from hearing soomeone else’s experience. If
each person travels, the world be better because everyone would understand and respect to
each culture.

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