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End-to-End Stakeholder Management: Step-by-Step Guide

D i sc i p l i n e i n to t h e Pr o ject

Project Deliverables RACI Chart

Ma n ag e m e n t Met h o d o lo g y

S take h o l der Ma n ag e m e n t
S ect i o n I : E m bed

Define accountability among project stakeholders for providing or gathering business
input for key deliverables.


Cadbury provides the Business Sponsor (executive sponsor), Business Project
Manager (project sponsor), and the IT Project Manager with a detailed RACI chart
of their responsibilities across the project lifecycle.

Along with role descriptions, the RACI chart helps delineate accountabilities across
E n g ag e m e n t C a pab i l i t i es

S ect i o n II : B u i l d Pr o ject

the two sponsor roles. The Business Sponsor approves outcomes of Business Project
Ma n ag er S take h o l der

Manager activities that either use information from or disseminate information to

affected business units.

Where this tool fits in the project lifecycle:

Project Definition, to Define Resource Needs and Roles

ƒƒ PMO
ƒƒ Project/Program Manager
ƒƒ Executive Sponsor
ƒƒ Project Sponsor
S take h o l der I n teract i o n s

S ect i o n III : E qu i p Pr o ject

Ma n ag ers f o r C r i t i ca l

DO use completion of assigned DON’T expect the project

stakeholder activities as the sponsor to know how and
criteria for exiting project stage when to carry out these
gates. responsibilities.

w w w. p m o . e x e c u t i v e b o a r d . c o m
2. Clarify Project Roles and Responsibilities for Stakeholders 21


D i sc i p l i n e i n to t h e Pr o ject
Ma n ag e m e n t Met h o d o lo g y
Project Deliverables RACI Chart (Continued)

S take h o l der Ma n ag e m e n t
S ect i o n I : E m bed
Business IT Project
Project Lifecycle Activities Project
Sponsor Manager

Business Requirements C A/R R

Business Case Development (Benefits) A R C

Project Cost Estimation I C A/R

E n g ag e m e n t C a pab i l i t i es

S ect i o n II : B u i l d Pr o ject
Ma n ag er S take h o l der
Business Case Estimates Tracker A (Approver) R RC

R (Author/
Project Charter A (Approver) R (Author)

Project Plan I C A/R

Solution Design (Architecture) I I A/R

Project Issues/Risk Management I R (Business) R (IT)

A/R (User
Business and Systems Testing I R (System)

Project Closure (Including Post- A (Benefits

S take h o l der I n teract i o n s

S ect i o n III : E qu i p Pr o ject


Ma n ag ers f o r C r i t i ca l
Implementation Review) Realization)

R Responsible I Informed

A Accountable C Consulted

For additional detail, see Cadbury Plc’s “Streamlined Business Sponsor

Onboarding” approach.

w w w. p m o . e x e c u t i v e b o a r d . c o m

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