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The congress had to do with education, in specific about different methodologies can be
implemented for teaching and learning, the different event speakers were focused in
pedagogy which is the most important thing in education, they were giving advices based in
their experience about how to use different tools and put in practice some didactics in order
to get the attention of the students, well, depending the pedagogy and strategies a teacher
uses can make of the class a boring or interesting act for students.

Then, some talks related to the use of technology in teaching we given, which was such an
interesting, because one of explicators emphasized much in the digital era and how to take
advantage of them in different ways for teaching.

The use of new technologies in classroom are big advantages for the teachers of this
century, because with these tools we can take the students out of the regular learning
routing and besides to make learning interesting can become in something easier for them.

There are platforms can be used for teaching and many of them are free and so simple too,
in the other hands, the technological tools can be also used for researches, investigation,
etc. in the case of investigation, it is something would help a lot to make easier our research
strategies, for example when we need proof of something to show the results up in our
investigations we can use tools, like questionnaire, camera, etc.

Fernando de Zubiria was one of the participants of this event and he was talking about
things need to be changed in education, specially the education of people from the farm,
because this one is being abandoned in one sense, owning to the politics of Colombia the
teacher from these areas are not that prepared as teachers from the cities which makes no
sense with the real purpose Colombia supposes to have, it is to make of people competitive
in every sense. Besides this problematic, zubiria also said he has purposed to implement a
new subject in Colombia, this one should have to do with teaching values, because a
professional also needs to educate his/her heart.

Zubiria also said education should implement strategies like debating for teaching and
learning, actually is something he has also purposed, and should be done every fifteen days,
so students would have to debate about different subjects of their interest, the objective of
this is to make classes not boring and gives the opportunity to students of participating in
their institution decisions exactly as he does in his own school, he said, the student of his
school are who choose the director, and this a clear way to make feel the students as if their
opinions have importance, this is how a school should be for Zubiria.

As conclusion mod, nowadays we have something before we didn’t, and we should take
more advantage of these new tools has appeared in our world, and not see them just as a
negative distraction for kids, because, owning to, all this technology seems to has taken
everybody’s attention they can be used as learning and teaching strategy, and makes of
teaching and learning something attractive and different, besides, education has changed so
much, but is still not enough, it’s something still has much to improve and change, and
according to zubiria, we are forgetting something so important for making of the world a
best place, and it is to educate our hearts and no just our minds.

In the other hands, something so interesting was said In one of the conferences I attended
and took my attention was how the video games can influent so much in the life of a
person, and this can be a way of learning English, because this can be taken as
constructivism and significative learning, well most of the most famous games and most
played are in English, so, it means you will need certain vocabulary in order to be able to
understand the line of the game, according to what Juan Camilo Ovalle, the guy in charge
of the conference topic, a high school student has might played video games around twenty
one thousand hours, which is a clear show of how hard is the influence of this, and it acts as
passive way of learning because is going to give vocabulary to people. According to some
actors he mentioned, Galvis (2011) video games offers a simulation of real life context,
which means you are involved in a history and will help act a direct passive learning way.

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