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The Septuagint (lxx) considered Samuel and Kings one unified composition called “the book of
kingdom”. Hence the 4 subparts of the book are kingdom Alpha, Kingdom Beta, Kingdom Gamma and
Kingdom Delta. The Latin vulgate followed LXX and changed kingdoms to kings and used Roman
numerals instead of letters; 1kings, 2 Kings , 3 Kings , 4 Kings which is still followed by some Roman
Catholic Bibles.

A Hebrew manuscript from the 1400AD divides Samuel into two books which were adopted by the
famous Bomberg Bible of 1517 and all protestant Bibles. There is no clear primary connection of
Samuel authorship to the book but if Samuel primary connection with the book(s) that bears his
name is not authorship , then that primary connection must be the monumental spiritual stature of
Samuel and the shadow of influence he cast over his own generations and that to come.

Several factors underscore Samuels’s significance

1., he bridges the transition from Israel confederancy in the days of the judges to monarchy

2. He bridges the gap between former charismatic age and the forthcoming prophetic era.

3. He bridges the gap between an exclusively entrenched hierarchy of religious functionaries (the priest)
and an upsurge of prophetic spiritual;l leaders.

In the opening chapter of 1 Samuel we find an establish clergy ( the house of Eli) replaced by a
new leader ,Samuel from the ranks of laity . According to 1Samuel , Samuel is from the tribe of
Ephraim , one of the laic tribes , yet according to 1 Chronicles 6;27-28, he is a levite from a family of
singers, though his later on considered by later genealogists as a levite.

In one sense, the book of 1 Samuel can also be called the book of Samuel and Saul. If Samuel
occupies centre stage in Chronicles 1-12, Saul occupies centre stage in CHS. 13-31. But Eli is present in
the first portion and David in the latter.


1. 1-7, SAMUEL AND ELI( prophet vs priest)

The 2 poems near the beginning ( 1 Sam2;1-10, prayer of Hannah) and 2 Samuel 22;1-51, 23;1-
7, the song of David ) of Samuel acts as book ends to Samuel , both celebrate in thanksgiving
form the faithful workings of Yahweh , the narratives which first Samuel and2 Samuel ends
with are also part of the bookends framing.
1. V. 18, which provides necessary background information that follows?
2. V 9-28, the narrative , We are first introduced to Samuel father Elkanah who has 2 wives
( Peninah who could bear kids and Hannah , the gracious one , who was unable to bear kids.
and consistently to God for a son ) , We then see priest Eli , who interprets Hannah’s silent
prayer as drunkenness . At the heart of all this is Hannah’s vow to God which happened to
involve Samuel birth and priesthood , to mean Samuel was not only a gift from God but also
a gift to God.
In chapter 2;1-10, we see Hannah’s prayer to God after she delivers Samuel, she first
consecrates the child to God and prays with gratitude to God for giving her a son in her
bareness , her prayer resonates with that of Mary ( Luke 1;46, -55) “Mary the Maid servant of
the Lord, has found favor with God” when Hannah discovers Eli ,God will grant her petition
for a son , she responds , “ let your maid servant find favor in your sight “ ( 1 Sam 1;18).
2;11-36, This section narrates of a young Samuel who ministers faith before Yahweh and the
disappearance of Eli and his family who ministered unfaithfully . Eli sons were wicked and
not faithful, Eli rebukes his son in the next 3 verses (;23-25) for his sons behavior are sin
against God.
Unlike other prophets whose divine calls comes to them when there are doing something
quite different, Samuel receives his call when his already in the sanctuary, ministering and the
Lord under Eli. In this chapter we see emphasis on a God who reveals himself visually and
3;10-15, We are introduced at the start of this chapter Samuel as a boy and concludes
with him as a prophet . God’s word for liberation had fallen upon Shiloh, for Eli there is no
future but Shiloh there is a future.
4;1b- 7;1 , this chapter involves the ark of the covenant being taken away by the Philistines ,
when the Israel get hard pressed by the Philistines they send for the ark but not for Samuel.
The openings of the next chapters show a clear natural flow and development of plot where
we see Yahweh preparing a man to lead Israel in the midst of crisis , ( 1;1-4, 4;1-7;1) then
describes the crisis and finally he relates the successful manner in which that man guides
Israel through the crisis ( 7;2-12).
Chapter 6 describes the return of the ark to Israel at the suggestion of the Philistines priests
and diviners. They send it back with 5 gold tumors and 5 gold mice.
7;2-17, For 20 years, the ark remained at Kinath – Jearim at the time the Israelites were
lamenting And soughting after Yahweh , Samuel appears in the narrative and does that
which the sons of Eli failed to accomplish which was to bring the people back to God which
shows that there Was no forgiveness without a mediator.
The chapter concludes Samuel builts an altar at Ramah (;17) dictates that his times of
of prayer and sacrifice were not limited to times of national emergencies and trauma.
These chapters focus on the emergence of the institution of the monarchy in Israel. The
selection of Saul as Israels first king with his turbulent , bungling start in the office .
8;1-22, This chapter majors on the elders request to Samuel to appoint a king over them “
Samuel tries to talk to the people to get away with the idea but they decline claiming that
his and his sons were wicked and un just God responds by telling Samuel to listen to the
voice of people.
9;1-27,Saul is introduced in the scripture at first with the introduction of his proceeding
geneology . His story begins when his father dispatches him and a servant to go look for his lost
donkeys. Saul and his companions on their way to unnamed town encounter some girls who
help ( ;11-13) them know where to get the seer that would help them find the lost donkeys.
Samuels is uninformed about what is going on with Saul until God speaks to him , God
tells him to annoit Saul as “ ruler” again 10;1-16, Now alone with Saul , Samuel anoints Saul as
a ruler by pouring oil on him from a vial.Two things happens to Saul , first God gives him a
new heart and second as the spirit of God passes him he began to prophesy ( ;10) . The unit
closes with a brief conversation between Saul and his uncle , Saul is careful to speak to his
uncle about the anointing.
Samuel summons the people to Mizpah where now Saul will be chosen by the lot. Saul is absent
when his lot is drawn ( ;21) , Samuel then reluctantly assures the people of the closeness’ of Saul
(;24) . Saul discovers 3 items that accompany kingship ;
1. A mornachy constitution which is a document that spells out the rights and limitations of a king,
2. Supporters, warriors where Saul is described as the son of a man of wealth .
3. Opposition from some people.
11;1-15, While God had earlier stated that Saul would deliver his people from the Philistines . Saul
first test turns out to be with Ammonites under king Nahash . The spirit of God comes mightily on
him and he defeats his enemies.
12;1-25, This chapter contains Samuels farewell Address . He presents a speech that may be
styled “ a farewell address “ He reminds his audience that his own leadership Was exemplary, he
then moves defending himself to defending Yahweh .
13;1-23, This chapter begins and ends with Israel led by king Saul engaging the philistines in
battle . In between Sauls disobedience announces that God has withdrawn the kingdom of Saul.
14;1-52 ,Highlights the tension between Saul and Jonathan . Saul finds himself embroiled either
in a king and prophet fracas or in a father and son fracas . The first part focuses on Jonathan and
a colleague and how they manage to strike terror into the Philistines camp . The last few verses
of the chapters are in between Sauls battles , there is a summary at the end of Sauls reign , 47;48
then speaks of battles , Saul engages in and gets punished by his enemies and v. 45, speaks of an
actual victory.
15;1-35, Describes a further incident in Sauls life that seals his quoting the Lord to Saul to the
effect that Saul gets attacked by the Amalekites and is utterly destroyed.
This chapter details an emergence of David as the divinely chosen replacement to the disqualified
Saul. God tells Samuel to go to Jesse nof Bethlehem and annoit one of his sons who happens to be
David an shepherd and least of the recognized son, The spirit of God that came mightily on David
did not teach him to play the lyre but to take that resident ,acquired skill and use it to comfort the
17;1-58 Focuses on David battle with Goliath , where he goes on war with 5 stones and conquers the
giant despite the fear among the soldiers. David later on faces more battles for hs own people , he
faces attempted death rate from Saul but Jonathan saves him in all these attempts.
31;1-13, The book concludes in this chapter where while David is in the deep south fighting the
Amalekites successfully Saul is in the north fighting unsuccessfully the Phillistines . Seeing this Saul
asks his arm bearer to kill him who refuses but later on we see Saul falls on his own sword. The
philistines get Saul corpse and to him what David did to the Philistines , they decapitate him ( ;9a)
David’s life is found in 1 SAM 16- 1 KING2, and is comprised of different compositions;
 The history of Davids rise ( 1 sam 16-2 sam 5)
 The ark narrative ( 2 sam 6)
 A dynastic oracle establishing the supremacy of David and his family ( 2 sam 7)
 The succession narrative / court history ( 2 Sam 9-20, 1 Kings 1-2)
 A Samuel appendix “ Which is in the main body and conclusion ( 2 sam 21-24)
All these compositions were amalgamated into a single composition by the Deutronomic chistorian.
Some argue with the succession narrative saying its at odds with deutronomist and that Deutronomist
would hardly have included it inhis work, Thus the successor narrative must be a post Deutronomist
tradition to the Deutronomist history.
Another tendancy is that of David who of rather than him being seen as” Aman after Gods heart” , he
is first of all a man after Sauls throne and then a man after Bathsheba body in this scenario Saul is
the saint and David s is the sinner.
The canonical presentations of David’s life is that of noble beginnings and painful endings . There
is an event or two that dramatically change his life from ascent to descent , Hence his life had 3
 1;1-27, David as Loyalist and Lamenter
With Saul death, a void has been created that David can Jonathan death is the absence of
negative feelings expressed by David’s towards Saul (v. 17-27)
The opening of this chapter pictures a David who does not act without a word from God (; 1-14a) and a
David who will not force himself as a king over lates Saul subjects. He prays for himself and prays for
others, a prayer for guidance and a prayer of blessings. After the introduction to David, he drops out of
sight and Joab his commander in chief takes control. We see two death series that of civil war between
forces favourable to Saul and those favourable to David ( ;12-16). The second (;18-32) involves the
same two parties , Asahel brother of Joab pursues Abner with the intention of killing him , Abner
later on kills Asahel.
3;1-39, David Has 6 wives during his tenure at Hebrons each of whom bears a son. There is war not
only between the house of David and that of Saul but also within the house of Saul. This story is often
cited as an illustrations the ancient practice of blood vengeance ,There is also a little mention of God
in this chapter , David never speaks to or about God.
5;1-25, Deprived of their leaders Abner ( 3;30) and Ishbosheth( 4;6) , the northern Israelites turn to
David to fill the vacuum of leadership ( v.1-5) . David then relocates his capital from Hebron to
Jerusalem (v. 6-9), has a house built for him and expands his family (v. 13-16). And second God
answers inquiries on whether or not to go against the Philistines. It’s a chapter of David obtaining
new things:
 A new empire( ;1-5)
 A new capital city ( ;6-9)
 A new palace( ;11)
 A new family( ;13-16)
 A new confidence in God and himself because of victories over his enemies( ;17-25)


David leads a delegation of thirty thousand to fetch the ark from its resting place and bring it to
Jerusalem. The procession is halted when the ark is in danger of falling off the ox pulled cart. To prevent
it from falling Uziahs touches and steadies it and he dies. David gets angry at God (; 8), But after 3 month
cooling period he resumes the task of bringing the ark to Jerusalem. David’s wants what Obed Edom
who for a short period kept the ark was experiencing (; 11).
The occasion is a festive one, with singing, dancing and sacrifices. Everyone is happy except Michal. ,
Michal gets cursed and remains childless for the rest of her life, unlike other wives, she doesn’t help
build David house.
The book of 1 chronicles emphasizes more on David in this story as one stimulates and organizes proper
worship of God.


This is the story of God’s people Israel/Judah that stretches all the way from Adam (1 chron. 1:1)
to the decree of Cyrus of Persia (538B.C) authorizing exiled Judeans to return to their homeland,
should they choose (2 chron. 36:22-23).It is the early church father st. Jerome who has given us
the name, Chronicles.The Septuagint labels these books paraleipomenon ton basileon iouda,
literally things emitted of the kings of Judah, or miscellanies concerning the kings of Judah. It
does not specify the author of this book. Some suggest Ezra which is not proven.1st chronicles
traces Zerubbabel’s family through two generations.

The sons of Pedaiah: Zerubbabel…

The sons of Zerubbabel: and Hannah…

The sons of Hannaniah:Pelatial

Was written to an audience of Judean Jews, most of who not long before had returned from a
lengthy exile in Bbylon.Possibly, most of the returnee had been born in exile. In some ways,
chronicles is like Genesis. Both begin with the origin of the human race and end with the
promise /hope of return to the land of the human race and end with the promise/hope of the
return to the land of Israel from exile.
The clearest parallels with chronicles are to be found in Samuel-kings.

 1 chron.1-9:Adam through king Saul

 1 chron 10-29:David and his preparation for building and staffing the temple
 2 chron 1-9:Solomon’s building of the temple
 2chron 10-36:Kings of Judah from Rehoboam to Zedekiah
Kings fall into 3 categories

Kings who are uniformely good

 David (Except for the census incident)

 Solomon
 Abijah
 Jotham
 Hezekiah

Kings s/Queens who are uniformely evil or ineffective

 Jehoram
 Ahaziah
 Athaliah
 Ahaz
 Amon
 Jehoahaz

 Jehoachin

 Zedekiah

Kings who are a mixture of good and evil: from evil to good

 Manasseh(evil,2 chroni,33:1-11.good,2 chron,33:12-20)

From good to evil to good to evil

 Jehoshaphat

From good to evil

 Asa
 Joash
 Amaziah
 Josiah

There are kings who recognizing the errors of their ways, repet: David, Rehoboam and his
officers, Manasseh, Josiah.In Solomon’s case his record is almost absolutely clean. For David it
is almost clean. There are consequences for David’s sin threatened only himself, his lover and
their newborn.

Solomon’s portrayal in chronicles (2 chron 1-9) parallels that of his father. Solomon has been
prominently present in the David story since 1 chron.22.Within those chapters, on no fewer than
three occasions ,we see that Yahweh has chosen Solomon to succeed David: Solomon builds the
temple, he gets the ark of the covenant installed in it, he blesses his people after its completion,
he prays over it, he consecrates it. On both sides of the main temple section is the account of
Solomon’s interactions with two non-Israelite heads of state; Huram (Hiram in kings), King Tyre
(2 chron.2:1-16) and the Queen of Sheba (2 chron.9:1-12)

The entire life of Solomon in chronicles is bracketed by reference to his wisdom. The kings that
follow David and Solomon are judged by whether they live up to the standards of David and
Solomon. Those who do, there is blessing. Good kings not only avoid the wrong kinds of
behavior but also lead people in the joyous, awesome worship of God especially as that worship
centers on the major festivals of the calendar.


1KINGS 1-11
The book of 1 and second king covers the period of history from the reign of Solomon (970-930 BC) to
the fall of Jerusalem and the deportation of the Judean exile to Babylon (587bc).
The reign of King Solomon starts of this periods (1 king 1-11).
Reading through this chapter we see a s Solomon who is an amazing paradoxigacal character. His
capable of loving God ( 3;3) , loving many foreign wives who do not love his God ( 11;1) , exercising
incredible wisdom ( 3;16-28) and incredible stupidity , of accumulating a great number of proverbs and
wise sayings ( 3000 and 1005) and impulsive number of wives and concubines( 11;31) . Solomon can
wholeheartedly live by the teaching of one portion Deuteronomy and still flagrantly go against another
portion of Deuteronomy (11; 1-4, Deut. 7; 1-4).
Throughout his 40 year reign, God speaks to Solomon only four times, and never through an
intermediary. The story of Solomon in 1kings is presented in two halves, the first is favourable to him
and the second is critical.
1. First dream (3; 1-15)
2. Women and wisdom (3; 16-18)
3. Administration and wisdom (4; 1-34)
4. The contract with Hiram of Lyre (5; 1-12)
5. Forced labour (5; 13-16)
6. Solomon honors God in his building (6-8)
1. Second dream (9; 1-9)
2. The contract with Hiram of Tyre (9; 10-14)
3. Forced labour (9; 15-28)
4. Women and wisdom (10; 1-13)
5. Wealth and wisdom (10; 14-29)
6. Solomon dishonors God in his house (11; 1-13)

1; 1-53, Resilient David is no more due to his ill that makes him become bedridden. Adonijah believes
himself to be his father heir, he acknowledges himself before his father but his not made the king. We
then see Nathan confront Bathsheba ( ;11-14) asking her to make a quick move on having Solomon
inherit the throne, then in the next scene we see Bathsheba confront David on the same matter who
later asks for Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet to annoit on Solomon as the next king.

2; 1-46, David last recorded words are with Solomon, he urges Solomon on salutary, a summon to
courage, faithfulness and obedience to Gods ways.

Though the rest of the chapter Solomon proceeds to clean house”, eliminating all possible to rivals in his

1. Adonijah ( ;13-25)
2. Abiathar the priest ( ;26-27)
3. Joab ( ;28-34)
4. Shimer ( ;36-46)
In each case involving death executioner is Benaniah, Solomon hatchet man and commander of his
3;1-28, We see Solomon marrying the Egyptian princess, later texts Solomon getting wisdom.
4;1-34, The first 19 verses provides the names of leaders when Solomon appointed to their posts as
he re organized his kingdom administrative structure. His purpose was to charge each new district
with the responsibility of maintaining the royal household and the cost of government for one
month of the year . We also see his empire stretched from Euphrates River to Egypt borders.
5;1-17, Solomon is able to establish the necessary groundwork for his vast building programs by
maintaining political alliances with neighboring kings and by conscripting forced laborers’ from his
own people. (; 15-18)
6; 1-7; 51, focuses on Solomon building the temple and finishing it.
6; 1-10; the extension of the temple
6; 11; 13; a challenging from Yahweh to Solomon
6; 14; 38; the interior of the temple
7; 13-51, the temples furnishings.

8;1-66; Major portion of this chapter (; 22-53), is Solomon’s extensive prayer of dedication of the
temple . This chapter composes of the following unit:
v. 1-13, Depositing of the ark in its proper place in the temple.
v. 14; 21; Solomon’s first blessing of his people.
v. 22; 53 the prayer of dedication
v. 53; 61 Solomon’s second blessings of his people.
v. 62; 66 Concluding sacrifices and a festival.
9;1-28, Falls into two uneven halves one in which God talks to Solomon uninterrupted and without
four responses from the king ( v. 1-9) and one ( v. 10-28) that matter of factly describes some of
Solomon activities;
1. Solomon leading twenty Galilean cities to Hiram ( v. 10-14)
2. It is forced laborers recruited from the ranks of the outsiders for the kings other building
programs (;15-21)
3. Pharaohs daughter relocating to a domicale outside of Jerusalem ,( v. 24)
4. Solomon effort at cultic orthodoxy ( v. 25)
5. Kings fleet of ships sailing from Eziongeber manned by expert sailors supplied by Hiram of Tyre.

God speaks in the first half , the narrator introduces Gods speech , God speaks in the first half , the
narrator introduces Gods speech and then takes over when Gods done . In 1 Chronicles 8, Solomon
does most of the talking , in 1 Chronicles 9, does none of the talking.

10;1-29, Solomon wisdom occurs in conjuction with women, first being the two harlots ( v, 1-13) and
then with the visit of queen of Sheba who comes from her empire to test Solomon with hard
questions . Later on we see with this visit Solomon gets to not just answer the hard questions but he
also picks up more wealthy items to expand his coffers.
11;1-43, In this chapter we see the sinister side of Solomon reign:

v. 1-8, Solomon sins.

v. 9-13, Announcement of judgement :

a. through external foes ( ;14-23)

b. through internal foes ( ; 26-40)

The end of Solomon reign and life ( ;41-43)

The writer puts in this chapter Solomon apostasy in his old age. We also see Rehoboam who is
Solomon son successor (v. 43b) get ready

1 KINGS 12- 2 KINGS 25

The rest of 1 Kings through the end of 2 Kings narrates the respective histories of the kingdom of Israel
and Judah. The northern kingdom had 19 kings over its history of some 200 years ( 930-722 ) BC , The
southern kingdom ( Judah) has 20 kings over its history of 350 years ( 930-587/86) BC


 None of the kings of Israel trace their ancestry to David; all of the kings trace their ancestry to David.
 In contrast to the kings of Judah , who together form an unbroken Davidic dynasty, the line of
Israelite kings is composed of a series of a mini dynasties, lasting anywhere from two generations
to several more.
 All the kings of Israel are reprobates, leading their people away from God instead of back to God.
Chronological notes have effect of lying together history and destiny of kingdom of Israel and
Judah , their formal schism after Solomon’s death notwithstanding.
`A second chronological note is that for every king the length of his reign is given,. The only exception
to this is the queen of Judah ( 2 kings 11;1-17) Athaliah.
A third chronological note is the correlation of events in the books of kings with no biblical kings .
This unit emphasizes on a splited mornachy which was united , and a number of events which was
united , and a number of events that contrast something with something else. This unit focuses on the
reign of Jeroboam , king of Judah and Rehoboam , king of Israel:
1. Rehoboam listens to the wrong people , and as a result Israel separates from Judah ( 12;1-24)
2. Jeroboams sin in building the golden calves at Dan and Bethel ( 12;25-33)
3. A” man of God” from Judah is tricked by an “ old prophet “ from Bethel ( 13;1-32)
4. Jeroboam continues his sinning ( 13;33-34)
5. Ahijahs prophecy about the death of Jeroboam son and its fulfillment ( 14;1-18)
6. Jeroboam dies and leadership passes to his son Nadab ( 14;19-20)
7. Overview of the reign of Rehoboam ( 14;21-31) who is followed by Abijah
8. Jeroboam 1 succesors ( 15;25- 16;20)
Of the 18 Israel kings who follow Jeroboam 1, fifteen of them are said to have walked in the sins of
Jeroboam or refused to depart from the sins of Jeroboam they are:
1. Nadab ( 1 kings 15:26)
2. Baasha ( 1kings 15;34)
3. Zimri ( 1 kings 16;19)
4. Omri ( 1 kings 16;26)
5. Ahab ( 1 kings 16;31)
6. Ahaziah ( 1 kings 22;52)
7. Jehoram ( 2 kings 3;3)
8. Jehu( 2 kings 10;29, 31)
9. Jehoahaz ( 2 kings 13;11)
10. Jehoash ( 2 kings 13;2,6)
11. Jeroboam 11 ( 2kings 14;24)
12. Zechariah ( 2 kings 15;9)
13. Menachem( 2 kings 15;18)
14. Pekahiah( 2 kings 15;24)
15. Pekah ( 2 kings 15;28)
In 1 Kings 12, there was no word from God except that from Shamaiah the prophet (;22) who urged
Rehoboam to return home and not en gage Northern Israel in battle.

In this section most of the attention is on Elijah the prophet and his successor Elisha . Elijah career
covers 24 years ( 22 years reign of king Ahab and 2 year reign of Ahaziah) Elisha career covers 12 year
reign of king Jehoram of Israel and a portion of king Jehu 28 years reign.
Elijahs story spread over 5 chapters but his only in 6 chapters , 4 of the 6 events in which Elijahs is
prominent relate to king Ahab ( 1 kings 17;1-24, 18;1-46, 19;1-21,21;1-29) . The fifth involves Elijah and
Ahabs son and successor Ahaziah and the sixth Elijah and Elisha as Elijah is taken up in heaven and
Elisha succeeded him.

Chapter 17, has 3 scenes;

1. Elijah goes into hiding , where ravens supply him food and water.
2. Elijah proceeds North and west to the Phoenician coastland and city of Zeraphath near
Sidon, where he meets and lives with the widow of Zeraphath.
3. God heals the widow of Zeraphath son through Elijah .

Chapter 18, God instructs Elijah to return to Israel and seek out Ahab . Where we later on see Elijahs
exudes his confindence in God and he defeats the 450 prophets of Baal, then have them put to death.

Chapter 19, Direct threat on Elijahs life by Jezebel which sends him unto hiding . First at Beersheba
then in a cave at Horeb / Sinai , the mount of God.
Chapter 20, Is an interlude in the Ahab and Elijah story, for while Ahab is present , Elijah is absent and
viceversa. In the verses where Elijah is present the king is just called Ahab, 32 times. ( 17;1, 18;1,

We also see Ahab taking Naboth vineyard which makes him and his wife Jezebel break laws of the
community given to the people by Moses.

Chapter 22, Takes the reader back to chapter 20, both chapters involve border wars between the
king of Israel and that of Aram . We also see prophet Micaiah first appearance who seems not to
Ahabs not favourite prophet ( ;8) , Micaiah tells of the vision he had where he says that Ahab would
experience loss in the battle he was going to .


Chapter 11 focuses on Athaliah , mother of Ahazaiah king of Judah ,Following her own sons execution
at Jehu hands she attempts to wipe out Davids house.

In Israel , prophets lead antipaganism revolt , but in Judah priests in conjuction with the people of
the land lead anti paganism revolt . We see Jehoash who has been shielded under the teaching and
supervision of priests for 6 years , devote much of his reign to overseeing the repair of the temple ,
he orders that all money donated by people to go toward temple repair.

In Nothern Israel , as observed in chapter 13, Jehu is followed by Jehohoaz who is a puppet to
the Syrians, his military is reduced to 50 horsemen , 10 chariots and 10,000 foot soldiers ( 13;7).

Unlike his father Israel next king Jehoash does meet with the prophet Elisha, and the prophet who is
now ill, asks him to shoot arrows in the ground as a sign of the number of items he’d defeat Syria ,
God promises many victories but Jehoash is content with just 3.

We also see even on Elisha dead bones, a deceased man comes back to life just by contacting Elisha
bone to his dead bones.

Chapter 14, Amaziah follows as the king of Judah , he avenges his father s death but doesnot kill the
children of the actual murderers which he does in obedience of Deut . 24;16.

The end of this chapter is the length 41 rule of Jeroboam 11 of Israel with his underroled political

Chapter 15, briefly discuss the 52 year reign of Azariah , Jeroboam11 contemporary in Judah and in
the year of whose death Isaiah received his call to be a prophet , He receives more favour ,
treatment in Chronicles ( 2 chron. 26)

Chapter 16, describes the 16 year of Jotham son Ahaz, the level of condemnation for Ahaz is high
than any other king . He worshipes at the forbidden places , the first king since Solomon to do so. The
failure of Ahaz highlights the most in his Assyria, assistance against Syria and Israel who were already
against him.
Chapter 17; Describes the end of northern kingdom of Israel . It does so in 4 units;

 V, 1-6, The reign of Hoshea , the last king of Israel and the fall of Israel at the hands of the
Assyrian kings Shalmaneser v.(727-722BC ) and Sargon ii ( 722-705BC)
 V. 7-23, A theological explanation of the demise of the northern kingdom ( with brief asides
to Judah too)
 V. 24-33, Non Israelites , forcibly resettled in Israel by Assyria , worshipping Israels God and
their own gods.
 V. 34-41, Northern Israelites addicted to idolatry


This unit majorly discusses on trust.

The accounts of Hezekiah are found 3 times in the old testament;

 2kings 18-20
 2 Chronicles 29-32
 Isaiah 36-39
Two of the three accounts include a significant incident that the other two do not;
 Hezekiahs great Passover festival ,in 2 chronicles 30;1-27
 Hezekiahs psalm , in Isaiah 38;9-20,
We also see Hezekiah get sick and when his prophesied death upon him by Isaiah he calls upon God
who adds him more years of kingship.
Two events remain in Hezekiahs life that is;
 His death illness and God giving him healing and 15 additional years of life
 His reception of Merodach –Baladan from Babylon and giving him a tour of his splendidly
decorated treausure house , only to be rebuked by Isaiah ( 20;12-19)
Hezekiah is followed by his son Manasseh ( 2 kings 21;1-18) and his grandson Amon ( 2 kings 21;19-
26) . In their lack of display of any godliness or moral virtue , both are direct opposite of their father /
grandfather. They over turn Hezekiah reforms. Manasseh was very religious but for orthodox faith in
the wrong direction and very violent. THERE is a contrast where we see an unrepentant Manasseh in
kings and repentant Manasseh in Chronicles
1. Kings limits Josiahs reforms to his 18 year and says nothing about anything prior to that, chronicles
tells us that in the eigth year of his reign ( 2 chron 34;3, ) how he seeks the God of his ancestor
David and how he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem to repair the high places.
2. Kings devotes 17 verses to detailing the reforming measures instituted by Josiah ( 2 kings 23;4-20)
, but just 3 verses to the Passover observance, Chronicles reverses the emphasis , devoting just 6
verses to his reforms ( 2 chron 34;3-7,33) but nine verses to the Passover observance.
3. Kings report Josiah death by Neco , pharaoh of Egypt without comment ( 2 kings 23;29-30).
Chronicles expands this incident , adding that Josiah died the way he died because he did not listen
to the words of Neco from the mouth of God.
Josiah is said to be an incomparable reformer in the history of kings ( 2 kings 23;25, )

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