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The Ministry of Education issued Decree 1290, which regulates the evaluation of learning
and the promotion of students at the basic and secondary education levels.
According to the Decree, each institution must incorporate into its Institutional Educational
Project (PEI) the student evaluation system, after its approval by the Institution's Board of
Directors. The system must contain the criteria, processes and instruments to assess student
learning, as well as the requirements that they must meet to be promoted to the next grade.
The scale for evaluating student performance must be equivalent to the national assessment
scale. The objective is to allow the mobility of students between educational institutions.
This scale corresponds to: superior performance, high performance, basic performance, and
low performance.
At the same time, the decree establishes that it is the obligation of each Educational
Institution to disclose to parents, at the beginning of each school year or upon the student's
admission to the institution. Parents have an important role in the student's formation.
Contrasting with Decree 230 of 2002, in this decree a change can be observed regarding the
rating scale, it is evident that it has been changing from the ranges of excellent, outstanding,
acceptable, insufficient, and deficient to the ranges of superior, high, basic and low and
that, later, these levels of qualification rate the performance of students and their
performance in schools. One difference that can be observed between Decree 1290 and 230
is the integration of parents in the evaluation process of students, it is important that parents
are included in the educational evaluation of their children because, thus, parents become
more involved in the school environment and have more relationship with teachers and
consequently have a closer relationship with their children and their performance. Another
aspect to highlight between the two decrees is that students must be evaluated
comprehensively in all academic, personal and social aspects, so that students are familiar
with the institutional evaluation system of students: the criteria, procedures, and
instruments of evaluation from the beginning of the school year. In conclusion, the
evaluation forms have not changed much to the institutions and the performance of the
students continues to be evaluated in a satisfactory way, involving parents and teaching in
values by the teachers, being the teachers student assistants and taking them into account in
each activity to be carried out in the classroom.

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