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Oblique Projection

Comparison With Isometric Projection

In oblique projection, as in isometric, the end sought for is the same - a more or less complete representation,
representati in one
view, of any object.

Oblique projection differs from isometric in that one face of the object is represented as if parallel to the
vertical plane of projection, the others inclined to it.

Another point of difference is that oblique projection cannot be deduced from orthographic projection, as is isometric.

Characteristics Of Method
In oblique projection all lines in the front face are shown in their true lengths and in their true relation to one another
and lines which are perpendicular to this front face are shown in their true lengths at any anyangle that may be desired for
any particular case. Lines not in the plane of the front face nor perpendicular to it must be determined by co co-
ordinates, as in isometric. It will be seen at once that this system possesses some advantages over the isometric, as,
for instance, in the representation ofcircles
circles,, as any circle or curve in the front face is actually drawn as such.

Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 show a cube in oblique projection with the 30-degree, 45-degree,
degree, and 60-degree slant,

Fig. 4 shows a hollow cylinder in oblique projection.

Fig 1: Oblique View of Cube at 30 Degrees. Fig 2: Oblique View of Cube at 45 Degrees.

Fig 3: Oblique View of Cube at 60 Degrees. Fig 4: Oblique View of Hollow Cylinder.

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