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Tugas Pertama :
It is a common known fact that water never runs out. To achieve this the
water run through some form of cycle. This cycle causes water to spread to a
wide variety of places such as mountain and ocean while keeping the desert
When warm air passes over the ocean it picks up moisture in the form of
water vapour. As this moist air travels over the land, it rises to pass over
mountain ranges. When it begins to rise, the air cools and this causes the
water vapour to condent into droplets which fall rain. When the air reaches
the other side of the mountain barrier, it has lost all its moisture and so the
other side of the mountain remains dry.
Air passing over cold ocean currents is cooled and therefore is unable to pick
up and hold much moisture. When this cold air mass reaches the warm
desert, any moisture in the air is evaporated and so does not fall as rain and
so the desert remain dry.
In high pressure system, the air is dry and is moving downwards. As this
system moves over the land it draws in moisture from the land surface.
Consequently the moisture doesn’t fall as rain and so the desert remains dry.

Tugas kedua :


This may be a word that sounds foreign to our ears as it does not happen
frequently. The word pandemic comes from Greek ‘pandemos’, meaning ‘common
to all people’. Meanwhile the Greek word ‘pan’ means all and the Greek word
demos means ‘all people’. On that account we can interpret that pandemic is the
worldwide spread of a new disease. An infectious agent that’s supposed to only
spread in one place, spreading worldwide before our very eyes. So, how does a
pandemic happen?

It usually starts from a new virus strain or a recombination from old viruses.
These viruses change their genetic structures to have higher resistance and they’re
easily transmissible, therefore it’s harder to exterminate them. For example the
COVID-19 virus from the Coronaviridae family allegedly comes from bats and
then uses civets as medium, then jumps to infect humans.

After its mutation it will begin to spread. There are many ways of how
viruses spread, such as direct contact with other humans, human feces, unhygienic
food, sexual contact, blood transfusion, bug or animal bites, and lastly, in the
COVID-19 cases, it spreads through droplets. People that are infected will cough
and sneeze, resulting in droplets falling out of their mouths or noses. The virus is
passed along if healthy people touch the droplets from a surface or the droplets fall
directly onto their skin, and then touching their face without washing their hands

Some of the supporting factors which lead to a pandemic is traveling abroad.

People who travel can potentially bring the virus with them, especially if they
travel to infected places. This is one of the main cause why the virus is easily
spread to many places. Another factor is crowded activities or events such as
concerts, conferences, and religious activities. In a place full of people, we don’t
know which one’s infected and there’s a possibility we might pass through and
make contact with them.

Although there is no accurate information of how or when a pandemic ends,

there are several ways to survive through a pandemic. The main key is to maintain
sanitation and avoid direct contact with other people. We have to keep our
facilities clean, always exercise to maintain our body immune system, and the most
important thing is to always stay calm.

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