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Nama : Kholita nurati

No absen : 17

Kelas : XI MIPA 2

How does rain happen?

Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world. It is also providing
suitable condition for diverse ecosystems. However, how does rain happen?

The process of rain starts from the sun that carries heat energy causing the evaporation
process. In the evaporation process, water on the earth (sea, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of
water) evaporates because the heat then produces water vapor. Water vapor rises into the air and
undergoes a condensation process. Even the human body , animals, plants, containing water,
will evaporate to form rain. Evaporation happens that due to relief from the hot sun.

In the process of condensation, water vapor turns into dew which is caused by the temepature
around the water vapor being lower than the dew point of water. Higher temperatures make more
droplets of dew and condense and form into clouds. The difference in air pressure in the sky
causes air movement or what we are familiar with wind. The wind moves clouds that carry water
droplets to places with lower temperatures. The collected clouds combine to become a large,
gray cloud (this process is called coalence).

The gray clouds that have joined together will drop water grains when they are unable to hold
them back. This process is called presipitation, in short the water contained in clouds fall to the
ground as rain.
How corona virus (COVID-19) spread
Corona virus was first spread and caused many victims in wuhan, China. This virus attacks
resipiratory such as MERS and SARS.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 or corona virus is

transmitted through people who have been infected with the corona virus. The disease can spread
through small droplets from the nose or mouth when someone infected with this virus sneezes or
coughs. The droplets then landed on an object or then touched surface and the healthy people
touched their eyes, nose, or mouth. Corona viruses can also spread when small droplets are
breathed by someone when close to the infected corona.

The most common symtoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Some patiens
may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These
symtomse are mild and occur gradually. However, some people are infected but do not show any
symtoms and do not feel unwell. Most people (around 80%) recover from the diseas without the
need for special treatment. About 1 out of every 6 people who get COVID-19 is seriously ill and
has difficulty breathing. Older people, and those who have medical problems such as high blood
pressure, hearh problems or diabetes, are more likely to gaet serious illness. People with fever,
cough and difficulty breathing should receive medical attention.

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