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Stalbridge Congregational Church Prayer/Reflection for Worship 5 th April 2020

Palm Sunday
The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had:
He always had the nature of God, but he did not think that by force he should try and become equal with
God. Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took the nature of a servant. He
became like man and appeared in human likeness. He was humble and walked the path of obedience all
the way to death – his death on the cross. For this reason God raised him to the highest place above and
gave him the name that is greater than any other name……. Philippians 2 v 5 – 11
As you reflect on this passage join with everyone in our church saying The Lord’s Prayer at 10 am
(imagine in your mind’s eye that you are together in one place)
Heavenly Father we thank you for every blessing we have received this week – phone and video calls,
hands waved through windows and across streets; food and medicine, sunshine and bursting nature; all
signs of your presence here with us Amen.

Let us sing together 414 MP

(for those who have face book a live version is available to sing along with on Stalbridge Congs Bible Course
page – if you need an invitation let Sandra know)
Let us praise God together, let us praise:
let us praise God together all our days:
He is faithful in all his ways,
He is worthy of all our praise,
His name be exalted on high!
Let us seek God together, let us pray: Let us serve God together, Him obey;
let us seek His forgiveness as we pray: Let our lives show His goodness through each day:
he will cleanse us from all our sin, Christ the Lord is the world’s true light -
He will help us the fight to win, Let us serve Him with all our might,
His name be exalted on high! His name be exalted on high!

Read Psalm 8
Reflect on the psalmist’s perspective of who we are in God’s eyes – give him thanks and praise.
As you read the gospel passage – first ask yourself what has stood out for you
Read Matthew 21 v 1 – 7 then reflect
“He is humble and rides on a donkey” - What is the significance of a donkey? Think of our Queen – would
she arrive in a carriage or a tank? As the prophet Zechariah records – the Messiah would come on a
donkey – the sign of peace – rather than a war horse – like today the Jews were hoping for a Messiah to
defeat their enemies – ‘make Israel great again’ to borrow a current mantra – how does Jesus turn this
idea upside down?
You might like to make a palm cross – from cloth or paper/card to remind you that Jesus came to die.
Read Matthew 21 v 8 – 11 then reflect
“When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was thrown into an uproar” the crowds coming out to
cheer – whether they are royalty, pop stars or celebrities is common – so what is different here?
Why do the people ask “Who is he?” When Jesus has already claimed to be the Messiah by his entrance
on a donkey – and so many are shouting Hosanna – Praise to ‘he who comes in the name of the Lord’?

If you would like – you could make a flag/streamer out of fabric or paper and take it to church and stand it
in the flower trough so that your hosanna’s are seen in Stalbridge
Let us sing together…… 242 MP
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest, Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings,
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest, Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings.
Lord, we lift up Your name Lord, we lift up Your name
with hearts full of praise, with hearts full of praise,
be exalted, O Lord my God be exalted, O Lord my God
Hosanna in the highest. Glory to the King of kings.

Read Matthew 21 v 12 -13 then reflect

“’My Temple will be called a house of prayer’. But you are making it a hideout for thieves!” – Scripture
tells us that we are ‘temples’ – the church is the people – are we a house of prayer? When are we in
danger of making it a hideout for thieves? Is it an open space for all to meet the Lord – or is it closed…..?
Read Mathew 21 v 14 – 17 the reflect
How do these few verses reflect Jesus’ ministry? How does Jesus point us back to Psalm 8?
How do we value the blind and the crippled? How do we include them?
Are the children welcomed and their praise valued – how can we do this better?

Let us pray together…….

Saviour Jesus, humble, riding on your donkey teach us to be humble – teach us how to welcome everyone
into your church and our lives. As we live through this coming Holy Week show us how to extend the hand
of friendship, compassion and hope in whatever way we can. Healer Jesus, mighty with power to save –
save all those who are ill from pain and suffering – bring comfort to the bereaved and strength to all who
are caring for the sick and infirm at this time. We look forward with hope to The Resurrection of Easter
and the restoration of our daily lives as Covid19 has run its course. Pray for those who are on your heart.
Let us sing together…..
In my wresting and in my doubts, 2. In the silence you won’t let go,
in my failures You won’t walk out. In the questions Your truth will hold.
Your great love will lead me through Your great love will lead me through.
You are the peace in my troubled sea. X2 You are the peace in my troubled sea. X 2
Chorus: My Lighthouse, My Lighthouse, 3. I won’t fear what tomorrow brings
shining in the darkness, I will follow You. With each morning I’ll rise and sing.
My lighthouse, my lighthouse, My God’s love will lead me through.
I will trust the promise You will carry me You are the peace in my troubled sea. X 2
Safe to shore, (oh oh oh) safe to shore (oh oh oh) Mid Section Fire before us You’re the brightest
Safe to shore. You will lead us through the storms (x4)

Let us say the Grace together – imagine holding hands as a church…… My prayer is that you are all well at
this time. I hope to send a Maundy Thursday communion service – can you let me know if you can access
zoom. Blessings Sandra and John

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