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Pityriasis Rosea

Pityriasis rosea is a papulosquamous, self-
limiting condition, seen usually in adolescents
and young adults. The etiology is unknown,
however, it may be of viral origin. The lesions
usually disappear in 6 to 8 weeks.

The initial lesion, ‘herald’ patch, a diagnostic
hallmark, is 2 to 6 cm, round, erythematous,
scaly plaque. It may not be a presenting feature
in a few. In a couple of days, there is appearance
of multiple, oval, 1 to 2 cm sized, erythematous,
scaly eruptions. The surface is crinkly and the
scales are disposed in a collarette fashion. The
long axes of the lesions are oriented in the planes
of cleavage, running parallel to the ribs. It appears
to form an inverted ‘Christmas tree’. The lesions
are distributed over the trunk and proximal
Figure 23.1A: Pityriasis rosea: Herald patch, a
extremities (Figs 23.1A and B). The face, hands, diagnostic hallmark
and feet are usually spared. The lesions continue
to appear for 7 to 10 days, and disappear in 6 to Tinea corporis: This usually starts as an ery-

8 weeks. Besides the classic appearance, variants thematous, itchy papule which progresses to form
may be encountered, namely: (a) inverse pityriasis a circinate lesion. It is studded at the periphery
rosea, (b) papular eruptions, (c) vesicular and with papules or papulovesicles. The lesions are
bullous eruptions. scaly, showing clear or apparently normal looking
centers. They show seasonal variations, common
DIAGNOSIS in hot and humid climate. The demonstration of
The diagnosis of pityriasis rosea is clinical. fungus in 10 percent KOH from the scrapings
However, it should be differentiated from the seen under the microscope and their recovery in
106 Textbook of Clinical Dermatology

Circinate syphilides: This condition some-

times creates a problem in diagnosis. However,
history of sexual exposure, primary chancre or
scar on the genitals and polymorphic syphilitic
rash is helpful in diagnosis. The diagnosis may
pallidum in the lesions and reactive serological
tests for syphilis.
Pityriasis versicolor: It is characterized by

asymptomatic, hypopigmented, mildly scaly,

multiple macules distributed on the body sur-
face, largely corresponding to the ‘lady’s bath-
ing suit’. Seasonal variation is the main feature.
mycelia and spores of Malassezia furfur in the
scrapings seen under the microscope.
Chronic parapsoriasis or pityriasis lichenoi-
des et varioliform acuta (PLEVA). It should be
suspected if the lesions do not resolve in 8 to 12

It is a self-limiting condition and usually no
Figure 23.1B: :HOOGH¿QHG VFDO\ ULQJOLNH SODTXH  treatment is required. The patient needs to be
over the chest along the body cleavages preceded by explained about the disease and reassured.
herald patch However, if pruritus is present, antihistamines
may be given orally. Topical soothing lotions
Psoriasis: The lesions of this condition are may be applied.
typical—they are erythematoscaly eruptions,
single or multiple, disposed primarily on the RECOMMENDED READING
extensor surfaces of the body. The scales are 1. Abdel-Hafez K, Deyab Z. Pityriasis rosea. Int J
Dermatol 1987;26:231-233.
lamellated and silvery white. Auspitz’s sign 2. Crissey JT. Pityriasis rosea. Pediatr Clin North Am
is positive, evident as a pinpoint bleeding on 1956;3:801-809.
grattage. Histology is diagnostic. 3. Parsons JM. Pityriasis rosea: Update: 1986. J Am
Acad Dermatol 1986;15:159-167.

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