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AI has recently come to HR. Nearby 10 years ago. For many years, nothing new has been
invented in this area. And u need to understand that HR sphere has a number of characteristics
that directly affect the ways and methods of technology implementation. The most important of
them is the subjective aspect of the recruiter’s perception of a potential candidate for a vacant
position or decision of retiring.

Main approaches and purposes

The first approach. Analysing big data and machine learning. Algorithms are improved,
machines were trained, big data was processed faster. Most companies nowadays using AI in HR
only for analysis big data (processing resumes, staffing).

The next approach is AR/VR. Many multinational companies are looking for workers
around the world. Many meetings are held remotely and AR began to be introduced to show
potential employees their workplaces and check their preparation for working. AR is also used
not only for training during the selection, but also so that any candidate can virtually visit the
company’s office, his workplace and even communicate with colleagues.

The latest and most modern and experimental approach is the creation of neural
networks. HR is increasingly using neural to analyze the behavior of the candidate during the
interview. It evaluates the verbal signs of the candidate, his stress resistance and can even
understand when a person is lying. It is worth noting that there are few examples of the use of
neural networks in HR, since this technology is only at the implementation stage. Neural
networks are also used to analyze the performance of employees and make decisions on
dismissal. The program itself evaluates and analyzes the work of all employees their KPI,
feedbacks, social networks and at the end decides who needs to be fired. Also HR’s began to use
neural networks to create individual questionnaires during interviews. Based on the previous
answers, the machine selects the following questions, so that you know everything about the

Ultimately, all of the AI technologies in HR are designed for several global purposes:
external analysis, staff learning, internal staff performance assessment. The chart is shown

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