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NEC AP AME Enhancements

                                                               Author:                Venkatesh P.

                                                          Creation Date:               JUL 26, 2014
                                                          Last Updated:               JUL 26, 2014
                                                                   Version:                1.0


                                                                                                                                                                                          Copy Number      _____



Venkatesh Technical Consultant 26-JUL-2014 1.0 Initial Draft






Design Code Steps:.......................................................................................................................... 4

Manual steps:.................................................................................................................................. 4
Output Files:.................................................................................................................................. 13
Open and Closed Issues.................................................................................................................. 13
Open Issues................................................................................................................................... 13
Closed Issues................................................................................................................................. 13
Design Code Steps:

Step 1:

Object Name Object Type

apps.xxwci_ame_main_pkg PKS
apps.xxwci_ame_main_pkg PKB

After executing the above file in the sqlplus or toad follow the annual steps.

Manual steps:

Add the “CFO” value in the XXWCI_AP_AME_SETUPS lookup type at “NEC US AP: Manager”
Responsibility level .

Navigation is:

In the window you have to query using the type value is:” XXWCI_AP_AME_SETUPS”
Then you have to add the Values like below snap.

Code: CFO
Meaning: CFO
Description: EVP & Chief Financial Officer.890
And Click on save button.

Login to the instance by the User who is having the access of the “Approval Management
Business Analyst” or AME responsibilities.

Click on the Approval management Business analyst responsibility. It is navigate to Business

Analyst Dashboard Page. In that page select the “Payables Invoice Approval” in the name

If it is not available in the name section ,then search with the name in the Approval Process
Setup sectionSelect the transaction type is “Payables Invoice Approval” like below.

Then Click on the Setup in the name section or click on the Approval Groups in the
“Approval Process Setup ”section.

It’s navigate in to the Setup tab in the page.

Click on the Approval groups sub-tab and click on the “Create” button.

In that window mention all the details like below.

Name: XXNEC First Level Approver (CFO Hierarchy)
Description: To Get the first level approver in the CFO hierarchy
Order Number: 10
Voting Method: Order Number
Usage Type: Dynamic
Query: select 'PER:'||xxwci_ame_main_pkg.get_approvers_with_cfo(:transactionId,1) from
After enters the all details click on the Validate button and click on the Apply button in the
top of the page or below of the page.
Same way you have to create the another 4 levels of the CFO approvers in the Approval
group .

Note: In the Query section, change the value based on the level.
For example if you create second level CFO approver then you have to replace the “1”to “2”
.Same way change the order number is “20”.
Example for
In first level CFO query:
select 'PER:'||xxwci_ame_main_pkg.get_approvers_with_cfo(:transactionId,1) from dual
In FIRST Level Order Number:10
In the Second level CFO Query:
select 'PER:'||xxwci_ame_main_pkg.get_approvers_with_cfo(:transactionId,2) from dual
In Second Level Order Number:20

So, Total 5 level of CFO Approvers has Created successfully.

One more Approval Group you have to create for CEO level Approval Group.

In the window you have to mention all the details as per below details.
Name: XXNEC CEO Level Approver
Description: To Get CEO level approver
Order Number: 60
Voting Method: Order Number
Usage Type: Dynamic
Query: select 'PER:'|| xxwci_ame_main_pkg.get_ceo_appover(:transactionId) from dual
After enter the all details click on the validate button and click on the Apply button.

Click on the Attributes on the same tab

Click on the Create button.

In this window mention the below values.
Item Class: Header
Description: To Include CFO Approver
Data Type: String
Usage Type: Dynamic
Value: select apps.xxwci_ame_main_pkg.include_cfo_approval(:transactionId) from dual
Click on Validate button and again click on Apply button.

Click on the conditons sub tab in the same tab.

Mention the Attribute value is “XXWCI%” and Click on Go and click on create button
Get the Attribute value from lov icon. After enter the string value is”Y” and click on the Apply button.

Same way you have to create one more condition using same attribute and the string value is”N”.
In the below I have mention the snap for above condition.

Click on the Rules tab and create the Rules by click on the Create button.
In this page mention the all details like in the below snap.

Name: XXNEC AP Invoice Approval (CFO Hierarchy)

Click on the Next button

Click on the Add Condition button In that window.

Search the Word “XXWCI%”In the Attribute Value Click on Go button .In the listed values
select the values is 1)“XXWCI_AP_INVOICE_FOR_DONATION in (N)”
And select one more value by clicking the next in the navigation and select the value is”

. and click on the Continue button.

Click on the next button and add the Actions in this section by select the list of values

Click on the lov icon and Click on GO button it will show the All the actions values and select
the highlighted values from the list(one by one selection).
Click on next button.
Click on Finish button.

Then it shows the confirmation message.

In the Rules tab click on the Next navigation button in the table section

And select the “XXNEC AP Invoice Approval (CFO Hierarchy)” and click on the update icon

Add remaining actions in this window by click on the “Add Actions” button

In this section add the all highlighted values (one by one selection)
Click on the Apply button.

Add the condition values in below existing Rules.


Click on update icon in the XXWCI_AP_INV_APPROVAL_LEVEL_1 section

Click on the Add condition button.

In this screen Search the Word ”XXWCI%” in the Attribute Column and Click on Go button

Select the value is “XXWCI_AP_INCLUDE_CFO_APPR in (N)” after click on the Continue button.
Now the new condition is successfully added into the first level.

After Click on the Apply button in the same window or page.

Note: Same way you have to attach the same condition to other four levels of approvals.
Manual Testing in the AME Changes:
perform the test by clicking on the “TestWorkbench”tab in the same page.

Click on the “Run Real Transaction Test(1)” button and enter the transaction id like in the
below snap and click on the Go button .

Note: Here transaction id is a invoice_id in ap_invoices_all table.

Again Click on the “Run Real Transaction Test(2)”

Now it’s navigate to approvers window

Here CFO is the higher approval level in the payables invoice approval process.If the CFO is not
available it will moves to the CEO Level.

If you want to know the Job type of the Employee by usingHRMS window you can search the full
name in the window, after click on the Assigments button thenit shows the information about the job.


Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact


Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact


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