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CAVC Idiomas - English - Advanced 4

Teacher:​ Arnaldo
Student:​ Marcus Vinicius Teles de Oliveira

Composition 1

Choose 4 innovations discussed in the video “As 71 Inovações Mais INCRÍVEIS de

Todos os Tempos”and write a text explaining why they were important and which
impacts they have caused in the world

Agriculture began about 105000 years ago when the first wild grains were collected
in different parts of the globe. The development of agriculture allowed the human
population to grow larger as it made possible to produce more food than it could be
gained by hunting and provided better conditions of life than in nomadic living.
Some techniques developed with the advent of agriculture were ​Irrigation​, ​crop
rotation​, and the use of ​fertilizers​. Nowadays, agricultural processes use ​mechani​c
tools,synthetic fertilizers, ​pesticides​, and ​selective breeding​.
In general, it can be said that agriculture has greatly improved the human way of life.

The invention of the wheel can be credited to the Elamites, a pre-iranian civilization,
6500 years ago. The advent of the wheel happened in the late neolithic in
conjunction with other technological advances that gave rise to the early ​Bronze
The wheel brought advantages like reducing friction in transportations, helping to
drag heavy loads and making easier for people to travel.
The wheel is probably man’s greatest invention and became fundamental to
transport industry and to many other things in human history.

The telephone is a device that allows people to communicate being separated from
far distances. The telephone converts the human voice into electronic signals that
are transmitted via communications channels.
This device was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 and has greatly
improved the way humans communicate as it is ​easy and quick to use and
became less expensive over time .

The Deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as “DNA”, is a composed ​molecule​ that
carries the ​genetic​ instructions all living ​organisms​ and many ​viruses​.
The DNA was first discovered by the Swiss physician ​Friedrich Miescher​ in 1869,
when he isolated a microscopic substance in the ​pus​ of discarded surgical
bandages. As it was located in the nuclei of the cells, he called it "nuclein". In 1878,
another scientist, ​Albrecht Kossel​ isolated the non-protein component of nucleic
acid, and later isolated its five primary ​nucleobases​, providing more information to
the scientific community about this newly discovered molecule.
The discovery of the DNA helped humanity to understand better the mechanics of
the biology of living beings and gave birth to ​molecular biology​.

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