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Nama anggota :

1. Erna Mujiati as Erna

2. Rinda Saviera as Teacher and Nurse

3. Rahmalia Amanda Rika Artanti as Manda

4. Amalia Putri Dwi Handayani as Ibu Manda

5. Nabila Shafa Salsabilla as Affa

6. Iqbal Fahmi Firmansyah as Penjual bakso dan Dokter
One day in class when studying science.
Mother teacher: so your kids now know what are the 4 healthy 5 perfect foods what are they?
Children: yes buuuuuu .... !!
Mother teacher: try Erna. What did you mention 4 healthy 5 perfect foods?
Erna: rice, meat, eggs, fish, tofu, carrots, broccoli, oranges and apples.
Teacher: yeah right. Amanda, do you name any side dishes that contain protein?
Amanda: There are meat, fish, eggs, tofu and tempeh.
Teacher: furthermore, is there anyone who can mention carbohydrates besides rice?
Affa: I'm not mom ...
Teacher: yes affa, please mention.
Affa: there are corn, sago, cassava, potatoes, oats, and other tubers.
Teacher: So now you can't eat carelessly and you have to pay attention to 4 healthy 5 perfect
Children: good ma'am ....
After school
Amanda: guys, I'm hungry ... I want to eat meatballs.
(meatballsman goes by)
Meatballsman: meatballs …… meatballs .... Meatballs ... Come on buy ... cheap ... delicious ....
Fresh…. Save on the trumpet and tongue shake.
Amanda: wahhh ... there is a meatball seller, let's buy it there ... it seems like it saves on and
saves on the competition, he said.
Erna: Don't tell us, we don't know about the ingredients inside.
Affa: yes you don't, it is nice not to be sticky on the stomach.
Amanda: So you chose me to starve to death rather than eat the meatballs.
Erna: It's not like that, do you still remind the teacher?
Affa: Yes, we mean it is not like that, right we can buy bread or milk for our bodies in the growth
Erna: really true word affa, anyway the place for meatballs is not hygienic and very dirty.
Amanda: ahhhh you usually talk about doing, after all the place to sell milk and bread is a bit far. I
just bought meatballs instead of starving to death.
Affa: it's up to you both of us have advised you.
Erna: Don't blame us if you are okay after eating the meatballs.
(then Amanda goes to buy the street foot meatballs)
Amanda: Bang, I bought 1 cup of rice bowl,
Meatball man: boss ready, spicy or not?
Amanda: No, just soy sauce.
Affa: Wooyyyy ... so you can also buy the bakery.
Amanda: So, do you want to buy it right?
Erna: No, I and I are tired after walking around.
Amanda: Alright I'll pay first.
When outside the meatball shop
Erna: nda ... I saw a lab exhibit that showed the results of food testing including the meatballs
you ate earlier.
Affa: yes ... it turns out the result contains formalin.
Amnada: Ahh you don't scare me, ahh I don't care.
Erna: Don't take it. Just go home.
Affa: yes anyways Amanda will not believe it either.
The next day, when they planned to go to school together.
Affa: Amanda ....... Amanda ... let's go to school together.
Amanda mother: Amanda has a stomachache, you know what yesterday afternoon she ate?
Erna: ohhh she ate meatballs on the side of the road.
Amanda mother: ohhh so because of eating meatballs?
Affa: yes ma'am, whereas yesterday we advised him,
Amanda mother: yes Amanda is stubborn. I'll tell you later that snacks can't be careless.
Erna: yes ma'am.
Affa: we go first ma'am
Amanda: ohh yes, child, be careful on the road and I will send a letter to the teacher.
Erna: Good we will convey.
When arrived at school
Affa: sorry mom, there is a letter from Amanda's mother, if she is sick she does not go to school.
Teacher: Amanda really sick?
Erna: stomach ache mom, yesterday bought roadside meatballs.
Mother teacher: right ... Mother of children have told you not to buy food carelessly. How about
Affa: I don't know, ma'am, after school, I plan to visit.
Teacher: oh good. Then say hello to Amanda and get well soon and greet her to Amanda's
Affa: ok ma'am, I will convey.
Amanda's house
Amnda: mother ... Mother…. My stomach hurts mom ...
Amanda mother: has also been an upset stomach?
Amnada: Yes, my stomach is getting sick.
Amanda: have you had diarrhea from this morning?
Amnada: Yes ma'am, six times already
Amanda mother: yasudah mom between doctors.
Arriving at the health clinic ...
Nurse: on behalf of Amanda please enter.
Amanda mother: yes thank you sister.
Doctor: Can I help you ma'am?
Ibu a manada: this is a doctor, my child has a stomachache and diarrhea.
Doctor: What did you eat yesterday?
Amanda mother: eating roadside meatballs doc.
Doctor: let's deck, doctor check first,
Finished inspection
Amanda: how do you dock my child's condition?
Doctor: Your bowel sounds are fast, mom.
Amanda: what should I do doc?
Doctor: I'll give a prescription later, please redeem at the pharmacy and multiply drinking water
at least 8 glasses per day. More than 8 glasses is better.
Amanda mother: yes thank you doc.
Doctor: For younger siblings, do not eat anything carelessly. Meatball snacks may be but look at
the cleanliness of the place.
Amanda: good doctor. Thank you
After a few days, Amanda finally recovered and returned to school.
Erna: Still want to buy the meatballs again?
Amanda: no. It's already red

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