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Kelompok 3

1. M. Farih Nahdi 20010088 (Nurse 1)

2. Nabila Putri Miranti 20010094 (Nurse 2)
3. Ni Putu Natari Ayunda 20010100 (Patient)
4. Nuurul Qulbi Kamila 20010108 (Doctor)
5. Nur Wulan sari 20010169 (Daughter)

1. Accepting (Red)
2. Giving Advice (Yellow)
3. Sharing Humor (Green)
4. Open – ended

Non Terapeutik
1. Value Judgments
2. Changing the subject

1. Pra-Interaction
Nurses Nabila and nurse farih, will see the progress of the condition of an elderly patient
named Mrs. Ayunda. Mrs. Ayunda suffers from hypertension and treated at Jasmine Hospital
dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu.
2. Phase ineraction
Nurse Farih and Nurse Nabila came to Mrs. Ayunda in the treatment room.
farih and nabila : Assalamu'alaikum.
Sari : Wa'alaikum greetings.
Farih and Nabila : Good morning mom (with a smile)
Sari : Morning too, nurse
Grandma was a little confused to see the arrival of the nurse.
farih and nabila : Good morning Grandma... How are you today, are you okey?
Mrs. Ayunda : Morning... Alhamdulillah, it's been pretty good. Who is this...??
(Grandma still looks confused and seems to think)
Farih : oke grandma ... let me introduce my self, I am nurse Farih and this is
nurse Nabila.
Nurse Farih and nurse Nabila tried to approach grandmother and her family.
Nabila : We will take care of you today. Have you eaten this morning....??
Mrs. Ayunda : yess nurse
Nabila : Do you eat a lot or a little grandma...?
Mrs. Ayunda : Just a little because I don't have an appetite, nurse. I still feel a bit
Farih : emm okeyy, I understand, you fell nausea because you are late to eat,
you should not eat late it is much better and take medicine regularly Oh,
ya, did you take the medicine this morning,?
Mrs. Ayunda : Yes, nurse i understands, I have also taken the medicine earlier…
Sari : Yes, nurse, all the drugs have been taken...
After asking the grandmother, the nurse tried to explain the nursing care that would be given to
the grandmother and also her family.
Nabila : Alright grandma, ma'am… We're here to check on grandma. We will
take vital signs, which aim to determine whether or not the grandmother's
blood pressure, body temperature, pulse, and breathing are normal and this
check takes 5 to 10 minutes, Are you ready...?
Mrs. Ayunda : Of Course...
Farih : Then we would like to excuse ourselves for a moment to prepare the
tools, in about 5 minutes we will be back again.
Sari : yes nurse...
Farih and Nabila : excuse me ma'am... (while walking away to get tools).
After that the nurse left the patient's room to prepare the tools to be used in the action to be
3. Working Phase
(Five minutes later, the nurse returns to the patient's room)
Farih and Nabila : Assalamu'alaikum...
All : Wa'alaikum greetings...
The nurse enters and immediately approaches the patient to take action.
Farih : Excuse me Grandma... I'm sorry Grandma... you can lie down... so you
are more relax
Mrs. Ayunda : (grandma lie dowm)
After that, the nurse immediately give action to the grandmother.
Farih : Grandma… please raise your left hand a little
(Nurse 1 puts on a blood pressure cuff, then measures blood pressure.)
Farih : How many grandchildren do you have now? (nurse tries to communicate
with grandmother)
Mrs. Ayunda : eeehm .. 3 nurse and they grown up now?
Farih : Ooh, are they all merriied?
Mrs. Ayunda : 1 person has merried, then the other two are still study. They are
beautiful and handsome.
Farih : yes,ofcourse. like her grandmother.. (nurse and grandmother laugh)
While waiting for nurse 1 to measure blood pressure, nurse 2 prepares a thermometer to measure
grandmother's temperature.
Nabila : Grandma... sorry... please raise your right hand a little...!!
Mrs. Ayunda : (raises her right hand slightly)
Nabila : (After the grandmother raised her hand, the nurse immediately put the
Nabila : Grandma... clamp the thermoter with your arm, and don't let go before I
tell you to
Mrs. Ayunda : (just nods)
After a few minutes later the blood pressure and temperature had been measured, then the
equipment was removed again, and after that nurse Farih and nurse Nabila continued to check
her pulse and breathing.
4. Termination phase
After all the examinations have been carried out, the results of the examinations are recorded
by the nurse and all equipment is tidied up
Sari : how is my mother's condition...??
Nabila. : Grandma vital signs are normal, blood pressure; 120/80 mmHg, pulse;
96x/m, body temperatur; 36°C, breathing 20x/m.
Farih : The situation has improved since yesterday, but your parents have to
drink lots of water and eat vegetables. Your mother should get a lot of rest
and also don't think too much, so she will get well soon..!!
(the doctor comes to the patient's room to see the patient's condition)
Qulbi : Assalamu'alaikum...
All : Wa'alaikum greetings….
Qulbi : how condition about Mrs ayunda?
Nabila : Alhamdulillah, there has more than better, doc..
Qulbi : oh ok, then please bring the result it to my table
Nabila : yes doc...
Qulbi : (looks at the patient and tries to examine the patient) how do you fell
Mrs. Ayunda : more than better doc..
Qulbi : alhamdulillah, Grandma, you needs a lot of rest so you can recover
Sari : how’s the result doc?...?
Qulbi : (talking to the patient's family) Thank God I've seen a lot of progress.
Your mother need to rest a lot to get well soon, be patient and don't forget
to pray….
Sari : thank you doc. I will remember
Qulbi : oke, you are welcome, excus me(while leaving the room)
All : oke doc
Nabila : Then we will also excuse ourselves, ma'am... grandma, we will back to
nurse station , get well soon, Grandma... Later, if you need help, you can
call us in there.
Sari : yes nurse..thank you...
Nabila : you’r welcome. Excuse me
Sari : yes nurse...
Finally, after the nurse said goodbye, the nurse immediately left Mrs. Ayunda

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