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Food Art
Child’s Name : Arfaezya Kaivan Saputra
Allocated Time: Jan 6 – Feb 14th 2020

Class : Caterpillar

One sunny morning, in the circle time activity the teacher explained to the students about what activity
that we would learn. We would have ‘Making jelly and tea’ activity on that day. When the teacher
showed to the children the jelly powder sachet, all of the students were so excited especially Arfa. The
teacher asked “Do you know what I bring here?” “yes I know, I know!!” Arfa shouted. “what is it?”
asked the teacher to the students “Jelly, Jelly!!” Arfa replied. The teacher told the students that it was a
sachet of a jelly and we would make a jelly. The teacher asked to the students “Do you know what we
are going to do today?” “cooking jelly” Arfa replied excitedly. “Yes, we will make a jelly,” “yayyy”
Arfa cheered up. Before we started the cooking class, the teacher explained about changes in food
ingredients for example, when we poured the sugar which was in the form of powder into the water, it
would change to be liquid. Arfa seemed to be focus on what the teacher said.
After a while, it came to the cooking activity Arfa always paid attention to what the teacher did. The
teacher asked to the students “Who wants to try to stir the jelly?” Arfa immediately responded “I
want…I want”. The teacher let Arfa stirred the jelly. He stirred it carefully and he said “Wow its purple,
miss, its grape.. hhmmmm smell so good”. Arfa stopped to stir the jelly because he felt so hot in front of
the stove and gave the spoon back to the teacher. The teacher told Arfa to move back but he was still
excited, so he watched what the teacher did until the jelly was ready. After the jelly was done, the
teacher showed the students how to make a cup of tea. Arfa only watched at what the teacher did and
then after the tea was finished, he and his friends washed their hands and went back to the class.
After a while, the last activity on that day was serving the jelly and tea. Arfa and his friends washed
their hands first and then prayed before they ate. Arfa was so happy when he ate the jelly, he liked it so
much, the teacher asked him “do you like it, Arfa? How does it taste?” “hhmmmm.. yummy” he replied.
After several minutes Arfa and his classmates already finished ate the jelly and drank the tea, it was the
time to wash the dishes. They lined up to the kitchen, and took turns to wash their dishes.

What knowledge did the child learn?

Arfa learnt to follow directions and demonstrate resilience and willingness to try.

What skill did the child practice?

Arfa practiced to use materials as well as he practiced about making safe choices and avoiding danger.

What attitude did the child show?

Arfa showed his curiosity and enthusiasm to learn new things.

Which Personal Goals and Values does this story link to?
This story links to Thoughtfullness and Resilience.

Possible ways to extend the child’s learning?

Arfa has a high curiosity and enthusiasm when he learnt the new things. He actively asked questions
during the class discussions. Thus, to fulfill his need for knowledge, the teacher provides him with
many resources in the classroom for him to explore. Therefore, we suggest similar plan may be
applied at home by parents. You may also ask Arfa to observe and analyze something then allow him
to explain his findings or opinions.

1.16a Participating in group activities.
1.16b Co-operating, taking turns and following the rules of group activites.
2.14b Joining in conversations and discussions.
3.1b Using the sense to make discoveries
3.9b Exploring how solids and liquids can change.
4.4a Exploring food, drink, textures and taste.
4.5b Making safe choices and avoiding danger.
4.6a People who can help us when we are hurt or in danger.
4.13a Following instructions, copying and repeating actions.

Teacher’s Signature:
Umul Janatin, S.Pd.

Date: Tuesday,10 March 2020

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