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GUSNA (G 501 19 001)

NUR AZIZAH JANAD (G 501 19 031)
SUCI CAHYANTI (G 501 19 051)



MARET 2020

Additional Material

In some types of electric lamp, light is given off from a length of wire known as a

filament. It is necessary to know something about electricity in order to understand why an
electric filament gives off light.
An electric current is the movement of very small particles called electrons along a
wire. These electrons have negative charges. Normally they orbit the positively charged
nucleus of an atom. Normally the number of electrons is equal to the number of positive
charges in the nucleus. Atoms are so small that a million of them could fit across the
thickness of a sheet of paper.
Everything is made up of atoms. In a metal some of the electrons break free from the
atoms and move about on their own between the atoms. Electrons that do this are known as
free electrons. If a metal wire is connected to a battery, the voltage of the battery makes the
free electrons move away from the negative electrode and towards the positive electrode.
This is because a negative charge is attracted towards a positive charge and repelled from a
negative charge. The greater the voltage of the battery, the faster the electrons move and the
greater is the current. Electric current always flows as a result of a voltage.
As the electrons move through the metal some of them collide with the atoms that
make up the metal. As the current increases the collisions become more and more violent
and the atoms begin to vibrate backwards and forwards faster and faster. The temperature
of the wire is a measure of the speed of movement of these vibrating atoms. As the current
goes up the wire gets hotter and hotter. When an electron collides with a vibrating atom,
the electron may slow down or stop. Electrons have electric fields around them since they
have an electric charge. When they slow down a magnetic field is produced in such a way
that electromagnetic waves are given off .Sometimes an electron collides with a vibrating
atom in such a way that the electron speeds up. Again electromagnetic waves are given off
Most of the electromagnetic waves produced are infra-red, some are waves of visible light
and, when the metal becomes very hot, a few are ultra-violet.
GEORGE K. STONE Science in Action
Terjemahan :
Dalam beberapa jenis lampu listrik, cahaya dilepaskan dari panjang kawat yang
dikenal sebagai filamen. Perlu untuk mengetahui sesuatu tentang listrik untuk memahami
mengapa filamen listrik memancarkan cahaya.
Arus listrik adalah pergerakan partikel yang sangat kecil yang disebut elektron di
sepanjang kawat. Elektron ini memiliki muatan negatif. Biasanya mereka mengorbit inti
atom yang bermuatan positif. Biasanya jumlah elektron sama dengan jumlah muatan positif
dalam nukleus. Atom-atom sangat kecil sehingga sejuta dari mereka bisa muat di ketebalan
selembar kertas.
Semuanya terbuat dari atom. Dalam logam, beberapa elektron melepaskan diri dari
atom dan bergerak dengan sendirinya di antara atom-atom. Elektron yang melakukan ini
dikenal sebagai elektron bebas. Jika kawat logam dihubungkan ke baterai, tegangan baterai
membuat elektron bebas menjauh dari elektroda negatif dan menuju elektroda positif. Ini
karena muatan negatif ditarik ke arah muatan positif dan ditolak dari muatan negatif.
Semakin besar tegangan baterai, semakin cepat elektron bergerak dan semakin besar arus.
Arus listrik selalu mengalir akibat tegangan.
Ketika elektron bergerak melalui logam beberapa dari mereka bertabrakan dengan
atom yang membentuk logam. Ketika arus meningkat, tabrakan menjadi semakin keras dan
atom-atom mulai bergetar mundur dan maju semakin cepat. Suhu kawat adalah ukuran
kecepatan gerakan atom-atom bergetar ini. Saat arus naik, kawat menjadi semakin panas.
Ketika sebuah elektron bertabrakan dengan atom yang bergetar, elektron dapat melambat
atau berhenti. Elektron memiliki medan listrik di sekitar mereka karena mereka memiliki
muatan listrik. Ketika mereka memperlambat medan magnet dihasilkan sedemikian rupa
sehingga gelombang elektromagnetik dilepaskan. Kadang-kadang elektron bertabrakan
dengan atom bergetar sedemikian rupa sehingga elektron mempercepat. Lagi-lagi
gelombang elektromagnetik dilepaskan Sebagian besar gelombang elektromagnetik yang
dihasilkan infra-merah, sebagian adalah gelombang cahaya tampak dan, ketika logam
menjadi sangat panas, beberapa di antaranya ultra-violet.

Given off : memancarkan
Fit across : melalui
Volt : unit daya listrik
Repelled : menarik atau melempar
Vibrating : bergetar
Filament : kawat pijar pada bola lampu

Exercise 1: Answers and Reasons

Answer the following questions.
1. What is electric current?
Answer :An electric current is the movement of very small particles called electrons
along a wire. These electrons have negative charges. Normally they orbit the positively
charged nucleus of an atom.
2. What is a filament?
Answer :The light is given off from a length of wire known as a filament.
3. How big is the atom?
Answer :Atoms are so small that a million of them could fit across the thickness of a
sheet of paper.
4. What are free electrons?
Answer :In a metal some of the electrons break free from the atoms and move about on
their own between the atoms. Electrons that do this are known as free electrons.
5. What happens when free electrons flow through a metal wire?
Answer :That makes the free electrons move away from the negative electrode and
towards the positive electrode. This is because a negative charge is attracted towards a
positive charge and repelled from a negative charge.
6. Why does the wire get hotter as the current gets stronger?
Answer :Wire temperature is a measure of the speed of movement of atoms that vibrate
when electrons move through metals colliding with the atoms that make up the metal. As
the current increases, the collision becomes harder and atoms begin to vibrate backwards
and forward faster so that as the current rises, the wire gets hotter.
7. What is the correlation between a voltage and an electron movement?
Answer :The greater the voltage, the faster the electrons move and the greater is the
current. Electric current always flows as a result of a voltage.
8. What happens when an electron collides with a vibrating atom?
Answer :When an electron collides with a vibrating atom, the electron may slow down
or stop. Electrons have electric fields around them since they have an electric charge.
When they slow down a magnetic field is produced in such a way that electromagnetic
waves are given off .Sometimes an electron collides with a vibrating atom in such a way
that the electron speeds up. Again electromagnetic waves are given off Most of the
electromagnetic waves produced are infra-red, some are waves of visible light and, when
the metal becomes very hot, a few are ultra-violet.
9. Why does an electron has electric fields?
Answer :Electrons have electric fields around them since they have an electric charge.

Exercise 2: True or False

Now decide if these statements are true or not true
1. An electric current is a flow of footballs.
Answer : False
2. Conductors allow a current to pass easily.
Answer :True
3. Acids, gases and salts are insulators.
Answer :True
4. Insulators allow some current to pass through.
Answer : False
5. Electric wires don't need insulating.
Answer : False
6. An electric current is something moving.
Answer :True
7. An electric current flows from the positive to the negative terminal.
Answer : False

Exercise 3: Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using 110 voltages and 220 voltages? Write
it in one paragraph, and then present it orally in front of the class.
Answer :Safety and danger from both 110 and 220 electricity are the same. Likewise, the
maintenance is the same. Only, with a voltage of 2 times and for the same power requires a
current of 1/2. This current determines the amount of wire / cable used. With smaller
currents "can" (not "must") use smaller cables. Of course, smaller cables will be cheaper.
From the power formula P = I x V then:For the same power can be a combination of 1/2 I x
2 V or 2 I x 1/2 V.The power of a device will be the same if the power is equal (either with
a working voltage of 110 or 220 or other voltage). Power is expressed in Watts.For
example a 300 W iron with a working voltage of 110 V will be as hot as a 300 W iron with
a working voltage of 220 V (provided that both irons are given the appropriate voltage).
Likewise the lights will emit the same light. Including vacuum cleaner will have the same
suction power. A device wants to be plugged in wherever it is the same (even on the moon /
Mars though) as long as the power is the same, the energy used is the same. This is
provided that the working voltage must be in accordance with the applied voltage.What is
different if the equipment with a working voltage of 110 V is given a voltage of 220 V, it
will draw current 4 x from the nominal current. Because the power soared to 4x then the
tool is immediately damaged / broken. Whereas if a device with a working voltage of 220
V is given a voltage of 110 V, the current flowing is only 1/4 x the nominal current, so that
the power remains 1/4 normal. If this happens to the lamp, the light will dim.

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