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FYederic Rzeurski


written for the Ensernble fnter*Contenporain
January J977

PerforrninF i nstructions
The follq^ring set of short studies is neant for an of
unspecified ùrsûurentation. A1l pa:rts *. *.itt* ensembr_e irî.-aiLr"
clef., but !{ry paft n'y be rread^at àny tine in arD/ octave.
of the sh-rclies Fquire a certain ninirrun n*u." of i.strtnnents: some
e.g. Study No. r requires seven; others, such as No. E, courcr
done with a sneuen ntrnber. nL instnit*r,Ëtion be
the same fon ar-r thirteen str.rdies. Genenarly-rp*,is-noi nJà's.riry
should irclude a.varieg of irstunental fa,oirràs *itË'u-uu.iuay th;-;emble
mnBes t grou@--in strch r^ory or
to enlrance the soLoistic cS.lracter
of each Èr-r"r. bcample: Ifor â asstdy requ:-ring
as l'lo. r' the irrsrn-nentation *ig,hi uui .t"dg Ài" i,=nîÀJaî,',,r"n
vibraphone, flute, electric pianà, arto but it rnight arso
be: glockenspier, violin, erèculc orgar,saxrjf;one;
tuba, bass crarinet,
and ha'p. rn other.r.prcs,
shoul-d be selected with a vier_the hstumentation ror-eaerr pi";;
to,g-th. distirct coLor
of each irstr-rnent as ruch as possi_ble.
The duration of eagh srr$y rr.y range from 2 to 4 minutes
average. At certain points some short free inprovisatiÀns on the
be intoduced: i.e.-aiteg_Nos. 3, 6, 9, il-
extent w-itrrin Nos. 12 and''13. H&everj "rd
trris iJ "*-i"-"'"*+i"
,.o. obligatory,
nor, for a given.perfornance, is it nué".-ty-io p"rrorm .rr1 of
the rritten studies. For erc.rnpre, for . p.",fo*e of ca.
15-20 minutes;t duretion one coi'ld'perform'onry-nos.
l0' 12t.d 13, thtrs concentr*ting orùy on tnâ r-r= r, 4, 7,
notated nnterial. rf arl of the-writien
with i-rnprovisations i:rjected as werl into studies .Lne performed,
thà abor+-nar",.r=d çroints,
a ccrnplete perfornarce could we-l_] rrgach a duration ;;;.
rn Sh-rdy No. I ("Diar-ogue
wittr conrnentary,,), the top rine is to
be read by twb irrstrurnents, one reacling -thu'roi*. witlr sterns
exrerrcling upaard ard the other the nctes r.rith stems errerd-ing
do,ln*ard. This is nrtl^rer d.ifficr-rLt, arrl if it prcvqs to be
too difficuLt or one is feeling tazy tne wnoie iir,.
rrnd by a single irsrr'nrent, piano or er,ecrr.i. "oura-u.
The terrdenry of ttre piece is to begi' with norre or r.ess
strictry defined materi:l ard to rrDve progressively tcr,Jard
sit,-rations_ of great". frcedorn. rf * IrnpË"isations are done
in the earlier stages, one shuculd develof tr," ir"u.'r centrB.L
section of No. 12 0r itnt or Àb. 13 length, exterding
the dtration of one qn the other str:dy "t.àr*
to 5 ndnùtes or rore,
so t}"rt one has a clnnce to hea:n the vario,o u.u*p*itiors'of
the basic rneJ-cdic slnpes irt nuny different a."ià"ttal ccnrbinations.

lr tr [ttIElI lt :

(ut r.)

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