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Hair hydration

Relax! For once you don’t have to make do with a hasty 10-minute
shower before rushing off to work in the morning. Why not take this
time at home to replenish and re-hydrate your hair with a luxurious
deep conditioning hair mask? After just one application, hair masks
can visibly improve the appearance of the locks, and over time, can
banish frizz, dullness, and lacklustre tresses. After your shower,
towel-dry your hair before applying the mask from root to tip. Leave
on for a few minutes before rinsing well.

2. Keep coloured and carry on

Now your hair is fully hydrated, many of you will be panicking about
keeping those greys at bay. Welcome to the world of at-home hair
dye. In this modern age of innovation, keeping your roots in check is
hardly a hassle. Root touch-ups are all the rage, and it’s not hard to
see why - applied with a quick and easy brush, sponge or spritz,
these handy products will keep you calm and confident about your
tresses for the foreseeable future.

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