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Vining’ Literacy Class

Distance Learning Weekly Plan

Day: Time: Today’s Lesson/Activity: Tonight’s


Meeting 8:30 Today’s learning target: To be able to Read for 20

Monday - minutes in
9:15 Warm-up: your
(suggested First, login to your ReadWorks class and pick an article Library
student to read from the assigned Article-A-Day set. Then, &
when you are done, make an entry in your Book of write an entry
t work time)
Knowledge. in your
Reading Log
Lesson: Login to Google Classroom and complete
today’s assignment.

Talk- 9:30 Today’s learning target: To be able to demonstrate my Read for 20

About-It - understanding of a topic by participating in a small minutes in
Tuesday 10:30 group discussion. your
(live Office Lesson: Literacy Office Hours with Mrs. Vining on Library
Hours) Google Meet; Follow this link: &
write an entry
Join Hangouts Meet in your Reading Log
Meeting ID

Writing 8:30 Today’s learning target: To be able to create a variety Read for 20
Wednesday - of written products in response to a prompt or minutes in
9:15 comprehension question. your
(suggested Lesson: Login to Google Classroom and complete Library
student today’s assignment. &
write an entry
t work time)
in your
Reading Log

Day: Time: Today’s Lesson/Activity: Tonight’s


Think- 2:00 Today’s learning target: To be able to answer a why Read for 20
About-It - question. minutes in
Thursday 3:00 your
Lesson: Literacy Office Hours with Mrs. Vining on ReadWorks
(live Office Google Meet; Follow this link: Library
Hours) &
Join Hangouts Meet write an entry in your
Meeting ID Reading Log

Finish-it-Up 8:30 Learning Target: To be able to write a friendly letter or No

Friday - email.
Lesson: Google Meet OR Independent Work

student First, login to your WCPSS email. Look for an email Happy
invitation from Mrs. Vining to participate in a Google Weekend
t work time)
Meet for some extra help. If you have an email from
OR Mrs. Vining, follow the link to join her for a Google
- Next, if you do not have an email from Mrs. Vining,
9:30 then your task today is to write your Friday Letter to
Mrs. Vining. Create a new email in your WCPSS
(live Office
student email account. Mrs. Vining’s address is:
Hours) For your Friday letter, do the
- tell her what you liked best about our lessons
this week (and don’t forget to tell her why you
liked them);
- tell Mrs. Vining know if there is anything you
need help with; and
- Share with Mrs. Vining what else you’ve been
doing this week. Look for her answer to your
email next week.
Mrs. Vining’ Literacy Class
Distance Learning Resources and Login Info


❏ Mrs. Vining’s Weebly Website:

❏ Parents, please check the announcements page each week

❏ Google Classroom:
❏ Access directly through Wake ID Portal;
❏ Class name: Mrs. Vining’s Literacy Class;
❏ Class Code: jkjkk55 (once you join you will not need to enter class
code each time).

❏ Discovery Education:
❏ Access directly through Wake ID Portal;
❏ Your dashboard will come right up once click on the Discovery
Education icon;
❏ Go to the toolbar at the top and click on assignments or explore

❏ Readworks:
❏ Access through .
❏ Type in your individual class code (Mrs. Vining will e-mail it to you);
❏ Type inyour password: 1234 (please do not change this password)
❏ Find your name and click on it to see your assignments.

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