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Vikash Residential School

Holiday Assignment


1-Why Copper and Aluminium are generally used for making electric wire?

2-Draw a circuit diagram by using a switch bulb, battery ,metal conductor and a wire.

3-What are the different effects of electric current,

Give one application of each.

Heating effect

Magnetic effect

Light effect.

4-What is an electric fuse, How does it work?

5-What is the full form of MCB?.


1-The word Ambulance is written on inverted manner infront of the vehicle.

What we call this phenomenon?

2-Differentiate between real image and virtual image.

3- Give an example to show that the path of light is always straight and never curved.

4-State the principle used in creating a mirror image.

5- How rainbow is formed in the sky?


1- Why a cotton garment cannot keep us as warm in winter as a woollen sweater does?

2-Explain with a simple activity to show that the sunlight is a mixture of different colours.

3-Name the phenomena involve in the formation of Rainbow.

4-Why wool yielding animals have a thick coat of hair?

5-Explain all body parts involved in respiration.

DAY -4

1-Discuss the role of forest in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
2- Define the following:

• Crown

• Understoreys

3-The types of animal also differ from forest to ____________.

4-Grass is eaten by____________ which in turn is taken by __________.

5-Complete the following food chain: Grass --->Insects __________ --->snake ---> ________.


1-What is a manhole? Why are manholes made?

2-Name the two chemicals used in treatment of water. When they are used?

3-State your role as an active citizen in relation to sanitation.

4-Describe the steps involved in getting clarified water from waste water.


1-: In distilled water , litmus paper turns into ________.

2-A shopkeeper has a few bottles of soft drink in his shop. But, unfortunately, these are not labelled. He
has to serve the drinks on the demand of customers. One customer wants acidic drink; another wants
basic and third one wants neutral drink. How will he decide which drink is to be served to whom?

3-Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

i) An acid testes s_______________

ii) A base tastes b__ tt____________

iii) LItmus, a natural indicator is extracted from Li_____________.

iv) An indicator used in a neutralisation reaction is phe___ph_____lein.

v) Sugar is a n....u............l substance.


Q.A-Match the following.

Column I Column II

a) An antacid i) Formic acid

b) An Ant ii) Milk of magnesia

c) China Rose iii) Turns red litmus blue.

d) An acid iv) A natural indicator

e) A base v) Turns blue litmus red.

Correct the following sentences by replacing the highlighted words :

1. Change in the physical properties of a substance is termed as chemical change.

Ans. ______________________________________________________________

2. Boiling is the process in which water turns to ice when cold enough (below 0 oC temperature.)

Ans. ______________________________________________________________

3. Formation of new substances by change in one or more substances is called

physical change.

Ans. ______________________________________________________________

4. The process of deposition of brownish layer on iron when it is exposed to air and

water is called polishing.

Ans. ______________________________________________________________

5. Melting is the process of formation of solid crystals from solution.

Ans. ______________________________________________________

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