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With golden plaintains sail away

Definitons :
Sailing activities associated with the community before, especially the Malays who carry out
economic activities based maritime or maritime. Economic activity-based maritime community is of
course fishing, trade and job lain.Masyarakat advance using waterways such as rivers and the sea as a
communication system. The utama.Keadaan this certainly requires them to sail well known that when
people engage with your previous browsing activities, they need food for a relatively long period of
navigation. So the most important basic food is the Golden Banana. People first choose the Golden
Banana Golden Banana because of its durability. Banana is a food that provides energy to the body.
This of course makes the banana as the most suitable food to be brought in shipping activities. The
ancients suggests that bananas are the best foods to reduce seasickness.
Whilst on a chest lies one that’s ripe
Nature itself bananas will ripen in a piecemeal rather than as a whole. This allows it consumed and
stored for prolonged. Due to nature of these gold bananas hence it is suitable to carry sail. Safety is a
place to store goods or food on board. Because the banana is a type of food then it is suitable to be
placed above the peti..Pisang should be placed on the chest and not in the closet, this is because if the
bananas are placed in an enclosed are a and not ventilated wel l so it would have The banana is
susceptible to damage.
The debts of gold we can repay
Gold is among the most valuable metal than metal or other goods. Gold is also an item that
symbolizes status. Debt is also a symbol of poverty. On the surface of gold is a kind items that have
high scores. In Malay, gold can only afford owned by the government and the officials only. Despite
that difficult though to have it but it's still affordable. In this row shows how high even if the value of
an item, but it's still owed may be paid.
But debts of kindness last through life.
At stake Malay community itself very concerned with manners and politeness. For the community, if
one is ever courteous to him then it will be remembered even if the person has died. As high as any
status or position of a person, it's still no match for someone who has good manners.

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