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‫جامعة عين شمس‬

‫كليـة الهندسة‬
Faculty of Engineering ‫قسم التصميم و هندسة اإلنتاج‬
Production and Design Dept.



Roughness Measurements

a) With the aid of neat sketch, explain the stylus method for roughness measurement.
b) With the aid of neat sketch, explain in detail the roughness parameters; R a, Rz (ISO),
Rz (DIN), and Rt .

c) The shown figure represent a trace of the surface profile of a machined surface. The
trace was produced by vertical and horizontal magnification of 2000, 40 respectively.
The measuring device was set at a cut-off of 0.8 mm. It is required to redraw the graph
in your answer sheet and determine
the values of the roughness parameters
Ra, Rz (ISO), Rz (DIN), and Rt

Dr. M. Adel Rizk Page 1

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