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Chh. Shahu.College Of Engineering

Department- mechanical
Course Name-CAD/CAM Course teacher- Prof.B.M.NETAKE.

Course Code -BTMEC702

Examination Scheme:

Continuous Assessment - 20 Marks

Mid Semester Exam - 20 Marks
End Semester Exam - 60 Marks
(Duration 03 hrs)
Computer Aided Design And
Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)

UNIT-1 CAD ( Computer aided design)

UNIT-2 Bezier and B-splines Curves
UNIT-3 CAM ( Computer aided Manufacturing)
UNIT-4 Finite Element Methods
UNIT-5 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
UNIT-6 Computer Aided Process Planning

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1 List and describe the various input and output devices for a CAD work station
CO2 Carry out/calculate the 2-D and 3-D transformation positions .
CO3 Describe various CAD modeling techniques with their relative advantages and limitations
CO4 Develop NC part program for the given component, and robotic tasks
CO5 Describe the basic Finite Element procedure
CO6 Explain various components of a typical FMS system, Robotics, and CIM

1. Ibrahim Zeid, “CAD/CAM Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication,
2. M. P. Grover, Zimmer, “CAD/CAM/CIM”, Prentice Hall India.
UNIT -01
CAD–Computer Aided Design
Design Software
CAM Soft ware
Hard ware Required to CAD
2) OUT PUT Devices
Graphics Software
General Requirement and Ground rules of Graphics
2-D Curves like Line, Circle, etc. and Their Algorithms
2-D And 3D Transformation such as
Translations,Scalings,Rotation and Mirror
The CAD Process is the subset of the Design process.
Design software 1) Auto Cad 2) Catia 3) Creo 4) Solid Molding etc.
Design: Design means geometric modeling, i.e. 2-D and 3-D modeling, including,
1)drafting, 2) part creation 3) creation of drawings with various views of the part, 4)
assemblies of the parts, etc.

CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing

The CAM Process is a subset of Manufacturing Process.
Integration of CAD and CAM leads to automation OR It becomes Automation

CAM -is the next stage of CAD. A part created in CAD can be
Downloaded and manufactured, without a human hand touching the part.
The process is called CAM, and involves CAD, Networking, and NC
Hardware required for cad:
There are basically two types of devices that constitute CAD hardware
 Input Devices
 Output Devices.

Input devices -These are the devices that we use for communicating with computer, and
providing our input in the form of text and graphics.
Keyboard- The text input is mainly provided through keyboard

 Mouse-The functions of a mouse include

 locating a point on the screen, a
 sketching, dragging an object, entering values, ccepting a software command, etc.
 Touch Sensitive Screens:: This device is fixed in the monitor screens, usually, in the
form of covering. The screen senses the physical contact of the user.
EX: The new generation of the
1) Laptop 2) computers 3) Mobiles are good examples of this device.

 Digitizers: Digitizers are used to draw a sketch or other 2-D entities by moving a cursor
over a flat surface (which contains the sketch).

There are electrical wires embedded in orthogonal directions (at right angle) that receive and
pass signals between the device and the computer. The device is basically a free moving pen
shaped stylus, connected to a tablet.
b) Output Devices:
After creating a CAD model, we always need a hard copy, using an output device.
A) Plotters and b) printers are used for this purpose.
 Plotter- It is used to produce large size drawings and assemblies, whereas, a laser jet printer
is used to print a 3-D view of a model. Most CAD software requires a plotter for producing a
shaded view.


Graphics are visual images or design on some surface such as wall, screen, paper etc

Computer graphics
Computer graphics means are pictures and movies created using computer

1) RASTER GRAPHICS --In raster graphics image is a dot matrix data structure representing generally in
a rectangular grid or pixel , or a points of color, viewable via, monitor , paper or other

Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as point, lines, curves and shapes or
polygon all of which are based on mathematical expression- to represents.

Raster graphics vs Vector graphics

Raster Vector
The graphics software can be divided into three
 The Graphics package
 The Application Program
 The Application Database
The Graphics Package
 The graphics package is the software support between the user and the graphics terminal.
It manages the graphical interaction between the user and the system
 It also support between the user and the application software
Functions of a Graphics package
 Generation of graphics elements
 Transformations
 Display control and windowing function
 Segmenting functions
 User input functions
Application data base
The database contains mathematical, numerical and logical definitions of the application models, such as electronic ckts, mechanical components, automobile bodies, and so forth.
• It also contains alphanumeric information associated with the models.
Ground rules in Designing Software

 Simplicity: The graphics software should be easy to use

 Consistency: The package should operate in a consistent and predictable way to the user

 Completeness: There should be no inconvenient omissions in the set of graphics function

 Robustness: The graphics system should be tolerant of minor instances of misuse by the

 Performance: Within limitations imposed by the system hardware, the performance Should
be exploited as much as possible by software. Graphics program should be Efficient and speed of
response should be fast and consistent.

Economy: Graphics programs should not be so large or expensive as to make their use
 Line
Line drawing
How to Draw Line
Sets the starting point for the line, Click a point location, or next point
You can also enter coordinates.
If instead, you press Enter at the prompt, a new line starts from the endpoint of the most recently created
line, poly line, or arc.
 Center Point circle
Creates a circle based on a center point and a radius or diameter value

3P (Three Points) circle

Creates a circle based on three points on the circumference.
For example: Tan, Tan, Tan
2-D Drawing
Drawing with GD & T
DATUM-The Theoretically exact plane , point or axis from which a dimentional measurement is
made .

Ex- (A,B,C).
GD & T

GD & T-Is a symbolic language used to specify the size ,shape ,form, orientation and location of
feature on a part.
GD & T –Is a Design Tool that communicates Design intent.
 GD & T- Was created to insure the proper assembly of mating part, to improve quality, and to
dimensioning and Tolerance ASME Y14.5M-1994 Standard.


 IS a symbolic language .

IS a Design Tool.

That communicates design intent.(related to design)


FLATNESS - Flatness is the condition of a surface having all elements in one


STRAIGHTNESS -A condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight line.

Lever type
dialguage Plunger type

PARALLELISM Is condition of a surface ,line or axis, which is equidistant at all points from a datum
plane or axis.

CYLINDRICITY It describe a condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of a

surface equidistant from a common axis.

-It describes the condition on a surface of revolution (cylinder,cone,sphere)

CIRCULARITY (ROUNDNESS) where all points of the surface intersected by an plane.
Profile of a surface describes a 3-Dimensional tolerance zone around a surface,
usually which is an advanced curve or shape. If it is like a fillet on a welded

Run out is how much one given reference feature or features vary with respect
CIRCULAR RUN OUT to another datum when the part is rotated 360° around the datum axis. It is
essentially a control of a circular feature, and how much variation it has with the
rotational axis
Profile of a line describes a tolerance zone around any line in any feature,
PROFILE OF A LINE usually of a curved shape. Profile of a line is a 2-Dimensional tolerance range
that can be applied to any linear tolerance.
Total runout controls both the amount of variation in the surface as the part is rotated,
TOTAL RUNOUT but the total amount of variation in the axial dimension. Both radial variation and
axial variation are measured and held within the tolerance

CONCENTRICITY Concentricity, sometimes called coaxially, is a tolerance that controls the central
axis of the referenced feature, to a datum axis. 

Angularity is the symbol that describes the specific orientation of one feature to another
ANGULARITY at a referenced angle. It can reference a 2D to another 2D element, but more commonly
it relates the orientation of one surface plane relative to another datum plane in a 3-
Dimensional tolerance zone.

• Transformations are used to change the image on the display screen
• Transformations are applied to graphics elements in order to help the user in constructing
An application model
• It includes enlargement and reduction of the image by a process called
 Translation
Repositioning the image.

Types Of Transformations
• 2-D (Dimensional)Transformations
• 3-D (Dimensional)Transformations

Two-dimensional Transformations
• To locate a point in a two-axis Cartesian system, the x and y coordinates are specified.
• These coordinate can be treated together as a 1 x 2 matrix: (x, y), e.g. the matrix (1, 4)
Would be interpreted to be point which is 1 unit from the origin in the x-direction and 4
Units from the origin in the y-direction.
•This method of representation can be extended further to define a line as a 2 x 2Matrix by giving
x and y coordinates of the two end points of the line. The notation
Would be,

• Translation involves moving the element from one location to another
x’= x + m, y’ = y + n
x’, y’ = coordinates of the translated point
x, y = coordinates of the original point
m, n= movements in the x and y direction
In the matrix notation this can be represented as,
(x’, y’) = (x, y) + T
T = (m, n), the transformation matrix
Example: Translation
Consider the line defined by,

Suppose the line to be translate in space by 2 units in x direction and 3 units in the y direction.

The new line will be,

Scaling of an element is used to enlarge it or reduce its size. The scaling need no t
Necessarily be done equally in x and y directions. E.g. a circle can be transformed into
Ellipse by using unequal x and y scaling factors.
The points of an element can be scaled by scaling factor as follows:
(x’, y’) = (x, y) S

This would produce an alternation in the size of the element by the factor “m” in the x direction
And by the factor “n” in the y direction
• It also repositions the element
• If the scaling factor is <1, it is moved closer to origin
• If the scaling factor is >1, it is moved farther from the origin
Example : Scaling
• Apply scaling factor of 2 to the line

The new line will be,

In this transformation, the points of an object are rotated about the origin by an angle θ
 For a positive angle, this rotation is in the counter clockwise direction
This accomplishes rotation of the object by the same angle, but it also moves the object.
In matrix notation the procedure will be as follows:
(x’, y’) = (x, y) R

Example : Rotation
Rotate the line about origin by 30°

The new line would be defined as:

• The new line will be,
3-Dimensional Transformation
Transformations by matrix methods can be extended to three dimensional space

• The translation matrix for a point defined in three dimensional matrix would be,
T = (m, n, p)
And would be applied by adding increments m, n and p to the respective coordinates of
each of the points defining the three-dimensional geometry elements

The scaling transformation is given by,

For equal values of m, n and p, the scaling is linear

• Rotation in three dimensions can be defined for each of the axes
• Rotation about z axis by angle θ is accomplished by the matrix

Rotation about y axis by angle θ is accomplished by the matrix

Rotation about x axis by angle θ is accomplished by the matrix

• Single transformations can be combined as a sequence of transformations. This is called
as concatenation, and the combined transformations are called concatenated
• During editing process when a graphics model is being developed , the use of
concatenated transformation is quite common
• More than one transformations are usually requires to accomplish the desired
1. Rotation of the element about an arbitrary point the element
2. Magnifying the element but maintaining the location of one of its points in the same
• In the first case transformations would be: translation to the origin, then rotation about
the origin, then translation back to original location
• In the second case , the element would be scaled (magnified) followed by a translation
locate the desired point as needed
• The objective of the concatenation is to accomplish a series of image manipulations as
single transformation
• The concatenation is the product of the two transformation matrix
• It is important that order of matrix multiplication be the same as the order in which the
Transformations are to be carried out.

Example: Concatenation
• A point to be scaled by a factor of 2 and rotated by 45°. Suppose point under
Consideration was (3, 1). This may be one of the several points defining a geometric
• First accomplish the transformations sequentially,
First consider the scaling
(x’, y ’) = (x, y)S
The same result can be accomplished by concatenating the two transformation matrices,
The product of the two matrices would be

Now applying this concatenated transformation to the original matrix

• A line is defined in 2 D space by its end points (1,2) and (6,4). Express this in matrix
Notation and perform the following transformation in succession on this line
1. Rotate the line by 90° about the origin
2. Scale the line by a factor of 0.5 (Dec/Jan 04/05, 8 Marks)
• A square of side 30 units has its coordinates A (10, 10), B (40, 10), C (40, 40) and D (10,
Perform the following transformation in succession and show it on graph paper
1. Rotate about origin 20° anticlockwise
2. Scale it by factor 1.5
3. Perform the above sequence of transformation by concatenation

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