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GENERATION 2013/2014

Praise to Allah SWT, we pray for all His grace and guidance, so that we can sort
this paper
with the title “the nervous system”.
This paperis structured to meetone of the requirementsof
The adage says “no ivory that is not cracked,” as well as this paper, there are still
shortcomings. Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions from readers for the
of this paper. We hope that this paper is useful for the reader to the stock of
in the future.

Mojokerto septeber 2019

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FORMULATION……………………………………………………………. 1
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1. Background
The nervous system is a coordinate system ( setting body ) in the form of nerve
impulses delivery
to the central nervous system , nerve impulses and processing orders to give
stimuli . The smallest unit of work implementation of the nervous system are
nerve cells or
neurons .
How it Works Nervous System
In the nervous system there are sections called :
a. Receptors : a tool to receive sensory stimuli usually a tool
b . Effectors : a tool to respond to stimuli such as muscles and glands
c . Sensory Nerve cells : nerve fibers that carry stimuli to the brain
d . Nerve cell Motor: nerve fibers that carry stimuli from the brain
e . Nerve cells Connectors : motor nerve cells or nerve cells one with another
nerve cell .
Scheme of the motion conscious
Excitatory receptors – sensory nerve cells – brain – motor nerve – cell effector
hormone system
The hormone is one of the co-ordinate system in the body by using fluid
circulated by the
blood vessels . By using a slower excitatory hormone responses given . One
advantage of
using hormones that coordinate with a few hormones capable of affecting the
organs that
become sasarnnya . Pituitary ( pituitary ) . These glands are the glands that
produce most
types of hormone that is located in the brain .
1. Problem Formulation
By paying attention to the background , so in this paper we can obtain the desired
, then we propose some formulation of the problem . The formulation of the
problem is ”
Discussion of What ‘s in the Nervous System “
2. Objectives
The purpose of the preparation of this paper include:
a. for fulfill the task of Biomedical Physiology course .
b.for add to the knowledge of the Nervous System .

c.for know about what is in the Nervous System

1. Benefits
The benefits gained from this paper are :
a.Student can add to the knowledge of english fakulty.
b.student can find out what is in accordance with the themes discussed .


1. Definitions

The nervous system is an organ system containing a network of

specialized cells called neurons
that coordinate the actions of an animal and transmit signals between different
parts of
his body . In most animals the nervous system consists of two parts , central and
peripheral .
The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord . The peripheral
system consists of sensory neurons , groups of neurons called ganglia , and nerves
them to each other and the central nervous system . These areas are all
through complex neural pathways . In the enteric nervous system , a subsystem of
the peripheral
nervous system , has the capacity , even when separated from the rest of the
system through the primary connection by the vagus nerve , to function
in controlling the gastrointestinal system .
Neurons send signals to other cells as electrochemical waves traveling along thin
called axons , which cause chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at
called synapses . A cell that receives a synaptic signal may be excited , inhibited ,
or otherwise
modulated . Sensory neurons are activated by physical stimuli happen to them ,
send signals that inform the central nervous system of the state of the body and
the external
environment . Motor neurons , situated either in the central nervous system or in
ganglia , connect the nervous system of muscles or other effector organs . Central
neurons ,
which in vertebrates is very much more than other types , make all of their input
and output
connections with other neurons . The interaction of all types of neurons form
neural circuits
that generate an organism ‘s perception of the world and determine behavior .
Along with
neurons , the nervous system contains other specialized cells called glial cells ( or
glia ) , which provide structural and metabolic support .
The nervous system is one that is in charge of coordinating systems deliver
stimulation of
receptors to be detected and responded to by the body . The nervous system
allows living
things respond quickly to changes in the environment that occur outside and
inside .
To respond to stimuli , there are three components that must be owned by the
nervous system
, namely :
• Receptor , is a stimulus or impulse receiver . In our body that acts as a receptor
is a sensory
organ .
• dissipation impulse , carried by the nerves themselves . Composed of nerve
fibers connecting
beam ( axons ) . In the connective fibers are specialized cells that extends and
. Nerve cells called neurons .
• effectors , is part of the response to stimuli that have been delivered by the
impulse conductor
. The most important effector in humans is muscle and glands.
B. Mind maphumannever
1 . Nerve cells ( neurons )

The nervous system consists of nerve cells called neurons . Neurons coalesce to
form a network
to deliver impulses ( stimuli ) . The nerve cells are composed of a cell body ,
, and axons .
1. cell bodies
Nerve cell bodies are part of the greatest of nerve cells . Body cells function to
stimulation of dendrites and axons to pass . In neuronal cell bodies contained a
cytoplasm , mitochondria , centrosome , the Golgi apparatus , lysosomes , and
body . Nisel a collection agency where transport endoplasmic reticulum protein
2. dendrites
Dendrites are short fibers and nerve cell branching . Dendrites are extensions of
the cell
body . Dendrites function to receive and deliver stimulation to the cell body.
3. axon
Axon called neurites . Neurites is a long nerve cell fibers that are perjuluran
cytoplasm of
the cell body . In the neurites are fine threads called neurofibril . Neurofibril
wrapped by
several layers of myelin membranes that contain lots of fat and serves to
accelerate the
course of stimulation . The myelin membrane wrapped by sachwann cells that will
a network that can provide food to help the formation of neurites and neurites .
layer called myelin that protects the axons neurilemma of damage . Neurites part
are not wrapped by a layer of myelin . This section is called the nodes of Ranvier ,
serves to accelerate away stimuli.
There are three kinds of nerve cells that are grouped based on the structure and
functions ,
namely :
1 ) sensory nerve cells , nerve cells that are functioning receptors that receive
stimuli from
sensory organs .
2 ) motor nerve cells , nerve cells that function is to deliver stimulation to the
muscles and
glands are effectors . Stimuli were delivered from or received from the brain and
spinal cord
Differences in the structure and function of the three types of nerve cells that more
can be seen in the table below.
Table Differences sensory nerve cells , connective , and motor.

3 ) Nerve cells connecting the connecting nerve cells are nerve cells that serves to
one nerve cell to another nerve cell . These nerve cells are found in the brain and
spinal cord
. Nerve cells are connected sensory nerve cells and motor nerve cells .
Nerves are one interconnected with other nerves . The relationship between the
nerve called
synapses . These synapses located between dendrites and neurites . Synapses
shape like a
lump with bags containing chemicals such as acetylcholine ( ACh ) and the
cholinesterase . These substances play a role in transmitting impulses at synapses
2 . impulse
Stimulation impulses or messages are received by receptors of the external
then carried by neurons . Impulse may also be regarded as a series of electrical
pulses flowing
through the nerve fibers . Examples of stimuli are as follows.
1. The change from cold to heat.
2. The change from no pressure on the skin is no pressure.
3. A wide variety of scents that wafted by the nose .
4. An object that attracts attention .
5. Noise .
6. Taste sour , sweet , salty and bitter foods .
Impulses received by the receptors and effectors will be delivered to cause
movement or
changes in effector .The movement is as follows .
1. motion aware.
Aware of unusual motion or motion is motion that occurs because of deliberate or
. Impulses that cause these movements conveyed through a long path .
1. reflex
Motion reflex is unintentional or unconscious . Impulses that cause these
conveyed through a very short path and do not pass through the brain. Examples
of reflexes
is as follows .
 lifting of the foot if stepped on something .
 eyelid movement closes quickly if there is a foreign object entering the eye
. Closing
 nose at a very foul smell .
 capture hand movements objects suddenly fell .
 hand movement release a high-temperature objects .
3 . Structure of the Nervous System.
In our body there are billions of nerve cells that make up the nervous system . The
nervous system is composed of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous
system .
The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord . While the
peripheral nervous
system consists of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system
a. Central nervous system
1 ) Brain
The brain is an organ that is very important and as a central regulator of all human
. The brain is located in the cavity of the skull , weighing approximately 1/50 of
weight . The main part of the brain is a major brain ( cerebrum ) , cerebellum
( cerebellum ) ,
and brain stem .
Large brain is the control center of the body conscious activity . Thinking , talking
, seeing ,
moving , remembering , and hearing including body conscious activity . Big brain
is divided
into two parts , namely the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere .
Each hemisphere of the brain called the hemister . Larger right hemisphere of the
brain regulating
and controlling the activities of the body to the left , whereas the left hemisphere
the brain regulate and control parts
the right side of the body .
The cerebellum is located at the back of the cerebrum , right under the big brain .
The cerebellum
consists of two layers: the outer layer of gray and white lining inside . The
is divided into two parts, the left hemisphere and right hemisphere are connected
bridges Varol . The cerebellum functions as a regulator of body balance and
coordinate the
work of the muscles when a person will perform activities .

The brain stem is composed of oblangata medulla , pons , and midbrain . The
brain stem is
located at the front of the cerebellum, pituitary great , and be a liaison between the
and cerebellum . The brain stem called the Advanced marrow or cord connector .
The brain
stem is divided into two layers , namely the inner and outer layers of gray because
it contains
neurons . The outer layer is white , containing neurites and dendrites . The
function of
the brain stem is a set of physiological reflexes , such as respiratory rate , heart
rate , body
temperature , pressure , blood , and other activities that are not realized .
Function and the left brain right brain is different , can be seen in the picture
2 ) The spinal cord
The spinal cord is located in the cavity of the elongated spine , from the neck
vertebrae to
vertebrae second waist . The spinal cord is divided into two layers , the outer layer
and the
inner layer of white colored gray . The outer layer contains nerve fibers and
neuronal layers
in the containing body .
In the spinal cord there are sensory nerves , motor nerves , and nerve connections .
Its function
is the conduction of impulses from the brain and into the brain as well as a central
of reflexes .
b . Nervous System Edge
Peripheral nervous system is made up of all the nerves that carry messages to and
from the
central nervous system . Cooperation between the central system and the
peripheral nervous
system form a rapid change in the body to respond to stimuli from your
environment .
The nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic
system .
1 ) somatic nervous system
Somatic nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of
spinal nerves .
The twelve pairs of nerves of the brain will lead to specific organs , such as eyes ,
nose , ears
, and skin . Nerves exit the spinal cord through the sidelines vertebrae and
associated with
body parts , among other legs , hands , and striated muscle .
The nerves of the somatic system delivers information between the skin , central
system , and muscles order . This process is affected nerves conscious , then you
can decide
to move or not to move the body parts under the influence of this system .
Examples of the somatic nervous system is as follows .
• When we hear the bell rang , signaling from the brain to the ear will arrive . The
translates the message and send a signal to the legs to walk towards the door and
to the hand to open the door .
When we feel the hot air around us , the skin will transmit the information to the
brain .
Then the brain hinted at hand to turn on the fan.
• When we look at a messy room , the eye will transmit the information to the
brain , the
brain will translate this information and hinted hands and feet to move clean room
2 ) The autonomic nervous system
For example , if we fall of a lizard , we felt shocked frightened , and cried out
loud . The
heart beats quickly . Distractedly . Reactions that create fear response in this
situation dikontro
by the autonomic nervous system .
The autonomic nervous system regulate the body’s tissues and organs are not
realized or are
not affected by our will . Tissues and organs of the body is regulated by the
autonomic nervous
system is the heart and blood vessels . The autonomic nervous system consists of
sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system .
Nervous system called the sympathetic nervous system also torakolumbar ,
because nerve
preganglion thoracic spine out of 1st until the 12th . The nervous system in the
form of 25
pairs of ganglion or ganglion located in the spinal cord are located along the front
of the
spine , starting from the neck vertebrae to the coccyx . Each ganglion is connected
with the
spinal nervous system out to the body organs such as the heart , lungs , kidneys ,
blood vessels
, and digestion . The function of the sympathetic nervous system is as follows .
• Speeding up the heart rate .
• Widen the blood vessels .
• Widen the bronchus .
• Enhance blood pressure
• Slow motion peristalsis .
• Widen the pupil .
• Inhibits the secretion of bile .
• Reduce the secretion of saliva .
• Increased secretion of adrenaline
The parasympathetic nervous system is also called the craniosacral nervous
system , because
the nerves preganglion out of the area of the brain and sacral regions .
nervous system in the form of a net that is associated with ganglion since spread
through out the body . Parasympathetic nerves to the organs that are controlled by
the sympathetic
nerves , so it works on the same effector .
The spinal cord leading to the organs controlled by the sympathetic nervous
system .
Parasympathetic nervous system has a function that is contrary to the function of
the sympathetic
nervous system . For example, the function of the sympathetic nervous system
the heart rate , while the parasympathetic nervous system will slow the heart rate .

4. Abnormalitiesof the Nervous System
The nervous system may be malfunctioning or abnormality. Some examples of
in sistembuh) human nerves are as follows.
1. Epilepsy, adisorderin thenerve cellsinthe brain, so people can notrespond to
stimuli. Skeletal musclesto contractsufferersoftenuncontrollably. Epilepsycan be
bybirthdefects, metabolicdisorders, infections, toxinsthat destroynerve cells,
injury to the
head, andtumors.
b. Neuritis, is injury to the neurons or nerve cells. Caused by infection, vitamin
because the influence of drugs and toxins.
c. Amnesia, or a forgotten disease, which is difficult to recall the events that have
Amnesia can be caused due to mental shock or injury to the brain.
d. Stroke, is brain damage caused by rupture, narrowing, or blockage of blood
vessels in the
brain. Stroke often occurs in people who suffer from high blood pressure.

conclusion :

The nervous system is a coordinate system ( setting body ) in the form of

nerve impulses delivery
to the central nervous system , nerve impulses and processing orders to give
stimuli . The smallest unit of work implementation of the nervous system are
nerve cells or
Based on its role , the human nervous system is divided into two , namely , the
nervous system
of conscious and unconscious nervous system . Conscious nervous system
function ,
regulate all activities of the body which we are aware . whereas , involuntary
nervous system
function , set all aktiivitas body that we do not realize .

(read on march, 20 2014. 13.16 WIB)

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