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Imposter Syndrome Mini Hackbook

Marisa Peer

Imposter Syndrome:

Imposter Syndrome occurs when your thoughts and feelings tell

you “you’re not good enough, you’re not skilled enough, you don’t
practice what you preach…” Even though you have years of
experience to prove you have the skills and the qualifications, you’re
still full of doubt.

As a therapist with over 30 years experience, this is something I

come across all the time. I’ve helped thousands of people just like
you overcome their fears of being not good enough at coaching,
then replace them with an unshakeable belief that they are an
outstanding, talented and gifted coach with something powerful to
offer to all their clients .

Imposter Syndrome sabotages your ability to do great work and to

make a difference to people. It blocks you from helping people to
transform and causes you hold back from the work you were meant
to do. It’s the obstacle between you and your dream of operating as
an outstanding coach.

The written exercises below will begin to activate change and install
within you the same mindset shared by the world’s best coaches.

Marisa x

The CONFIDENT COACH Hackbook by Marisa Peer 1


Kate Winslet stated that she wakes up before filming and says “I can’t
do this, I’m a fraud”, but she still does it.

Real confidence comes from finding and living your purpose. When you
feel like you are playing a part that isn’t real, it can greatly affect your
confidence. This idea of “faking it until you make it” can leave you feeling
like a fake, an imposter.

Instead, you must be congruent. You matter, you are significant and you
have a purpose.
“We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and
fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” - Marianne Williamson

Write out the answers to these questions:

What are you too scared to begin?

What is it that you have to share with the world?

Why are you here?

Who do you want to impact?

What is your message?

The CONFIDENT COACH Hackbook by Marisa Peer 2


Print off an image of a shiny diamond and stick post-it notes all over it
containing your own negative beliefs. The brilliance you were born with
is dimmed by these words. After you have done this, take a few minutes
and really think about what you have done to your own light and sparkle.

Now, uncover each word and say the opposite out loud to yourself.

Make a decision to stop destructive criticism so you can let yourself shine.

The CONFIDENT COACH Hackbook by Marisa Peer 3


Use this checklist to guide you through the “Imposter Syndrome” module of
the Confident Coach Experience.

Online Course Hackbook

Printed an image of a shiny diamond and
Watched the introduction stuck post-it notes all over it containing
my negative beliefs. Then, uncovered
Completed the hypnosis each word and said the opposite out loud

Wrote out the answers to the

Committed to amplifying my message
hackbook questions

E-mails Social Interaction

Reconnected with the material by Shared my ‘Aha’ moments in the
reading the Confident Coach e-mails Facebook group

Daily Hypnosis Tracker

Each hypnosis works best when experienced

for at least 10 days, although 21 days are

You may focus on one daily, or simply add

each hypnosis to a playlist that you listen to
each night as you sleep.

The CONFIDENT COACH HackboSk by Marisa Peer 4

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