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University of Baghdad Subject: Electronics I

College of Engineering Second Class 2020-2021

Department of Electrical Eng. Dr. Ismael Shanan Desher

Electronic Lecture 4: AC BJT Analysis (Boylestad Ch 5)

EXAMPLE 5.8: For the network of Fig. 5.44, determine:

re is calculated from DC analysis as shown below

b. AC Analysis, Draw the ac circuit with Tr. re model for CB which is different from CE and
CC. as you seen, (re) not ( ) and ( ) ( )
and also the direction of the Ic current

= // = Ω // Ω = . Ω≈
c. Zo with Vi = 0 V then Ie = 0 mA then = , the current source is open circuit
Zo = Rc = 5 kΩ
d. Av
=− = ………. (1)
= …………. (2)
Dividing eqn 1 over 2 yield

= = = ≈ =

e. Ai



= =− =− =− . ≈−
+ +

≫ ≈ ≈− ≈−
Note: in CB
1. relatively low input impedance
2. and a high output impedance
3. and a current gain less than 1
4. CB is not preferable as an amplifier because its low input impedance Zi ≈ re
5. ro has no effect on the CB because ro in MΩ
EXAMPLE 5.9: For the network of Fig. 5.48. determine:

a. DC analysis

b. Drawing the ac circuit to find Zi


And Vi = Ib βre

If Rc >> re then
Then Zi = 566.16 Ω

c. Zo with Vi = 0 V then Ii = 0 then Ib = 0 and the current source (βIb = 0) will be an open
circuit as shown below
Zo = Rc // RF = 2.6 kΩ

d. Av

Rc >> re then

RF >> Rc then Av = - Rc / re
Av = - 240.86
e. Effect of ro
ro // Rc is replaced in
all the above formula
for Zi , Zo and Av

Zi = 617.7 Ω
Zo = 2.35 kΩ
Av = - 209.54
This is the same as example 5.1 with
the existence of RS and RL
So, how to calculate Av, Zi and Zo
Now, we should recognize between
the parameters with and without RS
and RL as follow

1. The loaded voltage gain of an amplifier is always less than the no-load gain. AvNL > AvL
2. The gain obtained with a source resistance in place will always be less than that
obtained under loaded or unloaded conditions due to the drop in applied voltage across
the source resistance. AvNL > AvL > Avs
EXAMPLE 5.11 Using the parameter values for the fixed-bias configuration of Example 5.1
with an applied load of 4.7 kΩ and a source resistance of 0.3 kΩ, determine the following
and compare to the no-load values:



c. Zi = 1.07 kΩ same as with no load

d. Zo = Rc =3 kΩ same as with no load.
The example clearly demonstrates that AvNL > AvL > Avs.

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