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1Draw a right triangle, with point A the top of the vertical pole, point C the

bottom of the vertical pole, and point B the place where the wire reaches the
Angle C is a right angle.  Angle B is 75°.
Side BC is the side adjacent to angle B and has a length of 10 ft.
Side AC is the height of the pole and is the side opposite angle B.
The tan function is defined to be the opposite side divided by the adjacent side.
tan(B) = AC / BC   --->   tan(75°)  =  AC / 10   --->  AC  =  10·tan(75°)  =  37.3 ft.
The length of the wire is side AB, the hypotenuse of the triangle.
The cos function is defined to be the adjacent side divide by the hypotenuse.
cos(B) = BC / AB   --->   cos(75°)  =  10 / AB   --->  AB  =  10 / cos(75°)  =  38.6

2The ladder, ground and building form a right triangle. The ground and
the building form the right angle. Since the ladder is diagonally across
from the right angle, it is the hypotenuse of the triangle.
To find the length of ground from the ladder to the building, set up a
Pythagorean Theorem equation.
The hypotenuse squared is = the sum of the squares of the legs.
also written as
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
c is always the hypotenuse
so the ladder's length is 42
we can make a and b the other two sides
we know the ladder goes up 30 feet on the building and we don't know
the length of ground from the ladder to the building, so that is x
that makes the equation
30^2 + x^2 = 42^2
this becomes
900 + x^2 = 1764
subtracting 900 on both sides gives
x^2 = 864
taking the square root of both sides means the distance from the
bottom of the ladder to the building along the ground is 29.394 feet

3.draw the picture as a at 3pm and at 5 pm. Label the distance the
ship from the ship to the lighthouse as d.

Note d^2=original distance^2+(15t)^2

where t=0 at 3pm, t=2 at 5pm, etc.

Now, at t=2, using law of sines...

original distance/sin(90-52)=d/sin90

so you know then d=originaldistance/sin38 at 5PM

also, from the law of cosines..

originaldistance^2=d^2+(15t)^2-2d15tcos38 where t=2

now, you can solve for all.

4. To measure the height of a building, a surveyor sets up his transit at a distance of 112.2 ft.
from the building. He finds the angle of elevation of the top of the building to be 48 degrees 17
minutes. If the telescope of the transit is 5 feet above the base of the building, how high is the

Answer provided by our tutors

Height of building = 5 + 112.2 tan (48 degree 17 minutes)

                             = 130.86 feet

5. Assuming that the angle presented would be the angle of elevation

ofthe heigth top of the tower and top of the flag ship..

h= heigth of the tower;

x =is the distance of the tip foot of the tower(not from the center) to
the point  where exactly the observer is situated(hor.);

20 ft=is the distance from the center of the tower to its tip.;

h/x =tan30°=1/√3;

[30 + h]/(20+x) =tan36°;


30+h=14.53 +.73(x);........2

from 1

x= √3(h)

 1 in 2;

30 +h = 14.53 +.73(√3 h);

30+h=14.53 +1.26h;


h=59.5 feet

Draw a triangle with a horizontal base which represents the tunnel.

The two base angles are 48°20' and 36°30'; the vertex of the angle at
the top represents the top of the mountain. Draw a line segment from
this vertex down to the base, perpendicular to the base. This
represents the height of the mountain. The larger triangle has been
divided into two smaller right triangles. Label as x the horizontal leg of
the right triangle containing the 48°20' angle, and label as y the
horizontal leg of the right triangle containing the 36°30' angle.
We have
x + y = 3200
tan(48°20') = opp/adj = h/x
tan(36°30') = h/y
From the latter two equations we get
x = h/tan(48°20')
y = h/tan(36°30')
Put these into the first equation:
h/tan(48°20') + h/tan(36°30') = 3200
h[1/tan(48°20') + 1/tan(36°30')] = 3200
h = 3200/[1/tan(48°20') + 1/tan(36°30')]
I leave the evaluation to you. I get about 1427.7m

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