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0922427206 ‫ محمد العبيدي‬.


Mohammed Elobide @ face book
0922427206 ‫ محمد العبيدي‬.‫م‬
1. How many base units are there in the SI:
(a) 3, (b) 5, (c) 7, or (d) 9?

2. The only SI standard represented by material standard

or artifact is the
(a) meter, (b) kilogram, (c) second, (d) electric charge.

3. Which of the following is the SI base unit for mass:

(a) pound, (b) gram, (c) kilogram, or (d) ton?

4. Which of the following is not related to a volume of

(a) kilogram, (b) pound, (c) gram, or (d) tonne?

5. The prefix giga- means

(a)10-9 , (b) 109, (c)10-6 , (d) 106.

6. The prefix micro- means

(a) 106, (b) 10-6, (c) 103, (d) 10-3.
7. Anew technology is concerned with objects the size of
what metric prefix: (a) nano-, (b) micro-, (c) mega-, or (d)

8. Which of the following has the greatest volume:

(a) 1 L, (b) 1 qt, (c)2000 µL , or (d) 2000 mL?

9. Which of the following metric prefixes is the smallest:

(a) micro-, (b) centi-, (c) nano-, or (d) milli-?

10. Both sides of an equation are equal in

Mohammed Elobide @ face book
0922427206 ‫ محمد العبيدي‬.‫م‬
(a) numerical value, (b) units, (c) dimensions, (d) all of the

11. Unit analysis of an equation cannot tell you if

(a) the equation is dimensionally correct, (b) the equation
is physically correct, (c) the numerical value is correct, (d)
both b and c.

12. A good way to ensure proper unit conversion is to

(a) use another measurement instrument, (b) always work
in the same system of units, (c) use unit analysis, (d) have
someone check your math.

13. You often see 1 kg = 2.2 Ib. This expression means

(a) 1 kg is equivalent to 2.2 lb, (b) this is a true equation,
(c) 1 Ib = 2.2 kg, (d) none of the preceding.

14. A sphere with a radius of 1.7 cm has volume of :

(a) 2.1 x 10-5 m3
(b) 9.1 x 10-4 m3
(c) 3.6 x 10-3 m3
(d) 0.11 m3

15. Which of the following has the greatest number of

significant figures: (a) 103.07, (b) 124.5, (c) 0.09916, or (d)
5.408 x 105?

16. Which of the following numbers has four significant

Mohammed Elobide @ face book
0922427206 ‫ محمد العبيدي‬.‫م‬
(a) 140.05, (b) 276.02, (c) 0.004 006, or (d) 0.073 004?
17. In a multiplication and/or division operation involving
the numbers
15 437, 201.08, and 408.0 x 105 , the result should have
how many significant figures:
(a) 3, (b) 4, (c) 5, or (d) any number?

18. An important step in problem solving before

mathematically solving an equation is
(a) checking units, (b) checking significant figures, (c)
checking with a friend, (d) checking to see if the result will
be reasonable.

19. An important final step in problem solving before

reporting an answer is
(a) saving your calculations, (b) reading the problem again,
(c) seeing if the answer is reasonable, (d) checking your
results with another student.

20. In order-of-magnitude calculations, you should

(a) pay close attention to significant figures, (b) work
primarily in the British system, (c) get results within a
factor of 100, (d) express a quantity to the power of 10
closest to the actual value.

22. Suppose A = BnCm , where A has dimensions LT, B has

dimensions L2T-1 , and C has dimensions LT2 . Then the
exponents n and m have the values:
(a) 2/3 ; 1/3
(b) 2 ; 3
(c) 4/5 ; -1/5
Mohammed Elobide @ face book
0922427206 ‫ محمد العبيدي‬.‫م‬
(d) 1/2 ; 1/2
(E) 3/5 ; 1/5
23. A cube with an edge of 1.5 ft has volume of :
(a) 1.2 x 102 m3
(b) 9.6 x 10-2 m3
(c) 0.21 m3
(d) 10.5 m3

24. Suppose A = BC , where A has dimensions L/M, and C

has dimensions L/T , Then B has the dimension:
(a) T/M
(b) L2/TM
(c) TM/L2
(d) M/LT

25. Explain why 1mL is equivalent to 1 cm3 ?

26. why is π unit less ?
27. Einstein famous mass-energy by equation E = mc2 ,
where E is the energy , m is the mass , and c is the speed
of light.
a- What are the SI base unit of energy ?

Mohammed Elobide @ face book
0922427206 ‫ محمد العبيدي‬.‫م‬
b- Another equation for energy is E = mgh where m is the
mass , g is the acceleration due to gravity , and and h is
the height . Does this equation give the same unit are part
28. Convert 15.0 m/s to mph.
29. Which is the greatest speed ?
1. 1m/s 2- 1 km/h 3- 1ft/s 4-

30. A person weight 170Ib what is his mass in kilograms ?


Mohammed Elobide @ face book
‫م‪ .‬محمد العبيدي ‪0922427206‬‬

‫طلبتي دكاترة المستقبل أبدعتم عندما جعلتم‬

‫شعاركم أنا أستطيع إذا أنا سأنجح بتفوق‬
‫فهني ًئا لكم‬

‫‪Mohammed Elobide @ face book‬‬

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