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Virtual Career Titled

Technology: International Negotiation (File 2010673)

Instructor: Laura Sofia Cuervo Lopez

Bilingual Instructor

Presented by: Diana Margarita Cubillos Lozano

Analysis Phase

Learning Activity 1.

Evidence 12: Resume

First NAME: Diana Margarita Cubillos Lozano
Age : 32 years old
Address : xxxxxxxx
City : Bogotá – Country : Colombia
Phone : xxxxxxxxx
Years 2020 Technologist in international negotiation
City - Country National Learning Service SENA – San Gil Santander - Colombia

Years 2007 - professional technician in commercial operations

City - Country National Learning Service SENA – Bogota – Colombia

Languages: Spanish : Fluently

English : Little English

Software : Word, Excel, Power Point, Prezi, Publisher


On-site Analyst 2018 - Current

Address Corporate customer requirements in person, by mail and by phone, delivery of relevant reports

and compliance with attention indicators regarding quality and resp

wwww 2010 - 2018

Leader of quality

Monitoring and strategies for improvement in care indicators, delivery of reports, assistance to

committees, management of the work team.

Interview questionnaires

I like to learn and contribute my knowledge within daily

1). ¿Por qué quiere trabajar en esta empresa?
activities at work and personal level
¿why do you want to work in this company?
R//. Yo quiero trabajar en esta empresa, por que es una multinacional que permite tener una
estabilidad y un crecimiento laborla

I want to work in this company, because it is a multinational that allows for stability and job growth

2). ¿Cómo supo de esta vacante?

¿How did you know about this vacancy?

R//. Yo supe de esta vacante a traves de un anuncio en internet

I found out about this vacancy thiough an advertisement on internet

3). ¿Por qué cree que es la persona adecuada para el empleo?

¿why do you think that you are the right person for this job ?

R//. yo me considero como la persona adecuada para este cargo por que tengo las bases
suficentes para cumplir con las obligaciones asignadas y claridad en la responsabilidad que este
puesto requiere

I consider myself the right person for this position because I have a sufficient basis to fulfill the

assigned obligations and clarity in the responsibility that this position requires.

4). ¿Estaría dispuesto a viajar con frecuencia o cambiar su lugar de residencia?

¿would you be willing to travel frequently or change your place of residence ?

R//. Si, yo estaria dispuesto.

Yes, I would be willing.

5). ¿Qué le puede aportar a esta empresa?

¿What can you contribute to this company?

R//. la experiencia que tengo gracias a la trayectoria laboral que manejo hasta el momento

the experience I have thanks to the work experience I have achieved so far

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