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Muhamad Ade Nugraha NPM: 1917021016 Class:Biologi B

March - 2020

Read the text bellow carefully to complete the following question

Carbohydrate play several crucial roles in merabolic process of living organism. They serve as energy
sources and as structural elements in living cells. This session looks at the role of carbohydrates in energy
production. Because the monosaccharide glucose is a prominent energy source in almost all living cells,
major emphasis is placed on its synthesis, degradation, and storage.
Living cells are in a state of ceaseless activity. To maintain its “life,” each cell depends on highly
coordinated biochemical reactions. Carbohydrates are an important source of the energy that drives these
reactions. This chapter discusses the energy-generating pathways of carbohydrate metabolism are
discussed. During glycolysis, an ancient pathway found in almost all organisms, a small amount of energy
is captured as a glucose molecule is converted to two molecules of pyruvate.
Glycogen, a storage form of glucose in vertebrates, is synthesized by glycogenesis when glucose levels
are high and degraded by glycogenolysis when glucose is in short supply. Glucose can also be
synthesized from noncarbohydrate precursors by reactions referred to as gluconeogenesis. The pentose
phosphate pathway enables cells to convert glucose-6-phosphate, a derivative of glucose, to ribose- 5-
phosphate (the sugar used to synthesize nucleotides and nucleic acids) and other types of
monosaccharides. NADPH, an important cellular reducing agent, is also produced by this pathway.

I. Write down your answers briefly based on the text above

 What are the crucial roles of carbohydrate in merabolic process of living
They serve as energy sources and as structural elements in living cells and production energy
 What is the prominant energy source in all living cell? monosaccharide glucose
 Why is the energy needed by living cells ? because every living thing wants to preserve its life in every
cell that is dependent on biochemical reactions. karena Karbohidrat adalah sumber energi penting yang
mendorong reaksi-reaksi biokimia tersebut
 Please explain what is the definition of :
a. Glycogenesis? glucose synthesis process when glucose levels are high
b. Glycogenolysis? glucose degradation process when glucose levels are in short supply
c. Gluconeogenesis ? glucose synthesis process from non-carbohydrate precursors
 Explain what does the pentosa phosphate pathway do in the cell? The pentose phosphate
pathwayenables cells to convert glucose-6-phosphate, a derivative of glucose, to ribose- 5- phosphate
(the sugar used to synthesize nucleotides and nucleic acids) and other types of monosaccharides

II. Determine the correct answer by selecting the letter (a - d) in front of of possible answers and
write the answers in provided parentheses
(B) The best topic for the reading text above is......
a. The glukose c. the source of energy
b. The role of carbohydrate d. the energy of the living cells
(A) The first paragraph explains ...............................
a. The crucial roles of carbohydrate b. the source of energy
c. The monosacharide glucose d. the the source of energy

(B) The word ceaseless in line 1 paragraph 2 means……..

a. never ending b. never stop c. never give up d. none of a, b, or c
(D) The correct statement on glycolysis below is ..........
a. source of energy c. the energy-generating process
b. needs 2 pyruvate molecules d. the energy capture process
(A) According text in paragraph 3, the glucose-6-phosphate molecule is ……..
a. a derivative of glucose c. a glucose
b. a reducing agent d. used to synthesize nucleic acid

II. Write down your answers briefly based on the text

 According to the text, what is the glycolysis?
energy-producing pathway found in almost all people, a small portion of energy taken from molecules
converted into two pyruvate molecules
 Is the glycogen similar to glucose? Please explain your answer
Glycogen is a storage form of glucose in vertebrates. glucose is a monosaccharide molecule that is used as an energy
 Write down a free translation of the following sentence in Indonesian.
The monosaccharide glucose is a prominent energy source in almost all living cells.
Glukosa monosakarida adalah sumber energy utama yang berada di hampir semua sel hidup.
III. Compose a complete sentence using the phrase:
 carbohydrate
Carbohydrate play several crucial roles in merabolic process of living organism.
 living cells
Living cells are in a state of ceaseless activity

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