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Jyoti Jain Tholiya

Ph: +91 9860798500

GIS Assignment 1: Quiz

Which ser operation/Boolean operator does this Venn diagram represent?

Adjacent / ADD

Difference / NOT

Exclusive OR /

XOR Intersection /

AND U ni on / O R

Whic h set operatio n/Boolea n o p era tor d oes this Venn d iagra m re pre sent?

Adjacen t / ADD

Difference / NOT

Excl u sive O R / XOR

Intersection / AND

Union /OR
Which of the fol lovvi ng is the oest deli nition of the term “layer” as it is
used in this course*

A representation of a particular feature of the earth’s

surface One of several arti cles of clotn ing worn on top of

eacn anotner One ofrnany strata {hat makes up tne eartn's


A nen that produk es eggs

A s preadsheet, KM L, or sha pefile c ontaining spatial data

Wh ich of the following activities is most closely related to the concept of

vector data*

An d rchaeologist constructs a grid to i ndex relative locations

of dFt ifacts uncovered i n a dig

An drtist Credtes a mosaic using sauare tiles of uniform size to

deDict a Idodscape scene

A land surveyor measures locations and elevations at intervals

as sne traverses a property boundary

An autnor creates an index of key words and na uies in his book

An dnalyst plots a pie graph to depi ct sales data

Which of the following activities is most closely related to the concept of

An archaeologist constructs a grid to specify relative locations

of artifacts uncovered in a dig

An artist creates a mosaic using square tiles of uniform size to

depict a landscape scene

A land surveyor measures locations and elevations at intervals as

she traverses a property boundary

An author creates an index of key words and names in his book

An analyst plots a pie graph to depict sales data

AII but one of tne following items is an exam ple of attr ibute data. Whicn
one isn’t*

Latitude and longitude coordinates of tree lovat ions

Density of population by county

Predominant land use type by grid cell

Disease rate oer census tract

Volume of goods passing througn a port

What does a query do2

Performs a oasic aritni ietic oDeration on selected data

Selects a su a set of data tnat matches specified c riter

ia Fi nds an a nswer in a help document

Formalizes a Question for spatial

analysis Places a request in a queue

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