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Project Name:

Section: Design Data

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Design Criteria
Inlet Parameters

1 Design Flow
Minimum Flow Qm = 40000 m3/d
1666.6667 m3/hr
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m3/d
3333.3333 m3/hr
Peak factor f = 2
Peak Flow (1) Qp f * Qa = 160000 m3/d
6666.6667 m3/hr
2 Population
Flow / capita (1) Qc = 275 lpd
Population Qa*1000/Qc = 290909

BOD load per capita (1) = 110 gm/c/d
BOD load on STP Qa*BODload/capita = 32000000 gm/d
= 32000 kg/d
BODin conc Si BODload*1000/Qa = 400 mg/l

4 TKN / Ammonia (3) Ni = 40 mg/l

5 Suspended Solids** SSi

SS load per capita (2) = 0.09 kg/c/d
SS load on STP SS*Population = 26182 kg/d
SSin conc SSi = 327 mg/l

6 Temperature(4) T = 20 C

7 Elevation above Mean sea Level, Altitude = 100 m

8 Ambient Air Temperature = 25 C
Outlet Parameters
Before Filtration
1 BOD So = 10 mg/l
2 TSS SSo = 10 mg/l

After Filtration
1 BOD Se = 5 mg/l
2 TSS SSe = 5 mg/l
3 Ammonia Ne < 1 mg/l
4 Total Nitrogen < 15 mg/l
5 pH = 6.5 to 8.5
6 Coliforms < 100/100ml
7 Salinity < 4000 micromho/cm
(1) Design Standard Manual : SPC/DSM Sect 4 ,4.3.4,Pg 18
(2) Design Standard Manual : SPC/DSM Sect 4 ,,Pg 6
(3) Design Standard Manual : SPC/DSM Sect 1 ,Appendix -2 Sewage Analysis ,Pg 36
(4) KEO/M&E preliminary report of Dec 2004 : Appendix -C , average of Temp recorded

Project Name:

Section: Inlet works- Screens

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Design Flow
Minimum Flow Qm 40000.00 m3/d
1666.67 m3/hr 0.46296 m3/s
Average Flow Qa = 80000.00 m3/d
3333.33 m3/hr 0.92593 m3/s
Peak Flow Qp = 160000.00 m3/d
6666.67 m3/hr 1.85185 m3/s

1 Inlet Channel
Assume Water Depth = 1.00 m
Velocity at Qp = 1.00 m/s
Width of Channel = 1.85 m
Say = 1.50 m

Velocity at Qm = 0.31 m/s
Qa = 0.62 m/s

1 Screens
No of Screen channels = 3.00
No of duty Chanels = 2.00
No of stand by = 1.00

Flow per channel Qm = 0.23 m3/s

Qa = 0.46 m3/s
Qp = 0.93 m3/s
Channel Width =
Channel depth =
Vel thro'screens Vs = 1.00 m/s at peak flow
Bar spacing a = 15 mm
Bar width b = 10 mm
Angle of inclination θ = 50 deg
Vert.Liquid Depth dv = 0.75 m
Area of openings Aopen Qp / (Vs ) = 0.926 m2 Slant area
Width of openings Wn = 1.235 m
No of Bars n (n*b)+[n+1)*a]=w = 48.8
say = 36 n
Hence width of channel based on n, W n = 0.92
say = 1 m
Area openings vert. Aopen-v Aopen *Sinθ = 0.709 m2
Cross section of channel, Ca,c/s Wn*d = 0.750 m2
At Peak flow
Velocity thro screens Vs Qp / (Ca,c/s) = 1.235 m/s
Velocity in channel Vc Vs/ (a/(a+b)) = 0.74 m/s
At Average Flow
Velocity thro screens Vs Qa / ( Ca,c/s) = 0.617 m/s
Velocity in channel Vc Vc* (a/(a+b)) = 0.37 m/s
Head Loss , Hf Vs2-Vc2/(2*9.81*0.852)
at Peak Flow , clean screens = 0.069 m 68.81 mm
at 50 % clogging of screens, velocity is doubled
Velocity thro screens Vs Vs /0.5 = 2.469
Velocity in channel Vc Vs* (a/(a+b)) = 1.48
Hence head loss = 0.273 m 273 mm

Project Name:

Section: Inlet works- Grit Removal System

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:
Depth of Channel= Dc dv+FB+Hf
Free Board FB = 0.5 m
HENCE Dc 1.52 m
Say 1 m

2 GRIT Removal system

No of Grit System 3
No of Duty Grit system 2
No of Stand by Grit system = 1 m3/hr
Flow per channel Qm = 0.00 m3/s
Qa = 0.00 m3/s
Qp = 0.00 m3/s


Project Name:

Section: Design Data

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Section: Inlet Works/Biological Treatment

Design Flow
3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.92593 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.85185 m3/s
4 Anoxic Tank (Anx Tank)
No of Anoxic Tanks = 2 nos
Flow to each Tank Qa = 40000 m /d
Influent Ammonia Ni = 40 mg/l
Effluent Ammonia Ne = 1 mg/l
Effluent Nitrates NO3e = 8 mg/l
MLSS in Aer. Tank X = 3500 mg/l
MLVSS in Anx Tank Xv 0.70 *X = 2450 mg/l Xv / X = 0.7 to 0.8
D.O in An Tank C = 0.1 mg/l
Denitrification Rate μdn20 = 0.15 d-1 at 20 Deg C
Denitrif. Rate (6) μdnT μdn20*1.09 (T-20)
*(1-C) = 0.135 d at Field conditions
Anx Tank HRT (7) t (Ni-Ne)*24/(Xv * μdnT) = 2.322 hrs
Safety Factor f = 1.2
Anx Tank Volume Vanx Qa*t*f/24 = 4643.99 m
Recyle Ratio(8) R ((Ni-Ne/NO3e)-1)*Qa = 3.88
where R = Overall recycle ratio (Mixed liquor,Qr+Return Sludge,QRAS)
RAS QRAS = 1 100% recycle)
Mixed liquor return Qr (R- QRAS) = 2.88 = 115000 m /d
Hence Provide two Pumps (1 D+ 1S) Each of capacity
capacity = 4791.67 m /hr
Mixing Requirements per tank (9) 0.3
(P/Vanx)=0.00094*(μ) *(X)
Power per unit vol P/Vanx kw/m3
multiplication factor μ = 1.0087 at 20 Deg C
multiplication factor μT μ(T-20) = 1.000 at Field conditions
P/Vanx = 0.0107
Total power required P = 49.677 Kw
= 66.680 Hp
Available nearest mixer = 1.50 Hp
Tank Dimensions
Width (C/wall with Aeration Tank ) = 8 m
Depth(based on Hydraulics) = 3.80 m
Length = 152.76 m
say = 152.80 m
Volume = 4645.12 m3

(6) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater- Principles and Practice- Richard Sedlak- Page-20
(7) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater- Principles and Practice- Richard Sedlak- Page-19
(8) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater- Principles and Practice- Richard Sedlak- Page-25
(9) Design &retrofit of wastewater treatment plants for biological nutrient removal- Randall,Barnard, Stensel- Page-118

Project Name:

Section: Design Data

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Section: Biological Treatment

5 Aeration Tank ( Aer Tank) No of tanks

No of Tanks = 2 nos
Flow to each tank Qa = 40000 m3/d
Qp = 80000 m3/d
BODin Si = 400 mg/l
BODout So = 5 mg/l
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids(MLSS), X = 3500 mg/l
Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT) θc = 25 days 20-30 range
(also termed as Sludge Retention Time (SRT))
Food to Microorganism ratio, F/M = 0.1 d 0.05-0.15 range
Aer Tank Vol, each ( 10) Vaer =Qa*(Si-So)/(F/M *X) = 45143 m
Mass loading rates Cm (Si-So)*Qa/(Vaer*X*0.8) = 0.125 kg BOD/kg Xv/d
Vol. loading rate Cv (Si-So)*Qa/(Vaer) = 0.35 kg BOD/m3/d
HRT, t Vaer/Qa = 1.129 d
Sudge Recycle
Return sludge conc Xr = 0.8 %
= 8000 mg/l 8 kg/m3
Sludge Production( per tank)
Sludge Yeild co efficient, Y = 0.6 kg TSS/kg BODremoved
Sludge Wasting basis (11) Vaer * X/(θc*Xr) = 790.00 m3/d
= 6510 kg/d
Sludge produced (11) (Si-So)*Qa*Y/1000 = 9480 kg/d
Sludge Wasting based on SRT ((Vaer *X)/(1000))/θc = 6320.0 kg/d
Take which ever is higher for sludge handling equipment = 9480.0 kg/d
Total sludge = 18960.0 kg/d
Oxygen Requirement per Tank
Actual Oxygen Requirements, AOR, kg/d (12) = (Qa*(Si-So)/(1000*f )-1.42*Px +4.33*(Qa*(Ni-Ne)/1000)
BOD5 to BODL factor, f = 0.68
Sludge Produced Px = Yobs*Qa*(Si-So)/1000
Sludge yield Yobs = Y/(1+ Kd*θc)
Sludge decay coeff. Kd = 0.05
Yobs = 0.2666667
Px = 4213.33
Hence AOR = 24381.56 kg/d
Denitirification credit available ( this is the safety factor)
Credit of O2 ,released per kg of Ammonia denitrified = 2.86*(Ni-Ne)*Qa/1000 = 4461.6 kg/d
However only 75 % is considered as available for design = 3346.2 kg/d
AOR after considering denitirification credit AOR-Credit = 21035.36 kg/d
Safety factor available = 1.16
Side water depth SWD = 3.8 m
Width of the tank W = 8.00 m
Length of tank L = 1485 m
Volume of AT Vaer = 45144.00 m3
(10) Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resue-Metcalf & Eddy-pg 679 table -8.5 equation 7-60
(11) Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resue-Metcalf & Eddy-pg 693 Equation 8-34
(12) Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resue-Metcalf & Eddy-pg 683 Equation 8-17

Project Name:

Section: Design Data

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Section: Biological Treatment

6 Secondary Clarifier
No of Clarifiers = 2
Flow to each tank Qa = 40000 m3/d
Qp = 80000 m3/d
3 2
Overflow rate at Qa OFRa = 10 m /m /d 8-16 is the range
3 2
Overflow rate at Qp OFRp = 32 m /m /d 24-32 is the range
Side water Depth SWD = 3.5 m 3.5 to 6 m
Area of each clarifier Acl Qp/OFRp = 2500 m2
Dia of the clarifier d = 56.42 m
say = 9.50 m
area at rounded off dia = 70.85 m2
Vol. of clarifier Vcl A * SWD = 247.96 m3
3 2
OFR at Qa OFRa Qa/Acl = 564.60 m /m /d ok
Hydraulic Retention Time, t
at Qa Vcl*24/Qa = 0.1 hr
at Qp Vcl*24/Qp = 0.1 hr
Solid loading Rate SLR = (Qa+QRAS)*X/(24*1000*Acl) = 164.7 kg/m /hr at average flow
= 247.0 kg/m /hr at peak flow
Clarifiers Dimensions
Diameter = 9.50 m
SWD = 3.5 m

7 Continuos Backwash Filters

Qpeak = 160000
Filter Size ( each cell) L = 2.16 m
W = 2.16 m
No of Cells) N = 4
Total filtration area = 18.6624 m2
Filtration rate at Qp = 357.225 m3/m2/hr

8 CCT inlet chamber

HRT at Qpeak flow = 90 sec
Volume = 166.66667 m3
Depth = 1.5
Area = 111.11111 m2
Length = 2 m
Width = 56 m

9 Chlorine Contact Tank

No of Tanks = 2
HRT in tanks at Qp = 30 minutes (15 to 45 at Qp)
Volume of each tank = 1666.6667 m3
SWD = 1.5 m
Length to width ratio L: W ratio = 2
Width W = 24.00 m
Length L = 48.0 m

Project Name:

Section: Design Data

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Section: Biological Treatment

Tank dimensions
Length = 48.0 m
Width = 24.00 m
SWD = 1.5 m
FB = 0.55 m

10 Sludge Holding Tank

Sludge Wasted /d WAS = 18960 kg/d
Sludge Wasted /d Vwas WAS/(Sp Gr *Conc) = 2301.0 m3/d
However handling rate based on 7day sludge handled in 5 days = 3221 m3/d
Hydraulic Retention Time, t = 1.5 days
Sludge holding Tank Volume, Vsl = 4832 m3
Sludge concentration after before desludging = 1.2 % 12 kg/m3
Sludge volume to Dryings Beds Vsl = 1533.98 m3/d
Sludge Holding Tank decant Vwas-Vsl = 766.99 m3/d
SWD = 3
Length = 40.1
Width = 40.1
Area of Tank = 1610.68
Solids Loading rate = 16.48 kg/m2/d
Depth based of HRT = 3.0 m
Depth required for 1.2 % conc = 1.3
Available extra depth ( min. = 1.2 % conc depth) = 1.7 m
Free Board = 0.5 m
Tank Dimensions
Length = 40.1 m
Width = 40.1 m
SWD = 3.0 m
Total Depth = 3.5 m

11 Sludge Drying Beds (SDB)

Sludge Volume Vsl = 1534.0 m3/d
Approach -1 based on Solids loading
Solids loading rate SLR = 75 kg/m2/yr 50-100 kg/m2/yr
Area of SDB Asdb WAS*365/SLR = 92272.00 m2
Depth of Sludge d = 0.225 m
Volume of beds Vbeds Asdb*d = 20761 m3
Hyd.Retention Time t Vbeds / Vsl = 13.5 d
Area/person Area/Population = 0.317 m2/person
Divide area into equal area + add 2 beds( 1 as under excavation+ I stand by)
Length of each bed L = 21.85
Width of each bed W = 14.16
No of beds = 298.23
Hence provide working no of beds = 6 no
Total no of Beds = 10
Drying Period = = 0.27 days

Solids concentration after drying = 30 %

Volume of solids after drying = 61.36 m3
Filtrate considering no evaporation losses = 1472.62 m3/d

Project Name:

Section: Design Data

Document No.: / / Page: 1 of

Design by: Hemant Kale Checked by: Rev:

Date: Date: Date:

Section: Biological Treatment

12 Equipment sizing for Each aeration tank

AOR, 24381.6 kg/d
O2 under standard conditions of 20OC, SOR, kg/d = AOR*Csw / α *(β*Fa*C'sw-C)(1.024)^(T-20)
O2 Transfer correction factor α 0.60 0.4-0.8 range
Salinity surface tension factor β 0.95 0.7-0.98
O2 Sol.Correc.factor,at field elev. Fa 1-(altitude/9450) 1.0
Temp.correction factor at field cond. 1.024(T-20) 1.0
Min.DO maintained in Aer.Tank C 2.0 mg/l
O2 tap water(field temp,) C'sw 9.1 mg/l
O2 tap water at 20 deg C, Csw 9.08 mg/l
SOR 56463.7 kg/d 0.43 (AOR/SOR)
Side water depth in Aer Tank SWD 3.8 m
Diffuser location from tank bottom d 0.25 m from vendor
Diffuser submergence depth d1 SWD-d 3.55 m
Air flow per diffuser 4.5 m3/hr from vendor
Diffuser eff. per m submergence % 6.5 % from vendor
Oxygen content in Air % 21%
Diffuser effeciency % 23.1 %
Air density at filed conditions 1.206 kg/m3
Air required, filed conditions SOR/(air density*O2 %*Diff Eff) 966071.4 m3/d
safety factor in order to get over all SF of 1.5 1.29
Air required , m3/hr 52092.8
no of working blowers 1.0
Air required ,m3/hr 52092.8
Air required, Nm3/hr 47722.6
Air per m3 of tank volume blower capaity/ tank volume 1.15 0.6 -0.9 is the range

12 Power Required for Blowers Effeciency 0.85

WRT1/eff = 6052.5529
Inlet pressure (absolute) = 1.01 atms
Outlet pressure (absolute)= 1.39 atms
Power required 761.09645 HP
Next available 25 HP
Margin = 0.0328473

13 Aeration Requirment for Sludge Holding Tank

Volume of sludge Holding Tank = 4832 m3
Mixing power required = 30 kw/1000 m3 ( range 20-40)
Required Kw = 144.96 Kw
Available next Kw = 4 Kw

14 Mixer for Chlorine Mixing

Volume = 168 m3
Gt = 45000
G = 500
Watts = 42000
Kw = 42.00
System Curve
Dia Velocity Area
Suction Dia 0.15 m 1.5 0.017672
Discharge Dia 0.1 m 2.4 0.007854
Qs 0.026507
Qd 0.01885

 [(Pd-Ps)/rg]+(hd-hs)+[(Vd2-Vs2)/2g]+Friction lossed

Pd Atm 10
Ps Atm 10
hs suction head 5
hd discharge head 15
Friction losses
Total Head


Flowrate 140.00
l/s Total Head
0 10.00
5 12.22 120.00
10 18.87
15 29.96 100.00
20 45.48
25 65.44 80.00
30 89.83
35 118.66 60.00
40 151.92
45 189.62
50 231.75
55 278.32
60 329.33 20.00
65 384.76
70 444.64 0.00
75 508.95 l/s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
80 577.69
Suction Qty K Length Head loss fittings
Bellmouth 1 0.050
90deg Bend 1 0.400
Straight Pipe 1.5
Isolation valve 1 0.450
Straight Pipe 1
90 Def bend 1 0.400
1.300 2.5
Straight Pipe 1
Isolation Valve 0.45
90deg Bend 0.4
Straight Pipe 2
90deg Bend 0.4
Straight Pipe 1
NRV 0.3
Straight Pipe 100
Gate valve
Pipe exit 1
2.55 104

Vd Vs Term-1 Term-2 Term-3 Term-4

0.00 0.00 0 10 0.00 0.00
0.64 0.28 0 10 0.02 2.20
1.27 0.57 0 10 0.07 8.80
1.91 0.85 0 10 0.15 19.81
2.55 1.13 0 10 0.27 35.22
Head 1.41 0 10 0.41 55.02
3.82 1.70 0 10 0.60 79.23
4.46 1.98 0 10 0.81 107.85
5.09 2.26 0 10 1.06 140.86
5.73 2.55 0 10 1.34 178.28
6.37 2.83 0 10 1.66 220.10
7.00 3.11 0 10 2.01 266.32
7.64 3.40 0 10 2.39 316.94
8.28 3.68 0 10 2.80 371.96
8.91 3.96 0 10 3.25 431.39
30 35 9.55 4.24 0 10 3.73 495.22
10.19 4.53 0 10 4.24 563.45
Head loss fittings
From to
Total N 20 85
Organic 8 35
Free Ammonia 12 50
Temp 20
NO3-N at outlet 5
inlet TKN 40
Outlet Ammonia,N 1
Kn 1
BODin So 400
BODout Se 10
MLSS 3500
Flow 1500
Inlet Solids 327
Outlet Solids 20
μ N15 μ N10 + (20-t/20-10 *(μ N20-μ N10)) =
Minimum SRT θmc (KN+N/ μ NT *N) =
Safety factor (1.5 to 2.5) =
Design SRT θ c =
Design Nitrifier Growth rate,μ N =
By Monod equn =
Organic removal rate
Design Nitrifier Growth rate,μ b 1/θdc =Yb*qb-Kd =
Yb = Heterotrophic yield coefficient, Kg VSS sysnthesized /Kg BOD removed
Kb = Endogenous decay co eff.,d-1
μ b = Heterotrophic growth rate ,d-1
qb =rate of substrate BOD to Kg VSS removal, Kg BOD removed/Kg VSS.d

Net yield of TSS, kg/ kg of BOD removed, 75 % VSS
Organic nitrogen content of cells (MLVSS)
Soluble TKN,mg/l
Soluble TKN,mg/l
TKN to be nirtified mg/l
q DN
Mlvss required in the DN reactor
Mlvss in mg/lit
Volume of denitrifying reactor

Volume required for nitrification

μdnT μdn20*1.09(T-20)*(1-C) =
t (Ni-Ne)*24/(Xv * μdnT) =
f =
Vanx Qa*t*f/24 =
R ((Ni-Ne/NO3e)-1)*Qa =

Qr (R- QRAS) =
capacity =
(P/Vanx)=0.00094*(μ)0.3*(X)0.298 where
P/Vanx kw/m
μ = 1.0087 at 20 Deg C
Temp μ Nd-1
10 0.3
20 0.65
30 1.2

0.3 d at 20 Deg C
6.67 d
13.33 d
0.075 d
0.15 d


0.724285714 d
17.38285714 hr

434.3400002 kg
177.2816327 m3



at 20 Deg C

Calc Sheet No.: / /

Page: 1 of

Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section: Head Loss


Design Criteria

Inlet Parameters
1 Design Flow
3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow (1) Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s
2 Chlorine Contact Tank water level = 63.3 63.3

3 Inlet chamber to CCT

Weir width = 0.40 m
Qpeak = 1.851852 m3/s
No of CCT = 2
Flow to each = 0.925926
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 1.173 64.52279
Top of weir level = 63.35 63.3
Level in inlet chamber = 64.523

4 Filter outlet chamber To CCT inlet chamber

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D at Qavg
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 0.85
Q = 1.851852 m3/s 0.925926
Qf = 2.178649 m3/s 1.089325
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s 0.75
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.923 m 1.360
Choose dia = 0.3 m 0.3
Velocity at chossen dia = 30.837 m/s 15.419
Manning's constant n = 0.0133 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.075 m 0.075
Slope S = 5.410925 541.092 % 1.352731 135.273
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 2 = 20.4 20.4
Elbow-45 14 0 0 0
Radial T 22 0 0 0
Tee 54 0 0 0
Taper 22 0 0 0
Straight pipe length = 40 32
Toatl length of pipe = 60.4 52.4
Drop in levels based on slope = 326.820 m 70.883
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 1 1 = 48.468 m 12.117
Entry 1 0.5 = 24.234 m 6.058
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m 0.000
Total head loss = 399.521 m 463.171 89.058
Level in filter outlet chamber = 463.171 m 64.523 89.210
(as thumb rule pipe dia ODis added to head loss for level of water in chamber) 89.510

Calc Sheet No.: / /

Page: 2 of

Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

Design Flow
3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s

5 Filter to Filter outlet chamber

Weir width = 2.16 m
No of weirs = 2 m
Total weir width = 4.32
Qpeak = 1.851852 m3/s
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 0.385 m
say = 0.05 m 463.321
Top of weir level = 463.171 463.171
Free fall = 0.1
Level of water in Filter = 463.321
6 Head Loss across the Filters
Filter Size ( each cell) L = 2.16 m
W = 2.16 m
No of Cells) N = 4
Total filtration area = 18.6624 m2
Solids into Filter = 10 mg/l
Solids out of Filter = 5 mg/l
Solids captured = 400 kg/d
Sollid capture = 1.5 kg/m3/d
Head Loss across the Filters = 14.29 m
Add = 0.15 m 477.761
Total head loss = 14.44 m 463.321
Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter = 477.76

7 Head loss from Outlet chamber of Secondary Clarifier to Inlet Chamber of Filter
a Individual S/Clarifiers to Commom header
No of clarifiers = 2 2
2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D AT Qavg
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 0.85
Q = 0.925926 m3/s 0.462963
Qf = 1.089325 m3/s 0.544662
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s 0.75
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.360 m 0.962
Choose dia = 0.2 m 0.2
Velocity at chossen dia = 34.692 m/s 17.346
Manning's constant n = 0.0133 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.05 m 0.05
Slope S = 11.79068 1179.068 % 2.94767

Calc Sheet No.: / /

Page: 3 of

Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section: Head Loss


Fittings Factor Qty

Elbow-90 34 2 = 13.6
Elbow-45 14 1 2.8
Radial T 22 0 0
Tee 54 1 10.8
Taper 22 0 0
Straight pipe length = 22
Toatl length of pipe = 49.2
Drop in levels based on slope = 580.101 m
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 0 1 = 0.000 m
Entry 1 0.5 = 30.671 m
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m
Total head loss = 610.772 m

b Head loss through Common Pipe

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 0.85
Q = 1.851852 m3/s 0.925926 m3/s
Qf = 2.178649 m3/s 1.089325 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s 0.75 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.923 m 1.360 m
Choose dia = 0.3 m 0.3 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 30.837 m/s 15.419 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.075 m 0.075 m
Slope S = 5.410925 541.092 % 1.352731 135.273
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 2 = 20.40 20.40
Elbow-45 14 1 4.20 4.20
Radial T 22 1 6.60 6.60
Tee 54 1 16.20 16.20
Taper 22 0 0.00 0.00
Straight pipe length = 50 50
Toatl length of pipe = 97.4 97.4
Drop in levels based on slope = 527.024 m 131.756 m
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 1 1 = 48.468 m 12.117 m
Entry 0 0.5 = 0.000 m 0.000 m
Valves 1 1 = 48.468 m 12.117 m
Head loss thro'common header = 623.959 m 155.990 m
Head loss- S/C outlet chamber to filter inlet = 1234.732 155.990
say = 1234.700 m 0.5 m
Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter = 477.76 1712.461 0.00 0.500
Level in Outlet chamber of the clarifer = 1712.46 477.761 0.50

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section: Head Loss


Design Flow
3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s
Qras Qras = 80000 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
8 Outlet Chamber of the S/Clarifier 1713.06 Launder Top level
Head loss D/S = 1234.7 m
Pipe dia = 0.2 m 1712.461 1712.461 Water Level
Invert level of chamber = 477.56 IL of IL of chamber
S/C launder invert level = 1712.46 S/C laund 477.56
Launder Depth = 0.6 m Chamber
Top of concrete of launder = 1713.06

9 Head over the V notch Q= 8/15*Cd*tanθ/2*√2*9.81*H5/2

Launder width = 0.4 m
Circumference of the each clarifier = 27.33 m
C/C distance of V notch = 0.15 m
No of notches = 182 n 1713.11 Weir plate Level
Qpeak /per V notch Q = 0.005088 m3/s
Angle of V notch θ = 90.00 deg 1713.17 water Level in V notch
Coefficient of discharge Cd = 0.61
Head over the V notch = 0.10 m 104 mm
Water Level in V notch = 1713.166

10 Side water depth of clarifier SWD = 3.5 m

Hopper top level = 1709.67

11 Aeration Tank outlet to each S/Clarifier

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 0.85
Q = 1.389 m3/s 0.926
Qf = 1.634 m3/s 1.089
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.750 m/s 0.750
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.666 m 1.360
Choose dia = 0.3 m 0.3
Velocity at chossen dia = 23.128 m/s 15.419
Manning's constant n = 0.0133 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.075 m 0.075
Slope S = 3.043645 304.365 % 1.352731
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 3 = 30.60 30.60
Elbow-45 14 1 4.20 4.20
Radial T 22 0 0.00 0.00
Tee 54 0 0.00 0.00
Taper 22 0 0.00 0.00
Straight pipe length = 35 35
Total length of pipe = 69.80 69.80
Drop in levels based on slope = 212.446 m 0.944

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s
Qras Qras = 80000 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s

Other losses Qty k factor

Exit 1 1 = 27.263 m
Entry 1 0.5 = 13.632 m
Valves 1 1 = 27.263 m
Head loss thro'common header = 280.604 m
Head loss- AT outlet to S/Clarifier = 280.604 m
say = 280.604 m 1993.770
Level in S/clarifier = 1713.17 1713.166
Level in Outlet of AT = 1993.77

12 Level in Aeration Tank

Weir width = 0.60 m
Q(Qpeak+Qras) = 2.778 m3/s
No of AT = 2.000 nos
Flow to each = 1.389 m3/s
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 1.173 m 1994.992
Allow for free Fall = 0.05 m 1993.77
Top of weir level = 1993.770
Water Level in Aeration tank = 1994.992
Bottom Level of AT at center of tank = 1991.192 1994.905 1991.192 1987.480
Bottom Level of AT at OUTLET = 1987.480 U/stream centre d/s stream
Bottom level of AT c/wall with Anoxic Tank = 1994.905

13 Anoxic Tank to Aeration Tank

Provide opening bewteen An Tk and Ae Tank
Width = 400 mm
Height = 400 mm
Area = 0.16 m2
Q(Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank = 195000 m3/d 8125.00 m /hr 2.26 m3/s
Q(Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank = 235000 m3/d 9791.67 m /hr 2.72 m3/s
Velocity at (Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank = 14.106 m/s m3/s
Velocity at (Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank = 16.999 m/s
Velocity head at max velocity = 14.729 m ######## mm
Level in Aeration Tank = 1994.992 2009.72 1994.99
Level in Anoxic Tank = 2009.721

1994.905 1994.905
Anoxic Aeartion

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s

14 Distribution Box to Anoxic Tank Tank

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85
Q = 1.389 m3/s
Qf = 1.634 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.750 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.666 m
Choose dia = 0.25 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 33.304 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.0625 m
Slope S = 8.0579 805.790 %
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 2 = 0.00
Elbow-45 14 0 0.00
Radial T 22 0 0.00
Tee 54 0 0.00
Taper 22 0 0.00
Straight pipe length = 0
Total length of pipe = 0.00
Drop in levels based on slope = 0.000
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 0 1 = 0.000 m
Entry 0 0.5 = 0.000 m
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m
Toatl Head loss = 0.000
Head loss- D/Box to Anoxic Tank = 0.000 m
say = 0.000 m 1994.992
Level in Anoxic Tank = 2009.72 2009.721
Level in Distribution Box = 1994.992

15 Distrbution Box
Weir width = 1.00 m
Qpeak = 1.389 m3/s
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 0.837 m
Allow for free Fall = 0.1 m
Worst case when flow is full and I stream closed 1995.930
Head over weir = 1.012 1994.992
Top of weir level = 1995.092
Level of water over weir = 1995.930
Depth of flow in Box = 0.500 1994.592
Bottom Level of Box = 1994.592

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s

16 Grit Chammber To Distribution Box

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85
Q = 1.852 m3/s
Qf = 2.179 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.750 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.923 m
Choose dia = 0.3 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 30.837 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.075 m
Slope S = 5.410925 541.092 %
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 2 = 20.40
Elbow-45 14 0 0.00
Radial T 22 0 0.00
Tee 54 0 0.00
Taper 22 0 0.00
Straight pipe length = 25
Total length of pipe = 45.40
Drop in levels based on slope = 245.656
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 1 1 = 48.468 m
Entry 1 0.5 = 24.234 m
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m 2314.287
Toatl Head loss = 318.357
say = 318.357 m Grit 1995.930
Level in Grit Channel = 2314.29 Channel

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section: Head Loss


Design Criteria

Inlet Parameters
1 Design Flow
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m3/d 3333.3333 m3/hr 0.925926 m3/s
Peak Flow (1) Qp = 160000 m3/d 6666.6667 m3/hr 1.851852 m3/s
RAS flow = 80000 m3/d 3333.3333 m3/hr 0.925926 m3/s
IR flow = 230000 m3/d 9583.3333 m3/hr 2.662037 m3/s
No of streams = 2

Anoxic Mixer

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Page: 2 of

Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

Design Flow
3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s

5 Filter to Filter outlet chamber

Weir width = 2.16 m
No of weirs = 2 m
Total weir width = 4.32
Qpeak = 1.851852 m3/s
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 0.385 m
say = 0.05 m 0.100
Top of weir level = 0.000 0.000
Free fall = 0.05
Level of water in Filter = 0.100
6 Head Loss across the Filters
Filter Size ( each cell) L = 2.16 m
W = 2.16 m
No of Cells) N = 4
Total filtration area = 18.6624 m2
Solids into Filter = 10 mg/l
Solids out of Filter = 5 mg/l
Solids captured = 400 kg/d
Sollid capture = 1.5 kg/m3/d
Head Loss across the Filters = 14.29 m
Add = 0.2 m 14.600
Total head loss = 14.50 m 0.100
Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter = 14.60

7 Head loss from Outlet chamber of Secondary Clarifier to Inlet Chamber of Filter
a Individual S/Clarifiers to Commom header
No of clarifiers = 2
2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85
Q = 0.925926 m3/s
Qf = 1.089325 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.360 m
Choose dia = 0.2 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 34.692 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.05 m
Slope S = 11.79068 1179.068 %

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section: Head Loss


Fittings Factor Qty

Elbow-90 34 0 = 0
Elbow-45 14 0 0
Radial T 22 0 0
Tee 54 0 0
Taper 22 0 0
Straight pipe length = 20
Toatl length of pipe = 20
Drop in levels based on slope = 235.814 m
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 0 1 = 0.000 m
Entry 1 0.5 = 30.671 m
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m
Total head loss = 266.484 m
b Head loss through Common Pipe
2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85
Q = 1.851852 m3/s
Qf = 2.178649 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.923 m
Choose dia = 0.3 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 30.837 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.075 m
Slope S = 5.410925 541.092 %
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 1 = 10.20
Elbow-45 14 0 0.00
Radial T 22 1 6.60
Tee 54 0 0.00
Taper 22 0 0.00
Straight pipe length = 20
Toatl length of pipe = 36.8
Drop in levels based on slope = 199.122 m
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 1 1 = 48.468 m
Entry 0 0.5 = 0.000 m
Valves 1 1 = 48.468 m
Head loss thro'common header = 296.057 m
Head loss- S/C outlet chamber to filter inlet = 562.542
say = 0.5 m 15.100
Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter = 14.60 14.600
Level in Outlet chamber of the clarifer = 15.10

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section: Head Loss


Design Flow
3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s
Qras Qras = 80000 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
8 Outlet Chamber of the S/Clarifier 15.70 Launder Top level
Head loss D/S = 0.5 m
Pipe dia = 0.3 m 15.100 15.100 Water Level
Invert level of chamber = 14.30 IL of IL of chamber
S/C launder invert level = 15.10 S/C laund 14.30
Launder Depth = 0.6 m Chamber
Top of concrete of launder = 15.70

9 Head over the V notch Q= 8/15*Cd*tanθ/2*√2*9.81*H5/2

Launder width = 0.4 m
Circumference of the each clarifier = 27.33 m
C/C distance of V notch = 0.15 m
No of notches = 182 n 15.75 Weir plate Level
Qpeak /per V notch Q = 0.005088 m3/s
Angle of V notch θ = 90.00 deg 15.80 water Level in V notch
Coefficient of discharge Cd = 0.61
Head over the V notch = 0.10 m 104 mm
Water Level in V notch = 15.804

10 Side water depth of clarifier SWD = 3.5 m

Hopper top level = 12.30

11 Aeration Tank outlet to each S/Clarifier

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85
Q = 1.389 m3/s
Qf = 1.634 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.750 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.666 m
Choose dia = 0.25 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 33.304 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.0625 m
Slope S = 8.0579 805.790 %
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 3 = 25.50
Elbow-45 14 0 0.00
Radial T 22 0 0.00
Tee 54 0 0.00
Taper 22 0 0.00
Straight pipe length = 20
Total length of pipe = 45.50
Drop in levels based on slope = 366.634 m

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s
Qras Qras = 80000 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s

Other losses Qty k factor

Exit 1 1 = 56.533 m
Entry 1 0.5 = 28.266 m
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m
Head loss thro'common header = 451.433 m
Head loss- AT outlet to S/Clarifier = 451.433 m
say = 0.3 m 16.104
Level in S/clarifier = 15.80 15.804
Level in Outlet of AT = 16.10

12 Level in Aeration Tank

Weir width = 0.60 m
Q(Qpeak+Qras) = 2.778 m3/s
No of AT = 2.000 nos
Flow to each = 1.389 m3/s
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 1.173 m 17.327
Allow for free Fall = 0.05 m 16.10
Top of weir level = 16.104
Water Level in Aeration tank = 17.327
Bottom Level of AT at center of tank = 13.527 17.240 13.527 9.815
Bottom Level of AT at OUTLET = 9.815 U/stream centre d/s stream
Bottom level of AT c/wall with Anoxic Tank = 17.240

13 Anoxic Tank to Aeration Tank

Provide opening bewteen An Tk and Ae Tank
Width = 400 mm
Height = 400 mm
Area = 0.16 m2
Q(Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank = 195000 m3/d 8125.00 m /hr 2.26 m3/s
Q(Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank = 235000 m3/d 9791.67 m /hr 2.72 m3/s
Velocity at (Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank = 14.106 m/s m3/s
Velocity at (Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank = 16.999 m/s
Velocity head at max velocity = 14.729 m ######## mm
Level in Aeration Tank = 17.327 32.06 17.33
Level in Anoxic Tank = 32.056

17.240 17.240
Anoxic Aeartion

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Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STP-

Design: Hemant Kale Date:
Checked: Date:

Section:Head Loss

3 3
Average Flow Qa = 80000 m /d 3333.3333 m /hr 0.925926 m3/s
3 3
Peak Flow Qp = 160000 m /d 6666.6667 m /hr 1.851852 m3/s

14 Distribution Box to Anoxic Tank Tank

2/3 1/2
Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S
Depth of water in full pipe D
Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7
at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85
Q = 0.926 m3/s
Qf = 1.089 m3/s
Velocity in pipe when full = 0.750 m/s
Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.360 m
Choose dia = 0.2 m
Velocity at chossen dia = 34.692 m/s
Manning's constant n = 0.0133
Wetted perimeter, R = 0.05 m
Slope S = 11.79068 1179.068 %
Fitting Factor Qty
Elbow-90 34 2 = 13.60
Elbow-45 14 0 0.00
Radial T 22 0 0.00
Tee 54 0 0.00
Taper 22 0 0.00
Straight pipe length = 20
Total length of pipe = 33.60
Drop in levels based on slope = 396.167
Other losses Qty k factor
Exit 1 1 = 61.342 m
Entry 1 0.5 = 30.671 m
Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m
Toatl Head loss = 488.179
Head loss- D/Box to Anoxic Tank = 488.179 m
say = 0.4 m 32.856
Level in Anoxic Tank = 32.46 32.456
Level in Distribution Box = 32.86

15 Distrbution Box
Weir width = 1.00 m
Qpeak = 0.926 m3/s
Head over weir H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 = 0.641 m
Allow for free Fall = 0.05 m
Worst case when flow is full and I stream closed 33.547
Head over weir = 1.012 32.856
Top of weir level = 32.906
Level of water over weir = 33.547
Depth of flow in Box = 0.500 32.406
Bottom Level of Box = 32.406
Head loss Calculation Raw sewage Pumping ABV ROCK SITE -5

PIPE LENGTH 160.00 160.00
FLOW , m3/d 4500 4500
m3/hr 187.50 187.50
m3/s 0.05 0.05
PIPE DIAMETER, mm 300 300
PIPE DIAMETER, m 0.30 0.30
AREA 0.07 0.07
VELOCITY , m/s 0.74 0.74
C 100.00 140.00
V/C^1.85 0.0 0.0
L/D^1.167 652.11 652.11
HEAD LOSS, hf m 0.50 0.27
Quantity K values K * V^2/2g
VALVES 1.00 0.19 0.005263
Check Valves 1.00 0.6 0.01662
ELBOWS 3.00 0.28 0.023268
TEES 0.00 0.7 0
ENTRANCE 1.00 1 0.0277
EXIT 1.00 0.75 0.020775
Head loss through fittings 0.093625
Head Loss in meters thr pipe and fittings 0.60
add 10 % extra 0.66
Static Head 0
Total Head Loss 0.66

Qa 4148.6 m3/d
Peak factor 3.41
Peak flow 14146.73 m3/d
0.163735 m3/s

1 Mechanical Bar Screen

Flow 4148.60 m3/d
Clear spacing 25.00 mm
Screening Removed 20.00 m3/mld
Quantity of Screenings 0.08 m3/d
Screenings bin with storage of 7.00 days
Volume of Bin 0.58 m3

2 Approach & flow through velocities

Max. Vel. At feed channel 1.00 m/s
Max. Vel. at screen face 1.00 m/s

Approach velocity
Clear spacing 25.00 mm
Thickness of bars 6.00 mm
Flow through screen Velcoity Vsc 0.90 m/s
Aproach velocity V1 0.73 m/s
Head loss Vsc^2-V1^2/2*g*Cd^2 0.02 m
H1 20.46 mm

Downstream depth of flow 262 mm

Depth U/S of screen Yc 282.46
0.28 m
Clear width of Screen Wsc 0.64 m
Required Screen width 0.80 m
Free Board at Qpeak 0.35 m
Total depth 0.63 m

For Screens 50 % blocked

Flow area =

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