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Observation Sheet # __8__/10

Student: Bailey Morgan Teacher: Mrs. Cash School/Grade: Blacksburg

Primary School

Date: Start Time: Topic

End Time:

❏ Attach a Photo Here- points for photos are accrued as they are taken throughout the
field experience. 10 different photos on 10 different days.

❏ 1 Paragraph Reflection: Why is the photo significant to your learning experience? Bold
one new term related to teaching from our coursework or the field experience!
❏ In this video I learned about the importance of recess. I have always
considered recess an important part of the day, because it is a time for the
students to let loose. This video pointed out good points that I never thought
about as well. Such as, how exercise increase brain health. It improves the
attention, memory and coping ability, as the video points out. The video also talks
about the benefit of the student’s emotional effect and how it helps them
communicate and learn social skills. Lastly, the video explains how students lean
through play, such as Vygotsky’s theory, helps them related their academics to
rea life.

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