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Observation Sheet # __6__/10

Student Teacher School/Grade

Bailey Morgan Mrs. Allison Cash Blacksburg Primary 4k

Date Start Time: 10:50 Topic

March 10, 2020 End Time: 11:50 Special area

❏ Attach a Photo Here- points for photos are accrued as they are taken throughout the
field experience. 10 different photos on 10 different days.

❏ 1 Paragraph Reflection: Why is the photo significant to your learning experience? Bold
one new term related to teaching from our coursework or the field experience!
❏ In this photo, the students had moved into their centers. In their room the
teachers have provided many centers for the students to go to. These particular
students were in the arts and crafts center. They were working on their shapes
and forming different paintings and crafts. I asked one student to make me a
rainbow to see if she knew her colors and I was honestly curious what she would
come up with. I did not realize she would glue 8 pieces of paper together. She
shared with me her creativity and what she thinks of.

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