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Observation Sheet # __7__/10

Student: Bailey Morgan Teacher: Mrs. Cash School/Grade: Blacksburg

Primary School

Date: Start Time: Topic

End Time:

❏ Attach a Photo Here- points for photos are accrued as they are taken throughout the
field experience. 10 different photos on 10 different days.

❏ 1 Paragraph Reflection: Why is the photo significant to your learning experience? Bold
one new term related to teaching from our coursework or the field experience!
❏ I watched an edutopia video on “The Sensory Room”. It was designed for a class
of students with autism, but I think it is such a great idea for all students. I think
that every teacher should provide a safe space for their students. This is a safe
room, and it is full of objects to help with behavior. The room showed that the
student start on a bouncy ball, which gets some of their energy out and also
helps them with their coordination. Once they did that, they moved into yoga and
breathing exercises to calm the student. Finally, they split up into stations for
different stress relievers. I think they should provide rooms such as there for all
students and maybe behavioral issues will go down. I loved the room and will
take it into consideration once I become a teacher myself.

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