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Observation Sheet # __10__/10

Student: Bailey Morgan Teacher: Mrs. Cash School/Grade: Blacksburg

Primary School

Date: Start Time: Topic

End Time:

❏ Attach a Photo Here- points for photos are accrued as they are taken throughout the
field experience. 10 different photos on 10 different days.

❏ 1 Paragraph Reflection: Why is the photo significant to your learning experience? Bold
one new term related to teaching from our coursework or the field experience!
❏ In this video it showed me how to get class participation in ways that all
students can contribute. This teacher has found that when the students are given
a problem to think about, then raise their hand by a thumbs up near their
stomach she gets more participation. Students who see another student raise
their hand faster usually gives up trying to answer the question, because they
know the other will. She said when she brought this into the classroom, all of her
students became more engaged. I believe it helps the students confidence
levels. As the video shared, just because a student processes things differently,
doesn’t mean they don’t understand. She wanted her classroom to feel safe for
her students to express themselves and that’s what she created.

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